
A Publication of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva


A Publication of the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva

Graduate Institute of International Studies (Geneva, Switzerland)



Publisher varies: Longmans, Green, Presses universitaires de France


The development of international law by the permanent court of international justice外部サイトL'expropriation indirecte en droit international des investissements外部サイトGovernment debt in international financial markets外部サイトMonetary nationalism and international stability外部サイトThe imperiled Red Cross and the Palestine-Eretz-Yisrael conflict, 1945-1952 : the influence of institutional concerns on a humanitarian operation外部サイトDe la guerre à la paix外部サイトThe Future for European energy security外部サイトIntroduction to the law of treaties外部サイトThe right of innocent passage and the evolution of the international law of the sea : the current regime of "free" navigation in coastal waters of third states外部サイトThe causes of war and the conditions of peace外部サイトTrade negotiations in the OECD : structures, institutions, and states外部サイトDistant neighbours : China and Europe外部サイトIntroduction to the law of treaties外部サイトPublic interest issues in international and domestic anti-dumping law : the WTO, European Communities and Canada外部サイトAfrica's shared water resources : legal and institutional aspects of the Nile, Niger, and Senegal River systems外部サイトMonetary nationalism and international stability外部サイトTen years of turbulence : the Chinese cultural revolution外部サイトMonetary nationalism and international stability外部サイトDevelopment financing and changes in circumstances : the case for adaptation clauses外部サイトThe European labour movement and European integration外部サイトGerman commercial policy外部サイトThe recent development of economic foreign policy in the Netherlands East Indies外部サイトThe carriage of dangerous goods by sea : the role of the International Maritime Organization in international legislation外部サイトNamibia and southern Africa : regional dynamics of decolonization, 1945-90外部サイトSuccession between international organizations外部サイトModern aspects of the laws of naval warfare and maritime neutrality外部サイトIdeology and economic reform under Deng Xiaoping, 1978-1993外部サイトThe Third World and decision making in the International Monetary Fund : the quest for full and effective participation外部サイトWorld financial markets after 1992外部サイトState responsibility and the direct broadcast satellite外部サイトThe international organization of hunger外部サイトThe Islamic movement in Egypt : perceptions of international relations, 1967-81外部サイトThe antecedents of post-war Europe外部サイトThe policies of the British dominions in the League of Nations外部サイトCitizenship, East and West外部サイトChinese foreign policy during the Cultural Revolution外部サイトLes mystiques politiques contemporaines et leurs incidences internationales外部サイト






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Publications of the Graduate Institute of International Studies
The graduate institute publications, Geneva
Publisher varies: Longmans, Green, Presses universitaires de France
The development of international law by the permanent court of international justice
L'expropriation indirecte en droit international des investissements
Government debt in international financial markets
Monetary nationalism and international stability
The imperiled Red Cross and the Palestine-Eretz-Yisrael conflict, 1945-1952 : the influence of institutional concerns on a humanitarian operation
De la guerre à la paix
The Future for European energy security
Introduction to the law of treaties
The right of innocent passage and the evolution of the international law of the sea : the current regime of "free" navigation in coastal waters of third states
The causes of war and the conditions of peace
Trade negotiations in the OECD : structures, institutions, and states
Distant neighbours : China and Europe
Introduction to the law of treaties
Public interest issues in international and domestic anti-dumping law : the WTO, European Communities and Canada
Africa's shared water resources : legal and institutional aspects of the Nile, Niger, and Senegal River systems
Monetary nationalism and international stability
Ten years of turbulence : the Chinese cultural revolution
Monetary nationalism and international stability
Development financing and changes in circumstances : the case for adaptation clauses
The European labour movement and European integration
German commercial policy
The recent development of economic foreign policy in the Netherlands East Indies
The carriage of dangerous goods by sea : the role of the International Maritime Organization in international legislation
Namibia and southern Africa : regional dynamics of decolonization, 1945-90
Succession between international organizations
Modern aspects of the laws of naval warfare and maritime neutrality
Ideology and economic reform under Deng Xiaoping, 1978-1993
The Third World and decision making in the International Monetary Fund : the quest for full and effective participation
World financial markets after 1992
State responsibility and the direct broadcast satellite
The international organization of hunger
The Islamic movement in Egypt : perceptions of international relations, 1967-81
The antecedents of post-war Europe
The policies of the British dominions in the League of Nations
Citizenship, East and West
Chinese foreign policy during the Cultural Revolution
Les mystiques politiques contemporaines et leurs incidences internationales