- 資料種別
- 図書
- 並列タイトル等
- Bhandarkar Oriental Research Institute Post-graduate and Research Department seriesभाण्डरकर-प्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिरस्य पदव्युत्तरपरीक्षासंशोधनविभागःभाण्डरकर प्राच्य विद्या संशोधन मन्दिरस्य पद व्युत्तर परीक्षा संशोधन विभागःभाण्डारकर-प्राच्यविद्यासंशोधनमन्दिरस्य पदव्युत्तरपरीक्षासंशोधनविभागः
- 出版地(国名コード)
- ii
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- 一般
- 関連情報
- Some women's rites and rights in the VedaAn introduction to commentaries on Patañjali's MahābhāṣyaVeda-padapāṭha-carcā = VedapadapāṭhacarcaWilson philological lectures on Sanskrit and the derived lanaguages [sic] delivered in 1877Index to papers in commemoration volumesEllipsis and syntactic overlapping : current issues in Pāṇinian syntactic theoryWords and things in the R̥gvedaMahābhāṣyadīpikā of Bhartr̥hari = श्रीमन्महोपाध्यायभर्तृहरिविरचिता महाभाष्यदीपिकाUttaragītā : with a translation into English and appendicesGeology in the ancient Vedic literatureThe Vākyapadīya : some problemsTheatric aspects of Sanskrit dramaVedāntakalpalatikāLignt, soul and visions in the vedaThree problems pertaining to the MahābhāṣyaArjunopākhyānaA survey of the Śuklayajurveda pariśiṣṭasThe science of ritualThe vedic gandharva and rebirth theoryFrom Pāṇini to Patañjali : the search for linearityVaiṣṇavism, Śaivism, and minor religious systemsवेदार्थनिर्णयाचा इतिहासSome theoretical problems in Pāṇini's grammarययातिचरितम् = Yayāti-Carita : drama in seven actsJaināgama aura Pālipiṭakagata kucha samāna vishayoṃ kī carcāThe theory of nipātas (particles) in Yāska's NiruktaSome thoughts on early Buddhism : with special reference to its relation to the UpaniṣadsLight, soul, and visions in the VedaMarxist interpretation of ancient Indian history[Nāṭya-mañjarī-saurabham] : Nāṭya-mañjarī-saurabha : Sanskrit dramatic theoryपरिभाषासंग्रहः : व्याडिशाकटायनादिप्रोक्तपरिभाषापाठानां तत्प्रणीतवृत्तीनां च संग्रहःDelvings in logicYoga doctrines in Mahāpurāṇa-sBharata-nāṭya-mañjarī : Bharata On the theory and practice of drama : a selection from Bharata's NāṭyaśāstraSāyaṇa's preface to the ṚgvedabhāṣyaLinguistic analysis and some Indian traditionssubhāṣitamuktāvalīSaṅkṣepa-Śaṅkara-jaya of Mādhavācārya, or, Śaṅkara-digvijaya of Vidyāraṇya MuniThree studies in Vedic and Indo-European religion and linguisticsMahābhāṣyadīpikā of BhartṛhariBhartṛhari's Vākyapadīya and linguistic monismKāñcī kāmakoti mutt: a myth or reality?Early history of the Deccan and miscellaneous historical essaysNītikalpataru : ascribed to Vyāsadāsa KṣemendraSāyaṇa's preface to the Ṛgvedabhāṣya
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research