
The Bucknell studies in eighteenth-century literature and culture


The Bucknell studies in eighteenth-century literature and culture

Bucknell University Press


Technologies of the picturesque : British art, poetry, and instruments, 1750-1830外部サイトTime to begin anew : Dryden's Georgics and Aeneis外部サイトThe talk of the town : figurative publics in eighteenth-century Britain外部サイトReason's children : childhood in early modern philosophy外部サイトRomantic empiricism : poetics and the philosophy of common sense, 1780-1830外部サイトEnlightenment and emancipation外部サイト"Better in France?" : the circulation of ideas across the Channel in the eighteenth century外部サイトJohnson re-visioned : looking before and after外部サイトEngendering legitimacy : law, property, and early eighteenth-century fiction外部サイトRecording and reordering : essays on the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century diary and journal外部サイトRevolutionary subjects in the English "Jacobin" novel, 1790-1805外部サイトInterculturalism and resistance in the London theater, 1660-1800 : identity, performance, empire外部サイトPeripheral wonders : nature, knowledge, and enlightenment in the eighteenth-century Orinoco外部サイトScotland, Ireland, and the romantic aesthetic外部サイトMonstrous dreams of reason : body, self, and other in the Enlightenment外部サイトModes of discipline : women, conservatism, and the novel after the French Revolution外部サイトOrthodoxy and heresy in eighteenth-century society : essays from the DeBartolo Conference外部サイトThe anxieties of idleness : idleness in eighteenth-century British literature and culture外部サイトGoverning consumption : needs and wants, suspended characters, and the "Origins" of eighteenth-century English novels外部サイトRitual violence and the maternal in the British novel, 1740-1820外部サイトThe taste of the town : Shakespearean comedy and the early eighteenth-century theater外部サイトQueer people : negotiations and expressions of homosexuality, 1700-1800外部サイトThe place of exile : leisure literature and the limits of absolutism外部サイトMan of quality, man of letters : the abbé Prévost between novel and newspaper外部サイトTime and ways of knowing under Louis XIV : Molière, Sévigné, Lafayette外部サイトGothic masculinity : effeminacy and the supernatural in English and German romanticism外部サイトAccidental migrations : an archaeology of gothic discourse外部サイトPresenting gender : changing sex in early-modern culture外部サイトSymbolic interactions : social problems and literary interventions in the works of Baillie, Scott, and Landor外部サイトDesigning women : the dressing room in eighteenth-century English literature and culture外部サイトFictive domains : body, landscape, and nostalgia, 1717-1770外部サイトFair philosopher : Eliza Haywood and The female spectator外部サイトHelen Maria Williams and the Age of Revolution外部サイトWomen writing the nation : national identity, female community, and the British-French connection, 1770-1820外部サイトLiterary memory : Scott's Waverley novels and the psychology of narrative外部サイトFeeling British : sympathy and national identity in Scottish and English writing, 1707-1832外部サイトUses of education : readings in Enlightenment in England外部サイトFreedom, slavery, and absolutism : Corneille, Pascal, Racine外部サイトOutward appearances : the female exterior in Restoration London外部サイト






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Technologies of the picturesque : British art, poetry, and instruments, 1750-1830
Time to begin anew : Dryden's Georgics and Aeneis
The talk of the town : figurative publics in eighteenth-century Britain
Reason's children : childhood in early modern philosophy
Romantic empiricism : poetics and the philosophy of common sense, 1780-1830
Enlightenment and emancipation
"Better in France?" : the circulation of ideas across the Channel in the eighteenth century
Johnson re-visioned : looking before and after
Engendering legitimacy : law, property, and early eighteenth-century fiction
Recording and reordering : essays on the seventeenth- and eighteenth-century diary and journal
Revolutionary subjects in the English "Jacobin" novel, 1790-1805
Interculturalism and resistance in the London theater, 1660-1800 : identity, performance, empire
Peripheral wonders : nature, knowledge, and enlightenment in the eighteenth-century Orinoco
Scotland, Ireland, and the romantic aesthetic
Monstrous dreams of reason : body, self, and other in the Enlightenment
Modes of discipline : women, conservatism, and the novel after the French Revolution
Orthodoxy and heresy in eighteenth-century society : essays from the DeBartolo Conference
The anxieties of idleness : idleness in eighteenth-century British literature and culture
Governing consumption : needs and wants, suspended characters, and the "Origins" of eighteenth-century English novels
Ritual violence and the maternal in the British novel, 1740-1820
The taste of the town : Shakespearean comedy and the early eighteenth-century theater
Queer people : negotiations and expressions of homosexuality, 1700-1800
The place of exile : leisure literature and the limits of absolutism
Man of quality, man of letters : the abbé Prévost between novel and newspaper
Time and ways of knowing under Louis XIV : Molière, Sévigné, Lafayette
Gothic masculinity : effeminacy and the supernatural in English and German romanticism
Accidental migrations : an archaeology of gothic discourse
Presenting gender : changing sex in early-modern culture
Symbolic interactions : social problems and literary interventions in the works of Baillie, Scott, and Landor
Designing women : the dressing room in eighteenth-century English literature and culture
Fictive domains : body, landscape, and nostalgia, 1717-1770
Fair philosopher : Eliza Haywood and The female spectator
Helen Maria Williams and the Age of Revolution
Women writing the nation : national identity, female community, and the British-French connection, 1770-1820
Literary memory : Scott's Waverley novels and the psychology of narrative
Feeling British : sympathy and national identity in Scottish and English writing, 1707-1832
Uses of education : readings in Enlightenment in England
Freedom, slavery, and absolutism : Corneille, Pascal, Racine
Outward appearances : the female exterior in Restoration London
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA45427690 : BA45427690