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- [2006]
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- 2006
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- Microfiche collectionAccompanied by catalog (title list)
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- Massa Meshullam mi-Volterra be-Erets Yisraʼel bi-Shenat 5241Collection of african travlesTravels from St. Petersburg in Russia, to diverse parts of Asia : in two volumesLes navigations peregrinations et voyages, faicts en la Turquie ...Relazione della città d'AtheneReise aus Bengalen nach England, durch die nördlichen Theile ...The pilgrimage of Arnold von Harff, knight : from Cologne through Italy, Syria, Egypt, Arabia, Ethiopia, Nubia, Palestine, Turkey, France, and Spain, which he accomplished in the years 1496 to 1499Massa'ot Erez-Yisra'el le-Rabbi Mosheh BosolaVoyage du sieur Paul Lucas au LevantSefer Magal tov ha-shalemMemorias historicas de los monarcas othomanosThe travels of Pedro Teixeira : with his "Kings of Harmuz", and extracts from his "Kings of Persia"Relation des deux rebellions arrivés à Constantinople en MDCCXXX et XXXI ...Relatione dell'andata ... del re di Polonia con la regina ...Travels to discover the source of the Nile, ...A new account of East India and Persia : being nine years' travels, 1672-1681Curiose und eigentliche Beschreibung ...Les voyages de Cyrus, ...A description of the East : and some other countriesGeographia historica. Tomo VII, De Persia, ...Successi dell'Armata della Mta Cca Destinata all'impresa di Tripoli di Barberia, ...Epistola Constantinopoli recens scriptaDer blutigen Fama aus Bender fernerweitige Relation ...Voyages de Mr. de Thevenot tant en Europe qu'en Asie & en Afrique ...De itinere suo Constantinopolitano, epistolaOfft begehrte Beschreibung der newen orientalischen ReiseMémoires historiques, politiques et géographiques ...Viaggio Da Venetia Al Santo Sepolcro, ...Peregrinaggio di tre giouani figliuoli ...A journey through Russia into Persia by two English gentlemenNarrative of the embassy of Ruy Gonzalez de Clavijo to the court of Timour, at Samarcand, A.D. 1403-06Recueil de diverses histoires ...Mirabilia descripta : the wonders of the EastNouveaux voyages dans l'Archipel, le continent de la Grèce, la Thrace, à Constantinople, ...Jenne's Reisen. 2 Th., Nach dem Archipelagus ...Oratio ...Voyages celebres et remarquables, faits de Perse aux Indes OrientalesLettre missive envoyee de RomeThe voiages and travels of John Struys through Italy, Greece, Muscovy, Tartary, Media, Persia, East-India, Japan, and other countries in Europe, Africa and Asia : containing remarks and observations upon the manners, religion, polities, customs and laws of the inhabitants, and a description of their several cities, towns, forts, and places of strength : together with an account of the authors many dangers by shipwreck, robbery, slavery, hunger, torture, and the like, and two narratives of the taking of Astracan by the Cossacks, sent from Captain D. ButlerIndia in the fifteenth century : being a collection of narratives of voyages to India, in the century preceding the Portuguese discovery of the Cape of Good HopeRelatione della citta' di Costantinopoli e suo sito ...Wahre Abbildung des Türkischen Hofes : nach denen Gemälden ...Relation, von der königl. pohlnischen Ambassade bey der ... Pforte ...Travels in Asia MinorAn historical account of the British trade over the Caspian Sea : with a journal of travels from London through Russia into Persia : and back again through Russia, Germany and Holland : to which are added the revolutions of Persia during the present century, with the particular history of the great usurper Nadir KouliRepertorium librorum trium Ioannis Boemi de omnium ...The journal of John Jourdain, 1608-1617 : describing his experiences in Arabia, India, and the Malay archipelagoItinera Constantinopolitanum et AmasianumReisen des Johannes Schiltberger aus München in Europa, Asia und Afrika von 1394 bis 1427Nouveau voyage autour du monde, ...Eigentliche Beschreibung der Rais ...The travels in Egypt, Syria, Arabia Deserta and Arabia Felix, in Persia, India, and Ethiopia, 1503 to 1508Mémoire historique sur l'ambassade de France à ConstantinopleSome yeares travels into divers parts of Asia and Afrique : describing especially the two famous empires, the Persian, and the great Mogull: weaved with the history of these later times as also, many rich and spatious kingdomes in the orientall India, and other parts of Asia; together with the adjacent iles. severally relating the religion, language, qualities, customes, habit, descent, fashions, and other observations touching them. with a revivall of the first discoverer of AmericaTravels in Asia, 1628-1634Del viaggio di terra santaRelation d'un voyage du Levant ...From France through Syria, Iraq and the Persian Gulf to Surat, Goa, and Bijapur, with an account of his grave illnessNeue Reysbeschreibung eines Gefangenen ChristenTableau Generale de l'Empire Othoman... seu Turcarum expeditio in Siculum fretumDescription de toute l'isle de Cypre ...Reyszbuch desz heiligen Lands ...Journal du voyage de M. Collier, résident à la Porte ...L'intiero ragguaglio del successo di famagosta, ...Observations made on a tour from Bengal to Persia ...The Portuguese expedition to Abyssinia in 1541-1543, as narrated by Castanhoso, with some contemporary letters, the short account of Bermudez, and certain extracts from CorreaNarrative of the Portuguese embassy to Abyssinia during the years 1520-1527De orbis terrae concordia ...Voyage à Constantinople, en Italie, et aux îles de l'Archipel, par l'Allemagne et la HongrieMémoires du baron de Tott sur les Turcs et les TartaresThe Desert route to India : being the journals of four travellers by the great desert caravan route between Aleppo and Basra, 1745-1751The principal navigations, voyages, traffiques and discoveries ...Le discours du uoyage de Constantinoble, ...Le grant voyage de hierusalem diuise en deux partiesVoyages du ... en Perse, et autres lieux de l'OrientVoyage pittoresque de la GrèceViaggi fatti da Vinetia, ...Viaggi di Pietro della Valle il Pellegrino ...Peregrinationes Apostolicae ...De la repvblique des Turcs ...Voyages par la Moscovie, en Perse, ...Les observation de plusieurs singularitez & choses memorables, ...Lettera venuta da Costantinopoli ...Early voyages and travels in the Levant : I. The diary of Master Thomas Dallam, 1599-1600. II. Extracts from the diaries of Dr. John Covel, 1670-1679. With some account of the Levant Company of Turkey merchantsVoyage d'Italie, de Dalmatie, de Grèce et du LevantEarly voyages and travels to Russia and Persia, by Anthony Jenkinson and other Englishmen : with some account of the first intercourse of the English with Russia and Central Asia by way of the Caspian SeaQuanto di più curioso e vago hà potuto raccorre Cornelio Magni ...Viaggio da Venetia : a Costantinopoli ...Lebens- und Todesgeschichte, worinnen das Tagebuch ...A collection of voyages and travels ...The embassy of Sir Thomas Roe to the court of the Great Mogul, 1615-1619, as narrated in his journal and correspondenceJournal d'Antoine Galland pendant son séjour ...Voyage ... en Arabie et en d'autres pays de l'OrientMandeville's travels : texts and translationsMemoires du Sieur de La Croix, cy-devant secretaire ...Encyclopédie des voyagesNouveaux mémoires du comte de Bonneval ...Relations de divers voyages curieux, ...A collection of curious travels and voyagesVoyage d'Egypte et de NubieThe travels of John Sanderson in the Levant, 1584-1602 : with his autobiography and selections from his correspondenceIl devotissimo viaggio di GierusalemmeBeschreybunge einer Reyse oder eins Zuges ...The journal of ... travels from Cairo to Mourzouk, ... 1797-1798Briefe aus Sicilien und der TurkeyD. Friedrich Hasselquists, der Akademien der Wissenschaften zu Stockholm und Upsala Mitglieds, Reise nach Palästina in den Jahren von 1749 bis 1752Voyage dans la Basse et la Haute Égypte pendant les campagnes du général BonaparteA history of the revolt of Ali Bey, against the Ottoman PorteAnecdotes venitiennes et turques ...Voyage fait a la terre sainte en l'année 1719 contenant la description de Jerusalem ...Anecdotes turques, ou, Nouveaux mémoires ...Voyage ... dans la Grece, l'Asie Mineure, la Macedoine ...Travels to Tana and PersiaRelation nouvelle d'un voyage de ConstantinopleVoyage d'Espagne à BenderTravels, or observations relating to several parts of Barbary and the LevantLes six voyages de Jean Baptiste Tavernier, Ecuyer ...The voiage and travaile ...