- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- ABPThe advanced book program
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 本文の言語コード
- en
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Other title on spine of An introduction to quantum field theory. Perseus, c1995 (BA42018946): ABPPublisher varies: Westview Press, Basic Books, CRC Press
- 関連情報
- The Higgs hunter's guideLectures on phase transitions and the renormalization groupCombustion theory : the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systemsStructural stability and morphogenesis : an outline of a general theory of modelsAn introduction to quantum field theoryA Ph.D. is not enough : a guide to survival in scienceThe theory of quantum liquidsLie algebras in particle physicsAn introduction to chaotic dynamical systemsEmerging syntheses in science : proceedings of the Founding Workshops of the Santa Fe Institute, Santa Fe, New MexicoNonlinear analysis of platesCalculus on manifolds : a modern approach to classical theorems of advanced calculusStatistical mechanics : a set of lecturesComplex systems dynamics : an introduction to automata networksAre there really neutrinos? : an evidential historyThe theory of fundamental processesElements of algebraic topologyThe double auction market : institutions, theories, and evidenceVectors and tensors in engineering and physicsTheory of interacting Fermi systemsThe economy as an evolving complex system IIAre there really neutrinos? : an evidential historyBasic notions of condensed matter physicsCombustion theory : the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systemsComputational plasma physics : with applications to fusion and astrophysicsComputational physics : FORTRAN versionIntroduction to commutative algebraComputational physics : Fortran versionElements of algebraic topologyIntroduction to commutative algebraAnalysis on manifoldsAn introduction to quantum field theoryComputational physics : FORTRAN versionClassical electrodynamicsThe theory of quantum liquidsJourneys beyond the standard modelIntroduction to commutative algebraElements of algebraic topologyGraph theoryAnalysis on manifoldsExperimental pulse NMR : a nuts and bolts approachFeynman and computation : exploring the limits of computersThe theory of quantum liquidsAn introduction to quantum field theoryIntermediate quantum mechanicsParticles, sources, and fieldsThe framework of plasma physicsCalculus on manifolds : a modern approach to classical theorems of advanced calculusNonlinear opticsFeynman and computation : exploring the limits of computersCombustion theory : the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systemsFoundations of mechanics : a mathematical exposition of classical mechanics with an introduction to the qualitative theory of dynamical systems and applications to the three-body problemAn introduction to quantum field theoryVeiled reality : an analysis of present-day quantum mechanical conceptsQuantum field theory of point particles and stringsPhysics of space plasmas : an introductionElementary excitations in solids : lectures on protons, electrons, and plasmonsLectures on phase transitions and the renormalization groupQuantum statistical mechanics : Green's function methods in equilibrium and nonequilibrium problemsCollider physicsFeynman lectures on gravitationThe framework of plasma physicsSuperconductivity of metals and alloysLectures on phase transitions and the renormalization groupLectures on phase transitions and the renormalization groupNormal Fermi liquidsAn introduction to chaotic dynamical systemsCalculus on manifolds : a modern approach to classical theorems of advanced calculusAn introduction to quantum field theoryIntroduction to commutative algebraBasic notions of condensed matter physicsAnalysis on manifoldsLectures on quantum mechanicsCombustion theory : the fundamental theory of chemically reacting flow systemsCatastrophe theory