
Norton critical editions


Norton critical editions

W.W. Norton


An essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus's work, economics, population, and ethics after Malthus, Malthus and global challenges, Malthusianism in fiction外部サイトThe expedition of Humphry Clinker : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Arabian nights外部サイトDubliners : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトJane Eyre : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe Odyssey : a verse translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトA vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe waste land : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe autobiography of an ex-colored man : authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトAdrienne Rich's poetry and prose : poems, prose, reviews and criticism外部サイトThe turn of the screw : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe pilgrim's progress : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトLeaves of grass and other writings : authoritative texts, prefaces, Whitman on his art, criticism外部サイトMoll Flanders : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe waste land : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe red badge of courage : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトGreat expectations : authoritative text, backgrounds, contexts, criticism外部サイトOthello : authoritative text, textual sources and cultural contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Canterbury tales : seventeen tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトNathaniel Hawthorne's tales : authoritative texts, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe praise of folly and other writings : a new translation with critical commentary外部サイトThe writings of St. Paul : annotated texts, reception and criticism外部サイトAdrienne Rich's poetry : texts of the poems : the poet on her work : reviews and criticism外部サイトThe egoist : an annotated text, backgrounds criticism外部サイトRed and black : a new translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe Blithedale romance : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトWuthering Heights : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトNarrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave, written by himself : authoritative text, contexts, criticsm外部サイトThe sufferings of young Werther : a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトInferno : a new verse translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトAlice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトShowings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトJacob's room : authoritative text, Virginia Woolf and the novel, criticism外部サイトWoman in the nineteenth century : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトAnton Chekhov's selected plays外部サイトWuthering Heights : an authoritative text with essays in criticism外部サイトUtopia : a new translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトMaggie : a girl of the streets : a story of New York, 1893 : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, the author and the novel, reviews and criticism外部サイトDead souls : the Reavey translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトJane Eyre : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Decameron : a new translation : 21 novelle, contemporary reactions, modern criticism外部サイトThe great fairy tale tradition : from Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm : texts, criticism外部サイトThree lives and Q.E.D. : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトTolstoy's short fiction : revised translations, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe writings of St. Paul外部サイトSwann's Way : the Moncrieff translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe book of Margery Kempe : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトAnna Karenina : backgrounds and sources criticism外部サイトIncidents in the life of a slave girl : contexts, criticisms外部サイトNorthanger Abbey : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトFar from the madding crowd : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe importance of being earnest : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトWinesburg, Ohio : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトMy Ántonia : authoritative text, contexts and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトPassing : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトCritical approaches to literature外部サイトThe prince : a new translation, backgrounds, interpretations, peripherica外部サイトSir Gawain and the Green Knight : an authoritative translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Blithedale romance : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトKing Lear : an authoritative text, sources, criticism, adaptations, and responses外部サイトUp from slavery : authoritative text, contexts, and composition history, criticism外部サイトCrime and punishment : a new translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe roaring girl : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトLincoln's selected writings : authoritative texts, Lincoln in his era, modern views外部サイトEdmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトKatherine Mansfield's selected stories : the texts of the stories, Katherine Mansfield : from her letters, criticism外部サイトPride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds, and sources criticism外部サイトEdmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトTom Jones : an authoritative text, contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトNarrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave, written by himself : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトLeaves of grass : authoritative texts, prefaces, Whitman on his art, criticism外部サイトThe sound and the fury : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe rise of Silas Lapham : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトOedipus tyrannus : a new translation, passages from ancient authors, religion and psychology: some studies, criticism外部サイトThe Mayor of Casterbridge : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトGuy de Maupassant's selected works : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトTess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトJulius Caesar : an authoritative text, contexts and sources, criticism, performance history外部サイトThe nigger of the "Narcissus" : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, reviews and criticism外部サイトMadame Bovary : backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトOthello : authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism外部サイトGeorge Herbert and the seventeenth-century religious poets : authoritative texts criticism外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds, reviews and reactions, criticism外部サイトEdmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトThe prince : a revised translation, backgrounds, interpretations, marginalia外部サイトRestoration and eighteenth-century comedy : authoritative texts of The country wife, The man of mode, The way of the world, The conscious lovers, The school for scandal ; backgrounds, criticism外部サイトPierre, or, The ambiguities : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe American : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe metamorphosis : translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトKeats's poetry and prose : authoritative texts criticism外部サイトPoetics : the James Hutton translation : ancient contexts, interpretations外部サイトAnton Chekhov's plays ; the sea gull, uncle vanya, the three sisters, the cherry orchard, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850 : authoritative texts, context and reception, recent critical essays外部サイトIsaac Babel's selected writings : authoritative texts, selected letters, 1926-1939, Isaac Babel through the eyes of his contemporaries, Isaac Babel in criticism and scholarship外部サイトJohn Donne's poetry : authoritive texts, criticism外部サイトA clockwork orange : authoritative text backgrounds and contexts criticism外部サイトMetamorphoses : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトBeowulf : a prose translation : backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Qurʾān : a revised translation, origins, interpretations and analysis, sounds, sights, and remedies, the Qur'ān in America外部サイトBen Jonson and the cavalier poets : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトHumphry Clinker : an authoritative text, contemporary responses, criticism外部サイトWar and peace : the Maude translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトParadise lost : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトMeasure for measure : an authoritative text, sources, criticism, adaptations and responses外部サイトThe red and the black : authoritative text, context and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトHeart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe awakening : an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism外部サイトThe golden age of Spanish drama : new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe adventures of Tom Sawyer : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトRobinson Crusoe : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe house of the seven gables : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトHard times : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトAurora Leigh : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトAnne of Green Gables : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticisim外部サイトWalden, and Civil disobedience : authoritative texts, background, reviews, and essays in criticism外部サイトCharlotte Temple : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトDon Quijote : a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトAs I lay dying : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe rise of Silas Lapham : an authoritative text, composition and backgrounds, contemporary responses, criticism外部サイトWilliam Shakespeare Henry the Fourth , part 1 ; an annotated text extracts from the major sources essats in criticism外部サイトThe Spanish tragedy : authoritative text , sources and contexts, criticism外部サイトDemocracy in America : an annotated text backgrounds interpretations外部サイトLe morte Darthur, or, The hoole book of Kyng Arthur and of his noble knyghtes of the Rounde Table : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe scarlet letter and other writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism : the Talcott Parsons translation interpretations外部サイトTennyson's poetry : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe wings of the dove外部サイトDeath and the king's horseman : authoritative text, background and contexts, criticism外部サイトBeowulf : a verse translation : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe souls of Black folk : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Peloponnesian War : a new translation, backgrounds, interpretations外部サイトGulliver's travels : an authoritative text, the correspondence of Swift, Pope's verses on Gulliver's travels [and] critical essays外部サイトThe scarlet letter : an authoritative text, essays in criticism, and scholarship外部サイトThe life of Lazarillo de Tormes, his fortunes and adversities : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトModern Irish drama外部サイトThe brothers Karamazov : a revised translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe mill on the Floss : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトLeaves of grass : authoritative texts, prefaces, Whitman on his art, criticism外部サイトThe taming of the shrew : an authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings, and appropriations外部サイトFathers and sons : the author on the novel, contemporary reactions, essays in criticism外部サイトLord Jim : authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, criticism外部サイトThe Oresteia : the texts of the plays, ancient backgrounds and responses, criticism外部サイトAs you like it : authoritative text, sources and contexts criticism外部サイトCane : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトShelley's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトIbsen's selected plays : authoritative texts of Peer Gynt, A doll house, The wild duck, Hedda Gabler, The master builder : backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe Odyssey : a new verse translation, backgrounds, the Odyssey in antiquity, criticism外部サイトParadise lost : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトA journal of the plague year : authoritative text, backgrounds, contexts, criticism外部サイトKafka's selected stories : new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトMacbeth : authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe portrait of a lady : an authoritative text, Henry James and the novel, reviews and criticism外部サイトTales of Henry James : the texts of the tales, the author on his craft, criticism外部サイトThe Duchess of Malfi : an authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism外部サイトCommon sense and other writings : authoritative texts, contexts, interpretations外部サイトMiddle English romances : authoritative texts, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe epic of Gilgamesh : a new translation, analogues, criticism and response外部サイトTwelve years a slave : authoritative text, contexts, 2013 film adaptation, criticism, reviews, interview外部サイトPride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe wild duck : a new translation, the writing of the play, criticism外部サイトHeart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトMacbeth : the text of Macbeth, the actors' gallery, sources and contexts, criticism, afterlives, resources外部サイトModern drama : authoritative texts of The wild duck, Three sisters, The devil's disciple, A dream play, Desire under the elms, Henry IV, backgrounds and criticism外部サイトThe writings of Jonathan Swift : authoritative texts, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトMelville's short novels : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds reviews and reactions criticism外部サイトAdventures of Huckleberry Finn : an annotated text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトThe Canterbury tales : fifteen tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds criticism外部サイトThe house of mirth : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe double helix : a personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA外部サイトThe histories : new translation, selections, backgrounds, commentaries外部サイトThe return of the native : an authoritative text, background, criticism外部サイトHamlet : text of the play, the actors' gallery, contexts, criticism, afterlives, resources外部サイトRoughing it in the bush : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトSeventeenth-century British poetry : 1603-1660 : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトThe time machine : an invention : authoritative text backgrounds and contexts criticism外部サイトHow the other half lives : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトLord Jim : an authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, essays in criticism外部サイトMoby-Dick : an authoritative text, before Moby-Dick, international controversy, reviews and letters by Melville, analogues and sources, reviews of Moby Dick, criticism外部サイトThe classic fairy tales : texts, criticism外部サイトElizabeth I and her age : authoritative texts, commentary and criticism外部サイトThe awakening : an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism外部サイトCrime and punishment外部サイトJane Eyre : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトOroonoko : an authoritative text, historical backgrounds, criticism外部サイトA vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe marrow of tradition : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトGeorge Bernard Shaw's plays : Mrs Warren's profession, Pygmalion, Man and superman, Major Barbara : contexts and criticism外部サイトFaust : a tragedy : backgrounds and sources, the author on the drama, contemporary reactions, modern criticism外部サイトTess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, Hardy and the novel, criticism外部サイトA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, composition and publication, criticism外部サイトModern African drama : backgrounds and criticism外部サイトApologia pro vita sua : an authoritative text, basic texts of the Newman-Kingsley controversy, origin and reception of the Apologia [and] essays in criticism外部サイトTroilus and Criseyde : with facing page Il Filostrato : authoritative texts, The testament of Cresseid by Robert Henryson, criticism外部サイトThe interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe sound and the fury : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトJohn Donne's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトEmerson's prose and poetry : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトFathers and children : an authoritative text. the author on the novel. the contemporary reaction criticism外部サイトSense and sensibility : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトEdmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトJude the obscure : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトTales of Henry James : the texts of the stories, the author on his craft, background and criticism外部サイトMary Barton : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトCandide, or, Optimism : a fresh translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトKim : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトPersuasion : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトAnna Karenina . The Maude translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトEight modern plays : authoritative texts of The wild duck ... backgrounds, and criticism外部サイトHeart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe New Testament and the Apocrypha外部サイトWide Sargasso Sea外部サイトHeart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトOliver Twist : authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, early reviews, criticism外部サイトMcTeague : a story of San Francisco : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトWieland, and, Memoirs of Carwin the biloquist : authoritative texts, sources and contexts, criticism外部サイトAdventures of Huckleberry Finn : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトChronicle of the Narváez expedition : a new translation, context, criticism外部サイトThe Canterbury tales : nine tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe scarlet letter and other writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe mayor of Casterbridge : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe age of innocence : authoritative text, background and contexts, sources, criticism外部サイトEthan Frome : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトNotes from underground : a new translation, backgrounds and sources, responses, criticism外部サイトRobinson Crusoe : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトRobert Browning's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトMiddlemarch : an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews and criticism外部サイトTristram Shandy : an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism外部サイトThe prince : a revised translation, backgrounds, interpretations外部サイトA tale of two cities : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトDon Quijote : a revised translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe house of the seven gables : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトParadise lost : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトStrange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Jew of Malta : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトCivilization and its discontents外部サイトA portrait of the artist as a young man : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトDoctor faustus : a two-text edition (a-text, 1604; b-text, 1616), sources and contexts criticism外部サイトAntigone : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトOn liberty and other writings : texts, commentaries外部サイトLight in August : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトRomeo and Juliet : text of the play, sources, contexts, and early rewritings, criticism and later rewritings外部サイトBen Jonson's plays and masques : authoritative texts of Volpone, Epicoene, The alchemist, The masque of blackness, Mercury vindicated from the alchemists at court, Pleasure reconciled to virtue : contexts, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトNotes from underground : an authoritative translation, backgrounds and sources, responses, criticism外部サイトMansfield Park : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトIn memoriam : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトPride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, and essays in criticism外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds reviews and reactions criticism外部サイトMill : texts, commentaries外部サイトJude the obscure : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトTom Jones : an authoritative text, contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトEdmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts [and] criticism外部サイトMoll Flanders : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトCandide or, Optimism : the Robert M. Adams translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe selected writings of Edgar Allan Poe : authoritative texts, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトBeowulf : a new prose translation外部サイトThe awakening : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe house of the seven gables : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトFrankenstein : the 1818 text, contexts, nineteenth-century responses, modern criticism外部サイトHamlet : an authoritative text, intellectual backgrounds, extracts from the sources, essays in criticism外部サイトThe histories : the complete translation, backgrounds, commentaries外部サイトThe Princess of Clèves外部サイトRestoration and eighteenth-century comedy外部サイトLittle women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy外部サイトMoby-Dick : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe ambassadors : an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism外部サイトThe portrait of a lady : an authoritative text, Henry James and the novel, reviews and criticism外部サイトO pioneers! : authoritative text context and backgrounds criticism外部サイトThe red badge of courage : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトHard times : an authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, and contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトThe selected political writings of John Locke : texts, background selections, sources, interpretations外部サイトModern and contemporary Irish drama : backgrounds and criticism外部サイトThe epic of Gilgamesh : a new translation, analogues, criticism . The Sumerian Gilgamesh poems . The Hittite Gilgamesh外部サイトHowards End : authoritative text, textual appendix, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトDarwin外部サイトHenry the Fourth, part I : an authorized text, cultural contexts, extracts from the major sources, essays in criticism, bibliography外部サイトThe underdogs : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Bhagavad Gita : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトPiers Plowman : the Donaldson translation, Middle English text, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトIn memoriam : authoritative text, criticism外部サイトA vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds, the Wollstonecraft debate, criticism外部サイトLeviathan : authoritative text, backgrounds, interpretations外部サイトBenjamin Franklin's autobiography : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトDarwin外部サイトThe feminine mystique : annotated text, contexts, scholarship外部サイトThe Analects : the Simon Leys translation, interpretations外部サイトA portrait of the artist as a young man : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトYeats's poetry, drama, and prose : authoritative texts contexts criticism外部サイトThe sound and the fury : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population : text, sources and background, criticism外部サイトThe secret agent : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトTolstoy's short fiction : revised translations, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトGulliver's travels : based on the 1726 text : contextes, criticism外部サイト1 Henry IV : text edited from the first quarto : contexts and sources, criticism外部サイトThe Communist manifesto : annotated text外部サイトWuthering Heights : the 1847 text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトMoby-Dick : an authoritative text, reviews and letters by Melville, analogues and sources, criticism外部サイトAdrienne Rich : poetry and prose : poetry, prose, reviews and criticism外部サイトThe turn of the screw : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトThe secret garden : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, Burnett in the press, criticism外部サイトThe scarlet letter : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトJoseph Andrews : with Shamela, and related writings : authoritative texts, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトNorth and South : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトFaust : a tragedy : interpretive notes, contexts, modern criticism外部サイトWalden, Civil disobedience, and other writings : authoritative texts, journal, reviews and posthumous assessments, criticism外部サイトWar and peace : the Maude translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトNewton : texts, backgrounds, commentaries外部サイトThe ambassadors : an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra : authoritative text, sources, analogues, and contexts, criticism, adaptations, rewritings, and appropriations外部サイトPudd'nhead Wilson ; and, Those extraordinary twins : authoritative texts, textual introduction, tables of variants, criticism外部サイトThe book of the courtier : the Singleton translation : an authoritative text criticism外部サイトThings fall apart : authoritative text, contexts and criticism外部サイトDarwin : texts, commentary外部サイトThe consolation of philosophy : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトBeowulf : a verse translation : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトBlake's poetry and designs : illuminated works other writings criticism外部サイトFrankenstein : the 1818 text, contexts, criticism外部サイトEmma : an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, and criticism外部サイトOn liberty外部サイトShelley's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトThe house of mirth : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトAnton Chekhov's short stories : texts of the stories, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトCrime and punishment : the Coulson translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトThe conjure stories : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトTennyson's poetry : authoritative texts, juvenilia and early responses, criticism外部サイトThe red badge of courage : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe red badge of courage : an annotated text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトGeorg Büchner, the major works : contexts, criticism外部サイトEmma : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトMedea : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe portrait of a lady : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe good soldier : authoritative text, textual appendices, contemporary reviews, literary impressionism, biographical and critical commentary外部サイトMiddle English lyrics : authoritative texts, critical and historical backgrounds, perspectives on six poems外部サイトThe Decameron : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe merchant of Venice : authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings and appropriations外部サイトTess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, Hardy and the novel, criticism外部サイトParadise lost : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトDream visions and other poems : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトGulliver's travels : an annotated text with critical essays外部サイトCane : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトMcTeague : a story of San Francisco : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトTom Jones : the authoritative text, contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトAdventures of Huckleberry Finn : an authoritative text contexts and sources criticism外部サイトByron's poetry : authoritative texts, letters and journals, criticism, images of Byron外部サイトPride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトTartuffe : a verse translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトDon Quixote : the Ormsby translation, revised, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトCrime and punishment : the Coulson translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトFathers and sons外部サイトThe Communist manifesto : prefaces by Marx and Engels, annotated text, sources and backgrounds, the Communist manifesto in the history of Marxism, interpretation外部サイトMiddlemarch : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトNathaniel Hawthorne's tales : authoritative texts, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe wings of the dove : authoritative text, the author and the novel : criticism外部サイトWide Sargasso Sea外部サイトA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトEmma : an authoritative text : backgrounds, reviews, and criticism外部サイトLeaves of grass and other writings : authoritative texts, other poetry and prose, criticism外部サイトStrange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, performance adaptations, criticism外部サイトThe secret sharer and other stories : authoritative texts, backgrounds and contexts criticism外部サイトAlice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark, backgrounds, essays in criticism外部サイトSister Carrie : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトIncidents in the life of a slave girl : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトBernard Shaw's plays : Major Barbara, Heartbreak House, Saint Joan, Too true to be good : with backgrounds and criticism外部サイトHard times : an authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, and contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus' work, nineteenth-century comment, Malthus in the twenty-first century外部サイトThe selected writings of Christine de Pizan : new translations, criticism外部サイトFathers and sons : the author on the novel contemporary reactions essays in criticism外部サイトEmma : an authoritative text : backgrounds, reviews, and criticism外部サイトThe selected writings of Thomas Jefferson : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトHard times : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトJohn Donne's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトWuthering Heights : an authoritative text, with essays in criticism外部サイトVanity fair : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトByron's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトThe scarlet letter : an annotated text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトThe classic fairy tales : texts, criticism外部サイトThe return of the native外部サイトSelected works : a new translation, contexts, critical traditions外部サイトThe Brothers Karamazov : the Constance Garnett translation revised by Ralph E. Matlaw : backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism外部サイトJude the obscure : an authoritative text : backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe metamorphosis : a new translation ; texts and contexts ; criticism外部サイトUtopia : a revised translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトA midsummer night's dream : an authoritative text, sources, criticism, adaptations外部サイトMarie de France : poetry : new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe coquette, and The boarding school : authoritative texts, sources and contexts, criticism外部サイトTess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, Hardy and the novel, criticism外部サイトCastle Rackrent : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトBlake's poetry and designs : authoritative texts, illuminations in color and monochrome, related prose, criticism外部サイトHeart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトWordsworth's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトPersuasion : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトTristram Shandy : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトHamlet : an authoritative text, intellectual backgrounds, extracts from the sources, essays in criticism外部サイトPudd'nhead Wilson ; and, Those extraordinary twins : authoritative texts, textual introduction and tables of variants criticism外部サイトAnton Chekhov's plays : backgrounds, criticism外部サイトDoctor Faustus : a two-text edition (A-text, 1604; B-text, 1616) contexts and sources criticism外部サイトBeowulf : the Donaldson translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトThe confidence-man : his masquerade : an authoritative text, contemporary reviews, biographical overviews, sources, backgrounds, and criticism外部サイトEvelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world : authoritative text, contexts and contemporary reactions, criticism外部サイトDubliners : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトPère Goriot : a new translation : responses, contemporaries and other novelists, twentieth-century criticism外部サイトThe tempest : an authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings and appropriations外部サイトSister Carrie : an authoritative text, backgrounds, and sources criticism外部サイトCandide ; or Optimism : a new translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトJane Eyre : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトBenjamin Franklin's autobiography : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトNathaniel hawthorne the Scarlet letter : an annotated text backgrounds and sources essays in criticism外部サイトDeath in Venice : a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトRagged Dick, or, Street life in New York with boot-blacks : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトColeridge's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism外部サイトDracula : authoritative text, contexts, reviews and reactions, dramatic and film variations, criticism外部サイトDavid Copperfield : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトHamlet : text of the play, the actors' gallery, contexts, criticism, afterlives, resources外部サイトRobert Browning's poetry : authoratiative texts, criticism外部サイトAnton Chekhov's selected stories : texts of the stories, comparison of translations, life and letters, criticism外部サイトWuthering Heights : the 1847 text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトWalden ; and, Resistance to civil government : authoritative texts, Thoreau's journal, reviews, and essays in criticism外部サイトSunshine sketches of a little town : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトSt. Thomas Aquinas on politics and ethics : a new translation, backgrounds, interpretations外部サイトJonathan Swift : the essential writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Old Testament外部サイトBleak House : an authoritative and annotated text, illustrations, a note on the text, genesis and composition, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトMadame Bovary : contexts, critical reception外部サイトRichard III : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe good soldier : authoritative text, textual appendices, contemporary reviews, literary impressionism, biographical and critical commentary外部サイトUncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトBen Jonson's plays and masques : texts of the plays and masques, Jonson on his work, contemporary readers on Jonson, criticism外部サイトSister Carrie : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトUtopia : a revised translation, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトAlice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark : backgrounds, essays in criticism外部サイトThe jungle : an authoritative text, contexts and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトThe confidence-man : his masquerade : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, reviews, criticism, an annotated bibliography外部サイトMilton's selected poetry and prose : authoritative texts, biblical sources, criticism外部サイトRousseau's political writings : new translations, interpretive notes, backgrounds, commentaries外部サイトThe tempest : sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings and appropriations外部サイトE.E. Cummings selected works : authoritative texts, documents, criticism外部サイトDracula : authoritative text, contexts, reviews and reactions, dramatic and film variations, criticism外部サイトWinesburg, Ohio : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトThe last man : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe Odyssey : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds, reviews and reactions, criticism外部サイトThe tale of Genji : a new translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトAdventures of Huckleberry Finn : an authoritative text, contexts and sources, criticism外部サイトThe great Gatsby : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトFrankenstein : the 1818 text, contexts, criticism外部サイトAs I lay dying : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトIn our time : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe art of war : authoritative text, interpretations外部サイトTo the lighthouse : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトMiddle English romances : authoritative texts, sources and backgrounds, criticism外部サイトIn memoriam : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトQuicksand : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイトLeviathan : authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism外部サイトMy bondage and my freedom : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトMrs. Dalloway : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe turn of the screw : authoritative text, contexts, criticism外部サイトSir Gawain and the Green Knight : an authoritative translation, contexts, criticism外部サイトOedipus Tyrannos : a new translation, sources, criticism外部サイトThe waste land and other poems : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism外部サイトThe importance of being earnest : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism外部サイトA contract with God and other stories of Dropsie Avenue : primary texts, Eisner on the graphic novel and comics, reviews and assessments, criticism外部サイトAbsalom, Absalom! : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism外部サイト



  • An essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus's work, economics, population, and ethics after Malthus, Malthus and global challenges, Malthusianism in fiction

  • The expedition of Humphry Clinker : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism

  • The Arabian nights

  • Dubliners : authoritative text, contexts, criticism

  • Jane Eyre : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism





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A Norton critical edition
An essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus's work, economics, population, and ethics after Malthus, Malthus and global challenges, Malthusianism in fiction
The expedition of Humphry Clinker : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The Arabian nights
Dubliners : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Jane Eyre : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
The Odyssey : a verse translation, backgrounds, criticism
A vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The waste land : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The autobiography of an ex-colored man : authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Adrienne Rich's poetry and prose : poems, prose, reviews and criticism
The turn of the screw : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The pilgrim's progress : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Leaves of grass and other writings : authoritative texts, prefaces, Whitman on his art, criticism
Moll Flanders : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The waste land : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The red badge of courage : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Great expectations : authoritative text, backgrounds, contexts, criticism
Othello : authoritative text, textual sources and cultural contexts, criticism
The Canterbury tales : seventeen tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
Nathaniel Hawthorne's tales : authoritative texts, backgrounds, criticism
The praise of folly and other writings : a new translation with critical commentary
The writings of St. Paul : annotated texts, reception and criticism
Adrienne Rich's poetry : texts of the poems : the poet on her work : reviews and criticism
The egoist : an annotated text, backgrounds criticism
Red and black : a new translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The Blithedale romance : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Wuthering Heights : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave, written by himself : authoritative text, contexts, criticsm
The sufferings of young Werther : a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Inferno : a new verse translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Alice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark, backgrounds, criticism
Showings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
Jacob's room : authoritative text, Virginia Woolf and the novel, criticism
Woman in the nineteenth century : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Anton Chekhov's selected plays
Wuthering Heights : an authoritative text with essays in criticism
Utopia : a new translation, backgrounds, criticism
Maggie : a girl of the streets : a story of New York, 1893 : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, the author and the novel, reviews and criticism
Dead souls : the Reavey translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Jane Eyre : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The Decameron : a new translation : 21 novelle, contemporary reactions, modern criticism
The great fairy tale tradition : from Straparola and Basile to the Brothers Grimm : texts, criticism
Three lives and Q.E.D. : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
Tolstoy's short fiction : revised translations, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The writings of St. Paul
Swann's Way : the Moncrieff translation, contexts, criticism
The book of Margery Kempe : a new translation, contexts, criticism
Anna Karenina : backgrounds and sources criticism
Incidents in the life of a slave girl : contexts, criticisms
Northanger Abbey : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Far from the madding crowd : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
The importance of being earnest : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Winesburg, Ohio : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
My Ántonia : authoritative text, contexts and backgrounds, criticism
Passing : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Critical approaches to literature
The prince : a new translation, backgrounds, interpretations, peripherica
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : an authoritative translation, contexts, criticism
The Blithedale romance : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
King Lear : an authoritative text, sources, criticism, adaptations, and responses
Up from slavery : authoritative text, contexts, and composition history, criticism
Crime and punishment : a new translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The roaring girl : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Lincoln's selected writings : authoritative texts, Lincoln in his era, modern views
Edmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
Katherine Mansfield's selected stories : the texts of the stories, Katherine Mansfield : from her letters, criticism
Pride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds, and sources criticism
Edmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
Tom Jones : an authoritative text, contemporary reactions, criticism
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass, an American slave, written by himself : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Uncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Leaves of grass : authoritative texts, prefaces, Whitman on his art, criticism
The sound and the fury : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The rise of Silas Lapham : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Oedipus tyrannus : a new translation, passages from ancient authors, religion and psychology: some studies, criticism
The Mayor of Casterbridge : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Guy de Maupassant's selected works : a new translation, contexts, criticism
Tess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Julius Caesar : an authoritative text, contexts and sources, criticism, performance history
The nigger of the "Narcissus" : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, reviews and criticism
Madame Bovary : backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Othello : authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism
George Herbert and the seventeenth-century religious poets : authoritative texts criticism
The picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds, reviews and reactions, criticism
Edmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
The prince : a revised translation, backgrounds, interpretations, marginalia
Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy : authoritative texts of The country wife, The man of mode, The way of the world, The conscious lovers, The school for scandal ; backgrounds, criticism
Pierre, or, The ambiguities : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The American : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The metamorphosis : translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Keats's poetry and prose : authoritative texts criticism
Poetics : the James Hutton translation : ancient contexts, interpretations
Anton Chekhov's plays ; the sea gull, uncle vanya, the three sisters, the cherry orchard, backgrounds, criticism
The prelude, 1799, 1805, 1850 : authoritative texts, context and reception, recent critical essays
Isaac Babel's selected writings : authoritative texts, selected letters, 1926-1939, Isaac Babel through the eyes of his contemporaries, Isaac Babel in criticism and scholarship
John Donne's poetry : authoritive texts, criticism
A clockwork orange : authoritative text backgrounds and contexts criticism
Metamorphoses : a new translation, contexts, criticism
Beowulf : a prose translation : backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The Qurʾān : a revised translation, origins, interpretations and analysis, sounds, sights, and remedies, the Qur'ān in America
Ben Jonson and the cavalier poets : authoritative texts, criticism
Humphry Clinker : an authoritative text, contemporary responses, criticism
War and peace : the Maude translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Paradise lost : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Measure for measure : an authoritative text, sources, criticism, adaptations and responses
The red and the black : authoritative text, context and backgrounds, criticism
Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The awakening : an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism
The golden age of Spanish drama : new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The adventures of Tom Sawyer : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Robinson Crusoe : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The house of the seven gables : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Hard times : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Aurora Leigh : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Anne of Green Gables : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticisim
Walden, and Civil disobedience : authoritative texts, background, reviews, and essays in criticism
Charlotte Temple : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Don Quijote : a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
As I lay dying : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The rise of Silas Lapham : an authoritative text, composition and backgrounds, contemporary responses, criticism
William Shakespeare Henry the Fourth , part 1 ; an annotated text extracts from the major sources essats in criticism
The Spanish tragedy : authoritative text , sources and contexts, criticism
Democracy in America : an annotated text backgrounds interpretations
Le morte Darthur, or, The hoole book of Kyng Arthur and of his noble knyghtes of the Rounde Table : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
The scarlet letter and other writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
The Protestant ethic and the spirit of capitalism : the Talcott Parsons translation interpretations
Tennyson's poetry : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
The wings of the dove
Death and the king's horseman : authoritative text, background and contexts, criticism
Beowulf : a verse translation : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The souls of Black folk : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The Peloponnesian War : a new translation, backgrounds, interpretations
Gulliver's travels : an authoritative text, the correspondence of Swift, Pope's verses on Gulliver's travels [and] critical essays
The scarlet letter : an authoritative text, essays in criticism, and scholarship
The life of Lazarillo de Tormes, his fortunes and adversities : a new translation, contexts, criticism
Modern Irish drama
The brothers Karamazov : a revised translation, contexts, criticism
The mill on the Floss : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contemporary reactions, criticism
Leaves of grass : authoritative texts, prefaces, Whitman on his art, criticism
The taming of the shrew : an authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings, and appropriations
Fathers and sons : the author on the novel, contemporary reactions, essays in criticism
Lord Jim : authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, criticism
The Oresteia : the texts of the plays, ancient backgrounds and responses, criticism
As you like it : authoritative text, sources and contexts criticism
Cane : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Shelley's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism
Ibsen's selected plays : authoritative texts of Peer Gynt, A doll house, The wild duck, Hedda Gabler, The master builder : backgrounds, criticism
The Odyssey : a new verse translation, backgrounds, the Odyssey in antiquity, criticism
Paradise lost : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
A journal of the plague year : authoritative text, backgrounds, contexts, criticism
Kafka's selected stories : new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Macbeth : authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism
The portrait of a lady : an authoritative text, Henry James and the novel, reviews and criticism
Tales of Henry James : the texts of the tales, the author on his craft, criticism
The Duchess of Malfi : an authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism
Common sense and other writings : authoritative texts, contexts, interpretations
Middle English romances : authoritative texts, sources and backgrounds, criticism
The epic of Gilgamesh : a new translation, analogues, criticism and response
Twelve years a slave : authoritative text, contexts, 2013 film adaptation, criticism, reviews, interview
Pride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The wild duck : a new translation, the writing of the play, criticism
Heart of darkness : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Macbeth : the text of Macbeth, the actors' gallery, sources and contexts, criticism, afterlives, resources
Modern drama : authoritative texts of The wild duck, Three sisters, The devil's disciple, A dream play, Desire under the elms, Henry IV, backgrounds and criticism
The writings of Jonathan Swift : authoritative texts, backgrounds, criticism
Melville's short novels : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
The picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds reviews and reactions criticism
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : an annotated text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
The Canterbury tales : fifteen tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds criticism
The house of mirth : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The double helix : a personal account of the discovery of the structure of DNA
The histories : new translation, selections, backgrounds, commentaries
The return of the native : an authoritative text, background, criticism
Hamlet : text of the play, the actors' gallery, contexts, criticism, afterlives, resources
Roughing it in the bush : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Seventeenth-century British poetry : 1603-1660 : authoritative texts, criticism
The time machine : an invention : authoritative text backgrounds and contexts criticism
How the other half lives : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Lord Jim : an authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, essays in criticism
Moby-Dick : an authoritative text, before Moby-Dick, international controversy, reviews and letters by Melville, analogues and sources, reviews of Moby Dick, criticism
The classic fairy tales : texts, criticism
Elizabeth I and her age : authoritative texts, commentary and criticism
The awakening : an authoritative text, biographical and historical contexts, criticism
Crime and punishment
Jane Eyre : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Oroonoko : an authoritative text, historical backgrounds, criticism
A vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
The marrow of tradition : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
George Bernard Shaw's plays : Mrs Warren's profession, Pygmalion, Man and superman, Major Barbara : contexts and criticism
Faust : a tragedy : backgrounds and sources, the author on the drama, contemporary reactions, modern criticism
Tess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, Hardy and the novel, criticism
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, composition and publication, criticism
Modern African drama : backgrounds and criticism
Apologia pro vita sua : an authoritative text, basic texts of the Newman-Kingsley controversy, origin and reception of the Apologia [and] essays in criticism
Troilus and Criseyde : with facing page Il Filostrato : authoritative texts, The testament of Cresseid by Robert Henryson, criticism
The interesting narrative of the life of Olaudah Equiano, or Gustavus Vassa, the African : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The sound and the fury : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
John Donne's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
Emerson's prose and poetry : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
Fathers and children : an authoritative text. the author on the novel. the contemporary reaction criticism
Sense and sensibility : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Edmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
Jude the obscure : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Tales of Henry James : the texts of the stories, the author on his craft, background and criticism
Mary Barton : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Candide, or, Optimism : a fresh translation, backgrounds, criticism
Kim : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Persuasion : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Anna Karenina . The Maude translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Eight modern plays : authoritative texts of The wild duck ... backgrounds, and criticism
Heart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The New Testament and the Apocrypha
Wide Sargasso Sea
Heart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Oliver Twist : authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, early reviews, criticism
McTeague : a story of San Francisco : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Wieland, and, Memoirs of Carwin the biloquist : authoritative texts, sources and contexts, criticism
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Chronicle of the Narváez expedition : a new translation, context, criticism
The Canterbury tales : nine tales and the general prologue : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
The scarlet letter and other writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
The mayor of Casterbridge : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
The age of innocence : authoritative text, background and contexts, sources, criticism
Ethan Frome : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Notes from underground : a new translation, backgrounds and sources, responses, criticism
Robinson Crusoe : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Robert Browning's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
Middlemarch : an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews and criticism
Tristram Shandy : an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism
The prince : a revised translation, backgrounds, interpretations
A tale of two cities : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Don Quijote : a revised translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The house of the seven gables : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Paradise lost : authoritative text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The Jew of Malta : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Civilization and its discontents
A portrait of the artist as a young man : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Doctor faustus : a two-text edition (a-text, 1604; b-text, 1616), sources and contexts criticism
Antigone : a new translation, contexts, criticism
On liberty and other writings : texts, commentaries
Light in August : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Romeo and Juliet : text of the play, sources, contexts, and early rewritings, criticism and later rewritings
Ben Jonson's plays and masques : authoritative texts of Volpone, Epicoene, The alchemist, The masque of blackness, Mercury vindicated from the alchemists at court, Pleasure reconciled to virtue : contexts, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Notes from underground : an authoritative translation, backgrounds and sources, responses, criticism
Mansfield Park : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
In memoriam : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Pride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, and essays in criticism
The picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds reviews and reactions criticism
Mill : texts, commentaries
Jude the obscure : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Tom Jones : an authoritative text, contemporary reactions, criticism
Edmund Spenser's poetry : authoritative texts [and] criticism
Moll Flanders : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Candide or, Optimism : the Robert M. Adams translation, backgrounds, criticism
The selected writings of Edgar Allan Poe : authoritative texts, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Beowulf : a new prose translation
The awakening : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The house of the seven gables : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Frankenstein : the 1818 text, contexts, nineteenth-century responses, modern criticism
Hamlet : an authoritative text, intellectual backgrounds, extracts from the sources, essays in criticism
The histories : the complete translation, backgrounds, commentaries
The Princess of Clèves
Restoration and eighteenth-century comedy
Little women, or, Meg, Jo, Beth, and Amy
Moby-Dick : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The ambassadors : an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism
The portrait of a lady : an authoritative text, Henry James and the novel, reviews and criticism
O pioneers! : authoritative text context and backgrounds criticism
The red badge of courage : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Hard times : an authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, and contemporary reactions, criticism
The selected political writings of John Locke : texts, background selections, sources, interpretations
Modern and contemporary Irish drama : backgrounds and criticism
The epic of Gilgamesh : a new translation, analogues, criticism . The Sumerian Gilgamesh poems . The Hittite Gilgamesh
Howards End : authoritative text, textual appendix, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Henry the Fourth, part I : an authorized text, cultural contexts, extracts from the major sources, essays in criticism, bibliography
The underdogs : a new translation, contexts, criticism
The Bhagavad Gita : a new translation, contexts, criticism
Piers Plowman : the Donaldson translation, Middle English text, sources and backgrounds, criticism
In memoriam : authoritative text, criticism
A vindication of the rights of woman : an authoritative text, backgrounds, the Wollstonecraft debate, criticism
Leviathan : authoritative text, backgrounds, interpretations
Benjamin Franklin's autobiography : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The feminine mystique : annotated text, contexts, scholarship
The Analects : the Simon Leys translation, interpretations
A portrait of the artist as a young man : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Yeats's poetry, drama, and prose : authoritative texts contexts criticism
The sound and the fury : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
An essay on the principle of population : text, sources and background, criticism
The secret agent : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Tolstoy's short fiction : revised translations, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Gulliver's travels : based on the 1726 text : contextes, criticism
1 Henry IV : text edited from the first quarto : contexts and sources, criticism
The Communist manifesto : annotated text
Wuthering Heights : the 1847 text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Moby-Dick : an authoritative text, reviews and letters by Melville, analogues and sources, criticism
Adrienne Rich : poetry and prose : poetry, prose, reviews and criticism
The turn of the screw : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
The secret garden : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, Burnett in the press, criticism
The scarlet letter : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Joseph Andrews : with Shamela, and related writings : authoritative texts, backgrounds and sources, criticism
North and South : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Faust : a tragedy : interpretive notes, contexts, modern criticism
Walden, Civil disobedience, and other writings : authoritative texts, journal, reviews and posthumous assessments, criticism
War and peace : the Maude translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Newton : texts, backgrounds, commentaries
The ambassadors : an authoritative text, the author on the novel, criticism
Antony and Cleopatra : authoritative text, sources, analogues, and contexts, criticism, adaptations, rewritings, and appropriations
Pudd'nhead Wilson ; and, Those extraordinary twins : authoritative texts, textual introduction, tables of variants, criticism
The book of the courtier : the Singleton translation : an authoritative text criticism
Things fall apart : authoritative text, contexts and criticism
Darwin : texts, commentary
The consolation of philosophy : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Beowulf : a verse translation : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Blake's poetry and designs : illuminated works other writings criticism
Frankenstein : the 1818 text, contexts, criticism
Emma : an authoritative text, backgrounds, reviews, and criticism
On liberty
Shelley's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism
The house of mirth : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Anton Chekhov's short stories : texts of the stories, backgrounds, criticism
Crime and punishment : the Coulson translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
The conjure stories : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
Tennyson's poetry : authoritative texts, juvenilia and early responses, criticism
The red badge of courage : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The red badge of courage : an annotated text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Georg Büchner, the major works : contexts, criticism
Emma : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Medea : a new translation, contexts, criticism
The portrait of a lady : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The good soldier : authoritative text, textual appendices, contemporary reviews, literary impressionism, biographical and critical commentary
Middle English lyrics : authoritative texts, critical and historical backgrounds, perspectives on six poems
The Decameron : a new translation, contexts, criticism
The merchant of Venice : authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings and appropriations
Tess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, Hardy and the novel, criticism
Paradise lost : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Dream visions and other poems : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
Gulliver's travels : an annotated text with critical essays
Cane : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
McTeague : a story of San Francisco : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Tom Jones : the authoritative text, contemporary reactions, criticism
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : an authoritative text contexts and sources criticism
Byron's poetry : authoritative texts, letters and journals, criticism, images of Byron
Pride and prejudice : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Tartuffe : a verse translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Don Quixote : the Ormsby translation, revised, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Crime and punishment : the Coulson translation, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Fathers and sons
The Communist manifesto : prefaces by Marx and Engels, annotated text, sources and backgrounds, the Communist manifesto in the history of Marxism, interpretation
Middlemarch : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Nathaniel Hawthorne's tales : authoritative texts, backgrounds, criticism
The wings of the dove : authoritative text, the author and the novel : criticism
Wide Sargasso Sea
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Emma : an authoritative text : backgrounds, reviews, and criticism
Leaves of grass and other writings : authoritative texts, other poetry and prose, criticism
Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, performance adaptations, criticism
The secret sharer and other stories : authoritative texts, backgrounds and contexts criticism
Alice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark, backgrounds, essays in criticism
Sister Carrie : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Incidents in the life of a slave girl : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Bernard Shaw's plays : Major Barbara, Heartbreak House, Saint Joan, Too true to be good : with backgrounds and criticism
Hard times : an authoritative text, backgrounds, sources, and contemporary reactions, criticism
An essay on the principle of population : influences on Malthus, selections from Malthus' work, nineteenth-century comment, Malthus in the twenty-first century
The selected writings of Christine de Pizan : new translations, criticism
Fathers and sons : the author on the novel contemporary reactions essays in criticism
Emma : an authoritative text : backgrounds, reviews, and criticism
The selected writings of Thomas Jefferson : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
Uncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Hard times : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
John Donne's poetry : authoritative texts, criticism
Wuthering Heights : an authoritative text, with essays in criticism
Vanity fair : an authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Byron's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism
The scarlet letter : an annotated text, backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
The classic fairy tales : texts, criticism
The return of the native
Selected works : a new translation, contexts, critical traditions
The Brothers Karamazov : the Constance Garnett translation revised by Ralph E. Matlaw : backgrounds and sources, essays in criticism
Jude the obscure : an authoritative text : backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The metamorphosis : a new translation ; texts and contexts ; criticism
Utopia : a revised translation, backgrounds, criticism
A midsummer night's dream : an authoritative text, sources, criticism, adaptations
Marie de France : poetry : new translations, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The coquette, and The boarding school : authoritative texts, sources and contexts, criticism
Tess of the d'Urbervilles : an authoritative text, Hardy and the novel, criticism
Castle Rackrent : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Blake's poetry and designs : authoritative texts, illuminations in color and monochrome, related prose, criticism
Heart of darkness : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Wordsworth's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism
Persuasion : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Tristram Shandy : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Hamlet : an authoritative text, intellectual backgrounds, extracts from the sources, essays in criticism
Pudd'nhead Wilson ; and, Those extraordinary twins : authoritative texts, textual introduction and tables of variants criticism
Anton Chekhov's plays : backgrounds, criticism
Doctor Faustus : a two-text edition (A-text, 1604; B-text, 1616) contexts and sources criticism
Beowulf : the Donaldson translation, backgrounds and sources, criticism
The confidence-man : his masquerade : an authoritative text, contemporary reviews, biographical overviews, sources, backgrounds, and criticism
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world : authoritative text, contexts and contemporary reactions, criticism
Dubliners : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Père Goriot : a new translation : responses, contemporaries and other novelists, twentieth-century criticism
The tempest : an authoritative text, sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings and appropriations
Sister Carrie : an authoritative text, backgrounds, and sources criticism
Candide ; or Optimism : a new translation, backgrounds, criticism
Jane Eyre : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Benjamin Franklin's autobiography : an authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Nathaniel hawthorne the Scarlet letter : an annotated text backgrounds and sources essays in criticism
Death in Venice : a new translation, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Ragged Dick, or, Street life in New York with boot-blacks : an authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Coleridge's poetry and prose : authoritative texts, criticism
Dracula : authoritative text, contexts, reviews and reactions, dramatic and film variations, criticism
David Copperfield : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
Hamlet : text of the play, the actors' gallery, contexts, criticism, afterlives, resources
Robert Browning's poetry : authoratiative texts, criticism
Anton Chekhov's selected stories : texts of the stories, comparison of translations, life and letters, criticism
Wuthering Heights : the 1847 text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Walden ; and, Resistance to civil government : authoritative texts, Thoreau's journal, reviews, and essays in criticism
Sunshine sketches of a little town : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
St. Thomas Aquinas on politics and ethics : a new translation, backgrounds, interpretations
Jonathan Swift : the essential writings : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
The Old Testament
Bleak House : an authoritative and annotated text, illustrations, a note on the text, genesis and composition, backgrounds, criticism
Madame Bovary : contexts, critical reception
Richard III : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The good soldier : authoritative text, textual appendices, contemporary reviews, literary impressionism, biographical and critical commentary
Uncle Tom's cabin : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Ben Jonson's plays and masques : texts of the plays and masques, Jonson on his work, contemporary readers on Jonson, criticism
Sister Carrie : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
Utopia : a revised translation, backgrounds, criticism
Alice in Wonderland : authoritative texts of Alice's adventures in Wonderland, Through the looking-glass, The hunting of the snark : backgrounds, essays in criticism
The jungle : an authoritative text, contexts and backgrounds, criticism
The confidence-man : his masquerade : an authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, reviews, criticism, an annotated bibliography
Milton's selected poetry and prose : authoritative texts, biblical sources, criticism
Rousseau's political writings : new translations, interpretive notes, backgrounds, commentaries
The tempest : sources and contexts, criticism, rewritings and appropriations
E.E. Cummings selected works : authoritative texts, documents, criticism
Dracula : authoritative text, contexts, reviews and reactions, dramatic and film variations, criticism
Winesburg, Ohio : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
The last man : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The Odyssey : a new translation, contexts, criticism
The picture of Dorian Gray : authoritative texts, backgrounds, reviews and reactions, criticism
The tale of Genji : a new translation, contexts, criticism
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn : an authoritative text, contexts and sources, criticism
The great Gatsby : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Frankenstein : the 1818 text, contexts, criticism
As I lay dying : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
In our time : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The art of war : authoritative text, interpretations
To the lighthouse : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Middle English romances : authoritative texts, sources and backgrounds, criticism
In memoriam : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Quicksand : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
Leviathan : authoritative text, backgrounds and sources, criticism
My bondage and my freedom : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Mrs. Dalloway : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
The turn of the screw : authoritative text, contexts, criticism
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : an authoritative translation, contexts, criticism
Oedipus Tyrannos : a new translation, sources, criticism
The waste land and other poems : authoritative texts, contexts, criticism
The importance of being earnest : authoritative text, backgrounds, criticism
A contract with God and other stories of Dropsie Avenue : primary texts, Eisner on the graphic novel and comics, reviews and assessments, criticism
Absalom, Absalom! : authoritative text, backgrounds and contexts, criticism
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