
Springer monographs in mathematics


Springer monographs in mathematics



The heat kernel and theta inversion on SL[2](C)外部サイトNevanlinna's theory of value distribution : the second main theorem and its error terms外部サイトCombinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcing外部サイトCompletion, Čech and local homology and cohomology : interactions between them外部サイトAsymptotic solutions of strongly nonlinear systems of differential equations外部サイトIsospectral transformations : a new approach to analyzing multidimensional systems and networks外部サイトMaximum principles and geometric applications外部サイトReciprocity laws : from Euler to Eisenstein外部サイトVariational methods in nonlinear field equations : solitary waves, hylomorphic solitons and vortices外部サイトMethods in nonlinear analysis外部サイトIdeals and reality : projective modules and number of generators of ideals外部サイトVariational analysis and applications外部サイトRandom dynamical systems外部サイトGeometrical physics in Minkowski spacetime外部サイトConvexity and optimization in Banach spaces外部サイトAutomorphisms of finite groups外部サイトIntroduction to singularities and deformations外部サイトValue functions on simple algebras, and associated graded rings外部サイトOn some aspects of the theory of Anosov systems : with a survey by Richard Sharp, periodic orbits of hyperbolic flows外部サイトModular Forms外部サイトTopological Galois theory : solvability and unsolvability of equations in finite terms外部サイトThe higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings外部サイトSet theory外部サイトDessins d'enfants on Riemann surfaces外部サイトRandom fields and geometry外部サイトDigraphs : theory, algorithms and applications外部サイトLocal multipliers of C*-algebras外部サイトHypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues外部サイトThe story of algebraic numbers in the first half of the 20th Century : from Hilbert to Tate外部サイトLogical foundations of mathematics and computational complexity : a gentle introduction外部サイトApplied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics外部サイトInverse Galois theory外部サイトUnitals in projective planes外部サイトSymplectic amalgams外部サイトFractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions : geometry and spectra of fractal strings外部サイトRepresentation theory of the Virasoro algebra外部サイトNonarchimedean functional analysis外部サイトIntroduction to the perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systems外部サイトIntegral closure : Rees algebras, multiplicities, algorithms外部サイトGroups acting on hyperbolic space : harmonic analysis and number theory外部サイトIntroduction to tensor products of Banach spaces外部サイトFixed point theory外部サイトHarmonic analysis of mean periodic functions on symmetric spaces and the Heisenberg group外部サイトVorticity, statistical mechanics, and Monte Carlo simulation外部サイトDiscrete spectral synthesis and its applications外部サイトNoncommutative dynamics and E-semigroups外部サイトFourier series in control theory外部サイトReciprocity laws : from Euler to Eisenstein外部サイトp-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varieties外部サイトPolytopes, rings, and K-theory外部サイトAlgebraic cobordism外部サイトClassical potential theory外部サイトMathematical methods for elastic plates外部サイトHarmonic analysis on exponential solvable Lie groups外部サイトIndex analysis : approach theory at work外部サイトErgodic theory : independence and dichotomies外部サイトA theory of branched minimal surfaces外部サイトFunctional equations and inequalities with applications外部サイトClass field theory : from theory to practice外部サイトSelf-dual partial differential systems and their variational principles外部サイトDiscrepancy of signed measures and polynomial approximation外部サイトAbstract parabolic evolution equations and their applications外部サイトModular forms外部サイトAsymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalities外部サイトThe geometric Hopf invariant and surgery theory外部サイトTheory of association schemes外部サイトVariational analysis of regular mappings : theory and applications外部サイトFractals and universal spaces in dimension theory外部サイトStructure and geometry of Lie groups外部サイトJoins and intersections外部サイトGeometry of hypersurfaces外部サイトHomogeneous Finsler spaces外部サイトMax-linear systems : theory and algorithms外部サイトUniversal coding and order identification by model selection methods外部サイトSurface-Knots in 4-Space : an introduction外部サイトDigraphs : theory, algorithms and applications外部サイトSobolev spaces, their generalizations, and elliptic problems in smooth and Lipschitz domains外部サイトMoufang polygons外部サイトOptimization methods in electromagnetic radiation外部サイトCellular automata : analysis and applications外部サイトComplex analysis on infinite dimensional spaces外部サイトPositive polynomials : from Hilbert's 17th problem to real algebra外部サイトHardy spaces on the euclidean space外部サイトThe q-theory of finite semigroups外部サイトBrownian motion, obstacles and random media外部サイトGeometry and topology of configuration spaces外部サイトTheory of hypergeometric functions外部サイトRandom dynamical systems外部サイトInverse Galois theory外部サイトMathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics外部サイトHardy operators, function spaces and embeddings外部サイトFunction algebras on finite sets : a basic course on many-valued logic and clone theory外部サイトContinuous nowhere differentiable functions : the monsters of analysis外部サイトProbabilistic Diophantine approximation : randomness in lattice point counting外部サイトClasses of Directed Graphs外部サイトL[2] approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L[2] estimates for the d̄ operator外部サイトHausdorff spectra in functional analysis外部サイトSpherical inversion on SL[n](R)外部サイトResolution of singularities of embedded algebraic surfaces外部サイトMultiparameter processes : an introduction to random fields外部サイトSuperconcentration and related topics外部サイトPerturbations of positive semigroups with applications外部サイトTotal domination in graphs外部サイトNonstandard analysis, axiomatically外部サイトIterative methods for queuing and manufacturing systems外部サイトHigh-dimensional knot theory : algebraic surgery in codimension 2外部サイトElementary and analytic theory of algebraic numbers外部サイトValued fields外部サイトCarleman estimates and applications to inverse problems for hyperbolic systems外部サイトComplex semisimple Lie algebras外部サイトGalois theory of ρ-extensions外部サイトWeakly wandering sequences in ergodic theory外部サイトContinuous semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc外部サイトDiscrete energy on rectifiable sets外部サイトRiemannian manifolds and homogeneous geodesics外部サイトApplied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics外部サイトPositive linear maps of operator algebras外部サイトThe absolute Galois group of a semi-local field外部サイトClassical Lie algebras at infinity外部サイトInverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvability外部サイトNotes on real analysis and measure theory : fine properties of real sets and functions外部サイトRegular functions of a quaternionic variable外部サイトVariational calculus外部サイトInverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvability外部サイトIntroduction to tensor products of Banach spaces外部サイトLie methods in deformation theory外部サイトPrinciples of dynamic optimization外部サイトNonlinear differential equations of monotone types in Banach spaces外部サイトInterpolation processes : basic theory and applications外部サイトOptimization of elliptic systems : theory and applications外部サイトNotes on Coxeter transformations and the Mckay correspondence外部サイトPeriodic integral and pseudodifferential equations with numerical approximation外部サイトIntroduction to vortex filaments in equilibrium外部サイトSolitons in field theory and nonlinear analysis外部サイトFine structures of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms外部サイトSemigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processes外部サイトDimension theory of hyperbolic flows外部サイトTopological vector spaces and their applications外部サイトTrees外部サイトSolitons in field theory and nonlinear analysis外部サイトNonlinear differential equations of monotone types in Banach spaces外部サイトAlgebraic patching外部サイトTopological invariants of stratified spaces外部サイトImplicit functions and solution mappings : a view from variational analysis外部サイトElliptic differential operators and spectral analysis外部サイトCombinatorial foundation of homology and homotopy : applications to spaces, diagrams, transformation groups, compactifications, differential algebras, algebraic theories, simplicial objects, and resolutions外部サイトHarnack's inequality for degenerate and singular parabolic equations外部サイトMicrolocal analysis and precise spectral asymptotics外部サイトBoolean representations of simplical complexes and matroids外部サイトAnalysis of Toeplitz operators外部サイトFoundations of incidence geometry : projective and polar spaces外部サイトVariational and potential methods for a class of linear hyperbolic evolutionary processes外部サイトMonotone complete c*-algebras and generic dynamics外部サイトVon Karman evolution equations : well-posedness and long-time dynamics外部サイトNonlinear PDEs : mathematical models in biology, chemistry and population genetics外部サイトThe Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model外部サイトGaussian harmonic analysis外部サイトHankel operators and their applications外部サイトClass field theory : from theory to practice外部サイトTransformation of measure on Wiener space外部サイトPositive linear maps of operator algebras外部サイトFunctional analysis in mechanics外部サイトSingular Algebraic Curves外部サイトHigh-dimensional knot theory : algebraic surgery in codimension 2外部サイトCyclotomic fields and zeta values外部サイトStrong shape and homology外部サイトL[2] approaches in several complex variables : towards the Oka-Cartan Theory with precise bounds外部サイトFibrewise homotopy theory外部サイトGalois cohomology外部サイトThe Generic chaining : upper and lower bounds of stochastic processes外部サイトSome nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry外部サイトAbelian groups外部サイトMicrostructured materials: inverse problems外部サイトGeometric aspects of general topology外部サイトNonlinear analysis - theory and methods外部サイトArithmetic of quadratic forms外部サイトConvex polyhedra外部サイトFunctional analysis in mechanics外部サイトElementary Dirichlet series and modular forms外部サイトTwelve sporadic groups外部サイトLarge time asymptotics for solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations外部サイトInterfacial convection in multilayer systems外部サイトModular forms : basics and beyond外部サイトDifferential equations with operator coefficients with applications to boundary value problems for partial differential equations外部サイトSemigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processes外部サイトOctonions, Jordan algebras and exceptional groups外部サイトNon-commutative multiple-valued logic algebras外部サイトLie algebras and algebraic groups外部サイトSemigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processes外部サイトMittag-Leffler functions, related topics and applications外部サイトThe theory of classical valuations外部サイトApproximation theory and harmonic analysis on spheres and balls外部サイトConstant mean curvature surfaces with boundary外部サイトFractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions : geometry and spectra of fractal strings外部サイトProjective and Cayley-Klein geometries外部サイトStochastic processes : inference theory外部サイトNormal forms and unfoldings for local dynamical systems外部サイトMatched asymptotic expansions in reaction-diffusion theory外部サイトNevanlinna's theory of value distribution : the second main theorem and its error terms外部サイトOptimization methods in electromagnetic radiation外部サイトOn Thom spectra, orientability, and cobordism外部サイトRandom dynamical systems外部サイトSet theory外部サイトConvexity and optimization in Banach spaces外部サイトModern methods in the calculus of variations : L[p] spaces外部サイトRegular functions of a quaternionic variable外部サイトThe higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings外部サイトBernoulli numbers and zeta functions : with an appendix by Don Zagier外部サイトModuli in modern mapping theory外部サイトStratified lie groups and potential theory for their sub-laplacians外部サイトMethods of homological algebra外部サイトCellular automata and groups外部サイトDigraphs : theory, algorithms and applications外部サイトCombinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcing外部サイトLocal homotopy theory外部サイトFixed point theory外部サイトDirect methods in the theory of elliptic equations外部サイトTheory of association schemes外部サイトHarmonic and complex analysis in several variables外部サイトAn introduction to the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations : steady-state problems外部サイトSome nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry外部サイトMoufang polygons外部サイトThe development of prime number theory : from Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood外部サイトCurvature measures of singular sets外部サイトGeneral Galois geometries外部サイトFinite model theory外部サイトRational number theory in the 20th century : from PNT to FLT外部サイトDiscrete integrable systems : QRT maps and elliptic surfaces外部サイトSerre's problem on projective modules外部サイトEta products and theta series identities外部サイトDuality theories for Boolean algebras with operators外部サイトBuildings外部サイトIdeals and reality : projective modules and number of generators of ideals外部サイトWalsh equiconvergence of complex interpolating polynomials外部サイト有限群的块 : 块的超聚焦子代数 = Blocks of finite groups : the hyperfocal subalgebra of a block外部サイトConcrete functional calculus外部サイトLocal algebra外部サイトAn introduction to echo analysis : scattering theory and wave propagation外部サイトShock wave interactions in general relativity : a locally intertial glimm scheme for spherically symmetric spacetimes外部サイトExtremal polynomials and Riemann surfaces外部サイトThe development of prime number theory : from Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood外部サイトElliptic curves and arithmetic invariants外部サイトNonsmooth variational problems and their inequalities : comparison principles and applications外部サイトFractal zeta functions and fractal drums : higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions外部サイトCombinatorial algebra : syntax and semantics外部サイトThe higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings外部サイトCompletion, Čech and local homology and cohomology : interactions between them外部サイトTriangulated categories of mixed motives外部サイトNonautonomous dynamics : nonlinear oscillations and global attractors外部サイトReal algebraic varieties外部サイトMinimal surfaces from a complex analytic viewpoint外部サイトSome nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry外部サイトContinuous semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc外部サイトPartial differential equations in anisotropic Musielak-Orlicz spaces外部サイトTopics in groups and geometry : growth, amenability, and random walks外部サイトTopics in global real analytic geometry外部サイトLie methods in deformation theory外部サイトRepresentation theory of finite group extensions : Clifford theory, Mackey obstruction, and the orbit method外部サイトDeterminants, Gröbner Bases and Cohomology外部サイトHypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues外部サイトHardy operators, function spaces and embeddings外部サイトNonuniformly hyperbolic attractors : geometric and probabilistic aspects外部サイトSelf-adjoint extension schemes and modern applications to quantum Hamiltonians外部サイトDomination in graphs : core concepts外部サイトDessins d'enfants on Riemann surfaces外部サイトExercises in cellular automata and groups外部サイトVariational calculus外部サイトConformally invariant metrics and quasiconformal mappings外部サイトCombinatorial set theory of C*-algebras外部サイトRings, modules, and closure operations外部サイトSobolev spaces, their generalizations, and elliptic problems in smooth and Lipschitz domains外部サイトCombinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcing外部サイトL[2] approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L[2] estimates for the d̄ operator外部サイトMulti-Valued Variational Inequalities and Inclusions外部サイトMaximum principles and geometric applications外部サイトTheory of hypergeometric functions外部サイトRepresentation theory of solvable Lie groups and related topics外部サイトGeometric approximation theory外部サイトThe Riordan group and applications外部サイトFunctional analytic techniques for diffusion processes外部サイトRepresentation theory of finite group extensions : clifford theory, mackey obstruction, and the orbit method外部サイトCellular automata and groups外部サイトBrooks' theorem : graph coloring and critical graphs外部サイトAmenable Banach algebras : a panorama外部サイトJacobi-like forms, pseudodifferential operators, and quasimodular forms外部サイトSimplicial partitions with applications to the finite element method外部サイトLocally mixed symmetric spaces外部サイトComparison Finsler geometry外部サイトStructure and regularity of group actions on one-manifolds外部サイトThe theory of zeta-functions of root systems外部サイトPoisson hyperplane tessellations外部サイトApplied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics外部サイトMittag-Leffler functions, related topics and applications外部サイトKuranishi structures and virtual fundamental chains外部サイトMicrolocal analysis and precise spectral asymptotics外部サイトTopology of infinite-dimensional manifolds外部サイトErgodic theory : independence and dichotomies外部サイトNonuniformly hyperbolic attractors : geometric and probabilistic aspects外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



The heat kernel and theta inversion on SL[2](C)
Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution : the second main theorem and its error terms
Combinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcing
Completion, Čech and local homology and cohomology : interactions between them
Asymptotic solutions of strongly nonlinear systems of differential equations
Isospectral transformations : a new approach to analyzing multidimensional systems and networks
Maximum principles and geometric applications
Reciprocity laws : from Euler to Eisenstein
Variational methods in nonlinear field equations : solitary waves, hylomorphic solitons and vortices
Methods in nonlinear analysis
Ideals and reality : projective modules and number of generators of ideals
Variational analysis and applications
Random dynamical systems
Geometrical physics in Minkowski spacetime
Convexity and optimization in Banach spaces
Automorphisms of finite groups
Introduction to singularities and deformations
Value functions on simple algebras, and associated graded rings
On some aspects of the theory of Anosov systems : with a survey by Richard Sharp, periodic orbits of hyperbolic flows
Modular Forms
Topological Galois theory : solvability and unsolvability of equations in finite terms
The higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings
Set theory
Dessins d'enfants on Riemann surfaces
Random fields and geometry
Digraphs : theory, algorithms and applications
Local multipliers of C*-algebras
Hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues
The story of algebraic numbers in the first half of the 20th Century : from Hilbert to Tate
Logical foundations of mathematics and computational complexity : a gentle introduction
Applied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics
Inverse Galois theory
Unitals in projective planes
Symplectic amalgams
Fractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions : geometry and spectra of fractal strings
Representation theory of the Virasoro algebra
Nonarchimedean functional analysis
Introduction to the perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systems
Integral closure : Rees algebras, multiplicities, algorithms
Groups acting on hyperbolic space : harmonic analysis and number theory
Introduction to tensor products of Banach spaces
Fixed point theory
Harmonic analysis of mean periodic functions on symmetric spaces and the Heisenberg group
Vorticity, statistical mechanics, and Monte Carlo simulation
Discrete spectral synthesis and its applications
Noncommutative dynamics and E-semigroups
Fourier series in control theory
Reciprocity laws : from Euler to Eisenstein
p-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varieties
Polytopes, rings, and K-theory
Algebraic cobordism
Classical potential theory
Mathematical methods for elastic plates
Harmonic analysis on exponential solvable Lie groups
Index analysis : approach theory at work
Ergodic theory : independence and dichotomies
A theory of branched minimal surfaces
Functional equations and inequalities with applications
Class field theory : from theory to practice
Self-dual partial differential systems and their variational principles
Discrepancy of signed measures and polynomial approximation
Abstract parabolic evolution equations and their applications
Modular forms
Asymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalities
The geometric Hopf invariant and surgery theory
Theory of association schemes
Variational analysis of regular mappings : theory and applications
Fractals and universal spaces in dimension theory
Structure and geometry of Lie groups
Joins and intersections
Geometry of hypersurfaces
Homogeneous Finsler spaces
Max-linear systems : theory and algorithms
Universal coding and order identification by model selection methods
Surface-Knots in 4-Space : an introduction
Digraphs : theory, algorithms and applications
Sobolev spaces, their generalizations, and elliptic problems in smooth and Lipschitz domains
Moufang polygons
Optimization methods in electromagnetic radiation
Cellular automata : analysis and applications
Complex analysis on infinite dimensional spaces
Positive polynomials : from Hilbert's 17th problem to real algebra
Hardy spaces on the euclidean space
The q-theory of finite semigroups
Brownian motion, obstacles and random media
Geometry and topology of configuration spaces
Theory of hypergeometric functions
Random dynamical systems
Inverse Galois theory
Mathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanics
Hardy operators, function spaces and embeddings
Function algebras on finite sets : a basic course on many-valued logic and clone theory
Continuous nowhere differentiable functions : the monsters of analysis
Probabilistic Diophantine approximation : randomness in lattice point counting
Classes of Directed Graphs
L[2] approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L[2] estimates for the d̄ operator
Hausdorff spectra in functional analysis
Spherical inversion on SL[n](R)
Resolution of singularities of embedded algebraic surfaces
Multiparameter processes : an introduction to random fields
Superconcentration and related topics
Perturbations of positive semigroups with applications
Total domination in graphs
Nonstandard analysis, axiomatically
Iterative methods for queuing and manufacturing systems
High-dimensional knot theory : algebraic surgery in codimension 2
Elementary and analytic theory of algebraic numbers
Valued fields
Carleman estimates and applications to inverse problems for hyperbolic systems
Complex semisimple Lie algebras
Galois theory of ρ-extensions
Weakly wandering sequences in ergodic theory
Continuous semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc
Discrete energy on rectifiable sets
Riemannian manifolds and homogeneous geodesics
Applied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics
Positive linear maps of operator algebras
The absolute Galois group of a semi-local field
Classical Lie algebras at infinity
Inverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvability
Notes on real analysis and measure theory : fine properties of real sets and functions
Regular functions of a quaternionic variable
Variational calculus
Inverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvability
Introduction to tensor products of Banach spaces
Lie methods in deformation theory
Principles of dynamic optimization
Nonlinear differential equations of monotone types in Banach spaces
Interpolation processes : basic theory and applications
Optimization of elliptic systems : theory and applications
Notes on Coxeter transformations and the Mckay correspondence
Periodic integral and pseudodifferential equations with numerical approximation
Introduction to vortex filaments in equilibrium
Solitons in field theory and nonlinear analysis
Fine structures of hyperbolic diffeomorphisms
Semigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processes
Dimension theory of hyperbolic flows
Topological vector spaces and their applications
Solitons in field theory and nonlinear analysis
Nonlinear differential equations of monotone types in Banach spaces
Algebraic patching
Topological invariants of stratified spaces
Implicit functions and solution mappings : a view from variational analysis
Elliptic differential operators and spectral analysis
Combinatorial foundation of homology and homotopy : applications to spaces, diagrams, transformation groups, compactifications, differential algebras, algebraic theories, simplicial objects, and resolutions
Harnack's inequality for degenerate and singular parabolic equations
Microlocal analysis and precise spectral asymptotics
Boolean representations of simplical complexes and matroids
Analysis of Toeplitz operators
Foundations of incidence geometry : projective and polar spaces
Variational and potential methods for a class of linear hyperbolic evolutionary processes
Monotone complete c*-algebras and generic dynamics
Von Karman evolution equations : well-posedness and long-time dynamics
Nonlinear PDEs : mathematical models in biology, chemistry and population genetics
The Sherrington-Kirkpatrick model
Gaussian harmonic analysis
Hankel operators and their applications
Class field theory : from theory to practice
Transformation of measure on Wiener space
Positive linear maps of operator algebras
Functional analysis in mechanics
Singular Algebraic Curves
High-dimensional knot theory : algebraic surgery in codimension 2
Cyclotomic fields and zeta values
Strong shape and homology
L[2] approaches in several complex variables : towards the Oka-Cartan Theory with precise bounds
Fibrewise homotopy theory
Galois cohomology
The Generic chaining : upper and lower bounds of stochastic processes
Some nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry
Abelian groups
Microstructured materials: inverse problems
Geometric aspects of general topology
Nonlinear analysis - theory and methods
Arithmetic of quadratic forms
Convex polyhedra
Functional analysis in mechanics
Elementary Dirichlet series and modular forms
Twelve sporadic groups
Large time asymptotics for solutions of nonlinear partial differential equations
Interfacial convection in multilayer systems
Modular forms : basics and beyond
Differential equations with operator coefficients with applications to boundary value problems for partial differential equations
Semigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processes
Octonions, Jordan algebras and exceptional groups
Non-commutative multiple-valued logic algebras
Lie algebras and algebraic groups
Semigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processes
Mittag-Leffler functions, related topics and applications
The theory of classical valuations
Approximation theory and harmonic analysis on spheres and balls
Constant mean curvature surfaces with boundary
Fractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions : geometry and spectra of fractal strings
Projective and Cayley-Klein geometries
Stochastic processes : inference theory
Normal forms and unfoldings for local dynamical systems
Matched asymptotic expansions in reaction-diffusion theory
Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution : the second main theorem and its error terms
Optimization methods in electromagnetic radiation
On Thom spectra, orientability, and cobordism
Random dynamical systems
Set theory
Convexity and optimization in Banach spaces
Modern methods in the calculus of variations : L[p] spaces
Regular functions of a quaternionic variable
The higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings
Bernoulli numbers and zeta functions : with an appendix by Don Zagier
Moduli in modern mapping theory
Stratified lie groups and potential theory for their sub-laplacians
Methods of homological algebra
Cellular automata and groups
Digraphs : theory, algorithms and applications
Combinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcing
Local homotopy theory
Fixed point theory
Direct methods in the theory of elliptic equations
Theory of association schemes
Harmonic and complex analysis in several variables
An introduction to the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations : steady-state problems
Some nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry
Moufang polygons
The development of prime number theory : from Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood
Curvature measures of singular sets
General Galois geometries
Finite model theory
Rational number theory in the 20th century : from PNT to FLT
Discrete integrable systems : QRT maps and elliptic surfaces
Serre's problem on projective modules
Eta products and theta series identities
Duality theories for Boolean algebras with operators
Ideals and reality : projective modules and number of generators of ideals
Walsh equiconvergence of complex interpolating polynomials
有限群的块 : 块的超聚焦子代数 = Blocks of finite groups : the hyperfocal subalgebra of a block
Concrete functional calculus
Local algebra
An introduction to echo analysis : scattering theory and wave propagation
Shock wave interactions in general relativity : a locally intertial glimm scheme for spherically symmetric spacetimes
Extremal polynomials and Riemann surfaces
The development of prime number theory : from Euclid to Hardy and Littlewood
Elliptic curves and arithmetic invariants
Nonsmooth variational problems and their inequalities : comparison principles and applications
Fractal zeta functions and fractal drums : higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensions
Combinatorial algebra : syntax and semantics
The higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginnings
Completion, Čech and local homology and cohomology : interactions between them
Triangulated categories of mixed motives
Nonautonomous dynamics : nonlinear oscillations and global attractors
Real algebraic varieties
Minimal surfaces from a complex analytic viewpoint
Some nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometry
Continuous semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit disc
Partial differential equations in anisotropic Musielak-Orlicz spaces
Topics in groups and geometry : growth, amenability, and random walks
Topics in global real analytic geometry
Lie methods in deformation theory
Representation theory of finite group extensions : Clifford theory, Mackey obstruction, and the orbit method
Determinants, Gröbner Bases and Cohomology
Hypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analogues
Hardy operators, function spaces and embeddings
Nonuniformly hyperbolic attractors : geometric and probabilistic aspects
Self-adjoint extension schemes and modern applications to quantum Hamiltonians
Domination in graphs : core concepts
Dessins d'enfants on Riemann surfaces
Exercises in cellular automata and groups
Variational calculus
Conformally invariant metrics and quasiconformal mappings
Combinatorial set theory of C*-algebras
Rings, modules, and closure operations
Sobolev spaces, their generalizations, and elliptic problems in smooth and Lipschitz domains
Combinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcing
L[2] approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L[2] estimates for the d̄ operator
Multi-Valued Variational Inequalities and Inclusions
Maximum principles and geometric applications
Theory of hypergeometric functions
Representation theory of solvable Lie groups and related topics
Geometric approximation theory
The Riordan group and applications
Functional analytic techniques for diffusion processes
Representation theory of finite group extensions : clifford theory, mackey obstruction, and the orbit method
Cellular automata and groups
Brooks' theorem : graph coloring and critical graphs
Amenable Banach algebras : a panorama
Jacobi-like forms, pseudodifferential operators, and quasimodular forms
Simplicial partitions with applications to the finite element method
Locally mixed symmetric spaces
Comparison Finsler geometry
Structure and regularity of group actions on one-manifolds
The theory of zeta-functions of root systems
Poisson hyperplane tessellations
Applied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematics
Mittag-Leffler functions, related topics and applications
Kuranishi structures and virtual fundamental chains
Microlocal analysis and precise spectral asymptotics
Topology of infinite-dimensional manifolds
Ergodic theory : independence and dichotomies
Nonuniformly hyperbolic attractors : geometric and probabilistic aspects
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books