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- The heat kernel and theta inversion on SL[2](C)Nevanlinna's theory of value distribution : the second main theorem and its error termsCombinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcingCompletion, Čech and local homology and cohomology : interactions between themAsymptotic solutions of strongly nonlinear systems of differential equationsIsospectral transformations : a new approach to analyzing multidimensional systems and networksMaximum principles and geometric applicationsReciprocity laws : from Euler to EisensteinVariational methods in nonlinear field equations : solitary waves, hylomorphic solitons and vorticesMethods in nonlinear analysisIdeals and reality : projective modules and number of generators of idealsVariational analysis and applicationsRandom dynamical systemsGeometrical physics in Minkowski spacetimeConvexity and optimization in Banach spacesAutomorphisms of finite groupsIntroduction to singularities and deformationsValue functions on simple algebras, and associated graded ringsOn some aspects of the theory of Anosov systems : with a survey by Richard Sharp, periodic orbits of hyperbolic flowsModular FormsTopological Galois theory : solvability and unsolvability of equations in finite termsThe higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginningsSet theoryDessins d'enfants on Riemann surfacesRandom fields and geometryDigraphs : theory, algorithms and applicationsLocal multipliers of C*-algebrasHypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analoguesThe story of algebraic numbers in the first half of the 20th Century : from Hilbert to TateLogical foundations of mathematics and computational complexity : a gentle introductionApplied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematicsInverse Galois theoryUnitals in projective planesSymplectic amalgamsFractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions : geometry and spectra of fractal stringsRepresentation theory of the Virasoro algebraNonarchimedean functional analysisIntroduction to the perturbation theory of Hamiltonian systemsIntegral closure : Rees algebras, multiplicities, algorithmsGroups acting on hyperbolic space : harmonic analysis and number theoryIntroduction to tensor products of Banach spacesFixed point theoryHarmonic analysis of mean periodic functions on symmetric spaces and the Heisenberg groupVorticity, statistical mechanics, and Monte Carlo simulationDiscrete spectral synthesis and its applicationsNoncommutative dynamics and E-semigroupsFourier series in control theoryReciprocity laws : from Euler to Eisensteinp-adic automorphic forms on Shimura varietiesPolytopes, rings, and K-theoryAlgebraic cobordismClassical potential theoryMathematical methods for elastic platesHarmonic analysis on exponential solvable Lie groupsIndex analysis : approach theory at workErgodic theory : independence and dichotomiesA theory of branched minimal surfacesFunctional equations and inequalities with applicationsClass field theory : from theory to practiceSelf-dual partial differential systems and their variational principlesDiscrepancy of signed measures and polynomial approximationAbstract parabolic evolution equations and their applicationsModular formsAsymptotic cones and functions in optimization and variational inequalitiesThe geometric Hopf invariant and surgery theoryTheory of association schemesVariational analysis of regular mappings : theory and applicationsFractals and universal spaces in dimension theoryStructure and geometry of Lie groupsJoins and intersectionsGeometry of hypersurfacesHomogeneous Finsler spacesMax-linear systems : theory and algorithmsUniversal coding and order identification by model selection methodsSurface-Knots in 4-Space : an introductionDigraphs : theory, algorithms and applicationsSobolev spaces, their generalizations, and elliptic problems in smooth and Lipschitz domainsMoufang polygonsOptimization methods in electromagnetic radiationCellular automata : analysis and applicationsComplex analysis on infinite dimensional spacesPositive polynomials : from Hilbert's 17th problem to real algebraHardy spaces on the euclidean spaceThe q-theory of finite semigroupsBrownian motion, obstacles and random mediaGeometry and topology of configuration spacesTheory of hypergeometric functionsRandom dynamical systemsInverse Galois theoryMathematical topics between classical and quantum mechanicsHardy operators, function spaces and embeddingsFunction algebras on finite sets : a basic course on many-valued logic and clone theoryContinuous nowhere differentiable functions : the monsters of analysisProbabilistic Diophantine approximation : randomness in lattice point countingClasses of Directed GraphsL[2] approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L[2] estimates for the d̄ operatorHausdorff spectra in functional analysisSpherical inversion on SL[n](R)Resolution of singularities of embedded algebraic surfacesMultiparameter processes : an introduction to random fieldsSuperconcentration and related topicsPerturbations of positive semigroups with applicationsTotal domination in graphsNonstandard analysis, axiomaticallyIterative methods for queuing and manufacturing systemsHigh-dimensional knot theory : algebraic surgery in codimension 2Elementary and analytic theory of algebraic numbersValued fieldsCarleman estimates and applications to inverse problems for hyperbolic systemsComplex semisimple Lie algebrasGalois theory of ρ-extensionsWeakly wandering sequences in ergodic theoryContinuous semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit discDiscrete energy on rectifiable setsRiemannian manifolds and homogeneous geodesicsApplied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematicsPositive linear maps of operator algebrasThe absolute Galois group of a semi-local fieldClassical Lie algebras at infinityInverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvabilityNotes on real analysis and measure theory : fine properties of real sets and functionsRegular functions of a quaternionic variableVariational calculusInverse linear problems on Hilbert space and their Krylov solvabilityIntroduction to tensor products of Banach spacesLie methods in deformation theoryPrinciples of dynamic optimizationNonlinear differential equations of monotone types in Banach spacesInterpolation processes : basic theory and applicationsOptimization of elliptic systems : theory and applicationsNotes on Coxeter transformations and the Mckay correspondencePeriodic integral and pseudodifferential equations with numerical approximationIntroduction to vortex filaments in equilibriumSolitons in field theory and nonlinear analysisFine structures of hyperbolic diffeomorphismsSemigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processesDimension theory of hyperbolic flowsTopological vector spaces and their applicationsTreesSolitons in field theory and nonlinear analysisNonlinear differential equations of monotone types in Banach spacesAlgebraic patchingTopological invariants of stratified spacesImplicit functions and solution mappings : a view from variational analysisElliptic differential operators and spectral analysisCombinatorial foundation of homology and homotopy : applications to spaces, diagrams, transformation groups, compactifications, differential algebras, algebraic theories, simplicial objects, and resolutionsHarnack's inequality for degenerate and singular parabolic equationsMicrolocal analysis and precise spectral asymptoticsBoolean representations of simplical complexes and matroidsAnalysis of Toeplitz operatorsFoundations of incidence geometry : projective and polar spacesVariational and potential methods for a class of linear hyperbolic evolutionary processesMonotone complete c*-algebras and generic dynamicsVon Karman evolution equations : well-posedness and long-time dynamicsNonlinear PDEs : mathematical models in biology, chemistry and population geneticsThe Sherrington-Kirkpatrick modelGaussian harmonic analysisHankel operators and their applicationsClass field theory : from theory to practiceTransformation of measure on Wiener spacePositive linear maps of operator algebrasFunctional analysis in mechanicsSingular Algebraic CurvesHigh-dimensional knot theory : algebraic surgery in codimension 2Cyclotomic fields and zeta valuesStrong shape and homologyL[2] approaches in several complex variables : towards the Oka-Cartan Theory with precise boundsFibrewise homotopy theoryGalois cohomologyThe Generic chaining : upper and lower bounds of stochastic processesSome nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometryAbelian groupsMicrostructured materials: inverse problemsGeometric aspects of general topologyNonlinear analysis - theory and methodsArithmetic of quadratic formsConvex polyhedraFunctional analysis in mechanicsElementary Dirichlet series and modular formsTwelve sporadic groupsLarge time asymptotics for solutions of nonlinear partial differential equationsInterfacial convection in multilayer systemsModular forms : basics and beyondDifferential equations with operator coefficients with applications to boundary value problems for partial differential equationsSemigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processesOctonions, Jordan algebras and exceptional groupsNon-commutative multiple-valued logic algebrasLie algebras and algebraic groupsSemigroups, boundary value problems and Markov processesMittag-Leffler functions, related topics and applicationsThe theory of classical valuationsApproximation theory and harmonic analysis on spheres and ballsConstant mean curvature surfaces with boundaryFractal geometry, complex dimensions and zeta functions : geometry and spectra of fractal stringsProjective and Cayley-Klein geometriesStochastic processes : inference theoryNormal forms and unfoldings for local dynamical systemsMatched asymptotic expansions in reaction-diffusion theoryNevanlinna's theory of value distribution : the second main theorem and its error termsOptimization methods in electromagnetic radiationOn Thom spectra, orientability, and cobordismRandom dynamical systemsSet theoryConvexity and optimization in Banach spacesModern methods in the calculus of variations : L[p] spacesRegular functions of a quaternionic variableThe higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginningsBernoulli numbers and zeta functions : with an appendix by Don ZagierModuli in modern mapping theoryStratified lie groups and potential theory for their sub-laplaciansMethods of homological algebraCellular automata and groupsDigraphs : theory, algorithms and applicationsCombinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcingLocal homotopy theoryFixed point theoryDirect methods in the theory of elliptic equationsTheory of association schemesHarmonic and complex analysis in several variablesAn introduction to the mathematical theory of the Navier-Stokes equations : steady-state problemsSome nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometryMoufang polygonsThe development of prime number theory : from Euclid to Hardy and LittlewoodCurvature measures of singular setsGeneral Galois geometriesFinite model theoryRational number theory in the 20th century : from PNT to FLTDiscrete integrable systems : QRT maps and elliptic surfacesSerre's problem on projective modulesEta products and theta series identitiesDuality theories for Boolean algebras with operatorsBuildingsIdeals and reality : projective modules and number of generators of idealsWalsh equiconvergence of complex interpolating polynomials有限群的块 : 块的超聚焦子代数 = Blocks of finite groups : the hyperfocal subalgebra of a blockConcrete functional calculusLocal algebraAn introduction to echo analysis : scattering theory and wave propagationShock wave interactions in general relativity : a locally intertial glimm scheme for spherically symmetric spacetimesExtremal polynomials and Riemann surfacesThe development of prime number theory : from Euclid to Hardy and LittlewoodElliptic curves and arithmetic invariantsNonsmooth variational problems and their inequalities : comparison principles and applicationsFractal zeta functions and fractal drums : higher-dimensional theory of complex dimensionsCombinatorial algebra : syntax and semanticsThe higher infinite : large cardinals in set theory from their beginningsCompletion, Čech and local homology and cohomology : interactions between themTriangulated categories of mixed motivesNonautonomous dynamics : nonlinear oscillations and global attractorsReal algebraic varietiesMinimal surfaces from a complex analytic viewpointSome nonlinear problems in Riemannian geometryContinuous semigroups of holomorphic self-maps of the unit discPartial differential equations in anisotropic Musielak-Orlicz spacesTopics in groups and geometry : growth, amenability, and random walksTopics in global real analytic geometryLie methods in deformation theoryRepresentation theory of finite group extensions : Clifford theory, Mackey obstruction, and the orbit methodDeterminants, Gröbner Bases and CohomologyHypergeometric orthogonal polynomials and their q-analoguesHardy operators, function spaces and embeddingsNonuniformly hyperbolic attractors : geometric and probabilistic aspectsSelf-adjoint extension schemes and modern applications to quantum HamiltoniansDomination in graphs : core conceptsDessins d'enfants on Riemann surfacesExercises in cellular automata and groupsVariational calculusConformally invariant metrics and quasiconformal mappingsCombinatorial set theory of C*-algebrasRings, modules, and closure operationsSobolev spaces, their generalizations, and elliptic problems in smooth and Lipschitz domainsCombinatorial set theory : with a gentle introduction to forcingL[2] approaches in several complex variables : development of Oka-Cartan Theory by L[2] estimates for the d̄ operatorMulti-Valued Variational Inequalities and InclusionsMaximum principles and geometric applicationsTheory of hypergeometric functionsRepresentation theory of solvable Lie groups and related topicsGeometric approximation theoryThe Riordan group and applicationsFunctional analytic techniques for diffusion processesRepresentation theory of finite group extensions : clifford theory, mackey obstruction, and the orbit methodCellular automata and groupsBrooks' theorem : graph coloring and critical graphsAmenable Banach algebras : a panoramaJacobi-like forms, pseudodifferential operators, and quasimodular formsSimplicial partitions with applications to the finite element methodLocally mixed symmetric spacesComparison Finsler geometryStructure and regularity of group actions on one-manifoldsThe theory of zeta-functions of root systemsPoisson hyperplane tessellationsApplied proof theory : proof interpretations and their use in mathematicsMittag-Leffler functions, related topics and applicationsKuranishi structures and virtual fundamental chainsMicrolocal analysis and precise spectral asymptoticsTopology of infinite-dimensional manifoldsErgodic theory : independence and dichotomiesNonuniformly hyperbolic attractors : geometric and probabilistic aspects
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books