- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 出版地(国名コード)
- uk
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 関連情報
- Fiscal sociology and the theory of public finance : an exploratory essayPublic choice and the challenges of democracyRobust political economy : classical liberalism and the future of public policyCreative destruction and the sharing economy : Uber as disruptive innovationAnarchy, state and public choiceInternational aid and private schools for the poor : smiles, miracles and marketsEconomic futures of the WestThe political economy of Hurricane Katrina and community reboundAustrian economics and the political economy of freedomPublic debt : an illusion of democratic political economyGovernance and economic development : a comparative institutional approachConstitutions, markets and law : recent experiences in transition economiesSweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare stateThe political economy of public debt : three centuries of theory and evidenceEmployees and entrepreneurship : co-ordination and spontaneity in non-hierarchical business organizationsEntrepreneurial action, public policy, and economic outcomesThe rediscovery of classical economics : adaptation, complexity and growthHumane economics : essays in honor of Don LavoieThe rule of law, economic development, and corporate governanceNeoliberal social justice : Rawls unveiledThe economics of prosperity : rethinking economic growth and developmentCompetition, coordination and diversity : from the firm to economic integrationThe neoliberal revolution in Eastern Europe : economic ideas in the transition from communismMedia, development, and institutional changeThe political sociology of freedom : Adam Ferguson and F.A. HayekSocialism, economic calculation and entrepreneurshipEthics as social science : the moral philosophy of social cooperationDigitalization, immigration and the welfare stateSweden and the revival of the capitalist welfare stateGood governance in the 21st century : conflict, institutional change, and development in the era of globalizationDebt default and democracyLiberty and equality in political economy : from Locke versus Rousseau to the presentInstitutional competitionMarkets, planning and democracy : essays after the collapse of communismExplaining constitutional change : a positive economics approachCulture and economic actionInstitutions in crisis : European perspectives on the recessionPolitical failure by agreement : learning liberalism and the welfare stateThe international monetary system and the theory of monetary systemsThe economics of ignorance and coordination : subjectivism and the Austrian School of EconomicsMengerian economicsDigitalization, immigration and the welfare stateThe political economy of non-territorial exit : cryptosecessionToward a political economy of the commons : simple rules for sustainabilityTax tyranny
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA44833062 : BA44833062