
Parallax : re-visions of culture and society


Parallax : re-visions of culture and society

Nichols, Stephen G.ほか
Johns Hopkins University Press



Series editors: Stephen G. Nichols, Gerald Prince, and Wendy Steiner


Don Giovanni : myths of seduction and betrayal外部サイトPassions of the sign : revolution and language in Kant, Goethe, and Kleist外部サイトPerpetual motion : transforming shapes in the Renaissance from da Vinci to Montaigne外部サイトArticulating the elephant man : Joseph Merrick and his interpreters外部サイトTraces of war : poetry, photography, and the crisis of the Union外部サイトCritical theory, Marxism, and modernity外部サイトFraming attention : windows on modern German culture外部サイトLafcadio Hearn and the vision of Japan外部サイトThe frame of art : fictions of aesthetic experience, 1750-1815外部サイトFortune's faces : the Roman de la Rose and the poetics of contingency外部サイトDifficult women, artful lives : Olive Schreiner and Isak Dinesen, in and out of Africa外部サイトPolitics and culture : working hypotheses for a post-revolutionary society外部サイトDisplacements : women, tradition, literatures in French外部サイトNational culture and the new global system外部サイトLiterature as discourse : textual strategies in English and history外部サイトHistory out of joint : essays on the use and abuse of history外部サイトDecadent subjects : the idea of decadence in art, literature, philosophy, and culture of the fin de siècle in Europe外部サイトThe site of Petrarchism : early modern national sentiment in Italy, France, and England外部サイトCultural imperialism : a critical introduction外部サイトSuburban ambush : downtown writing and the fiction of insurgency外部サイトTorrid zones : maternity, sexuality, and empire in eighteenth-century English narratives外部サイトFrench romanticism : intertextual and interdisciplinary readings外部サイトThe New medievalism外部サイトThe Audience外部サイトGilles Deleuze : cinema and philosophy外部サイトLetter bomb : nuclear holocaust and the exploding word外部サイトStyles of Enlightenment : taste, politics and authorship in eighteenth-century France外部サイトThe cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet外部サイトPoetics of the new history : French historical discourse from Braudel to Chartier外部サイトOn the edge of the cliff : history, language, and practices外部サイトFins de siècle : English poetry in 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890, 1990外部サイトCultural imperialism : a critical introduction外部サイトThe laboratory of poetry : chemistry and poetics in the work of Friedrich Schlegel外部サイトThe third citizen : Shakespeare's theater and the early modern House of Commons外部サイトThe past as text : the theory and practice of medieval historiography外部サイトEstrangement and the somatics of literature : Tolstoy,Shklovsky,Brecht外部サイトHypertext 2.0 : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology外部サイトHeterocosmica : fiction and possible worlds外部サイトThe end of modernity : nihilism and hermeneutics in postmodern culture外部サイトThe riddle of Nostradamus : a critical dialogue外部サイトSemantics and experience : universal metaphors of time in English, Mandarin, Hindi, and Sesotho外部サイトEroticism and the body politic外部サイトFictional truth外部サイトWriting history, writing trauma外部サイトNarrative as virtual reality : immersion and interactivity in literature and electronic media外部サイトThe discourse of nature in the poetry of Paul Celan : the unnatural world外部サイトSublime desire : history and post-1960s fiction外部サイトThe past as text : the theory and practice of medieval historiography外部サイトCultural authority in Golden Age Spain外部サイトThe translator's turn外部サイトThe aesthetics of murder : a study in romantic literature and contemporary culture外部サイトFrance and the Holy land : Frankish culture at the end of the crusades外部サイトThe delirium of praise : Bataille, Blanchot, Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski外部サイトMandelstam the reader外部サイトThe office of The scarlet letter外部サイトThe interrupted dialectic : philosophy, psychoanalysis, and their tragic other外部サイトWhat's wrong with postmodernism : critical theory and the ends of philosophy外部サイトThe violence of modernity : Baudelaire, irony, and the politics of form外部サイトThe enchantment of the Middle Ages外部サイトDeath and representation外部サイトListening for the text : on the uses of the past外部サイトWriting history, writing trauma外部サイトThe end of modernity : nihilism and hermeneutics in postmodern culture外部サイトHypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of Globalization外部サイトThe cynic enlightenment : Diogenes in the salon外部サイトThe invention of literary subjectivity外部サイトThe well-tempered self : citizenship, culture, and the postmodern subject外部サイトThe transparent society外部サイトRethinking the medieval senses : heritage, fascinations, frames外部サイトFood for thought外部サイトThe cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet外部サイトThe color of melancholy : the uses of books in the fourteenth century外部サイトThe office of The scarlet letter外部サイトCritical realism : history, photography, and the work of Siegfried Kracauer外部サイトComparative literature in the age of multiculturalism外部サイトGilles Deleuze's ABCs : the folds of friendship外部サイトThe adventure of difference : philosophy after Nietzsche and Heidegger外部サイトHypertext : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology外部サイトGilles Deleuze : cinema and philosophy外部サイトSubversive pleasures : Bakhtin, cultural criticism, and film外部サイトSubversive pleasures : Bakhtin, cultural criticism, and film外部サイトThe case of California外部サイトRevolutionary acts : theater, democracy, and the French Revolution外部サイトLetter bomb : nuclear holocaust and the exploding word外部サイトRevolutionary acts : theater, democracy, and the French Revolution外部サイトKantorowicz : stories of a historian外部サイトPoetics of the new history : French historical discourse from Braudel to Chartier外部サイトRules and conventions : literature, philosophy, social theory外部サイトA theory of the secondary : literature, progress, and reaction外部サイトOn the edge of the cliff : history, language, and practices外部サイトRecasting the world : writing after colonialism外部サイトFins-de-siècle : English poetry in 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890, 1990外部サイトBlack Hamlet外部サイトThe translator's turn外部サイトGrotesque figures : Baudelaire, Rousseau, and the aesthetics of modernity外部サイトFictional truth外部サイトIn praise of the variant : a critical history of philology外部サイトThe cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet外部サイトSuburban ambush : downtown writing and the fiction of insurgency外部サイトHypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of Globalization外部サイト






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Series editors: Stephen G. Nichols, Gerald Prince, and Wendy Steiner
Don Giovanni : myths of seduction and betrayal
Passions of the sign : revolution and language in Kant, Goethe, and Kleist
Perpetual motion : transforming shapes in the Renaissance from da Vinci to Montaigne
Articulating the elephant man : Joseph Merrick and his interpreters
Traces of war : poetry, photography, and the crisis of the Union
Critical theory, Marxism, and modernity
Framing attention : windows on modern German culture
Lafcadio Hearn and the vision of Japan
The frame of art : fictions of aesthetic experience, 1750-1815
Fortune's faces : the Roman de la Rose and the poetics of contingency
Difficult women, artful lives : Olive Schreiner and Isak Dinesen, in and out of Africa
Politics and culture : working hypotheses for a post-revolutionary society
Displacements : women, tradition, literatures in French
National culture and the new global system
Literature as discourse : textual strategies in English and history
History out of joint : essays on the use and abuse of history
Decadent subjects : the idea of decadence in art, literature, philosophy, and culture of the fin de siècle in Europe
The site of Petrarchism : early modern national sentiment in Italy, France, and England
Cultural imperialism : a critical introduction
Suburban ambush : downtown writing and the fiction of insurgency
Torrid zones : maternity, sexuality, and empire in eighteenth-century English narratives
French romanticism : intertextual and interdisciplinary readings
The New medievalism
The Audience
Gilles Deleuze : cinema and philosophy
Letter bomb : nuclear holocaust and the exploding word
Styles of Enlightenment : taste, politics and authorship in eighteenth-century France
The cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet
Poetics of the new history : French historical discourse from Braudel to Chartier
On the edge of the cliff : history, language, and practices
Fins de siècle : English poetry in 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890, 1990
Cultural imperialism : a critical introduction
The laboratory of poetry : chemistry and poetics in the work of Friedrich Schlegel
The third citizen : Shakespeare's theater and the early modern House of Commons
The past as text : the theory and practice of medieval historiography
Estrangement and the somatics of literature : Tolstoy,Shklovsky,Brecht
Hypertext 2.0 : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology
Heterocosmica : fiction and possible worlds
The end of modernity : nihilism and hermeneutics in postmodern culture
The riddle of Nostradamus : a critical dialogue
Semantics and experience : universal metaphors of time in English, Mandarin, Hindi, and Sesotho
Eroticism and the body politic
Fictional truth
Writing history, writing trauma
Narrative as virtual reality : immersion and interactivity in literature and electronic media
The discourse of nature in the poetry of Paul Celan : the unnatural world
Sublime desire : history and post-1960s fiction
The past as text : the theory and practice of medieval historiography
Cultural authority in Golden Age Spain
The translator's turn
The aesthetics of murder : a study in romantic literature and contemporary culture
France and the Holy land : Frankish culture at the end of the crusades
The delirium of praise : Bataille, Blanchot, Deleuze, Foucault, Klossowski
Mandelstam the reader
The office of The scarlet letter
The interrupted dialectic : philosophy, psychoanalysis, and their tragic other
What's wrong with postmodernism : critical theory and the ends of philosophy
The violence of modernity : Baudelaire, irony, and the politics of form
The enchantment of the Middle Ages
Death and representation
Listening for the text : on the uses of the past
Writing history, writing trauma
The end of modernity : nihilism and hermeneutics in postmodern culture
Hypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of Globalization
The cynic enlightenment : Diogenes in the salon
The invention of literary subjectivity
The well-tempered self : citizenship, culture, and the postmodern subject
The transparent society
Rethinking the medieval senses : heritage, fascinations, frames
Food for thought
The cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet
The color of melancholy : the uses of books in the fourteenth century
The office of The scarlet letter
Critical realism : history, photography, and the work of Siegfried Kracauer
Comparative literature in the age of multiculturalism
Gilles Deleuze's ABCs : the folds of friendship
The adventure of difference : philosophy after Nietzsche and Heidegger
Hypertext : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technology
Gilles Deleuze : cinema and philosophy
Subversive pleasures : Bakhtin, cultural criticism, and film
Subversive pleasures : Bakhtin, cultural criticism, and film
The case of California
Revolutionary acts : theater, democracy, and the French Revolution
Letter bomb : nuclear holocaust and the exploding word
Revolutionary acts : theater, democracy, and the French Revolution
Kantorowicz : stories of a historian
Poetics of the new history : French historical discourse from Braudel to Chartier
Rules and conventions : literature, philosophy, social theory
A theory of the secondary : literature, progress, and reaction
On the edge of the cliff : history, language, and practices
Recasting the world : writing after colonialism
Fins-de-siècle : English poetry in 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890, 1990
Black Hamlet
The translator's turn
Grotesque figures : Baudelaire, Rousseau, and the aesthetics of modernity
Fictional truth
In praise of the variant : a critical history of philology
The cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the Internet
Suburban ambush : downtown writing and the fiction of insurgency
Hypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of Globalization