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- Series editors: Stephen G. Nichols, Gerald Prince, and Wendy Steiner
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- Don Giovanni : myths of seduction and betrayalPassions of the sign : revolution and language in Kant, Goethe, and KleistPerpetual motion : transforming shapes in the Renaissance from da Vinci to MontaigneArticulating the elephant man : Joseph Merrick and his interpretersTraces of war : poetry, photography, and the crisis of the UnionCritical theory, Marxism, and modernityFraming attention : windows on modern German cultureLafcadio Hearn and the vision of JapanThe frame of art : fictions of aesthetic experience, 1750-1815Fortune's faces : the Roman de la Rose and the poetics of contingencyDifficult women, artful lives : Olive Schreiner and Isak Dinesen, in and out of AfricaPolitics and culture : working hypotheses for a post-revolutionary societyDisplacements : women, tradition, literatures in FrenchNational culture and the new global systemLiterature as discourse : textual strategies in English and historyHistory out of joint : essays on the use and abuse of historyDecadent subjects : the idea of decadence in art, literature, philosophy, and culture of the fin de siècle in EuropeThe site of Petrarchism : early modern national sentiment in Italy, France, and EnglandCultural imperialism : a critical introductionSuburban ambush : downtown writing and the fiction of insurgencyTorrid zones : maternity, sexuality, and empire in eighteenth-century English narrativesFrench romanticism : intertextual and interdisciplinary readingsThe New medievalismThe AudienceGilles Deleuze : cinema and philosophyLetter bomb : nuclear holocaust and the exploding wordStyles of Enlightenment : taste, politics and authorship in eighteenth-century FranceThe cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the InternetPoetics of the new history : French historical discourse from Braudel to ChartierOn the edge of the cliff : history, language, and practicesFins de siècle : English poetry in 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890, 1990Cultural imperialism : a critical introductionThe laboratory of poetry : chemistry and poetics in the work of Friedrich SchlegelThe third citizen : Shakespeare's theater and the early modern House of CommonsThe past as text : the theory and practice of medieval historiographyEstrangement and the somatics of literature : Tolstoy,Shklovsky,BrechtHypertext 2.0 : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technologyHeterocosmica : fiction and possible worldsThe end of modernity : nihilism and hermeneutics in postmodern cultureThe riddle of Nostradamus : a critical dialogueSemantics and experience : universal metaphors of time in English, Mandarin, Hindi, and SesothoEroticism and the body politicFictional truthWriting history, writing traumaNarrative as virtual reality : immersion and interactivity in literature and electronic mediaThe discourse of nature in the poetry of Paul Celan : the unnatural worldSublime desire : history and post-1960s fictionThe past as text : the theory and practice of medieval historiographyCultural authority in Golden Age SpainThe translator's turnThe aesthetics of murder : a study in romantic literature and contemporary cultureFrance and the Holy land : Frankish culture at the end of the crusadesThe delirium of praise : Bataille, Blanchot, Deleuze, Foucault, KlossowskiMandelstam the readerThe office of The scarlet letterThe interrupted dialectic : philosophy, psychoanalysis, and their tragic otherWhat's wrong with postmodernism : critical theory and the ends of philosophyThe violence of modernity : Baudelaire, irony, and the politics of formThe enchantment of the Middle AgesDeath and representationListening for the text : on the uses of the pastWriting history, writing traumaThe end of modernity : nihilism and hermeneutics in postmodern cultureHypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of GlobalizationThe cynic enlightenment : Diogenes in the salonThe invention of literary subjectivityThe well-tempered self : citizenship, culture, and the postmodern subjectThe transparent societyRethinking the medieval senses : heritage, fascinations, framesFood for thoughtThe cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the InternetThe color of melancholy : the uses of books in the fourteenth centuryThe office of The scarlet letterCritical realism : history, photography, and the work of Siegfried KracauerComparative literature in the age of multiculturalismGilles Deleuze's ABCs : the folds of friendshipThe adventure of difference : philosophy after Nietzsche and HeideggerHypertext : the convergence of contemporary critical theory and technologyGilles Deleuze : cinema and philosophySubversive pleasures : Bakhtin, cultural criticism, and filmSubversive pleasures : Bakhtin, cultural criticism, and filmThe case of CaliforniaRevolutionary acts : theater, democracy, and the French RevolutionLetter bomb : nuclear holocaust and the exploding wordRevolutionary acts : theater, democracy, and the French RevolutionKantorowicz : stories of a historianPoetics of the new history : French historical discourse from Braudel to ChartierRules and conventions : literature, philosophy, social theoryA theory of the secondary : literature, progress, and reactionOn the edge of the cliff : history, language, and practicesRecasting the world : writing after colonialismFins-de-siècle : English poetry in 1590, 1690, 1790, 1890, 1990Black HamletThe translator's turnGrotesque figures : Baudelaire, Rousseau, and the aesthetics of modernityFictional truthIn praise of the variant : a critical history of philologyThe cryptographic imagination : secret writing from Edgar Poe to the InternetSuburban ambush : downtown writing and the fiction of insurgencyHypertext 3.0 : critical theory and new media in an Era of Globalization