1972 census of manufactures
1972 census of manufactures
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者
- United States. Bureau of the Census
- 出版者
- U.S. Dept. of Commerce, Social and Economic Statistics Administration, Bureau of the Census
- 出版年
- 1974-
- 資料形態
- 紙
- ページ数・大きさ等
- 30 cm
- -
- ***記述は遡及データによる
- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版年月日等
- 1974-
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1974
- 大きさ
- 30 cm
- 出版地(国名コード)
- us
- 本文の言語コード
- en
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- ***記述は遡及データによる
- 関連情報
- Meat productsMiscellaneous apparel and accessoriesLogging, camps, sawmills, and planing millsBakery productsSoaps, cleaners, and toilet goodsJewelry, silverware, and plated wareHeating apparatus (except electric and warm air furnaces) and plumbing fixturesMotor vehicles and equipmentFerrous and nonferrous foundriesConcrete, plaster, and cut stone productsPulp, paper, and board millsMillwork, plywood, and structural wood members, n.e.cMiscellaneous fabricated metal productsService industry machines and machine shopsWomen's and misses' outerwearGreeting cards ; Bookbinding ; Printing trade servicesSpecial industry machinery, except metalworking machineryYarn and thread millsTobacco productsAerospace equipment, including partsOffice, public building, and miscellaneous furniture ; Office and store fixturesLeather gloves ; Luggage ; and Miscellaneous leather goodsMiscellaneous chemical productsDrugsMen's and boys' apparelIndustrial inorganic chemicalsCommunication equipment, including radio and TV, and electronic components and accessoriesWooden containers and miscellaneous wood productsHousehold appliancesOffice supplies, costume jewelry, and notionsOffice, computing, and accounting machinesGeneral industrial machinery and equipmentMetal cans, cutlery, handtools, and general hardwareArea seriesPaints and allied productsNonferrous metal mills and miscellaneous primary metal productsPottery and related productsCommercial printing and manifold business formsConverted paper and paperboard products, except containers and boxesDairy productsOrdnance and accessories, n.e.cKnitting millsIndustrial organic chemicalsBlast furnaces, steel works, and rolling and finishing millsGrain mill productsWomen's and children's underwear ; Headwear ; Children's outerwearElectrical measurement and distribution equipmentFloor covering millsDyeing and finishing textiles, except wool fabrics and knit goodsTanning ; Industrial leather goods ; and ShoesSubject and special report seriesSugar and confectionery productsShip and boat building, railroad and miscellaneous transportation equipmentMiscellaneous textile goodsRubber and miscellaneous plastics productsPlastics materials, synthetic rubber, and manmade fibersAbrasive, asbestos, and miscellaneous nonmetallic mineral productsGlass ProductsAgricultural chemicalsMiscellaneous fabricated textile productsFabricated structural metal productsWood buildings and mobile homesMiscellaneous electrical equipment and suppliesSmelting and refining of nonferrous metals and alloysPreserved fruits and vegetablesEngineering, measuring and controlling and optical instrumentsPetroleum and coal productsFats and oilsBeveragesHousehold furnitureElectric lighting and wiring equipmentEngines and turbines and farm machinery and equipmentCement and structural clay productsMiscellaneous foods and kindred productsMiscellaneous manufacturesNewspapers, periodicals, books, and miscellaneous publishingMedical instruments ; Ophthalmic goods ; Photographic equipment ; Clocks, watches, and watchcasesWeaving millsScrew machine products, fasteners and washers ; Metal forgings and stampings ; and Metal servicesIndustry seriesConstruction, mining, and materials handling machinery and equipmentMusical instruments and parts ; Toys and sporting goodsPaperboard containers and boxesManufacturing activity in government establishments
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BB01740466 : BB01740466