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- Croyances religieuses et vie quotidienne : Islam et christianisme à OuagadougouТропическая Африка : идеология и проблемы культурыAfrikas Arbeiter im Kampf : die Gewerkschaften Afrikas im Ringen um die nationale UnabhängigkeitGazetteer of Nupe provinceThe economic structure of Morogoro town : some sectoral and regional characteristics of a medium-sized African townSocjalizm a modernizacja w "czarnej" AfryceFlat preferences and requirements in Port ElizabethMadagascarRecurrent and capital estimates of the Government of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, 1974-75Les influences des régimes climatiques en France, en Espagne et en Afrique du Nord, et leurs conséquences hydrologiquesMan-made lakes : a selected guide to the literature : an aid to planning multi-disciplinary research on new African reservoirsЭкономическое сотрудничество СССР со странами АфрикиCook with Nigeriaالتاريخ الليبي القديم : من أقدم العصور حتى الفتح الإسلاميGazetteer of Ilorin provinceAngolese verhalenDiscursos, 17-6-1961 a 17-6-1962Struktur- und Zahlungsbilanzprobleme der westafrikanischen EntwicklungsländerBureaucracy and political development in SudanLe Niger indépendant : fraternité-travail-progrèsAfrica and Southwest Asia : official standard names approved by the United States Board on Geographic NamesDie Problematiek ten opsigte van die Indiër-bevolkingsgroep in Suid-AfrikaBritisch-Ostafrika (Kenia, Tanganjika, Uganda, Sansibar) : Bericht über Struktur und Lage der WirtschaftThe Natal papers : a reprint of all notices and public documents connected with that territory including a description of the country and a history of events from 1498 to 1843Маоизм-угроза АфрикеIndlela yaɓaɓiThe role of academies of sciences and arts in the formulation and implementation of national policiesEssays on African culture = Essais d'histoire de la culture AfricaineSouthern African mammals, 1758 to 1951 : a reclassificationالانتفاضة الطلابية في مصر (5 يناير-كانون الثاني 1972)Conservation des sols au sud du SaharaDie Ausfuhrgüter der ostafrikanischen Küste im Mittelalter : nach zeitgenössischen Berichten islamischer Autoren : ein Beitrag zur Geschichte des afrikanischen HandelsInitiation à la planification : application à MadagascarÉchanges de vues sur la coopération des grandes entreprises européennes au développement économique de l'Afrique, Francfort, 22 octobre 1970Census in Dighelu village, May 1968The development of the Sudanese women movementCommunist activities in the Middle East between 1919-1927 with special reference to Egypt and the Sudan"Czarna" Afryka zmienia sięAwards available for post-graduate study in the Republic of South Africa and overseas = Toekennings beskikbaar vir nagraadse studie in die Republiek van Suid-Afrika en in die buitelandThe water resources of the coastal areas of Northern Natal and ZululandProceedings of the Colloquium on African rodents : Brussels-Tervuren, 1964Экономические очерки современной АфрикиChrestomathia Aethiopica : edita et glossario explanataIndex to pictures of South African interest in The Graphic, 1915-1932Obcy kapitał we współczesnej AfryceЭкономические и политические проблемы Африки : статьи польских ученыхAfrika arbetsbokThe history of Black AfricaErzeugung und Absatz der Bananen aus den assoziierten afrikanischen Staaten und MadagaskarThe marketing of agricultural produce in West African countries : with special reference to GhanaЯзыки Африки : аннотированная библиографияDocumentation statistique relative aux échanges commerciaux des États membres avec les EAMA, la Nigeria, l'est Africain (Kenya, Ouganda, Tanzanie) : années 1963-1964-1965-1966500Manding : focus on an African civilisationEducation in South AfricaThe past and present Lesotho (Basutoland)ProturaTantaran'i MadagasikaraEmployment generation in African agricultureThe Cape sketchbooks of Sir Charles D'Oyly, 1832-1833 : depicting Cape Town, the countryside and neighbouring villagesReady reckoner in Kwacha and tambala, containing calculations from 1/2 tambala to 99 tambala, discount tables, wages tables-hourly rate, wages tables-daily rate, salary tables, metric conversion tableOstindiska resa åren 1770 och 1771 : beskrefven uti bref til Kongl. Svenska vet. Academiens Secreterare = A voyage to the East Indies in the years 1770 and 1771Comemorações do IV centenário da publicação de "Os Lusíadas"Montjoie Palestine! ; ou, L'an dernier à Jérusalem : poème dramatiqueProceedings of the Eastern African Conference on Nutrition and Child FeedingZuid-Afrika's eerste openbare verzaling op het gebied van kunst en etnologie, 1764-1821MolepololeOpobo Town in a century : a sketch history of Opobo Town, 1870-1970Великие африканские озераArt de l'Afrique noire, au pays du fleuve ZaïreПоѣздка въ АбиссиніюThe Nigerian civil war : the defeat of BiafraRhodesia : the "Fearless" proposals and the six principlesProductivity and human relations : a talk to an Institute Forum, Cape Town, January, 1968Ventres pleins, ventres creux : pièce en deux partiesSome notes on African statistics : collection, reliability and interpretationGerman Africa SocietyTobacco production and trade : selected African countriesHistória e missiologia : inéditos e esparsosForeste, fauna, parchi nazionali e conseguenti sviluppi turistici in Somalia = Forests, fauna, national parks and relative prospects for tourism in SomaliaÉtude hydrogéologique dans la région d'Idini en vue de l'alimentation en eau de Nouakchott, République islamique de MauritanieThe President speaks : Malawi Congress Party Convention, Blantyre, September, 1969Pour une administration meilleure et plus efficaceAfrikanerdenke : kontoere van 'n standpuntTubaze ha by'obwomeeziLe Sahara : rapports et contacts humains : 7ème Colloque d'histoireTeacher education for secondary level institutions : a report on the conference of the Association for Teacher Education in Africa held at the Williams V.S. Tubman Teachers' College, University of Liberia, Monrovia, 22nd-26th March, 1970Ennyimba ez'enjiriLes Batwa des EkondaNdoa na talaka = Marriage and divorcePartnership in practiceCosta d'Avorio : le nazioni dell'AfricaReport of the air freight study groupMarico river areaGrundzüge der Geschichte und politischen Entwicklung Ostafrikas : eine Einführung an Hand der neueren LiteraturLumière et ombre au MaghrebЭхо странствий : путевые очеркиEstruturas sócio-económicas em AngolaМалагасийская Республика : проблемы социально экономического развитияRailway rates and the location of industry in NatalVegetação aquática em Cabora Bassa : alguns problemas futurosBibliography of Yoruba sculptureAfrica : what lies aheadThe role of the elite : the intelligentsia and educated East Africans, in the development of Uganda, Kenya and TanzaniaProduction and marketing of bananas from the Associated African States and MadagascarThe church in our citiesAfrica and the American Negro : addresses and proceedings of the Congress on Africa held under the auspices of the Stewart Missionary Foundation for Africa of Gammon Theological Seminary in connection with the Cotton States and International Exposition, December 13-15, 1895Folclore angolano : cinquenta contos quiocos : texto bilingueDie Siegreichen Ideen des Roten Oktober und die afrikanische GewerkschaftsbewegungMasautso a KamnjiraRegional economic planning in CameroonA bibliographic aid to the study of the geography of Africa : a selected listing of recent literature published in the English languageDevelopment in Africa : planning and implementation : a bibliography, 1946-1969 and outline, with some emphasis on Kenya, Tanzania and Ugandaدراسات ليبيةАфрика : вчера и сегодняPrinting and publishing in KenyaThe Clark and Frances Stillman Collection of Congo sculpture : a gift of Eugene and Margaret McDermott to the Dallas Museum of Fine ArtsLa Somalia : nelle sue genti e nella sua vita : storia folklore tradizioniSix letters from Rhodesia, 1970Miti ni mali = Trees are wealthAdministrative strategy for motivating participation in development at the local level in Northern NigeriaMedjerdaAdult educationIndustrialisierung NigeriasUganda, the background to investmentDie Verwysing in die literatuurEffective protection of the East African transfer taxesSierra Leone : a description of the manners and customs of the liberated Africans; with observations upon the natural history of the colony, and a notice of the native tribes, &c. &c.Up-grading in language : an appraisal report on the first phase (language) of the grade C-B up-grading programme, November-December, 1966Katsina : traditions historiques des Katsinaawaa après la JihadRailway tariff policyProbleme der Schichtstufenlandschaften West-Afrikas am Beispeil der Bandiagara-, Gambaga- und Mampong-StufenländerReport on the census of the non-African population taken on the night of 20th/21st February, 1957Essai de synthèse stratigraphique du bassin de Taoudeni : précambrien supérieur et paléozoïque d'Afrique occidentaleEducation for progress : being a report of the proceedings at the 1971 S.A. Institute of Race Relations Conference on Education with special reference to the needs of the Coloured community, together with the findings and recommendationsReport of the conference held at Limuru Conference Centre, Kenya : 28th-31st January, 1964 on the role of the church in independent KenyaDestinazione Equatore : uomini in AfricaOpfer des israelischen TerrorPranas Domsaitis, 1880-1965 : commemorative exhibition = Pranas Domsaitis, 1880-1965 : herdenkings-tentoonstellingNo victors, no vanquished : opinions, 1967-1968Portugiserna i dagens AfrikaReflexões sobre problemas da infância africanaEin Leben für Südwestafrika : Festschrift Dr.h.c. Heinrich VedderThe popular art of AfricaO Brasil na restauração de AngolaTanzania secondary school agricultural scienceW dolinie KilomberoProtestant missions in Congo, 1878-1969Catálogo das moedas de MoçambiquePreliminary report on a survey of the termites (Isóptera) of South West AfricaChristliche Publizistik in Afrika : eine erste ErkundungLes îles Seychelles : esquisse historiqueOversigt over afrikanske staterStructure du badiaranke de Guinée et du Sénégal : phonologie, syntaxeCoopération France, Afrique, Madagascarحرب بلا قتالThe law of hire-purchase in South AfricaA geographical analysis of the distribution of migrants in UgandaFerro-silicon and ferro-titaniumFetysz na tronieGazetteer of Muri province : up to December, 1919Wanderungen und Kämpfe in Südwestafrika, Ostafrika und Südafrika, 1894-1910BamakoA sociological perspective on the South African situation : a paper read at a public meeting of the Institute of Citizenship, Cape Town, on 1 April 1971Soils of Ochi-Nakwa BasinUne bibliographie du Cameroun : les écrits en langue allemandeLamuAkan ayɛsɛm mmienu bi : wɔn a wɔkyerɛweeɛAfrikanische Kunstwerke, Kulturen am Niger : Villa Hügel, Essen, 25. März bis 13. Juni 1971Африканский этнографический сборникInvestment opportunities in TanganyikaMoon of AfricaClé dichotomique de triage préliminaire sur critères anatomiques des espèces ligneuses au sud du SaharaThe effects on industrialisation of the multi-racial composition of the South African population, from the point of view of the trade union movementVocabulaire des Betsimisaraka atsimo Zafindriamanan̂a : poste d'Ambohimangan'ihovana du Vinany de l'Ampasary à la source du Mananjary de Ampasimazava canton de Vohilava à Ambinanindrano district AmbositraMunisipale regering en administrasie in Suid-AfrikaPTT zwischen Kongo und Senegal : Eindrücke von einer Reise durch achtzehn west- und zentralafrikanische LänderLymantriidaeDestins de l'AfriqueAngola e Brasil, duas terras lusíadas do AtlânticoНациональные меньшинства в странах Восточной Африки : социально-экономическое и политическое положение индо-пакистанского и арабского населенияChina and the Asian-African Conference (documents)Recent urban growth in relation to economic developmentالإدارة البريطانية والحركة الوطنية في السودان، 1919-1939Pédogenèse en zone tropicale : la formation des minéraux secondaires en milieu ferrallitiqueFirst development plan, 1970-1974Gazetteer of Plateau provinceLes Dieux trancheront ; ou, La farce inhumaineA report of the Conference on Teacher Education for East Africa, April 5-7, 1965, University College, Nairobi, KenyaTlalamabeleVerrykingsaanspreeklikheid in die Suid-Afrikaanse regThe geology of KilimanjaroRealignments of class consciousness in the military and bourgeoisie in developing countries : Egypt, Peru and CubaRural development in Africa : a bibliographyPela nossa Africa : narrativa de factos reais, recreativos e instrutivos, referentes ás colónias portuguesas do AtlânticoChemical analyses of rocks, ores and minerals of BotswanaLe complexe granitique et migmatitique de DibayaNigeria 1970 : report of a CBI missionUtenzi wa vita vya Wadachi kutamalaki Mrima, 1307 A.H. = The German conquest of the Swahili Coast, 1891 A.D.Report of the Select Committee on Diamond AgreementBeeldradio as massakommunikasiemedium met spesiale verwysing na die moontlike instelling van sodanige diens in Suid-AfrikaL'accident d'automobile a MadagascarAn economic feasibility study for the establishment of a glucose industry in NigeriaAfrikaanse klankleer : fonetiek, fonologie en woordbouGazetteer of Bauchi provinceThe freshwater fishes of the Kruger National ParkMemorandum by the authority : the report of the Africanization Commission, 1963La Psychologie appliquée en Afrique : bibliographieGazetteer of Kano provinceVengeance as a policy in Afrikanderland : a plea for a new departureFonctions économiques et pouvoir politique : la province de l'Uele en 1963-1964A report of the University of East Africa Conference on the role of the institutes of education in curriculum development, October 2-4, 1967, Kampala, Uganda, East AfricaMochudiCharacteristics of teachers in the primary-schools of Northern Nigeria, 1963Geological map of BotswanaThe East African customs regulations, 1954Rola armii w AfryceProposals for the implementation of the recommendations of the Report of the East African Railways and Harbours Commission, 1962Acridoidea of the Congo : OrthopteraLa guerre d'AngolaA crise de AngolaHistória de AngolaDukweTravaux de la conférence : maison de l'Europe, Strasbourg 19-24 juin 1961Le président : drame satirique en trois actesAn episode of colonial history : the German press in Tanzania, 1901-1914Dar es Salaam : city, port and regionThe ethnic composition of leading Kenyan government positionsCriminal procedure and evidence in Nigeria : synopsis of reported judgements of the Supreme Court 1963 to 1966Students in search of the university : six lectures givenGenus Ixodes Latreille, 1795Sikasso ; ou, La dernière citadelle ; suivi de, ChakaThe E.N.D.C. in the first decade, 1955 to 1964Farm organization, Terre and Galmo villages, Harar ProvinceHistory for standard 6Five lectures on the emigration of the Dutch farmers from the Colony of the Cape of Good Hope : and their settlement in the District of Natal, until their formal submission to Her Majesty's authority, in the year 1843Conditions de la planification du développement : l'exemple du CongoLectures on possible ways of speeding up economic and social development in East AfricaAntología, la literatura idish en Africa del sur = Antología, Idish literature in South AfricaEpidemiological studies of some tuberculosis control measures in a developing country : BCG vaccination with special emphasis on the feasibility of vaccinating naturally infected tuberculin-positive individualsكتاب رياض النفوس في طبقات علماء القيروان وافريقية وزهادهم وعبادهم ونساكهم وسير من اخبارهم وفضائلم واوصافهمCroquis du Katanga d'autrefoisRhodes University, 1904-1970 : a chronicleCornell University at the University of Liberia : final report, May 28, 1962-July 31, 1968Tax mobilization and government development financing in KenyaMore short stories by South African writersAfrika im Schulbuch unserer Zeit : eine vergleichende Untersuchung deutscher und ausländischer Erdkundebücher unter erziehungswissenschaftlichen und unter fachlichen, vorwiegend wirtschaftlich-sozialgeographischen AspektenVerhandlungen, ausführliche SitzungsberichteHistoire des Mangbetu et des Matshaga : jusqu'a l'arrivee des BelgesDocumentos para a história do HuamboPlace names in the Belly of StonesL'opera della Marina italiana nella guerra italo-etiopicaKazitapeSouth African tradition : a brief survey of the arts and cultures of the diverse peoples of South AfricaAn economic study of coffee-banana farms in the Machame Central area, Kilimanjaro District, Tanganyika, 1961Studies in the laws of succession in NigeriaThe water resources of the Illovo River : a preliminary survey of the Illovo River and its water storage possibilitiesThe Tshi-speaking peoples of the Gold Coast of West Africa : their religion, manners, customs, laws, language, etc.Report to the Government of Ghana on conservation, management and utilization of Ghana's wildlife resourcesSwedish investments in South AfricaDigters en digsoorte : 'n bloemlesing uit die Afrikaanse poësie ingedeel volgens digvorme en digsoorteUmutemwikwaElephants in Harar Province, EthiopiaThe Cunama and their marriage ceremoniesThe geology of the area around Dukwe and Tlalamabele, Central District, BotswanaAn exploratory investigation of press readership amongst students in ZariaWine in South Africa : a select bibliographyCollected seminar papers on the impact of African issues on the Commonwealth, January-March 1969Di lala mmogoGazetteer of Sokoto provinceL'ancien Congo d'après les archives romaines, 1518-1640Report to the Government of Malawi on timber marketingGazetteer of the Kontagora provinceLes Crevettes commercialisables de la côte ouest de l'Afrique inter-tropicale : état de nos connaissances sur leur biologie et leur pêche en Juillet 1967Teerebtanu ladab ci wàlàf = Anthologie wolof de littératureÉtude du régime des vents en Afrique occidentale : possibilités d'utilisation des éoliennes pour l'exhaure de l'eauPrivy Council digest : a digest of decisions of Her Majesty's Privy Council in appeals from West Africa, 1841 to 1964Legislators of Eastern NigeriaYDLC : a literacy campaign in Ethiopia : an introductory study and a plan for further researchA study guide for TanzaniaMadagaskar als WirtschaftspartnerLa danse de la forêt : théâtreVerfassungsgeschichtliche Untersuchung der Organisation des Äthiopischen Staates seit der Verfassungsgebung von 1931, insbesondere nach der Wiederherstellung der äthiopischen Souveränität bis zur Wiedervereinigung Eritreas mit ÄthiopienBanking in UgandaFinancing local government authorities in KenyaLes négriers : pièce en trois partiesOmari : diario de un safarista ingénuoGazetteer of Zaria provinceOn empowering the governors of Angola and Mozambique : speech delivered by the President of the Republic General António de Spínola, 11 June 1974Länder der Französisch-Afrikanischen GemeinschaftAfrikaanse kunstExpédition France-Inde = France-India expeditionAfrican pupils and teaching themColloque sur les relations entre la Communauté éconmique européenne et les pays en voie de développementL'association des États africains et malgache à la Communauté économique européenneDie Entwicklung der Demokratie im Sudan von 1936 bis 1968A colony's effortContribution à l'étude du nannoplancton calcaire du Néogène d'Afrique du NordЧего стоит хлеб : рассказы африканских писателейKango Moussa, empereur du MaliSønderjyder forsvarer Østafrika, 1914-18Proceedings of the Conference on Sustained Production from Semi-arid Areas with particular reference to BotswanaMédecine et exploration : premiers contacts de quelques explorateurs de l'Afrique centrale avec les maladies tropicalesCarta fitogeográfica de AngolaEducational development in predominantly rural countriesHow land reform is affecting the Mbeere of Central KenyaOntdekkers van AfrikaFifteen years prisoner of the false prophetEconomic survey of Nigeria 1959Customary courts manual : incorporating customary courts law, customary courts rules and extracts from laws enforceable by customary courtsSambo nyo munung' : pokot, a first reader adventures of SamboDie Halleluja : psalms, gesange en ander liedere vir huis, dag- en sondagskool en jeugverenigingsSoviet research on Africa : with special reference to international relationsBotswana, Lesotho, and Swaziland : a guide to official publications, 1868-1968La croissance des quantités globales en Afrique de l'ouest de 1947 à 1964Manuel de conversation Français-LingalaHandbuch zur AusstellungThe establishment of the African Institute of International Law and the Documentation Centre : verbatim report of the proceedings of the Standing Committee meeting of the African Conference on International Law and African ProblemsAn annotated check-list of the mammal fauna of the Chercher Highlands of Ethiopia present in the museum of the College of Agriculture, HSIUAo pôr do solAn introduction to RSTUtenzi wa uhuru wa TanganyikaAccelerating the flow of new ideas to rural people : a proposal for a pilot extension training project in NyeriPovoamento e colonização da ilha de S. ToméA generalized simulation approach to agricultural sector analysis : with special reference to NigeriaEducational development in AfricaAnyako : studies of an Ewe villageSol na janelaThe rivers people of Nigeria
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