
Studies in the social history of medicine


Studies in the social history of medicine



Life, death, and the elderly : historical perspectives外部サイトMidwives, society, and childbirth : debates and controversies in the modern period外部サイトFrom idiocy to mental deficiency : historical perspectives on people with learning disabilities外部サイトMadness, architecture and the built environment : psychiatric spaces in historical context外部サイトContagion : historical and cultural studies外部サイトFinancing medicine : the British experience since 1750外部サイトMedicine and colonial identity外部サイトSex, sin and suffering : venereal disease and European society since 1870外部サイトThe risks of medical innovation : risk perception and assessment in historical context外部サイトHistories of the normal and the abnormal : social and cultural histories of norms and normativity外部サイトRace, science and medicine, 1700-1960外部サイトMental illness and learning disability since 1850 : finding a place for mental disorder in the United Kingdom外部サイトThe locus of care : families, communities, institutions, and the provision of welfare since antiquity外部サイトThe Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-19 : new perspectives外部サイトIn the name of the child : health and welfare, 1880-1940外部サイトMedicine, the market and the mass media : producing health in the twentieth century外部サイトSocial histories of disability and deformity外部サイトFrom idiocy to mental deficiency : historical perspectives on people with learning disabilities外部サイトMedicine and charity before the welfare state外部サイトReassessing Foucault : power, medicine and the body外部サイトContagion : historical and cultural studies外部サイトMigrants, minorities, and health : historical and contemporary studies外部サイトPlural medicine, traditon and modernity, 1800-2000外部サイトThe politics of madness : the state, insanity and society in England, 1845-1914外部サイトBritain and the 1918-19 influenza pandemic : a dark epilogue外部サイトNew directions in the history of nursing : international perspectives外部サイトNutrition in Britain : science, scientists and politics in the twentieth century外部サイトMental illness and learning disability since 1850 : finding a place for mental disorder in the United Kingdom外部サイトHealth and medicine in the circum-Caribbean, 1800-1968外部サイトFood, science, policy and regulation in the twentieth century : international and comparative perspectives外部サイトNew directions in the history of nursing : international perspectives外部サイトPlural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000外部サイトThe risks of medical innovation : risk perception and assessment in historical context外部サイトNutrition in Britain : science, scientists, and politics in the twentieth century外部サイトMedicine, health and the public sphere in Britain, 1600-2000外部サイトInnovations in health and medicine : diffusion and resistance in the twentieth century外部サイトSex, sin and suffering : venereal disease and European society since 1870外部サイトHealth and the modern home外部サイトHealth and the modern home外部サイトHealth care and poor relief in protestant Europe, 1500-1700外部サイトIllness and healing alternatives in Western Europe外部サイトInsanity, institutions and society, 1800-1914 : a social history of madness in comparative perspective外部サイトLife, death, and the elderly : historical perspectives外部サイトSocial histories of disability and deformity外部サイトReassessing Foucault : power, medicine and the body外部サイトShaping sexual knowledge : a cultural history of sex education in twentieth century Europe外部サイトThe Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 : new perspectives外部サイト






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Routledge studies in the social history of medicine
Life, death, and the elderly : historical perspectives
Midwives, society, and childbirth : debates and controversies in the modern period
From idiocy to mental deficiency : historical perspectives on people with learning disabilities
Madness, architecture and the built environment : psychiatric spaces in historical context
Contagion : historical and cultural studies
Financing medicine : the British experience since 1750
Medicine and colonial identity
Sex, sin and suffering : venereal disease and European society since 1870
The risks of medical innovation : risk perception and assessment in historical context
Histories of the normal and the abnormal : social and cultural histories of norms and normativity
Race, science and medicine, 1700-1960
Mental illness and learning disability since 1850 : finding a place for mental disorder in the United Kingdom
The locus of care : families, communities, institutions, and the provision of welfare since antiquity
The Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-19 : new perspectives
In the name of the child : health and welfare, 1880-1940
Medicine, the market and the mass media : producing health in the twentieth century
Social histories of disability and deformity
From idiocy to mental deficiency : historical perspectives on people with learning disabilities
Medicine and charity before the welfare state
Reassessing Foucault : power, medicine and the body
Contagion : historical and cultural studies
Migrants, minorities, and health : historical and contemporary studies
Plural medicine, traditon and modernity, 1800-2000
The politics of madness : the state, insanity and society in England, 1845-1914
Britain and the 1918-19 influenza pandemic : a dark epilogue
New directions in the history of nursing : international perspectives
Nutrition in Britain : science, scientists and politics in the twentieth century
Mental illness and learning disability since 1850 : finding a place for mental disorder in the United Kingdom
Health and medicine in the circum-Caribbean, 1800-1968
Food, science, policy and regulation in the twentieth century : international and comparative perspectives
New directions in the history of nursing : international perspectives
Plural medicine, tradition and modernity, 1800-2000
The risks of medical innovation : risk perception and assessment in historical context
Nutrition in Britain : science, scientists, and politics in the twentieth century
Medicine, health and the public sphere in Britain, 1600-2000
Innovations in health and medicine : diffusion and resistance in the twentieth century
Sex, sin and suffering : venereal disease and European society since 1870
Health and the modern home
Health and the modern home
Health care and poor relief in protestant Europe, 1500-1700
Illness and healing alternatives in Western Europe
Insanity, institutions and society, 1800-1914 : a social history of madness in comparative perspective
Life, death, and the elderly : historical perspectives
Social histories of disability and deformity
Reassessing Foucault : power, medicine and the body
Shaping sexual knowledge : a cultural history of sex education in twentieth century Europe
The Spanish influenza pandemic of 1918-1919 : new perspectives
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books