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- Foundations of arithmetic differential geometryFourier analysis in convex geometryFree latticesConnective real K-theory of finite groupsLinear holomorphic partial differential equations and classical potential theoryVirtual fundamental cycles in symplectic topologyArithmeticity in the theory of automorphic formsThe projective heat mapGeometric approximation algorithmsNoetherian rings and their applicationsAlgebras, rings and modules : Lie algebras and Hopf algebrasNilpotent structures in ergodic theoryGeometric theory of incompressible flows with applications to fluid dynamicsMorse theoretic aspects of p-Laplacian type operatorsAbsolute CM-periodsTrace ideals and their applicationsThe Ricci flow : an introductionErgodic theory via joiningsThe Markoff and Lagrange spectraCluster algebras and Poisson geometryThe Bieberbach conjecture : proceedings of the Symposium on the Occasion of the ProofGaussian measuresDeformations, Lie theory and formal geometryDiscontinuous groups and automorphic functionsApproximate approximationsSeifert fiberingsPerfectoid spaces : lectures from the 2017 Arizona Winter SchoolAlgebraic design theoryClassification and orbit equivalence relationsGeometric aspectsThe applications of (rational) homotopy theory methodsThe theory of ringsMultiparticle quantum scattering in constant magnetic fieldsConjugacy classes in semisimple algebraic groupsNumber theoretic density and logical limit lawsKP or mKP : noncommutative mathematics of Lagrangian, Hamiltonian, and integrable systemsFoliations in Cauchy-Riemann geometryFundamental groups of compact Kähler manifoldsAlgebraic geometry codes : advanced chaptersRings, modules, and algebras in stable homotopy theoryRandom walk intersections : large deviations and related topicsPolynomial identities and asymptotic methodsSpatial deterministic epidemicsVertex algebras and algebraic curvesMain theorems : the classification of simple QTKE-groupsPartially ordered Abelian groups with interpolationMirror symmetry and algebraic geometryThe octagonal PETsThe water waves problem : mathematical analysis and asymptoticsCapacity theory with local rationality : the strong Fekete-Szegö theorem on curvesArithmetic and analytic theories of quadratic forms and Clifford groupsSimple groups of finite Morley rankElliptic boundary value problems in domains with point singularitiesStable groupsIntroduction to various aspects of degree theory in Banach spacesThe algebraic theory of semigroupsBoundary value problems and symplectic algebra for ordinary differential and quasi-differential operatorsConformally invariant processes in the planePersistence theory : from quiver representations to data analysisControl and nonlinearityHilbert schemes of points and infinite dimensional Lie algebrasChaotic billiardsLectures on representation theory and Knizhnik-Zamolodchikov equationsHereditary noetherian prime rings and idealizersModel categories and their localizationsJordan structures in Lie algebrasGeometric analysis on symmetric spacesA tour of subriemannian geometries, their geodesics, and applicationsTools for PDE : pseudodifferential operators, paradifferential operators, and layer potentialsAmenabilityStochastic partial differential equations : six perspectivesOperator theory and arithmetic in H∞Characters of connected Lie groupsWeak convergence of measuresBraid and knot theory in dimension fourGrid homology for knots and linksShock formation in small-data solutions to 3D quasilinear wave equationsCrossed products of C*-algebrasAn introduction to central simple algebras and their applications to wireless communicationVertex algebras and algebraic curvesLong-time solutions and related topicsMaximum principles and sharp constants for solutions of elliptic and parabolic systemsSystolic geometry and topologyThe classification of the finite simple groupsArithmetic differential equationsThe classification of finite simple groups : groups of characteristic 2 typeFinite dimensional algebras and quantum groupsGradings on simple Lie algebrasThe algebraic theory and its topological backgroundCombinatorial geometry and its algorithmic applications : the Alcalá lecturesLocally solid Riesz spaces with applications to economicsThe classification of the finite simple groupsElliptic equations in polyhedral domainsSobolev and viscosity solutions for fully nonlinear elliptic and parabolic equationsBirationally rigid varietiesSpectral theory and analytic geometry over non-Archimedean fieldsOperads in algebra, topology and physicsStructure of strongly quasithin Κ-groupsAn introduction to the analysis of paths on a Riemannian manifoldTopology of closed one-formsThe problem of momentsConsequences of the axiom of choiceA tool kit for groupoid C*-algebrasUniform spacesThe algebraic theory of semigroupsThe Dirichlet space and related function spacesStochastic resonance : a mathematical approach in the small noise limitGeometry and dynamics in Gromov hyperbolic metric spaces, with an emphasis on non-proper settingsCogroups and co-rings in categories of associative ringsFundamental algebraic geometry : Grothendieck's FGA explainedModel operators and systemsNonlinear elliptic equations and nonassociative algebrasThe geometry of Heisenberg groups : with applications in signal theory, optics, quantization, and field quantizationClassifying spaces of sporadic groupsNonlinear dispersive equations : existence and stability of solitary and periodic travelling wave solutionsMorita equivalence and continuous-trace C[*]-algebrasRings and things and a fine array of twentieth century associative algebraNonlinear Dirac equation : spectral stability of solitary wavesOrdinary differential operatorsGeometric set theoryDavenport-Zannier polynomials and dessins d'enfantsMaximal function methods for Sobolev spacesPerverse sheaves and applications to representation theoryPersistence theory : from quiver representations to data analysisAsymptotic geometric analysisAmenability of discrete groups by examplesAlgebras, lattices, varietiesIwasawa theory and its perspectiveThe classification of the finite simple groupsResiduated structures in algebra and logicSturm-Liouville theoryAnalytic aspectsNonlocal bifurcationsOperator theory in function spacesThe concentration of measure phenomenonIsometric embedding of Riemannian manifolds in Euclidean spacesLarge deviations for stochastic processesThe backward shift on the Hardy spaceHardy, Hankel, and ToeplitzBergman spacesMonotone dynamical systems : an introduction to the theory of competitive and cooperative systemsAdvanced analytic number theory : L-functionsMathematical scattering theory : analytic theoryEigenvalue distribution of large random matricesRepresentations of algebraic groupsPositive polynomials and sums of squaresValuations, orderings, and Milnor K-theoryAlice and Bob meet Banach : the interface of asymptotic geometric analysis and quantum information theoryThe convenient setting of global analysisAn introduction to infinite ergodic theoryQuasiconformal Teichmüller theoryAttractors for degenerate parabolic type equationsThe semicircle law, free random variables and entropyFine regularity of solutions of elliptic partial differential equationsApplied Picard-Lefschetz theoryIntroduction to quantum graphsHomotopy limit functors on model categories and homotopical categoriesRepresentation theory and harmonic analysis on semisimple Lie groupsNonautonomous dynamical systemsStructural properties of polylogarithmsOrdering braidsAlgebraic geometry for scientists and engineersGlobal aspects of ergodic group actionsBounded cohomology of discrete groupsDescriptive set theoryTopics in hyperplane arrangementsTaming wild extensions : Hopf algebras and local Galois module theorySurgery on compact manifoldsSpectral theory of non-self-adjoint two-point differential operatorsRings and things and a fine array of twentieth century associative algebraAlgebras of functions on quantum groupsRecurrence sequencesIntroduction to heat potential theoryFokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equationsArithmetic and analytic theories of quadratic forms and Clifford groupsGeometric asymptoticsComplex multiplication and lifting problemsAnalysis of and on uniformly rectifiable setsModel categoriesOn groups of PL-homeomorphisms of the real lineQuadrature theory : the theory of numerical integration on a compact intervalGeometry of polynomialsToric topologyMonotone operators in Banach space and nonlinear partial differential equationsModel categoriesThe dynamical Mordell-Lang conjectureThe ubiquitous quasidiskInvariant theory of finite groupsPainlevé transcendents : the Riemann-Hilbert approachBackground and general theoryMixed motivesGroups and geometric analysis : integral geometry, invariant differential operators, and spherical functionsSubgroup complexesNonlocal diffusion problemsEvolution semigroups in dynamical systems and differential equationsGeometric-analytic aspectsTools for PDE : pseudodifferential operators, paradifferential operators, and layer potentialsSelf-similar groupsKnotted surfaces and their diagramsSymmetric inverse semigroupsTopological modular formsJacobi operators and completely integrable nonlinear latticesInverse source problemsAlgebraic geometric codes : basic notionsAn introduction to the theory of higher-dimensional quasiconformal mappingsKolmogorov complexity and algorithmic randomnessBeurling generalized numbersThe theory of valuationsLayer potential techniques in spectral analysisDiffeologyFunctional inequalities : new perspectives and new applicationsUnipotent and nilpotent classes in simple algebraic groups and Lie algebrasLinear approximationHomeomorphisms in analysisAsymptotic behavior of dissipative systemsContinuous cohomology, discrete subgroups, and representations of reductive groupsSturm-Liouville theoryAn introduction to the analytic theory of numbersGradient inequalities : with applications to asymptotic behavior and stability of gradient-like systemsYangians and classical Lie algebrasLusternik-Schnirelmann categoryExpanding Thurston mapsNon-commutative cryptography and complexity of group-theoretic problemsInteger-valued polynomialsMathematical and computational methods in photonics and phononicsVector measuresGeometry of isotropic convex bodiesGeometric analysis on symmetric spacesDifferentiable measures and the Malliavin calculusApplying the classification of finite simple groups : a user's guideThe Cauchy transformThe theory of subnormal operatorsCorrespondences and dualityModules over non-Noetherian domainsFoundations of free noncommutative function theoryGalois theories of linear difference equations : an introductionSpectral problems associated with corner singularities of solutions to elliptic equationsRenormalization and effective field theoryTensor categoriesBrauer groups, Tamagawa measures, and rational points on algebraic varietiesHarmonic analysis on commutative spacesTraces of Hecke operatorsA foundation for PROPs, algebras, and modulesNoncommutative harmonic analysisQuantum field theory : a tourist guide for mathematiciansBasic hypergeometric series and applicationsSugawara operators for classical Lie algebrasAsymptotic geometric analysisSteenrod squares in spectral sequencesCohen-Macaulay representationsPartial dynamical systems, Fell bundles and applicationsAn introduction to CR structuresFourier and Fourier-Stieltjes algebras on locally compact groupsParametrized homotopy theoryDirect and inverse scattering on the lineContributions to the theory of transcendental numbersEssentials of Brownian motion and diffusionPotential theory and dynamics on the Berkovich projective lineMoment maps, cobordisms, and Hamiltonian group actionsRamsey theory for product spacesHopf algebras and root systemsOne-dimensional turbulence and the stochastic Burgers equationNumerical algorithms for number theory : using Pari/GPThe Adams spectral sequence for topological modular formsIntegral domains inside Noetherian power series rings : constructions and examplesMaximal Cohen-Macaulay modules and Tate cohomologySampling in combinatorial and geometric set systemsThe Adams spectral sequence for topological modular formsCategories and representation theory : with a focus on 2-categorical covering theoryCharacterization of probability distributions on locally compact Abelian groupsAutomorphic forms beyond GL2 : lectures from the 2022 Arizona Winter SchoolDiscrete-time dynamics of structured populations and homogeneous order-preserving operatorsJordan triple systems in complex and functional analysisAttractors under autonomous and non-autonomous perturbationsThe classification of the finite simple groupsDiagrammatic algebraRidge functions and applications in neural networksFokker-Planck-Kolmogorov equationsInverse problems and zero forcing for graphsAlgebras, lattices, varietiesRecovery methodologies : regularization and samplingSelf-similar and self-affine sets and measuresApplications of group theory in cryptography : post-quantum group-based cryptographyIwasawa theory and its perspectiveUnitary representations of groups, duals, and charactersQuantum field theory : a tourist guide for mathematiciansThe Cremona group and its subgroupsLocal operators in integrable modelsGrid homology for knots and linksQuantum field theory : a tourist guide for mathematiciansHopf algebras and Galois module theoryCompletion problems on operator matricesMultidimensional residue theory and applicationsThe classification of the finite simple groupsTrees of hyperbolic spacesLinear and quasilinear parabolic systems : Sobolev space theoryGeometric asymptotics
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books