



United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
United Nations Research Institute for Social Development



No. 90.3 has title: UNRISD report


Visible hands : taking responsibility for social development外部サイトNotes sur les implications sociales de la "révolution verte" dans quelques pays d'Afrique外部サイトThe social and economic implications of large-scale introduction of new varieties of foodgrain : summary of conclusions of a global research project外部サイトStudies in the measurement of levels of living and welfare外部サイトResearch data bank of development indicators外部サイトOppressed but not defeated : peasant struggles among the Aymara and Qhechwa in Bolivia, 1900-1980外部サイトAfghan refugees in Pakistan : from emergency towards self-reliance : a report on the food relief situation and related socio-economic aspects外部サイトProduction, equality, and participation in rural China : reflections on a field trip in September/October 1979外部サイトFood systems and society in Eastern India : selected readings外部サイトSocial and economic factors in agricultural development外部サイトSome participative aspects of programmes to involve the poor in development外部サイトImprovement of development statistics : report of a group of experts meeting on 1-3 December 1975外部サイトCase studies on information systems for regional development外部サイトSome social and economic aspects of the introduction of new varieties of paddy in Malaysia : a village case study外部サイトTrade unions and the state in present day Chile : collective bargaining as an instrument of popular participation外部サイトGrowth poles and growth centres in the regional development of Nigeria外部サイトWomen in popular movements : India and Thailand during the decade of women外部サイトStudies in the methodology of social planning外部サイトLe projet céréalier en Tunisie : études aux niveauz national et local外部サイトContents and measurement of socio-economic development : an empirical enquiry外部サイトThe reconstruction of Afghanistan : a chance for rural Afghan women外部サイトRural cooperatives as agents of change : a research report and a debate外部サイトThe Quest for a unified approach to development : an UNRISD report外部サイトLevels of living and poverty in Kerala外部サイトThe new rice in Asia : conclusions from four country studies外部サイトSocial prognosis I, II外部サイトAspects of social and economic growth : a pilot statistical study外部サイトSyndicats et Etat dans le Chili contemporain : la négociation collective, instrument de participation populaire外部サイトA study of the social and economic implications of the large scale introduction of high-yielding varieties of foodgrain : a selection of readings : an Institute staff study外部サイトThe new rice in Indonesia外部サイトSustaining Afghan refugees in Pakistan : report on the food situation and related social aspects外部サイトSome dimensions of people's participation in the Bhoomi Sena movement followed by a discussion on the issue外部サイトThe quest for a unified approach to development : an UNRISD report外部サイトModernizing Mexican agriculture : socioeconomic implications of technological change, 1940-1970外部サイトMeasurement and analysis of socioeconomic development : an enquiry into international indicators of development and quantitative interrelations of social and economic components of development外部サイトUne analyse prèliminaire du systéme alimentaire du Nicaragua (rapport sur l'état des travaux de la recherche menée dans le cadre du projet de l'UNRISD "Systèmes alimentaires et Société")外部サイトMethods to induce change at the local level : a survey of expert opinion : first report外部サイトFood supply in China and the nutritional status of children外部サイトThe family rice bowl : food and the domestic economy in China外部サイトAn approach to development research外部サイトGlobalization and the developing world : An essay on the international dimensions of development in the Post-Cold War era外部サイトThe assault that failed : a profile of absolute poverty in six villages of Bangladesh外部サイトChildren of war : responses to psycho-social distress in Cambodia外部サイトFood and the new agricultural technology外部サイトFood systems and society : a conceptual and methodological challenge外部サイトCountry case studies in Ghana, India, and Poland外部サイトMethodological problems in selection and analysis of socioeconomic development indicators外部サイトThe level of living index外部サイトCountry case studies in Argentina, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria and Papua New Guinea外部サイトDebaters' comments on "Inquiry into participation : a research approach"外部サイトSocial modernization and economic development in Argentina外部サイトSurvival strategies for and by camp refugees : report on a six-week exploratory sociological field study into the food situation of refugees in camps in Somalia外部サイトA methodological approach for the retrospective diagnosis of nutritional status : the Mexican case外部サイトSocial and economic factors in development : introductory considerations on their meaning, measurement, and interdependence外部サイトRice revolution in Sri Lanka外部サイトImprovement of information on the conditions of children外部サイトMonitoring change in Kerala : the first five years外部サイトOprimidos pero no vencidos : luchas del campesinado aymara y qhechwa de Bolivia, 1900-1980外部サイトThe politics and ideology of the Colombian peasant movement : the case of ANUC (National Association of Peasant Smallholders)外部サイトSocial development and the international development strategy外部サイトAn overview外部サイトResearch data bank of development indicators外部サイトThe new rice in the Philippines外部サイトBolivia, la fuerza histórica del campesinado : movimientos campesinos y etnicidad外部サイトL'indice du niveau de vie外部サイトAgrarian change and the new technology in India外部サイトSocial and cultural conditions and prospects of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico外部サイトVocational training in developing countries : a survey of expert experiences外部サイトBetween hope and insecurity : the social consequences of the Cambodian peace process外部サイトCooperatives and development in Asia : a study of cooperatives in fourteen rural communities of Iran, Pakistan and Ceylon外部サイトThe social organization of Plantation Mackenzie : an account of life in the Guyana mining enterprises外部サイトRefugees and pioneers : history and field study of a Burundian settlement in Tanzania外部サイトKenya : monitoring living conditions and consumption patterns外部サイトMonitoring changes in the conditions of women-a critical review of possible approaches外部サイトLa cuestión agraria y el movimiento campesino en Colombia : luchas de la Asociación Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC), 1967-1981外部サイトScience and agricultural production外部サイトRural cooperatives and planned change in Africa : an analytical overview外部サイトA preliminary analysis of the Nicaraguan food system : (a progress report of research being carried out under UNRISD's project "Food Systems and Society")外部サイトInterregional allocation of investments for social and economic development : an elementary model approach to analysis外部サイトHungary in transition : from socialism to capitalism?外部サイトInternational comparability of statistics on income distribution外部サイトConcepts and measurement of poverty外部サイトState and peasantry in Mexico : a case study of rural credit in la Laguna外部サイトSurvey of the social and economic conditions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan外部サイトRéfugiés et pionniers : installation de réfugiés burundais en Tanzanie外部サイトWorker participation in company management in Chile : a historical experience外部サイトProduction, power, and participation in rural Thailand : experiences of poor farmers' groups外部サイトCooperatives and rural development in Latin America : an analytic report外部サイトSocioeconomic observation areas in Kerala外部サイトMethods of estimation and prediction in socioeconomic development : regression and the best-fitting line外部サイトThe Dynamics of Argentine migration, 1955-1984 : democracy and the return of expatriates外部サイトOrganization of land redistribution beneficiaries外部サイトThe measurement of real progress at the local level : examples from the literature and a pilot study外部サイト






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United Nations Research Institute for Social Development
Report (United Nations Research Institute for Social Development)
UNRISD report
No. 90.3 has title: UNRISD report
Visible hands : taking responsibility for social development
Notes sur les implications sociales de la "révolution verte" dans quelques pays d'Afrique
The social and economic implications of large-scale introduction of new varieties of foodgrain : summary of conclusions of a global research project
Studies in the measurement of levels of living and welfare
Research data bank of development indicators
Oppressed but not defeated : peasant struggles among the Aymara and Qhechwa in Bolivia, 1900-1980
Afghan refugees in Pakistan : from emergency towards self-reliance : a report on the food relief situation and related socio-economic aspects
Production, equality, and participation in rural China : reflections on a field trip in September/October 1979
Food systems and society in Eastern India : selected readings
Social and economic factors in agricultural development
Some participative aspects of programmes to involve the poor in development
Improvement of development statistics : report of a group of experts meeting on 1-3 December 1975
Case studies on information systems for regional development
Some social and economic aspects of the introduction of new varieties of paddy in Malaysia : a village case study
Trade unions and the state in present day Chile : collective bargaining as an instrument of popular participation
Growth poles and growth centres in the regional development of Nigeria
Women in popular movements : India and Thailand during the decade of women
Studies in the methodology of social planning
Le projet céréalier en Tunisie : études aux niveauz national et local
Contents and measurement of socio-economic development : an empirical enquiry
The reconstruction of Afghanistan : a chance for rural Afghan women
Rural cooperatives as agents of change : a research report and a debate
The Quest for a unified approach to development : an UNRISD report
Levels of living and poverty in Kerala
The new rice in Asia : conclusions from four country studies
Social prognosis I, II
Aspects of social and economic growth : a pilot statistical study
Syndicats et Etat dans le Chili contemporain : la négociation collective, instrument de participation populaire
A study of the social and economic implications of the large scale introduction of high-yielding varieties of foodgrain : a selection of readings : an Institute staff study
The new rice in Indonesia
Sustaining Afghan refugees in Pakistan : report on the food situation and related social aspects
Some dimensions of people's participation in the Bhoomi Sena movement followed by a discussion on the issue
The quest for a unified approach to development : an UNRISD report
Modernizing Mexican agriculture : socioeconomic implications of technological change, 1940-1970
Measurement and analysis of socioeconomic development : an enquiry into international indicators of development and quantitative interrelations of social and economic components of development
Une analyse prèliminaire du systéme alimentaire du Nicaragua (rapport sur l'état des travaux de la recherche menée dans le cadre du projet de l'UNRISD "Systèmes alimentaires et Société")
Methods to induce change at the local level : a survey of expert opinion : first report
Food supply in China and the nutritional status of children
The family rice bowl : food and the domestic economy in China
An approach to development research
Globalization and the developing world : An essay on the international dimensions of development in the Post-Cold War era
The assault that failed : a profile of absolute poverty in six villages of Bangladesh
Children of war : responses to psycho-social distress in Cambodia
Food and the new agricultural technology
Food systems and society : a conceptual and methodological challenge
Country case studies in Ghana, India, and Poland
Methodological problems in selection and analysis of socioeconomic development indicators
The level of living index
Country case studies in Argentina, Iran, Mexico, Nigeria and Papua New Guinea
Debaters' comments on "Inquiry into participation : a research approach"
Social modernization and economic development in Argentina
Survival strategies for and by camp refugees : report on a six-week exploratory sociological field study into the food situation of refugees in camps in Somalia
A methodological approach for the retrospective diagnosis of nutritional status : the Mexican case
Social and economic factors in development : introductory considerations on their meaning, measurement, and interdependence
Rice revolution in Sri Lanka
Improvement of information on the conditions of children
Monitoring change in Kerala : the first five years
Oprimidos pero no vencidos : luchas del campesinado aymara y qhechwa de Bolivia, 1900-1980
The politics and ideology of the Colombian peasant movement : the case of ANUC (National Association of Peasant Smallholders)
Social development and the international development strategy
An overview
Research data bank of development indicators
The new rice in the Philippines
Bolivia, la fuerza histórica del campesinado : movimientos campesinos y etnicidad
L'indice du niveau de vie
Agrarian change and the new technology in India
Social and cultural conditions and prospects of Guatemalan refugees in Mexico
Vocational training in developing countries : a survey of expert experiences
Between hope and insecurity : the social consequences of the Cambodian peace process
Cooperatives and development in Asia : a study of cooperatives in fourteen rural communities of Iran, Pakistan and Ceylon
The social organization of Plantation Mackenzie : an account of life in the Guyana mining enterprises
Refugees and pioneers : history and field study of a Burundian settlement in Tanzania
Kenya : monitoring living conditions and consumption patterns
Monitoring changes in the conditions of women-a critical review of possible approaches
La cuestión agraria y el movimiento campesino en Colombia : luchas de la Asociación Nacional de Usuarios Campesinos (ANUC), 1967-1981
Science and agricultural production
Rural cooperatives and planned change in Africa : an analytical overview
A preliminary analysis of the Nicaraguan food system : (a progress report of research being carried out under UNRISD's project "Food Systems and Society")
Interregional allocation of investments for social and economic development : an elementary model approach to analysis
Hungary in transition : from socialism to capitalism?
International comparability of statistics on income distribution
Concepts and measurement of poverty
State and peasantry in Mexico : a case study of rural credit in la Laguna
Survey of the social and economic conditions of Afghan refugees in Pakistan
Réfugiés et pionniers : installation de réfugiés burundais en Tanzanie
Worker participation in company management in Chile : a historical experience
Production, power, and participation in rural Thailand : experiences of poor farmers' groups
Cooperatives and rural development in Latin America : an analytic report
Socioeconomic observation areas in Kerala
Methods of estimation and prediction in socioeconomic development : regression and the best-fitting line
The Dynamics of Argentine migration, 1955-1984 : democracy and the return of expatriates
Organization of land redistribution beneficiaries
The measurement of real progress at the local level : examples from the literature and a pilot study