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- Henry Bohn's classical library
- 出版地(国名コード)
- uk
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- Also published by Bell, etc.
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- The tragedies of Sophocles : in English prose, the Oxford translationJustin, Cornelius Nepos, and EutropiusSallust, Florus, and Velleius PaterculusThe politics and economics of AristotleLucian's dialogues : namely the dialogues of the gods, of the seagods, and of the dead; Zeus the tragedian, the ferry-boatThe letters of Caius Plinius Caecilius Secundus : the translation of MelmothThe works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and TheognisThe orations of Demosthenes on the crown, and on the embassyXenophon's minor worksDissertations upon the epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Socrates, Euripides, and The fables of ÆsopThe Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus and the memorabilia of Socrates : literally translated from the Greek of XenophonThe Epigrams of Martial : translated into English proseVarro on farming : M. Terenti Varronis Rerum rusticarum libri tresHerodotusThe tragedies of Sophocles : in English proseThe acharnians, knights, clouds, wasps, peace, and birdsXenophon's minor worksThe idylls of Theocritus : with Bion and Moschus and the war songs of TyrtaeusThe orations of Marcus Tullius CiceroThe works of Plato : a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of StallbaumThe metaphysics of AristotleMinor dialogues : together with the dialogue on clemencyThe orations of Demosthenes against Macartatus, Leochares, Stephanus I. Stephanus II. Euergus and Mnesibulus, Olympiodorus, Timotheus, Polycles, Callippus, Nicostratus, Conon, Callicles, Dionysodorus, Eubulides, Theocrines, Neæra, and for the naval crown; The funeral oration; the erotic cration, or Panegyric upon Epicrates; Exordia; The EpistlesHerodotusThe Epigrams of Martial : translated into English prose : each accompanied by one or more verse translations from the works of English poets, and various other sourcesThe history ; Germany ; Agricola ; and, Dialogue on oratorsThe odes of PindarThe Deipnosophists, or, Banquet of the learned of AthenæusJulian the Emperor : containing Gregory Nazianzen's two investives and Libanius' Monody : with Julian's extant theosophical worksThe history ; Germany ; Agricola ; and, Dialogue on oratorsQuintilian's institutes of oratory : or education of an oratorThe works of VirgilOn the nature of thingsThe letters of Caius Plinius Caecilius SecundusXenophon's minor worksThe politics and economics of AristotleHerodotusThe orations of Demosthenes : against Leptines, Midias, Androtion and AristocratesThe academic questions ; Treatise De finibus ; and Tusculan disputations, of M.T. Cicero : with a sketch of the Greek philosophers mentioned by CiceroCicero on oratory and oratorsCicero's three books of offices, or, Moral dutiesThe Cyropædia : or, institution of Cyrus ; and the Hellenics : or, Grecian historyThe nicomachean ethics of AristotleCicero's Three books of Offices, or, Moral duties : also his Cato Major, an essay on old age : Lælius, an essay on friendship : Paradoxes : Scipio's dream : and Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistratoThe academic questions ; Treatise De finibus ; and Tusculan disputations, of M.T. Cicero : with a sketch of the Greek philosophers mentioned by CiceroLysistrata, the thesmophoriazusæ, frogs, ecclesiazusæ and plutusLucretius on the nature of things : a philosophical poem, in six BooksLysistrata, the thesmophoriazusæ, frogs, ecclesiazusæ and PlutusThe works of VirgilThe works of VirgilThe geography of StraboThe metamorphoses of OvidThe organon, or, Logical treatises, of Aristotle : with the introduction of PorphyryThe dramas of ÆschylusPausanias' Description of GreeceThe treatises of M.T. Cicero : on the nature of the Gods, on divination, on fate, on the republic, on the laws, and on standing for the consulshipThe annalsQuintilian's institutes of oratory : or, education of an oratorThe odyssey of Homer : with the hymns, epigrams, and battle of the frogs and miceCicero's three books of offices, or moral duties : also his Cato Major, an essay on old age : Lælius, an essay on friendship : Paradoxes : Scipio's dream : and Letter to Quintus on the duties of a magistrateThe Cyropædia, or, Institution of Cyrus, and the Hellenics, or Grecian historyThe tragedies of ÆschylusThe orations of Demothenes : against Leptines, Midias, Androtion and AristocratesThe Roman history of Ammianus Marcellinus : during the reigns of the emperors Constantius, Julian, Jovianus, Valentinian, and ValensOn the nature of the gods ; On divination ; On fate ; On the republic ; On the laws ; and On standing for the consulshipThe works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and TheognisThe metaphysics of Aristotle : literally translated from the Greek, with notes, analysis, questions, and indexJustin, Cornelius Nepos, and EutropiusCæsar's commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars : with the supplementary books attributed to Hirtius : including the Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars : literally translated, with notes and a very elaborate indexThe tragedies of ÆschylusHerodotus. : a new and literal version from the text of Baehr, with geographical and general indexThe orations of Marcus Tullius CiceroThe orations of Demothenes against Leptines, Midias, Androtion and AristocratesSallust, Florus, and Velleius PaterculusThe Heroïdes, or, Epistles of the heroines, the amours, art of love, remedy of love, and minor works of OvidThe orations of DemosthenesThe metaphysics of AristotleThe metaphysics of Aristotle : literally translated from the Greek, with notes, analysis, questions, and indexThe politics and economics of AristotleThe works of VirgilThe Nicomachean ethics of AristotleThe Anabasis, or Expedition of Cyrus and the memorabilia of Socrates : literally translated from the Greek of XenophonThe history of the Peloponnesian WarLysistrata, the thesmorphoriazusæ, frogs, ecclesiazusæ and plutusThe annalsThe tragedies of EuripidesPlutarch's morals : ethical essaysThe plays of ÆschylusLucian's Dialogues : namely the Dialogues of the gods, of the sea-gods, and of the dead, Zeus the tragedian, the ferry-boat, etc.The Nicomachean ethics of AristotleThe lives and opinions of eminent philosophersQuintilian's Institutes of oratory, or, Education of an orator : in twelve booksThe natural history of PlinyThe orations of Domsthenes on the crown, and on the embassyA dictionary of Latin and Greek : quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottoesThe politics and economics of AristotleA dictionary of Latin and Greek : quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottos : classical and mediæval : including law terms and phrasesThe treatises of M.T. Cicero : on the nature of the gods, on divination, on fate, on the republic, on the laws, and on standing for the consulshipCæsar's commentaries on the Gallic and Civil Wars : with the supplementary books attributed to Hirtius : including the Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars : literary translated, with notes and a very elaborate indexThe letters of Cicero : the whole extant correspondence in chronological orderThe works of VirgilThe orations of Demosthenes : against Timocrates, Aristogiton, Aphobus, Onetor, Zenothemis, Apaturius, Phormio, Lacritus, Pantænetus, Nausimachus, Bœotus, Spudias, Phænippus and for PhormioThe Olynthiac and other public orations of DemosthenesThe Greek romances of Helidorus, Longus and Achilles Tatius : comprising The Ethiopics : or, Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea ; The pastoral amours of Daphnis and Chloe ; and The loves of Clitopho and LeucippeThe Argonautica of Apollonius rhodiusA dictionary of Latin and Greek : quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottosHerodotus : a new and literal version from the text of Baehr, with geographical and general indexThe acharnians ; Knights ; Clouds ; Wasps ; Peace ; and, BirdsThe Olynthiac and other public orations of DemosthenesXenophon's minor worksLucretius on the nature of thingsThe orations of Marcus Tullius CiceroA dictionary of Latin and Greek : quotations, proverbs, maxims and mottos, classical and mediæval : includings law terms and phrasesThe tragedies of SophoclesThe natural history of PlinyJustin, Cornelius Nepos, and EutropiusDictionary of Latin quotations, proverbs, maxims, and mottos, classical and mediæval, including law terms and phrases : with a selection of Greek quotationsThe works of VirgilOn benefits : addressed to Aebutius LiberalisThe treatises of M.T. Cicero : on the nature of the gods, on divination, on fate, on the republic, on the laws, and on standing for the consulshipThe orations of Demosthenes against Leptines, Midias, Androtion, and AristocratesPausanias' Description of GreeceThe history of RomePlutarch's morals : theosophical essaysThe apology of Socrates, Crito, Phædo, Gorgias, Protagoras, Phædrus, Theætetus, Euthyphron, LysisThe works of Plato : a new and literal version, chiefly from the text of StallbaumThe odes of PindarErotica : The elegies of Propertius, The Satyricon of Petronius Arbiter, and The Kisses of Johannes Secundus. Literally translated and accompa nied by poetical versions from various sources. To which are added, the love e pistles of AristænetusThe apology of Socrates, Crito, Phaedo, Gorgias, Protagoras, Phaedrus, Theaetetus, Euthyphron, and LysisThe tragedies of EuripidesThe metaphysics of Aristotle : literally translated from the Greek, with notes, analysis, questions, and indexThe works of Virgil : a literally translationThe tragedies of Sophocles : in English proseThe tragedies of SophoclesAristotle's treatise on rhetoric, literally translated from the Greek : with an analysis by Thomas Hobbes, and a series of questions, new edition, to whitch is added, a supplementary analysis containing the Greek defenitions : also The poetic of Aristotle, literally translated, with a selection of notes, an analysis, and questionsThe tragedies of EuripidesAristotle's history of animals : in ten booksThe orations of Demosthenes against Timocrates, Aristogiton, Aphobus, Onetor, Zenothemis, Apaturius, Phormio, Lacritus, Pantænetus, Nausimachus, Bœotus, Spudias, Phænippus, and for PhormioThe geography of StraboThe works of TacitusMeno ; Euthydemus ; The sophist ; The statesman ; Cratylus, ; Parmenides ; and The banquetThe satires of Juvenal, Persius, Sulpicia, and LuciliusThe treatises of M.T. Cicero : on the nature of the gods, on divination, on fate, on the republic, on the laws, and on standing for the consulshipThe thoughts of the Emperor M. Aurelius AntoninusLucretius on the nature of things : a philosophical poems, in six Books : literally translated into English proseThe orations of Demosthenes against Timocrates, Aristogiton, Aphobus, Onetor, Zenothemis, Apaturius, Phormio, Lacritus, Pantænetus, Nausimachus, Bœotus, Spudias, Phænippus, and for PhormioThe poems of Horace : a literal translationLucretius : on the nature of thingsCicero on oratory and orators : with his letters to Quintus and BrutusPlutarch's morals : ethical essaysXenophon's minor worksHerodotusXenophon's minor worksThe metamorphoses of OvidThe discourses of Epictetus : with the encheiridion and fragmentsThe Greek anthology, as selected for the use of Westminster, Eton and other public schoolsThe odes of PindarThe doubtful works : Epinomis, Axiochus, Eryxias, On Virtue, On Justice, Sisyphus, Demodocus, Definitions, Timæus Locrus, with lives of Plato, by Diogenes Laertius, Hesychius, and Olympiodorus : introductions to his doctrines, by Alcinous and Albinus : the notes of Thomas Gray, and a general index to the entire workPhilebus ; Charmides ; Laches ; Menexenus ; Hippias major ; Hippias minor ; Ion ; First Alcibiades ; Second Alcibiades ; Theages ; The rivals ; Hipparchus ; Minos ; Clitopho ; The epistlesThe odes of Pindar : literally translated into English prose : by Dawson W. Turner ; to which is adjoined a metrical version by Abraham MooreThe Cyropædia, or, Institution of Cyrus ; and, the Hellenics, or, Grecian history : literally translated from the Greek of XenophonThe Greek romances of Helidorus, Longus and Achilles Tatius : comprising The Ethiopics : or, Adventures of Theagenes and Chariclea ; The pastoral amours of Daphnis and Chloe ; and The loves of Clitopho and LeucippeThe orations of Demosthenes against Macartatus, Leochares, Stephanus I., Stephanus II. Euergus and Mnesibulus, Olympiodorus, Timotheus, Polycles, Callippus, Nicostratus, Conon, Callicles, Dionysodorus, Eubulides, Theocrines, Neæra, and for the naval crown : the funeral oration : the erotic oration, or Panegyric upon Epicrates : exordia : the EpistlesThe organon, or, Logical treatises, of Aristotle : with the introduction of PorphyryThe Olynthiac and other public orations of DemosthenesHerodotus : literally translated from the text of Baehr, with a geographical and general indexThe tragedies of SophoclesThe Olynthiac and other public orations of DemosthenesThe lives and opinions of eminent philosophersThe thoughts of the Emperor Marcus Aurelius AntoninusLucretius on the nature of things : a philosophical poems, in six Books : literally translated into English proseThe works of Apuleius : comprising the Metamorphoses, or Golden ass, The God of Socrates, The Florida, and his Defence, or A discourse on magic : a new translation, to which are added, a metrical version of Cupid and Psyche, and Mrs. Tighe's Psyche, a poem in six cantosHerodotus. : a new and literal version from the text of Baehr, with geographical and general indexThe elegies of PropertiusThe Greek anthology as selected for the use of Westminster, Eton, and other public schoolsThe Pharsalia of LucanThe Republic, Timaeus and CritiasThe works of Hesiod, Callimachus, and TheognisThe orations of Demosthenes on the crown, and on the embassyHerodotus : a new and literal version from the text of Baehr, with geographical and general indexMeno ; Euthydemus ; The sophist ; The statesman ; Cratylus, ; Parmenides ; and The banquet
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