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- Japanese Christians and societyMissionary theologySino-Christian theology : a theological qua cultural movement in contemporary ChinaFaith, hope and decision-making : the kingdom of God and social policy-making : the work of Arthur Rich of ZürichDie südindische Pfingstbewegung im 20. Jahrhundert : eine historische und systematische UntersuchungWhen the Spirit meets the spirits : Pentecostal ministry among the Kankana-ey tribe in the PhilippinesEngland and Germany : studies in theological diplomacyPastoral counselling in inter-cultural perspective : a study of some African (Ghanaian) and Anglo-American views on human existence and counsellingReligion in dialogue with late modern society : a constructive contribution to a Christian spirituality informed by Buddhist-Christian encounters"Mitten im Tod--vom Leben umfangen" : Gedenkschrift für Werner KohlerHymns : the making and shaping of a theology for the whole people of God : a comparison of the four last things in some English and Zambian hymns in intercultural perspectiveColonisation et evangélisation en Afrique : l'héritage scolaire du Cameroun, 1885-1956Hundert Jahre kubanischer Protestantismus, 1868-1961 : Versuch einer kirchengeschichtlchen DeutungWhen the Spirit meets the spirits : Pentecostal ministry among the Kankana-ey tribe in the PhilippinesIntegrationismus und Afrikanismus : zur Rolle der kirchlichen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung in der Auseinandersetzung um die Landfrage und die Bildung der Afrikaner in Südafrika, 1880-1960Südafrika und das Antirassismusprogramm : Kirchen im Spannungsfeld einer RassengesellschaftInterfaith encounter and dialogue : a Methodist pilgrimageSprache des Glaubens in Lateinamerika : eine Studie zu Selbstverständnis und Methode der "Theologie der Befreiung"Christian mission and education in modern China, Japan, and Korea : historical studiesBabel is everywhere! : migrant readings from Africa, Europe and AsiaFrom contextual to ecumenical theology? : a dialogue between Minjung theology and "theology after Auschwitz"Ethnic identity and Christianity : a socio-historical and missiological study of Christianity in northeast India with special reference to MizoramTheologie der Gesellschaft : interdisziplinäre Grundlagenbibliographie zur Einführung in die befreiungs- und polittheologische Problematik, 1960-1975The last trump : an historico-genetical study of some important chapters in the making and development of the Seventh-day Adventist ChurchThe dramatic encounter of divine and human freedom in the theology of Hans Urs von BalthasarThe World Council of Churches and race relations, 1960 to 1969Christian Indians and Indian nationalism, 1885-1950 : an interpretation in historical and theological perspectivesViolence and atonement : the missionary experiences of Mohandas Gandhi, Samuel Stokes and Verrier Elwin in India before 1935Die arabischen Bibelübersetzungen im 19. JahrhundertEcumenism in praxis : a historical critique of the Malankara Mar Thoma Syrian Church"Wir leiden für den Taufschein!" : Mission und Kolonialisierung am Beispiel des Landkatechumenates in NordostzaireThe paradox of a suffering God : on the classical, modern-Western, and Third World struggles to harmonise the incompatible attributes of the Trinitarian GodFamille et habitat : implications éthiques de l'éclatement urbain, cas de la ville de KinshasaA quest for the liberated Christian : examined on the basis of a mission, a man, and a movement as agents of liberationWorship in the Presbyterian Church in Korea : its history and implicationsDeconstructing Barth : a study of the complementary methods in Karl Barth and Jacques DerridaKirche im kolonialen Kontext : anglikanische Missionare und afrikanische Propheten im südöstlichen Nigeria, 1879-1918The hymnody of the Harrist Church among the Dida of south-central Ivory Coast (1913-1949) : a historico-religious studyUppsala II, Erneuerung in der Mission : eine redaktionsgeschichtliche Studie und Dokumentation zu Sektion II der 4. Vollversammlung des Ökumenischen Rates der Kirchen, Uppsala 1968Multicultural Christology : a Korean immigrant perspectiveLeading virtue : a model for the contextualisation of Christian ethics : a study of the interaction and synthesis of Methodist and Fante moral traditionsAnfänge der kirchlichen Unabhängigkeitsbewegung in Südafrika : Geschichte und Theologie der Äthiopischen Bewegung, 1872-1912Soixante ans de pentecôtisme en Alsace (1930-1990) : une approche socio-historiqueChristian theology of religions : a systematic reflection on the Christian understanding of world religionsKrisen und Aufgaben im brasilianischen Protestantismus : eine Studie zu den sozialgeschichtlichen Bedingungen und volkspädagogischen Möglichkeiten der EvangelisationAfrikanische Initiative : das aktive Leiden des Propheten Simon KimbanguJoining new congregations--motives, ways and consequences : a comparative study of new congregations in a Norwegian folk church context and a Thai minority contextThe Other Jesus : Christology in Asian perspectiveKorean pentecostalism : its history and theologyA new hermeneutic of reality : Raimon Panikkar's cosmotheandric visionDas neue Volk der Pfingstler : Religion, Unterentwicklung und sozialer Wandel in LateinamerikaThe philosophy and science of missionSailing on the next tide : missions, missiology, and the Third ReichUnterwegs zum Verstehen der Religionen : gesammelte AufsätzeChristentum unter den Bedingungen Lateinamerikas : die katholische Kirche vor den Problemen der Abhängigkeit und UnterentwicklungThemes in Hinduism and Christianity : a comparative studyGuest christology : an interpretative view of the christological problem in AfricaSinging the Lord's song in a strange land? : a missiological interpretation of the Ely Pastorate Churches, CardiffIgbo Christian rite of marriage : a proposed rite for study and celebrationJesus Christ in world history : his presence and representation in cyclical and linear settingsThe character and theological struggle of the church in Halmahera, Indonesia, 1941-1979Pastures of plenty : tracing religio-scapes of prosperity gospel in Africa and beyondFractured land, healing nations : a contextual analysis of the role of religious faith sodalities towards peace-building in Bosnia-HerzegovinaThe missionary factor in Ethopia : papers from a Symposium on the Impact of European Missions on Ethiopian Society, Lund University, August 1996Inculturer pour évangéliser en profondeur : des initiations traditionnelles africaines à une initiation chrétienne engageantePaul's gospel in an intercultural context : Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the RomansProphetic Christianity in western Kenya : political, cultural and theological aspects of African Independent ChurchesReconciling heaven and earth : the transcendental enthusiasm and growth of an urban Protestant community, Bogotá, ColombiaGospel, raj and swaraj : the missionary years of C.F. Andrews, 1904-14Indische Christen in der gesellschaftlichen Verantwortung : eine theologische und religionssoziologische Untersuchung zu politischer Theologie im gegenwärtigen IndienJesus Christ the ancestor : an African contextual Christology in the light of the major dogmatic christological definitions of the church from the Council of Nicea (325) to Chalcedon (451)Preparation and fulfilment : a history and study of fulfilment theology in modern British thought in the Indian contextMission mattersEveryday men : living in a climate of unbeliefToward a contextualized theology for the third world : the emergence and development of Jesus' Name Pentecostalism in MexicoKarl Barth's reception in Korea : focusing on ecclesiology in relation to Korean Christian thoughtDoctrines of the Trinity in Eastern and Western theologies : a study with special reference to K. Barth and V. LosskyReflexionen über die universale Grundlage von Buddhismus und ChristentumColonial encounters : issues of culture, hybridity and creolisation : Portuguese mercantile settlers in West AfricaFaithful uncertainty : Leslie D. Weatherhead's methodology of creative evangelismTheologie im modernen Indien : Paul David DevanandanPaul's gospel in an intercultural context : Jew and Gentile in the Letter to the RomansGod at ground level : reappraising Church decline in the UK through the experience of grass roots communities and situationsPower, poverty and prayer : the challenges of poverty and pluralism in African Christianity, 1960-1996The crucified and the Crucified : a study in the liberation Christology of Jon SobrinoRoman Catholic/Pentecostal dialogue (1977-1982) : a study in developing ecumenismThe history of German Lutheran congregations in England, 1900-1950Koreanische Immigrationsgemeinden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland : die Entstehung, Entwicklung und Zukunft der koreanischen protestantischen Immigrationsgemeinden in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland seit 1963Ad ultimum terrae : evangelization, proselytism and common witness in the Roman Catholic Pentecostal dialogue (1990-1997)Mission in a pluralist worldTherapeutic and prophetic narratives in worship : a hermeneutic study of testimonies and visions, their potential significance for Christian worship and secular societyAfrobrasilianische Religion : der Mensch in der Beziehung zu Natur, Kosmos und Gemeinschaft im Candomblé : eine tiefenpsychologische StudieIn necessariis unitas : Hintergründe zu den ökumenischen Beziehungen zwischen der Iglesia Filipina Independiente, den Kirchen der Anglikanischen Gemeinschaft und den altkatholischen Kirchen der Utrechter UnionDas Denken von Thomas Chalmers im kirchen- und sozialgeschichtlichen KontextDie Bedeutung der Zeit in Afrika : in den traditionellen Religionen und in der missionarischen VerkündigungJesus : from Bultmann to the Third WorldProtestantismus in Zentralamerika : christliches Zeugnis im Spannungsfeld von US-amerikanischem Fundamentalismus, Unterdrückung und Wiederbelebung "indianischer" KulturExperiences of the Spirit : Conference on Pentecostal and Charismatic Research in Europe at Utrecht University, 1989Gender, race, power and religion : women in the Methodist Church of Southern Africa in post-apartheid societyMissiological mutilations--prospective paralogies : language and power in contemporary mission theoryThe history of the Free Church of Scotland's mission to the Jews in Budapest and its impact on the Reformed Church of Hungary, 1841-1914Wir sind die Kirchen der unteren Klassen : Entstehung, Organisation und gesellschaftliche Funktionen unabhängiger Kirchen in AfrikaA people's church? : the Mindanao-Sulu church debacleDas "Kindoki" im Licht der Sündenbocktheologie : Versuch einer christlichen Bewältigung des Hexenglaubens in Schwarz-AfrikaHealing in the Nigerian church : a pastoral-psychological explorationUtrecht University : 375 years mission studies, mission activities, and overseas ministriesGandhi and the popes : from Pius XI to FrancisSecularization in Igboland : socio-religious change and its challenges to the church among the IgboChrist, the African king : New Testament christologyEducation in mission/mission in education : a critical comparative study of selected approachesFrom migrants to missionaries : Christians of African origin in GermanyChanging goals of the American Madura Mission in India, 1830-1916Religious traditions and personal stories : women working as priests, ministers and rabbisDogmatics and ethics : the theological realism and ethics of Karl Barth's Church dogmaticsThe concepts of "spirit" and "demon" : a study in the use of different languages describing the same phenomenaThe philosophy and science of MissionThe church and secularisation : urban industrial mission in North East EnglandA way of transformation : a theological evaluation of the conciliar process of mutual commitment to justice, peace and the integrity of creation, World Council of Churches, 1983-1991Visions of India : fulfilment theology, the Aryan race theory, & the work of British Protestant missionaries in Victorian IndiaPastoral care to the sick in Africa : an approach to transcultural pastoral theologyChristian presence and progress in North-East Asia : historical and comparative studiesThe Protestant reformation in Ireland , 1590-1641Barth and God's story : biblical narrative and the theological method of Karl Barth in the "Church dogmatics"A plea for British Black theologies : the Black church movement in Britain in its transatlantic cultural and theological interaction : with special reference to the Pentecostal Oneness (Apostolic) and Sabbatarian movementsNew wineskins : a study of the house church movementIntercultural perceptions and prospects of world ChristianityMeiji protestantism in history and historiography : a comparative study of Japanese and Western interpretation of early protestantism in JapanThe Church of North India : a historical and systematic theological inquiry into an ecumenical ecclesiologyChristian missions in the American empire : Episcopalians in Northern Luzon, the Philippines, 1902-1946Kosuke Koyama : a model for intercultural theologyIdentity and marginality : rethinking Christianity in North East AsiaThe Moravian mission in Barbados, 1816-1886 : a study of the historical context and theological significance of a minority church among an oppressed peopleTheological education for the mission of the church in India, 1947-1987 : theological education in relation to the identification of the task of mission and the development of ministries in India, 1947-1987, with special reference to the Church of South IndiaModern sannyasins : protestant missionary contribution to Ceylon Tamil culturePentecost, mission, and ecumenism : essays on intercultural theology : festschrift in honour of Professor Walter J. Hollenweger"All good men" : the development of Lubwa Mission, Chinsali, Zambia, 1905-1967The culture of economism : an exploration of barriers to faith-as-praxisIndian theological tendencies : approaches and problems for further research as seen in the works of some leading Indian theologiansChurch and marriage in an Indonesian villageLiving in two worlds : pastoral responses to possession in SingaporeA Christian folk-religion in India : a study of the small church movement in Andhra Pradesh, with a special reference to the Bible Mission of DevadasCelestial Church of Christ : the politics of cultural identity in a West African prophetic-charismatic movementJesus Imandars and Christ Bhaktas : two case studies of interreligious hermeneutics and identity in global ChristianityGod and Creation in intercultural perspective : dialogue between the theologies of Barth, Dickson, Pobee, Nyamiti, and PannenbergA new family : conversion and ecclesiology in the early Church with cross-cultural comparisonsBrotherhood of the Cross and Star : a new religious movement in NigeriaOxford 1937 : the Universal Christian Council for Life and Work ConferencePaschal mystery of Christ : foundation for liturgical inculturation in AfricaDer Fall Sadhu Sundar Singh : Theologie zwischen den KulturenMission accomplished? : the English Presbyterian Mission in Lingtung, South China : a study of the interplay between Mission methods and their historical contextMissiology : its subject-matter and method : a study of mission-doers in MadagascarThe decisiveness of the christ-event and the universality of christianity in a world of religious plurality : with special reference to Hendrik Kraemer and Alfred George Hogg as well as to William Ernest Hocking and Pandipeddi ChenchiahFremdbegegnung - das Totenritual Tiwah und die Basler Mission in kontakttheologischer PerspektiveUmkehr und Umdenken : Grundzüge einer Theologie der Mission
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- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA07770021 : BA07770021