
Nineteenth century series


Nineteenth century series

Newey, Vincentほか



General editors: Vincent Newey, and Joanne ShattockPublisher varies: Routledge


Ella Hepworth Dixon : the story of a modern woman外部サイトThe London journal, 1845-83 : periodicals, production, and gender外部サイトRomantic autobiography in England外部サイトThe philosophical mysticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins外部サイトLanguage, science and popular fiction in the Victorian fin-de-siècle : the brutal tongue外部サイトRomanticism, memory, and mourning外部サイトDickens and Benjamin : moments of revelation, fragments of modernity外部サイトManliness and the male novelist in victorian literature外部サイトVictorian crime, madness and sensation外部サイトRelationships of sympathy : the writer and the reader in British romanticism外部サイトThe politics of gender in Anthony Trollope's novels : new readings for the twenty-first century外部サイトThe literary protégées of the Lake poets外部サイトJane Austen & Charles Darwin : naturalists and novelists外部サイトThe unfamiliar Shelley外部サイトRomantic friendship in Victorian literature外部サイトMedia, technology, and literature in the nineteenth century : image, sound, touch外部サイトRomantic border crossings外部サイトJohn Clare's religion外部サイトThe romantics and the May Day tradition外部サイトThe Victorian diary : authorship and emotional labour外部サイトThe Victorian comic spirit : new perspectives外部サイトRomantic echoes in the Victorian era外部サイトRomantic presences in the twentieth century外部サイトTheir fair share : women, power and criticism in the Athenaeum, from Millicent Garrett Fawcett to Katherine Mansfield, 1870-1920外部サイトThomas Hardy remembered外部サイトVictorian animal dreams : representations of animals in Victorian literature and culture外部サイトServants and paternalism in the works of Maria Edgeworth and Elizabeth Gaskell外部サイトThe military memoir and romantic literary culture, 1780-1835外部サイトDivining desire : Tennyson and the poetics of transcendence外部サイトFrom author to text : re-reading George Eliot's Romola外部サイトColeridge, form and symbol, or The ascertaining vision外部サイトDickens's 'young men' : George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates, and the world of Victorian journalism外部サイトAnatomy of a controversy : the debate over Essays and reviews 1860-1864外部サイトByron and the discourses of history外部サイトRomantic autobiography in England外部サイトHenry Irving : a re-evaluation of the pre-eminent Victorian actor-manager外部サイトCharlotte Brontë from the beginnings : new essays from the juvenilia to the major works外部サイトWordsworth and the writing of the nation外部サイトDickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew on Wellington street : the print culture of a Victorian street外部サイトPre-Raphaelite masculinities : constructions of masculinity in art and literature外部サイトThe life and work of Adelaide Procter : poetry, feminism, and fathers外部サイトThe neglected Shelley外部サイトJoseph Severn : letters and memoirs外部サイトJane Eyre on stage, 1848-1898 : an illustrated edition of eight plays with contextual notes外部サイトResurrection songs : the poetry of Thomas Lovell Beddoes外部サイトDickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew on Wellington street : the print culture of a Victorian street外部サイトGilbert and Sullivan : class and the Savoy tradition, 1875-1896外部サイトDynamics of the pictured page : representing the nation in the illustrated London news外部サイトPlacing and displacing romanticism外部サイトLandscape and gender in the novels of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy : the body of nature外部サイトLord Byron and Madame de Staël : born for opposition外部サイトGeorge Gissing and the woman question : convention and dissent外部サイトOuida and Victorian popular culture外部サイトOrientalist poetics : the Islamic Middle East in nineteenth-century English and French poetry外部サイトScience, language, and reform in Victorian poetry : political dialects外部サイトPoetics of luxury in the nineteenth century : Keats, Tennyson, and Hopkins外部サイトThe Brontës in the world of the arts外部サイトHarriet Martineau and the birth of disciplines : nineteenth-century intellectual powerhouse外部サイトThomas Hardy's novel universe : astronomy, cosmology, and gender in the post-Darwinian world外部サイトRomanticism : comparative discourses外部サイトThe scriptures of Charles Dickens : novels of ideology, novels of the self外部サイトTalking animals in British children's fiction, 1786-1914外部サイトLiterary bric-à-brac and the Victorians : from commodities to oddities外部サイトGeorge Newnes and the new journalism in Britain, 1880-1910 : culture and profit外部サイトPoetics of self and form in Keats and Shelley : Nietzschean subjectivity and genre外部サイトNew essays on Maria Edgeworth外部サイトReading and the Victorians外部サイトThe literary economy of Jane Austen and George Crabbe外部サイトPersistent Ruskin : studies in influence, assimilation, and effect外部サイトThe Ashgate research companion to Thomas Lovell Beddoes外部サイトFellow Romantics : male and female British writers, 1790-1835外部サイトGeorge Gissing : voices of the unclassed外部サイトRomanticism, medicine, and the poet's body外部サイトCentring the self : subjectivity, society, and reading from Thomas Gray to Thomas Hardy外部サイトNew men in Trollope's novels : rewriting the Victorian male外部サイトJ.M. Robertson : rationalist and literary critic外部サイトThomas Hardy and the survivals of time外部サイトByron, Sully, and the power of portraiture外部サイトDecadent Romanticism, 1780-1914外部サイトProblem pictures : women and men in Victorian painting外部サイトNineteenth-century British literature then and now : reading with hindsight外部サイトParaphernalia! : Victorian objects外部サイトVictorian publishing : the economics of book production for a mass market, 1836-1916外部サイトPygmalion and galatea : the history of a narrative in English literature外部サイトThe romantics and the May Day tradition外部サイトSerialization and the novel in mid-Victorian magazines外部サイトLife writing and Victorian culture外部サイトMedia, technology, and literature in the nineteenth century : image, sound, touch外部サイトManliness and the male novelist in victorian literature外部サイトThe new crusaders : images of the crusades in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries外部サイトMistress of the house : women of property in the Victorian novel外部サイトThomas Hardy : a textual study of the short stories外部サイトKindred Brutes : animals in Romantic-period writing外部サイトCity of health, fields of disease : revolutions in the poetry, medicine, and philosophy of Romanticism外部サイトArthur Conan Doyle and the meaning of masculinity外部サイトMacmillan's magazine, 1859-1907 : 'no flippancy or abuse allowed'外部サイトDaniel O'Connell, the British press, and the Irish famine : killing remarks外部サイトEnglish socialist periodicals, 1880-1900 : a reference source外部サイトPre-Raphaelite masculinities : constructions of masculinity in art and literature外部サイトDickens, family, authorship : psychoanalytic perspectives on kinship and creativity外部サイト'Ecstatic sound' : music and individuality in the work of Thomas Hardy外部サイトMedia, technology, and literature in the nineteenth century : image, sound, touch外部サイトThe dog in the Dickensian imagination外部サイトThe nineteenth-century history of English studies外部サイトRomantic 'Anglo-Italians' : configurations of identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle外部サイトThomas Hardy's short stories : new perspectives外部サイトPossessed Victorians : extra spheres in nineteenth-century mystical writings外部サイトA.C. Swinburne : a poet's life外部サイトCulture and science in the nineteenth-century media外部サイトSherlock's sisters : the British female detective, 1864-1913外部サイトVictorian women and the economies of travel, translation and culture, 1830-1870外部サイトReading, publishing and the formation of literary taste in England, 1880-1914外部サイトLewis Carroll and the Victorian stage : theatricals in a quiet life外部サイトLife writing and Victorian culture外部サイトRecords of girlhood : an anthology of nineteenth-century women's childhoods外部サイトKeats, hermeticism, and the secret societies外部サイトWomen's diaries as narrative in the nineteenth-century novel外部サイトThe Loudons and the gardening press : a Victorian cultural industry外部サイトElizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning : a creative partnership外部サイトThe secret life of Thomas Hardy : "retaliatory fiction"外部サイトThe presence of persons : essays on literature, science and philosophy in the nineteenth century外部サイトW.M. Thackeray and the mediated text : writing for periodicals in the mid-nineteenth century外部サイトLives of the sonnet, 1787-1895 : genre, gender and criticism外部サイトTennyson and Victorian periodicals : commodities in context外部サイトGeorge Eliot and nineteenth-century psychology : exploring the unmapped country外部サイトMortal pages, literary lives : studies in nineteenth-century autobiography外部サイトNew approaches to the literary art of Anne Brontë外部サイトReinventing King Arthur : the Arthurian legends in Victorian culture外部サイトThe essence of art : Victorian advice on the practice of painting外部サイトBritish women's travel to Greece, 1840-1914 : travels in the palimpsest外部サイトVictorian crime, madness and sensation外部サイトThe selected letters of W. E. Henley外部サイトThomas Hardy's "Facts" notebook : a critical edition外部サイトWomen's literary collaboration, queerness, and late-Victorian culture外部サイトThackeray's skeptical narrative and the "perilous trade" of authorship外部サイトGeorge Eliot in Germany, 1854-55 : "cherished memories"外部サイトGender at work in Victorian culture : literature, art and masculinity外部サイトRe-reading The excursion : narrative, response and the Wordsworthian dramatic voice外部サイトWomen reviewing women in nineteenth-century Britain : the critical reception of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and George Eliot外部サイトClass in turn-of-the-century novels of Gissing, James, Hardy, and Wells外部サイトWomen and personal property in the Victorian novel外部サイトDickens and empire : discourses of class, race and colonialism in the works of Charles Dickens外部サイトRomanticism and religion from William Cowper to Wallace Stevens外部サイトMale adolescence in mid-Victorian fiction : George Meredith, W.M. Thackeray, and Anthony Trollope外部サイトFirst-person anonymous : women writers and Victorian print media, 1830-70外部サイトThe life and literary pursuits of Allen Davenport : with a further selection of the author's work外部サイトThe playfulness of Gerard Manley Hopkins外部サイトVictorian transformations : genre, nationalism and desire in nineteenth-century literature外部サイトNarrating women's history in Britain, 1770-1902外部サイトCity of health, fields of disease : revolutions in the poetry, medicine, and philosophy of Romanticism外部サイトLives of the sonnet, 1787-1895 : genre, gender and criticism外部サイトDante Gabriel Rossetti and the late Victorian sonnet sequence : sexuality, belief and the self外部サイトWomen reviewing women in nineteenth-century Britain : the critical reception of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and George Eliot外部サイトJane Carlyle newly selected letters外部サイトAnna Jameson : Victorian, feminist, woman of letters外部サイトMaster narratives : tellers and telling in the English novel外部サイトRomantic biography外部サイトIntellectual politics and cultural conflict in the Romantic period : Scottish Whigs, English radicals and the making of the British public sphere外部サイトDevoted sisters : representations of the sister relationship in nineteenth-century British and American literature外部サイトRomanticism, hermeneutics and the crisis of the human sciences外部サイトScience, time, and space in the late nineteenth-century periodical press : movable types外部サイトLiterary theology by women writers of the nineteenth century外部サイトCommodity culture in Dickens's Household words : the social life of goods外部サイトShelley's eye : travel writing and aesthetic vision外部サイトRomanticism, medicine, and the poet's body外部サイトG.W.M. Reynolds : nineteenth-century fiction, politics, and the press外部サイトThe effective protagonist in the nineteenth-century British novel : Scott, Brontë, Eliot, Wilde外部サイトColeridge and Shelley : textual engagement外部サイトThe romantic legacy of Paradise Lost : reading against the grain外部サイトRobert Bloomfield, romanticism and the poetry of community外部サイトByron's poetic experimentation : Childe Harold, the tales, and the quest for comedy外部サイトGeorge Eliot, European novelist外部サイトCharles Knight : educator, publisher, writer外部サイトWordsworth and the formation of English studies外部サイトSupreme attachments : studies in Victorian love poetry外部サイトStyle and the nineteenth-century British critic : sincere mannerisms外部サイトTennyson's name : identity and responsibility in the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson外部サイトFeminist readings of Victorian popular texts : divergent femininities外部サイトFirst-person anonymous : women writers and Victorian print media, 1830-70外部サイトGendering Walter Scott : sex, violence and romantic period writing外部サイトRobert Southey and the contexts of English Romanticism外部サイトVictorian culture and the origin of disciplines外部サイトReading and the Victorians外部サイトLiterary experiments in magazine publishing : beyond serialization外部サイトSouth seas encounters : nineteenth-century Oceania, Britain, and America外部サイトMale adolescence in mid-Victorian fiction : George Meredith, W.M. Thackeray, and Anthony Trollope外部サイトWomen's writing and mission in the nineteenth century : Jane Eyre's missionary sisters外部サイトRomantic 'Anglo-Italians' : configurations of identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle外部サイトPoetics of luxury in the nineteenth century : Keats, Tennyson, and Hopkins外部サイトGender at work in Victorian culture : literature, art and masculinity外部サイトThe military memoir and romantic literary culture, 1780-1835外部サイトSerialization and the novel in mid-Victorian magazines外部サイト






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The nineteenth century series
Nineteenth century
The nineteenth century
The 19th century
General editors: Vincent Newey, and Joanne Shattock
Publisher varies: Routledge
Ella Hepworth Dixon : the story of a modern woman
The London journal, 1845-83 : periodicals, production, and gender
Romantic autobiography in England
The philosophical mysticism of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Language, science and popular fiction in the Victorian fin-de-siècle : the brutal tongue
Romanticism, memory, and mourning
Dickens and Benjamin : moments of revelation, fragments of modernity
Manliness and the male novelist in victorian literature
Victorian crime, madness and sensation
Relationships of sympathy : the writer and the reader in British romanticism
The politics of gender in Anthony Trollope's novels : new readings for the twenty-first century
The literary protégées of the Lake poets
Jane Austen & Charles Darwin : naturalists and novelists
The unfamiliar Shelley
Romantic friendship in Victorian literature
Media, technology, and literature in the nineteenth century : image, sound, touch
Romantic border crossings
John Clare's religion
The romantics and the May Day tradition
The Victorian diary : authorship and emotional labour
The Victorian comic spirit : new perspectives
Romantic echoes in the Victorian era
Romantic presences in the twentieth century
Their fair share : women, power and criticism in the Athenaeum, from Millicent Garrett Fawcett to Katherine Mansfield, 1870-1920
Thomas Hardy remembered
Victorian animal dreams : representations of animals in Victorian literature and culture
Servants and paternalism in the works of Maria Edgeworth and Elizabeth Gaskell
The military memoir and romantic literary culture, 1780-1835
Divining desire : Tennyson and the poetics of transcendence
From author to text : re-reading George Eliot's Romola
Coleridge, form and symbol, or The ascertaining vision
Dickens's 'young men' : George Augustus Sala, Edmund Yates, and the world of Victorian journalism
Anatomy of a controversy : the debate over Essays and reviews 1860-1864
Byron and the discourses of history
Romantic autobiography in England
Henry Irving : a re-evaluation of the pre-eminent Victorian actor-manager
Charlotte Brontë from the beginnings : new essays from the juvenilia to the major works
Wordsworth and the writing of the nation
Dickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew on Wellington street : the print culture of a Victorian street
Pre-Raphaelite masculinities : constructions of masculinity in art and literature
The life and work of Adelaide Procter : poetry, feminism, and fathers
The neglected Shelley
Joseph Severn : letters and memoirs
Jane Eyre on stage, 1848-1898 : an illustrated edition of eight plays with contextual notes
Resurrection songs : the poetry of Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Dickens, Reynolds, and Mayhew on Wellington street : the print culture of a Victorian street
Gilbert and Sullivan : class and the Savoy tradition, 1875-1896
Dynamics of the pictured page : representing the nation in the illustrated London news
Placing and displacing romanticism
Landscape and gender in the novels of Charlotte Brontë, George Eliot, and Thomas Hardy : the body of nature
Lord Byron and Madame de Staël : born for opposition
George Gissing and the woman question : convention and dissent
Ouida and Victorian popular culture
Orientalist poetics : the Islamic Middle East in nineteenth-century English and French poetry
Science, language, and reform in Victorian poetry : political dialects
Poetics of luxury in the nineteenth century : Keats, Tennyson, and Hopkins
The Brontës in the world of the arts
Harriet Martineau and the birth of disciplines : nineteenth-century intellectual powerhouse
Thomas Hardy's novel universe : astronomy, cosmology, and gender in the post-Darwinian world
Romanticism : comparative discourses
The scriptures of Charles Dickens : novels of ideology, novels of the self
Talking animals in British children's fiction, 1786-1914
Literary bric-à-brac and the Victorians : from commodities to oddities
George Newnes and the new journalism in Britain, 1880-1910 : culture and profit
Poetics of self and form in Keats and Shelley : Nietzschean subjectivity and genre
New essays on Maria Edgeworth
Reading and the Victorians
The literary economy of Jane Austen and George Crabbe
Persistent Ruskin : studies in influence, assimilation, and effect
The Ashgate research companion to Thomas Lovell Beddoes
Fellow Romantics : male and female British writers, 1790-1835
George Gissing : voices of the unclassed
Romanticism, medicine, and the poet's body
Centring the self : subjectivity, society, and reading from Thomas Gray to Thomas Hardy
New men in Trollope's novels : rewriting the Victorian male
J.M. Robertson : rationalist and literary critic
Thomas Hardy and the survivals of time
Byron, Sully, and the power of portraiture
Decadent Romanticism, 1780-1914
Problem pictures : women and men in Victorian painting
Nineteenth-century British literature then and now : reading with hindsight
Paraphernalia! : Victorian objects
Victorian publishing : the economics of book production for a mass market, 1836-1916
Pygmalion and galatea : the history of a narrative in English literature
The romantics and the May Day tradition
Serialization and the novel in mid-Victorian magazines
Life writing and Victorian culture
Media, technology, and literature in the nineteenth century : image, sound, touch
Manliness and the male novelist in victorian literature
The new crusaders : images of the crusades in the nineteenth and early twentieth centuries
Mistress of the house : women of property in the Victorian novel
Thomas Hardy : a textual study of the short stories
Kindred Brutes : animals in Romantic-period writing
City of health, fields of disease : revolutions in the poetry, medicine, and philosophy of Romanticism
Arthur Conan Doyle and the meaning of masculinity
Macmillan's magazine, 1859-1907 : 'no flippancy or abuse allowed'
Daniel O'Connell, the British press, and the Irish famine : killing remarks
English socialist periodicals, 1880-1900 : a reference source
Pre-Raphaelite masculinities : constructions of masculinity in art and literature
Dickens, family, authorship : psychoanalytic perspectives on kinship and creativity
'Ecstatic sound' : music and individuality in the work of Thomas Hardy
Media, technology, and literature in the nineteenth century : image, sound, touch
The dog in the Dickensian imagination
The nineteenth-century history of English studies
Romantic 'Anglo-Italians' : configurations of identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle
Thomas Hardy's short stories : new perspectives
Possessed Victorians : extra spheres in nineteenth-century mystical writings
A.C. Swinburne : a poet's life
Culture and science in the nineteenth-century media
Sherlock's sisters : the British female detective, 1864-1913
Victorian women and the economies of travel, translation and culture, 1830-1870
Reading, publishing and the formation of literary taste in England, 1880-1914
Lewis Carroll and the Victorian stage : theatricals in a quiet life
Life writing and Victorian culture
Records of girlhood : an anthology of nineteenth-century women's childhoods
Keats, hermeticism, and the secret societies
Women's diaries as narrative in the nineteenth-century novel
The Loudons and the gardening press : a Victorian cultural industry
Elizabeth Barrett and Robert Browning : a creative partnership
The secret life of Thomas Hardy : "retaliatory fiction"
The presence of persons : essays on literature, science and philosophy in the nineteenth century
W.M. Thackeray and the mediated text : writing for periodicals in the mid-nineteenth century
Lives of the sonnet, 1787-1895 : genre, gender and criticism
Tennyson and Victorian periodicals : commodities in context
George Eliot and nineteenth-century psychology : exploring the unmapped country
Mortal pages, literary lives : studies in nineteenth-century autobiography
New approaches to the literary art of Anne Brontë
Reinventing King Arthur : the Arthurian legends in Victorian culture
The essence of art : Victorian advice on the practice of painting
British women's travel to Greece, 1840-1914 : travels in the palimpsest
Victorian crime, madness and sensation
The selected letters of W. E. Henley
Thomas Hardy's "Facts" notebook : a critical edition
Women's literary collaboration, queerness, and late-Victorian culture
Thackeray's skeptical narrative and the "perilous trade" of authorship
George Eliot in Germany, 1854-55 : "cherished memories"
Gender at work in Victorian culture : literature, art and masculinity
Re-reading The excursion : narrative, response and the Wordsworthian dramatic voice
Women reviewing women in nineteenth-century Britain : the critical reception of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and George Eliot
Class in turn-of-the-century novels of Gissing, James, Hardy, and Wells
Women and personal property in the Victorian novel
Dickens and empire : discourses of class, race and colonialism in the works of Charles Dickens
Romanticism and religion from William Cowper to Wallace Stevens
Male adolescence in mid-Victorian fiction : George Meredith, W.M. Thackeray, and Anthony Trollope
First-person anonymous : women writers and Victorian print media, 1830-70
The life and literary pursuits of Allen Davenport : with a further selection of the author's work
The playfulness of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Victorian transformations : genre, nationalism and desire in nineteenth-century literature
Narrating women's history in Britain, 1770-1902
City of health, fields of disease : revolutions in the poetry, medicine, and philosophy of Romanticism
Lives of the sonnet, 1787-1895 : genre, gender and criticism
Dante Gabriel Rossetti and the late Victorian sonnet sequence : sexuality, belief and the self
Women reviewing women in nineteenth-century Britain : the critical reception of Jane Austen, Charlotte Brontë and George Eliot
Jane Carlyle newly selected letters
Anna Jameson : Victorian, feminist, woman of letters
Master narratives : tellers and telling in the English novel
Romantic biography
Intellectual politics and cultural conflict in the Romantic period : Scottish Whigs, English radicals and the making of the British public sphere
Devoted sisters : representations of the sister relationship in nineteenth-century British and American literature
Romanticism, hermeneutics and the crisis of the human sciences
Science, time, and space in the late nineteenth-century periodical press : movable types
Literary theology by women writers of the nineteenth century
Commodity culture in Dickens's Household words : the social life of goods
Shelley's eye : travel writing and aesthetic vision
Romanticism, medicine, and the poet's body
G.W.M. Reynolds : nineteenth-century fiction, politics, and the press
The effective protagonist in the nineteenth-century British novel : Scott, Brontë, Eliot, Wilde
Coleridge and Shelley : textual engagement
The romantic legacy of Paradise Lost : reading against the grain
Robert Bloomfield, romanticism and the poetry of community
Byron's poetic experimentation : Childe Harold, the tales, and the quest for comedy
George Eliot, European novelist
Charles Knight : educator, publisher, writer
Wordsworth and the formation of English studies
Supreme attachments : studies in Victorian love poetry
Style and the nineteenth-century British critic : sincere mannerisms
Tennyson's name : identity and responsibility in the poetry of Alfred Lord Tennyson
Feminist readings of Victorian popular texts : divergent femininities
First-person anonymous : women writers and Victorian print media, 1830-70
Gendering Walter Scott : sex, violence and romantic period writing
Robert Southey and the contexts of English Romanticism
Victorian culture and the origin of disciplines
Reading and the Victorians
Literary experiments in magazine publishing : beyond serialization
South seas encounters : nineteenth-century Oceania, Britain, and America
Male adolescence in mid-Victorian fiction : George Meredith, W.M. Thackeray, and Anthony Trollope
Women's writing and mission in the nineteenth century : Jane Eyre's missionary sisters
Romantic 'Anglo-Italians' : configurations of identity in Byron, the Shelleys, and the Pisan Circle
Poetics of luxury in the nineteenth century : Keats, Tennyson, and Hopkins
Gender at work in Victorian culture : literature, art and masculinity
The military memoir and romantic literary culture, 1780-1835
Serialization and the novel in mid-Victorian magazines