
Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering


Biological and medical physics, biomedical engineering

24 cm



Imprint varies: AIP Press/Springer


Biomimetics : bioinspired hierarchical-structured surfaces for green science and technology外部サイトComputational fluid and particle dynamics in the human respiratory system外部サイトBiomimetic membranes for sensor and separation applications外部サイトStructure prediction外部サイトBiophysics of DNA-protein interactions : from single molecules to biological systems外部サイトOptical coherence tomography : technology and applications外部サイトBasic characterization外部サイトOptical polarization in biomedical applications外部サイトComputational hemodynamics - theory, modelling and applications外部サイトArtificial sight : basic research, biomedical engineering, and clinical advances外部サイトComputer simulation and data analysis in molecular biology and biophysics : an introduction using R外部サイトTheoretical molecular biophysics外部サイトBiomimetics - materials, structures and processes : examples, ideas and case studies外部サイトCell motility外部サイトBiomedical optical imaging technologies : design and applications外部サイトProtontherapy versus carbon ion therapy : advantages, disadvantages and similarities外部サイトBiological membrane ion channels : dynamics, structure, and applications外部サイトBiomaterials and tissue engineering外部サイトBiomedical image processing外部サイトRadiation damage in biomolecular systems外部サイトTheoretical molecular biophysics外部サイトApplications of synchrotron radiation : micro beams in cell micro biology and medicine外部サイトUltrashort laser pulses in biology and medicine外部サイトBiophotonics外部サイトMicroarray technology and its applications外部サイトRadiation physics for medical physicists外部サイトPhysics of the human body外部サイトElectron spin interactions in chemistry and biology : fundamentals, methods, reactions, mechanisms, magnetic phenomena, structure investigation外部サイトThe electronic nose : artificial olfaction technology外部サイトApplication of infrared thermography in sports science外部サイトFundamentals of cryobiology : physical phenomena and mathematical models外部サイトEmergent computation : emphasizing bioinformatics外部サイトBiological imaging and sensing外部サイトMathematics for ecology and environmental sciences外部サイトPlant physiology外部サイトLaser-Driven Particle Acceleration Towards Radiobiology and Medicine外部サイトComputational EEG analysis : methods and applications外部サイトWater and biomolecules : physical chemistry of life phenomena外部サイト4D modeling and estimation of respiratory motion for radiation therapy外部サイトPhysics of the human body外部サイトBiomaterials : a Tantalus experience外部サイトMonte Carlo Methods for radiation transport : fundamentals and advanced topics外部サイトComputational modeling of biological systems : from molecules to pathways外部サイトLaser-tissue interactions : fundamentals and applications外部サイトEmerging Raman applications and techniques in biomedical and pharmaceutical fields外部サイトMolecular and cellular signaling外部サイトMathematics for life science and medicine外部サイトMembrane proteins in aqueous solutions : from detergents to amphipols外部サイトTopology in molecular biology : DNA and Proteins外部サイトSurface-enhanced raman spectroscopy : bioanalytical, biomolecular and medical applications外部サイトNeutron scattering in biology : techniques and applications外部サイトE. coli in motion外部サイトCellular imaging : electron tomography and related techniques外部サイトBiomedical devices and their applications外部サイトBiomechanics of the brain外部サイトRadiation oncology : a physicist's-eye view外部サイトMathematical biophysics外部サイトRadiation physics for medical physicists外部サイトLaser interaction with biological material : mathematical modeling外部サイトComplex fluids in biological systems : experiment, theory, and computation外部サイトMicro-segmented flow : applications in chemistry and biology外部サイトProtein folding and misfolding : shining light by infrared spectroscopy外部サイトMedical image processing : techniques and applications外部サイトTheory and mathematical methods for bioinformatics外部サイトBiophysical regulation of vascular differentiation and assembly外部サイトPhysical models of cell motility外部サイトThe physics of coronary blood flow外部サイトIon beam therapy : fundamentals, technology, clinical applications外部サイトPhysical principles of biomembranes and cells外部サイトThe physics of proteins : an introduction to biological physics and molecular biophysics外部サイトBiophysics of human hair : structural, nanomechanical, and nanotribological studies外部サイトMedical applications of nuclear physics外部サイトStructural approaches to sequence evolution : molecules, networks, populations外部サイトTowards practical brain-computer interfaces : bridging the gap from research to real-world applications外部サイトMathematics for ecology and environmental sciences外部サイトMolecular basis for mitochondrial signaling外部サイトBioinspiration : from nano to micro scales外部サイトMathematical modeling of protein complexes外部サイトBiomechanics of the brain外部サイトA mathematical approach to protein biophysics外部サイトLabel-free super-resolution microscopy外部サイトApplied physics of external radiation exposure : dosimetry and radiation protection外部サイトBiophysics of RNA-protein interactions : a mechanistic view外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



24 cm
Imprint varies: AIP Press/Springer
Biomimetics : bioinspired hierarchical-structured surfaces for green science and technology
Computational fluid and particle dynamics in the human respiratory system
Biomimetic membranes for sensor and separation applications
Structure prediction
Biophysics of DNA-protein interactions : from single molecules to biological systems
Optical coherence tomography : technology and applications
Basic characterization
Optical polarization in biomedical applications
Computational hemodynamics - theory, modelling and applications
Artificial sight : basic research, biomedical engineering, and clinical advances
Computer simulation and data analysis in molecular biology and biophysics : an introduction using R
Theoretical molecular biophysics
Biomimetics - materials, structures and processes : examples, ideas and case studies
Cell motility
Biomedical optical imaging technologies : design and applications
Protontherapy versus carbon ion therapy : advantages, disadvantages and similarities
Biological membrane ion channels : dynamics, structure, and applications
Biomaterials and tissue engineering
Biomedical image processing
Radiation damage in biomolecular systems
Theoretical molecular biophysics
Applications of synchrotron radiation : micro beams in cell micro biology and medicine
Ultrashort laser pulses in biology and medicine
Microarray technology and its applications
Radiation physics for medical physicists
Physics of the human body
Electron spin interactions in chemistry and biology : fundamentals, methods, reactions, mechanisms, magnetic phenomena, structure investigation
The electronic nose : artificial olfaction technology
Application of infrared thermography in sports science
Fundamentals of cryobiology : physical phenomena and mathematical models
Emergent computation : emphasizing bioinformatics
Biological imaging and sensing
Mathematics for ecology and environmental sciences
Plant physiology
Laser-Driven Particle Acceleration Towards Radiobiology and Medicine
Computational EEG analysis : methods and applications
Water and biomolecules : physical chemistry of life phenomena
4D modeling and estimation of respiratory motion for radiation therapy
Physics of the human body
Biomaterials : a Tantalus experience
Monte Carlo Methods for radiation transport : fundamentals and advanced topics
Computational modeling of biological systems : from molecules to pathways
Laser-tissue interactions : fundamentals and applications
Emerging Raman applications and techniques in biomedical and pharmaceutical fields
Molecular and cellular signaling
Mathematics for life science and medicine
Membrane proteins in aqueous solutions : from detergents to amphipols
Topology in molecular biology : DNA and Proteins
Surface-enhanced raman spectroscopy : bioanalytical, biomolecular and medical applications
Neutron scattering in biology : techniques and applications
E. coli in motion
Cellular imaging : electron tomography and related techniques
Biomedical devices and their applications
Biomechanics of the brain
Radiation oncology : a physicist's-eye view
Mathematical biophysics
Radiation physics for medical physicists
Laser interaction with biological material : mathematical modeling
Complex fluids in biological systems : experiment, theory, and computation
Micro-segmented flow : applications in chemistry and biology
Protein folding and misfolding : shining light by infrared spectroscopy
Medical image processing : techniques and applications
Theory and mathematical methods for bioinformatics
Biophysical regulation of vascular differentiation and assembly
Physical models of cell motility
The physics of coronary blood flow
Ion beam therapy : fundamentals, technology, clinical applications
Physical principles of biomembranes and cells
The physics of proteins : an introduction to biological physics and molecular biophysics
Biophysics of human hair : structural, nanomechanical, and nanotribological studies
Medical applications of nuclear physics
Structural approaches to sequence evolution : molecules, networks, populations
Towards practical brain-computer interfaces : bridging the gap from research to real-world applications
Mathematics for ecology and environmental sciences
Molecular basis for mitochondrial signaling
Bioinspiration : from nano to micro scales
Mathematical modeling of protein complexes
Biomechanics of the brain
A mathematical approach to protein biophysics
Label-free super-resolution microscopy
Applied physics of external radiation exposure : dosimetry and radiation protection
Biophysics of RNA-protein interactions : a mechanistic view
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research