
Modern revivals in history


Modern revivals in history

Gregg Revivals


War, politics and finance under Edward I外部サイトTrue religion now established外部サイトThe Ulster crisis : resistance to Home Rule, 1912-1914外部サイトDiplomacy of illusion : the British government and Germany, 1937-1939外部サイトThe King's proceedings外部サイトThe English press in the eighteenth century外部サイトWork, society and politics : the culture of the factory in later Victorian England外部サイトLiberals and social democrats外部サイトLloyd George : the goat in the wilderness, 1922-1931外部サイトBefore the Socialists : studies in labour and politics, 1861-1881外部サイトThe politics of protection : Lord Derby and the Protectionist Party, 1841-1852外部サイトThe making of the Second Reform Bill外部サイトSocialism and the challenge of war : ideas and politics in Britain, 1912-18外部サイトBritish political parties : the distribution of power within the conservative and labour parties外部サイト1939 : the making of the Second World War外部サイトThe Atlantic slave trade and British abolition, 1760-1810外部サイトRise up, women! : the militant campaign of the Women's Social and Political Union 1903-1914外部サイトRichard Baxter and the millennium外部サイトThe government of the Rhine Palatinate in the fifteenth century外部サイトThe politics of deference : a study of the mid-nineteenth century English political system外部サイトPress and the people, 1790-1850 : opinions in three English cities外部サイトThe people's health, 1830-1910外部サイトThe great reform act外部サイトWilkes, Wyvill and reform : the parliamentary reform movement in British politics, 1760-1785外部サイトBritish foreign policy in the age of Walpole外部サイトParliamentary reform, 1640-1832外部サイトLancashire and the new liberalism外部サイトEdinburgh and the Reformation外部サイトGodly rule : politics and religion, 1603-1660外部サイトThe financial revolution in England : a study in the development of public credit, 1688-1756外部サイトThe Liberals and Ireland : the Ulster question in British politics to 1914外部サイトLloyd George : twelve essays外部サイトYesterday's deterrent : Tirpitz and the birth of the German battle fleet外部サイトByzantium confronts the West, 1180-1204外部サイトThe age of equipoise : a study of the mid-Victorian generation外部サイトThe passing of the Whigs 1832-1886外部サイトProperty and politics, 1870-1914 : landownership, law, ideology and urban development in England外部サイトThe English militia in the eighteenth century : the story of a political issue, 1660-1802外部サイトA pattern of government growth, 1800-1860 : the Passenger Acts and their enforcement外部サイトEvangelicals and culture外部サイトSocial geography of British elections 1885-1910外部サイトMarginal Prynne, 1600-1669外部サイトEnglishmen and Irish troubles : British public opinion and the making of Irish policy, 1918-22外部サイトThe narrow ground : the roots of conflict in Ulster外部サイトScience and society in restoration England外部サイトThe Ọyọ Empire, c.1600-c.1836 : a West African Imperialism in the era of the Atlantic slave trade外部サイトThe laws of war in the late Middle Ages外部サイトRobert Spencer, Earl of Sunderland, 1641-1702外部サイトReligio depopulata外部サイト






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War, politics and finance under Edward I
True religion now established
The Ulster crisis : resistance to Home Rule, 1912-1914
Diplomacy of illusion : the British government and Germany, 1937-1939
The King's proceedings
The English press in the eighteenth century
Work, society and politics : the culture of the factory in later Victorian England
Liberals and social democrats
Lloyd George : the goat in the wilderness, 1922-1931
Before the Socialists : studies in labour and politics, 1861-1881
The politics of protection : Lord Derby and the Protectionist Party, 1841-1852
The making of the Second Reform Bill
Socialism and the challenge of war : ideas and politics in Britain, 1912-18
British political parties : the distribution of power within the conservative and labour parties
1939 : the making of the Second World War
The Atlantic slave trade and British abolition, 1760-1810
Rise up, women! : the militant campaign of the Women's Social and Political Union 1903-1914
Richard Baxter and the millennium
The government of the Rhine Palatinate in the fifteenth century
The politics of deference : a study of the mid-nineteenth century English political system
Press and the people, 1790-1850 : opinions in three English cities
The people's health, 1830-1910
The great reform act
Wilkes, Wyvill and reform : the parliamentary reform movement in British politics, 1760-1785
British foreign policy in the age of Walpole
Parliamentary reform, 1640-1832
Lancashire and the new liberalism
Edinburgh and the Reformation
Godly rule : politics and religion, 1603-1660
The financial revolution in England : a study in the development of public credit, 1688-1756
The Liberals and Ireland : the Ulster question in British politics to 1914
Lloyd George : twelve essays
Yesterday's deterrent : Tirpitz and the birth of the German battle fleet
Byzantium confronts the West, 1180-1204
The age of equipoise : a study of the mid-Victorian generation
The passing of the Whigs 1832-1886
Property and politics, 1870-1914 : landownership, law, ideology and urban development in England
The English militia in the eighteenth century : the story of a political issue, 1660-1802
A pattern of government growth, 1800-1860 : the Passenger Acts and their enforcement
Evangelicals and culture
Social geography of British elections 1885-1910
Marginal Prynne, 1600-1669
Englishmen and Irish troubles : British public opinion and the making of Irish policy, 1918-22
The narrow ground : the roots of conflict in Ulster
Science and society in restoration England
The Ọyọ Empire, c.1600-c.1836 : a West African Imperialism in the era of the Atlantic slave trade
The laws of war in the late Middle Ages
Robert Spencer, Earl of Sunderland, 1641-1702
Religio depopulata
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA14195794 : BA14195794