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- No. 30 (c1937) stamped "Technical publication No.30"
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- Symposium on methods of testing building constructions : presented at the Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 17-18, 1954Performance and durability of the window-wall interfaceSymposium on Nondestructive Testing : presented at the Second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 17 and 18, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsSymposium on methods of measuring viscosity at high rates of shearSymposium on statistical methods for the detergent laboratories : presented at a Meeting of Committee D-12 on Soap and Other Detergents, New York, N.Y., March 18, 1952Automated manufacturing : a symposiumTurbine lubrication problems : a symposium presented at the Seventieth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Boston, Mass., 25-30 June, 1967Building seals and sealantsPesticide formulations and delivery systems : meeting the challenges of the current crop protection industrySkiing trauma and safety : seventeenth volumeTwenty-year atmospheric corrosion investigation of zinc-coated and incoated wire and wire productsPavement maintenance and rehabilitation : a symposiumImpact testing of metalsEffects of radiation on materials : 14th international symposiumErosion by cavitation or impingement : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26-July 1, 1966Symposium on consolidation testing of soils : presented at the fifty-fourth Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials Atlantic City, N.J., June 18, 1951Blended cements : a symposiumFracture toughness evaluation by R-curve methodsSkiing trauma and safety : sixteenth volumeSymposium on Ultrasonic Testing : presented at the fifty-second Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 28, 1949Field description of coal : a symposiumSuperfund risk assessment in soil contamination studies : third volumeQuantitative characterization and performance of porous implants for hard tissue applications : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-4 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices, Nashville, TN, 18-19 Nov. 1985Nondestructive and automated testing for soil and rock propertiesDevelopments in fracture mechanics test methods standardization : a symposium presented at St. Louis, Mo., 4 May, 1976Sampling environmental mediaProduct testing with consumers for research guidance : special consumer groups, second volumeChemical and biological characterization of municipal sludges, sediments, dredge spoils, and drilling mudsEngineering properties of roofing systems : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26-July 1, 1966The analysis of slags and related oxide-type materials : a symposium presented at the Pittsburgh Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 7 March 1973Laser-induced damage in optical materials, 1990 : 22nd Annual Boulder Damage Symposium, proceedings, 24-26, October, 1990,Boulder, ColoradoRock for erosion controlOperating room and intensive care alarms : information transferImpact resistance and tensile properties of metals at subatmospheric temperaturesResidual and unspecified elements in steelStress-Corrosion cracking of titanium : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1965Symposium on structural sandwich constructions : presented at the second Pacific area national meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 20, 1956Uniformity of cement strength : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee C-1 on Cement, Louisville, KY, 19 June 1986Advances in electron metallography : a symposiumMultiaxial fatigue and deformation testing techniquesLaboratory corrosion tests and standards : a symposium by ASTM Committee G-1 on Corrosion of Metals, Bal Harbour, FL, 14-16 Nov. 1983Symposium on the Role of Non-destructive Testing in the Economics production : presented at the fifty-third Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 27, 1950Leak detection for underground storage tanksSymposium on Recent Developments in the Evaluation of Natural Rubber : presented at the fifty-fifth annual meeting , American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N. Y., June 26, 195The design and application of controlled low-strength materials (flowable fill)Measured air leakage of buildings : a symposiumLead in paint, soil and dust : health risks, exposure studies, control measures, measurement methods, and quality assuranceGeothermal scaling and corrosion : symposia presented at New Orleans, La., 19-20 Feb. 1979, and Honolulu, Hawaii, 4-5 April 1979Frictional interaction of tire and pavement : a symposiumEnvironmental toxicology and risk assessment : standardization of biomarkers for endocrine disruption and environmental assessment : eighth volumeA tentative guide for fatigue testing and the statistical analysis of fatigue dataCrosslinked and thermally treated ultra-high molecular weight polyethylene for joint replacementsOil field subsurface injection of water : a symposium presented at Fort Lauderdale, Fla., 17-18 January 1977Geotextile testing and the design engineer : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-35 on Geotextiles, Geomembranes, and Related Products, Los Angeles, CA, 26 June 1985Masonry : esthetics, engineering, and economyManual of industrial corrosion standards and controlComputerization and networking of materials data basesPapers on building constructions : Symposium on Wood in Building Constructions, Symposium on Methods for Testing Building ConstructionsComposite materials : testing, design, and acceptance criteriaLifetime factors in silicon : a symposiumSymposium on testing of cast iron with SR-4 type of gage : presented at the fifty-second annula meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J. , June 29, 1949Permanence of organic coatings : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-1 on Paint and Related Coatings and Materials and ASTM Committee G-3 on Durability of Nonmetallic Materials, Orlando, Fla., 21 Jan. 1981References on fatigueMethodology for biomass determinations and microbial activities in sediments : a symposiumWater in exterior building walls : problems and solutionsFracture mechanics of composites : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites, American Society for Testing and Materials, Gaithersburg, Md., 25 Sept. 1974Progress of superpave (superior performing asphalt pavement) : evaluation and implementationSymposium on fatigue with emphasis on statistical approach-II : presented at the fifty-fifth annual meeting (fiftieth anniversary meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N. Y., June 24, 1952Estimating the hazard of chemical substances to aquatic lifeSymposium on Atmospheric Corrosion of Non-ferrous Metals : presented at the fifty-eighth Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 29, 1955Fire resistive coatings : the need for standards : a symposiumIsocyanates : sampling, analysis, and health effectsThe use of nuclear meters in soils investigations : a summary of worldwide research and practiceProperties of austenitic stainless steels and their weld metals : influence of slight chemistry variations : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlanta, Ga., 14 Nov. 1977Symposium on major effects of minor constituents on the properties of materials : presented at the Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26, 1961Symposium on determination of elastic constants : presented at the fifty-fifth annual meeting (fiftieth anniversary meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 25, 1952Symposium on evaluation of metallic materials in design for low-temperature service : presented at the sixty-fourth annual meeting American Sociery for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, June 27-28, 1961Fatigue and fracture testing of weldmentsFull-scale load testing of structures : a symposiumConstructing and controlling compaction of earth fillsFracture mechanics : Fourteenth Symposium : Fourteenth National Symposium on Fracture MechanicsEnvironmental toxicology and risk assessment : modeling and risk assessment : sixth volumeFracture mechanics : twenty-third symposiumSymposium on newer structural materials for aerospace vehicles : a symposium presented at the sixty-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 21, 1964Fatigue and fracture mechanics : 30th volumeEffects of radiation on materials : proceedings of the eleventh international symposium : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications, Scottsdale, Ariz., 28-30 June 1982Low-cycle fatigue and life prediction : a symposiumSymposium on Steam Turbine Oils : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 17, 1956Symposium on tin : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 23, 19521960 supplement to the metal cleaning bibliographical abstractsSpinal implants : are we evaluating them appropriately?Engine test sequences for evaluating automotive lubricants for API Service MS/ sopnsored by Section I on Engine Oils of Technical Division B onAutomotive Lubricants of ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products andLubricantsCompression response of composite structuresSymposium on effect of temperature on the brittle behavior of metals with particular reference to low temperature : presented at the fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 28-30, 1953Residual stress effects in fatigue : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-9 on Fatigue, Phoenix, Ariz., 11 May 1981Characterization and properties of ultra-high molecular weight polyethyleneRock classification systems for engineering purposesImpediments to analysis : a symposiumSymposium on dynamic testing of soils : presented at the Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., July 2, 1953Fire test performance : a symposium presented at the winter meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Denver, Colo., 2-7 Feb. 1969Symposium on properties, tests, and performance of electrodeposited metallic coatings : presented at the Buffalo National Meeting, Buffalo, N.Y., February 29, 1956 and Re-presented at the Second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 19, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsDamage tolerance of metallic structures : analysis methods and applications : a symposiumVertebrate pest control and management materials : proceedings of the Third Symposium on Test Methods for Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials : a symposiumDurability testing of nonmetallic materialsResilient modulus testing for pavement componentsEffect of notches on low-cycle fatigue : a literature surveyReport on the strength of wrought steels at elevated temperatures : issued under the auspices of the A.S.T.M.-A.S.M.E. joint committee on effect of temperature on the properties of metalsMasonry, research, application, and problems : symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees C-7 on Lime, C-12 on Mortars for Unit Masonry, and C-15 on Manufactured Masonry Units, Bal Harbour, FL, 6 Dec. 1983Corrosion-fatigue technology : a symposium presented at November Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Denver, Colo., 14-19 Nov. 1976Thermal and mechanical behavior of metal matrix and ceramic matrix compositesEnvironmental toxicology and risk assessment : fourth volumeReduced activation materials for fusion reactorsContinuous measurement of the cure rate of rubber : a symposium presented at the Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 25, 1964Innovations and uses for limeMoisture migration in buildings : a symposiumRapid load fracture testingRapidly solidified powder aluminum alloys : a symposiumBuilding deck waterproofingDetermination of stress in rock : a state-of-the-art report : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Applications of automation technology to fatigue and fracture testing and analysis : third volumeFatigue and fracture mechanics : 31st volumePhysical requirement guidelines for sensory evaluation laboratories : a manualBibliography and abstracts on electrical contacts 1835-1951Stress corrosion cracking of metals--a state of the artHydraulic system cleanliness : a symposium presented at the Seventy-third Annual Meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 21-26 June 1970Aviation fuel : thermal stability requirementsSymposium on odorLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1989 : proceedings of the Boulder Damage Symposium, November 1-3, 1989Testing Techniques for Rock Mechanics : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct.31-Nov.5, 1965Index(organic) to the powder diffraction file 1964Statistical methods for quality control of road and paving materials : presented at the sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 28, 1963Symposium on Railroad Materials, Lubricating Oils : presented at the Second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 18-19, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsManual on industrial water and industrial waste waterApplication of agricultural analysis in environmental studiesMasonry : materials, design, construction, and maintenanceTechniques to assess the corrosion activity of steel reinforced concrete structuresFracture toughness testing at cryogenic temperaturesFatigue of filamentary composite materials : a symposiumApplications of automation technology in fatigue and fracture testing and analysis : fourth volumeEffects of high-energy radiation on inorganic substances : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct 31-Nov. 5, 1965Effects of residual elements on properties of austenitic stainless steels : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Comparison of the properties of basic oxygen and open hearth steelsTesting and acceptance criteria for geosynthetics clay linersZirconium in the nuclear industry : 15th international symposiumPetrography applied to concrete and concrete aggregatesEnvironmental toxicology and risk assessment : recent achievements in environmental fate and transport : ninth volumeDelamination and debonding of materials : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites and E-24 on Fracture Testing, Pittsburgh, Pa., 8-10 Nov. 1983Skiing trauma and safety : eleventh volumeWindow and wall testing : a symposium presented at ASTM Headquarters, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 14-15 Nov. 1972Symposium on identification of water-formed depositsVertebrate pest control and management materials : 5th volumeCement standards, evolution and trends : a symposium, St. Louis, Mo., 7 Dec. 1977Small specimen test techniquesEffects of soil characteristics on corrosionStandards for preservation and rehabilitationFracture resistance curves and engineering applicationsSpace radiation effects : presented at the sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Soceity for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 23, 1963Symposium on stress-strain-time-temperature relationships in materials : presented at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, N.Y., June 27, 1962Symposium on large fatigue testing machines and their results : presented at the sixtieth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 18, 1957Composite materials : fatigue and fracture : a symposiumFracture mechanicsASTM viscosity index calculated from kinematic viscositySymposium on radioactivity in industrial water and industrial waste water : presented at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass., June 26, 1958, American Society for Testing MaterialsThe Impact of U.S. environmental regulations on fuel quality1956 references on fatigueTest methods for compression members : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Composites bondingSymposium on new methods for particle size determination in the subsieve rangeComputer automation of materials testing : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing and Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 5-11 Nov. 1978Symposium on porcelain enamels and ceramic coatings as engineering materialsFatigue testing and analysis under variable amplitude loading conditionsToxic materials in the atmosphere : sampling and analysis : a symposiumEngineering properties of asphalt mixtures and the relationship to their performanceList of alloy phase designations of the X-ray diffraction data file, section 1-12 : appendix to Inorganic index, prepared by S.WeissmannFink inorganic index to the powder diffraction fileDamage detection in composite materialsQuality systems in the nuclear industry (and in other high technology industries)Composite materials : testing and design (seventh conference) : a conferenceManual on electron metallography techniquesPractical applications of neutron radiography and gaging : a symposiumSymposium on deformation of metals as related to forming and service : presented at the fifty-first Annual Meeting American Society for Testing MaterialsNew stone technology, design, and construction for exterior wall systemsFive-year bibliography on fatigue, 1955-1959 : with indexEffects of radiation on materials : 16th international symposiumSymposium on measurement of consumer wants : presented at the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 21, 1951Biological methods for the assessment of water quality : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsPesticide formulations and application systemsFracture mechanics : fifteenth symposium : Fifteenth National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics, sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing, College Park, Md., 7-9 July 1982Development, use, and performance of exterior insulation and finish systems (EIFS)1962 supplement to the bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsEffects of radiation on materials : twelfth international symposium : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications, Williamsburg, VA, 18-20 June 1984Elastic-plastic fracture : a symposiumSkiing trauma and safety : fourteenth volumeThe Use of small-scale specimens for testing irradiated material : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Technology and Applications, Albuquerque, N.M., 23 Sept. 1983Oil dispersants : new ecological approachesMasonry : opportunities for the 21st centuryReport on the elevated-temperature properties of selected super-strength alloys : data compiled by and issued under the auspices of The Data and Publications Panel of the ASTM-ASME Joint Committee on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of MetalsAquatic toxicology : proceedings of the Third Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposiumPerformance of protective clothing : sixth volumeSilicon processing : a symposiumLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1983 : proceedings of a symposium, November 14-16, 1983, NBS, Boulder, ColoradoLiterature survey on creep damage in metalsHot corrosion problems associated with gas turbines : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Stainless steel for architectural use : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June 1968Symposium on elevated temperature strain gagesBearing steels : the rating of nonmetallic inclusion : a symposium presented at May Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Bsoton, Mass., 22-24 May 1974Symposium on electroforming : applications, uses, and properties of electroformed metals : presented at 1962 Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Dallas, Tex., February 6 and 7, 1962Fatigue crack growth thresholds, endurance limits, and designElectric insulating oilsCreep of zirconium alloys in nuclear reactorsResinography of cellular plastics : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26-July 1, 1966Zirconium in the nuclear industry : eighth international symposiumManual of protective linings for flue gas desulfurization systems : a manualMarine geotechnology and nearshore/offshore structures : a symposiumErosion : prevention and useful applications : a symposiumSymposium on visual aids for standardizing and communicating product appearanceSymposium on insulating oils : fifth series : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 23, 1952Elastic-plastic fractureApplications related phenomena in titanium alloys : [papers]Asphalt concrete mix design : development of more rational approachesAdvances in adhesives, adhesion science, and testingComposite materials : testing and design : thirteenth volumeGuidelines for the selection and training of sensory panel membersAdvances in environmental measurement methods for asbestosCommon ground, consensus building and continual improvement : standards and sustainable building, first international symposiumThe mechanical properties of wrought phosphor bronze alloysSlurry erosion : uses, applications, and test methods : a symposiumDynamic elastic modulus measurements in materialsChevron-notched specimens, testing and stress analysis : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing, Louisville, Ky., 21 April 1983Measuring road roughness and its effects on user cost and comfort : a symposiumInsulation materials, testing, and applicationsDistillate fuel : contamination, storage, and handlingSelection and use of engine coolants and cooling system chemicalsEmerging semiconductor technology : a symposium1954 supplement to the metal cleaning bibliographical abstractsAssignment of the glass transitionAnalytical methods developed for application to lunar samples analysesIndex to the x-ray powder data file (1961)Bioremediation of pollutants in soil and waterPerformance of protective clothing : fourth volumeCobalt-base alloys for biomedical applicationsEffects of product quality and design criteria on structural integritySymposium on basic mechanisms of fatigue : presented at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 23, 1958Novel techniques in fossil fuel mass spectrometryFatigue of electronic materialAppearance of metallic surfaces : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June 1968Guide to the selection and use of electroplated and related finishes : a manualAdvances in the production and use of steel with improved internal cleanlinessReview of developments in plane strain fracture toughness testingBibliographical abstracts on evaluation of brightening agents for detergent usage : 1964Service life of rehabilitated buildings and other structuresJoining of composite materials : a symposium, Minneapolis, Minn., 16 April 1980The Chemistry and technology of gypsum : a symposiumExterior wall systems : glass and concrete technology, design, and constructionFatigue and dynamic testing of bituminous mixtures : a symposium presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29 June 1973Environmental toxicology and risk assessment : biomarkers and risk assessment : fifth volume1963 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contacts, circuit breakers, and arc phenomenaMaterials characterization by dynamic and modulated thermal analytical techniquesMechanical testing for deformation model development : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing, Bal Harbour, Fla., 12-13 Nov. 1980Short fiber reinforced composite materials : a symposiumSlips, stumbles, and falls : pedestrian footwear and surfacesHigh temperature and environmental effects on polymeric composites : 2nd volumeCorrosion forms and control for infrastructureLaboratory handling and storage of peroxy compoundsComposite materials : fatigue and fracture, seventh volumeThe Relationship between engine oil viscosity and engine performance : symposiumSkiing trauma and safety : eight international symposiumElectrochemical noise measurement for corrosion applicationsSymposium on effect of water on bituminous paving mixtures : presented at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 24, 1958Polymer modified asphalt bindersBibliography and abstracts on thermostat metals : 1806-1959Environmental toxicology and risk assessmentCommunity toxicity testing : a symposiumAlternatives to chlorofluorocarbon fluids in the cleaning of oxygen and aerospace systems and componentsTesting technology of metal matrix compositesLaboratory performance tests for automotive gear lubricants intended for API GL-5 serviceFormability topics--metallic materials : a symposiumElectron beam microanalysisMiCon 90 : advances in video technology for microstructural controlStatistical sampling : past, present and future theoretical and practicalTemper embrittlement in steel : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee A-1 on Steel, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 3-4 Oct., 1967Environmental aspects of stabilization and solidification of hazardous and radioactive wastesGeotechnical applications of remote sensing and remote data transmission : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock, 31 Jan.-1 Feb. 1986Sequence IIDPesticide formulations and delivery systems, 27th volume : traditional and non-traditional developmentsFracture mechanics : twenty-first symposiumCurrent practices in ground water and vadose zone investigationsCement and concrete, presented at the second Pacific AREA national meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 19 and 20, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsReactor structural materials : engineering properties as affected by nuclear reactor serviceConference on soils for engineering purposes : conference papers : with discussions appended = Congreso sobre suelos para fines de ingenieria : memoria del congreso : con discusiones suplementariasChemical protective clothing performance in chemical emergency responseFatigue and fracture mechanics : 33rd volume1957 supplement to the metal cleaning bibliographical abstractsZirconium in the nuclear industry : twelfth international symposiumSymposium on light microscopy : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 25, 1952Techniques in thermal analysis : hyphenated techniques, thermal analysis of the surface, and fast rate analysisReport on stress-corrosion cracking of austenitic chromium-nickel stainless steelsSymposium on cleaning of electronic device components and materialsCorrelating sensory objective measurements--new methods for answering old problems : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-18 on Sensory Evaluation of Materials and Products, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 11-12 Nov. 1974Corrosion in natural environments : three symposia presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. 24-29 June 1973Symposium on dynamic behavior of materials : presented at Albuquerque, N. Mex., September 27-28, 1962Evaluation and accreditation of inspection and test activities : a symposiumFracture mechanics : 26th volumeSymposium on nondestructive tests in the field of nuclear energy : presented in Chicago, Ill., April 16-18, 1957Interfaces in composites : a symposium presented at the Seventy-first Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Ignition, heat release, and noncombustibility of materials : a symposium held at the National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C., 6. October, 1971Physical properties of asphalt cement bindersThermal insulations in the petrochemical industry : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee C-16 on Thermal and Cryogenic Insulating Materials in cooperation with the American Institute of Chemical Engineers, 12 March 1974, Tulsa, Okla.Structural integrity of fasteners including the effects of environment and stress corrosion cracking : 3rd volumeComposite materials : testing and design : fourteenth volumeInstruments and apparatus for soil and rock mechanics : a Symposium presented at the 68th Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Lafayette, Ind., June 13-18, 1965Thermal insulation : materials and systemsThermal fatigue of materials and components : a symposium, Philadelphia, Pa. [i.e. New Orleans], 17-18 Nov., 1975Symposium on advances in techniques in electron metallography : held at New York, N.Y., June 26, 1962Symposium on coronaSymposium on mineral aggregates (1948) : Fifty-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Detroit, Mich., June 21-25, 1948Resinographic methods : a symposium presented at the sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 27, 1963Symposium on vane shear testing of soils : presented at the fifty-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 22, 1956Test methods and design allowables for fibrous composites : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites, American Society for Testing and Materials, Dearborn, Mich., 2, 3 Oct. 1979Manual on industrial water and industrial waste waterX ray and optical emission analysis of high-temperature alloys : a symposium presented at the sixty-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 23, 1964Time-dependent fractureHazardous and industrial solid waste testing : second symposiumErosion, wear, and interfaces with corrosion : a symposium presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29 June 1973 : [papers]Commercial opportunities for advanced compositesAdvanced testing techniques : a symposium presented at the seventy-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 22-27 June 1969Creative applications : sensory techniques used in conducting packaging research with consumersComposite materials, testing and design (fifth conference) : a conferenceThermal and mechanical test methods and behavior of continuous-fiber ceramic compositesManual on test sieving methodsRoofing research and standards development : a syposium, New Orleans, LA, 3 Dec. 1986Durability of building materials and components : proceedings of the First International Conference : a symposium presented at Ottawa, Canada, 21-23 Aug. 1978Papers on soldering (1962) : presented at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, N.Y., June 24, 1962Health effects of synthetic silica particulates : a symposiumThe Design, sample handling, and applications of infrared microscopes : a symposiumStabilization and solidification of hazardous, radioactive, and mixed wastesTesting for prediction of material performance in structures and componentsSampling and analysis of rain : a symposiumWalkway surfaces : measurement of slip resistance : a symposium, Denver, Colo., 30 June, 1977Masonry, materials, properties, and performance : a symposiumCumulative alphabetical and grouped numerical index of x-ray diffraction data, including the fifth set of cards (1953)Fracture mechanics : nineteenth symposiumResistance to plane-stress fracture (R-curve behavior) of A572 structural steel : presented at Eighth National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics, Brown University, Providence, R.I., 26-28 Aug. 1974Symposium on skid resistance (1962) : presented at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, N.Y., June 29, 1962Composite materials, testing and design (third conference) : a conference sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials, Williamsburg, Va., 21-22 March 1973Environmental toxicology and risk assessment : third volumeStandardization of technical terminology : principles and practices : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee on Terminology, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 23 June 19821965 - 1966 references on fatigueSealant technology in glazing systems : a symposiumPlants for toxicity assessmentMultiaxial fatigue and deformation : testing and predictionAtmospheric factors affecting the corrosion of engineering metals : proceedings of the Golden Anniversary Symposium Commemorating 50 Years' Atmospheric Exposure Testing : a symposium sponsored by Committee A-5 on Metallic-Coated Iron and Steel Products and Committee G-1 on Corrosion of Metals, American Society for Testing and Materials, Pennsylvania State University, State College, Pa., 18-19 May, 1976Fracture mechanics : proceedings of the Thirteenth National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics : a symposiumCorrosion of metals in association with concrete : a manual sponsored by ASTM Subcommittee G01.14 on Corrosion of Reinforcing Steel, and Metal Properties CouncilSymposium on electron metallography : presented at the sixty-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 23, 1959Aquatic toxicology and risk assessment : fourteenth volumeProbabilistic aspects of fatigueAnalytical and experimental methods for residual stress effects in fatigueElastic-plastic fracture mechanics technologySurface analysis techniques for metallurgical applications : a symposiumMetal cleaning bibliographical abstracts, 1842-1951Compositional analysis by thermogravimetryManual on industrial water : Second printing with new and revised methods--19541959 supplement to the Bibliography of Spectrophotometric Methods of Analysis for Inorganic Ions : covering analytical chemistry, the analyst, and analytica chimica acta for the period 1952-1958Direct-current magnetic measurements for soft magnetic materialsMasonrySymposium on radiation effects in refractory fuel compounds : presented at the Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 27 and 28, 1961Symposium on wood for marine use and its protection from marine organisms : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 20, 1956Performance of protective clothing : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-23 on Protective Clothing, Raleigh, NC, 16-20 July 1984Symposium on air-pollution measurement methods : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., October 5, 1962Testing of metallic and inorganic coatings : a symposiumSelection and use of wear tests for ceramicsRadiation effects in electronics : presented at a Joint Meeting of ASTM Committee E-10 on Radioisotopes and Radiation Effects and the Niagara-Finger Lakes Section of the American Nuclear Society, Syracuse, N.Y., Oct. 5-7, 1964Literature surveys on influence of stress concentrations at elevated temperatures and the effects of nonsteady load and temperature conditions on the creep of metalsGround-water contamination : field methods : a symposiumManual on hydrocarbon analysisMonitoring structural integrity by acoustic emission : a symposium presented at Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 17-18 Jan. 1974Moisture in materials in relation to fire tests : a symposium presented at the Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 24, 1964Elevated-temperature properties of carbon steelsSlurry walls : design, construction, and quality controlVane shear strength testing in soils : field and laboratory studiesStress corrosion cracking--the slow strain-rate technique : a symposiumCase studies for fatigue educationAdvances in multiaxial fatigueSymposium on Tension Testing of Non-Metallic Materials : presented at the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 20, 1956Beryllium : sampling and analysisFatigue at elevated temperaturesMixed-mode crack behaviorSymposium on radioisotopes : presented at the Second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 21, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsSymposium on strength and ductility of metals at elevated temperatures : with particular reference to effects of notches and metallurgical changes : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 23, 1952Symposium on Determination of Gases in Metals : presented at the Sixtieth Annual Meeting, Atlantic City, N.J., June 18, 1957, American Society for Testing MaterialsVertebrate pest control and management materials : proceedings of the Second Symposium on Test Methods for Vertebrate Pest Control and Management Materials, Sacramento, Calif., 10 March 1978 : a symposiumBehavior of polymeric materials in fire : a symposiumPhysical testing of plastics : correlation with end-use performance : a symposiumEvaluation of relative density and its role in geotechnical projects involving cohesionless soilsApplications of electron microfractography to materials research : a symposium presented at the seventy-third annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 21-26 June 1970Avian and mammalian wildlife toxicology : second conference : a symposiumEffect of surface coatings and treatments on wearPesticide tank mix applications : first conference : a symposiumSymposium on diesel fuelsSymposium on Radioactivity : an Introduction : presented at the Fifty-sixth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 30, 1953Practical applications of quantitative metallography : a symposiumProcessing and testing of reaction injection molding urethanes : a symposiumAnalysis of reactor vessel radiation effects surveillance programsNontraditional methods of sensing stress, strain, and damage in materials and structuresHeat-air-moisture transport : measurement on building materialsEngine test sequences for evaluating automotive lubricants for API Service MSSymposium on radiation effects on materials : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 20, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsTribology : wear test selection for design and applicationElastic-plastic fracture test methods : the user's experience (Second volume)Symposium on air pollution controlHazard communication, issues and implementation : a symposiumStandardizing and harmonizing terminology : theory and practiceManual on the use of thermocouples in temperature measurementManual on statistical planning and analysis for fatigue experiments : [prepared for ASTM Subcommittee E09.06 on Statistical Aspects of Fatigue]1950 supplement to the metal cleaning bibliographical abstractsGate dielectric integrity : material, process, and tool qualificationCorrosion in natural watersIndex to the x-ray powder data file (1959)Disposal of plastics with minimum environmental impactRepair, retrofit and inspection of building exterior wall systemsAutomation of mechanical testingFatigue and fracture of medical metallic materials and devicesElevated temperature testing problem areas : a symposium presented at the seventy-third annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 21-26 June, 1970Metals : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., September 17-21, 1956Symposium on minimum property values of electrical insulating materials : presented at a Meeting of ASTM Committee D-9, Philadelphia, Pa., February 14, 1956Quantitative surface analysis of materials : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-42 on Surface Analysis, American Society for Testing and Materials, Cleveland, Ohio, 2-3 March 1977Localized corrosion--cause of metal failure : a symposiumStructural integrity of fasteners : second volumeSymposium on flame photometry : presented at the fity-fourth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 19, 1951Symposium on low-temperature properties of high-strength aircraft and missile materialsInstrumented impact testing of plastics and composite materials : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-20 on Plastics, Houston, TX, 11-12 March 1985Symposium on electrical insulating gasesProperties of reactor structural alloys after neutron or particle irradiation : a symposiumFracture mechanics : sixteenth symposium : Sixteenth National Symposium on Fracture MechanicsLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1980 : proceedings of a symposium , September 30-October 1, 1980, NBS, Boulder, ColoradoAccess security screening : challenges and solutionsMethods and models for predicting fatigue crack growth under random loadingFractography--microscopic cracking processes : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Corrosion testing in natural waters : second volumePesticide formulations and application systems, third symposium : a symposiumRecent developments in mechanical testing : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Evolution of the International practical temperature scale of 1968Automation in fatigue and fracture : testing and analysisManual on low cycle fatigue testingAnalysis of waters associated with alternative fuel production : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-19 on Water, American Society for Testing and Materials, Pittsburgh, Pa., 4-5 June 1979 ; L.P. Jackson, C.C. Wright, editorsDurability 2000 : accelerated and outdoor testingNondestructive testing of nuclear graphite : a symposium presented at the Seventieth Annual Meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Boston, Mass., 25-30 June, 1967Geostatistics for environmental and geotechnical applicationsMasonry, past and present : a symposium presented at the Seventy-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Washington, D.C., 23-28 June 1974A manual on methods for retrieving and correlating technical dataStandardization of fretting fatigue test methods and equipment1957 supplement to the bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsThermal measurements : the foundation of fire standardsMeasurement of rock properties at elevated pressures and temperatures : a symposiumCracks and fracture : proceedings of the Ninth National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics : a symposium sponsored by Committee E-24 on Fracture Testing of Metals, American Society for Testing and Materials, University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, Pa., 25-27 Aug. 1975Chemical dispersants for the control of oil spills : a symposiumAccreditation practices for inspections, tests, and laboratoriesModeling of indoor air quality and exposureNondestructive testing of pavements and backcalculation of moduli : third volumeSymposium on surface and subsurface reconnaissance : presented at the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 19,1951Fracture mechanics : seventeenth volume : Seventeenth National Symposium on Fracture MechanicsHydrogen embrittlement : prevention and controlSymposium on acoustical materials : presented at the fifty-fourth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 22, 1951Quality assurance for environmental measurements : a symposiumAnalysis of soils contaminated with petroleum constituentsA guide for fatigue testing and the statistical analysis of fatigue dataNatural cementASTM manual for conducting an interlaboratory study of a test methodEngine test sequences for evaluating automotive lubricants for API Service MSSubsurface fluid-flow (ground-water and vadose zone) modelingElectron microfractography : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsSkiing trauma and safety : ninth international symposiumSignificance of tests and properties of concrete and concrete-making materialsFatigue crack growth measurement and data analysis : a symposiumAsphalt rheology : relationship to mixture : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-4 on Road and Paving Materials, Nashville, TN, 11 Dec. 1985Fractography of modern engineering materials : composites and metals : a symposiumSymposium on lateral load tests on piles : presented at the Fify-sixths Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., July 1, 1953Instrumentation for monitoring air quality : a symposiumSynthetic bioabsorbable polymers for implantsTurbine lubrication in the 21st centuryMaterials in nuclear applications : Symposium on radiation effects and dosimetry, Symposium on postirradiation effects in polymers, Papers on industrial water for reactor use, Symposium on ceramics in nuclear energy : presented at the third Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 12, 14, 15, and 16, 1959Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1985 : proceedings of a symposium, October 28-30, 1985, NBS, Boulder, ColoradoSymposium on fatigue of aircraft structures : presented at the Third Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 14-15, 1959Applications of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to radionuclide determinations : second volumeFretting fatigue : current technology and practicesMaterials characterization by thermomechanical analysisElevated temperature effects on fatigue and fractureReactor dosimetry : methods, applications, and standardizationVane shear and cone penetration resistance testing of in-situ soils : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1965Symposium on Plasticity and Creep of metals : presented at the first Pacific Area National Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, California, October 10, 1949Hazardous solid waste testing : first conference : a symposiumFractography and materials science : a symposiumPapers on industrial water and industrial waste water : presented at the sixty-fifth annual meeting and fourth Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsDesign and protocol for monitoring indoor air qualityFatigue mechanisms : a symposiumBacterial indicators/health hazards associated with water : a symposium ; Chicago, Ill., 28-29 June 1976Titanium, niobium, zirconium, and tantalum for medical and surgical applicationsBehavior of deep foundations : a symposiumVolatile organic compounds in the environmentSymposium on Standards for Filamentwound Reinforces Plastics : presented at the Naval Ordance Laboratory, White Oke, Silver Spring, Md., June 6-7, 1962Tables for estimating median fatigue limitsImpact of acid rain and deposition on aquatic biological systemsVibration effects of earthquakes on soils and foundations : a symposium presented at the seventy-first Annual Meeting American Society for Testing and Materials San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Industrial applications of titanium and zirconium : fourth volume : a symposiumPerformance monitoring for geotechnical construction : a symposium presented at the seventy-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Washington, D.C., 23-28 June, 1974Alkalies in concrete : a symposiumAlternative bearing surfaces in total joint replacementDurability of adhesive joints : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee D-14 on Adhesives, American Society for Testing and Materials, Washington, D.C., Oct. 13, 1965Symposium on effect of cyclic heating and stressing on metals at elevated temperatures : presented at the fifty-seventh Annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 17, 1954Manual on waterSymposium on dynamic stress determinations : presented at the Pacific Area National Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, California, October 11, 1949Adhesion : recent developments in adhesion science : recent advances in adhesives technology : presented at the Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26, 1963Computerized quantitative infrared analysis : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-13 on Molecular Spectroscopy and Federation of Analytical Chemistry and Spectroscopy Societies (FACSS), Philadelphia, PA, 18 Sept. 1984Soil specimen preparation for laboratory testing : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Reinforced plastics for rockets and aircraft : symposium on reinforced plastics, symposium on thermal ablationAdvances and state of the art in bearing steel quality assuranceGeotechnics of high water content materialsEngine coolant testing : second symposium : Second International Symposium on Engine Coolants and Their Testing, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 9-10 April 1984Acoustic emission : standards and technology updateMaterials and electron device processing : a symposium presented at a National technical Meeting of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa. April 5-7, 1961Accelerated and outdoor durability testing of organic materialsComposite structures : theory and practiceReactor dosimetry : 12th international symposiumSymposium on direct shear testing of soils : presented at the fifty-fifth annual meeting (fiftieth anniversary meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York City, N.Y., June 16, 1952Aspects of lubricant oxidation : a symposiumSymposium on instrumentation in atmospheric analysisRapid methods for chemical analysis of hydraulic cementRubber and related products: new methods for testing and analyzing : a symposiumFatigue of compacted bituminous aggregate mixtures : a symposium presented at the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 27 June-2 July, 1971Geosynthetics : microstructure and performanceDurability of building and construction sealants and adhesivesPesticide formulations & delivery systems : 26th volume : reassessing pesticide technologiesSensory evaluation of appearance of materials : a symposiumEvaluation and prevention of water damage to asphalt pavement materials : a symposiumReport on the elevated-temperature properties of chromium-molybdenum steelsSymposium on determination of dissolved oxygen in waterCompaction of soils : a symposium presented at the Sixty-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 23, 1964Testing soil mixed with waste or recycled materialsProperties of materials for liquefied natural gas tankage : a symposium presented at May Committee Week American Society for Testing and Materials, Boston, Mass., 21-22 May 1974Symposium on effect of cyclic heating and stressing on metals at elevated temperaturesPlacement and compaction of asphalt mixtures : a symposiumOil spill chemical dispersants : research, experience, and recommendations : a symposiumComposite materials : testing and design (tenth volume)MiCon 78 : optimization of processing, properties, and service performance through microstructural control : a symposiumFire and explosion hazards of peroxy compoundsCyclic deformation, fracture, and nondestructive evaluation of advanced materials : second volumeSkiing trauma and safety : seventh international symposiumSymposium on particle size measurementChemical analysis of metals : a symposiumEngine coolant testing : state of the art : a symposiumPavement management implementationSymposium on radiation effects on materials : presented at the Sixty-first Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 24, 1958Water quality parameters : a symposiumFracture resistance testing of monolithic and composite brittle materialsFatigue of fibrous composite materials : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites and Committee E-9 on Fatigue, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 22-23 May 1979 ; K.N. Lauraitis, symposium chairmanSymposium on Vapor Phase Oxidation of Gasoline : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., September 19, 1956Geotechnical properties, behavior, and performance of calcareous soils : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock, Ft. Lauderdale, Fla., 20 Jan. 1981Stress corrosion--new approaches : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Computerized chemical data standards : databases, data interchange, and information systemsHandbook of vapor degreasingCorrosion testing and evaluation : silver anniversary volumeCarbonate additions to cementCalculation of physical properties of petroleum products from gas chromatographic analyses : a symposiumMonitoring water in the 1990's : meeting new challengesAquatic toxicology and hazard assessment : 12th volumeComposite reliability : a symposium presented at Las Vegas, Nev., 15-16 April 1974, American Society for Testing and MaterialsDirectory of testing laboratories, commercial-institutionalCondensation in exterior building wall systemsBuried plastic pipe technology : 2nd volumeRecombination lifetime measurements in siliconHazardous and industrial solid waste testing : fourth symposiumPredictive material modeling : combining fundamental physics understanding, computational methods and empirically observed behaviorPaper and paperboard : characteristics, nomenclature, and significance ot testsStatistical analysis of fatigue data : a symposium sponsored by ASTM, Committee E-9 on Fatigue, American Society for Testing and Materials, Pittsburgh, Pa., 30-31 Oct. 1979Building sealants : materials, properties, and performanceNomenclature and definitions applicable to radiometric and photometric characteristics of matterZirconium in nuclear applications : a symposium co-sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials and the American Institute of Mining, Metallurgical, and Petroleum Engineers, 21-24 August 1973, Portland, Ore.Symposium on high-voltage cable insulationOxidative behavior of materials by thermal analytical techniquesNew directions in molecular luminescenceCompilation of chemical compositions and rupture strengths of super-strength alloysAtmospheric corrosionEngine coolant testing : third volumeMedical applications of titanium and its alloys : the material and biological issuesPendulum impact machines : procedures and specimensEvaluation of compression set of vulcanized elastomers -- standard versus variable deflection methodsStructure and properties of ultrahigh-strength steels : a symposiumTribology of hydraulic pump testingReactor dosimetryFatigue at high temperature : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Symposium on nondestructive testing in the missile industryMetrication, managing the industrial transition : a symposium presented at the seventy-seventh annual meeting and sponsored by the ASTM Standing Committe on Publications, American Society for Testing and Materials, Washington, D.C., 24-25 June 1974Effects of radiation on materials : 22nd symposiumSignificance of tests and properties of concrete and concrete aggregatesMolecular structure and electrical behaviorStereology and quantitative metallography : a symposium presented at the seventy-fourth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 27 June-2 July, 1971Building applications of heat flux transducers : a symposiumConstraint effects in fractureSymposium on Cleaning and Materials Processing for Electronics and Space Apparatus : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area Meeting American Society for Testing and Materials Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 1-3, 1962New concepts for coating protection of steel structures : a symposiumAquatic toxicology and risk assessment : thirteenth volumeCumulative alphabetical and grouped numerical index of X-ray diffraction data, including the sixth set of cards (1955)Symposium on steam quality : presented at the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 21, 1956Asphalt emulsionsRemote sensing and GIS for site characterization : applications and standardsSkiing trauma and safety : sixth international symposium : a symposiumAirflow performance of building envelopes, components, and systemsAquatic toxicology : proceedings of the Second Annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposiumA five-attribute system of describing visual appearanceFatigue and fracture mechanics : twenty-ninth volumeZirconium in the nuclear industry : sixth International Symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee B-10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals, Vancouver, B.C., 28 June-1 July 1982Symposium on permeability of soils : presented at the fifty-seventh annual meeeting American Society for Testing Materials Chicago, III., June 15, 1954Sampling of soil and rockNatural and artificial playing fields : characteristics and safety featuresMultiple stressor effects in relation to declining amphibian populationsBasic questions in fatigueEnergy dispersion X-ray analysis : X-ray and electron probe analysisSymposium on fire test methodsEffects of radiation on structural materials : proceedings of the ninth International Symposium : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-10 on Nuclear Technology and Application, American Society for Testing and Materials, Richland, Wash., 11-13 July 1978Symposium on impact testing : presented at the Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 27, 1955Strength testing of marine sediments : laboratory and in-situ measurements : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-18 on Soil and Rock, San Diego, CA, 26-27 Jan. 1984Molecular formula list of compounds, names, and references to published infrared spectra : an index to 43,500 published infrared spectraTest methods and design allowables for fibrous compositesReproducibility and accuracy of mechanical tests : a symposiumCold cleaning with halogenated solvents : a manualProduct testing with consumers for research guidanceTesting and performance of geosynthetics in subsurface drainageHazardous and industrial waste management and testing : third symposiumMechanical, thermal and environmental testing and performance of ceramic composites and componentsPapers on soils, 1959 meetings : symposium on time rates of loading in soil testing : symposium on Atterberg limits : session on soils : symposium on soils for engineering purposes1954 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsSkid resistance of highway pavement0 : a symposium presented at the Seventy-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Mateirals, Los Angeles, Calif., 25-30 June 1972Fracture analysisQuantitative methods in fractographyNew approaches to monitoring aquatic ecosystems : a symposiumJoining and repair of composite structuresRadiation-induced changes in microstructure : 13th international symposium (part I) : a symposiumAquatic toxicology and hazard assessment : 10th volumeSymposium on testing window assembliesElectrical insulating materials: international issuesPlane strain crack toughness testing of high strength metallic materialsBiological contaminants in indoor environmentsCharacterizing sources of indoor air pollution and related sink effectsLandscape ecology and wildlife habitat evaluation : critical information for ecological risk assessment, land-use management activities, and biodiversity enhancementSymposium on shear and torsion testingPavement surface characteristics and materials : a symposiumCyclic stress-strain and plastic deformation aspects of fatigue crack growth : a symposium, St. Louis, Mo., 2-8 May 1976Elemental analysis of fuels and lubricants : recent advances and future prospectsSymposium on standards for filament-wound reinforced plasticsSymposium on metallic materials for service at temperatures above 1600 F : presented at the fifty-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 30, 1955Applications of inductively coupled plasma-mass spectrometry to radionuclide determinationsSymposium on the use of radioisotopes in soil mechanicsTriaxial testing of soils and bituminous mixtures : a compilation of papers presented at the first Pacific area national meeting, San Francisco, Calif., October 10, 1949, and fifty-third annual meeting, Atlantic City, N. J., June 28, 1950Effects of radiation on materials : 18th international symposiumImplication of aggregates in the design, construction, and performance of flexible pavementsPendulum impact machines : procedures and specimens for verificationSteel forgings : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee A-1 on steel, stainless steel, and related alloys, Williamsburg, VA, 28-30 Nov., 1984Report on marine atmosphere exposure of galvanic couples involving magnesiumFifty years of progress in metallographic techniques : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Modern instrumental methods of elemental analysis of petroleum products and lubricants1961 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsReport on available standard samples and related materials for spectrochemical analysis, 1960Sequence IIIDThe use of and need for preservation standards in architectural conservationComposite materials, quality assurance, and processing : a symposiumSymposium on treated wood for marine useASTM manual on zirconium and hafniumUnderwater soil sampling, testing, and construction control : a symposium presented at the Seventy-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 27 June-2 July 1971Symposium on paper and paper products : new developments with accompanying requirements for new testing methods : presented at the sixty-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 26, 1958Aquatic toxicology and hazard assessment, seventh symposium : a symposiumSymposium on exchange phenomena in soils : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 27, 1952Instrumented impact testing : a symposium presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29 June 1973Building performance : function, preservation, and rehabilitation : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-6 on Performance of Building Constructions, Bal Harbour, FL, 17 Oct. 1983Drop-weight test for determination of nil-ductility transition temperature, user's experience with ASTM method E 208 : a symposium, Williamsburg, VA, 28-29 Nov. 1984Fatigue of aircraft structures : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif. September 16-21, 1956Fractography in failure analysis : a symposium presented at May Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, 1-6 May 1977, Toronto, CanadaMetal cleaning bibliographical abstractsFatigue mechanisms : advances in quantitative measurement of physical damage : a conferenceMeasurement of dielectric properties under space conditions : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26-July 1, 1966Metrology of pedestrian locomotion and slip resistanceHydraulic failure analysis : fluids, components, and system effectsSignificance of tests for petroleum productsPapers on radiography : presented at the fifty-second annual meeting, Atlantic City, N.J., June 27, 1949Building façade maintenance, repair, and inspectionThrough-thickness tension testing of steel : a symposiumIntergranular corrosion of stainless alloys : a symposiumKnocking characteristics of pure hydrocarbons : developed under American Petroleum Institute Research Project 45Microindentation techniques in materials science and engineering : a symposiumSymposium on effect of ozone on rubberStationary gas turbine alternative fuels : a symposiumManual on the use of thermocouples in temperature measurementIndex(organic) to the powder diffraction file, 1968Correlation of subjective-objective methods in the study of odors and tastePesticide formulations and delivery systems : the continued evolution of agrochemicals : 24th volumeFatigue and fracture mechanics : 36th volumeProperties of crystalline solids : presented at the sixty-third Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, June 27, 1960Nondestructive testing of pavements and backcalculation of moduliEcological assessments of effluent impacts on communities of indigenous aquatic organisms : a symposiumMeasurement of organic pollutants in water and wastewater : a symposiumFracture toughness testing and its applications : a symposium presented at the sixty-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 21-26, 1964Index of mass spectral data : listed bymolecular weight and the four strongestpeaksDeformation mechanisms, texture, and anisotropy in zirconium and ZircaloyLow temperature lubricant rheology measurement and relevance to engine operationHydraulic barriers in soil and rock : a symposiumRolling contact fatigue testing of bearing steels : a symposiumSymposium on materials research frontiers : presented at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 25, 1958Adhesion measurement of thin films, thick films, and bulk coatings : a symposium presented at ASTM headquarters, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 2-4 Nov. 1976Rapid test methods for the determination of bitumen content in bituminous mixtures : a symposium presented at the Seventy-first Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Symposium on recent developments in nondestructive testing of missiles and rockets : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., October 2, 1962Pesticide formulations and application systems : seventh volume : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-35 on Pesticides, Phoenix, Ariz., 5-6 Nov. 1986Applied surface analysis : a symposiumMetal matrix composites : testing, analysis, and failure modesRecent advances in composites in the United States and Japan : a symposiumNondestructive evaluation and flaw criticality for composite materials : a symposiumLong-term behavior of composites : a symposiumCorrelation of deep-drawing press performance with tensile properties : a report on cooperative research of the USA Committee of the International Deep Drawing Research GroupUnderground corrosion : a symposiumAutomotive gasoline performance and information systemSurface-crack growth : models, experiments, and structuresLaterally loaded deep foundations : analysis and performance : a symposiumEngine coolant testing : fourth volumePaint testing manual : physical and chemical examination of paints, varnishes, lacquers, and colorsHigh temperature and environmental effects on polymeric compositesSymposium on soil exploration : presented at the sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 23, 1963Diesel fuel oil : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26-July 1, 1966Lime for environmental uses : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee C-7 on Lime, Los Angeles, CA, 25 June 1985Zirconium in the nuclear industry : ninth international symposiumMechanical relaxation of residual stressesDamage in laser glass : a symposium presented by American Society for Testing and Materials, Boulder, Colo., 20 June, 1969Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1979 : proceedings of a symposiumFactors that affect the precision of mechanical testsEnvironment-sensitive fracture : evaluation and comparison of test methods : a symposiumThermomechanical fatigue behavior of materialsTechnology of floor maintenance and current trendsComposites for extreme environments : a symposiumLiquid particle size measurement techniques, 2nd volumeMetallography : past, present, and future : (75th anniversary volume)Symposium on extension of sensitivity for determining various constitutents in metals : presented at the Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 28, 1961Applications-related phenomena in zirconium and its alloys : a symposiumPermeability and capillarity of soils : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting American Society For Testing And Materials Atrlantic City, N.J.,26 June-1 July, 1966Fracture toughness testing and its applicationsTechnical advances in packaging with flexible barrier materials : a symposiumTitanium alloys in surgical implants : a symposiumToughness and fracture behavior of titanium : a symposium presented at May committee week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 1-6 May 1977Selected sensory methods : problems and approaches to measuring hedonics : a symposiumAsphalt pavement construction : new materials and techniques : a symposiumSemiconductor measurement technology : spreading resistance symposium : proceedings of a symposium, held at the National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., June 13-14, 1974Resource recovery and utilization : proceedings of the National Materials Conservation Symposium : a symposiumASTM's role in performance-based fire codes and standardsSkiing trauma and safety : thirteenth volume1964 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contacts, circuit breakers, and arc phenomenaMathematical modeling of firesBiofuelsManual on the use of thermocouples in temperature measurementSymposium on evaluation tests for stainless steelsAnalysis of paints and related materials : current techniques for solving coatings problemsLiquid particle size measurement techniques : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-29 on Particle Size Measurement, Kansas City, MO, 23-24 June 1983Symposium on techniques for electron metallography : presented at the Fify-sixths Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 30, 1953Marine corrosion in tropical environmentsEffects of radiation on materials : 17th international symposiumWelding the HY steelsFatigue and fracture mechanics : 27th volumeVertebrate pest control and management materials : fourth symposium : a symposiumEvaluation and remediation of low permeability and dual porosity environmentsTemperature effects on concrete : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee C-9 on Concrete and Concrete Aggregates, Kansas City, MO, 21 June 1983Thermal insulation, materials, and systems for energy conservation in the '80s : a conferenceLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1978 : proceeding[s] of a symposiumManual on waterBehavior of materials at cryogenic temperatures : a symposium presented at the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Lafayette, Ind., June 13-18, 1965Symposium on newer metalsRadiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels : an international review (second volume) : a conferencePlane strain crack toughness testing of high strength metallic materialsSymposium on road and paving materials-1959Hazardous and industrial solid waste testing and disposal : sixth volumeNew analytical techniques for trace constituents of metallic and metal-bearing ores : a symposiumFire and flammability of furnishings and contents of buildingsComputerization and data management in the metals analysis laboratoryReport on physical properties of metals and alloys from cryogenic to elevated temperaturesComposite materials : testing and designFlaw growth and fracture : proceedings of the Tenth National Symposium on Fracture MechanicsHold-time effects in high-temperature low-cycle fatigue : a literature survey and interpretive reportScience and technology of building seals, sealants, glazing, and waterproofing : seventh volumeSymposium on Testing Metal Powders and Metal Powder ProductsAggregate contribution to hot mix asphalt (HMA) performanceSymposium on structural sandwich constructionsFerroalloys and other additives to liquid iron and steel : a symposiumAcoustic emissions in geotechnical engineering practice : a symposiumVery large-scale firesPerformance of protective clothing : global needs and emerging markets : 8th symposiumSymposium on load tests of bearing capacity of soilsCyclic stress-strain behavior--analysis, experimentation, and failure predictionEffects of mechanical stiffness and vibration on wearLP-gas engine fuels : a symposium presented at the 75th annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., 25-30 June, 1972Quality control in remedial site investigation : hazardous and industrial solid waste testing, fifth volume : a symposiumApplication of 2 1/4Cr-1Mo steel for thick-wall pressure vessels : a symposiumAutomated analyzers and quality control for the petroleum industry : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, American Society for Testing and Materials, Houston, Tex., 1 Dec., 1966Mechanical properties of structural filmsPerformance of protective clothing : fifth volumeEnvironmentally assisted cracking : science and engineeringEvaluation methods for business form copies : a symposium presented at the Seventy-third Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 21-26 June 1970Steel forgings, Second volumeQuality assurance of polymeric materials and products : a symposium, Nashville, TN, 16 March 1983Some fundamentals of analytical chemistry : a symposium presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29, June 1973Industrial applications of titanium and zirconium : third conference : a symposiumManual of protective linings for flue gas desulfurization systems : a manualPanel discussion on pyrometric practices : presented at the Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 30, 1955Tire reinforcement and tire performance : a symposiumThermal conductivity measurements of insulating materials at cryogenic temperatures : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee C-16 on Thermal Insulating Materials, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., Feb. 15, 1966Science and technology of building seals, sealants, glazing, and waterproofing : 3rd volumeElevated temperature properties as influenced by nitrogen additions to types 304 and 316 austenitic stainless steelsAquatic invertebrate bioassays : a symposiumOxidation and the testing of turbine oilsFire resistance of hydraulic fluids : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, American Society for Testing and Materials, and Committee A-6 on Aerospace Fluid Power Technology, Society of Automotive Engineers, New Orleans, La., Jan. 26 and 27, 1966Masonry : design and construction, problems and repairMedical devices--measurement, quality assurance, and standardsPhysico-chemical aspects of soil and related materialsAir quality meteorology and atmospheric ozone : a symposiumPower plant instrumentation for measurement of high-purity water quality : a symposiumThe microstructure of bronze sinteringsPlastics in surgical implants : a symposium presented by Committee F-4 on Surgical Implant Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials, Indianapolis, Ind., Nov. 5-6, 1964Bibliographical abstracts of methods for analysis of synthetic detergents, 1933-1957Bibliographical abstracts of methods for analysis of synthetic detergentsCyclic cabinet corrosion testingMasonry : components to assemblagesGalvanic and pitting corrosion--field and laboratory studies : two symposia presented at the 1974 Materials Engineering Congress, American Society for Testing and Materials, Detroit, Mich., 22-23 Oct. 1974Wear and friction of elastomersAquatic toxicology and environmental fate : Eleventh volumeSymposium on speed of testing of non-metallic materials : presented at the Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 29, 1955Zirconium in the nuclear industry : eleventh international symposiumRailroad materials and facilities research : a symposium presented at the Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., October 5, 1962Five-year bibliography on fatigue, 1950-1954 : with indexLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1981 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], November 17-18, 1981, NBS, Boulder, ColoradoGrips, clamps, clamping techniques, and strain measurement for testing of geosyntheticsSymposium on aging of rubbers : Chicago spring meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, March 2, 1949Semiconductor fabrication : technology and metrologyLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1975 : proceedings of a symposiumSymposium on wear of metalsElastic-plastic fracture test methods : the user's experience : a symposiumThe mechanical properties of copper-beryllium alloy stripPesticide formulations and application systems : fourth symposium : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-35 on Pesticides, New Orleans, La., 2-3 Nov. 1983Guarded hot plate and heat flow meter methodology : a symposiumSymposium on bulk sampling : presented at the fifty-fourth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 18, 1951Index(inorganic) to the powder diffraction fileMiCon 86 : optimization of processing, properties, and service performance through microstructural control : a symposiumPendulum impact testing : a century of progressDesign of buildings for fire safety : a symposiumBuilding air change rate and infiltration measurements : a symposiumHazardous and industrial solid waste minimization practicesLaboratory performance tests for automotive gear lubricants intended for API GL-4, GL-5, and GL-6 services : report of Section III on Gear Lubricants of Technical Division B on Automotive Lubricants, ASTM Committee D-2Computerization and networking of materials databasesFunctional testing of aquatic biota for estimating hazards of chemicalsMulticylinder test sequences for evaluating automotive engine oilsManual on industrial waterSupplement to the bibliography and abstracts on thermostat metalsSingle-ply roofing technology : a symposiumAdvanced triaxial testing of soil and rockOil flow studies at low temperatures in modern enginesComposite materials : fatigue and fracture, fifth volumeDevelopment of fatigue loading spectraFire standards in the international marketplacePapers on road and paving materials (Bituminous) : 1960Properties related to fracture toughness : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Symposium on statistical aspects of fatigue : presented at the Fifty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 19, 1951The theory and properties of thermocouple elementsDisposal of oil and debris resulting from a spill cleanup operation : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-20 on Spill Control Systems, American Society for Testing and Materials, Denver, Colo., 6-7 Nov. 1978LiquidFormability of metallic materials--2000 A.D. : a symposiumSpecial applications and advanced techniques for crack size determinationPerformance of exterior building wallsComposite materials : testing and design : second conferenceComposite materials : testing and design : eleventh volumeSymposium on thermal conductivity measurements and applications of thermal insulations : presented at the Philadelphia National MeetingSymposium on timber : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., October 2, 1962Environmental toxicology and risk assessment : science, policy, and standardization-implications for environmental decisions : tenth volumeComputerized laboratory systems : a symposium presented at the Pittsburgh conference, American Society for Testing and Materials, Cleveland, Ohio, 4-5 March 1974Symposium on non-destructive testing : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y. June 26, 1952Electrochemical corrosion testing : a symposiumFatigue of composite materials : a symposium presented at December Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Bal Harbour, Fla., 3-4 Dec. 1973Fiber, matrix, and interface propertiesCleaning stainless steel : a symposiumEddy-current characterization of materials and structures : a symposiumAnodized aluminum : a symposium presented during Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Cleveland, Ohio, February 9, 1965Plasma spectroscopy for the analysis of hazardous materials : design and application of enclosed plasma sources : a symposiumThe Use of synthetic environments for corrosion testingFood packaging technologyCharacterization and determination of erosion resistance : a symposium presented at the seventy-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 22-27 June 1969Symposium on Hydraulic Fluids : presented at the third Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 13, 1959Tables for estimating median fatigue limitsFretting fatigue : advances in basic understanding and applicationsService fatigue loads monitoring, simulation, and analysis : a symposiumDetermination of the in situ modulus of deformation of rockIndex to the x-ray powder data file (1962)Dynamic geotechnical testing IIThe Tire pavement interface : a symposiumHead and neck injuries in sportsSymposium on Corrosion of Materials at Elevated Temperatures : presented at the fifty-third Annual Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26, 1950Symposium on use of pozzolanic materials in mortars and concretes : presented at the first Pacific area national meeting American Society for Testing Materials San Francisco, Calif., October 10-14, 1949Bibliographical abstracts on evaluation of fluorescent whitening agents, 1929-1968Fatigue crack growth under spectrum loads : a symposium presented at the Seventy-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 23-24 June, 1975, R. P. Wei and R. I. Stephens, symposium cochairmenExtending the life of bridgesLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1982 : proceedings of a symposium ,November 16-17, 1982, NBS, Boulder, ColoradoSingle cylinder engine tests for evaluating the performance of crankcase lubricants (abridged procedures)Statistics in the environmental sciences : a symposiumSymposium on fluorescent X-ray spectrographic analysis : presented at the fifty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials. Atlantic City, N. J., June 29, 1953Symposium on microscopy : presented at the sixty-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 25-26, 1959Characterization and performance of calcium phosphate coatings for implantsLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1984 : proceedings of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], October 15-17, 1984, NBS, Boulder, ColoradoComposite materials : fatigue and fracture, Second volumeProbabilistic aspects of life predictionThe influence of state of stress on low-cycle fatigue of structural materials: a literature survey and interpretive reportCaterpillar IG2 test method : note an ASTM standardAcoustic emission : current practice and future directionsProperties of flexible pavement materials : a symposiumRoofing systems : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Cement : comparison of standards and significance of particular testsSymposium on High-purity Water Corrosion : presented at the Fifty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 28, 19551955 supplement to the bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsSampling and analysis of copper cathodes : a symposiumSymposium on advances in electron metallography and electron probe microanalysis : held at Atlantic City, N.J., June 28, 1960, and June 26, 1961Highway skid resistance : a symposium : presented at the Fall Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlanta, Ga., 29 Sept.-4 Oct., 1968Symposium on radioisotopes in metals analysis and testing : presented at the sixty-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 22, 1959Fracture mechanics : twenty-fourth volumeSymposium on fundamental viscosity of bituminous materials : presented at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, N.Y., June 28, 1962Future fuels for general aviationSymposium on fire test methods : restraint & smoke 1966 : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Bearing steel technologyTransactions of Technical Conference on Metric Mechanical Fasteners : papers presented at First Annual Conference of the American National Metric Council, March 17-19, 1975, Washington, D.C.Contaminated sediments : evaluation and remediation techniquesCleaning stone and masonry : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-6 on Performance of Building Constructions, Louisville, KY, 18 April 1983Building security : a symposiumSite characterization and design of on-site septic systemsInnovations in controlled low-strength material (flowable fill)Laser techniques in luminescence spectroscopyApplications of automation technology to fatigue and fracture testingIrreversible effects of high pressure and temperature on materials : a symposium presented at the International Conference on Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., February 3-6, 1964Corrosion of electronic and magnetic materialsSymposium on X-ray and electron probe analysis : presented at the Sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 27, 1963Concrete pipe and the soil-structure system : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27 June-2 July, 1976Composite materials: testing and design : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and their Composites, New Orleans, La. 11-13 Feb. 1969New methods for corrosion testing of aluminum alloysLimitations of test methods for plasticsASTM manual on quality control of materialsPapers on soils : presented at the second Pacific area national meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 17, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsAcoustic emission monitoring of pressurized systems : a symposiumDefinitions for asbestos and other health-related silicates : a symposiumSafety in American footballComposite materials for implant applications in the human body : characterization and testingTechniques of electron microscopy, diffraction, and microprobe analysis : presented at the sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26, 1963Vehicle-road interactionRoad and paving materials : [papers] presented at the second Pacific area national meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., Sept. 17, 1956Fire hazard and fire risk assessmentOutdoor atmospheric corrosionIndex to the x-ray powder data fileModularity of orthopedic implantsCaterpillar IH2 test method : note an ASTM standardFatigue testing of weldments : a symposium presented at May Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Canada, 1-6 May 1977Standardizing terminology for better communication : practice, applied theory, and resultsRadiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels : an international review (fourth volume)Advances in fatigue lifetime predictive techniquesComposite materials : testing and design (eighth conference)Laser induced damage in optical materials, 1987 : proceedings of a symposium, October 26-28, 1987, NIST (formerly NBS), Boulder, ColoradoConstructing smooth hot mix asphalt (HMA) pavementsZirconium in the nuclear industry : tenth international symposiumEffect of steel manufacturing processes on the quality of bearing steelsComposite materials : testing and design (fourth conference) : a conferenceManual on industrial water and industrial waste waterOptical interferograms-reduction and interpretation : a symposiumCompression testing of homogeneous materials and composites : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing, Williamsburg, VA, 10-11 March 1982Fatigue and fracture mechanics : 35th volumeVehicle, tire, pavement interfaceFactors in using kerosine jet fuel of reduced flash point : a symposiumAtmospheric corrosion of metals : a symposiumApplication of accelerated corrosion tests to service life prediction of materialsIntramedullary rods : clinical performance and related laboratory testingCoden for periodical titles : an aid to the storage and retrieval of information and to communication involving journal referencesSymposiums on seismic and shock loading glued laminated and other constructions : presented at the second Pacific area national meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 17, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsIrradiation effects on structural alloys for nuclear reactor applications : a symposium sponsored by the American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 29 June -1 July 1970Composite materials : fatigue and fracture, Third volumeEffects of defects in composite materials : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites and E-9 on Fatigue, San Francisco, Calif., 13-14 Dec. 1982ASTM viscosity tables for kinematic viscosity conversions and viscosity index calculationsFire resistance of industrial fluidsOrientation effects in the mechanical behavior of anisotropic structural materials : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1965Corrosion of reinforcing steel in concrete : a symposiumWater leakage through building facadesIntroduction to today's ultrahigh-strength structural steelsPolymer-modified hydraulic-cement mixturesMonitoring methods for toxics in the atmosphereFracture mechanics : perspectives and directions (twentieth symposium)Symposium on Spectrochemical Analysis for Trace Elements : presented at the Sixtieth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 18, 1957Buried plastic pipe technologyX-ray powder data file : sets 1-5 (revised)Industrial dust explosions : Symposium on Industrial Dust Explosions : Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, 10-12 June 1986Fractography of ceramic and metal failures : a symposiumUse of computers in the fatigue laboratory : a symposium presented at November committee week, American Society for Testing and Materials, New Orleans, La., 17-21 November 1975 : [papers]Special procedures for testing soil and rock for engineering purposesMicroorganic matter in water : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Foreign object impact damage to composites : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites, American Society for Testing and Materials Philadelphia, Pa., 20 Sept. 1973Determination of the spectrochemical working curve : a symposium presented at the Pittsburgh conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 6 March 1974Viscosity testing of asphalt and experience with viscosity graded specifications : a symposium presented at the 75th annual meeting [of the] American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., 25-30 June 1972Creative use of bearing steelsAdhesively bonded joints : testing, analysis, and designExterior insulation finish systems (EIFS) : materials, properties, and performanceSymposium on solvent extraction in the analysis of metals : presented at the sixty-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 23, 1958Waste testing and quality assuranceNondestructive rapid identification of metals and alloys by spot testCoden for periodical titles : an aid to the storage and retrieval of information and to communication involving journal referencesZirconium in the nuclear industry : proceedings of the fourth International Conference sponsored by ASTM Committe B10 on Reactive and Refractory Metals and Alloys, American Society for Testing and Materials, Stratford-upon-Avon, England, 26-29 June, 1978Distillate fuel stability and cleanliness : a symposiumNondestructive testing standards--present and futureSymposium on methods of metallographic specimen preparationWood structures : a global forum on the treatment, conservation, and repair of cultural heriageEngine test sequences for evaluating automotive lubricants for API Service MSFatigue and fracture toughness--cryogenic behavior : a symposium presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29 June 1973Symposium on fatigue tests of aircraft structures : Low-cycle, full-scale, and helicopters : presented at the Fourth Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., Oct. 1-3, 1962Symposium on properties of surfaces : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting American Society for Testing and Materials Los Angeles, Calif., October 4, 1962Community noise : a symposiumComposite materials : testing and design : twelfth volumeLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1977 : proceedings of a symposium, October 4-6, 1977, NBS Boulder, ColoradoHydraulic conductivity and waste contaminant transport in soilCorrosion and degradation of implant materials : a symposiumRecycling of bituminous pavements : a symposiumWater for subsurface injection : proceedings of the second symposium : a symposiumSymposium on chemical analysis of inorganic solids by means of the mass spectrometer : presented at meeting of Committee E-2 on Emission Spectroscopy, Atlantic City, N. J., June 20, 1951Significance of tests and properties of concrete and concrete-making materialsSymposium on non-newtonian viscometrySymposium on effect of water-reducing admixtures and set-retarding admixtures on properties of concrete : presented at the Third Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., Oxtober 14, 1959Atomic absorption spectroscopy : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Chloride corrosion of steel in concrete : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27 June-2 July 1976Symposium on continuous analysis of industrial water and industrial waste water : presented at the Fifty-Fifth Annual Meeting, New York, N. Y., June 24, 1952, American Society for Testing MaterialsClinical laboratory performance of bone platesSymposium on stability of distillate fuel oils : presented at a sessionElevated-temperature properties of coppers and copper-base alloys : data compiled by and issued under the auspices of The Data and Publications Panel of the ASTM-ASME Joint Committee on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of MetalsDispersive clays, related piping, and erosion in geotechnical projects : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27-June-2 July 1976Validation and predictability of laboratory methods for assessing the fate and effects of contaminants in aquatic ecosystems : a symposiumPart-through crack fatigue life prediction : a symposiumSymposium on elevated-temperature compression testing of sheet materials : presented at the Sixty-fourth annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 29, 1961Influence of radiation on material properties : 13th international symposium (part II) : a symposiumFracture mechanics : 25th volumeWater vapor transmission through building materials and systems : mechanisms and measurementApplication of advanced and nuclear physics to testing materials : a symposium presented at the International Conference on MaterialsSlow strain rate testing for the evaluation of environmentally induced cracking : research and engineering applicationsSafety in ice hockey : third volumeIrradiation effects on the microstructure and properties of metals : a symposiumEffects of environment and complex load history on fatigue life : a symposiumThe Pressuremeter and its marine applications : second international symposiumFatigue and fracture mechanics : 28th volumeInhalation toxicology of air pollution : clinical research considerationsElectron fractography : a symposium presented at the seventieth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Boston, Mass., 25-30 June, 1967Symposium on Materials for Aircraft, Missiles, and Space Vehicles : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., September 30-October 5, 1962Exxon Valdez oil spill : fate and effects in Alaskan watersASTM manual on quality control of materialsScience and technology of glazing systemsTest methods for vertebrate pest control and management materials : a symposium, Monterey, Calif., 8 March 1976Science and technology of building seals, sealants, glazing, and waterproofingManual on test sieving methodsHeat transmission measurements in thermal insulations : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee C-16 on Thermal and Cryogenic Insulating Materials, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 16-17 April, 1973Report on the elevated-temperature properties of stainless steels : issued under the auspices of The Data and Publications Panel of The ASTM-ASME Joint Committee on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of MetalsField instrumentation for soil and rockGeographic Information Systems (GIS) and mapping : practices and standardsSupplment to Symposium on lateral load tests on piles : supplementary papers presented at the Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Chicago, Illinois, June 16, 1954Wear tests for plastics, selection and use : a symposiumParticulate debris from medical implants : mechanisms of formation and biological consequencesSurface characteristics of roadways : international research and technologiesPavement surface condition/performance assessment : reliability and relevancy of procedures and technologiesSymposium on simulated service testing of packaging : presented at the sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, N.Y., June 25, 1962Small-crack test methodsSymposium on current research on motor gasoline which may affect future specificationsFire risk assessment : a symposiumSignificance of tests and properties of concrete and concrete-making materialsSusceptibility to inhaled pollutantsHigh-temperature, high-shear (HTHS) oil viscosity : measurement and relationship to engine operationMetal corrosion in the atmosphere : a symposium presented at the Seventieth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., 25-30 June, 1967Grading of paving asphalts by viscosity at 140 F versus penetration at 77 F : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Symposium on Titanium : presented at the Second Pacific Area National Meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 17 and 18, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsEffects of radiation on materials : 20th international symposiumCorrosion and degradation of implant materials : second symposiumSymposium on fretting corrosion : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 25, 1952Case histories involving fatigue and fracture mechanics : a symposiumASTM manual on quality control of materialsEffects of radiation on materials : 23rd international symposiumPapers on road and paving materials and symposium on microviscometryEffects of the environment on the initiation of crack growthProbabilistic fracture mechanics and fatigue methods : applications for structural design and maintenance : a symposiumComposite materials : fatigue and fracture, sixth volumeSupplement to the bibliography and abstracts on thermostat metals : 1960-1961Materials evaluation under fretting conditions : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee G-2 on Erosion and Wear, Warminster, Pa., 3 June 1981Concrete pipe for the new millenniumManual on industrial water and industrial waste waterProgress in flaw growth and fracture toughness testing : proceedings of the 1972 National Symposium on Fracture MechanicsEffects of radiation on materials : 21th international symposiumBiomaterials' mechanical propertiesSymposium on pH measurement : presented at the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 19, 1956Fiber-strengthened metallic composites : a symposium presented at the American Society for Metals 1966 Metals Congress, Chicago, Ill., 2-3 November 1966Symposium on evaluation of metallic material in design for low-temperature serviceSafety in ice hockey : second volumeMethods for assessing the structural reliability of brittle materials : a symposiumAir change rate and airtightness in buildingsSafety in ice hockey : fourth volumeM[3]D : mechanics and mechanisms of material dampingCalibration in air monitoring : a symposium presented at the University of Colorado at Boulder, Colo., 5-7 Aug. 1975Toughness of ferritic stainless steels : a symposiumIndex to the x-ray powder data file (1958)International symposium on plastics testing and standardizationAdvances in luminescence spectroscopy : a symposiumSymposium on adhesion and adhesivesA Guide to the safe handling of hazardous materials accidentsReport on available standard samples, reference samples, and high-purity materials for spectrochemical analysis, 1963Symposium on magnetic testing (1948) : presented at the fifty-first annual meeting, American Socirty for Testing Materials, Detroit, Mich., June 22, 1948Symposium on application of soil testing in highway design and construction : presented at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 26 and 27, 1958The Measurement and correction of electrolyte resistance in electrochemical testsManual on sensory testing methodsFineness of cement : a symposium presented at the seventy-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June 1968Effects of radiation on materials : 19th International SymposiumMicrobiologically influenced corrosion testingSemiconductor processing : a symposiumAutomotive lubricant testing and additive developmentEnvironmental toxicology and risk assessment : 2nd volumeCorona measurement and interpretationFractography of modern engineering materials : composites and metals, second volumePerformance of protective clothing : issues and priorities for the 21[st] century : seventh volumeThe Effects of polymer degradation on flow properties of fluids and lubricants containing polymers : a symposium presented at the Meeting of ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, Atlantic City, N.J., Jan. 26-31, 1964Significance of tests for petroleum productsMass spectrometric characterization of shale oils : a symposiumSkiing trauma and safety : fifth international symposium : a symposiumApplications of modern metallographic techniquesCorrosion monitoring in industrial plants using nondestructive testing and electrochemical methods : a symposiumTurbine oil monitoringPurity determinations by thermal methods : a symposiumReport on the elevated-temperature properties of aluminum and magnesium alloysResidual stress effects on fatigue and fracture testing and incorporation of results into designThermal transmission measurements of insulation : a symposiumSymposium on full-scale tests on house structures : presented at the second Pacific area national meeting, Los Angeles, Calif., September 18, 1956, American Society for Testing MaterialsCompilation of gas chromatographic dataEffects of aggregate and mineral fillers on asphalt mixture performanceSymposium on application of statistics : presented at the First Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., Oct. 11, 1949Performance of buildings and serviceability of facilitiesPesticide formulations and delivery systems, 25th volume : advances in crop protection technologiesStress corrosion testing : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Wear testing of advanced materialsTime dependent and nonlinear effects in polymers and compositesRationale for sampling and interpretation of ecological data in the assessment of freshwater ecosystems : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-19 on Water, Philadelphia, PA, 31 Oct.-1 Nov. 1983Zirconium in the nuclear industry : seventh international symposiumEnvironmental toxicology and risk assessment : modeling and risk assessment : seventh volumeComputer modeling in corrosionDynamic geotechnical testing : a symposiumSymposium on spectroscopic light sources : forty-ninth annual meetingIndex to the x-ray powder data file (1960)Supplement to the bibliography and abstracts on thermostat metals : 1962-1965Designing cathodic protection systems for marine structures and vehiclesSurface texture versus skidding : measurements, frictional aspects, and safety features of tire-pavement interactions : a symposium presented at the seventy-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Washington, D.C., 23-28 June, 1974Flammability and sensitivity of materials in oxygen-enriched atmospheres : a symposiumUse of waste materials in hot-mix asphaltCold cleaning with halogenated solvents : a manualReport on elevated-temperature properties of wrought medium-carbon alloy steelsLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1976 : proceeding of a symposium sponsored by National Bureau of Standards ... [et al.], July 13-15, 1976, NBS Boulder, ColoradoManual on test sieving methodsPerformance tests for hot mix asphalt (HMA) including fundamental and empirical proceduresSymposium on insulating oils : seventh in a series of symposiums covering laboratory and field evaluation of liquid electrical insulation : presented at a meeting of Committee D-9 on Electrical Insulating Materials, Roanoke, Virginia, February 26, 1957, American Society for Testing MaterialsSignificance of tests and properties of concrete and concrete-making materialsEffects of radiation on substructure and mechanical properties of metals and alloys : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsLabeco L-38 test method : note an ASTM standardElectrical properties of solid insulating materials : measurement techniquesIrradiation effects in structural alloys for thermal and fast reactors : a symposiumRelaxation properties of steels and super-strength alloys at elevated temperatures : Data compiled by and issued under the auspices of the Data and Publications Panel of the ASTM-ASME Joint Committee on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of Metals1960 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsTribological modeling for mechanical designersCorrosion effect of stray currents and the techniques for evaluating corrosion of rebars in concrete : a symposiumWater problems in building exterior walls : evaluation, prevention, and repairPesticide formulations and application systems : fifth volume : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-35 on Pesticides, Kansas City, Mo., 7-8 Nov. 1984Fracture mechanics : twenty-second symposiumSymposium on functional tests for ball bearing greases : presented at the fifty-first annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Detroit, Mich., June 23, 1948Progress in analytical luminescenceSelection and use of wear tests for coatings : a symposiumBituminous paving materials : Symposium on Methods of Test for Design of Bituminous Paving Mixtures : Symposium on Practical and Statistical Significance of Tests and Properties of Bituminous Binders : Session on Road and Paving MaterialsMagnetic testing theory and nomenclatureAdvances in thermoplastic matrix composite materialsSymposium on education in materialsThe elevated-temperature properties of weld-deposited metal and weldments : data compiled by and issued under the auspices of the data and publications panel of the ASTM-ASME Joint Committee on Effect of Temperature on the Properties of MetalsThesaurus on resource recovery terminologyCryogens and gases: testing methods and standards development : a symposiumCurrent trends in protective packaging of computers and electronic componentsTissue engineered medical products (TEMPs)Fracture mechanics for ceramics, rocks, and concrete : a symposiumQuality and statistics : total quality managementPetrography of cementitious materialsThermal insulation performance : a symposiumTemper embrittlement of alloy steels : a symposium presented at the seventy-fourth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsCell-culture test methods : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-4 on Medical and Surgical Materials and Devices, Dearborn, Mich., 11 May 1982Symposium on specific gravity of bituminous coated aggregates : presented at the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 18, 1956Fracture mechanics applied to brittle materialsEngine coolant technologies : 5th volumePlants for toxicity assessment : second volumeNondestructive testing standards : a review : a symposiumAdvances in fatigue crack closure measurement and analysis ; second volumeFracture mechanics : eighteenth symposium : eighteenth National Symposium on Fracture MechanicsStructural fatigue in aircraft : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct.31-Nov. 5, 1965Manual on fatigue testingAtmospheric corrosion investigation of aluminum-coated, zinc-coated, and copper-bearing steel wire and wire products (a twelve year report)Structure, constitution, and general characteristics of wrought ferritic stainless steels : sponsored by Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related AlloysManual on industrial water : third printing with new and revised method--1956Symposium on masonry testing : presented at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting , American Society for Testing and Materals, New York, N.Y., June 28, 1962Measuring road surface slipperiness : presented at the Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26, 1963Skiing trauma and safety : tenth volumeAdvanced composite materials--environmental effects : a symposiumBiological data in water pollution assessment : quantitative and statistical analyses : a symposiumMetallography, a practical tool for correlating the structure and properties of materials : a symposium presented at the Seventy-Sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 25-26 June 1973Papers on evaluation of soaps and detergentsEffluent and environmental radiation surveillance : a symposiumCorrosion fatigue : mechanics, metallurgy, electrochemistry, and engineering : a symposiumSymposium on advances in electron metallography : presented at the sixty-first Annual Meeting, Boston, Mass., June 24, 1958, American Society for Testing and MaterialsGeotechnical engineering of ocean waste disposalAquatic toxicology and hazard evaluation : proceedings of the first annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposiumInternational Symposium on Safety in Baseball/SoftballDredging, remediation, and containment of contaminated sedimentsFire safety, science and engineering : a symposiumFracture toughness and slow-stable crackingSymposium on Speed of Testing of Non-Metallic Materials : presented at the fifty-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 29, 1955Dimension stone cladding : design, construction, evaluation, and repairChild-resistant packaging : a symposiumAnalysis of the test methods for high modulus fibers and composites : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Antonio, Tex., 12-13 April 1972Manual on requirements, handling, and quality control of gas turbine fuel : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsEnvironmental effects on advanced composite materials : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June 1975Sequence V-DPesticide formulations and application systems : sixth volume : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-35 on Pesticides, Bal Harbour, FL, 6-7 Nov. 1985Vascular graft update : safety and performance : a symposiumSpace radiation effects on materialsFlexible pavement rehabilitation and maintenanceChevron-notch fracture test experience : metals and non-metalsGalvanic corrosionIndex(organic) to the powder diffraction file, 1963Life prediction methodologies and data for ceramic materialsLife prediction methodology for titanium matrix compositesComposite materials : fatigue and fracture, fourth volumeFatigue and fracture mechanics : 34th volumeZirconium in the nuclear industry : proceedings of the Third International Conference, Quebec City, Canada, 10-12 Aug. 1976Applications of composite materialsOptical emission spectrometers : a symposium presented at the Pittsburgh Conference, Cleveland, Ohio, 8 March 1972Acoustic emission : a symposium presented at the December Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, Bal Harbour, Florida, 7-8 December, 1971Elevated temperature static properties of wrought carbon steelSymposium on rapid methods for the identification of metalsSymposium on technical developments in the handling and utilization of water and industrial waste water : presented at the third Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 15, 1959Supplement to Manual on waterSymposium on soil dynamics : presented at the Sixty-fourth Annual Meeting, American Sociery for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, June 26, 1961Symposium on Solder : presented at the Fifty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 19-20, 1956Review of developments in plane strain fracture toughness testingAquatic toxicology and environmental fate : a symposiumSymposium on spectroscopic excitationWear processes in manufacturingBearing steels : into the 21st centuryCyclic deformation, fracture, and nondestructive evaluation of advanced materialsCorrosion of zirconium alloys : a symposium presented at the 1963 Winter Meeting, American Nuclear Society, New York, N.Y., November 20, 19631958 Symposium on bulk sampling : presented at the sixty-first annual meeting American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 23, 1958Applications of continuum damage mechanics to fatigue and fractureTesting of peats and organic soils : a symposiumSymposium on the chemical and physical effects of high-energy radiation on inorganic substances : presented at the Sixty-sixth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, J.J., June 25, 1963Symposium on radiation effects and radiation dosimetry : presented at the sixty-third annual meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, June 29, 1960Living with marginal aggregates : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27, June 19751952 and 1953 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsFactors in the operation of manned space chambers : a symposium presented at the Fifth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Seattle, Wash., Oct. 31-Nov. 5, 1965Fracture mechanics : proceedings of the Twelfth National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics : a symposiumElectrochemical impedance : analysis and interpretationSkiing trauma and safety : twelfth volumeBench testing of industrial fluid lubrication and wear properties used in machinery applicationsSafety in ice hockeyPerformance of deep foundations : a symposium presented at the Seventy-first Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., 23-28 June, 1968Determination of nonmetallic compounds in steel : a symposium presented at the sixty-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Lafayett, Ind., June 13-18, 1965Evaluation of wear testingHigh modulus fiber composites in ground transportation and high volume applications : a symposiumQuality management of hot mix asphaltMultiaxial fatigue : a symposiumAutomated test methods for fracture and fatigue crack growth : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue and E-24 on Fracture Testing, Pittsburg, PA, 7-8 Nov. 1983Quality assurance in pavement construction : a symposiumAdvances in the Technology of Stainless Steels and Related AlloysThermal properties of thirteen metalsFatigue in mechanically fastened composite and metallic joints : a symposiumSymposium on Lubricants for Automotive Equipment : presented at the fourth Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif. Oct. 1-3, 1962Symposium on nuclear methods for measuring soil density and moisture : presented at the Sixty-third Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N. J., June 27, 1960Corrosion rates of steel in concreteSymposium on brittle failure of rotor forgings : presented at Special Meeting for Delegates to World Metals Congress, American Society for Testing Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., November 11, 1957MiCon 82 : optimization of processing, properties, and service performance through microstructural control : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-4 on Metallography, Houston, Tex., 18-19 Jan. 1982Inelastic crack analysisHydrogen embrittlement testing : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., 25-30 June 1972Applications of radiation thermometry : a symposiumSymposium on coal samplingThe use of chemicals in oil spill responsePesticide formulations and application systems, second conference : a symposiumLow-temperature properties of bituminous materials and compacted bituminous paving mixtures : a symposium presented at the seventy-ninth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., 27 June-2 July 1976Ground water and vadose zone monitoringReport on standard samples and related materials for spectrochemical analysis, 1955Characterization and toxicity of smokeNative aquatic bacteria : enumeration, activity, and ecology : a symposiumThe use of glass in buildingsRadiation embrittlement and surveillance of nuclear reactor pressure vessels : an international study : a conferenceGasFlow and fracture of metals and alloys in nuclear environments : a symposium presented at the Sixty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Illinois, June 21-26, 1964Metal fatigue damage--mechanism, detection, avoidance, and repair : With special reference to gas turbine componentsDimension stone use in building constructionStress analysis and growth of cracks : proceedings of the 1971 national symposium on fracture mechanicsBiological monitoring of water and effluent quality : a symposium, Blacksburg, Va., 2-4 Nov. 1975Zirconium in the nuclear industry : proceedings of the Fifth International Conference : a symposiumWear of articulating surfaces : understanding joint simulationRefractory metals and their industrial applications : a symposiumAchievement of high fatigue resistance in metals and alloys : a symposium presented at the seventy-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 22-27 June, 1969Deep foundation improvements : design, construction, and testingSymposium on the nature, occurrence, and effects of sigma phaseBibliography and abstracts on primary soil deposition : 1931-1961Handbook of fatigue testingSkiing trauma and safety : Fifteenth volumeSymposium on turbine oils (1962) : presented at the Sixty-fifth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, New York, N.Y., June 26, 1962Extending aggregate resources : a symposiumEffect of load spectrum variables on fatigue crack initiation and propagation : a symposiumGeosynthetic testing for waste containment applicationsRelation of testing and service performance : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26-July 1, 1966Recent developments in geotextile filters and prefabricated drainage geocomposites1959 supplement to the Bibliography and abstracts on electrical contactsValidation practices for biotechnology productsSulfur bacteriaDamage tolerance in aircraft structures : a symposium presented at the seventy-third annual meeting American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ontario, Canada, 21-26 June 1970Acoustic emission testing of aerial devices and associated equipment used in the utility industriesPhysical constants of hydrocarbons C[1] to C[10]Symposium on applied radiation and radioisotope test methods : presented at the third Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 13, 1959ASTM manual on fitting straight linesSpatial methods for solution of environmental and hydrologic problems-science, policy, and standardizationGeophysical applications for geotechnical investigationsSymposium on the identification and classification of soilsFatigue at low temperatures : a symposiumFire standards and safety : a symposium presented at National Bureau of Standards, Gaithersburg, Md., 5-6 April 1976Thermoelectricity : theory, thermometry, toolStatus of USA nuclear reactor pressure vessel surveillance for radiation effectsSymposium on basic effects of environment on the strength, scaling, and embrittlement of metals at high temperatures : presented at the Cincinnati Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, February 2, 1955Water quality criteria : first national meeting on Water Quality Criteria, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., Sept. 21-22, 1966Hot mix asphalt construction : certification and accrediation programsASTM manual on consumer sensory evaluationReport on properties of cast iron at elevated temperaturesZirconium in the nuclear industry : thirteenth international symposiumThe reaction parameters of lime : a symposium presented at the seventy-second annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 22-27 June, 1969Selection and use of wear tests for metals : a symposium presented at November Committee Week, American Society for Testing and Materials, New Orleans, La., 17-21 Nov. 1975Stainless steels for medical and surgical applicationsSymposium on accelerated durability testing of bituminous materialsCrack arrest methodology and applications : a symposiumGray, ductile, and malleable iron castings : current capabilities : a symposium presented at the American Society for Metals, Materials Engineering, Exposition and Congress, Detroit, Mich., 15 October 1968Engine test sequences for evaluating automotive lubricants for API Service MSMechanics of fatigue crack closureLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1986 : proceedings of a symposium, November 3-5, 1986, NIST (formerly NBS), Boulder, ColoradoAquatic toxicology and hazard assessment : proceedings of the fourth annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposiumSymposium on bulk quantity measurement1959 references on fatigueSuperfund risk assessment in soil contamination studiesMethods and measurements of periphyton communities : a reviewEffect of automotive emission requirements on gasoline characteristics : a symposium presented at the Seventy-third Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 21-26 June 1970Geosynthetic soil reinforcement testing proceduresMolecular formula list of compounds names and references to published ultraviolet and visible spectraReport on the elevated-temperature properties of chromium steels (12-27 per cent)Bioprocessing safety : worker and community safety and health considerationsX-ray powder data file -inorganicIndustrial applications of titanium and zirconium : a symposiumSymposium on spectroscopy : presented at the third Pacific Area National Meeting American Society for Testing Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 12-15, 1959Symposium on temperature stability of electrical insulating materials : presented at the Fifty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 14, 1954Reviews of correlations of objective-subjective methods in the study of odors and tasteEcological assessment of macrophyton : collection, use, and meaning of data : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-19 on Water, Fort Lauderdale, FL, 15-16 Jan., 1983Symposium on acoustical fatigue : presented at the Sixty-third Annual Meeting of American Society for Testing Materials held at Atlantic City, N. J., June 28, 1960Symposium on fatigue of aircraft structureManual on industrial water and industrial waste waterData on corrosion- and heat-resistant steels and alloys- Wrought and CastGeotechnics of waste fills-theory and practiceBasic principles of sensory evaluationRecent research on bituminous materials : a symposium presented at the sixty-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 26, 1963Superfund risk assessment in soil contamination studies : second volumeAdvances in electron metallography, vol. 6 : a symposium presented at the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Lafayette, Ind., June 13-18, 1965Effects of radiation on materials : proceedings of the tenth international symposium : a symposiumFatigue crack propagation : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Symposium on radiation effects on metals and neutron dosimetry : presented at the Fourth Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., October 2 and 3, 1962Radiation embrittlement of nuclear reactor pressure vessel steels : an international review (third volume)Avian and mammalian wildlife toxicology : a symposiumBibliographical abstracts of methods for analysis of synthetic detergents, 1933-1959Index to the literature on X-ray spectrographic analysisDirect-current magnetic hysteresigraphs : a monographField testing of soils : presented at the sixty-fifth annual meeting and fourth Pacific area national meeting, American Society for Testing and MaterialsSymposium on durability and weathering of structural sandwich constructionsFifty years of paint testing : Committee D-1 : presented at the Fifty-fifth Annual Meeting (Fiftieth Anniversary Meeting), American Society for Testing Materials, New York, N.Y., June 24, 1952Environmentally assisted cracking : predictive methods for risk assessment and evaluation of materials, equipment, and structuresSymposium on methods of testing building constructionsFatigue and fracture mechanics : 32nd volumeSmall specimen test techniques applied to nuclear reactor vessel thermal annealing and plant life extensionSymposium on electroless nickel plating : catalytic deposition of nickel-phosphorus alloys by chemical reduction in aqueous solutionM[3]D III : mechanics and mechanisms of material dampingSymposium on radiation effects on materialsLaser induced damage in optical materials, 1988 : proceedings of a symposium, October 26-28, 1988, NIST (formerly NBS), Boulder, ColoradoSymposium on Ion Exchange and Chromatography in Analytical Chemistry : presented at the Fifty-Ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., June 18, 1956Metal matrix composites : a symposium presented at the Seventieth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Boston, Mass., 25-30 June, 1967Manual on industrial water and industrial waste waterPerformance of protective clothing : fifth volumeRail steels--developments, processing, and use : a symposium, Denver, Colo., 17-18 Nov. 1976Symposium on bituminous waterproofing and roofing materialsVertebrate pest control and management materials : 6th volumeSequence IIDWater pollution assessment, automatic sampling and measurement : a symposium presented at the seventy-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Washington, D.C., 23-28 June, 1974 : [papers]Composite materials : testing and design (sixth conference) : a conference sponsored by ASTM Committee D-30 on High Modulus Fibers and Their Composites, Phoenix, Ariz., 12-13 May, 1981Sampling, standards, and homogeneity : a symposium presented at the seventy-fifth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., 25-30 June, 1972An analysis of the literature on tire-road skid resistanceAtmospheric corrosion investigation of aluminum-coated, zinc-coated, and copper-bearing steel wire and wire products : a twenty-year reportCharpy impact test : factors and variablesDesign of fatigue and fracture resistant structures : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees E-9 on Fatigue and E-24 on Fracture Testing, Bal Harbour, Fla., 10-11 Nov. 1980Sampling and analysis of toxic organics in the atmosphere : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee D-22 on Sampling and Analysis of Atmospheres, American Society for Testing and Materials, Boulder, Colo., 6-9 Aug. 1979Manual on industrial water and industrial waste waterSimulated service testing in the plastics industry : a symposium presented at the sixty-seventh annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 23, 1964Adhesion or cold welding of materials in space environments : a symposium presented at a meeting of Committee E-21 on Space Simulation, American Society for Testing and Materials, and Lubrication Fundametals Committee and Aerospace Council, American Society of Lubrication Engineers, Toronto, Ont., Canada, 1-2 May, 1967Nondestructive testing of pavements and backcalculation of moduli : second volumePerformance of protective clothing : second symposiumCorrosion of metals under thermal insulation : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committees C-16 on Thermal Insulation ... [et al.]Toughened composites : Symposium on Toughened CompositesBibliography on low-cycle fatigue : 1957-1967Laboratory shear strength of soil : a symposiumManual on industrial water : fourth printing with new and revised methods, 1957Permeability and groundwater contaminant transport : a symposiumAquatic toxicology and hazard assessment : proceedings of the fifth annual Symposium on Aquatic Toxicology : a symposiumEffects of radiation on materials : 15th international symposiumSelection and use of engine coolants and cooling system chemicalsReal-time radiologic imaging--medical and industrial applications : a symposium presented at Gaithersburg, Md., 8-10 May 1978Symposium on Composition of Petroleum Oils, Determination and Evaluation : sponsored by Research Division IV on Hydrocarbon Analysis of ASTM Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants, held at New Orleans, La., February 8 and 9, 1957Laboratory shear testing of soils : a symposium sponsored by the National Research Council of Canada and the American Society for Testing and Materials, Ottawa, Canada, Sept. 9, 1963Stainless steel castings : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee A-1 on Steel, Stainless Steel, and Related Alloys, Bal Harbour, Fla., 12-13 Nov. 1980Symposium on some approaches to durability in structures : presented at the Sixty-First Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Boston, Mass., June 23, 1958Degradation of metals in the atmosphere : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee G-1 on Corrosion of Metals, Philadelphia, PA, 12-13 May 1986Marine fuels : a symposiumLow cycle fatigue : a symposiumContinuous anesthesia gas monitoringMechanics of crack growth : proceedings of the Eighth National Symposium on Fracture Mechanics : a symposiumSymposium on industrial water and industrial waste water : presented at the second Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., September 20, 1956Damage in composite materials : basic mechanisms, accumulation, tolerance, and characterization : a symposiumAquatic toxicology and hazard assessment, sixth symposium : a symposiumFlameless atomic absorption analysis : an update : a symposium presented at the seventy-eighth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Montreal, Canada, 22-27 June, 1975Advances in geosynthetic clay liner technology : 2nd symposiumManual on hydrocarbon analysisAnalytical techniques for hydraulic cements and concrete : a symposium presented at the Sixty-eighth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing Materials, Lafayette, Ind., June 15, 1965Sampling and calibration for atmospheric measurements : a symposiumFast fracture and crack arrest : a symposiumField testing and instrumentation of rock : a symposium presented at the seventy-sixth annual meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Philadelphia, Pa., 24-29 June 1973Air quality and comfort in airliner cabinsConsolidation of soils : testing and evaluation : a symposiumSymposium on turbine oils : presented at the First Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, San Francisco, Calif., October 12, 1949Stress relaxation testing : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-28 on Mechanical Testing, American Society for Testing and Materials, Kansas City, Mo., 24, 25 May 1978Effects of radiation on structural metals : a symposium presented at the Sixty-ninth Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Atlantic City, N.J., 26 June-1 July, 1966Current technologies in flexible packaging : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee F-2 on Flexible Barrier Materials and the Flexible Packaging Association, St. Charles, IL, 1 Nov. 1984Structural integrity of fastenersAquatic toxicology and hazard assessment : eighth symposium : a symposiumHydrocarbon analysis : a symposium presented at the Meeting of Committee D-2 on Petroleum Products and Lubricants of the American Society for Testing and Materials, Houston, Tex., Jan. 22-23, 1965Internal friction, damping, and cyclic plasticity : a symposium presented at the sixty-seventh Annual Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Chicago, Ill., June 22, 1964Contaminated sediments : characterization, evaluation, mitigation/restoration, and management strategy performanceSymposium on effects of low temperatures on the properties of materialsMaterials performance and the deep seaReview and evaluation of appearance : methods and techniques : a symposium sponsored by ASTM Committee E-12 on Appearance of Materials, Montreal, Canada, 23 May 1984Symposium on fire test methods (1962) : presented at the Fourth Pacific Area National Meeting, American Society for Testing and Materials, Los Angeles, Calif., September 30-October 5, 1962