
Clarendon Press series


Clarendon Press series

Clarendon Press



Also published by Igirisu Houritsu Gakkô, TokyoAlso published by Nankodo, Tokio


The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトA book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short grammar and some sellections from the gospels外部サイトThe white doe of Rylstone : with the song at the Feast of Brougham Castle etc.外部サイトElements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence外部サイトChemistry in space : from J.H. van't Hoff's "Dix années dans l'histoire d'une théorie"外部サイトThe Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the squieres tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトTypical selections from the best English writers with introductory notes外部サイトThe famous history of the life of King Henry the Eighth外部サイトThe tale of Gamelyn : from the Harleian Ms. no. 7334, collated with six other Mss外部サイトFirst steps in Anglo-Saxon外部サイトThucydides外部サイトCorneille's Horace外部サイトAnabasis, book IV . Vocabulary Xenophon's Anabasis外部サイトExtracts from Alfred's Orosius外部サイトC. Sallusti Crispi De coniuratione Catilinae liber ; De bello Iugurthino liber外部サイトJohnson select works : lives of Dryden and Pope, and Rasselas外部サイトHomer Odyssey外部サイトMarlowe's Edward the Second外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトThe Institutes of Justinian外部サイトGenealogical tables illustrative of modern history外部サイトBacon : the advancement of learning外部サイトThe orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines on the crown外部サイトA history of France外部サイトLivy : books I-X外部サイトA history of France外部サイトThe minor poems外部サイトAeneid IX外部サイトA primer of the Gothic language with grammar, notes, and glossary外部サイトA new English grammar : logical and historical外部サイトThe Prioresses tale, Sir Thopas, the monkes tale, the clerkes tale, the squieres tale, from the Canterbury tales外部サイトEdward the Second外部サイトMarmion外部サイトA concise etymological dictionary of the English language外部サイトHomer Iliad : books I-XII外部サイトAcoustics : theoretical外部サイトA text book of algebra外部サイトBucolics外部サイトAreopagitica外部サイトOn the principles of grammar外部サイトA grammar of the Homeric dialect外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトBook II of The Faery Queene外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes and glossary外部サイトA class book of elementary chemistry外部サイトIliad外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトSpecimens of Early English : with introductions, notes, and glossarial index外部サイトThe foreign element外部サイトFirst part of King Henry IV外部サイトThe elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities外部サイトThe idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus外部サイトAgamemnon外部サイトParadise lost外部サイトT. Macci Plavti Trinvmmvs外部サイトA book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short selections from the gospels and a parsing glossary外部サイトSelections from Berkeley : with an introduction and notes, for the use of students in the universities外部サイトMemorabilia外部サイトAn introduction to the history of the law of real property : with original authorities外部サイトA treatise on rivers and canals relating to the control and improvement of rivers and the design, construction, and development of canals外部サイトFaery Queene外部サイトThe constitutional history of England in its origin and development外部サイトEgmont, a tragedy外部サイトBacon : the advancement of learning外部サイトAn elementary Latin grammar外部サイトGerman composition : a theoretical and practical guide to the art of translating English prose into German外部サイトSelections from Berkeley : with an introduction and notes, for the use of students in the universities外部サイトAn introduction to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin外部サイトOvid : selections for the use of schools外部サイトHyperion外部サイトA Greek Testament primer : an easy grammar and reading book for the use of students beginning Greek外部サイトThe cultivation of the speaking voice外部サイトAlcestis外部サイトIntroduction to a historical geography of the British colonies外部サイトAn introduction to the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism外部サイトThe constitutional history of England in its origin and development外部サイトThe commentaries of C. Julius Caesar : the Gallic War, with the supplement of Hirtius外部サイトThe idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus外部サイトThe cultivation of the speaking voice外部サイトPrinciples of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract外部サイトA treatise on harmony外部サイトThe satires of A. Persius Flaccus with a translation and commentary外部サイトThe holy war and the heavenly foot-man外部サイトEpitaphios外部サイトThe philology of the English tongue外部サイトThe idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus外部サイトJohnson select works外部サイトHomer Odyssey外部サイトBooks XXI, XXII, and XXIII外部サイトFaery Queene外部サイトA primer of English etymology外部サイトJulius Cæsar外部サイトPrometheus bound外部サイトThe wasps外部サイトThe Macedonian War外部サイトFirst middle English primer : extracts from the Ancren riwle and Ormulum外部サイトA primer of historical English grammar外部サイトThe wealth of households外部サイトT. Macci Plavti Trinvmmvs外部サイトGeodesy外部サイトThe elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities外部サイトEnglish poems外部サイトMinna von Barnhelm, a comedy外部サイトSophocles : in single plays for the use of schools外部サイトKing John外部サイトA second Anglo-Saxon reader : archaic and dialectal外部サイトA historical grammar of the French tongue外部サイトThe tale of the man of lawe, The pardoneres tale, The second nonnes tale, The chanouns yemannes tale from The Canterbury tales外部サイトIliad外部サイトThe hous of fame : in three books外部サイトThe vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse : with grammar, metre, notes and glossary外部サイトThe elements of deductive logic外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトTypes of ethical theory外部サイトA short history of French literature外部サイトA primer of spoken English外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトBurke : select works外部サイトA practical introduction to Greek accentuation外部サイトA manual of political economy for schools and colleges外部サイトThe philology of the English tongue外部サイトThe song of Lewes外部サイトThe vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトA manual of comparative philology as applied to the illustration of Greek and Latin inflections外部サイトPrinciples of the English law of Contract外部サイトAdonais外部サイトA concise etymological dictionary of the English language外部サイトThe Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the squieres tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトGreek verbs, irregular and defective : their forms, meaning and quantity外部サイトFaery Queene外部サイトThe commentaries of C. Julius Caesar, The Gallic war外部サイトAreopagitica外部サイトShakespeare as a dramatic artist : a popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of extracts in prose and poetry外部サイトWilhelm Tell : a drama外部サイトSelections from Herodotus : with introduction, notes, and a map外部サイトThe seasons and The Castle of Indolence外部サイトBook外部サイトEgmont, a tragedy外部サイトLogic : in three books of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge外部サイトAreopagitica外部サイトKey to German composition : a theoretical and practical guide to the art of translating English prose into German外部サイトCicero select letters外部サイトElements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence外部サイトA primer of English etymology外部サイトThe traveller外部サイトA handbook of phonetics, including a popular exposition of the principles of spelling reform外部サイトA manual of comparative philology as applied to the illustration of Greek and Latin inflections外部サイトThe German manual : a German grammar, a reading book and a hand-book of conversations in German, adapted for class teaching and private study外部サイトAn Old High German primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary外部サイトNotes on the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis : with two appendices外部サイトSophocles外部サイトAeschylus Agamemnon外部サイトP. Terenti Andria外部サイトA history of France外部サイトA primer of spoken English外部サイトA concise etymological dictionary of the English language外部サイトThe vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトOf the laws of ecclesiastical polity外部サイトA treatise on electricity and magnetism外部サイトTwelfth night, or, what you will外部サイトPope : satires and epistles外部サイトThe birds外部サイトThe cultivation of the speaking voice外部サイトExercises in practical chemistry外部サイトAn Icelandic primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary外部サイトLady of the lake外部サイトHerodotus books V and VI : Terpsichore and Erato外部サイトA treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions外部サイトJohnson ; vanity of human wishes外部サイトOf the laws of ecclesiastical polity外部サイトPhysical education外部サイトJulius Cæsar外部サイトAn elementary treatise on analytical geometry : with numerous examples外部サイトA treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions外部サイトElements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence外部サイトLuciani Vera historia外部サイトA commentary on Catullus外部サイトGertrude of Wyoming : a Pennsylvanian tale外部サイトSophocles for the use of schools外部サイトThe Acharnians外部サイトLettres à sa Mère外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトDryden : an essay of dramatic poesy外部サイトLocke's conduct of the understanding外部サイトAn elementary treatise on quaternions外部サイトElementary plane trigonometry : that is plane trigonometry without imaginaries外部サイトGeometry in space : containing parts of Euclid's eleventh and twelfth books, and some properties of polyhedra and solids of revolution, with exercises外部サイトAcoustics : theoretical外部サイトDescriptive astronomy外部サイトGenealogical tables : illustrative of modern history外部サイトMedea外部サイトMarlowe : Tragical history of Dr. Faustus ; Greene : Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay外部サイトCornelius Nepos外部サイトThe Meno of Plato外部サイトJulius Cæsar外部サイトHamlet : Prince of Denmark外部サイトAjax外部サイトA golden treasury of Greek prose外部サイトCicero select letters外部サイトNiebuhrs Griechische Heroen-Geschichten : tales of Greek heroes外部サイトEasy passages for translation into Latin外部サイトA treatise on the kinetic theory of gases外部サイトEuclid revised : containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books with numerous additional propositions and exercises外部サイトThe elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities外部サイトEasy Greek reader外部サイトPro Cluentio外部サイトKey to first and second Latin exercise books外部サイトOrations against Philip外部サイトAeneid I外部サイトCato maior de senectute外部サイトElements of law considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence外部サイトThe vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトA treatise on counterpoint, canon and fugue外部サイトThe birds外部サイトEssay on man外部サイトFirst middle English primer : extracts from the Ancren Riwle and Ormulum with grammar, notes, and glossary外部サイトAn Icelandic primer with grammar, notes and glossary外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトThe native element外部サイトThe idylls and epigrams : commonly attributed to外部サイトAn elementary treatise on heat外部サイトPrimer of Italian literature外部サイトChoephoroi外部サイトEgmont, a tragedy外部サイトThe elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities外部サイトThe Prologue, the knightes tale, the nonne preestes tale from The Canterbury tales外部サイトAn elementary treatise on heat外部サイトEumenides外部サイトIliad外部サイトAn elementary Latin grammar外部サイトChoephoroi外部サイトThe Faery Queene外部サイトThe elements of deductive logic外部サイトThe lay of Havelok the Dane外部サイトThe elements of Greek accentuation外部サイトElements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence外部サイトOutlines of textual criticism applied to the New Testament外部サイトThe prologue, the knights tale, the nonne prestes tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトThe satires of A. Persius Flaccus外部サイトHamlet : prince of Denmark外部サイトThe Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the Squieres tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトNathan der Weise, a dramatic poem外部サイトFaery Queene外部サイトA system of physical education : theoretical and practical外部サイトSecond middle English primer : extracts from Chaucer外部サイトA handbook of descriptive astronomy外部サイトMetaphysic in three books ontology, cosmology, and psychology外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard II外部サイトTrachiniae外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトSelections from the Dialogues of Plato外部サイトBooks V, VI, and VII外部サイトFaery Queene外部サイトSpecimens of French literature : from Villon to Hugo外部サイトA primer of spoken English外部サイトAgamemnon外部サイトPrinciples of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract外部サイトThe advancement of learning外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary外部サイトIliad外部サイトOdyssey外部サイトAn elementary treatise on heat外部サイトCicero select letters外部サイトAreopagitica外部サイトA historical grammar of the French tongue外部サイトAn introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities外部サイトComus外部サイトHamlet : prince of Denmark外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse外部サイトA manual of political economy for schools and colleges外部サイトSteele : selections from the Tatler, Spectator and Guardian外部サイトGrammar of the Bengali language : literary and colloquial外部サイトSupplement to the elements of law外部サイトCowper : the task with tirocinium, and selections from the minor poems, A.D. 1784-1799外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトMinna von Barnhelm, a comedy外部サイトA manual of political economy for schools and colleges外部サイトTypes of ethical theory外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトHermann und Dorothea外部サイトEumenides外部サイトBeckers Friedrich der Grosse : with an historical introduction, genealogical and chronological tables, a map, and a copious index外部サイトQuinti Horatii Flacci Opera omnia = The works of Horace外部サイトWilhelm Tell : a drama外部サイトAn etymological dictionary of the French language : [crowned by the French Academy]外部サイトThe Faery Queene外部サイトIliad外部サイトSpecimens of old French (IX-XV centuries) : with introduction, notes, and glossary外部サイトThe constitutional history of England in its origin and development外部サイトLycidas外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse : with grammar, metre, notes and glossary外部サイトReflections on the revolution in France外部サイトL'Allegro外部サイトIphigenie auf Tauris, a drama外部サイトTypes of ethical theory外部サイトAeneid外部サイトAn introduction to Greek sculpture外部サイトThe contract of sale in the civil law : with references to the laws of England, Scotland and France外部サイトTragical history of Dr. Faustus . Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay外部サイトAn introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities外部サイトThe prologue, The knightes tale, The nonne preestes tale from The Canterbury tales外部サイトStanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell ; Astræa Redux ; Annus Mirabilis ; Absalom and Achitophel ; Religio Laici ; The hind and the panther外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトA manual of ancient history from the earliest times to the fall of the Sassanian empire : comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phœnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia外部サイトPrinciples of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract外部サイトFrom Robert of gloucester to gower A.D. 1298-A.D. 1393外部サイトAn Old High German primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary外部サイトPrinciples of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract外部サイトAn introduction to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin外部サイトThe clouds外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard II外部サイトA Greek primer : for the use of beginners in that language外部サイトThe philology of the English tongue外部サイトSophocles : the plays and fragments外部サイトIphigenia in Tauris外部サイトElements of natural philosophy外部サイトElementary German prose composition : selected passages from modern English authors for translation into German ...外部サイトThe annals of Tacitus外部サイトPeace外部サイトChemistry for students外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of extracts in prose and poetry外部サイトA book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short grammar, some selections from the Gospels, and a parsing glossary外部サイトA primer of historical English grammar外部サイトSelected homilies of Ælfric外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the Squieres tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトP. Vergili Maronis opera外部サイトSpecimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calendar', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579外部サイトA handbook of pictorial art外部サイトSelected letters of Cicero外部サイトLuciani Vera historia外部サイトSelect charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First外部サイトExercises in practical chemistry外部サイトSpecimens of English literature : from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579外部サイトLogic : in three books of thought, of investigation and of knowledge外部サイトNotes on recent researches in electricity and magnetism : intended as a sequel to Professor Clerk-Maxwell's treatise on electricity and magnetism外部サイトThe constitutional history of England : in its origin and development外部サイトThe elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities外部サイトLocke's Conduct of the understanding外部サイトElements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence外部サイトFragments and specimens of early Latin : with introductions and notes外部サイトA primer of phonetics外部サイトSophocles外部サイトMetaphysic : in three books ontology, cosmology, and psychology外部サイトT. Macci Plavti Captivi外部サイトAn introduction to the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism外部サイトThe frogs外部サイトTypical selections from the best English authors with introductory notices外部サイトAn elementary treatise on electricity外部サイトThe prologue, the knightes tale, the nonne prestes tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトIphigenie auf Tauris, a drama外部サイトGreek verbs, irregular and defective : their forms, meaning and quantity外部サイトScenes of travel外部サイトGray, selected poems外部サイトDante : selections from the Inferno外部サイトThe elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities外部サイトSelect charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First外部サイトAn etymological dictionary of the French language : crowned by the French Academy外部サイトThe tale of the man of lawe, The pardoneres tale, The second nonnes tale, The chanouns yemannes tale from The Canterbury tales外部サイトBacon's Novum organum外部サイトThe elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities外部サイトLessons on thermodynamics外部サイトSchiller's historische skizzen外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトPeter Schlemihl's wundersame Geschichte外部サイトThe Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the squieres tale from the Canterbury tales外部サイトThe Faery Queene外部サイトThe prologue to the Canterbury tales外部サイトOedipus Tyrannus外部サイトChoephoroi外部サイトA selection from the letters of Madame de Sévigné and her contemporaries外部サイトSelections from Tibullus and Propertius外部サイトP. Terenti Andria外部サイトHelena外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトLocke's conduct of the understanding外部サイトThe constitutional history of England : in its origin and development外部サイトGenealogical tables : illustrative of modern history外部サイトExtracts from Alfred's Orosius外部サイトSelect charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First外部サイトMinna von Barnhelm, a comedy外部サイトP. Terenti Adelphi外部サイトSpecimens of early English : selected from the chief English authors, A.D. 1250-A.D. 1400 : with grammatical introduction, notes and glossary外部サイトThe minor poems外部サイトThe constitutional history of England, in its origin and development外部サイトPrometheus bound外部サイトIon外部サイトEasy passages for translation into Latin外部サイトLes femmes savantes : comédie en cinq actes et en vers外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトA Greek primer : for the use of beginners in that language外部サイトVoltaire's Mérope外部サイトThoughts on the present discontents ; The two speeches on America外部サイトThe vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトThe Roman poets of the Augustan age外部サイトImperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum, libri quattuor外部サイトForms of animal life : being outlines of zoological classification based upon anatomical investigation and illustrated by descriptions of specimens and of figures外部サイトBurke : select works外部サイトOrations against Philip外部サイトThe Acharnians外部サイトAlfred de Musset's On ne badine pas avec l'amour, and Fantasio外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトCauseries du lundi外部サイトAn elementary treatise on electricity外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes and glossary外部サイトCornelii Taciti de Germania外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトAn Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes and glossary外部サイトHamlet : Prince of Denmark外部サイトA manual of Greek historical inscriptions外部サイトThe tale of Gamelyn : from the Harleian Ms. no. 7334, collated with six other Mss外部サイトSelections from Heorodtus外部サイトChaucer : the legend of good women外部サイトPlutarch's Lives of the Gracchi外部サイトThe gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic : according to the translation made by Wulfila in the fourth century外部サイトHeine's Harzreise, with a life of Heine, a descriptive sketch of the Harz, and an index外部サイトLouis XIV. and his contemporaries外部サイトPope : satires and epistles外部サイトThe native element外部サイトExercises in practical chemistry外部サイトMolière's Les précieuses ridicules外部サイトA primer of phonetics外部サイトInstruments and practical astronomy外部サイトHomer's Odyssey外部サイトChaucer : the prologue, the knightes tale, the nonne prestes tale from the Canterbury tales : a revised text外部サイトThe Faery Queene外部サイトThe knights外部サイトA music primer : for schools外部サイトThe life of King Henry the Fifth外部サイトGreek verbs, irregular and defective : their forms, meaning and quantity外部サイトHistory of Rasselas : prince of Abyssinia外部サイトMinna von Barnhelm : a comedy外部サイトGerman poetry for beginners : a graduated collection of easy poems for repetition from modern German poets外部サイトA system of physical education : theoretical and practical外部サイトBurns selected poems外部サイトLe misanthrope : a comedy外部サイトThe constitutional history of England : in its origin and development外部サイトBacon's Novum organum外部サイトCowper : the task with tirocinium, and selections from the minor poems, A.D. 1784-1799外部サイトThe elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the Universities外部サイトOmens and dreams ; Beauties of Nature外部サイトTypes of ethical theory外部サイトA treatise on statics containing the fundamental principles of electrostatics and elasticity外部サイトA treatise on the application of generalised coordinates to the kinetics of a material system外部サイトA short history of French literature外部サイトLycidas外部サイトHomer Odyssey : books I-XII with Introduction, notes, etc.外部サイトA treatise on statics with applications to physics外部サイトT. Macci Plavti Captivi外部サイトHistory of the dominion of Canada外部サイトSelected letters of Pliny : with notes for the use of schools外部サイトHomer Odyssey外部サイトThe philology of the English tongue外部サイトA short historical English grammar外部サイトThe elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities外部サイトThe Faery Queene外部サイトSpecimens of early English外部サイトCyclops外部サイトThe castle of indolence外部サイトA treatise on statics with applications to physics外部サイトA treatise on harmony外部サイトSelections from Berkeley外部サイトA first Latin exercise book外部サイトPro Cluentio外部サイトOrations against Philip外部サイトBurke : select works外部サイトCiceronis Laelius, sive, De amicitia外部サイトBacon's Novum organum外部サイトTypes of ethical theory外部サイトThe task with tirocinium, and selections from the minor poems, A. D. 1784-1799外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard the Third外部サイトHalm's Griseldis外部サイトAn elementary treatise on pure geometry with numerous examples外部サイトSelections from Tibullus and Propertius外部サイトSpecimens of early English外部サイトThe vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman外部サイトMinna von Barnhelm : a comedy外部サイトSpeech on the crown外部サイトSchiller's Jungfrau von Orleans外部サイトThe commentaries of C. Julius Caesar, The Gallic war : with the supplement of Hirtius外部サイトEnglish poems by John Milton外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard II外部サイトHeine's Prosa, being selections from his prose works外部サイトA grammar of the Homeric dialect外部サイトThe Faery Queene外部サイトEuclid revised : containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books : with numerous additional propositions and exercises外部サイトSpecimens of early English : with introduction, notes, and glossarial index外部サイトA treatise on electricity and magnetism外部サイトSelect charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトEuclid revised : containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books : with numerous additional propositions and exercises外部サイトA primer of phonetics外部サイトA Short history of the Norman Conquest of England外部サイトAntigone外部サイトElectra外部サイトKey to easy passages for translation into Latin : exempla sicut exstant in editione octava partim ipsis veterum auctorum verbis exscripta aut composita partim suis Latine reddita外部サイトThe advancement of learning外部サイトSeventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history and kindred subjects : delivered at Oxford, under statutory obligation in the years 1867-1884 : with two addresses given at Oxford and Reading外部サイトEnglish poems by John Milton外部サイトOf the laws of ecclesiastical polity外部サイトOvid : selections for the use of schools外部サイトAn elementary treatise on heat外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトRacine's Esther外部サイトThe frogs外部サイトThe philology of the English tongue外部サイトHomer's Odyssey外部サイトSelect charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First外部サイトThe Meno of Plato外部サイトAddison : selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator外部サイトThe Pilgrim's progress ; Grace abounding ; and, A relation of his imprisonment外部サイトBecker's Friedrich der Grosse : with an historical sketch of the rise of Prussia and of the times of Frederick the Great, genealogical tables, and a map外部サイトAn introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities外部サイトThe mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism外部サイトSelections from Tibullus and Propertius外部サイトGoldsmith : selected poems外部サイトNathan der Weise, a dramatic poem外部サイトGeorgics, books I, II外部サイトHarbours and docks : their physical features, history, construction equipment, and maintenance, with statistics as to their commercial development外部サイトThe starry heavens外部サイトThe elements of Greek accentuation外部サイトA primer of phonetics外部サイトΚεβητος πιναξ = Cebetis tabula外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトSpecimens of English literature : from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579外部サイトIliad外部サイトThe tale of the man of lawe ; The pardoneres tale ; The second nonnes tale ; The chanouns yemannes tale : from the Canterbury tales外部サイトHeine's Prosa, being selections from his prose works外部サイトThe elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities外部サイトImperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum, libri quattuor外部サイトSelected letters of Pliny : with notes for the use of schools外部サイトThe Meno of Plato外部サイトSpecimens of English literature : from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579外部サイトCowper : the didactic poems of 1782 with selections from the minor pieces A.D. 1779-1783外部サイトLocke's conduct of the understanding外部サイトSpecimens of Greek dialects : being a fourth Greek reader : with introductions and notes外部サイトSelections from Berkeley : with an introduction and notes, for the use of students in the universities外部サイトA grammar of the Homeric dialect外部サイトUniplanar kinematics of solids and fluids : with applications to the distribution and flow of electricity外部サイトA history of France外部サイトChilde Harold外部サイトSelect titles from the digest of Justinian外部サイトOrations against Philip外部サイトModern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers外部サイトOvid : selections for the use of schools外部サイトQuintiliani Institutionis oratoriae liber X : a revised text外部サイトEgmont, a tragedy外部サイトHerodotus Book IX外部サイトLessing's Laokoon外部サイトBacchae外部サイトThe philippics of Demosthenes外部サイトMedea外部サイトThe Apology of Plato外部サイトThe Philippic orations of M. Tullius Cicero外部サイトLectures and essays on subjects connected with Latin literature and scholarship外部サイトM. Tulli Ciceronis De oratore libri tres外部サイトA practical introduction to Greek accentuation外部サイトThe Philippic orations of M. Tullius Cicero外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトM. Tulli Ciceronis De oratore ad quintum fratrem libri tres外部サイトLocke's Conduct of the understanding外部サイト



  • The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman

  • A book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short grammar and some sellections from the gospels

  • The white doe of Rylstone : with the song at the Feast of Brougham Castle etc.

  • Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence

  • Chemistry in space : from J.H. van't Hoff's "Dix années dans l'histoire d'une théorie"





  • CiNii Research

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Clarendon Press series of school classics
Also published by Igirisu Houritsu Gakkô, Tokyo
Also published by Nankodo, Tokio
The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman
A book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short grammar and some sellections from the gospels
The white doe of Rylstone : with the song at the Feast of Brougham Castle etc.
Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence
Chemistry in space : from J.H. van't Hoff's "Dix années dans l'histoire d'une théorie"
The Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the squieres tale from the Canterbury tales
Typical selections from the best English writers with introductory notes
The famous history of the life of King Henry the Eighth
The tale of Gamelyn : from the Harleian Ms. no. 7334, collated with six other Mss
First steps in Anglo-Saxon
Corneille's Horace
Anabasis, book IV . Vocabulary Xenophon's Anabasis
Extracts from Alfred's Orosius
C. Sallusti Crispi De coniuratione Catilinae liber ; De bello Iugurthino liber
Johnson select works : lives of Dryden and Pope, and Rasselas
Homer Odyssey
Marlowe's Edward the Second
The merchant of Venice
The Institutes of Justinian
Genealogical tables illustrative of modern history
Bacon : the advancement of learning
The orations of Demosthenes and Aeschines on the crown
A history of France
Livy : books I-X
A history of France
The minor poems
Aeneid IX
A primer of the Gothic language with grammar, notes, and glossary
A new English grammar : logical and historical
The Prioresses tale, Sir Thopas, the monkes tale, the clerkes tale, the squieres tale, from the Canterbury tales
Edward the Second
A concise etymological dictionary of the English language
Homer Iliad : books I-XII
Acoustics : theoretical
A text book of algebra
On the principles of grammar
A grammar of the Homeric dialect
Book II of The Faery Queene
An Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes and glossary
A class book of elementary chemistry
A midsummer night's dream
Specimens of Early English : with introductions, notes, and glossarial index
The foreign element
First part of King Henry IV
The elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities
The idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus
Paradise lost
T. Macci Plavti Trinvmmvs
A book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short selections from the gospels and a parsing glossary
Selections from Berkeley : with an introduction and notes, for the use of students in the universities
An introduction to the history of the law of real property : with original authorities
A treatise on rivers and canals relating to the control and improvement of rivers and the design, construction, and development of canals
Faery Queene
The constitutional history of England in its origin and development
Egmont, a tragedy
Bacon : the advancement of learning
An elementary Latin grammar
German composition : a theoretical and practical guide to the art of translating English prose into German
Selections from Berkeley : with an introduction and notes, for the use of students in the universities
An introduction to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin
Ovid : selections for the use of schools
A Greek Testament primer : an easy grammar and reading book for the use of students beginning Greek
The cultivation of the speaking voice
Introduction to a historical geography of the British colonies
An introduction to the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism
The constitutional history of England in its origin and development
The commentaries of C. Julius Caesar : the Gallic War, with the supplement of Hirtius
The idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus
The cultivation of the speaking voice
Principles of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract
A treatise on harmony
The satires of A. Persius Flaccus with a translation and commentary
The holy war and the heavenly foot-man
The philology of the English tongue
The idylls and epigrams commonly attributed to Theocritus
Johnson select works
Homer Odyssey
Books XXI, XXII, and XXIII
Faery Queene
A primer of English etymology
Julius Cæsar
Prometheus bound
The wasps
The Macedonian War
First middle English primer : extracts from the Ancren riwle and Ormulum
A primer of historical English grammar
The wealth of households
T. Macci Plavti Trinvmmvs
The elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities
English poems
Minna von Barnhelm, a comedy
Sophocles : in single plays for the use of schools
King John
A second Anglo-Saxon reader : archaic and dialectal
A historical grammar of the French tongue
The tale of the man of lawe, The pardoneres tale, The second nonnes tale, The chanouns yemannes tale from The Canterbury tales
The hous of fame : in three books
The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman
An Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse : with grammar, metre, notes and glossary
The elements of deductive logic
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
Types of ethical theory
A short history of French literature
A primer of spoken English
Much ado about nothing
Burke : select works
A practical introduction to Greek accentuation
A manual of political economy for schools and colleges
The philology of the English tongue
The song of Lewes
The vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman
A manual of comparative philology as applied to the illustration of Greek and Latin inflections
Principles of the English law of Contract
A concise etymological dictionary of the English language
The Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the squieres tale from the Canterbury tales
Greek verbs, irregular and defective : their forms, meaning and quantity
Faery Queene
The commentaries of C. Julius Caesar, The Gallic war
Shakespeare as a dramatic artist : a popular illustration of the principles of scientific criticism
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of extracts in prose and poetry
Wilhelm Tell : a drama
Selections from Herodotus : with introduction, notes, and a map
The seasons and The Castle of Indolence
Egmont, a tragedy
Logic : in three books of thought, of investigation, and of knowledge
Key to German composition : a theoretical and practical guide to the art of translating English prose into German
Cicero select letters
Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence
A primer of English etymology
The traveller
A handbook of phonetics, including a popular exposition of the principles of spelling reform
A manual of comparative philology as applied to the illustration of Greek and Latin inflections
The German manual : a German grammar, a reading book and a hand-book of conversations in German, adapted for class teaching and private study
An Old High German primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary
Notes on the Hebrew text of the Book of Genesis : with two appendices
Aeschylus Agamemnon
P. Terenti Andria
A history of France
A primer of spoken English
A concise etymological dictionary of the English language
The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
A treatise on electricity and magnetism
Twelfth night, or, what you will
Pope : satires and epistles
The birds
The cultivation of the speaking voice
Exercises in practical chemistry
An Icelandic primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary
Lady of the lake
Herodotus books V and VI : Terpsichore and Erato
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions
Johnson ; vanity of human wishes
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
Physical education
Julius Cæsar
An elementary treatise on analytical geometry : with numerous examples
A treatise on the use of the tenses in Hebrew and some other syntactical questions
Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence
Luciani Vera historia
A commentary on Catullus
Gertrude of Wyoming : a Pennsylvanian tale
Sophocles for the use of schools
The Acharnians
Lettres à sa Mère
Selected poems
Dryden : an essay of dramatic poesy
Locke's conduct of the understanding
An elementary treatise on quaternions
Elementary plane trigonometry : that is plane trigonometry without imaginaries
Geometry in space : containing parts of Euclid's eleventh and twelfth books, and some properties of polyhedra and solids of revolution, with exercises
Acoustics : theoretical
Descriptive astronomy
Genealogical tables : illustrative of modern history
Marlowe : Tragical history of Dr. Faustus ; Greene : Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
Cornelius Nepos
The Meno of Plato
Julius Cæsar
Hamlet : Prince of Denmark
A golden treasury of Greek prose
Cicero select letters
Niebuhrs Griechische Heroen-Geschichten : tales of Greek heroes
Easy passages for translation into Latin
A treatise on the kinetic theory of gases
Euclid revised : containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books with numerous additional propositions and exercises
The elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities
Easy Greek reader
Pro Cluentio
Key to first and second Latin exercise books
Orations against Philip
Aeneid I
Cato maior de senectute
Elements of law considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence
The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman
A treatise on counterpoint, canon and fugue
The birds
Essay on man
First middle English primer : extracts from the Ancren Riwle and Ormulum with grammar, notes, and glossary
An Icelandic primer with grammar, notes and glossary
As you like it
The native element
The idylls and epigrams : commonly attributed to
An elementary treatise on heat
Primer of Italian literature
Egmont, a tragedy
The elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities
The Prologue, the knightes tale, the nonne preestes tale from The Canterbury tales
An elementary treatise on heat
An elementary Latin grammar
The Faery Queene
The elements of deductive logic
The lay of Havelok the Dane
The elements of Greek accentuation
Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence
Outlines of textual criticism applied to the New Testament
The prologue, the knights tale, the nonne prestes tale from the Canterbury tales
The satires of A. Persius Flaccus
Hamlet : prince of Denmark
The Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the Squieres tale from the Canterbury tales
Nathan der Weise, a dramatic poem
Faery Queene
A system of physical education : theoretical and practical
Second middle English primer : extracts from Chaucer
A handbook of descriptive astronomy
Metaphysic in three books ontology, cosmology, and psychology
The tragedy of King Richard II
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
Selections from the Dialogues of Plato
Books V, VI, and VII
Faery Queene
Specimens of French literature : from Villon to Hugo
A primer of spoken English
Principles of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract
The advancement of learning
An Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary
An elementary treatise on heat
Cicero select letters
A historical grammar of the French tongue
An introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities
Hamlet : prince of Denmark
An Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse
A manual of political economy for schools and colleges
Steele : selections from the Tatler, Spectator and Guardian
Grammar of the Bengali language : literary and colloquial
Supplement to the elements of law
Cowper : the task with tirocinium, and selections from the minor poems, A.D. 1784-1799
Minna von Barnhelm, a comedy
A manual of political economy for schools and colleges
Types of ethical theory
Hermann und Dorothea
Beckers Friedrich der Grosse : with an historical introduction, genealogical and chronological tables, a map, and a copious index
Quinti Horatii Flacci Opera omnia = The works of Horace
Wilhelm Tell : a drama
An etymological dictionary of the French language : [crowned by the French Academy]
The Faery Queene
Specimens of old French (IX-XV centuries) : with introduction, notes, and glossary
The constitutional history of England in its origin and development
An Anglo-Saxon reader in prose and verse : with grammar, metre, notes and glossary
Reflections on the revolution in France
Iphigenie auf Tauris, a drama
Types of ethical theory
An introduction to Greek sculpture
The contract of sale in the civil law : with references to the laws of England, Scotland and France
Tragical history of Dr. Faustus . Honourable history of Friar Bacon and Friar Bungay
An introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities
The prologue, The knightes tale, The nonne preestes tale from The Canterbury tales
Stanzas on the death of Oliver Cromwell ; Astræa Redux ; Annus Mirabilis ; Absalom and Achitophel ; Religio Laici ; The hind and the panther
King Lear
A manual of ancient history from the earliest times to the fall of the Sassanian empire : comprising the history of Chaldæa, Assyria, Media, Babylonia, Lydia, Phœnicia, Syria, Judæa, Egypt, Carthage, Persia, Greece, Macedonia, Rome, and Parthia
Principles of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract
From Robert of gloucester to gower A.D. 1298-A.D. 1393
An Old High German primer : with grammar, notes, and glossary
Principles of the English law of contract and of agency in its relation to contract
An introduction to the comparative grammar of Greek and Latin
The clouds
The tragedy of King Richard II
A Greek primer : for the use of beginners in that language
The philology of the English tongue
Sophocles : the plays and fragments
Iphigenia in Tauris
Elements of natural philosophy
Elementary German prose composition : selected passages from modern English authors for translation into German ...
The annals of Tacitus
Chemistry for students
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of extracts in prose and poetry
A book for the beginner in Anglosaxon : comprising a short grammar, some selections from the Gospels, and a parsing glossary
A primer of historical English grammar
Selected homilies of Ælfric
A midsummer night's dream
The Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the Squieres tale from the Canterbury tales
P. Vergili Maronis opera
Specimens of English literature from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calendar', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579
A handbook of pictorial art
Selected letters of Cicero
Luciani Vera historia
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
Exercises in practical chemistry
Specimens of English literature : from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579
Logic : in three books of thought, of investigation and of knowledge
Notes on recent researches in electricity and magnetism : intended as a sequel to Professor Clerk-Maxwell's treatise on electricity and magnetism
The constitutional history of England : in its origin and development
The elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities
Locke's Conduct of the understanding
Elements of law : considered with reference to principles of general jurisprudence
Fragments and specimens of early Latin : with introductions and notes
A primer of phonetics
Metaphysic : in three books ontology, cosmology, and psychology
T. Macci Plavti Captivi
An introduction to the mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism
The frogs
Typical selections from the best English authors with introductory notices
An elementary treatise on electricity
The prologue, the knightes tale, the nonne prestes tale from the Canterbury tales
Iphigenie auf Tauris, a drama
Greek verbs, irregular and defective : their forms, meaning and quantity
Scenes of travel
Gray, selected poems
Dante : selections from the Inferno
The elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the universities
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
An etymological dictionary of the French language : crowned by the French Academy
The tale of the man of lawe, The pardoneres tale, The second nonnes tale, The chanouns yemannes tale from The Canterbury tales
Bacon's Novum organum
The elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities
Lessons on thermodynamics
Schiller's historische skizzen
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
Peter Schlemihl's wundersame Geschichte
The Prioresses tale, Sire Thopas, the Monkes tale, the Clerkes tale, the squieres tale from the Canterbury tales
The Faery Queene
The prologue to the Canterbury tales
Oedipus Tyrannus
A selection from the letters of Madame de Sévigné and her contemporaries
Selections from Tibullus and Propertius
P. Terenti Andria
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
Locke's conduct of the understanding
The constitutional history of England : in its origin and development
Genealogical tables : illustrative of modern history
Extracts from Alfred's Orosius
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
Minna von Barnhelm, a comedy
P. Terenti Adelphi
Specimens of early English : selected from the chief English authors, A.D. 1250-A.D. 1400 : with grammatical introduction, notes and glossary
The minor poems
The constitutional history of England, in its origin and development
Prometheus bound
Easy passages for translation into Latin
Les femmes savantes : comédie en cinq actes et en vers
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
A Greek primer : for the use of beginners in that language
Voltaire's Mérope
Thoughts on the present discontents ; The two speeches on America
The vision of William : concerning Piers the Plowman
The Roman poets of the Augustan age
Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum, libri quattuor
Forms of animal life : being outlines of zoological classification based upon anatomical investigation and illustrated by descriptions of specimens and of figures
Burke : select works
Orations against Philip
The Acharnians
Alfred de Musset's On ne badine pas avec l'amour, and Fantasio
Much ado about nothing
Causeries du lundi
An elementary treatise on electricity
An Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes and glossary
Cornelii Taciti de Germania
King Lear
An Anglo-Saxon primer : with grammar, notes and glossary
Hamlet : Prince of Denmark
A manual of Greek historical inscriptions
The tale of Gamelyn : from the Harleian Ms. no. 7334, collated with six other Mss
Selections from Heorodtus
Chaucer : the legend of good women
Plutarch's Lives of the Gracchi
The gospel of Saint Mark in Gothic : according to the translation made by Wulfila in the fourth century
Heine's Harzreise, with a life of Heine, a descriptive sketch of the Harz, and an index
Louis XIV. and his contemporaries
Pope : satires and epistles
The native element
Exercises in practical chemistry
Molière's Les précieuses ridicules
A primer of phonetics
Instruments and practical astronomy
Homer's Odyssey
Chaucer : the prologue, the knightes tale, the nonne prestes tale from the Canterbury tales : a revised text
The Faery Queene
The knights
A music primer : for schools
The life of King Henry the Fifth
Greek verbs, irregular and defective : their forms, meaning and quantity
History of Rasselas : prince of Abyssinia
Minna von Barnhelm : a comedy
German poetry for beginners : a graduated collection of easy poems for repetition from modern German poets
A system of physical education : theoretical and practical
Burns selected poems
Le misanthrope : a comedy
The constitutional history of England : in its origin and development
Bacon's Novum organum
Cowper : the task with tirocinium, and selections from the minor poems, A.D. 1784-1799
The elements of deductive logic : designed mainly for the use of junior students in the Universities
Omens and dreams ; Beauties of Nature
Types of ethical theory
A treatise on statics containing the fundamental principles of electrostatics and elasticity
A treatise on the application of generalised coordinates to the kinetics of a material system
A short history of French literature
Homer Odyssey : books I-XII with Introduction, notes, etc.
A treatise on statics with applications to physics
T. Macci Plavti Captivi
History of the dominion of Canada
Selected letters of Pliny : with notes for the use of schools
Homer Odyssey
The philology of the English tongue
A short historical English grammar
The elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities
The Faery Queene
Specimens of early English
The castle of indolence
A treatise on statics with applications to physics
A treatise on harmony
Selections from Berkeley
A first Latin exercise book
Pro Cluentio
Orations against Philip
Burke : select works
Ciceronis Laelius, sive, De amicitia
Bacon's Novum organum
Types of ethical theory
The task with tirocinium, and selections from the minor poems, A. D. 1784-1799
The tragedy of King Richard the Third
Halm's Griseldis
An elementary treatise on pure geometry with numerous examples
Selections from Tibullus and Propertius
Specimens of early English
The vision of William concerning Piers the Plowman
Minna von Barnhelm : a comedy
Speech on the crown
Schiller's Jungfrau von Orleans
The commentaries of C. Julius Caesar, The Gallic war : with the supplement of Hirtius
English poems by John Milton
The tragedy of King Richard II
Heine's Prosa, being selections from his prose works
A grammar of the Homeric dialect
The Faery Queene
Euclid revised : containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books : with numerous additional propositions and exercises
Specimens of early English : with introduction, notes, and glossarial index
A treatise on electricity and magnetism
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
Euclid revised : containing the essentials of the elements of plane geometry as given by Euclid in his first six books : with numerous additional propositions and exercises
A primer of phonetics
A Short history of the Norman Conquest of England
Key to easy passages for translation into Latin : exempla sicut exstant in editione octava partim ipsis veterum auctorum verbis exscripta aut composita partim suis Latine reddita
The advancement of learning
Seventeen lectures on the study of mediaeval and modern history and kindred subjects : delivered at Oxford, under statutory obligation in the years 1867-1884 : with two addresses given at Oxford and Reading
English poems by John Milton
Of the laws of ecclesiastical polity
Ovid : selections for the use of schools
An elementary treatise on heat
Racine's Esther
The frogs
The philology of the English tongue
Homer's Odyssey
Select charters and other illustrations of English constitutional history from the earliest times to the reign of Edward the First
The Meno of Plato
Addison : selections from Addison's papers contributed to the Spectator
The Pilgrim's progress ; Grace abounding ; and, A relation of his imprisonment
Becker's Friedrich der Grosse : with an historical sketch of the rise of Prussia and of the times of Frederick the Great, genealogical tables, and a map
An introduction to the history of the law of real property with original authorities
The mathematical theory of electricity and magnetism
Selections from Tibullus and Propertius
Goldsmith : selected poems
Nathan der Weise, a dramatic poem
Georgics, books I, II
Harbours and docks : their physical features, history, construction equipment, and maintenance, with statistics as to their commercial development
The starry heavens
The elements of Greek accentuation
A primer of phonetics
Κεβητος πιναξ = Cebetis tabula
The tempest
Specimens of English literature : from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579
The tale of the man of lawe ; The pardoneres tale ; The second nonnes tale ; The chanouns yemannes tale : from the Canterbury tales
Heine's Prosa, being selections from his prose works
The elements of inductive logic : designed mainly for the use of students in the universities
Imperatoris Iustiniani Institutionum, libri quattuor
Selected letters of Pliny : with notes for the use of schools
The Meno of Plato
Specimens of English literature : from the 'Ploughmans crede' to the 'Shepheardes calender', A.D. 1394-A.D. 1579
Cowper : the didactic poems of 1782 with selections from the minor pieces A.D. 1779-1783
Locke's conduct of the understanding
Specimens of Greek dialects : being a fourth Greek reader : with introductions and notes
Selections from Berkeley : with an introduction and notes, for the use of students in the universities
A grammar of the Homeric dialect
Uniplanar kinematics of solids and fluids : with applications to the distribution and flow of electricity
A history of France
Childe Harold
Select titles from the digest of Justinian
Orations against Philip
Modern German reader : a graduated collection of prose extracts from modern German writers
Ovid : selections for the use of schools
Quintiliani Institutionis oratoriae liber X : a revised text
Egmont, a tragedy
Herodotus Book IX
Lessing's Laokoon
The philippics of Demosthenes
The Apology of Plato
The Philippic orations of M. Tullius Cicero
Lectures and essays on subjects connected with Latin literature and scholarship
M. Tulli Ciceronis De oratore libri tres
A practical introduction to Greek accentuation
The Philippic orations of M. Tullius Cicero
King Lear
M. Tulli Ciceronis De oratore ad quintum fratrem libri tres
Locke's Conduct of the understanding
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research