
Handbook of international documentation and information = Handbuch der internationalen Dokumentation und Information


Handbook of international documentation and information = Handbuch der internationalen Dokumentation und Information

K.G. Saur



Publisher varies: München : Dokumentation


World guide to scientific associations and learned societies外部サイトInternationales Verlagsadressbuch = Publishers' international directory外部サイトInternational book trade directory : Europe, Australia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia = Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch : Europa, Australien, Ozeanien, Lateinamerika, Afrika und Asien外部サイトInternational bibliography of specialized dictionaries = Fachwörterbücher und Lexika, ein internationales Verzeichnis外部サイトInternational bibliography of the book trade and librarianship = Fachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen外部サイトWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch外部サイトInternational book trade directory : Europe, Australia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia = Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch : Europa, Australien, Ozeanien, Lateinamerika, Afrika und Asien外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries外部サイトWorld guide to trade associations = [Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände]外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societies = Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Verbände und Gesellschaften外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 21st edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 15th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトInternational bibliography of special directories = Internationale Bibliographie der Fachadreßbücher外部サイトPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 27th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 21st edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトFachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen = International bibliography of the book trade and librarianship外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 28th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 22nd edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries = Internationales Handbuch der Spezialbibliotheken外部サイトPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトFachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen = International bibliography of the book trade and librarianship外部サイトVerbände und Gesellschaften der Wissenschaft : ein internationales Verzeichnis = World guide to scientific associations外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 18th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 12th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to foundations外部サイトWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch外部サイトInternational bibliography of directories = Internationale Bibliographie der Fachadressbücher外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 30th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 24th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory外部サイトInternationales Verlagsadressbuch : mit einem Anhang, internationales ISBN-Verlagsregister = Publishers' international directory : with a supplement, international ISBN publishers' index外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 26th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 20th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societies外部サイトWorld guide to foundations外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトHandbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen : Verzeichnis deutscher und ausländischer Vertretungen, Verbindungsbüros und Informationsstellen in Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Medienwirtschaft und Tourismus = Handbook of German-international relations : a directory of German and foreign representations abroad, liason offices and information centres for politics, economy, the media and tourism外部サイトInternationale Bibliographie der Übersetzung = International bibliography of translation外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトInternationale Bibliographie der Fachadreßbücher外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 31th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 25th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societies外部サイトInternationales Universitäts-Handbuch = World guide to universities外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societies外部サイトPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 25th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 19th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 23rd edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 17th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 22nd edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 16th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries外部サイトWorld guide to foundations外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 24th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 18th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 19th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 13th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch外部サイトWorld guide to special libraries外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトWorld guide to trade associations = Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände外部サイトPublishers' international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 29th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 23rd edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトInternationales Buchhandelsadressbuch = International directory of booksellers外部サイトChambers of industry and commerce外部サイトWorld guide to trade associations = Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände外部サイトAnglo-amerikanische und deutsche Abkürzungen in Wissenschaft und Technik = Anglo-American and German abbreviations in science and technology外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register外部サイトWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch外部サイトInternationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände = World guide to trade Associations外部サイトInternationale Bibliographie der Fach-adrfessbücher = International bibliography of directories外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 20th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 14th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイトTrade associations外部サイトWorld guide to scientific associations = Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Verbände und Gesellschaften外部サイトPublishers' international directory = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch外部サイトInternationales ISBN-Verlagsregister = International ISBN publishers index外部サイトHandbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen = Handbook of German-international relations外部サイトWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societies外部サイトMuseums of the world外部サイトPublishers' international ISBN directory : 17th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 11th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory外部サイトWorld guide to universities = Internationales Universitäts-Handbuch外部サイトWorld guide to libraries外部サイト






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Handbook of international documentation and information
Publisher varies: München : Dokumentation
World guide to scientific associations and learned societies
Internationales Verlagsadressbuch = Publishers' international directory
International book trade directory : Europe, Australia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia = Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch : Europa, Australien, Ozeanien, Lateinamerika, Afrika und Asien
International bibliography of specialized dictionaries = Fachwörterbücher und Lexika, ein internationales Verzeichnis
International bibliography of the book trade and librarianship = Fachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen
World guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch
International book trade directory : Europe, Australia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia = Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch : Europa, Australien, Ozeanien, Lateinamerika, Afrika und Asien
World guide to libraries
Museums of the world
World guide to special libraries
World guide to libraries
World guide to special libraries
World guide to trade associations = [Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände]
World guide to libraries
World guide to scientific associations and learned societies = Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Verbände und Gesellschaften
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 21st edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 15th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to libraries
International bibliography of special directories = Internationale Bibliographie der Fachadreßbücher
Publisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 27th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 21st edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Fachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen = International bibliography of the book trade and librarianship
World guide to special libraries
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 28th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 22nd edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to special libraries
World guide to special libraries = Internationales Handbuch der Spezialbibliotheken
Publisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
World guide to libraries
World guide to libraries
Fachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen = International bibliography of the book trade and librarianship
Verbände und Gesellschaften der Wissenschaft : ein internationales Verzeichnis = World guide to scientific associations
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 18th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 12th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to foundations
World guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch
International bibliography of directories = Internationale Bibliographie der Fachadressbücher
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 30th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 24th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Publishers' international ISBN directory
Internationales Verlagsadressbuch : mit einem Anhang, internationales ISBN-Verlagsregister = Publishers' international directory : with a supplement, international ISBN publishers' index
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 26th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 20th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to scientific associations and learned societies
World guide to foundations
World guide to libraries
Handbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen : Verzeichnis deutscher und ausländischer Vertretungen, Verbindungsbüros und Informationsstellen in Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Medienwirtschaft und Tourismus = Handbook of German-international relations : a directory of German and foreign representations abroad, liason offices and information centres for politics, economy, the media and tourism
Internationale Bibliographie der Übersetzung = International bibliography of translation
World guide to libraries
Internationale Bibliographie der Fachadreßbücher
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 31th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 25th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Museums of the world
World guide to scientific associations and learned societies
Internationales Universitäts-Handbuch = World guide to universities
Museums of the world
World guide to scientific associations and learned societies
Publisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
World guide to libraries
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 25th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 19th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 23rd edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 17th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Museums of the world
Publisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
Publishers' international ISBN directory
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 22nd edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 16th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to special libraries
World guide to foundations
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 24th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 18th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 19th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 13th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory
Museums of the world
Publisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
World guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch
World guide to special libraries
Museums of the world
World guide to trade associations = Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände
Publishers' international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 29th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 23rd edition of the International ISBN publishers' directory
Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch = International directory of booksellers
Chambers of industry and commerce
World guide to trade associations = Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände
Anglo-amerikanische und deutsche Abkürzungen in Wissenschaft und Technik = Anglo-American and German abbreviations in science and technology
Museums of the world
Publisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-Register
World guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-Handbuch
Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände = World guide to trade Associations
Internationale Bibliographie der Fach-adrfessbücher = International bibliography of directories
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 20th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 14th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to libraries
Trade associations
World guide to scientific associations = Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Verbände und Gesellschaften
Publishers' international directory = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch
Internationales ISBN-Verlagsregister = International ISBN publishers index
Handbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen = Handbook of German-international relations
World guide to scientific associations and learned societies
Museums of the world
Publishers' international ISBN directory : 17th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 11th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directory
World guide to universities = Internationales Universitäts-Handbuch
World guide to libraries
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research