- 資料種別
- 図書
- 並列タイトル等
- Handbook of international documentation and information
- 出版地(国名コード)
- gw
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Publisher varies: München : Dokumentation
- 関連情報
- World guide to scientific associations and learned societiesInternationales Verlagsadressbuch = Publishers' international directoryInternational book trade directory : Europe, Australia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia = Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch : Europa, Australien, Ozeanien, Lateinamerika, Afrika und AsienInternational bibliography of specialized dictionaries = Fachwörterbücher und Lexika, ein internationales VerzeichnisInternational bibliography of the book trade and librarianship = Fachliteratur zum Buch- und BibliothekswesenWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-HandbuchInternational book trade directory : Europe, Australia, Oceania, Latin America, Africa and Asia = Internationales Buchhandelsadressbuch : Europa, Australien, Ozeanien, Lateinamerika, Afrika und AsienWorld guide to librariesMuseums of the worldWorld guide to special librariesWorld guide to librariesWorld guide to special librariesWorld guide to trade associations = [Internationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände]World guide to librariesWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societies = Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Verbände und GesellschaftenPublishers' international ISBN directory : 21st edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 15th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to librariesInternational bibliography of special directories = Internationale Bibliographie der FachadreßbücherPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterPublishers' international ISBN directory : 27th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 21st edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryFachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen = International bibliography of the book trade and librarianshipWorld guide to special librariesPublishers' international ISBN directory : 28th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 22nd edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to special librariesWorld guide to special libraries = Internationales Handbuch der SpezialbibliothekenPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterWorld guide to librariesWorld guide to librariesFachliteratur zum Buch- und Bibliothekswesen = International bibliography of the book trade and librarianshipVerbände und Gesellschaften der Wissenschaft : ein internationales Verzeichnis = World guide to scientific associationsPublishers' international ISBN directory : 18th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 12th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to foundationsWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-HandbuchInternational bibliography of directories = Internationale Bibliographie der FachadressbücherPublishers' international ISBN directory : 30th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 24th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryPublishers' international ISBN directoryInternationales Verlagsadressbuch : mit einem Anhang, internationales ISBN-Verlagsregister = Publishers' international directory : with a supplement, international ISBN publishers' indexPublishers' international ISBN directory : 26th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 20th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societiesWorld guide to foundationsWorld guide to librariesHandbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen : Verzeichnis deutscher und ausländischer Vertretungen, Verbindungsbüros und Informationsstellen in Politik, Wirtschaft, Kultur, Medienwirtschaft und Tourismus = Handbook of German-international relations : a directory of German and foreign representations abroad, liason offices and information centres for politics, economy, the media and tourismInternationale Bibliographie der Übersetzung = International bibliography of translationWorld guide to librariesInternationale Bibliographie der FachadreßbücherPublishers' international ISBN directory : 31th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 25th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryMuseums of the worldWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societiesInternationales Universitäts-Handbuch = World guide to universitiesMuseums of the worldWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societiesPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterWorld guide to librariesPublishers' international ISBN directory : 25th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 19th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryPublishers' international ISBN directory : 23rd edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 17th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryMuseums of the worldPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterPublishers' international ISBN directoryPublishers' international ISBN directory : 22nd edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 16th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to special librariesWorld guide to foundationsPublishers' international ISBN directory : 24th edition of Publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 18th edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryPublishers' international ISBN directory : 19th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 13th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directoryMuseums of the worldPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-HandbuchWorld guide to special librariesMuseums of the worldWorld guide to trade associations = Internationales Verzeichnis der WirtschaftsverbändePublishers' international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterPublishers' international ISBN directory : 29th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 23rd edition of the International ISBN publishers' directoryInternationales Buchhandelsadressbuch = International directory of booksellersChambers of industry and commerceWorld guide to trade associations = Internationales Verzeichnis der WirtschaftsverbändeAnglo-amerikanische und deutsche Abkürzungen in Wissenschaft und Technik = Anglo-American and German abbreviations in science and technologyMuseums of the worldPublisher's international directory with ISBN index = Internationales Verlagsadressbuch mit ISBN-RegisterWorld guide to libraries = Internationales Bibliotheks-HandbuchInternationales Verzeichnis der Wirtschaftsverbände = World guide to trade AssociationsInternationale Bibliographie der Fach-adrfessbücher = International bibliography of directoriesPublishers' international ISBN directory : 20th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 14th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to librariesTrade associationsWorld guide to scientific associations = Internationales Verzeichnis wissenschaftlicher Verbände und GesellschaftenPublishers' international directory = Internationales VerlagsadressbuchInternationales ISBN-Verlagsregister = International ISBN publishers indexHandbuch für deutsch-internationale Beziehungen = Handbook of German-international relationsWorld guide to scientific associations and learned societiesMuseums of the worldPublishers' international ISBN directory : 17th edition of publishers' international directory with ISBN index and the 11th edition of the international ISBN publishers' directoryWorld guide to universities = Internationales Universitäts-HandbuchWorld guide to libraries
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research