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- BDK English Tripiṭaka series
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- A biography of the Tripiṭaka master of the great Ci'en monastery of the great Tang dynastyShōbōgenzō = The true Dharma-eye treasury : (Taishō volume 82, number 2582)The Pratyutpanna samādhi sutra . The Śūraṅgama samādhi sutraTwo esoteric sutrasThe Platform sutra of the Sixth patriarchPrince Shōtoku's commentary on the Śrīmālā Sutra (Taishō volume 56, number 2185)The Vairocanābhisaṃbodhi SutraTiantai lotus textsA comprehensive commentary on the Heart sutra (Prajñāpāramitā-hṛdaya-sūtra)Three texts on consciousness onlyThe sutra on Upāsaka preceptsThe collection for the propagation and clarification of buddhism (Taishō volume 52, number 2102)The Baizhang Zen monastic regulations (Taishō volume 48, number 2025)The sutra of Queen Śrīmālā of the lion's roar . The Vimalakīrti sutraZen textsThe blue cliff recordKyōgyōshinshō : on teaching, practice, faith, and enlightenmentThe scripture of master of medicine, beryl radiance tathāgata (Taishō volume 14, number 450) . The sutra of the girl Candrottarā (Taishō volume 14, number 480)Two Nichiren textsThe great Tang dynasty record of the western regionsThe storehouse of sundry valuablesApocryphal scripturesThe treatise on the elucidation of the knowable . The cycle of the formation of the schismatic doctrinesThe Lotus sutraThe larger sutra on Amitāyus : the sutra on the Buddha of infinite life (Taishō, volume 12, number 360) . The sutra on contemplation of Amitāyus : the sutra on visualization of the Buddha of infinite life (Taishō, volume 12, number 365) . The smaller sutra on Amitāyus : the sutra on Amitāyus Buddha (Taishō, volume 12, number 366)The brahmā's net sutra (Taishō volume 24, number 1484)The hundred records of the temple of national purity (Taishō volume 46, number 1934)A forest of pearls from the dharma garden (Taishō volume 53, number 2122)Shingon textsThe essentials of the eight traditions . The candle of the latter DharmaKaimokushō or Liberation from blindnessThree short treatises by Vasubandhu, Sengzhao, and ZongmiThe scriptural text : verses of the doctrine, with parablesA forest of pearls from the dharma garden (Taishō volume 53, number 2122)Senchaku Hongan Nembutsu Shū : a collection of passages on the Nembutsu, chosen in the original vowThe biographical scripture of King AśokaThe essentials of the Vinaya tradition . The collected teachings of the Tendai Lotus SchoolEsoteric textsThe summary of the great vehicleThe awakening of faith : attributed to AśvaghoṣaThe sutra on the concentration of sitting meditation : (Taishō volume 15, number 614)The sutra that expounds the descent of Maitreya buddha and his enlightenment (Taishō volume 14, number 454) . The sutra of Mañjuśrī's questions (Taishō volume 14, number 468)Buddhist monastic traditions of Southern Asia : a record of the inner law sent home from the south seasThe Nirvana Sutra (Mahāparinirvāṇa-Sūtra) (Taishō volume 12, number 374)The three pure land sutrasBuddhacarita in praise of Buddha's acts (Taishō volume 4, number 192)The summary of the great vehicleLives of great monks and nunsThe Madhyama āgama (Middle-length discourses) (Taishō volume 2, number 26)The Lotus sutraTannishō : passages deploring deviations of faith . Rennyo Shōnin ofumi : the letters of RennyoThe interpretation of the Buddha landThree chan classicsThe scripture on the explication of underlying meaningExpository commentary on the Vimalakīrti Sutra (Taishō volume 56, number 2186)The canonical book of the Buddha's lengthy discourses (Taishō volume 1, number 1)A forest of pearls from the dharma garden (Taishō volume 53, number 2122)The Madhyama āgama (Middle-length discourses) (Taishō volume 1, number 26)Yongjia's song of actualizing the way (Taishō volume 48, number 2014) ; Observing the mind, awakening from a dream (Taishō volume 71, number 2312)A forest of pearls from the dharma garden (Taishō volume 53, number 2122)The diamond needle (Taishō volume 32, number 1642) . Treatise on doctrinal distinctions of the huayan one vehicle (Taishō volume 45, number 1866) . The key to the secret of the heart surta (Taishō volume 57, number 2203A)The Madhyama āgama (Middle-length discourses) (Taishō volume 1, number 26)Analysis of the middle and extremes (Taishō volume 31, number 1600) . The scripture on the Monk Nāgasena : a Chinese counterpart to the Milindapañha (Taishō volume 32, number 1670B)The Mahayana sutra of previous lives and contemplation of the mind-ground (Taishō volume 3, number 159)A forest of pearls from the dharma garden (Taishō volume 53, number 2122)The Madhyama āgama (Middle-length discourses) (Taishō volume 1, number 26)
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books