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- Monetary policy and multiple equilibriaThe dynamics of the Northern Ireland conflictA stochastic model of sequential bargaining with complete information and transferable utilityNotes on ideology and Austrian economicsWhat motives should guide referees? : on the design of mechanisms to elicit opinions, January 1996Competitive neutrality via differential access pricing : preservation of desired cross subsidies under competitive entryLabor market structure and welfare : a comparison of Italy and the U.S.A surprise-quiz view of learning in economic experimentsIf nonlinear models cannot forecast, what use are they?Can affirmative action be cost effective? : an experimental examination of price-preference auctionsThe truth is in the eye of the beholder : or equilibrium in beliefs and rational learning in gamesU.S. Commercial Banking : trends, cycles, and policyProduction, financial structure and productivity growth in U.S. manufacturingPareto optimal sizes of innovation spilloversAn experimental study of belief learning using real beliefsOMB's circular A-76 and its implications for municipal contractingPublic capital and optimal taxes without commitmentParity pricing and its critics : necessary condition for efficiency in provision of bottleneck services to competitorsGeneral competitive analysis with asymmetric informationAre fixed effects fixed?Resolving social issues in a merger : a fair-division approachFair division by point allocationTechnology locks, creative destruction, and non-convergence in productivity levelsCatch-22 and king-of-the-mountain games : cycling, frustration, and powerOn the economics of fiscal populism in an open economyStock-returns and inflation in a principal-agent economyAn analysis of U.S. stock price behavior using waveletsFair division of indivisible items between two people with identical preferences : envy-freeness, pareto-optimality, and equityOld and new moving-knife schemesGovernment debt and social security in a life-cycle economySpecialization and productivity performance in low-, Medium-, and high-tech manufacturing industriesOn the design of optimal organizations using tournaments : an experimental examinationThe changing structure of cost and demand for the U.S. telecommunications industryGrowth in a dual economyMonetary policy rules in practice : some international evidencePsychological expected utility theory and anticipatory feelingsTo mobilize or not to mobilize : catch 22s in international crisesIntegrating tax distortions and externality theoryA regression-discontinuity evaluation of the effect of financial aid offers on college enrollmentHow should voting on related propositions be conducted?Fair division : pareto-optimality versus strategic robustnessProportional representation : broadening the optionsStrategies for OPEC's pricing desicions : revisitedWhen is size a liability? : bargaining power in minimal winning coalitionsVoting proceduresInside the black box : the credit channel of monetary policy transmissionA CES indirect production functionEvaluating the cost of conscription in the NetherlandsFairness and survival in ultimatum and dictatorship gamesN-product natural monopoly as "natural cartel" -- on scale economies under capital rationingQualitative rationality and behavior in the foreign exchange marketFinancial contagionDebt concentration and bargaining power : large banks, small banks, and secondary market pricesReturns to mobility in the transition to a market economyModeling free choice in gamesOn efficiency and comparative advantage in trade equilibria under scale economiesWhen are fixed exchange rates really fixed?The response of world energy and oil demand to income growth and changes in oil pricesFixed versus flexible exchange rates : which provides more fiscal disciplineLinear trade-model equilibrium regions, productivity, and conflicting national interestsThe genetic-causal tradition and modern economic theoryTime and ignorance : after ten yearsThe application of wave form dictionaries to stock market index dataVoting on referenda : the separability problem and possible solutionsMonetary policy rules and macroeconomic stability : evidence and some theoryThe rationality of surprise : unstable nash equilibria and the theory of movesDoes microcredit reach the poor and vulnerable? evidence from Northern BangladeshBalancing the scales : Halakha, the firm, and information asymmetriesBargaining through agents : an experimental study of delegation and commitmentColor-blind is not color-neutral : disadvantage and affirmative actionUnequal societiesR&D, production structure & productivity growth : a comparison of us, Japanese & Korean manufacturing sectorsThe Mexican peso crisis : sudden death or death foretold?The folk theorems for repeated games : a synthesisCompetitive equilibria with asymmetric information : existence with entry feesUniqueness and indeterminacy : transitional dynamics in a model of endogenous growthThe truelInvestment in manufacturing, exchange-rates and external exposureAn asymmetric kalai-smorodinsky solutionFemale labor supply and marital status decisions : a life cycle modelEducation and borrowing constraints : tests vs pricesDebts and deficits with fragmented fiscal policymakingOutsourcing of services and productivity growth in goods industriesOn the perils of privatizationVintage capital and equalityForecastability of driven oscillators with noiseTrends in household wealth in the United States, 1962-1983 and 1983-1989Interdependent preference formation"Overreaction" of asset prices in general equilibriumEnvironmental effects on the participation and fertility decisions of married womenA Moving-knife solution to the four-person envy-free cake-division problemInnovations and technological spilloversInvestment, pass-through and exchange-rates : a cross-country comparisonEvolution of interdependent preferences in aggregative gamesOn growth and indeterminancy: some theory and evidenceWorker trust, system vulnerability, and the performance of work groupsA stochastic model of sequential bargaining with complete information and nontransferable utilityIndustry wage differentials and the gender wage gapThe changing world petroleum market : demand in the industrialized countriesNational trade conflicts caused by productivity changes : the analysis with full proofsOn the measurement of economic povertyThe Asian liquidity crisisThe strategic advantage of negatively interdependent preferencesTax policy and the dynamic demand for domestic and foreign capital by multinational corporationsLearning by doing and the choice of technologySocial wants and dismal science : the curious case of the climbing costs of health and teachingDeductive prediction of conflict : the Northern Ireland caseFair division : a new approach to the spratly islands controversyTaxation, investment, and firm growth with heterogeneous capitalThe law of one price over 700 yearsPrivate ownership and corporate performance : some lessons from transition economiesChanges in the information-intensity of the U.S. workplace since 1950 : has information technology made a difference?Investing in insider-dominated firms : a study of Russian voucher privatization fundsThe IT revolution and the stock marketReal business cycles with involuntary unemploymentEmpirical exchange rate models and shifts in the co-integrating "vector"Regions of linear-model equilibria and the conflicting interests of trading partnersSocio-economic distance and spatial patterns in unemploymentOn the equitability of progressive taxationResearch and productivityInnovation complementarity and scale of productionSystematic monetary policy and the effects of oil price shocksStrategic behavior in two-sided foreign exchange auctionsProductivity under group incentives : an experimental studyMulti-defendant settlements : the impact of joint and several liabilityCross-country growth regressionsPopular support for progressive taxation in the presence of interdependent preferencesInternational R&D spillovers between U.S. and Japanese R&D intensive sectorsThe transfer of human capitalHayek's serfdom revisited : government failure in the argument against socialismDiversity of opinion and financing of new technologiesThe measurement of income mobility : an introduction to the literature, February, 1996Game theory and emotionsThe suboptimality of incentive contracts in a contracting modelThe financial accelerator in a quantitative business cycle frameworkTechnical change, markup, divestiture & productivity growth in the U.S. telecommunications industryBargaining, independence, and the rationality of fair divisionU.S. and Canadian industrial prouction indices as coupled oscillatorsA model of endogenous fiscal deficits and delayed fiscal reformsThe paradox of multiple electionsA procedure for divorce settlementHow the Bundesbank conducts monetary policyShares of world output, economies of scale, and regions filled with equilibriaThe growth of information workers in the U.S. economy, 1950-1990 : the role of technological change, computerization, and structural changeThe determinants of public education expenditures : evidence from the states, 1950-1990The "types" of a bayesian equilibriumSocial choice in a representative democracyWhere are we in the political economy of reformsDebt commitment, housing and family allocation of timeConsumption and income inequality in Poland during the economic transitionFixed-premium deposit insurance and collective action problems among banksWhat remains of purchasing power parity?Game theoretic analysis of legal rules and institutionsInequality and growthNational trade conflicts caused by productivity changesFair division and politicsMeritocracy, redistribution, and the size of the pieAn experimental study of learning in one and two-person gamesA note on the convergence to competitive equilibria in economies with moral hazardCommunication and coordination in signalling games : an experimental studyA practical person's guide to mechanism selection : some lessons from experimental economicsIndeterminacy and sector-specific externalitiesTime irreversibility and business cycle asymmetryThe diversification of productionAre balance of payments crisis rational?Product diversity, endogenous markups, and development trapsCompetitive fair divisionNegatively interdependent preferencesContracts and moneyModes of interaction between divorced parentsSocial interactions, local spillovers and unemploymentOn opportunity inequality measurementSpillovers, linkages, and technical changeForeign direct investment, exchange rate variability and demand uncertaintyIndeterminacy and sector-specific externalitiesThe perils of taylor rulesOn candidate-based analyses of assembly electionsMoral hazard and non-exclusive contractsRegional competition for domestic and foreign investment : evidence from state development expendituresOptimal taxes without commitmentFollow the leader : on growth and diffusionMoney-based versus exchange rate-based stabilization with endogenous fiscal policyMunificent obsession : the reluctant nationalization and the protracted privatization of the Israeli banking systemEquilibrium wage and dismissal processesMonetary policy, business cycles and the behavior of small manufacturing firmsTechnology, employment, and the business cycle : do technology shocks explain aggreagte fluctations?Imperfect knowledge and behavior in the foreign exchange marketGovernment turnover in parliamentary democraciesMulti-defendant settlements under joint and several liability : the problem of insolvencyThe collapse of the mexican peso : what have we learned?Productivity differences, world-market shares and conflicting national interests in linear trade modelsThe choquet bargaining solutionsFinancial crises in emerging markets : a canonical modelThe productivity paradox : evidence from indirect indicators of service sector productivity growthMinimal winning coalitions in weighted-majority voting gamesTo each according to ...? : markets, tournaments, and the matching problem with borrowing constraintsTaxation and the sources of growth : estimates from United States multinational corporationsFinancial fragility and the exchange rate regimeRevealed group preferences on non-convex choice problemsInvestment behavior, observable expectations, and internal fundsOn-the job search with information obsolescenceA country's maximal gains from trade and conflicting national interestsThe turnover of UK teachers : a competing risks analysisInfrastructure and public R & D investments, and the growth of factor productivity in US manufacturing industriesContracting out government services : lessons from the private sectorThe analysis of foreign exchange data using waveform dictionariesInternational R&D spillovers, trade, and productivity in major OECD countriesThe financial accelerator and the flight to qualityDepartures from the ruble zone : the implications of adopting independent currenciesInequality averse collective choiceFallback bargainingBackward induction is not robust : the parity problem and the uncertainty problemPersistence of business cycles in multisector RBC modelsIncome's effect on car and vehicle ownership, worldwide, 1960-2015A subgroup decomposable measure of relative income mobilityThe bayesian foundations of learning by doingOptimal adoption of complementary technologiesPredation and the logic of the average variable cost testMulti-country tests for the oscillator model with slowly varying coefficientsThe decomposition of economic relationships by time scale using waveletsThe nucleolus is contested-garment-consistent : a direct proofWhy ownership matters? : politicization and entrepreneurship in the restructuring of enterprises in central EuropeSocial mobility and the demand for redistribution : the POUM hypothesisThe savage-bayesian foundations of economic dynamicsMonotone games with positive spilloversCamp David : was the agreement fair?Cultural transmission, marriage and the evolution of ethnic and religious traitsLorenz dominance and the variance of logarithmsStepping stone mobilityTax reforms and investment : a cross-country comparisonRationalizing child support decisionsEducation finance reform and investment in human capital : lessons from CaliforniaWould Ross Perot have won the 1992 presidential election under approval voting?When does privatization work? : the impact of private ownership on corporate performance in the transition economiesThe monetary transmission mechanism
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research