
Occasional paper


Occasional paper

Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies, Chinese University of Hong Kong


香港全職人士的工作與家庭平衡外部サイトFrom the EP-3 incident to the USS Kitty Hawk-Song class submarine encounter : the evolution of a Sino-US crisis management communication mechanism外部サイトThe Asian financial crisis and after : problems and challenges for the Hong Kong economy外部サイトSquaring the welfare circle in post-1997 Hong Kong外部サイト分隔家庭對性別關係的衝撃外部サイトGlobalization and regional transformation in Pacific Asia外部サイトRegional security in the Asia-Pacific and the pivot to Asia外部サイトInternational labour migration: the case of Hong Kong外部サイトHusband's resources, power motive, and physical violence against married women in Hong Kong : a mediational analysis of resource theories in a Chinese society外部サイト公共政策論壇報告 : 香港工業發发展之前景外部サイトGuangzhou : the road to regaining its central city status外部サイトThe role of medical social workers and their relationship with doctors and nurses in Hong Kong hospitals外部サイト機遇與選擇 : 擴大遼寧與香港經貿合作的思路與建議外部サイト淺談香港新界后海灣淡水魚養殖業的歴史及其社區發展外部サイト四川與香港外部サイトPolitical attitudes in a changing context : the case of Hong Kong外部サイトWho would change their vote and why? : a case study on the 2006 Taipei and Kaohsiung mayoral elections外部サイトTaiwan : sovereignty reinterpreted : the relations across the Taiwan strait from the perspective of international law外部サイト香港人的族群認同與民族認同 : 一個自由主義的解釋外部サイトReconstructing the democratic discourses in Taiwan : a Q methodological approach外部サイトThe fall of Hong Kong movies : a post-mortem investigative report外部サイトColonial governance and the Hong Kong story外部サイト「中國重要的經濟中心」應成爲北京城市性質的要件外部サイトSocial mobilization amidst, social political turbulence : pattern of social conflict in Hong Kong in the period 1980 to 1991外部サイト「自由行」十年回顧 : 探討香港與内地的融合進程與嬗變外部サイトThe Equal Opportunities Commission and the Women's Commission : central mechanisms for advancing women's status外部サイト當代華人城市的民間社會组織 : 台北・香港・廣州・廈門的比較分析外部サイトGender differences in the career development of professionals in Hong Kong外部サイトOrganizing for sex worker rights in Hong Kong : the global-local interaction外部サイトA collision of discourses : Japanese and Hong Kong Chinese during the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands crisis外部サイトPolicy implementation in reform China : the case of retirement insurance外部サイトContentious politics in two villages : anti-high-speed-rail campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan外部サイトThe road to the development of social welfare in Hong Kong : the historical key issues外部サイトDemocratization, poverty of political leaders, and political inefficacy in Hong Kong外部サイトSocial conflicts in Hong Kong 1987-1995外部サイトNoises and interruptions : the road to democracy in Hong Kong外部サイト香港市民置業態度及對政府房屋政策的評估外部サイト政綱與選擧 : 一九九四年香港區議會選舉的廻歸分析外部サイト亞洲金融危機一週年 : 堅守聯繋匯率的利弊 : 公共政策論壇報告外部サイト鐵路外部サイトShenzhen : 30 years of reform and development and the role of governments外部サイトMedia ideologies of gender in Hong Kong外部サイトComparing CEPA and ECFA : economic integration in the Asia-Pacific Region外部サイトBureaucratic response to political change: theoretical use of the atypical case of the Hong Kong Police外部サイト"The generation gap" and its implications : young employees in the Japanese corporate world today外部サイトGender violence and the media in Hong Kong外部サイトUrban research in Asia : problems, priorities, and prospects外部サイト港深合作發展尋求前瞻性的思維外部サイトThe myth of Hong Kong's laissez-faire economic governance : 1960s and 1970s外部サイト「本土ー全球化」現象 : 文化邊縁地區創意工業之境遇外部サイトJapan's cultural diplomacy and cultivation of ASEAN elites外部サイト社會史與中國婦女研究外部サイト如何制定減少跨代貧窮的社會政策外部サイトA maidservant of the revolution : He Xiangning and Chinese feminist nationalism in the 1920s and 1930s外部サイトRethinking the Hong Kong cultural identity : the case of rural ethnicities外部サイト近年香港社會福利政策的发展 : 以彭定康的施政為案例外部サイトWhat makes organizational restructuring stressful? : a community-level analysis of Hong Kong employees外部サイトThe political economy of Taiwan's foreign policy外部サイト不平等中的不平等 : 社會性別視角下的中國農民工外部サイトSocial welfare and women : the dominant approach and the feminist critique外部サイトStrategic responses to political changes : an analysis of newspaper editorials in Hong Kong, 1998-2006外部サイトDoes educational expansion increase educational homogamy?外部サイト原居安老 : 理念、理論基礎與實務外部サイト高速公路外部サイトVelvet colonialism's legacy to Hong Kong : 1967 and 1997外部サイトSocial transformation, nascent civil society and the Taiwanese capital in Fujian外部サイトThe failure of corporate internal controls and internal information sharing : a conceptual framework for Taiwanese solutions外部サイト家庭友善政策與生育決定 : 香港的例子外部サイトExplaining China's export drive : the only success among command economies外部サイトHongkongese or Chinese : the problem of identity on the eve of resumption of Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong外部サイト當代香港小説的文學社會學分析 : 文學・輩代與社會外部サイト如何促進香港社會和諧外部サイト港口及航道外部サイト建設和諧社會的理論與實踐 : 香港市民的觀點與相關政策啟示外部サイトEducating for change : development of women's/gender studies and its challenges for Hong Kong外部サイト河南與香港的聯繋與合作 : 現状及前瞻外部サイトDecolonization without independence and the poverty of political leaders in Hong Kong外部サイト新高中通識教育科與教師專業發展外部サイトSocial conflicts in Hong Kong, 1996-2002外部サイトThe cultural adaptation of early Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan外部サイトPrimary network support and emotional distress in Hong Kong and Beijing外部サイト香港的跨境「包二奶」現象與社會福利界的回應外部サイト中國經濟改革中的國營企業女工 : 管理控制與企業依頼的轉化外部サイトFamily changes and income inequality under globalization : the case of Hong Kong外部サイトAdvertising modernity : "home," space and privacy外部サイト香港與上海作為全球服務樞紐競爭或互補?外部サイト民進黨大陸政策演變的政治經濟分析外部サイト2007年的中美經貿新矛盾 : 産品安全與保護主義外部サイトGender and political participation in Hong Kong : formal participation and community participation外部サイトSocial conflicts in Hong Kong, 1975-1986: trends and implications外部サイト政改的困局與出路外部サイトFrom the "Through Train" to "Setting Up the New Stove" : Sino-British row over the election of the Hong Kong legislature外部サイトUrbanisation in China's Fujian Province since 1978外部サイトThe poverty of political education in Hong Kong secondary schools外部サイトA stranger in the house : foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong外部サイト機場和民航外部サイト香港社会福利状況 : 一個公眾的評估外部サイト政策表現與政府認受性 : 民意對香港政府的政策啟示外部サイト香港公營廣播的未來走向外部サイト電力外部サイトPolicy implications of massively multiplayer online games for Hong Kong外部サイトMobilization and protest participation in post-handover Hong Kong : a study of three large-scale demonstrations外部サイトUS-Hong Kong relations and the response to counter-terrorism外部サイト女性身體與主體性 : 民元後的纏足與放足1911-1949外部サイト香港特区政府的房屋政策 : 民意的趋向外部サイト香港人求診中醫的變化1993-2015外部サイトInformal mechanisms in Japanese politics外部サイト安居樂業展明天 : 尋求公營與私營房屋進一歩合作 : 公共房屋政策論壇報告外部サイト失業貧窮與政府的承擔 : 公共政策論壇報告外部サイト香港專業移民在臺灣的政治態度外部サイト《香港老年社會服務法案》 : 一個建議成立的老年社會服務網路外部サイト案件質量評估制度的功能研究外部サイト香港青年與中國經驗外部サイト香港社會福利状況評估 : 自求多福心態面臨挑戰外部サイト






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Hong Kong Institute of Asia-Pacific Studies
香港中文大學香港亞太研究所 ホンコン チュウブン ダイガク ホンコン アタイ ケンキュウジョ
From the EP-3 incident to the USS Kitty Hawk-Song class submarine encounter : the evolution of a Sino-US crisis management communication mechanism
The Asian financial crisis and after : problems and challenges for the Hong Kong economy
Squaring the welfare circle in post-1997 Hong Kong
Globalization and regional transformation in Pacific Asia
Regional security in the Asia-Pacific and the pivot to Asia
International labour migration: the case of Hong Kong
Husband's resources, power motive, and physical violence against married women in Hong Kong : a mediational analysis of resource theories in a Chinese society
公共政策論壇報告 : 香港工業發发展之前景
Guangzhou : the road to regaining its central city status
The role of medical social workers and their relationship with doctors and nurses in Hong Kong hospitals
機遇與選擇 : 擴大遼寧與香港經貿合作的思路與建議
Political attitudes in a changing context : the case of Hong Kong
Who would change their vote and why? : a case study on the 2006 Taipei and Kaohsiung mayoral elections
Taiwan : sovereignty reinterpreted : the relations across the Taiwan strait from the perspective of international law
香港人的族群認同與民族認同 : 一個自由主義的解釋
Reconstructing the democratic discourses in Taiwan : a Q methodological approach
The fall of Hong Kong movies : a post-mortem investigative report
Colonial governance and the Hong Kong story
Social mobilization amidst, social political turbulence : pattern of social conflict in Hong Kong in the period 1980 to 1991
「自由行」十年回顧 : 探討香港與内地的融合進程與嬗變
The Equal Opportunities Commission and the Women's Commission : central mechanisms for advancing women's status
當代華人城市的民間社會组織 : 台北・香港・廣州・廈門的比較分析
Gender differences in the career development of professionals in Hong Kong
Organizing for sex worker rights in Hong Kong : the global-local interaction
A collision of discourses : Japanese and Hong Kong Chinese during the Diaoyu/Senkaku Islands crisis
Policy implementation in reform China : the case of retirement insurance
Contentious politics in two villages : anti-high-speed-rail campaigns in Hong Kong and Taiwan
The road to the development of social welfare in Hong Kong : the historical key issues
Democratization, poverty of political leaders, and political inefficacy in Hong Kong
Social conflicts in Hong Kong 1987-1995
Noises and interruptions : the road to democracy in Hong Kong
政綱與選擧 : 一九九四年香港區議會選舉的廻歸分析
亞洲金融危機一週年 : 堅守聯繋匯率的利弊 : 公共政策論壇報告
Shenzhen : 30 years of reform and development and the role of governments
Media ideologies of gender in Hong Kong
Comparing CEPA and ECFA : economic integration in the Asia-Pacific Region
Bureaucratic response to political change: theoretical use of the atypical case of the Hong Kong Police
"The generation gap" and its implications : young employees in the Japanese corporate world today
Gender violence and the media in Hong Kong
Urban research in Asia : problems, priorities, and prospects
The myth of Hong Kong's laissez-faire economic governance : 1960s and 1970s
「本土ー全球化」現象 : 文化邊縁地區創意工業之境遇
Japan's cultural diplomacy and cultivation of ASEAN elites
A maidservant of the revolution : He Xiangning and Chinese feminist nationalism in the 1920s and 1930s
Rethinking the Hong Kong cultural identity : the case of rural ethnicities
近年香港社會福利政策的发展 : 以彭定康的施政為案例
What makes organizational restructuring stressful? : a community-level analysis of Hong Kong employees
The political economy of Taiwan's foreign policy
不平等中的不平等 : 社會性別視角下的中國農民工
Social welfare and women : the dominant approach and the feminist critique
Strategic responses to political changes : an analysis of newspaper editorials in Hong Kong, 1998-2006
Does educational expansion increase educational homogamy?
原居安老 : 理念、理論基礎與實務
Velvet colonialism's legacy to Hong Kong : 1967 and 1997
Social transformation, nascent civil society and the Taiwanese capital in Fujian
The failure of corporate internal controls and internal information sharing : a conceptual framework for Taiwanese solutions
家庭友善政策與生育決定 : 香港的例子
Explaining China's export drive : the only success among command economies
Hongkongese or Chinese : the problem of identity on the eve of resumption of Chinese sovereignty over Hong Kong
當代香港小説的文學社會學分析 : 文學・輩代與社會
建設和諧社會的理論與實踐 : 香港市民的觀點與相關政策啟示
Educating for change : development of women's/gender studies and its challenges for Hong Kong
河南與香港的聯繋與合作 : 現状及前瞻
Decolonization without independence and the poverty of political leaders in Hong Kong
Social conflicts in Hong Kong, 1996-2002
The cultural adaptation of early Hong Kong immigrants in Taiwan
Primary network support and emotional distress in Hong Kong and Beijing
中國經濟改革中的國營企業女工 : 管理控制與企業依頼的轉化
Family changes and income inequality under globalization : the case of Hong Kong
Advertising modernity : "home," space and privacy
2007年的中美經貿新矛盾 : 産品安全與保護主義
Gender and political participation in Hong Kong : formal participation and community participation
Social conflicts in Hong Kong, 1975-1986: trends and implications
From the "Through Train" to "Setting Up the New Stove" : Sino-British row over the election of the Hong Kong legislature
Urbanisation in China's Fujian Province since 1978
The poverty of political education in Hong Kong secondary schools
A stranger in the house : foreign domestic helpers in Hong Kong
香港社会福利状況 : 一個公眾的評估
政策表現與政府認受性 : 民意對香港政府的政策啟示
Policy implications of massively multiplayer online games for Hong Kong
Mobilization and protest participation in post-handover Hong Kong : a study of three large-scale demonstrations
US-Hong Kong relations and the response to counter-terrorism
女性身體與主體性 : 民元後的纏足與放足1911-1949
香港特区政府的房屋政策 : 民意的趋向
Informal mechanisms in Japanese politics
安居樂業展明天 : 尋求公營與私營房屋進一歩合作 : 公共房屋政策論壇報告
失業貧窮與政府的承擔 : 公共政策論壇報告
《香港老年社會服務法案》 : 一個建議成立的老年社會服務網路
香港社會福利状況評估 : 自求多福心態面臨挑戰
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research