
The publications of the Harleian Society


The publications of the Harleian Society

Harleian Society


The visitation of the county of Cornwall, in the year 1620外部サイトThe visitations of the county of Sussex : made and taken in the years 1530 by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux king of arms; and 1633-4 by John Philipot, Somerset herald, and George Owen, York herald, for Sir John Burroughs, Garter, and Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux外部サイトThe registers of St. Martin Outwich, London外部サイトThe visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634 : to which are added Miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts: and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Buckingham : made in 1634 by John Philipot, esq., Somerset Herald, and William Ryley, Bluemantle Pursuivant, marshals and deputies to Sir Richard St. George, knight, Clarenceux, and Sir John Borough, knight, Garter, who visited as Norroy by mutual agreement; including the church notes then taken. Together with pedigrees from the visitation made in 1566 by William Harvey, esq., Clarenceux, and some pedigrees from other sources : being a transcript of MS. Eng. Misc. C.17 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, with additions外部サイトThe Register book of marriages belonging to the Parish of St George, Hanober square in the county of Middlesex外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Rutland in the year 1618-19外部サイトThe registers of the St. Mildred, Bread Street and of St. Margaret Moses, Friday Street, London外部サイトThe registers of St. Paul's church, Cobent Garden, London外部サイトThe registers of Stourton, county Wilts, from 1570 to 1800外部サイトHampshire allegations for marriage licences granted by the Bishop of Winchester : 1689 to 1837外部サイトThe parish registers of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1558 to 1754外部サイトThe baptismal, marriage, and burial registers of the Cathedral church of Christ and Blessed Mary the virgin at Durham, 1609-1896外部サイトA register of baptisms, marriages, and burials in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex, from 1550 to 1619外部サイトThe registers of the Abbey Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Bath外部サイトPedigrees made at the visitation of Cheshire, 1613 : taken by Richard St.-George Esq., Norroy king of arms and Henry St.-George, Gent., Bluemantle pursuivant of arms; and some other contemporary pedigrees外部サイトThe visitation of Kent, taken in the years 1619-1621外部サイトA visitation of the county of Suffolk begun anno dni. 1664 and finished anno dni. 1668外部サイトMiddlesex pedigrees as collected by R. M. in Harleian Ms. no. 1551外部サイトA register of all the christninges, burialles & weddinges within the parish of Saint Peeters upon Cornhill, beginning at the raigne of our most soueraigne ladie Queen Elizabeth外部サイトA visitation of the county of Surrey : begun anno Dni. MDCLXII. finished anno Dni. MDCLXVIII外部サイトThe visitations of the county of Oxford taken in the years 1566 by William Harvey, Clarencieux; 1574 by Richard Lee, Portcullis; and in 1634 by John Philpott, Somerset, and William Ryley, Bluemantle. Together with The gatherings of Oxfordshire, collected by Richard Lee in 1574外部サイトThe registers and monumental inscriptions of Charterhouse chapel外部サイトThe visitations of Kent外部サイトLe Neve's pedigrees of the knights : made by King Charles II., King James II., King William III. and Queen Mary, King William alone, and Queen Anne外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Gloucester : taken in the year 1623外部サイトThe parish registers of St. Mary Aldermary, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1558 to 1754外部サイトThe registers of St. Olave, Hart street, London. 1563-1700外部サイトThe Registers of St. Paul's Cathedral外部サイトThe marriage, baptismal, and burial registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster外部サイトThe visitations of Bedfordshire : annis Domini 1566, 1582, and 1634外部サイトLondon visitation pedigrees, 1664外部サイトThe registers of marriages of St. Mary le Bone, Middlesex, 1668-1754, and of Oxford chapel, Vere street, St. Mary le Bone, 1736-1754外部サイトThe register booke of christninges, marriages, and burialls within the precinct of the cathedrall and metropoliticall church of Christe of Canterburie外部サイトThe visitation of Cheshire in the year 1580 : made by Robert Glover, Somerset herald, for William Flower, Norroy king of arms, with numerous additions and continuations, including those from The visitation of Cheshire made in the year 1566, by the same herald : with an appendix, containing The visitation of a part of Cheshire in the year 1533, made by William Fellows, Lancaster herald, for Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux king of arms : and a fragment of the visitation of the city of Chester in the year 1591, made by Thomas Chaloner, deputy to the Office of arms外部サイトThe visitation of London in the year 1568外部サイトThe Parish registers of St. Antholin, Budge Row, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1538 to 1754, and of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, containing the baptisms and burials from 1682 to 1754外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Rutland : begun by Fran. Burghill, Somerset, and Gregory King, Rougedragon, on Trinity vacation, 1681, carried on and finished by Tho. May, Chester herald, and the said Rougedragon pursuivt in Hillary and Trinity vacation 1682, by virtue of several deputacons from Sr Henry St George kt., Clarenceux king of arms外部サイトThe Visitation of the county of Warwick in the year 1619外部サイトThe visitations of the county of Nottingham in the years 1569 and 1614 : with many other descents of the same county外部サイトThe visitacion [i.e. visitation] of Norffolk : made and taken by William Harvey, Clarencieux king of arms, anno 1563, enlarged with another visitacion made by Clarenceux Cooke, with many other descents; and also the vissitation made by John Raven, Richmond, anno 1613外部サイトThe visitation of Yorkshire in the years 1563 and 1564 : made by William Flower, esquire, Norroy king of arms外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Worcester made in the year 1569 : with other pedigrees relating to that county from Richard Mundy's collection外部サイトThe visitation of London, Anno Domini 1633, 1634, and 1635外部サイトA visitations of the county of Kent, begun anno Dni. MDCLXIII., finished anno Dni. MDCLXVIII外部サイトA true register of all the christenings, mariages, and burialles in the parishe of St. James Clarkenwell, from the yeare of Our Lorde God 1551外部サイトAllegations for marriage licences issued from the dean and chapter of Westminster, 1558 to 1699 : also, for those issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679外部サイトThe Registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Somerset in the year 1623外部サイトThe registers of All Hallows, Bread street, and of St. John the Evangelist, Friday street, London外部サイトThe registers of baptisms and marriages at St. George's chapel, May Fair外部サイトAllegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the archbishop of Canterbury外部サイトThe registers of St. Mary le Bowe, Cheapside, All Hallows, Honey Lane, and of St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London外部サイトThe visitation of Cambridge made in Ao [1575] : continued and enlarged wth the vissitation of the same county made by Henery St. George, Richmond herald, marshall and deputy to Willm. Camdem, Clarenceulx, in Ao 1619, wth many other descents added thereto外部サイトThe visitations of the county of Surrey外部サイトThe visitations of Hertfordshire : made by Robert Cooke, esq., Clarencieux, in 1572, and Sir Richard St. George, kt., Clarencieux, in 1634 with Hertfordshire pedigrees from Harleian mss. 6147 and 1546外部サイトThe four visitations of Berkshire : made and taken by Thomas Benolte, Clarnceuc, anno 1532; by William Harvey, Clarnceux, anno 1566; by Henry Chiting, Chester herald, and John Philipott, Rouge dragon, for William Camden, Clarenceux, anno 1623; and by Elias Ashmole, Windsor herald, for Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, anno 1665-66外部サイトLincolnshire pedigrees外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Cumberland in the year 1615外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Dorset, taken in the year 1623外部サイトObituary prior to 1800 (as far as relates to England, Scotland, and Ireland)外部サイトThe registers of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, and of St. Benet Scherehog, London外部サイトGrantees of arms named in docquets and patents to the end of the seventeenth century, in the manuscripts preserved in the British museum : the Bodleian library, Oxford, Queen's college, Oxford, Gonville and caius college, Cambridge, and elsewhere, alphabethically arranges by Joseph Foster, and cotainded in the additions Ms. No. 37,147 in the British Museum外部サイトAllegations for marriage licences issued by the bishop of London外部サイトThe Parish registers of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1543 to 1754外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Warwick, begun by Thomas May, Chester, and Gregory King, Rouge dragon, in Hilary vacacōn, 1682 : reviewed by them in the Trinity vacacōn following, and finished by Henry Dethick Richmond, and said rouge dragon pursuiv in Trinity vacation, 1683, by virtue of several deputations from Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux king of arms外部サイトThe Registers of St. Bene't and St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, London外部サイトPedigrees from the visitation of Hampshire : made by Thomas Benolt, Clarenceulx ao 1530, enlarged with the vissitation of the same county made by Robert Cooke, Clarenceulx anno 1575 both which are continued with the vissitation made by John Phillipott, Somersett (for William Camden) in a 1634 : as collected by Richard Mundy in Harleian ms. no. 1544外部サイトThe Registers of Christ Church, Newgate, 1538 to 1754外部サイトAllegations for marriage licences in the archdeaconry of Sudbury, in the county of Suffolk外部サイトThe registers of marriages of St. Mary le Bone, Middlesex外部サイトGrantees of arms named in docquets and patents between the years 1687 and 1898, preserved in various manuscripts外部サイトThe registers of St. Vedast, Foster lane, and of St. Michael le Quern, London外部サイトStaffordshire pedigrees : based on the visitation of that county made by William Dugdale in the years 1663-1664, from the original manuscript written by Gregory King, (sucessively Rouge dragon and Lancaster herald) during the years 1680 to 1700外部サイトThe parish register of Kensington, Co. Middlesex, from A. D. 1539 to A. D. 1675外部サイトAllegations for marriage licences issued from the Faculty Office of the archbishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869外部サイトThe register booke of Saynte De'nis Backchurch parishe (City of London) for MAryages, christninges, and burialls, begynnynge in the yeare of Or Lord God 1538外部サイトThe visitation of the county of Leicester in the year 1619外部サイトFamiliae minorum gentium外部サイトThe visitation of Shropshire, taken in the year 1623外部サイト



  • The visitation of the county of Cornwall, in the year 1620

  • The visitations of the county of Sussex : made and taken in the years 1530 by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux king of arms; and 1633-4 by John Philipot, Somerset herald, and George Owen, York herald, for Sir John Burroughs, Garter, and Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux

  • The registers of St. Martin Outwich, London

  • The visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634 : to which are added Miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts: and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees

  • The visitation of the county of Buckingham : made in 1634 by John Philipot, esq., Somerset Herald, and William Ryley, Bluemantle Pursuivant, marshals and deputies to Sir Richard St. George, knight, Clarenceux, and Sir John Borough, knight, Garter, who visited as Norroy by mutual agreement; including the church notes then taken. Together with pedigrees from the visitation made in 1566 by William Harvey, esq., Clarenceux, and some pedigrees from other sources : being a transcript of MS. Eng. Misc. C.17 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, with additions





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The visitation of the county of Cornwall, in the year 1620
The visitations of the county of Sussex : made and taken in the years 1530 by Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux king of arms; and 1633-4 by John Philipot, Somerset herald, and George Owen, York herald, for Sir John Burroughs, Garter, and Sir Richard St. George, Clarenceux
The registers of St. Martin Outwich, London
The visitations of Essex by Hawley, 1552; Hervey, 1558; Cooke, 1570; Raven, 1612; and Owen and Lilly, 1634 : to which are added Miscellaneous Essex pedigrees from various Harleian manuscripts: and an appendix containing Berry's Essex pedigrees
The visitation of the county of Buckingham : made in 1634 by John Philipot, esq., Somerset Herald, and William Ryley, Bluemantle Pursuivant, marshals and deputies to Sir Richard St. George, knight, Clarenceux, and Sir John Borough, knight, Garter, who visited as Norroy by mutual agreement; including the church notes then taken. Together with pedigrees from the visitation made in 1566 by William Harvey, esq., Clarenceux, and some pedigrees from other sources : being a transcript of MS. Eng. Misc. C.17 in the Bodleian Library, Oxford, with additions
The Register book of marriages belonging to the Parish of St George, Hanober square in the county of Middlesex
The visitation of the county of Rutland in the year 1618-19
The registers of the St. Mildred, Bread Street and of St. Margaret Moses, Friday Street, London
The registers of St. Paul's church, Cobent Garden, London
The registers of Stourton, county Wilts, from 1570 to 1800
Hampshire allegations for marriage licences granted by the Bishop of Winchester : 1689 to 1837
The parish registers of St. Thomas the Apostle, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1558 to 1754
The baptismal, marriage, and burial registers of the Cathedral church of Christ and Blessed Mary the virgin at Durham, 1609-1896
A register of baptisms, marriages, and burials in the parish of St. Martin in the Fields, in the county of Middlesex, from 1550 to 1619
The registers of the Abbey Church of SS. Peter and Paul, Bath
Pedigrees made at the visitation of Cheshire, 1613 : taken by Richard St.-George Esq., Norroy king of arms and Henry St.-George, Gent., Bluemantle pursuivant of arms; and some other contemporary pedigrees
The visitation of Kent, taken in the years 1619-1621
A visitation of the county of Suffolk begun anno dni. 1664 and finished anno dni. 1668
Middlesex pedigrees as collected by R. M. in Harleian Ms. no. 1551
A register of all the christninges, burialles & weddinges within the parish of Saint Peeters upon Cornhill, beginning at the raigne of our most soueraigne ladie Queen Elizabeth
A visitation of the county of Surrey : begun anno Dni. MDCLXII. finished anno Dni. MDCLXVIII
The visitations of the county of Oxford taken in the years 1566 by William Harvey, Clarencieux; 1574 by Richard Lee, Portcullis; and in 1634 by John Philpott, Somerset, and William Ryley, Bluemantle. Together with The gatherings of Oxfordshire, collected by Richard Lee in 1574
The registers and monumental inscriptions of Charterhouse chapel
The visitations of Kent
Le Neve's pedigrees of the knights : made by King Charles II., King James II., King William III. and Queen Mary, King William alone, and Queen Anne
The visitation of the county of Gloucester : taken in the year 1623
The parish registers of St. Mary Aldermary, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1558 to 1754
The registers of St. Olave, Hart street, London. 1563-1700
The Registers of St. Paul's Cathedral
The marriage, baptismal, and burial registers of the Collegiate Church or Abbey of St. Peter, Westminster
The visitations of Bedfordshire : annis Domini 1566, 1582, and 1634
London visitation pedigrees, 1664
The registers of marriages of St. Mary le Bone, Middlesex, 1668-1754, and of Oxford chapel, Vere street, St. Mary le Bone, 1736-1754
The register booke of christninges, marriages, and burialls within the precinct of the cathedrall and metropoliticall church of Christe of Canterburie
The visitation of Cheshire in the year 1580 : made by Robert Glover, Somerset herald, for William Flower, Norroy king of arms, with numerous additions and continuations, including those from The visitation of Cheshire made in the year 1566, by the same herald : with an appendix, containing The visitation of a part of Cheshire in the year 1533, made by William Fellows, Lancaster herald, for Thomas Benolte, Clarenceux king of arms : and a fragment of the visitation of the city of Chester in the year 1591, made by Thomas Chaloner, deputy to the Office of arms
The visitation of London in the year 1568
The Parish registers of St. Antholin, Budge Row, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1538 to 1754, and of St. John Baptist on Wallbrook, London, containing the baptisms and burials from 1682 to 1754
The visitation of the county of Rutland : begun by Fran. Burghill, Somerset, and Gregory King, Rougedragon, on Trinity vacation, 1681, carried on and finished by Tho. May, Chester herald, and the said Rougedragon pursuivt in Hillary and Trinity vacation 1682, by virtue of several deputacons from Sr Henry St George kt., Clarenceux king of arms
The Visitation of the county of Warwick in the year 1619
The visitations of the county of Nottingham in the years 1569 and 1614 : with many other descents of the same county
The visitacion [i.e. visitation] of Norffolk : made and taken by William Harvey, Clarencieux king of arms, anno 1563, enlarged with another visitacion made by Clarenceux Cooke, with many other descents; and also the vissitation made by John Raven, Richmond, anno 1613
The visitation of Yorkshire in the years 1563 and 1564 : made by William Flower, esquire, Norroy king of arms
The visitation of the county of Devon in the year 1620
The visitation of the county of Worcester made in the year 1569 : with other pedigrees relating to that county from Richard Mundy's collection
The visitation of London, Anno Domini 1633, 1634, and 1635
A visitations of the county of Kent, begun anno Dni. MDCLXIII., finished anno Dni. MDCLXVIII
A true register of all the christenings, mariages, and burialles in the parishe of St. James Clarkenwell, from the yeare of Our Lorde God 1551
Allegations for marriage licences issued from the dean and chapter of Westminster, 1558 to 1699 : also, for those issued by the Vicar-General of the Archbishop of Canterbury, 1660 to 1679
The Registers of St. Helen's, Bishopsgate, London
The visitation of the county of Somerset in the year 1623
The registers of All Hallows, Bread street, and of St. John the Evangelist, Friday street, London
The registers of baptisms and marriages at St. George's chapel, May Fair
Allegations for marriage licences issued by the vicar-general of the archbishop of Canterbury
The registers of St. Mary le Bowe, Cheapside, All Hallows, Honey Lane, and of St. Pancras, Soper Lane, London
The visitation of Cambridge made in Ao [1575] : continued and enlarged wth the vissitation of the same county made by Henery St. George, Richmond herald, marshall and deputy to Willm. Camdem, Clarenceulx, in Ao 1619, wth many other descents added thereto
The visitations of the county of Surrey
The visitations of Hertfordshire : made by Robert Cooke, esq., Clarencieux, in 1572, and Sir Richard St. George, kt., Clarencieux, in 1634 with Hertfordshire pedigrees from Harleian mss. 6147 and 1546
The four visitations of Berkshire : made and taken by Thomas Benolte, Clarnceuc, anno 1532; by William Harvey, Clarnceux, anno 1566; by Henry Chiting, Chester herald, and John Philipott, Rouge dragon, for William Camden, Clarenceux, anno 1623; and by Elias Ashmole, Windsor herald, for Sir Edward Bysshe, Clarenceux, anno 1665-66
Lincolnshire pedigrees
The visitation of the county of Cumberland in the year 1615
The visitation of the county of Dorset, taken in the year 1623
Obituary prior to 1800 (as far as relates to England, Scotland, and Ireland)
The registers of St. Stephen's, Walbrook, and of St. Benet Scherehog, London
Grantees of arms named in docquets and patents to the end of the seventeenth century, in the manuscripts preserved in the British museum : the Bodleian library, Oxford, Queen's college, Oxford, Gonville and caius college, Cambridge, and elsewhere, alphabethically arranges by Joseph Foster, and cotainded in the additions Ms. No. 37,147 in the British Museum
Allegations for marriage licences issued by the bishop of London
The Parish registers of St. Michael, Cornhill, London, containing the marriages, baptisms, and burials from 1543 to 1754
The visitation of the county of Warwick, begun by Thomas May, Chester, and Gregory King, Rouge dragon, in Hilary vacacōn, 1682 : reviewed by them in the Trinity vacacōn following, and finished by Henry Dethick Richmond, and said rouge dragon pursuiv in Trinity vacation, 1683, by virtue of several deputations from Sir Henry St. George, Clarenceux king of arms
The Registers of St. Bene't and St. Peter, Paul's Wharf, London
Pedigrees from the visitation of Hampshire : made by Thomas Benolt, Clarenceulx ao 1530, enlarged with the vissitation of the same county made by Robert Cooke, Clarenceulx anno 1575 both which are continued with the vissitation made by John Phillipott, Somersett (for William Camden) in a 1634 : as collected by Richard Mundy in Harleian ms. no. 1544
The Registers of Christ Church, Newgate, 1538 to 1754
Allegations for marriage licences in the archdeaconry of Sudbury, in the county of Suffolk
The registers of marriages of St. Mary le Bone, Middlesex
Grantees of arms named in docquets and patents between the years 1687 and 1898, preserved in various manuscripts
The registers of St. Vedast, Foster lane, and of St. Michael le Quern, London
Staffordshire pedigrees : based on the visitation of that county made by William Dugdale in the years 1663-1664, from the original manuscript written by Gregory King, (sucessively Rouge dragon and Lancaster herald) during the years 1680 to 1700
The parish register of Kensington, Co. Middlesex, from A. D. 1539 to A. D. 1675
Allegations for marriage licences issued from the Faculty Office of the archbishop of Canterbury at London, 1543 to 1869
The register booke of Saynte De'nis Backchurch parishe (City of London) for MAryages, christninges, and burialls, begynnynge in the yeare of Or Lord God 1538
The visitation of the county of Leicester in the year 1619
Familiae minorum gentium
The visitation of Shropshire, taken in the year 1623
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CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA26814179 : BA26814179