- 資料種別
- 図書
- 著者・編者
- Board of Agriculture and Fisheries
- 大きさ
- 25 cm
- 出版地(国名コード)
- uk
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Reprint. Originally published: London : H.M.S.O. ; Eyre and Spottiswoods
- 関連情報
- An analysis of agricultural production, prices & supplies in England and WalesReport on the agricultural production in England and Wales : with summaries for Great Britain and IrelandAcreage and live stock returns of Great Britain : with summaries for the United KingdomPrices of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce in Great BritainGeneral abstracts showing the acreage under the several crops, and the number of live stock in each county and provinceImports and exports of corn, live stock, and other agricultural producePrices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce in England and Wales and summaries of colonial and foreign agricultural statisticsAcreage and live stock returns of England and Wales, with summaries for the United KingdomPrices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produce in England and WalesReport on the prices and supplies of agricultural produce and requirements in England and WalesReturns of produce of crops in Great Britain : with summaries for the United KingdomColonial and foreign statisticsReturns of produce of crops in England and Wales : with summaries for the United KingdomPrices of agricultural produceAcreage and production of crops, and numbers of livestock, of agricultural workers, of agricultural holdings and of certain descriptions of agricultural machineryAcreage and production of crops, number of live stock and of agricultural workers, and output and prices of agricultural produce in England and WalesPrices and index numbers of agricultural producePrices and supplies of corn, live stock, and other agricultural produceReport on the acreage under crops and number of live stock in England and Wales : with summaries for the United KingdomReport on the agricultural returns relating to acreage and produce of crops and number of live stock in Great Britain with summaries for the United Kingdom, British possessions and foreign countries, and particulars of prices, imports and exports of agricultural produce