
Mathematical research note


Mathematical research note

Institute of Mathematics, University of Tsukuba


Hyperbolic equations with non analytic coefficients well posed in all Gevrey classes for strictly hyperbolic equations外部サイトNonlinear evolution equations in thermoelasticity外部サイトPrediction intervals for a chi distribution with a scale parameter外部サイトThe Lax-Mizohata theorem for the Kirchhoff type equations外部サイトA higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of a non-central T-statistic without the normality assumption外部サイトThe lifespan of solutions to nonlinear systems of high dimentional wave equation外部サイトOn the inequality of Kshirsagar外部サイトPrecise energy decay estimates for the dissipative hyperbolic equations in an exterior domain外部サイトLecture on global in time solvability of the initial boundary value problem for some nonlinear dissipative evolution equations外部サイトKlein-Gordon type decay rates for wave equations with time-dependent coefficients外部サイトComparison of some bounds in estimation theory-revisited外部サイトConservation laws with vanishing diffusion and dispersion外部サイトRemarks on the asymptotic behavior of the cubic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in one space dimension外部サイトThe concept of normalized deficiency and its applications外部サイトCocycle deformations and galois objects for some cosemisimple hopf algebras of finite dimension外部サイトMinimal surfaces with rotational symmetry and their moduli spaces外部サイトOn the cauchy problem for second order strictly hyperbolic equations with non-regular coefficients外部サイトEdge Sobolev spaces and weakly hyperbolic equations外部サイトParametric resonance and nonexistence of global solution to nonlinear wave equations外部サイトSecond order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE of a natural parameter for a truncated exponential family of distributions外部サイトCritical curve for p-q systems of nonlinear wave equations in three space dimensions外部サイトSuper-conformal surfaces associated with null complex holomorphic curves外部サイトOn the weakly hyperbolic equation of 4th order外部サイトSecond order asymptotic evaluation of the bayes estimator of a truncation parameter for a one-sided truncated exponential family of distributions外部サイトTwo-stage procedure having second-order properties for selecting the s best populations外部サイトL[p] and besov maximal estimates for solutions to the schrödinger equation外部サイトAn integral bhattacharyya type bound for the bayes risk外部サイトLarge time behavior of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation with nonlinear dissipative terms外部サイトAn example of non-local operators having no transmission property外部サイトOn a precise Levi condition in Gevrey classes for some infinitely degenerate hyperbolic equations and its necessity外部サイトIntroduction to theory of Fourier integral operators with applications to weakly hyperbolic equations外部サイトMinimax approach to sequential Bernoulli trials外部サイトA lower bound for the Bayes risk in the sequential case外部サイトConstruction of parametrix for hyperbolic equations with fast oscillations in non-Lipschitz coefficients外部サイトSur les modèles discrets de l'équation de boltzmann avec termes linéaires et quadratiques外部サイトA weighted pointwise estimate for two dimensional wave equations and its application to nonlinear systems外部サイトComparison of the Bayes risks of estimators for a family of truncated normal distributions外部サイトWeakly hyperbolic equations, Sobolev spaces of variable order, and propagation of singularities外部サイトProlongation of the existence time for Kirchhoff equation外部サイトModuli spaces of complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature with one end外部サイトLocation and scale parameter family of distributions attaining the Bhattacahryya bound外部サイトOn K[1] of a self-product of a curve外部サイトOn modified diagonal cycles in the triple products of Fermat quotients外部サイトThe higher order large-deviation approximation for the distribution of the sum of independent discrete random variables外部サイトOn the bioequivalence problem and a testing hypothesis problem for the bivariate normal distribution外部サイトRandomized confidence intervals of a parameter for a family of discrete exponential type distributions外部サイトRemark on the C[∞] well-posedness for second order strictly hyperbolic equations with non-differentiable oscillating coefficients外部サイトOn the Cauchy problem for finitely degenerate hyperbolic equations of second order外部サイトOn a family of distributions attaining the Bhattacharyya bound外部サイトExistence globale à données d'entropie localement finies pour les modèles discrets de l'équation de boltzmann avec termes linéaires et quadratiques外部サイトSecond order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions外部サイトThe denominators of Lagrangian surfaces in complex euclidean plane外部サイトLocation-scale parameter family of distributions attaining the Bhattacharyya bound外部サイトStatistics for the Number of vertices of Galton-Watson trees外部サイトInfromation ineqalities for the bayes risk for a family of non-regular distributions外部サイトOn the Poisson limit theorems of Sinai and Major外部サイトRemarks on the blow-up boundaries and rates for nonlinear wave equations外部サイトAn elementary proof of the exponential blow-up for semilinear wave equations外部サイトUnibiased estimation in sequential binomial sampling外部サイトA higher order approximation to a percentile point of the non-central t-distribution外部サイトLevel clustering in a one-dimensional finite system外部サイトBlow-up for semilinear wave equations in four or five space dimensions外部サイトNon Analytic hypoellipticity for some operators of X2 + Y2 type外部サイトA note on "Unbiased estimation for sequential sampling plans"外部サイトThe cauchy problem for the Schrödinger type equations外部サイトUnbiased estimation for sequential multinomial sampling plans外部サイトOn the sum of a prime and a k-th power外部サイトLoss of information of a statistic for a family of non-regular distributions, II外部サイトAsymptotic comparison of minimum discrepancy estimators in Berkson's bioassay model外部サイトOn the 2 by 2 weakly hyperbolic systems外部サイトDiagonal estimate of transition densities for jump processes外部サイトThe asymptotic bound by the Kiefer type information inequality and its attainment外部サイトOn reliability estimation in the Weibull case外部サイトLower bounds of the lifespan of small data solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations外部サイトThe connection of the analytic functions from a point of view to some plane algebraic curves外部サイトBahadur efficiency in the sequential estimation外部サイトPrediction sufficiency and sequential experimentation外部サイトOn the pitman estimator for a family of non-regular distributions外部サイトGeometry of Hugoniot curves in 2 x 2 systems of hyperbolic conservation laws with quadratic flux functions外部サイトRadial functions and maximal estimates for radial solutions to the Schrödinger equation外部サイトThe sharp lifespan of radially symmetric solutions to nonlinear wave systems in even space dimensions外部サイトKinematic formulas for hypersurfaces in real space forms外部サイトDensity estimate in small time for jump processes having singular levy measures外部サイトWeighted estimate for the wave equation外部サイトOn a relation between a family of distributions attaining the bhattacharyya bound and that of linear combinations of the distributions from an exponential family外部サイトA new higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of the sample correlation coefficient外部サイトDecay estimates of solutions for the equations of motion of compressible viscous and heat-conductive gase in an exterior domain in R[3]外部サイトThe Bhattacharyya type bound for the variance of sequential estimation procedures外部サイトElliptic units in K[2]外部サイトOn the wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order外部サイトThe lifespan of radially symmetric solutions to nonlinear systems of odd dimentional wave equations外部サイトPositive solutions of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems外部サイトCohomology and coquasi-bialgebra extensions associated to a matched pair of bialgebras外部サイトLarge-deviation efficiency of first and second order外部サイトSequential interval estimation of a location parameter with the fixed width in the non-regular case外部サイトThe first and second order large-deviation efficiency for an exponential family of distributions and in certain curved exponential model外部サイトRandomized confidence intervals of a parameter for the negative binomial and logarithmic series distributions外部サイトOn a decay rate of solutions to one dimensional thermoelastic equations on a half line; linear part外部サイトOn the Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order外部サイトRemark on fundamental solutions of differential operators with double characteristics外部サイトAbout the loss of derivatives for strictly hyperbolic equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients外部サイトThe Lax-Mizohata theorem for nonlinear gauge invariant equations外部サイトThe C[∞] - well posed Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with multiple characteristics vanishing with the different speeds外部サイトPoincaré formulas of complex submanifolds外部サイトThe approximation of an unbiased test with a small level for the bioequivalence problem外部サイトGeneralized Broadwell models for the discrete Boltzmann equation with linear and quadratic terms外部サイトOn the Gevrey analyticity of solutions of semilinear Kohn-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group外部サイトThird order efficiency implies fourth order efficiency : a resolution of the conjecture of J.K. Ghosh外部サイトOn the rates of convergence of consistent estimators : an extreme phenomenon外部サイトCompleteness for sequential sampling plans外部サイトA minimal sufficient statistic and representations of the densities外部サイトOn the optimum properties of sequential estimation procedures in the multinomial sampling plans外部サイトA von Neumann algebra framework for the duality of the quantum groups外部サイトInformation inequalities for the bayes and the minimax risk外部サイトThe Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators of effective type外部サイトSpectral analysis of a q-difference operator which arises from the quantum SU(1,1) group外部サイトThe cauchy problem for a class of hyperbolic operators operators [sic] with double characteristics外部サイトThe non-commutative algebra of the quantum group SU[q](2) as a quatized poisson manifold外部サイトBlow-up for nonlinear wave equations with slowly decaying data外部サイトThe algebra of quantum groups as quantized Poisson manifolds外部サイトCritical examination to the test based on the bayesian confidence interval外部サイトBlow-up for semilinear wave equations with slowly decaying data in high dimensions外部サイトSocle deformations of selfinjective algebras外部サイトAn Application of A. Baker's transcendence theorem外部サイトOn the sum of four cubes and a product of k factors外部サイトRemarks on representations of solutions to the wave equation外部サイトA Remark on minimal models外部サイトOn global real analytic solutions of the degenerate kirchhoff equation外部サイトOn the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator through its uniform consistency外部サイトBayes sequential decision rules in the multinomial sampling外部サイトLogarithmic divergence of heat kernels on some quantum spaces外部サイトFrobenius algebras外部サイト



  • Hyperbolic equations with non analytic coefficients well posed in all Gevrey classes for strictly hyperbolic equations

  • Nonlinear evolution equations in thermoelasticity

  • Prediction intervals for a chi distribution with a scale parameter

  • The Lax-Mizohata theorem for the Kirchhoff type equations

  • A higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of a non-central T-statistic without the normality assumption





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



Hyperbolic equations with non analytic coefficients well posed in all Gevrey classes for strictly hyperbolic equations
Nonlinear evolution equations in thermoelasticity
Prediction intervals for a chi distribution with a scale parameter
The Lax-Mizohata theorem for the Kirchhoff type equations
A higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of a non-central T-statistic without the normality assumption
The lifespan of solutions to nonlinear systems of high dimentional wave equation
On the inequality of Kshirsagar
Precise energy decay estimates for the dissipative hyperbolic equations in an exterior domain
Lecture on global in time solvability of the initial boundary value problem for some nonlinear dissipative evolution equations
Klein-Gordon type decay rates for wave equations with time-dependent coefficients
Comparison of some bounds in estimation theory-revisited
Conservation laws with vanishing diffusion and dispersion
Remarks on the asymptotic behavior of the cubic nonlinear Klein-Gordon equations in one space dimension
The concept of normalized deficiency and its applications
Cocycle deformations and galois objects for some cosemisimple hopf algebras of finite dimension
Minimal surfaces with rotational symmetry and their moduli spaces
On the cauchy problem for second order strictly hyperbolic equations with non-regular coefficients
Edge Sobolev spaces and weakly hyperbolic equations
Parametric resonance and nonexistence of global solution to nonlinear wave equations
Second order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE of a natural parameter for a truncated exponential family of distributions
Critical curve for p-q systems of nonlinear wave equations in three space dimensions
Super-conformal surfaces associated with null complex holomorphic curves
On the weakly hyperbolic equation of 4th order
Second order asymptotic evaluation of the bayes estimator of a truncation parameter for a one-sided truncated exponential family of distributions
Two-stage procedure having second-order properties for selecting the s best populations
L[p] and besov maximal estimates for solutions to the schrödinger equation
An integral bhattacharyya type bound for the bayes risk
Large time behavior of solutions to the Klein-Gordon equation with nonlinear dissipative terms
An example of non-local operators having no transmission property
On a precise Levi condition in Gevrey classes for some infinitely degenerate hyperbolic equations and its necessity
Introduction to theory of Fourier integral operators with applications to weakly hyperbolic equations
Minimax approach to sequential Bernoulli trials
A lower bound for the Bayes risk in the sequential case
Construction of parametrix for hyperbolic equations with fast oscillations in non-Lipschitz coefficients
Sur les modèles discrets de l'équation de boltzmann avec termes linéaires et quadratiques
A weighted pointwise estimate for two dimensional wave equations and its application to nonlinear systems
Comparison of the Bayes risks of estimators for a family of truncated normal distributions
Weakly hyperbolic equations, Sobolev spaces of variable order, and propagation of singularities
Prolongation of the existence time for Kirchhoff equation
Moduli spaces of complete minimal surfaces of finite total curvature with one end
Location and scale parameter family of distributions attaining the Bhattacahryya bound
On K[1] of a self-product of a curve
On modified diagonal cycles in the triple products of Fermat quotients
The higher order large-deviation approximation for the distribution of the sum of independent discrete random variables
On the bioequivalence problem and a testing hypothesis problem for the bivariate normal distribution
Randomized confidence intervals of a parameter for a family of discrete exponential type distributions
Remark on the C[∞] well-posedness for second order strictly hyperbolic equations with non-differentiable oscillating coefficients
On the Cauchy problem for finitely degenerate hyperbolic equations of second order
On a family of distributions attaining the Bhattacharyya bound
Existence globale à données d'entropie localement finies pour les modèles discrets de l'équation de boltzmann avec termes linéaires et quadratiques
Second order asymptotic comparison of the MLE and MCLE for a two-sided truncated exponential family of distributions
The denominators of Lagrangian surfaces in complex euclidean plane
Location-scale parameter family of distributions attaining the Bhattacharyya bound
Statistics for the Number of vertices of Galton-Watson trees
Infromation ineqalities for the bayes risk for a family of non-regular distributions
On the Poisson limit theorems of Sinai and Major
Remarks on the blow-up boundaries and rates for nonlinear wave equations
An elementary proof of the exponential blow-up for semilinear wave equations
Unibiased estimation in sequential binomial sampling
A higher order approximation to a percentile point of the non-central t-distribution
Level clustering in a one-dimensional finite system
Blow-up for semilinear wave equations in four or five space dimensions
Non Analytic hypoellipticity for some operators of X2 + Y2 type
A note on "Unbiased estimation for sequential sampling plans"
The cauchy problem for the Schrödinger type equations
Unbiased estimation for sequential multinomial sampling plans
On the sum of a prime and a k-th power
Loss of information of a statistic for a family of non-regular distributions, II
Asymptotic comparison of minimum discrepancy estimators in Berkson's bioassay model
On the 2 by 2 weakly hyperbolic systems
Diagonal estimate of transition densities for jump processes
The asymptotic bound by the Kiefer type information inequality and its attainment
On reliability estimation in the Weibull case
Lower bounds of the lifespan of small data solutions to the nonlinear Schrödinger equations
The connection of the analytic functions from a point of view to some plane algebraic curves
Bahadur efficiency in the sequential estimation
Prediction sufficiency and sequential experimentation
On the pitman estimator for a family of non-regular distributions
Geometry of Hugoniot curves in 2 x 2 systems of hyperbolic conservation laws with quadratic flux functions
Radial functions and maximal estimates for radial solutions to the Schrödinger equation
The sharp lifespan of radially symmetric solutions to nonlinear wave systems in even space dimensions
Kinematic formulas for hypersurfaces in real space forms
Density estimate in small time for jump processes having singular levy measures
Weighted estimate for the wave equation
On a relation between a family of distributions attaining the bhattacharyya bound and that of linear combinations of the distributions from an exponential family
A new higher order approximation to a percentage point of the distribution of the sample correlation coefficient
Decay estimates of solutions for the equations of motion of compressible viscous and heat-conductive gase in an exterior domain in R[3]
The Bhattacharyya type bound for the variance of sequential estimation procedures
Elliptic units in K[2]
On the wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order
The lifespan of radially symmetric solutions to nonlinear systems of odd dimentional wave equations
Positive solutions of semilinear elliptic boundary value problems
Cohomology and coquasi-bialgebra extensions associated to a matched pair of bialgebras
Large-deviation efficiency of first and second order
Sequential interval estimation of a location parameter with the fixed width in the non-regular case
The first and second order large-deviation efficiency for an exponential family of distributions and in certain curved exponential model
Randomized confidence intervals of a parameter for the negative binomial and logarithmic series distributions
On a decay rate of solutions to one dimensional thermoelastic equations on a half line; linear part
On the Gevrey wellposedness of the Cauchy problem for weakly hyperbolic equations of higher order
Remark on fundamental solutions of differential operators with double characteristics
About the loss of derivatives for strictly hyperbolic equations with non-Lipschitz coefficients
The Lax-Mizohata theorem for nonlinear gauge invariant equations
The C[∞] - well posed Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators with multiple characteristics vanishing with the different speeds
Poincaré formulas of complex submanifolds
The approximation of an unbiased test with a small level for the bioequivalence problem
Generalized Broadwell models for the discrete Boltzmann equation with linear and quadratic terms
On the Gevrey analyticity of solutions of semilinear Kohn-Laplacian on the Heisenberg group
Third order efficiency implies fourth order efficiency : a resolution of the conjecture of J.K. Ghosh
On the rates of convergence of consistent estimators : an extreme phenomenon
Completeness for sequential sampling plans
A minimal sufficient statistic and representations of the densities
On the optimum properties of sequential estimation procedures in the multinomial sampling plans
A von Neumann algebra framework for the duality of the quantum groups
Information inequalities for the bayes and the minimax risk
The Cauchy problem for hyperbolic operators of effective type
Spectral analysis of a q-difference operator which arises from the quantum SU(1,1) group
The cauchy problem for a class of hyperbolic operators operators [sic] with double characteristics
The non-commutative algebra of the quantum group SU[q](2) as a quatized poisson manifold
Blow-up for nonlinear wave equations with slowly decaying data
The algebra of quantum groups as quantized Poisson manifolds
Critical examination to the test based on the bayesian confidence interval
Blow-up for semilinear wave equations with slowly decaying data in high dimensions
Socle deformations of selfinjective algebras
An Application of A. Baker's transcendence theorem
On the sum of four cubes and a product of k factors
Remarks on representations of solutions to the wave equation
A Remark on minimal models
On global real analytic solutions of the degenerate kirchhoff equation
On the consistency of the maximum likelihood estimator through its uniform consistency
Bayes sequential decision rules in the multinomial sampling
Logarithmic divergence of heat kernels on some quantum spaces
Frobenius algebras
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA27861957 : BA27861957