- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 出版年月日等
- 1975-2005
- 出版年(W3CDTF)
- 1975
- 並列タイトル等
- 出版地(国名コード)
- gw
- 対象利用者
- 一般
- 一般注記
- Accordinng to the book published in 2006, the title changed to Theoretical and mathematical physics (TMP) <BA78171774>
- 関連情報
- Equilibrium states models in quantum statistical mechanicsStatistical physics of fluids : basic concepts and applicationsEffective lagrangians for the standard modelClosed-form and exact solutionsScattering theory of classical and quantum N-particle systemsFoundations of quantum mechanicsRelativistic particle physicsFoundations of fluid dynamicsMany-body problems and quantum field theory : an introductionMagnetism and SuperconductivityPolarized electronsQuantum field theory in condensed matter physicsScattering theory of waves and particlesSchrödinger operators : with application to quantum mechanics and global geometryAdvanced quantum theory and its applications through Feynman diagramsFields, symmetries, and quarksFoundations of fluid dynamicsPhysics of neutrinos : and application to astrophysicsQuantum field theory in condensed matter physicsGeneralized coherent states and their applicationsAdvanced quantum theory and its applications through Feynman diagramsFrom microphysics to macrophysics : methods and applications of statistical physicsGeneral relativity and relativistic astrophysicsBirkhoffian generalization of Hamiltonian mechanicsGeneral relativity with applications to astrophysicsScattering theory of classical and quantum N-particle systemsEssential relativity : special, general, and cosmologicalCP violation without strangeness : electric dipole moments of particles, atoms, and moleculesThe elements of mechanicsAspects of ergodic, qualitative, and statistical theory of motionThe concepts and logic of classical thermodynamics as a theory of heat engines, rigorously constructed upon the foundation laid by S. Carnot and F. ReechMulti-Hamiltonian theory of dynamical systemsC[*]- and W[*]-algebras symmetry groups decomposition of statesFinite quantum electrodynamics : the causal approachThe theory of quark and gluon interactionsThe theory of photons and electrons : the relativistic quantum field theory of charged particles with spin one-halfInverse problems in quantum scattering theoryQuantum entropy and its useQuantum entropy and its useIntense resonant interactions in quantum electronicsLocal quantum physics : fields, particles, algebrasQuantum mechanicsLocal quantum physics : fields, particles, algebrasQuantum groups and their representationsRenormalization : an introductionMany-body problems and quantum field theory : an introductionPrinciples of advanced mathematical physicsRelativistic quantum mechanicsQuantum : the quantum theory of particles, fields, and cosmologyHigh-energy particle diffractionMaster equations and fokker-planck equationsMaster equations and fokker-planck equationsThe statistical mechanics of financial marketsThe geometric phase in quantum systems : foundations, mathematical concepts, and applications in molecular and condensed matter physicsStatistical mechanics : a short treatiseIntroduction to gauge field theoriesRelativistic quantum mechanics and introduction to field theoryInformation theory and quantum physics : physical foundations for understanding the conscious processThe inverse problem in Newtonian mechanicsQuantum electrodynamics of strong fields : with an inroduction into modern relativistic quantum mechanicsFinite quantum electrodynamicsQuantum entropy and its useC[*]- and W[*]-algebras symmetry groups decomposition of statesThe Dirac equationQuantum chromodynamics : an introduction to the theory of quarks and gluonsQuantum relativity : a synthesis of the ideas of Einstein and HeisenbergGeometric optics on phase spaceRenormalization : an introductionQuantum field theory in strongly correlated electronic systemsEquilibrium states models in quantum statistical mechanicsThe mechanics and thermodynamics of continuous mediaThe early universe : facts and fictionPhysics of neutrinos : and application to astrophysicsThe Atomic Nucleus as a Relativistic SystemThe atomic nucleus as a relativistic systemC[*]- and W[*]-algebras symmetry groups decomposition of statesConformal invariance and critical phenomenaQuantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory, black holes and stringsQuantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory, black holes and stringsOscillations and waves in strong gravitational and electromagnetic fieldsMaster equations and fokker-planck equationsSchrödinger operators : with application to quantum mechanics and global geometryPath integral approach to quantum physics : an introductionSupersymmetric methods in quantum and statistical physicsPerturbative quantum electrodynamics and axiomatic field theoryThe geometric phase in quantum systems : foundations, mathematical concepts, and applications in molecular and condensed matter physicsInverse problems in quantum scattering theoryVariational methods in mathematical physics : a unified approachQuantum mechanics : foundations and applicationsInverse Schrödinger scattering in three dimensionsLocal quantum physics : fields, particles, algebrasFrom electrostatics to optics : a concise electrodynamics courseThe early universe : facts and fictionNuclear reactions with heavy ionsThe Dirac equationMagnetic monopolesQuantum mechanicsRelativistic quantum mechanicsRandom walks, critical phenomena, and triviality in quantum field theoryThe theory of quark and gluon interactionsEssential relativity : special, general, and cosmologicalQuantum Mechanics : Foundations and ApplicationsThe statistical mechanics of financial marketsSolvable models in quantum mechanicsExact, series and renormalization group methodsQuantum mechanics : foundations and applicationsStatistical mechanics : a short treatiseGeometry of the standard model of elementary particlesLarge scale dynamics of interacting particlesPath integral approach to quantum physics : an introductionCoherent dynamics of complex quantum systemsElementary particle physics : concepts and phenomenaThe nuclear many-body problemThe nuclear many-body problemThe early universe : facts and fictionThe statistical mechanics of financial marketsMagnetic monopolesHigh-energy particle diffractionThe Frenkel-Kontorova model : concepts, methods, and applicationsThe quantum mechanical few-body problemInverse problems in quantum scattering theoryInverse Schrödinger scattering in three dimensions