
Physics and astronomy online library


Physics and astronomy online library



Computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics : an introduction外部サイトSelf-organizing maps外部サイトStatistical physics of fluids : basic concepts and applications外部サイトHamiltonian field theory in the radiating regime外部サイトAnomalous X-ray scattering for materials characterization : atomic-scale structure determination外部サイトChemistry of nanomolecular systems : towards the realization of molecular devices外部サイトSupersymmetry : structure and phenomena : extensions of the standard model外部サイトThe hybrid multiscale simulation technology : an introduciton with application to astrophysical and laboratory plasmas外部サイトDark matter in astro- and particle physics : proceedings of the [third] International Conference DARK 2000, Heidelberg, Germany, 10-14 July 2000外部サイトBayesian inference : parameter estimation and decisions外部サイトAn advanced course in modern nuclear physics外部サイトFoundations of fluid dynamics外部サイトPath integral quantization and stochastic quantization外部サイトTransmission Electron Microscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures : An Analysis of Composition and Strain State外部サイトHigher-order numerical methods for transient wave equations外部サイトQuantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements外部サイトAnderson localization and its ramifications : disorder, phase coherence and electron correlations外部サイトPhotocatalysis : science and technology外部サイトThermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments外部サイトConventional and high-Tc superconductors外部サイトNovel devices and atom manipulation外部サイトPolymer crystallization : observations, concepts and interpretations外部サイトModern astrometry外部サイトAstrotomography : indirect imaging methods in observational astronomy外部サイトBridging time scales : molecular simulations for the next decade外部サイトDynamics and thermodynamics of systems with long-range interactions外部サイトHigh-resolution X-ray scattering : from thin films to lateral nanostructures外部サイトFerrofluids : Magnetically controllable fluids and their applications外部サイトCoherent optics : fundamentals and applications外部サイトQuantum [un]speakables : from Bell to quantum information外部サイトRubber and rubber balloons : paradigms of thermodynamics外部サイトQuantum (un)speakables : from Bell to quantum information外部サイトNano-Optoelectronics : concepts, physics and devices外部サイトPhysics and astrophysics of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays外部サイトDark matter in astro- and particle physics : proceedings of the international conference, DARK 2002, Cape Town, South Africa, 4-9 February 2002外部サイトQuantum chromodynamics外部サイトEmulsion science : basic principles : an overview外部サイトThe glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials外部サイトPhysics of neutron star interiors外部サイトAstromineralogy外部サイトComputer simulation studies in condensed-matter physics XV : proceedings of the fifteenth workshop, Athens, GA, USA, March 11-15, 2002外部サイトExtended irreversible thermodynamics外部サイトNanoelectrodynamics : electrons and electromagnetic fields in nanometer-scale structure外部サイトSurface science : an introduction外部サイトNoncommutative geometry and the standard model of elementary particle physics外部サイトInfrared spectroscopy of molecular clusters : an introduction to intermolecular forces外部サイトNeutron spin echo spectroscopy : basics, trends and applications外部サイトSilicon carbide : recent major advances外部サイトSemiconductor spintronics and quantum computation外部サイトMagnetoviscous effects in ferrofluids外部サイトQuantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements外部サイトThe conformal structure of space-time : geometry, analysis, numerics外部サイトNumerical treatment of multiphase flows in porous media : proceedings of the international workshop, held at Beijing, China, 2-6 August 1999外部サイトEnergy conversion and particle acceleration in the solar corona外部サイトOrganic electronic materials : conjugated polymers and low molecular weight organic solids外部サイトGravitational lensing : an astrophysical tool外部サイトSemiconductor spintronics and quantum computation外部サイトComputational fluid dynamics 2002 : proceedings of the second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Sydony, Australia, 15-19 July 2002外部サイトPhotocatalysis : science and technology外部サイトElectron-beam interactions with solids : application of the Monte Carlo method to electron scattering problems外部サイトMeasurement and control of charged particle beams外部サイトQuantized vortex dynamics and superfluid turbulence外部サイトTheory and applications of nonviscous fluid flows外部サイトRelativistic quantum measurement and decoherence : lectures of a workshop held at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, April 9-10, 1999外部サイトMagnetism in the solid state : an introduction外部サイトExploring the atmosphere by remote sensing techniques外部サイトLectures on quark matter外部サイトLarge eddy simulation for incompressible flows : an introduction外部サイトOptical solitons in fibers外部サイトComputer simulation studies in condensed-matter physics XIV : proceedings of the fourteenth workshop, Athens, GA, USA, February 19-24, 2001外部サイトIntegrability of nonlinear systems外部サイトGyros, clocks, interferometers-- : testing relativistic gravity in space外部サイトLectures on solar physics外部サイトStatistical physics and economics : concepts, tools, and applications外部サイトPositron annihilation in semiconductors : defect studies外部サイトQuantum mathematical physics : atoms, molecules and large systems外部サイトLaser-tissue interactions : fundamentals and applications外部サイトUnderstanding calcium dynamics : experiments and theory外部サイトSources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe : fourth international symposium held at Marina del Rey, CA, USA, February 23-25, 2000外部サイトNonlinear dynamics of the lithosphere and earthquake prediction外部サイトA primer in density functional theory外部サイトSelective spectroscopy of single molecules外部サイトBasics and theory of near-field optics外部サイトExtended density functionals in nuclear structure physics外部サイトDirections in quantum optics : a collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Dan Walls, including papers presented at the TAMU-ONR workshop held at Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 26-30 July 1999外部サイトThin-film solar cells : next generation photovoltaics and its applications外部サイトThe hydrogen atom : precision physics of simple atomic systems外部サイトCoverings of discrete quasiperiodic sets : theory and applications to quasicrystals外部サイトQuantum phenomena in clusters and nanostructures外部サイトMolecules in interaction with surfaces and interfaces外部サイトCosmological crossroads : an advanced course in mathematical, physical and string cosmology外部サイトContinuous and discontinuous modelling of cohesive-frictional materials外部サイトSynergetic phenomena in active lattices : patterns, waves, solitons, chaos外部サイトA solutions manual外部サイトThe logic of thermostatistical physics外部サイトChance in physics : foundations and perspectives外部サイトThe physics of phase transitions : concepts and applications外部サイトIonospheric tomography外部サイトOptical Characterization of Solids外部サイトQuantum theory and its stochastic limit外部サイトSuperconductor/semiconductor junctions外部サイトNear-field optics and surface plasmon polaritons外部サイトFerrofluids : Magnetically controllable fluids and their applications外部サイトElectronic structure and magnetism of complex materials外部サイトMethods of quantization : lectures held at the 39. Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria外部サイトOrganometallic conjugation : structures, reactions and functions of d-d and d-π conjugated systems外部サイトQuantum electrodynamics外部サイトMany-body problems and quantum field theory : an introduction外部サイトFundamentals of computational fluid dynamics外部サイトSpace plasma simulation外部サイトNanoscale phase separation and colossal magnetoresistance : the physics of manganites and related compounds外部サイトElectronic structure and magnetism of complex materials外部サイトAstronomical image and data analysis外部サイトSingle molecule spectroscopy : nobel conference lectures外部サイトThe sun's surface and subsurface : investigating shape and irradiance外部サイトQuantal density functional theory外部サイトFoundations of nanomechanics : from solid-state theory to device applications外部サイトHandbook of advanced plasma processing techniques外部サイトHigh magnetic fields : applications in condensed matter physics and spectroscopy外部サイトPhotoelectric properties and applications of low-mobility semiconductors外部サイトLaser spectroscopy : basic concepts and instrumentation外部サイトWave physics : oscillations, solitons, chaos外部サイトRelativistic quantum mechanics外部サイトSolid-state lasers : a graduate text外部サイトComputational fluid dynamics 2000 : proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10-14 July 2000外部サイトAdaptivity and learning : an interdisciplinary debate外部サイト:Quantitative study of bifurcations外部サイトTheoretical surface science : a microscopic perspective外部サイトImaging of complex media with acoustic and seismic waves外部サイトSymbol and physical knowledge : on the conceptual structure of physics外部サイトHigh-energy particle diffraction外部サイトOptical nanotechnologies : the manipulation of surface and local plasmons外部サイトUnderstanding viscoelasticity : basics of rheology外部サイトNoncontact atomic force microscopy外部サイトSuperconductivity in nanostructures, high-T[c] and novel superconductors, organic superconductors外部サイトPrecision physics of simple atomic systems外部サイトThe statistical mechanics of financial markets外部サイトThe geometric phase in quantum systems : foundations, mathematical concepts, and applications in molecular and condensed matter physics外部サイトSingularities in gravitational systems : applications to chaotic transport in the solar system外部サイトOptical properties of nanostructured random media外部サイトLipid bilayers : structure and interactions外部サイトWalter Kohn : personal stories and anecdotes told by friends and collaborators外部サイトSolid-state mid-infrared laser sources外部サイトStatistical physics and spatial statistics : the art of analyzing and modeling spatial structures and pattern formation外部サイトBand-ferromagnetism : ground-state and finite-temperature phenomena外部サイトInfrared holography for optical communications : techniques, materials, and devices外部サイトAdvances in solid state physics外部サイトStatistical structure of quantum theory外部サイトC[*]- and W[*]-algebras symmetry groups decomposition of states外部サイトHigh-resolution X-ray scattering : from thin films to lateral nanostructures外部サイトRaman amplifiers for telecommunications : sub-systems and systems外部サイトPhysics of Star Formation in Galaxies外部サイトNovel methods in soft matter simulations外部サイトSurface analysis methods in materials science外部サイトInterferometry in speckle light : theory and applications : proceedings of the international conference, 25-28 September 2000, Lausanne, Switzerland外部サイトCoherent structures in complex systems : selected papers of the XVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics held at Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 5-9 June 2000 : preliminary version外部サイトNanostructured magnetic materials and their applications外部サイトLaser-strophometry : high-resolution techniques for velocity gradient measurements in fluid flows外部サイトCoherent evolution in noisy environments外部サイトQuantum mechanics : an introduction外部サイトWafer bonding : applications and technology外部サイトSolid surfaces, interfaces and thin films外部サイトPhysics of neutrinos : and application to astrophysics外部サイトUltrafast dynamical processes in semiconductors外部サイトDisordered materials : an introduction外部サイトQuantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements外部サイトRuthenate and rutheno-cuprate materials : unconventional superconductivity, magnetism and quantum phase transitions外部サイトThe quantum Hall effect外部サイトInterfacial fluid dynamics and transport processes外部サイトIrreversible quantum dynamics外部サイトElectronic defect states in alkali halides : effects of interaction with molecular ions外部サイトInteracting Electrons in Nanostructures外部サイトDeep inelastic positron-proton scattering in the high-momentum-transfer regime of HERA外部サイトNear-field optics and surface plasmon polaritons外部サイトGranular gas dynamics外部サイトThermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments外部サイトFrom the sun to the great attractor : 1999 Guanajuato lectures on astrophysics外部サイトHigh-Tc superconductors for magnet and energy technology : fundamental aspects外部サイトDual superconductor models of color confinement外部サイトPhotoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications外部サイトThe conformal structure of space-time : geometry, analysis, numerics外部サイトUltracool dwarfs : new spectral types L and T外部サイトThe Kolmogorov legacy in physics外部サイトFundamentals of applied dynamics外部サイトStellar candles for the extragalactic distance scale外部サイトAlternative logics : do sciences need them?外部サイトNon-smooth thermomechanics外部サイトFrequency measurement and control : advanced techniques and future trends外部サイトFluid mechanics and the environment : dynamical approaches : a collection of research papers written in commemoration of the 60th birthday of Sidney Leibovich外部サイトQuantum mathematical physics : atoms, molecules and large systems外部サイトThree-dimensional television, video, and display technologies外部サイトStatistical structure of quantum theory外部サイトNonclassical thermoelastic problems in nonlinear dynamics of shells : applications of the Bubnov-Galerkin and finite difference numerical methods外部サイトSpin dynamics in confined magnetic structures外部サイトQuantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory, black holes and strings外部サイトQuantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory, black holes and strings外部サイトNonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications外部サイトNanoscale spectroscopy and its applications to semiconductor research外部サイトSupernovae and gamma-ray bursters外部サイトNew directions in statistical physics : econophysics, bioinformatics, and pattern recognition外部サイトOrder and chaos in dynamical astronomy外部サイトSemiconducting silicides外部サイトDecoherence and entropy in complex systems : selected lectures from DICE 2002外部サイトSynchrotron radiation外部サイトGiant magneto-resistance devices外部サイトMagnetism and synchrotron radiation外部サイトAlkali halides : a handbook of physical properties外部サイトDynamics of dissipation外部サイトLectures on quark matter外部サイトQuantum gravity : from theory to experimental search外部サイトQuantum mechanics外部サイトClassical many-body problems amenable to exact treatments : (solvable and/or integrable and/or linearizable ...) in one-, two- and three-dimensional space外部サイトQuantum transport in submicron devices : a theoretical introduction外部サイトImpacts in mechanical systems : analysis and modelling外部サイトVortex structure and dynamics : lectures of a workshop held in Rouen, France, April 27-28, 1999外部サイトQuantum mechanics : from basic principles to numerical methods and applications外部サイトLaser Physics at the Limits外部サイトDisorder and order in strongly nonstoichiometric compounds : transition metal carbids, nitrides and oxides外部サイトA computational differential geometry approach to grid generation外部サイトNonequilibrium nondissipative thermodynamics : with application to low-pressure diamonnd synthesis外部サイトThe mathematical aspects of quantum maps外部サイトSemiconductor quantum dots : physics, spectroscopy and applications外部サイトTurbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics外部サイトStatistical mechanics of complex networks外部サイトVortices in unconventional superconductors and superfluids外部サイトBiological evolution and statistical physics外部サイトDual superconductor models of color confinement外部サイトApplied asymptotic expansions in momenta and masses外部サイトUltrafast phenomena XIII : proceedings of the 13th international conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 12-17, 2002外部サイトFrom cells to societies : models of complex coherent action外部サイトCapillary surfaces : shape - stability - dynamics, in particular under weightlessness外部サイトThe diffuse interface approach in materials science : thermodynamic concepts and applications of phase-field models外部サイトTransverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators外部サイトStatistical mechanics外部サイトThe blue laser diode : the complete story外部サイトTransmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials外部サイトThermodynamics of fluids under flow外部サイトSymbol and physical knowledge : on the conceptual structure of physics外部サイトSensing with terahertz radiation外部サイトTime in quantum mechanics外部サイトProcesses with long-range correlations : theory and applications外部サイトDirect and inverse methods in nonlinear evolution equations : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 5-12, 1999外部サイトCP violation in particle, nuclear and astrophysics外部サイトFundamentals of quantum information : quantum computation, communication, decoherence and all that外部サイトThermal nonequilibrium phenomena in fluid mixtures外部サイトNonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic systems : tutorial and modern developments外部サイトSound-flow interactions外部サイトTheory and applications of viscous fluid flows外部サイトGalaxies and chaos外部サイトSolid-state physics : an introduction to principles of materials science外部サイトRubber and rubber balloons : paradigms of thermodynamics外部サイトAstrobiology : The Quest for the Conditions of Life外部サイトQuantum information : an introduction to basic theoretical concepts and experiments外部サイトPhysical chemistry of polymer rheology外部サイトSilicon photonics外部サイトContinuum mechanics and theory of materials外部サイトCurrent trends in relativistic astrophysics : theoretical, numerical, observational外部サイトSolid-liquid interfaces : macroscopic phenomena-microscopic understanding外部サイトCarbon nanotubes : synthesis, structure, properties, and applications外部サイトContinuum methods of physical modeling : continuum mechanics, dimensional analysis, turbulence外部サイトNano-optics外部サイトFundamentals of semiconductors : physics and materials properties外部サイトQuantal density functional theory外部サイトRaman scattering in materials science外部サイトLarge eddy simulation for incompressible flows : an introduction外部サイトCurrent aspects of neutrino physics外部サイトComputational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics : an introduction外部サイトShock focussing effect in medical science and sonoluminescence外部サイトParticle scattering, X-ray diffraction, and microstructure of solids and liquids外部サイトPhysics of rotating fluids : selected topics of the 11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop, held at Bremen, Germany, 20-23 July 1999外部サイトElectrodynamics of magnetoactive media外部サイトGauge theory of weak interactions外部サイトRelativistic flows in astrophysics外部サイトGranular gases外部サイトHigh-energy particle diffraction外部サイトScanning probe microscopy : the lab on a tip外部サイトSpin electronics外部サイトOptical solitons : theoretical and experimental challenges外部サイトCoherent optics : fundamentals and applications外部サイトThe glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials外部サイトThe quantum Hall effect外部サイト



  • Computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics : an introduction

  • Self-organizing maps

  • Statistical physics of fluids : basic concepts and applications

  • Hamiltonian field theory in the radiating regime

  • Anomalous X-ray scattering for materials characterization : atomic-scale structure determination





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



Computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics : an introduction
Self-organizing maps
Statistical physics of fluids : basic concepts and applications
Hamiltonian field theory in the radiating regime
Anomalous X-ray scattering for materials characterization : atomic-scale structure determination
Chemistry of nanomolecular systems : towards the realization of molecular devices
Supersymmetry : structure and phenomena : extensions of the standard model
The hybrid multiscale simulation technology : an introduciton with application to astrophysical and laboratory plasmas
Dark matter in astro- and particle physics : proceedings of the [third] International Conference DARK 2000, Heidelberg, Germany, 10-14 July 2000
Bayesian inference : parameter estimation and decisions
An advanced course in modern nuclear physics
Foundations of fluid dynamics
Path integral quantization and stochastic quantization
Transmission Electron Microscopy of Semiconductor Nanostructures : An Analysis of Composition and Strain State
Higher-order numerical methods for transient wave equations
Quantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements
Anderson localization and its ramifications : disorder, phase coherence and electron correlations
Photocatalysis : science and technology
Thermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments
Conventional and high-Tc superconductors
Novel devices and atom manipulation
Polymer crystallization : observations, concepts and interpretations
Modern astrometry
Astrotomography : indirect imaging methods in observational astronomy
Bridging time scales : molecular simulations for the next decade
Dynamics and thermodynamics of systems with long-range interactions
High-resolution X-ray scattering : from thin films to lateral nanostructures
Ferrofluids : Magnetically controllable fluids and their applications
Coherent optics : fundamentals and applications
Quantum [un]speakables : from Bell to quantum information
Rubber and rubber balloons : paradigms of thermodynamics
Quantum (un)speakables : from Bell to quantum information
Nano-Optoelectronics : concepts, physics and devices
Physics and astrophysics of ultra-high-energy cosmic rays
Dark matter in astro- and particle physics : proceedings of the international conference, DARK 2002, Cape Town, South Africa, 4-9 February 2002
Quantum chromodynamics
Emulsion science : basic principles : an overview
The glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials
Physics of neutron star interiors
Computer simulation studies in condensed-matter physics XV : proceedings of the fifteenth workshop, Athens, GA, USA, March 11-15, 2002
Extended irreversible thermodynamics
Nanoelectrodynamics : electrons and electromagnetic fields in nanometer-scale structure
Surface science : an introduction
Noncommutative geometry and the standard model of elementary particle physics
Infrared spectroscopy of molecular clusters : an introduction to intermolecular forces
Neutron spin echo spectroscopy : basics, trends and applications
Silicon carbide : recent major advances
Semiconductor spintronics and quantum computation
Magnetoviscous effects in ferrofluids
Quantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements
The conformal structure of space-time : geometry, analysis, numerics
Numerical treatment of multiphase flows in porous media : proceedings of the international workshop, held at Beijing, China, 2-6 August 1999
Energy conversion and particle acceleration in the solar corona
Organic electronic materials : conjugated polymers and low molecular weight organic solids
Gravitational lensing : an astrophysical tool
Semiconductor spintronics and quantum computation
Computational fluid dynamics 2002 : proceedings of the second International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Sydony, Australia, 15-19 July 2002
Photocatalysis : science and technology
Electron-beam interactions with solids : application of the Monte Carlo method to electron scattering problems
Measurement and control of charged particle beams
Quantized vortex dynamics and superfluid turbulence
Theory and applications of nonviscous fluid flows
Relativistic quantum measurement and decoherence : lectures of a workshop held at the Istituto Italiano per gli Studi Filosofici, Naples, April 9-10, 1999
Magnetism in the solid state : an introduction
Exploring the atmosphere by remote sensing techniques
Lectures on quark matter
Large eddy simulation for incompressible flows : an introduction
Optical solitons in fibers
Computer simulation studies in condensed-matter physics XIV : proceedings of the fourteenth workshop, Athens, GA, USA, February 19-24, 2001
Integrability of nonlinear systems
Gyros, clocks, interferometers-- : testing relativistic gravity in space
Lectures on solar physics
Statistical physics and economics : concepts, tools, and applications
Positron annihilation in semiconductors : defect studies
Quantum mathematical physics : atoms, molecules and large systems
Laser-tissue interactions : fundamentals and applications
Understanding calcium dynamics : experiments and theory
Sources and detection of dark matter and dark energy in the universe : fourth international symposium held at Marina del Rey, CA, USA, February 23-25, 2000
Nonlinear dynamics of the lithosphere and earthquake prediction
A primer in density functional theory
Selective spectroscopy of single molecules
Basics and theory of near-field optics
Extended density functionals in nuclear structure physics
Directions in quantum optics : a collection of papers dedicated to the memory of Dan Walls, including papers presented at the TAMU-ONR workshop held at Jackson, Wyoming, USA, 26-30 July 1999
Thin-film solar cells : next generation photovoltaics and its applications
The hydrogen atom : precision physics of simple atomic systems
Coverings of discrete quasiperiodic sets : theory and applications to quasicrystals
Quantum phenomena in clusters and nanostructures
Molecules in interaction with surfaces and interfaces
Cosmological crossroads : an advanced course in mathematical, physical and string cosmology
Continuous and discontinuous modelling of cohesive-frictional materials
Synergetic phenomena in active lattices : patterns, waves, solitons, chaos
A solutions manual
The logic of thermostatistical physics
Chance in physics : foundations and perspectives
The physics of phase transitions : concepts and applications
Ionospheric tomography
Optical Characterization of Solids
Quantum theory and its stochastic limit
Superconductor/semiconductor junctions
Near-field optics and surface plasmon polaritons
Ferrofluids : Magnetically controllable fluids and their applications
Electronic structure and magnetism of complex materials
Methods of quantization : lectures held at the 39. Universitätswochen für Kern- und Teilchenphysik, Schladming, Austria
Organometallic conjugation : structures, reactions and functions of d-d and d-π conjugated systems
Quantum electrodynamics
Many-body problems and quantum field theory : an introduction
Fundamentals of computational fluid dynamics
Space plasma simulation
Nanoscale phase separation and colossal magnetoresistance : the physics of manganites and related compounds
Electronic structure and magnetism of complex materials
Astronomical image and data analysis
Single molecule spectroscopy : nobel conference lectures
The sun's surface and subsurface : investigating shape and irradiance
Quantal density functional theory
Foundations of nanomechanics : from solid-state theory to device applications
Handbook of advanced plasma processing techniques
High magnetic fields : applications in condensed matter physics and spectroscopy
Photoelectric properties and applications of low-mobility semiconductors
Laser spectroscopy : basic concepts and instrumentation
Wave physics : oscillations, solitons, chaos
Relativistic quantum mechanics
Solid-state lasers : a graduate text
Computational fluid dynamics 2000 : proceedings of the First International Conference on Computational Fluid Dynamics, ICCFD, Kyoto, Japan, 10-14 July 2000
Adaptivity and learning : an interdisciplinary debate
:Quantitative study of bifurcations
Theoretical surface science : a microscopic perspective
Imaging of complex media with acoustic and seismic waves
Symbol and physical knowledge : on the conceptual structure of physics
High-energy particle diffraction
Optical nanotechnologies : the manipulation of surface and local plasmons
Understanding viscoelasticity : basics of rheology
Noncontact atomic force microscopy
Superconductivity in nanostructures, high-T[c] and novel superconductors, organic superconductors
Precision physics of simple atomic systems
The statistical mechanics of financial markets
The geometric phase in quantum systems : foundations, mathematical concepts, and applications in molecular and condensed matter physics
Singularities in gravitational systems : applications to chaotic transport in the solar system
Optical properties of nanostructured random media
Lipid bilayers : structure and interactions
Walter Kohn : personal stories and anecdotes told by friends and collaborators
Solid-state mid-infrared laser sources
Statistical physics and spatial statistics : the art of analyzing and modeling spatial structures and pattern formation
Band-ferromagnetism : ground-state and finite-temperature phenomena
Infrared holography for optical communications : techniques, materials, and devices
Advances in solid state physics
Statistical structure of quantum theory
C[*]- and W[*]-algebras symmetry groups decomposition of states
High-resolution X-ray scattering : from thin films to lateral nanostructures
Raman amplifiers for telecommunications : sub-systems and systems
Physics of Star Formation in Galaxies
Novel methods in soft matter simulations
Surface analysis methods in materials science
Interferometry in speckle light : theory and applications : proceedings of the international conference, 25-28 September 2000, Lausanne, Switzerland
Coherent structures in complex systems : selected papers of the XVII Sitges Conference on Statistical Mechanics held at Sitges, Barcelona, Spain, 5-9 June 2000 : preliminary version
Nanostructured magnetic materials and their applications
Laser-strophometry : high-resolution techniques for velocity gradient measurements in fluid flows
Coherent evolution in noisy environments
Quantum mechanics : an introduction
Wafer bonding : applications and technology
Solid surfaces, interfaces and thin films
Physics of neutrinos : and application to astrophysics
Ultrafast dynamical processes in semiconductors
Disordered materials : an introduction
Quantum mechanics : symbolism of atomic measurements
Ruthenate and rutheno-cuprate materials : unconventional superconductivity, magnetism and quantum phase transitions
The quantum Hall effect
Interfacial fluid dynamics and transport processes
Irreversible quantum dynamics
Electronic defect states in alkali halides : effects of interaction with molecular ions
Interacting Electrons in Nanostructures
Deep inelastic positron-proton scattering in the high-momentum-transfer regime of HERA
Near-field optics and surface plasmon polaritons
Granular gas dynamics
Thermoelectrics : basic principles and new materials developments
From the sun to the great attractor : 1999 Guanajuato lectures on astrophysics
High-Tc superconductors for magnet and energy technology : fundamental aspects
Dual superconductor models of color confinement
Photoelectron spectroscopy : principles and applications
The conformal structure of space-time : geometry, analysis, numerics
Ultracool dwarfs : new spectral types L and T
The Kolmogorov legacy in physics
Fundamentals of applied dynamics
Stellar candles for the extragalactic distance scale
Alternative logics : do sciences need them?
Non-smooth thermomechanics
Frequency measurement and control : advanced techniques and future trends
Fluid mechanics and the environment : dynamical approaches : a collection of research papers written in commemoration of the 60th birthday of Sidney Leibovich
Quantum mathematical physics : atoms, molecules and large systems
Three-dimensional television, video, and display technologies
Statistical structure of quantum theory
Nonclassical thermoelastic problems in nonlinear dynamics of shells : applications of the Bubnov-Galerkin and finite difference numerical methods
Spin dynamics in confined magnetic structures
Quantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory, black holes and strings
Quantum non-linear sigma-models : from quantum field theory to supersymmetry, conformal field theory, black holes and strings
Nonextensive statistical mechanics and its applications
Nanoscale spectroscopy and its applications to semiconductor research
Supernovae and gamma-ray bursters
New directions in statistical physics : econophysics, bioinformatics, and pattern recognition
Order and chaos in dynamical astronomy
Semiconducting silicides
Decoherence and entropy in complex systems : selected lectures from DICE 2002
Synchrotron radiation
Giant magneto-resistance devices
Magnetism and synchrotron radiation
Alkali halides : a handbook of physical properties
Dynamics of dissipation
Lectures on quark matter
Quantum gravity : from theory to experimental search
Quantum mechanics
Classical many-body problems amenable to exact treatments : (solvable and/or integrable and/or linearizable ...) in one-, two- and three-dimensional space
Quantum transport in submicron devices : a theoretical introduction
Impacts in mechanical systems : analysis and modelling
Vortex structure and dynamics : lectures of a workshop held in Rouen, France, April 27-28, 1999
Quantum mechanics : from basic principles to numerical methods and applications
Laser Physics at the Limits
Disorder and order in strongly nonstoichiometric compounds : transition metal carbids, nitrides and oxides
A computational differential geometry approach to grid generation
Nonequilibrium nondissipative thermodynamics : with application to low-pressure diamonnd synthesis
The mathematical aspects of quantum maps
Semiconductor quantum dots : physics, spectroscopy and applications
Turbulence and magnetic fields in astrophysics
Statistical mechanics of complex networks
Vortices in unconventional superconductors and superfluids
Biological evolution and statistical physics
Dual superconductor models of color confinement
Applied asymptotic expansions in momenta and masses
Ultrafast phenomena XIII : proceedings of the 13th international conference, Vancouver, BC, Canada, May 12-17, 2002
From cells to societies : models of complex coherent action
Capillary surfaces : shape - stability - dynamics, in particular under weightlessness
The diffuse interface approach in materials science : thermodynamic concepts and applications of phase-field models
Transverse Patterns in Nonlinear Optical Resonators
Statistical mechanics
The blue laser diode : the complete story
Transmission electron microscopy and diffractometry of materials
Thermodynamics of fluids under flow
Symbol and physical knowledge : on the conceptual structure of physics
Sensing with terahertz radiation
Time in quantum mechanics
Processes with long-range correlations : theory and applications
Direct and inverse methods in nonlinear evolution equations : lectures given at the C.I.M.E. Summer School held in Cetraro, Italy, September 5-12, 1999
CP violation in particle, nuclear and astrophysics
Fundamentals of quantum information : quantum computation, communication, decoherence and all that
Thermal nonequilibrium phenomena in fluid mixtures
Nonlinear dynamics of chaotic and stochastic systems : tutorial and modern developments
Sound-flow interactions
Theory and applications of viscous fluid flows
Galaxies and chaos
Solid-state physics : an introduction to principles of materials science
Rubber and rubber balloons : paradigms of thermodynamics
Astrobiology : The Quest for the Conditions of Life
Quantum information : an introduction to basic theoretical concepts and experiments
Physical chemistry of polymer rheology
Silicon photonics
Continuum mechanics and theory of materials
Current trends in relativistic astrophysics : theoretical, numerical, observational
Solid-liquid interfaces : macroscopic phenomena-microscopic understanding
Carbon nanotubes : synthesis, structure, properties, and applications
Continuum methods of physical modeling : continuum mechanics, dimensional analysis, turbulence
Fundamentals of semiconductors : physics and materials properties
Quantal density functional theory
Raman scattering in materials science
Large eddy simulation for incompressible flows : an introduction
Current aspects of neutrino physics
Computational aerodynamics and fluid dynamics : an introduction
Shock focussing effect in medical science and sonoluminescence
Particle scattering, X-ray diffraction, and microstructure of solids and liquids
Physics of rotating fluids : selected topics of the 11th International Couette-Taylor Workshop, held at Bremen, Germany, 20-23 July 1999
Electrodynamics of magnetoactive media
Gauge theory of weak interactions
Relativistic flows in astrophysics
Granular gases
High-energy particle diffraction
Scanning probe microscopy : the lab on a tip
Spin electronics
Optical solitons : theoretical and experimental challenges
Coherent optics : fundamentals and applications
The glass transition : relaxation dynamics in liquids and disordered materials
The quantum Hall effect
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books