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- Impact of technological change on output, income, employment and factor shares in rice production in Southeastern NigeriaThe determinants of primary school enrolment in rural Edo and Delta states of NigeriaL'occupation de l'espace et de l'exploitation des ressources naturelles par les agriculteurs et les pasteurs au MaliRisque et adoption technologique dans un environnement marginal : cas des nouvelles technologies rizicoles dans la région de M'bengué (Côte d'Ivoire)An assessment of the contact farmer strategy for agricultural technology transfer in NigeriaEconomic analysis of soil conservation practices in southwestern NigeriaWomen and food security in rural BotswanaGender aspects of farm household time allocation in South Western NigeriaHousehold labor use and changes in gender roles on small farms in Ndhiwa Division, Western Kenya : the challenge of comparing the contributions of different workersInstitutional environment and rural change : an inquiry into the Agricultural Input Service (AIS) and the Primary Health Service (PHS) in the Mono Region (Benin)Effects des politiques agricoles sur la production d'ananas au sud-BéninAvantages comparatifs et facteurs liés à l'adoption des systémes de conservation du sol au sud-ouest du BéninSmall-plot farming among women in Sierra LeoneMacroeconomic policy and the effects on agricultural output in NigeriaCrop and livestock diversification for smallholder farmers in Malawi : constraints and opportunitiesGender and household dynamics in coping with food shortages in rural KenyaEnvironmental awareness of rural Nigerian women in Enugu state through appropriate agricultural extension programsCrop profitability and competitiveness under different farming technologies in Sudan : a case study of mechanized rainfed production in Gedaref areaChoice and productivity effects of animal traction technology in the semi-arid zone of Northern Nigeria
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
- 提供元機関・データベース
- CiNii Books
- https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA56829754 : BA56829754