
The Compass series


The Compass series

National Academy Press


Preserving strength while meeting challenges : summary report of a workshop on actions for the mathematical sciences外部サイトCapitalizing on new needs and new opportunities : government-industry partnerships in biotechnology and information technologies外部サイトLongitudinal surveys of children外部サイトThe power of video technology in international comparative research in education外部サイトBioinformatics : covering data to knowledge : a workshop summary外部サイトFourth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering外部サイトReconciling observations of global temperature change外部サイトMaximizing U.S. interests in science and technology relations with Japan : committee on Japan framework statement and report of the Competitiveness Task Force外部サイトMeasuring and sustaining the New Economy : report of a workshop外部サイトRisk factors for suicide : summary of a workshop外部サイトA climate services vision : first steps toward the future外部サイトDietary reference intakes : a risk assessment model for establishing upper intake levels for nutrients外部サイトProtecting nuclear weapons material in Russia外部サイトPrivacy issues in biomedical and clinical research : privacy issues in biomedical and clinical research proceedings of forum on November 1, 1997, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.外部サイトImproving teacher preparation and credentialing consistent with the National Science Education Standards : report of a symposium外部サイトThe meteorological buoy and Coastal Marine Automated Network for the United States外部サイトNew strategies for new challenges : corporate innovation in the United States and Japan : report of a joint task force of the National Research Council and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science外部サイトProviding national statistics on health and social welfare programs in an era of change : summmary of a workshop外部サイトInnovation and invention in medical devices : workshop summary外部サイトPreparing for the 2000 census : interim report II外部サイトThe Advanced Technology Program : assessing outcomes外部サイトDefining a decade : envisioning CSTB's second 10 years : proceedings of CSTB's 10th Anniversary Symposium, May 16, 1996, Washington, D.C.外部サイトCapacity of U.S. climate modeling to support climate change assessment activities外部サイトExploring the trans-Neptunian solar system外部サイトSize limits of very small microorganisms : proceedings of a workshop外部サイトWelfare, the family, and reproductive behavior : report of a meeting外部サイトVision 21 : fossil fuel options for the future外部サイトSupporting research and data analysis in NASA's science programs : engines for innovation and synthesis外部サイトExperiments in international benchmarking of US research fields外部サイトToxicologic assessment of the Army's zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion tests : answers to commonly asked questions外部サイトA scientific strategy for U.S. participation in the GOALS(Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land- System) : component of the CLIVAR(Climate Variability and Preditability) programme外部サイトChimpanzees in research : strategies for their ethical care, managment, and use外部サイトEnvironmental management systems and ISO 14001 : summary report外部サイトFuture directions for the National Science Foundation's Arctic Natural Sciences Program外部サイトDownstream : adaptive management of Glen Canyon Dam and the Colorado River ecosystem外部サイトImproving data on America's aging population : summary of a workshop外部サイトRisk assessment and management at Deseret Chemical Depot and the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility外部サイトSmall clinical trials : issues and challenges外部サイトAttracting science and mathematics Ph.D.s to secondary school education外部サイトIncorporating science, economics, and sociology in developing sanitary and phytosanitary standards in international trade : proceedings of a conference外部サイトDietary reference intakes : proposed definition and plan for review of dietary antioxidants and related compounds外部サイトObservations on the President's fiscal year 1999 federal science and technology budget外部サイトHuman dimensions of global environmental change : research pathways for the next decade外部サイトElectronic commerce for the procurement of construction and architect-engineer services : implementing the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act : conference summary外部サイトSafe on Mars : precursor measurements necessary to support human operations on the Martian surface外部サイトNOAA's Artic Research Initiative : proceedings of a workshop外部サイトLeveraging longitudinal data in developing countries : report of a workshop外部サイト






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Preserving strength while meeting challenges : summary report of a workshop on actions for the mathematical sciences
Capitalizing on new needs and new opportunities : government-industry partnerships in biotechnology and information technologies
Longitudinal surveys of children
The power of video technology in international comparative research in education
Bioinformatics : covering data to knowledge : a workshop summary
Fourth Annual Symposium on Frontiers of Engineering
Reconciling observations of global temperature change
Maximizing U.S. interests in science and technology relations with Japan : committee on Japan framework statement and report of the Competitiveness Task Force
Measuring and sustaining the New Economy : report of a workshop
Risk factors for suicide : summary of a workshop
A climate services vision : first steps toward the future
Dietary reference intakes : a risk assessment model for establishing upper intake levels for nutrients
Protecting nuclear weapons material in Russia
Privacy issues in biomedical and clinical research : privacy issues in biomedical and clinical research proceedings of forum on November 1, 1997, National Academy of Sciences, Washington, D.C.
Improving teacher preparation and credentialing consistent with the National Science Education Standards : report of a symposium
The meteorological buoy and Coastal Marine Automated Network for the United States
New strategies for new challenges : corporate innovation in the United States and Japan : report of a joint task force of the National Research Council and the Japan Society for the Promotion of Science
Providing national statistics on health and social welfare programs in an era of change : summmary of a workshop
Innovation and invention in medical devices : workshop summary
Preparing for the 2000 census : interim report II
The Advanced Technology Program : assessing outcomes
Defining a decade : envisioning CSTB's second 10 years : proceedings of CSTB's 10th Anniversary Symposium, May 16, 1996, Washington, D.C.
Capacity of U.S. climate modeling to support climate change assessment activities
Exploring the trans-Neptunian solar system
Size limits of very small microorganisms : proceedings of a workshop
Welfare, the family, and reproductive behavior : report of a meeting
Vision 21 : fossil fuel options for the future
Supporting research and data analysis in NASA's science programs : engines for innovation and synthesis
Experiments in international benchmarking of US research fields
Toxicologic assessment of the Army's zinc cadmium sulfide dispersion tests : answers to commonly asked questions
A scientific strategy for U.S. participation in the GOALS(Global Ocean-Atmosphere-Land- System) : component of the CLIVAR(Climate Variability and Preditability) programme
Chimpanzees in research : strategies for their ethical care, managment, and use
Environmental management systems and ISO 14001 : summary report
Future directions for the National Science Foundation's Arctic Natural Sciences Program
Downstream : adaptive management of Glen Canyon Dam and the Colorado River ecosystem
Improving data on America's aging population : summary of a workshop
Risk assessment and management at Deseret Chemical Depot and the Tooele Chemical Agent Disposal Facility
Small clinical trials : issues and challenges
Attracting science and mathematics Ph.D.s to secondary school education
Incorporating science, economics, and sociology in developing sanitary and phytosanitary standards in international trade : proceedings of a conference
Dietary reference intakes : proposed definition and plan for review of dietary antioxidants and related compounds
Observations on the President's fiscal year 1999 federal science and technology budget
Human dimensions of global environmental change : research pathways for the next decade
Electronic commerce for the procurement of construction and architect-engineer services : implementing the Federal Acquisition Streamlining Act : conference summary
Safe on Mars : precursor measurements necessary to support human operations on the Martian surface
NOAA's Artic Research Initiative : proceedings of a workshop
Leveraging longitudinal data in developing countries : report of a workshop
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA38005769 : BA38005769