
Publications of the League of Nations


Publications of the League of Nations

League of Nations
League of Nations


Natural silk industry外部サイトSecond International Conference on Hides and Skins and Bones, held at Geneva from June 29th to July 11th, 1928 : proceedings of the Conference外部サイトRapports sur les Progrés réalisés dans le domaine de l'Hygiène publique en vingt et un pays外部サイトReport on the work of the eleventh session of the Commisssion (Geneva, June 20th to July 6th, 1927.)外部サイトCerebro=spinal meningitis in Prussia in 1923 and 1924 : third(and final) report外部サイトMarks of origin外部サイトLes cartels et les trusts外部サイトDouble taxation and tax evasion : report外部サイトThe public health services in Norway外部サイトMemorandum on rationalisation in the United states外部サイトMinutes of the eleventh session held at Geneva from April 12th to 27th, 1928外部サイトCommercial treaties : tariff systems and contractual methods外部サイトCommittee of legal experts on bills of exchange and cheques : report to the Economic Committee外部サイトDocuments of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference entrusted with the preparation for the conference for the reduction and limitation of armaments外部サイトSeventh session held at Paris on Saturday, June 19th, and Sunday, June 20th, 1926外部サイトÉtude du choléra au Japon外部サイトLes cartels et les trusts et leur évolution外部サイトTraités de commerce, systèmes tarifaires et méthodes contractuelles : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation外部サイトIntergovernmental Conference of Far-Eastern Countries on Rural Hygiene : preparatory papers : report of China外部サイトReport of the Special Commission to the Council on the work of its first session, held at Geneva, March 14th to April 25th, 1927外部サイトReport of the Economic Consultative Committee on its second session, held in Geneva from May 6th to 11th, 1929外部サイトMemorandum on the legislation of different states for the prevention of dumping, with special reference to exchange dumping : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : documentation外部サイトCommittee on the Composition of the Council外部サイトReport to the Council of the League of Nations on the procedure to be followed in regard to the question of the procedure of international conferences and the procedure for the conclusion and drafting of treaties (questionnaire no. 5), adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March and April, 1927外部サイトMethods of economic rapprochement外部サイトReport on extradition, adopted by the Committee at its Second Session, held in January, 1926外部サイトArbitration and security : systematic survey of the arbitration conventions and treaties of mutual security deposited with the League of Nations外部サイトAbolition of import and export prohibitions and restriction : commentary and preliminary draft international agreement drawn up by the Economic Committee of the League of Nations to serve as a basis for an international diplomatic conference外部サイトAudited accounts for the ninth financial period (1927)外部サイトCommittee on the Composition of the Council外部サイトLegal aid for the poor外部サイトMemorandum on currency and central banks, 1913-1925外部サイトTwelfth session held at Geneva from April 30th to May 5th, 1928外部サイトOfficial declarations concerning the recommendations of the International Economic Conference, held at Geneva in May 1927外部サイトMemorandum on cotton外部サイトExport duties外部サイトTuberculosis statistics : summary of the report addressed by Dr. S. Rosenfeld (Vienna) to the Health Committee of the League of Nations, April 1925外部サイトReport on the economic work of the League of Nations外部サイトReplies of the Special Committee of Jurists appointed under the Council resolution of September 28th, 1923 : observations by the governments of the states members of the League外部サイトDouble taxation and fiscal evasion : collection of international agreements and internal legal provisions for the prevention of double taxation and fiscal evasion外部サイトQuestionnaire ... , adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927外部サイトReport of the Permanent Committee on Road Traffic regarding road signalling外部サイトReport on the economic work of the League of Nations外部サイトMinutes of the third session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference held at Geneva from March 21st to April 26th, 1927外部サイトPrincipal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the Conference)外部サイトThe artificial-silk industry外部サイトAudited accounts for the seventh financial period (1925)外部サイトClassification and summary of proposals for calendar reform received before July 1st, 1926外部サイトMemorandum on European bargaining tariffs外部サイトGreek stabilisation and refugee loan, protocol and annexes : approved by the Council of the League of Nations and signed on behalf of the Hellenic Government on September 15th, 1927, with the relevant reports of the Financial Committee and resolutions of the Council and of the Assembly外部サイトConference of Press Experts, Geneva, August 24th, 1927 : protection of press information外部サイトSixth session held from Monday, April 26th, to Saturday, May 1st, 1926外部サイトInternational Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the thirteenth session, held at Geneva from Wednesday, July 20th, to Saturday, July 25th, 1931外部サイトDraft convention on the treatment of foreigners外部サイトMemorandum on public finance外部サイトExtracts from the acts of the Third General Conference on Communications and Transit held at Geneva, August 23rd-September 2nd, 1927外部サイトReport on the work of the twelfth session of the Commisssion (Geneva, October 24th to November 11th, 1927.)外部サイトDeclarations officielles concernant les recommandations de la Conférence économique internationale, tenue à Genéve en mai, 1927外部サイトGeneral method of working of the Organisation外部サイトCartels and combines外部サイトPrincipal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Italy, Norway, Latvia, Portugal外部サイトDraft framework for a customs tariff nomenclature and draft allocation of goods to the various chapters of the framework with explanatory notes外部サイトInternational Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the tenth session, held at Geneva from Wednesday, July 25th, to Monday, July 30th, 1928外部サイトImmunities of state enterprises . Railway tariffs and tolls as an economic factor . Nation and flag discrimination with regard to communications and transit . Unfair commercial practices外部サイトSubject list of documents distributed to the Council and members of the League during外部サイトMinutes of the ninth session held at Geneva from June 8th to 25th, 1926, including the report of the commission to the Council外部サイトPublic health services in New Zealand外部サイトReport of Sub-Commission A : military, naval and air外部サイトFinal report of the Trade Barriers Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce外部サイトMinutes of the tenth session held at Geneva from November 4th to 19th, 1926, including the report of the commission to the Council外部サイトInternational Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the twelfth session, held at Geneva from Wednesday, July 23rd, to Tuesday, July 29th, 1930外部サイトOrdre du jour de la session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée : adopté par le Conseil le 12 février 1926 = Agenda of the special session of the Aseembly : as adopted by the Council on February 12th, 1926外部サイトMinutes of the fourteenth session held at Geneva from October 26th to November 13th, 1928, including the report of the commission to the Council and comments by various accredited representatives of the mandatory powers外部サイトReport of the special body of experts on traffic in women and children外部サイトDocumentation concerning the dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay外部サイトMinutes of the eighth session (extraordinary) held at Rome from February 16th to March 6th, 1926, including the report of the commission to the Council外部サイトRules dealing with the election of the nine non-permanent members of the Council = Règles d'élection des neuf membres non permanents du Conseil外部サイトMinutes of the thirteenth session held at Geneva from June 12th to June 29th, 1928, including the report of the commission to the Council外部サイトMechanical engineering外部サイトLes tendances monopolisatrices dans l'industrie et le commerce au cours de ces dernières années : caractères et causes de l'appauvrissement des nations : soumis au comite preparatoire de la Conférence économique internationale外部サイトReport on the work of the ninth session of the Commission (Geneva, June 8th-25th, 1926)外部サイトThe chemical industry外部サイトPreparatory committee for the international economic conference : report on the first session of the committee, held at Geneva from April 26th to May 1st, 1926外部サイトFinal report of the League of Nations International Commission on human trypanosomiasis外部サイトCustoms nomenclature and customs classification : possibility of unifying customs nomenclature外部サイトEleventh session held at Geneva from October 28th to November 3rd, 1927外部サイトCholela bilivaccine and anti-cholera vaccine, a comparative field test外部サイトAdvisory commission for the protection and welfare of children and young people : traffic in women and children committee : abstract of the reports from governments on the system of licensed houses as related to traffic in women and children外部サイトMinutes of the twelfth session held at Geneva from October 24th to November 11th, 1927, including the report of the commission to the Council外部サイトAperçu des moyens directs et indirects mis dans les divers pays a la disposition des acheteurs étrangers pour s'assurer de la qualité des marchandises dont ils deviennent acquéreurs dans ces pays外部サイトPassport Conference held at Geneva from May 12th to 18th, 1926 : final act of the Conference signed on Tuesday, May 18th, 1926外部サイトLegal status of government ships employed in commerce, report to the council of the League of Nations adopted by the Committee at its Second Session, held in January, 1926外部サイトInternational Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : documentation : memorandum on cotton外部サイトScheme for the settlement of Armenian refugees : general survey and principal documents外部サイトRecords and texts relating to the statute of the Organisation for Communications and Transit and the rules of procedure for General Conferences外部サイトReport to the Council on the work of the thirty-third session of the committee, held in Geneva from December 4th to 8th, 1928, and, resolutions adopted by the Council at its fifty-third session, December 1928外部サイトNinth session held at Geneva from Monday, February 14th, to Friday, February 18th, 1927外部サイトMinutes of the fourth session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference and of the first session of the committee on arbitration and security外部サイトRèglement intérieur de l'Assemblée, edition publiée en janivier 1929, contenant les amendements adoptés aux deuxième, troisième, quatrième et neuvième sessions ordinaires de l'Assemblée = Rules of procedure of the Assembly, edition published in January 1929, containing the amendments adopted at the second, third, fourth and ninth ordinary sessions of the Assembly外部サイトMemorandum on the iron and steel industry外部サイトCommittee on the composition of the Council : documents relating to the question外部サイトEstimates of the working population of certain countries in 1931 and 1941外部サイトImmunités des enterprise d'état ; Rôle économique des tarifs de chemins de fer et des péages ; Discrimination entre nationalités ou pavillons dans le domaine des communications et du transit ; Pratiques déloyales de commerce : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation外部サイトCollective study tour organised by the Health Committee of the League of Nations in the Baltic and North Sea ports from September 12th to October 13th, 1926 : general report外部サイトCommission de la variole et de la vaccination : rapport sur la session tenue a Genève, du 22 au 25 août 1928外部サイトSaar Basin外部サイトOrdre du jour de la septième session de l'Assemblée = Agenda of the seventh session of the Assembly外部サイトReport to the Council of the League of Nations on the procedure to be followed in regard to the question of the exploitation of the products of the sea (questionnaire no. 7), adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March and April, 1927外部サイトRapport sur la réunion d'experts en matière de syphilis et questions connexes : tenue à Genève, du 8 au 10 août 1928外部サイトPublic health services in the French colonies外部サイトShipbuilding外部サイトTrade statistics of sixty-three countries : including provisional summary figures for 1926外部サイトDouble taxation and fiscal evasion : collection of international agreements and internal legal provisions for the prevention of double taxation and fiscal evasion外部サイトStatistiques du commerce extérieur de soixante-quatre pays : y compris chiffres sommaires provisoires pour 1928 = Trade statistics of sixty-four countries : including provisional summary figures for 1928外部サイトDocuments of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference entrusted with the preparation for the conference for the reduction and limitation of armaments外部サイトMémoire sur la législation de divers états, concernant la protection contre le dumping, notamment le dumping des changes : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation外部サイトPrincipal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Czechoslovakia, India, Denmark, New Zealand外部サイトPermanent Mandates Commission, fourteenth session of the Commission, (Geneva, October 26th to November 13th, 1928)外部サイトMinutes of the third session of the committee on arbitration and security外部サイトEconomic committee : sub-committee of experts for the unification of customs tariff nomenclature : draft framework for a customs tariff nomenclature and draft allocation of goods to the various chapters of the framework with explanatory notes外部サイトThe food of Japan外部サイトAudited accounts for the eighth financial period (1926)外部サイトEssai d'une statistique comparative de la morbidité devant servir a établir les listes spéciales des causes de morbidité外部サイトIndex to the records of the Permanent Mandates Commission (sessions VI-X)外部サイトConference of Press Experts : Geneva, August 1927 : final report外部サイトReport to the seventh Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly外部サイトDouble taxation and tax evasion : report外部サイトReport on the first results of laboratory work on malaria in England外部サイトDraft convention on slavery : report by Sir Austin Chamberlain, adopted by the counsil, on June 9th, 1926外部サイトConvention pour la réglementation de la chasse à la baleine (Genève, le 24 septembre 1931) = Convention for the regulation of whaling (Geneva, September 24th, 1931)外部サイトReport on the work of the thirteenth session of the Commission (Geneva, June 12th to 29th, 1928.)外部サイトRecords and texts relating to the collection and exchange of general information on communications and transit外部サイトMémorandum sur l'organisation rationnelle aux États-Unis外部サイトReview of world trade and balances of payments外部サイトThe most-favoured-nation clause : report adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927外部サイトReport on the reform of the calendar : submitted to the Advisory and Technical Committee for Communications and Transit of the League of Nations by the Special Committee of Enquiry into the Reform of the Calendar外部サイトQuestionnaire ... , adopted by the Committee at its second session, held in March-April, 1926外部サイトLes cartels internationaux外部サイトPrinciples and methods of antimalarial measures in Europe : second general report of the Malaria Commission外部サイトTrade statistics of sixty-four countries外部サイトIndex to the minutes of the meetings of the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation外部サイトPresent conditions of work in the Secretariat : extract from the minutes of the forty-fifth session of the Council外部サイトOrdre du jour de la neuvième session ordinaire de l'Assemblée = Agenda of the ninth ordinary session of the Assembly外部サイトReport on the first session of the committee held at Geneva from April 26th to May 1st, 1926外部サイトPassport Conference held at Geneva from May 12th to 18th, 1926外部サイトCounterfeiting currency外部サイトLa législation sur les cartels et les trusts : documentation外部サイトRecognition of the legal personality of foreign commercial corporations : report to the Council of the League of Nations, adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March and April, 1927外部サイトLetter dated April 2nd, 1927, from the Chairman of the Committee to the Secretary-General, reporting on the work of the third session of the Committee, held in March-April, 1927, and communicating to the Secretary-General various questionnaires and a repot for transmission to governments外部サイトMemorandum on dumping外部サイトDouble taxation and fiscal evasion : general meeting of government experts, October 1928外部サイトRecords and texts relating to identity and travelling documents for persons without nationality or of doubtful nationality外部サイトProgressive codification of international law外部サイトPrincipal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Bulgaria, Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Estonia, Hungary外部サイトMemorandum on public finance : 1922-1926外部サイトCartels and trusts and their development外部サイトPermanent committee for ports and maritime navigation. Technical committee on maritime tonnage measurement ...外部サイトSystem of fixing export prices . Dependence of trade on control of foreign exchange . Methods of assessment for the application of ad valorem duties . Variations in tariffs in accordance with the origin of goods, the place whence they come, their destination, etc. . Consular charges外部サイトMemorandum on production and trade外部サイトMinutes of the eighth session held at Geneva from May 26th to June 8th, 1926外部サイトMemorandum on discriminatory tariff classifications外部サイトMémorandum sur le dumping外部サイトMémorandum sur l'industrie du fer et de l'acier外部サイトProgress of the science of nutrition in Japan外部サイトMinutes of the tenth (extraordinary) session held at Geneva from September 28th to October 8th, 1927外部サイトMemorandum on coal外部サイトReport to the eighth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly外部サイトMemorandum on currency and central banks, 1913-1925外部サイトActes de la Conférence économique internationale, tenue a Genève du 4 au 23 mai, 1927外部サイトTariff level indices外部サイトCriminal competence of states in respect of offences committed outside their territory, adopted by the Committee at its Second Session, held in January, 1926外部サイトReport to the ninth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly外部サイトSummary memorandum on various industries : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : documentation外部サイトMinutes of the ninth session held at Geneva from January 17th to February 3rd, 1927外部サイトRecruitment and training of skilled workers and technical staff in Great Britain and Germany外部サイトReport of the Trade Barriers Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 4th, 1927 : documentation外部サイトNationality of commercial corporations and their diplomatic protection : report to the Council of the League of Nations, adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927外部サイトReport of the second International Conference on Sleeping-Sickness, held in Paris, November 5th to 7th, 1928外部サイトRapport sur le voyage d'études de la Commission du paludisme en Espagne, 13 août-7 septembre 1925外部サイトIdentity documents for persons without nationality外部サイトGuide to the documents of the conference : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927外部サイトArbitration and security : systematic survey of the arbitration conventions and treaties of mutual security deposited with the League of Nations外部サイトMeeting of government representatives to consider the question of the export of hides, skins and bones : held at Geneva from March 14th to 16th 1928外部サイトRépertoire des organisations internationales : associations, bureaux, commissions, etc. = Handbook of international organisations : associations, bureaux, committees, etc外部サイトReport of the Economic Consultative Committee on its first session, held in Geneva from May 14th to 19th, 1928外部サイトGeneral report on procedure, adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927外部サイトRapport final de la Commission internationale de la Société des Nations pour l'étude de la Trypanosomiase humaine外部サイトTraffic in opium and other dangerous drugs外部サイトPublic health services in Australia外部サイトReport on the differences in the existing rules for tonnage measurement and in the application thereof and on the establishment of a uniform method of tonnage measurement外部サイトOrdre du jour de la huitième session ordinaire de l'Assemblée = Agenda of the eighth ordinary session of the Assembly外部サイトReport and proceedings of the World Economic Conference, held at Geneva, May 4th to 23rd, 1927外部サイトMinutes of the second session of the committee on arbitration and security and of the fifth session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference外部サイトMemoranda on cardiac drugs, thyroid preparations, ergot preparations, filix mas, suprarenal preparations, vitamins, pituitary, salvarsan, oil of chenopodium, insulin外部サイトInternational Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : agenda of the conference : report of the Preparatory Committee to the Council on its second and last session, held at Geneva from November 15th to 19th, 1926 and resolution adopted by the Council on December 9th, 1926外部サイトReview of legislation on cartels and trusts外部サイトIndex to the records of the First Opium Conference : November 3rd, 1924-February 11th, 1925外部サイトThe public health services of Bulgaria外部サイトPrincipal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Belgium, Greece, Brazil, Poland, Colombia, Union of South Africa外部サイトMixed committee for the suppression of counterfeiting currency : report and draft convention外部サイトAnnex to the supplementary report on the work of the Council and the Secretariat to the Seventh Assembly of the League外部サイトReport to the Council of the League of Nations on the questions which appear ripe for international regulation (questionnaires nos. 1 to 7.), adopted by the Committee at its Third Session, held in March-April, 1927外部サイトReports and resolutions on the subject of article 16 of the Covenant : memorandum and collection of reports, resolutions and references prepared in execution of the council's resolution of December 8th, 1926外部サイトNatural movement of populations during the first quarter of the twentieth century外部サイトMinutes of the fourteenth session held at Geneva from January 9th to February 7th, 1931外部サイトPopulation et ressources naturelles : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation外部サイトNote by the Committee of experts placed at the disposal of the Polish government by the League of Nations on the drainage of the marshes of Polesia外部サイトWorld Economic Conference : discussion and declarations on the report of the conference at the Council of the League of Nations on June 16th, 1927外部サイトInternational cartels外部サイトReport of the technical conference for the study of vaccination against tuberculosis by means of BCG : held at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, October 15th-18th, 1928外部サイトA treatise on pneumonic plague外部サイトReport on the work of the tenth session of the Commission (Geneva, November 4th to 19th, 1926)外部サイトBanking and currency reform in Estonia : protocol signed at Geneva on December 10th, 1926外部サイトConsidérations sur les rapports présumés entre le cancer et la race, d'après l'étude des statistiques anthropologiques et médicales de quelques pays d'Europe = Considerations regarding the possible relationship of cancer to race, based on a study of anthropological and medical statistics of certain European countries外部サイトReduction of Armaments, arbitration, security, disarmament and the work of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference : report and draft resolutions submitted by the third Committee to the Assembly外部サイトStability of customs tariffs外部サイトPotash industry外部サイトEighth session held at Geneva from Wednesday, October 13th, to Tuesday, October 19th, 1926外部サイトSettlement of Bulgarian refugees外部サイトReports by A.C. Marie, professor at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, P. Remlinger, director of the Pasteur Institute, Morocco (Tangier), H. Vallée, director of the Laboratoire National de Recherches, French Ministry of Agriculture : to the International Rabies Conference held at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, from April 25th to 29th, 1927 : organised by the Health Organisation of the League of Nations外部サイトEuropean Conference on the Measurement of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation : held in Paris, November 20th to 27th, 1925外部サイトReview of world trade and balances of payments外部サイトProtection des minorités de langue, de race et de religion par la Société des Nations : recueil des stipulations contenues dans les différents instruments internationaux actuellement en vigueur = Protection of linguistic, racial and religious minorities by the League of Nations : provisions contained in the various international instruments at present in force外部サイトThe cinema外部サイトThe biological standardisation of insulin : including reports on the preparation of the international standard and the definition of the unit外部サイトStudies of cholera in Japan外部サイトWirtschaftsorganisation : Bericht des beratenden Wirtschaftsausschusses über seine zweite Tagung vom 6. bis 11. Mai 1929 in Genf (Deutsche Übersetzung)外部サイトReports by the Committee of experts placed at the disposal of the Polish government by the League of Nations on the programme of development of navigable waterways in Poland, the utilisation of the maritime outlets and of the routes of access thereto for the coal traffic and on the drinking-water supply of Upper Silesia外部サイトInternational Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the eleventh session, held at Geneva from Monday, July 22nd, to Friday, July 26th, 1929外部サイトPopulation and natural resources外部サイトAnnex to the supplementary report on the work of the Council and the Secretariat to the ninth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League外部サイトRecent monopolistic tendencies in industry and trade : being an analysis of the nature and causes of the poverty of nations外部サイトInternational Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, October 17th to November 8th, 1927 : proceedings of the conference外部サイトSupplementary report to the eighth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly外部サイトHealth Organisation in Denmark : supplement to Doc. C.H./E.P.S./49外部サイトCommission of enquiry into the production of opium in Persia : report to the Council外部サイトRecords and texts relating to the general discussions of the Conference外部サイトDirect and indirect subsidies . Differential taxes on circulation, consumption or handling of foreign imported goods . Regulation of quantities of imports and exports admitted外部サイトThe World Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : final report外部サイトElectrical industry外部サイトGreek refugee settlement (translation)外部サイトGuide to the preparatory documents of the conference : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927外部サイトComment faire connaître la Société des Nations et développer l'esprit de coopération internationale : recommandations du sous-comité d'experts de la commission internationale de coopération intellectuelle de la Société des Nations外部サイトReport to the Council of the League of Nations on the work of the eighth (extraordinary) session of the Commission, held in Rome, February 16th-March 6th, 1926外部サイトMemorandum on rationalisation in the United States外部サイトMinutes of the Conference of States Signatories of the Protocol of Signature of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice held at Geneva from September 1st to 23rd, 1926外部サイトAgriculture and the international economic crisis外部サイトMemorandum on production and trade : documentation for the International Economic Conference外部サイトMémoires sur le titrage du sérum antidysentérique : travaux de l'Institut sérologique de Bucarest外部サイトRapport de la deuxième conférence internationale de la maladie du sommeil外部サイトNeuvième session [du] Comité d'Hygiène, tenue à Genève, du lundi 14 au vendredi 18 février 1927外部サイトThe aims and organisation of the League of Nations外部サイトBalance of payments and review of world trade外部サイトHuitième session [du] Comité d'Hygiène, tenue à Genève : du mercredi 13 au mardi 19 octobre 1926外部サイトLes services d'hygiene publique en Norvège外部サイトDouble taxation and tax evasion : report外部サイトSummary memorandum on various industries外部サイト



  • Natural silk industry

  • Second International Conference on Hides and Skins and Bones, held at Geneva from June 29th to July 11th, 1928 : proceedings of the Conference

  • Rapports sur les Progrés réalisés dans le domaine de l'Hygiène publique en vingt et un pays

  • Report on the work of the eleventh session of the Commisssion (Geneva, June 20th to July 6th, 1927.)

  • Cerebro=spinal meningitis in Prussia in 1923 and 1924 : third(and final) report





  • CiNii Research

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Publications de la Société des Nations
Natural silk industry
Second International Conference on Hides and Skins and Bones, held at Geneva from June 29th to July 11th, 1928 : proceedings of the Conference
Rapports sur les Progrés réalisés dans le domaine de l'Hygiène publique en vingt et un pays
Report on the work of the eleventh session of the Commisssion (Geneva, June 20th to July 6th, 1927.)
Cerebro=spinal meningitis in Prussia in 1923 and 1924 : third(and final) report
Marks of origin
Les cartels et les trusts
Double taxation and tax evasion : report
The public health services in Norway
Memorandum on rationalisation in the United states
Minutes of the eleventh session held at Geneva from April 12th to 27th, 1928
Commercial treaties : tariff systems and contractual methods
Committee of legal experts on bills of exchange and cheques : report to the Economic Committee
Documents of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference entrusted with the preparation for the conference for the reduction and limitation of armaments
Seventh session held at Paris on Saturday, June 19th, and Sunday, June 20th, 1926
Étude du choléra au Japon
Les cartels et les trusts et leur évolution
Traités de commerce, systèmes tarifaires et méthodes contractuelles : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation
Intergovernmental Conference of Far-Eastern Countries on Rural Hygiene : preparatory papers : report of China
Report of the Special Commission to the Council on the work of its first session, held at Geneva, March 14th to April 25th, 1927
Report of the Economic Consultative Committee on its second session, held in Geneva from May 6th to 11th, 1929
Memorandum on the legislation of different states for the prevention of dumping, with special reference to exchange dumping : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : documentation
Committee on the Composition of the Council
Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the procedure to be followed in regard to the question of the procedure of international conferences and the procedure for the conclusion and drafting of treaties (questionnaire no. 5), adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March and April, 1927
Methods of economic rapprochement
Report on extradition, adopted by the Committee at its Second Session, held in January, 1926
Arbitration and security : systematic survey of the arbitration conventions and treaties of mutual security deposited with the League of Nations
Abolition of import and export prohibitions and restriction : commentary and preliminary draft international agreement drawn up by the Economic Committee of the League of Nations to serve as a basis for an international diplomatic conference
Audited accounts for the ninth financial period (1927)
Committee on the Composition of the Council
Legal aid for the poor
Memorandum on currency and central banks, 1913-1925
Twelfth session held at Geneva from April 30th to May 5th, 1928
Official declarations concerning the recommendations of the International Economic Conference, held at Geneva in May 1927
Memorandum on cotton
Export duties
Tuberculosis statistics : summary of the report addressed by Dr. S. Rosenfeld (Vienna) to the Health Committee of the League of Nations, April 1925
Report on the economic work of the League of Nations
Replies of the Special Committee of Jurists appointed under the Council resolution of September 28th, 1923 : observations by the governments of the states members of the League
Double taxation and fiscal evasion : collection of international agreements and internal legal provisions for the prevention of double taxation and fiscal evasion
Questionnaire ... , adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927
Report of the Permanent Committee on Road Traffic regarding road signalling
Report on the economic work of the League of Nations
Minutes of the third session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference held at Geneva from March 21st to April 26th, 1927
Principal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the Conference)
The artificial-silk industry
Audited accounts for the seventh financial period (1925)
Classification and summary of proposals for calendar reform received before July 1st, 1926
Memorandum on European bargaining tariffs
Greek stabilisation and refugee loan, protocol and annexes : approved by the Council of the League of Nations and signed on behalf of the Hellenic Government on September 15th, 1927, with the relevant reports of the Financial Committee and resolutions of the Council and of the Assembly
Conference of Press Experts, Geneva, August 24th, 1927 : protection of press information
Sixth session held from Monday, April 26th, to Saturday, May 1st, 1926
International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the thirteenth session, held at Geneva from Wednesday, July 20th, to Saturday, July 25th, 1931
Draft convention on the treatment of foreigners
Memorandum on public finance
Extracts from the acts of the Third General Conference on Communications and Transit held at Geneva, August 23rd-September 2nd, 1927
Report on the work of the twelfth session of the Commisssion (Geneva, October 24th to November 11th, 1927.)
Declarations officielles concernant les recommandations de la Conférence économique internationale, tenue à Genéve en mai, 1927
General method of working of the Organisation
Cartels and combines
Principal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Italy, Norway, Latvia, Portugal
Draft framework for a customs tariff nomenclature and draft allocation of goods to the various chapters of the framework with explanatory notes
International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the tenth session, held at Geneva from Wednesday, July 25th, to Monday, July 30th, 1928
Immunities of state enterprises . Railway tariffs and tolls as an economic factor . Nation and flag discrimination with regard to communications and transit . Unfair commercial practices
Subject list of documents distributed to the Council and members of the League during
Minutes of the ninth session held at Geneva from June 8th to 25th, 1926, including the report of the commission to the Council
Public health services in New Zealand
Report of Sub-Commission A : military, naval and air
Final report of the Trade Barriers Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce
Minutes of the tenth session held at Geneva from November 4th to 19th, 1926, including the report of the commission to the Council
International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the twelfth session, held at Geneva from Wednesday, July 23rd, to Tuesday, July 29th, 1930
Ordre du jour de la session extraordinaire de l'Assemblée : adopté par le Conseil le 12 février 1926 = Agenda of the special session of the Aseembly : as adopted by the Council on February 12th, 1926
Minutes of the fourteenth session held at Geneva from October 26th to November 13th, 1928, including the report of the commission to the Council and comments by various accredited representatives of the mandatory powers
Report of the special body of experts on traffic in women and children
Documentation concerning the dispute between Bolivia and Paraguay
Minutes of the eighth session (extraordinary) held at Rome from February 16th to March 6th, 1926, including the report of the commission to the Council
Rules dealing with the election of the nine non-permanent members of the Council = Règles d'élection des neuf membres non permanents du Conseil
Minutes of the thirteenth session held at Geneva from June 12th to June 29th, 1928, including the report of the commission to the Council
Mechanical engineering
Les tendances monopolisatrices dans l'industrie et le commerce au cours de ces dernières années : caractères et causes de l'appauvrissement des nations : soumis au comite preparatoire de la Conférence économique internationale
Report on the work of the ninth session of the Commission (Geneva, June 8th-25th, 1926)
The chemical industry
Preparatory committee for the international economic conference : report on the first session of the committee, held at Geneva from April 26th to May 1st, 1926
Final report of the League of Nations International Commission on human trypanosomiasis
Customs nomenclature and customs classification : possibility of unifying customs nomenclature
Eleventh session held at Geneva from October 28th to November 3rd, 1927
Cholela bilivaccine and anti-cholera vaccine, a comparative field test
Advisory commission for the protection and welfare of children and young people : traffic in women and children committee : abstract of the reports from governments on the system of licensed houses as related to traffic in women and children
Minutes of the twelfth session held at Geneva from October 24th to November 11th, 1927, including the report of the commission to the Council
Aperçu des moyens directs et indirects mis dans les divers pays a la disposition des acheteurs étrangers pour s'assurer de la qualité des marchandises dont ils deviennent acquéreurs dans ces pays
Passport Conference held at Geneva from May 12th to 18th, 1926 : final act of the Conference signed on Tuesday, May 18th, 1926
Legal status of government ships employed in commerce, report to the council of the League of Nations adopted by the Committee at its Second Session, held in January, 1926
International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : documentation : memorandum on cotton
Scheme for the settlement of Armenian refugees : general survey and principal documents
Records and texts relating to the statute of the Organisation for Communications and Transit and the rules of procedure for General Conferences
Report to the Council on the work of the thirty-third session of the committee, held in Geneva from December 4th to 8th, 1928, and, resolutions adopted by the Council at its fifty-third session, December 1928
Ninth session held at Geneva from Monday, February 14th, to Friday, February 18th, 1927
Minutes of the fourth session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference and of the first session of the committee on arbitration and security
Règlement intérieur de l'Assemblée, edition publiée en janivier 1929, contenant les amendements adoptés aux deuxième, troisième, quatrième et neuvième sessions ordinaires de l'Assemblée = Rules of procedure of the Assembly, edition published in January 1929, containing the amendments adopted at the second, third, fourth and ninth ordinary sessions of the Assembly
Memorandum on the iron and steel industry
Committee on the composition of the Council : documents relating to the question
Estimates of the working population of certain countries in 1931 and 1941
Immunités des enterprise d'état ; Rôle économique des tarifs de chemins de fer et des péages ; Discrimination entre nationalités ou pavillons dans le domaine des communications et du transit ; Pratiques déloyales de commerce : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation
Collective study tour organised by the Health Committee of the League of Nations in the Baltic and North Sea ports from September 12th to October 13th, 1926 : general report
Commission de la variole et de la vaccination : rapport sur la session tenue a Genève, du 22 au 25 août 1928
Saar Basin
Ordre du jour de la septième session de l'Assemblée = Agenda of the seventh session of the Assembly
Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the procedure to be followed in regard to the question of the exploitation of the products of the sea (questionnaire no. 7), adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March and April, 1927
Rapport sur la réunion d'experts en matière de syphilis et questions connexes : tenue à Genève, du 8 au 10 août 1928
Public health services in the French colonies
Trade statistics of sixty-three countries : including provisional summary figures for 1926
Double taxation and fiscal evasion : collection of international agreements and internal legal provisions for the prevention of double taxation and fiscal evasion
Statistiques du commerce extérieur de soixante-quatre pays : y compris chiffres sommaires provisoires pour 1928 = Trade statistics of sixty-four countries : including provisional summary figures for 1928
Documents of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference entrusted with the preparation for the conference for the reduction and limitation of armaments
Mémoire sur la législation de divers états, concernant la protection contre le dumping, notamment le dumping des changes : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation
Principal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Czechoslovakia, India, Denmark, New Zealand
Permanent Mandates Commission, fourteenth session of the Commission, (Geneva, October 26th to November 13th, 1928)
Minutes of the third session of the committee on arbitration and security
Economic committee : sub-committee of experts for the unification of customs tariff nomenclature : draft framework for a customs tariff nomenclature and draft allocation of goods to the various chapters of the framework with explanatory notes
The food of Japan
Audited accounts for the eighth financial period (1926)
Essai d'une statistique comparative de la morbidité devant servir a établir les listes spéciales des causes de morbidité
Index to the records of the Permanent Mandates Commission (sessions VI-X)
Conference of Press Experts : Geneva, August 1927 : final report
Report to the seventh Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly
Double taxation and tax evasion : report
Report on the first results of laboratory work on malaria in England
Draft convention on slavery : report by Sir Austin Chamberlain, adopted by the counsil, on June 9th, 1926
Convention pour la réglementation de la chasse à la baleine (Genève, le 24 septembre 1931) = Convention for the regulation of whaling (Geneva, September 24th, 1931)
Report on the work of the thirteenth session of the Commission (Geneva, June 12th to 29th, 1928.)
Records and texts relating to the collection and exchange of general information on communications and transit
Mémorandum sur l'organisation rationnelle aux États-Unis
Review of world trade and balances of payments
The most-favoured-nation clause : report adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927
Report on the reform of the calendar : submitted to the Advisory and Technical Committee for Communications and Transit of the League of Nations by the Special Committee of Enquiry into the Reform of the Calendar
Questionnaire ... , adopted by the Committee at its second session, held in March-April, 1926
Les cartels internationaux
Principles and methods of antimalarial measures in Europe : second general report of the Malaria Commission
Trade statistics of sixty-four countries
Index to the minutes of the meetings of the International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation
Present conditions of work in the Secretariat : extract from the minutes of the forty-fifth session of the Council
Ordre du jour de la neuvième session ordinaire de l'Assemblée = Agenda of the ninth ordinary session of the Assembly
Report on the first session of the committee held at Geneva from April 26th to May 1st, 1926
Passport Conference held at Geneva from May 12th to 18th, 1926
Counterfeiting currency
La législation sur les cartels et les trusts : documentation
Recognition of the legal personality of foreign commercial corporations : report to the Council of the League of Nations, adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March and April, 1927
Letter dated April 2nd, 1927, from the Chairman of the Committee to the Secretary-General, reporting on the work of the third session of the Committee, held in March-April, 1927, and communicating to the Secretary-General various questionnaires and a repot for transmission to governments
Memorandum on dumping
Double taxation and fiscal evasion : general meeting of government experts, October 1928
Records and texts relating to identity and travelling documents for persons without nationality or of doubtful nationality
Progressive codification of international law
Principal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Bulgaria, Kingdom of the Serbs, Croats and Slovenes, Estonia, Hungary
Memorandum on public finance : 1922-1926
Cartels and trusts and their development
Permanent committee for ports and maritime navigation. Technical committee on maritime tonnage measurement ...
System of fixing export prices . Dependence of trade on control of foreign exchange . Methods of assessment for the application of ad valorem duties . Variations in tariffs in accordance with the origin of goods, the place whence they come, their destination, etc. . Consular charges
Memorandum on production and trade
Minutes of the eighth session held at Geneva from May 26th to June 8th, 1926
Memorandum on discriminatory tariff classifications
Mémorandum sur le dumping
Mémorandum sur l'industrie du fer et de l'acier
Progress of the science of nutrition in Japan
Minutes of the tenth (extraordinary) session held at Geneva from September 28th to October 8th, 1927
Memorandum on coal
Report to the eighth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly
Memorandum on currency and central banks, 1913-1925
Actes de la Conférence économique internationale, tenue a Genève du 4 au 23 mai, 1927
Tariff level indices
Criminal competence of states in respect of offences committed outside their territory, adopted by the Committee at its Second Session, held in January, 1926
Report to the ninth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly
Summary memorandum on various industries : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : documentation
Minutes of the ninth session held at Geneva from January 17th to February 3rd, 1927
Recruitment and training of skilled workers and technical staff in Great Britain and Germany
Report of the Trade Barriers Committee of the International Chamber of Commerce : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 4th, 1927 : documentation
Nationality of commercial corporations and their diplomatic protection : report to the Council of the League of Nations, adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927
Report of the second International Conference on Sleeping-Sickness, held in Paris, November 5th to 7th, 1928
Rapport sur le voyage d'études de la Commission du paludisme en Espagne, 13 août-7 septembre 1925
Identity documents for persons without nationality
Guide to the documents of the conference : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927
Arbitration and security : systematic survey of the arbitration conventions and treaties of mutual security deposited with the League of Nations
Meeting of government representatives to consider the question of the export of hides, skins and bones : held at Geneva from March 14th to 16th 1928
Répertoire des organisations internationales : associations, bureaux, commissions, etc. = Handbook of international organisations : associations, bureaux, committees, etc
Report of the Economic Consultative Committee on its first session, held in Geneva from May 14th to 19th, 1928
General report on procedure, adopted by the Committee at its third session, held in March-April, 1927
Rapport final de la Commission internationale de la Société des Nations pour l'étude de la Trypanosomiase humaine
Traffic in opium and other dangerous drugs
Public health services in Australia
Report on the differences in the existing rules for tonnage measurement and in the application thereof and on the establishment of a uniform method of tonnage measurement
Ordre du jour de la huitième session ordinaire de l'Assemblée = Agenda of the eighth ordinary session of the Assembly
Report and proceedings of the World Economic Conference, held at Geneva, May 4th to 23rd, 1927
Minutes of the second session of the committee on arbitration and security and of the fifth session of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference
Memoranda on cardiac drugs, thyroid preparations, ergot preparations, filix mas, suprarenal preparations, vitamins, pituitary, salvarsan, oil of chenopodium, insulin
International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : agenda of the conference : report of the Preparatory Committee to the Council on its second and last session, held at Geneva from November 15th to 19th, 1926 and resolution adopted by the Council on December 9th, 1926
Review of legislation on cartels and trusts
Index to the records of the First Opium Conference : November 3rd, 1924-February 11th, 1925
The public health services of Bulgaria
Principal features and problems of the world economic position from the point of view of the different countries (first part of the programme of the conference) : Belgium, Greece, Brazil, Poland, Colombia, Union of South Africa
Mixed committee for the suppression of counterfeiting currency : report and draft convention
Annex to the supplementary report on the work of the Council and the Secretariat to the Seventh Assembly of the League
Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the questions which appear ripe for international regulation (questionnaires nos. 1 to 7.), adopted by the Committee at its Third Session, held in March-April, 1927
Reports and resolutions on the subject of article 16 of the Covenant : memorandum and collection of reports, resolutions and references prepared in execution of the council's resolution of December 8th, 1926
Natural movement of populations during the first quarter of the twentieth century
Minutes of the fourteenth session held at Geneva from January 9th to February 7th, 1931
Population et ressources naturelles : Conférence économique internationale, Genéve, mai, 1927, documentation
Note by the Committee of experts placed at the disposal of the Polish government by the League of Nations on the drainage of the marshes of Polesia
World Economic Conference : discussion and declarations on the report of the conference at the Council of the League of Nations on June 16th, 1927
International cartels
Report of the technical conference for the study of vaccination against tuberculosis by means of BCG : held at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, October 15th-18th, 1928
A treatise on pneumonic plague
Report on the work of the tenth session of the Commission (Geneva, November 4th to 19th, 1926)
Banking and currency reform in Estonia : protocol signed at Geneva on December 10th, 1926
Considérations sur les rapports présumés entre le cancer et la race, d'après l'étude des statistiques anthropologiques et médicales de quelques pays d'Europe = Considerations regarding the possible relationship of cancer to race, based on a study of anthropological and medical statistics of certain European countries
Reduction of Armaments, arbitration, security, disarmament and the work of the Preparatory Commission for the Disarmament Conference : report and draft resolutions submitted by the third Committee to the Assembly
Stability of customs tariffs
Potash industry
Eighth session held at Geneva from Wednesday, October 13th, to Tuesday, October 19th, 1926
Settlement of Bulgarian refugees
Reports by A.C. Marie, professor at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, P. Remlinger, director of the Pasteur Institute, Morocco (Tangier), H. Vallée, director of the Laboratoire National de Recherches, French Ministry of Agriculture : to the International Rabies Conference held at the Pasteur Institute, Paris, from April 25th to 29th, 1927 : organised by the Health Organisation of the League of Nations
European Conference on the Measurement of Vessels Employed in Inland Navigation : held in Paris, November 20th to 27th, 1925
Review of world trade and balances of payments
Protection des minorités de langue, de race et de religion par la Société des Nations : recueil des stipulations contenues dans les différents instruments internationaux actuellement en vigueur = Protection of linguistic, racial and religious minorities by the League of Nations : provisions contained in the various international instruments at present in force
The cinema
The biological standardisation of insulin : including reports on the preparation of the international standard and the definition of the unit
Studies of cholera in Japan
Wirtschaftsorganisation : Bericht des beratenden Wirtschaftsausschusses über seine zweite Tagung vom 6. bis 11. Mai 1929 in Genf (Deutsche Übersetzung)
Reports by the Committee of experts placed at the disposal of the Polish government by the League of Nations on the programme of development of navigable waterways in Poland, the utilisation of the maritime outlets and of the routes of access thereto for the coal traffic and on the drinking-water supply of Upper Silesia
International Committee on Intellectual Co-operation, minutes of the eleventh session, held at Geneva from Monday, July 22nd, to Friday, July 26th, 1929
Population and natural resources
Annex to the supplementary report on the work of the Council and the Secretariat to the ninth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League
Recent monopolistic tendencies in industry and trade : being an analysis of the nature and causes of the poverty of nations
International Conference for the Abolition of Import and Export Prohibitions and Restrictions, Geneva, October 17th to November 8th, 1927 : proceedings of the conference
Supplementary report to the eighth ordinary session of the Assembly of the League on the work of the Council, on the work of the Secretariat and on the measures taken to execute the decisions of the Assembly
Health Organisation in Denmark : supplement to Doc. C.H./E.P.S./49
Commission of enquiry into the production of opium in Persia : report to the Council
Records and texts relating to the general discussions of the Conference
Direct and indirect subsidies . Differential taxes on circulation, consumption or handling of foreign imported goods . Regulation of quantities of imports and exports admitted
The World Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927 : final report
Electrical industry
Greek refugee settlement (translation)
Guide to the preparatory documents of the conference : International Economic Conference, Geneva, May 1927
Comment faire connaître la Société des Nations et développer l'esprit de coopération internationale : recommandations du sous-comité d'experts de la commission internationale de coopération intellectuelle de la Société des Nations
Report to the Council of the League of Nations on the work of the eighth (extraordinary) session of the Commission, held in Rome, February 16th-March 6th, 1926
Memorandum on rationalisation in the United States
Minutes of the Conference of States Signatories of the Protocol of Signature of the Statute of the Permanent Court of International Justice held at Geneva from September 1st to 23rd, 1926
Agriculture and the international economic crisis
Memorandum on production and trade : documentation for the International Economic Conference
Mémoires sur le titrage du sérum antidysentérique : travaux de l'Institut sérologique de Bucarest
Rapport de la deuxième conférence internationale de la maladie du sommeil
Neuvième session [du] Comité d'Hygiène, tenue à Genève, du lundi 14 au vendredi 18 février 1927
The aims and organisation of the League of Nations
Balance of payments and review of world trade
Huitième session [du] Comité d'Hygiène, tenue à Genève : du mercredi 13 au mardi 19 octobre 1926
Les services d'hygiene publique en Norvège
Double taxation and tax evasion : report
Summary memorandum on various industries
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