
Commentationes scientiarum socialium


Commentationes scientiarum socialium

Societas Scientiarum Fennica



Publisher varies: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters


Convergence? : aspects on the industrialisation of Denmark, Finland and Sweden 1870-1940外部サイトWestern definitions of war in the Gulf and in Bosnia : the rhetorical frameworks of the United States, British and French leaders in action外部サイトPolitical activity: structure, determinants and dynamics外部サイトTowards a bourgeois manhood : boys' physical education in Nordic secondary schools, 1880-1940外部サイトTel quel, la constitution sociale d'une avant-garde外部サイトSocialism, planning and optimality : a study in Soviet economic thought外部サイトIn the shadow of freedom : life on board the oil tanker外部サイトOn the generality of Keynesian economics外部サイトCognitive changes in epilepsy : a ten-year follow-up外部サイトHealth, longevity and life conditions in Okinawa外部サイトA frame of reference for selecting social indicators外部サイトMetropolitan and regional social ecology of Helsinki外部サイトIdeology, political action and the Finnish working class : a survey study of political behavior外部サイトWelfare theory and social policy : A study in policy science外部サイトDistribution of benefits in bargaining between a superpower and a developing country : a study of negotiation processes between the United States and Indonesia外部サイトThe regulation of nationality in international law外部サイトThe emergence of democracy : a comparative study of 119 states, 1850-1979外部サイトWork orientations in Finland : a conceptual critique and empirical study of work-related expectations外部サイトstrategies of public sector reform in the OECD countries : a comparison外部サイトThe rejection in Russia of totalitarian socialism and liberal democracy : a study of the Russian new right外部サイトPolitik als Handlungsbegriff : Horizontwandel des Politikbegriffs in Deutschland 1890-1933外部サイトPolitical and administrative responses to Sami self-determination : a comparative study of public administrations in Fennoscandia on the issue of Sami land title as an aboriginal right外部サイトGroup maze : experiments and simulations in problem-solving by groups外部サイトImplications of the ethnic revival in modern, industrialized society : a comparative study of the linguistic minorities in western Europe外部サイトThe rate of return, risk, and the financial behaviour of the Japanese industrial firms外部サイトParliament, government and multi-dimensional party relations in Finland外部サイトParameter variability in the single factor market model : an empirical comparison of tests and estimation procedures using data from the Helsinki stock exchange外部サイトLaw and truth : a theory of evidence外部サイトConsultation and political culture : essays on the case of Finland外部サイトBank liquidity and lending in Finland 1950-1975外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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Publisher varies: Finnish Society of Sciences and Letters
Convergence? : aspects on the industrialisation of Denmark, Finland and Sweden 1870-1940
Western definitions of war in the Gulf and in Bosnia : the rhetorical frameworks of the United States, British and French leaders in action
Political activity: structure, determinants and dynamics
Towards a bourgeois manhood : boys' physical education in Nordic secondary schools, 1880-1940
Tel quel, la constitution sociale d'une avant-garde
Socialism, planning and optimality : a study in Soviet economic thought
In the shadow of freedom : life on board the oil tanker
On the generality of Keynesian economics
Cognitive changes in epilepsy : a ten-year follow-up
Health, longevity and life conditions in Okinawa
A frame of reference for selecting social indicators
Metropolitan and regional social ecology of Helsinki
Ideology, political action and the Finnish working class : a survey study of political behavior
Welfare theory and social policy : A study in policy science
Distribution of benefits in bargaining between a superpower and a developing country : a study of negotiation processes between the United States and Indonesia
The regulation of nationality in international law
The emergence of democracy : a comparative study of 119 states, 1850-1979
Work orientations in Finland : a conceptual critique and empirical study of work-related expectations
strategies of public sector reform in the OECD countries : a comparison
The rejection in Russia of totalitarian socialism and liberal democracy : a study of the Russian new right
Politik als Handlungsbegriff : Horizontwandel des Politikbegriffs in Deutschland 1890-1933
Political and administrative responses to Sami self-determination : a comparative study of public administrations in Fennoscandia on the issue of Sami land title as an aboriginal right
Group maze : experiments and simulations in problem-solving by groups
Implications of the ethnic revival in modern, industrialized society : a comparative study of the linguistic minorities in western Europe
The rate of return, risk, and the financial behaviour of the Japanese industrial firms
Parliament, government and multi-dimensional party relations in Finland
Parameter variability in the single factor market model : an empirical comparison of tests and estimation procedures using data from the Helsinki stock exchange
Law and truth : a theory of evidence
Consultation and political culture : essays on the case of Finland
Bank liquidity and lending in Finland 1950-1975
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research