
The Arden Shakespeare


The Arden Shakespeare

Craig, W. J. (William James)ほか



Publisher varies: Harvard University Press, Thomson Learning, Routledge, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Bloomsbury, Arden ShakespeareGeneral editors of first s...


King Henry V外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトShakespeare and feminist theory外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトA midsummer-night's dream外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトShakespeare's pictures : visual objects in the drama外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe poems外部サイトFive tragedies : Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトActing companies and their plays in Shakespeare's London外部サイトTwelfth night外部サイトSonnets外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトTwelfth night外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard II外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトOthello外部サイトThe poems外部サイトShakespeare and Elizabethan popular culture外部サイトKing John外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトEssential Shakespeare : the Arden guide to text and interpretation外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトShakespeare's artists : the painters, sculptors, poets and musicians in his plays and poems外部サイトThe second part of King Henry the Sixth外部サイトShakespeare's pictures : visual objects in the drama外部サイトThe tragedy of Julius Cæsar外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe tragedy of Romeo and Juliet外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトThe tragedy of King Lear外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe tragedy of Romeo and Juliet外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトKing John外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトA midsummer night's dream : before, during, after外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe two noble kinsmen外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトMuch ado about nothing : a critical reader外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトThe tragedy of Othello外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトTitus Andronicus : the state of play外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトShakespeare's creative legacies : artists, writers, performers, readers外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe second part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe second part of King Henry the Fourth外部サイトTwelfth night : language and writing外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard the Third外部サイトKing Henry IV外部サイトHamlet外部サイトPericles外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトOthello外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe tragedy of king Lear外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトThe Tragedy of King Lear外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe Comedy of errors外部サイトThe second part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe tragedy of Othello外部サイトQueering the Shakespeare film : gender trouble, gay spectatorship and male homoeroticism外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe first part of King Henry the Fourth外部サイトThe tragedy of Othello外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトShakespeare's poems : Venus and Adonis, The rape of Lucrece and the shorter poems外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトPericles外部サイトThe lamentable tragedy of Titus Andronicus外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトHamlet : the texts of 1603 and 1623外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトShakespeare's poems外部サイトShakespeare's sonnets外部サイトKing Henry VI, Part 2外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトHamlet外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトShakespeare's sonnets外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトKing Henry IV外部サイトUngentle Shakespeare : scenes from his life外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトThe Arden dictionary of Shakespeare quotations外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトOthello外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトDouble falsehood, or, The distressed lovers外部サイトThe tragedy of Othello外部サイトSir Thomas More外部サイトShakespeare and new historicist theory外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe famous history of the life of King Henry VIII外部サイトShakespeare and Renaissance Europe外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトOthello外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトThe Arden Shakespeare complete works外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトA year of Shakespeare : re-living the World Shakespeare Festival外部サイトTeaching Shakespeare and Marlowe : learning vs. the system外部サイトShakespeare's sonnets ; and A lover's complaint : the texts of the Arden edition外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトJulius Cæsar外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトThe hand on the Shakespearean stage : gesture, touch and the spectacle of dismemberment外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトOthello : the state of play外部サイトSonnets外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトShakespeare's Hamlet外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトPericles外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトShakespeare and feminist theory外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトReading Shakespeare's soliloquies : text, theatre, film外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet : prince of Denmark外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトThe tragedy of Julius Cæsar外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトPericles外部サイトEmotional excess on the Shakespearean stage : passion's slaves外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトArden Shakespeare CD-ROM : texts and sources for Shakespeare studies外部サイトShakespeare and early modern drama : text and performance外部サイトTwelfth night, or, What you will外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトThe two noble kinsmen外部サイトRichard III外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトShakespeare and the Victorians外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトHamlet : the texts of 1603 and 1623外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe tragedy of Romeo and Juliet外部サイトThe Tempest外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet, prince of Denmark外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトWelles, Kurosawa, Kozintsev, Zeffirelli外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトShakespeare : text, stage and canon外部サイトShakespeare's sonnets外部サイトThe third part of King Henry the Sixth外部サイトThe poems外部サイトOthello外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトPericles外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトThe politics of performing Shakespeare for young people : standing up to Shakespeare外部サイトShakespeare in London外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトShakespeare in our time : a Shakespeare Association of America collection外部サイトMacbeth : language and writing外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトShakespeare's acts of will : law, testament and properties of performance外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトHamlet : language and writing外部サイトShakespeare's grammar外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトThe Tragedy of King Lear外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトTwelfth night, or, What you will外部サイトThe Arden dictionary of Shakespeare quotations外部サイトThe third part of King Henry the Sixth外部サイトKing John外部サイトOthello外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトShakespeare and language : reason, eloquence and artifice in the Renaissance外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトThe life and death of King John外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトShakespeare and comedy外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトShakespeare's world of words外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトShakespeare and queer theory外部サイトThe third part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe third part of King Henry VI外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトTwelfth night, or, What you will外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトThe third part of King Henry VI外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトPericles外部サイトKing John外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトStructural problems in Shakespeare外部サイトShakespeare : actors and audiences外部サイトElizabethan narrative poems : the state of play外部サイトShakespeare and the language of translation外部サイトComplete works外部サイトShakespeare and reception theory外部サイトRe-imagining Shakespeare in contemporary Japan : a selection of Japanese theatrical adaptations of Shakespeare外部サイトThe Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and textual studies外部サイトShakespeare's body language : shaming gestures and gender politics on the Renaissance stage外部サイトShakespearean tragedy外部サイトStudying Shakespeare adaptation : from restoration theatre to YouTube外部サイトShakespeare and textual theory外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトShakespeare and the politics of nostalgia : negotiating the memory of Elizabeth I on the Jacobean stage外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトShakespeare and psychoanalytic theory外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe second part of King Henry VI外部サイトHamlet外部サイトThe first part of King Henry the Fourth外部サイトTragic cognition in Shakespeare's Othello : beyond the neural sublime外部サイトHamlet外部サイトThe Arden Shakespeare complete works外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトHamlet外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトTwelfth night外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard the Third外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトHamlet外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトThe poems外部サイトPericles外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトThe tragedy of Julius Cæsar外部サイトPericles外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトThe poems外部サイトOthello外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe two noble kinsmen外部サイトPericles外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトThe second part of King Henry the Sixth外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard II外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトMacbeth : the state of play外部サイトShakespeare and the medieval world外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトThe life and death of King John外部サイトThe famous history of the life of King Henry VIII外部サイトShakespeare's universality : here's fine revolution外部サイトThe first part of King Henry the Fourth外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトThe life of King Henry the Fifth外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra : language and writing外部サイトKing Henry VIII (all is true)外部サイトThe second part of King Henry VI外部サイトShakespeare and postcolonial theory外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトThe life of King Henry the Fifth外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトPericles外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトEmerson, Melville, James, Berryman外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトWomen making Shakespeare : text, reception, performance外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトKing Henry VI外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトPericles外部サイトThe merry wives of Windsor外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトThe first part of King Henry the Fourth外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe second part of King Henry VI外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトShakespeare and music外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトKing Edward the Third外部サイトThe poems外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトShakespeare and religion外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトA midsummer-night's dream外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトThe third part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe first part of King Henry the Sixth外部サイト1616 : Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu's China外部サイトThe merchant of Venice : language and writing外部サイトThe tragedy of Coriolanus外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトShakespeare and economic theory外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトThe tragedy of Julius Cæsar外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe second part of King Henry IV外部サイトKing John外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトHamlet : the texts of 1603 and 1623外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトCobiolanus外部サイトOthello外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトKing Lear : before, during, after外部サイトEnglish Renaissance tragedy : ideas of freedom外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトTimon of Athens外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトRomeo and Juliet外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトShakespeare and religion外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトRomeo and Juliet : language and writing外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトA midsummer-night's dream外部サイトShakespeare and cultural materialist theory外部サイトCoriolanus外部サイトShakespeare, language and the stage : the fifth wall : approaches to Shakespeare from criticism, performance and theatre studies外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトShakespeare's sonnets外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトMark Rylance at the Globe外部サイトThe tragedy of Hamlet外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトKing John外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトShakespeare's poems : Venus and Adonis, Lucrece, The passionate pilgrim, Sonnets to sundry notes of music, The phœnix and turtle外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトReading Shakespeare's dramatic language : a guide外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトOthello外部サイトThe first part of King Henry the Fourth外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトDouble Falsehood外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトAnecdotal Shakespeare : a new performance history外部サイトTwelfth night, or, What you will外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトShakespeare and the politics of nostalgia : negotiating the memory of Elizabeth I on the Jacobean stage外部サイトThe Arden Shakespeare complete works外部サイトOthello : language and writing外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトOthello外部サイトHamlet : before, during, after外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトShakespeare and law外部サイトThe first part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe merry wives of windsor外部サイトShakespeare and YouTube : new media forms of the bard外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe tragedy of King Richard II外部サイトKing Henry VIII外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトOthello外部サイトKing Richard III外部サイトThe tragedy of Romeo and Juliet外部サイトKing John外部サイトQueer Shakespeare : desire and sexuality外部サイトThe tragedy of Othello外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトFive tragedies : Romeo and Juliet, othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear外部サイトPlaying indoors : staging early modern drama in the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse外部サイトPerforming King Lear : Gielgud to Russell Beale外部サイトAntony and Cleopatra外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトOthello外部サイトIn Arden : editing Shakespeare : essays in honour in Richard Proudfoot外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトHamlet外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトThe Comedy of errors外部サイトHamlet外部サイトTwelfth night外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトThe Arden introduction to reading Shakespeare外部サイトTwelfth night外部サイトPericles外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトKing John外部サイトKing Richard II外部サイトShakespeare and Renaissance politics外部サイトLove's labour's lost外部サイトThe second part of King Henry VI外部サイトThe tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトThe tempest外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトMacbeth : before, during, after外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトThe third part of King Henry VI外部サイトMuch ado about nothing外部サイトShakespeare and ecofeminist theory外部サイトHamlet外部サイトShakespeare and ecocritical theory外部サイトThe winter's tale外部サイトCreative Shakespeare : the Globe education guide to practical Shakespeare外部サイトThe third part of King Henry VI外部サイトOn Shakespeare's sonnets : a poets' celebration外部サイトShakespeare's body language : shaming gestures and gender politics on the Renaissance stage外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトStudying Shakespeare adaptation : from restoration theatre to YouTube外部サイトThe Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and social justice外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトShakespeare in the theatre : Yukio Ninagawa外部サイトThe first part of King Henry IV外部サイトTwelfth night, or, What you will外部サイトHamlet外部サイトMacbeth外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトThe king's men外部サイトShakespeare : an ungentle life外部サイトSarah Siddons and John Philip Kemble外部サイトShakespeare and adaptation theory外部サイトThe anatomy of insults in Shakespeare's world外部サイトHamlet : the state of play外部サイトKing Henry V外部サイトThe Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and contemporary performance外部サイトShakespeare and reception theory外部サイトWilliam Shakespeare : a brief life外部サイトThe Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and contemporary performance外部サイトRe-imagining Shakespeare in Contemporary Japan : A Selection of Japanese Theatrical Adaptations of Shakespeare外部サイトShakespeare on European Festival Stages外部サイトMigrating Shakespeare : First European Encounters, Routes and Networks外部サイトShakespeare and gender : sex and sexuality in Shakespeare's drama外部サイトShakespeare and adaptation theory外部サイトShakesFear and how to cure it : the complete handbook for teaching Shakespeare外部サイトKing Lear外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトPeter Sellars外部サイトThe comedy of errors外部サイトEating Shakespeare : cultural anthropophagy as global methodology外部サイトShakespeare and gender : sex and sexuality in Shakespeare's drama外部サイトThe Arden research handbook of contemporary Shakespeare criticism外部サイトThe Arden guide to Renaissance drama : an introduction with primary sources外部サイトShakespearean tragedy外部サイトA midsummer night's dream外部サイトBritish Black and Asian Shakespeareans : Integrating Shakespeare, 1966-2018外部サイトShakespeare in Elizabethan costume : 'period dress' in twenty-first-century performance外部サイトHamlet : the state of play外部サイトThe Merchant of Venice : the state of play外部サイトShakespeare and posthumanist theory外部サイトQueer Shakespeare : desire and sexuality外部サイトComplete works外部サイト



  • King Henry V

  • The tempest

  • Shakespeare and feminist theory

  • King Henry V

  • A midsummer-night's dream





  • CiNii Research

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The Arden Shakespeare series
Publisher varies: Harvard University Press, Thomson Learning, Routledge, Thomas Nelson & Sons, Bloomsbury, Arden Shakespeare
General editors of first series: W.J. Craig and R.H. Case
General editors of second series: Una Ellis-Fermor, Harold F. Brooks, Harold Jenkins and Brian Morris
General editors of third series: Richard Proudfoot, Ann Thompson, David Scott Kastan and H.R. Woudhuysen
King Henry V
The tempest
Shakespeare and feminist theory
King Henry V
A midsummer-night's dream
All's well that ends well
Shakespeare's pictures : visual objects in the drama
The first part of King Henry IV
Romeo and Juliet
Timon of Athens
The poems
Five tragedies : Romeo and Juliet, Othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear
King Lear
Acting companies and their plays in Shakespeare's London
Twelfth night
King Richard II
King Richard II
Twelfth night
The tragedy of King Richard II
As you like it
A midsummer night's dream
The merchant of Venice
The poems
Shakespeare and Elizabethan popular culture
King John
The first part of King Henry VI
Essential Shakespeare : the Arden guide to text and interpretation
As you like it
Shakespeare's artists : the painters, sculptors, poets and musicians in his plays and poems
The second part of King Henry the Sixth
Shakespeare's pictures : visual objects in the drama
The tragedy of Julius Cæsar
The tempest
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
The two gentlemen of Verona
The tempest
All's well that ends well
The tragedy of King Lear
The tempest
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
Julius Caesar
King Henry VIII
King John
Troilus and Cressida
Titus Andronicus
A midsummer night's dream : before, during, after
Antony and Cleopatra
The two noble kinsmen
The first part of King Henry VI
Much ado about nothing : a critical reader
The winter's tale
Antony and Cleopatra
Love's labour's lost
The merry wives of Windsor
The tragedy of Othello
As you like it
King Lear
Titus Andronicus : the state of play
King Henry VIII
The tragedy of Hamlet
Shakespeare's creative legacies : artists, writers, performers, readers
Antony and Cleopatra
The second part of King Henry VI
The second part of King Henry the Fourth
Twelfth night : language and writing
Romeo and Juliet
The tragedy of King Richard the Third
King Henry IV
Measure for measure
Love's labour's lost
The tragedy of king Lear
The Tragedy of King Lear
The Comedy of errors
The second part of King Henry VI
The tragedy of Othello
Queering the Shakespeare film : gender trouble, gay spectatorship and male homoeroticism
Love's labour's lost
The first part of King Henry the Fourth
The tragedy of Othello
Shakespeare's poems : Venus and Adonis, The rape of Lucrece and the shorter poems
Troilus and Cressida
The lamentable tragedy of Titus Andronicus
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
Hamlet : the texts of 1603 and 1623
Julius Caesar
Titus Andronicus
Shakespeare's poems
Shakespeare's sonnets
King Henry VI, Part 2
Much ado about nothing
Love's labour's lost
Timon of Athens
Titus Andronicus
Shakespeare's sonnets
Julius Caesar
A midsummer night's dream
King Henry IV
Ungentle Shakespeare : scenes from his life
Troilus and Cressida
All's well that ends well
The Arden dictionary of Shakespeare quotations
King Richard III
Antony and Cleopatra
All's well that ends well
Double falsehood, or, The distressed lovers
The tragedy of Othello
Sir Thomas More
Shakespeare and new historicist theory
The winter's tale
The comedy of errors
The merry wives of Windsor
The famous history of the life of King Henry VIII
Shakespeare and Renaissance Europe
Timon of Athens
The merry wives of Windsor
The Arden Shakespeare complete works
The second part of King Henry IV
Measure for measure
A year of Shakespeare : re-living the World Shakespeare Festival
Teaching Shakespeare and Marlowe : learning vs. the system
Shakespeare's sonnets ; and A lover's complaint : the texts of the Arden edition
King Lear
Julius Cæsar
Measure for measure
The hand on the Shakespearean stage : gesture, touch and the spectacle of dismemberment
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
Titus Andronicus
Othello : the state of play
Timon of Athens
Much ado about nothing
Shakespeare's Hamlet
The first part of King Henry IV
The first part of King Henry VI
Shakespeare and feminist theory
King Henry V
Antony and Cleopatra
All's well that ends well
The tempest
The second part of King Henry IV
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
Love's labour's lost
Much ado about nothing
Reading Shakespeare's soliloquies : text, theatre, film
The tragedy of Hamlet : prince of Denmark
The merchant of Venice
Antony and Cleopatra
The tragedy of Julius Cæsar
The tempest
Timon of Athens
Emotional excess on the Shakespearean stage : passion's slaves
King Lear
The tragedy of Hamlet
Arden Shakespeare CD-ROM : texts and sources for Shakespeare studies
Shakespeare and early modern drama : text and performance
Twelfth night, or, What you will
King Henry V
The two noble kinsmen
Richard III
King Lear
All's well that ends well
Shakespeare and the Victorians
All's well that ends well
Measure for measure
Hamlet : the texts of 1603 and 1623
The tempest
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
The Tempest
Love's labour's lost
Timon of Athens
The tempest
Love's labour's lost
The tragedy of Hamlet, prince of Denmark
Troilus and Cressida
Love's labour's lost
The taming of the shrew
Julius Caesar
As you like it
Welles, Kurosawa, Kozintsev, Zeffirelli
The second part of King Henry IV
Shakespeare : text, stage and canon
Shakespeare's sonnets
The third part of King Henry the Sixth
The poems
Romeo and Juliet
King Henry V
The tempest
The first part of King Henry IV
The politics of performing Shakespeare for young people : standing up to Shakespeare
Shakespeare in London
The taming of the shrew
Shakespeare in our time : a Shakespeare Association of America collection
Macbeth : language and writing
Antony and Cleopatra
Shakespeare's acts of will : law, testament and properties of performance
Troilus and Cressida
King Henry VIII
The tragedy of Hamlet
Measure for measure
Hamlet : language and writing
Shakespeare's grammar
The taming of the shrew
Romeo and Juliet
The winter's tale
The Tragedy of King Lear
The merchant of Venice
Twelfth night, or, What you will
The Arden dictionary of Shakespeare quotations
The third part of King Henry the Sixth
King John
King Henry V
King Lear
King Lear
The winter's tale
The taming of the shrew
Shakespeare and language : reason, eloquence and artifice in the Renaissance
King Lear
The life and death of King John
King Lear
Love's labour's lost
Measure for measure
King Richard II
Shakespeare and comedy
King Richard III
King Henry V
Shakespeare's world of words
The first part of King Henry IV
The second part of King Henry IV
Shakespeare and queer theory
The third part of King Henry VI
The third part of King Henry VI
Titus Andronicus
Twelfth night, or, What you will
King Lear
The two gentlemen of Verona
The third part of King Henry VI
Love's labour's lost
The merry wives of Windsor
King John
Much ado about nothing
Structural problems in Shakespeare
Shakespeare : actors and audiences
Elizabethan narrative poems : the state of play
Shakespeare and the language of translation
Complete works
Shakespeare and reception theory
Re-imagining Shakespeare in contemporary Japan : a selection of Japanese theatrical adaptations of Shakespeare
The Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and textual studies
Shakespeare's body language : shaming gestures and gender politics on the Renaissance stage
Shakespearean tragedy
Studying Shakespeare adaptation : from restoration theatre to YouTube
Shakespeare and textual theory
Romeo and Juliet
Shakespeare and the politics of nostalgia : negotiating the memory of Elizabeth I on the Jacobean stage
All's well that ends well
Shakespeare and psychoanalytic theory
A midsummer night's dream
The second part of King Henry VI
The first part of King Henry the Fourth
Tragic cognition in Shakespeare's Othello : beyond the neural sublime
The Arden Shakespeare complete works
King Richard II
King Henry V
King Lear
Twelfth night
The tragedy of King Richard the Third
The comedy of errors
The taming of the shrew
King Lear
Troilus and Cressida
All's well that ends well
Much ado about nothing
Julius Caesar
The poems
The first part of King Henry IV
Timon of Athens
The tragedy of Julius Cæsar
The first part of King Henry IV
King Richard II
The first part of King Henry VI
King Richard II
The poems
The two noble kinsmen
King Henry VIII
The first part of King Henry IV
The second part of King Henry the Sixth
Measure for measure
The tragedy of King Richard II
The winter's tale
As you like it
Macbeth : the state of play
Shakespeare and the medieval world
Antony and Cleopatra
The comedy of errors
Timon of Athens
The life and death of King John
The famous history of the life of King Henry VIII
Shakespeare's universality : here's fine revolution
The first part of King Henry the Fourth
King Richard III
The life of King Henry the Fifth
Antony and Cleopatra : language and writing
King Henry VIII (all is true)
The second part of King Henry VI
Shakespeare and postcolonial theory
Titus Andronicus
The life of King Henry the Fifth
Titus Andronicus
The first part of King Henry IV
Much ado about nothing
Emerson, Melville, James, Berryman
As you like it
King Richard III
Women making Shakespeare : text, reception, performance
The tragedy of Hamlet
The merry wives of Windsor
King Henry VI
The first part of King Henry IV
Troilus and Cressida
The merry wives of Windsor
The first part of King Henry VI
The comedy of errors
The first part of King Henry the Fourth
As you like it
The comedy of errors
A midsummer night's dream
The second part of King Henry VI
The second part of King Henry IV
Love's labour's lost
The comedy of errors
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
Shakespeare and music
A midsummer night's dream
King Edward the Third
The poems
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
Shakespeare and religion
Romeo and Juliet
A midsummer-night's dream
The two gentlemen of Verona
The tempest
The tragedy of Hamlet
The third part of King Henry VI
The first part of King Henry the Sixth
1616 : Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu's China
The merchant of Venice : language and writing
The tragedy of Coriolanus
The tempest
The tempest
The merchant of Venice
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
All's well that ends well
Antony and Cleopatra
Shakespeare and economic theory
The winter's tale
Timon of Athens
King Henry V
All's well that ends well
Timon of Athens
The merchant of Venice
The tragedy of Julius Cæsar
King Henry VIII
The winter's tale
Julius Caesar
The first part of King Henry VI
A midsummer night's dream
The second part of King Henry IV
King John
The tempest
Hamlet : the texts of 1603 and 1623
King Henry V
The two gentlemen of Verona
King Lear : before, during, after
English Renaissance tragedy : ideas of freedom
The two gentlemen of Verona
Timon of Athens
Julius Caesar
The merchant of Venice
Romeo and Juliet
The winter's tale
The merchant of Venice
Titus Andronicus
Shakespeare and religion
The taming of the shrew
Romeo and Juliet : language and writing
The winter's tale
Much ado about nothing
The taming of the shrew
King Richard II
The merchant of Venice
All's well that ends well
The taming of the shrew
King Richard III
A midsummer night's dream
The tempest
A midsummer-night's dream
Shakespeare and cultural materialist theory
Shakespeare, language and the stage : the fifth wall : approaches to Shakespeare from criticism, performance and theatre studies
King Lear
Shakespeare's sonnets
Titus Andronicus
The tragedy of Hamlet
King Henry VIII
Mark Rylance at the Globe
The tragedy of Hamlet
All's well that ends well
King John
The two gentlemen of Verona
The two gentlemen of Verona
Shakespeare's poems : Venus and Adonis, Lucrece, The passionate pilgrim, Sonnets to sundry notes of music, The phœnix and turtle
As you like it
The tempest
Reading Shakespeare's dramatic language : a guide
The two gentlemen of Verona
The tempest
The first part of King Henry the Fourth
King Richard II
Double Falsehood
King Lear
A midsummer night's dream
King Richard III
Antony and Cleopatra
King Richard II
Anecdotal Shakespeare : a new performance history
Twelfth night, or, What you will
Troilus and Cressida
The merchant of Venice
Shakespeare and the politics of nostalgia : negotiating the memory of Elizabeth I on the Jacobean stage
The Arden Shakespeare complete works
Othello : language and writing
The tempest
The merchant of Venice
The comedy of errors
Hamlet : before, during, after
The merchant of Venice
Shakespeare and law
The first part of King Henry VI
The merry wives of windsor
Shakespeare and YouTube : new media forms of the bard
The merchant of Venice
All's well that ends well
Antony and Cleopatra
The tragedy of King Richard II
King Henry VIII
A midsummer night's dream
King Richard III
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet
King John
Queer Shakespeare : desire and sexuality
The tragedy of Othello
King Lear
Five tragedies : Romeo and Juliet, othello, Hamlet, Macbeth, King Lear
Playing indoors : staging early modern drama in the Sam Wanamaker Playhouse
Performing King Lear : Gielgud to Russell Beale
Antony and Cleopatra
The comedy of errors
In Arden : editing Shakespeare : essays in honour in Richard Proudfoot
The merchant of Venice
Measure for measure
The tempest
The Comedy of errors
Twelfth night
King Lear
King Lear
Troilus and Cressida
King Lear
The Arden introduction to reading Shakespeare
Twelfth night
Much ado about nothing
King John
King Richard II
Shakespeare and Renaissance politics
Love's labour's lost
The second part of King Henry VI
The tragedy of Antony and Cleopatra
King Lear
The tempest
Macbeth : before, during, after
King Henry V
Titus Andronicus
The third part of King Henry VI
Much ado about nothing
Shakespeare and ecofeminist theory
Shakespeare and ecocritical theory
The winter's tale
Creative Shakespeare : the Globe education guide to practical Shakespeare
The third part of King Henry VI
On Shakespeare's sonnets : a poets' celebration
Shakespeare's body language : shaming gestures and gender politics on the Renaissance stage
The merchant of Venice
Studying Shakespeare adaptation : from restoration theatre to YouTube
The Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and social justice
All's well that ends well
Shakespeare in the theatre : Yukio Ninagawa
The first part of King Henry IV
Twelfth night, or, What you will
Troilus and Cressida
The king's men
Shakespeare : an ungentle life
Sarah Siddons and John Philip Kemble
Shakespeare and adaptation theory
The anatomy of insults in Shakespeare's world
Hamlet : the state of play
King Henry V
The Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and contemporary performance
Shakespeare and reception theory
William Shakespeare : a brief life
The Arden research handbook of Shakespeare and contemporary performance
Re-imagining Shakespeare in Contemporary Japan : A Selection of Japanese Theatrical Adaptations of Shakespeare
Shakespeare on European Festival Stages
Migrating Shakespeare : First European Encounters, Routes and Networks
Shakespeare and gender : sex and sexuality in Shakespeare's drama
Shakespeare and adaptation theory
ShakesFear and how to cure it : the complete handbook for teaching Shakespeare
King Lear
Measure for measure
Peter Sellars
The comedy of errors
Eating Shakespeare : cultural anthropophagy as global methodology
Shakespeare and gender : sex and sexuality in Shakespeare's drama
The Arden research handbook of contemporary Shakespeare criticism
The Arden guide to Renaissance drama : an introduction with primary sources
Shakespearean tragedy
A midsummer night's dream
British Black and Asian Shakespeareans : Integrating Shakespeare, 1966-2018
Shakespeare in Elizabethan costume : 'period dress' in twenty-first-century performance
Hamlet : the state of play
The Merchant of Venice : the state of play
Shakespeare and posthumanist theory
Queer Shakespeare : desire and sexuality
Complete works