並列タイトル等Women advising women : advice books, manuals and journals for women, 1450-1837
一般注記Accompanied a printed guide, entitled: Women advising women : a listing and guide to the microfilm collection
Pts. 3-4は雑誌登録
On t.p. verso of pt. 6: Women advising women : advice books, manuals and journals for women, 1450-1837
関連情報Sources from the Women's Library, London
Women's writing and advice, c1450-1720 from the Bodleian, sources from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Early women's journals, c1700-1832, from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Advice books, manuals, almanacs, and journals, c1625-1837 from the Bodleian Library, Oxford
Works on household management and domestic economy, 1600-1800, sources from the Brotherton Library, University of Leeds
連携機関・データベース国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
NACSIS書誌ID(NCID)https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA55741115 : BA55741115