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- Publisher varies: Springer
- 関連情報
- The significance of the Lvov-Warsaw school in the European cultureNorms, values, and societyEuropean philosophy of science--philosophy of science in Europe and the Viennese heritageEpistemological and experimental perspectives on quantum physicsHistory of philosophy of science : new trends and perspectivesRudolf Carnap and the legacy of logical empiricismThe foundational debate : complexity and constructivity in mathematics and physicsFranz Brentano and Austrian PhilosophyScientific philosophy : origins and developmentsInduction and deduction in the sciencesThe Vienna circle and logical empiricism : re-evaluation and future perspectivesThe Vienna Circle in the Nordic countries : networks and transformations of logical empiricismIntegrated history and philosophy of science : problems, perspectives, and case studiesOtto Neurath's economics in contextJohn von Neumann and the foundations of quantum physicsGame theory, experience, rationality : foundations of social sciences, economics and ethics : in honor of John C. HarsanyiAlfred Tarski and the Vienna Circle : austro-polish connections in logical empiricismFriedrich Waismann--causality and logical positivismInfluences on the AufbauCambridge and Vienna : Frank P. Ramsey and the Vienna CircleDream consciousness : Allan Hobson's new approach to the brain and its mindLogical empiricism and pragmatismEncyclopedia and utopia : the life and work of Otto Neurath (1882-1945)Ernst Mach : life, work, influenceThe socio-ethical dimension of knowledge : the mission of logical empiricismThe Vienna circle and religionLogic, epistemology, and scientific theories - from Peano to the Vienna CircleThe Vienna Circle in Czechoslovakia
- 連携機関・データベース
- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research