- 資料種別
- 図書
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- 出版地(国名コード)
- uk
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- 一般
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- Published in -1981 under the title: Monographs on applied probability and statisticsPublisher varies: Chapman & Hall/CRC, CRC Press
- 関連情報
- Multistate models for the analysis of life history dataGeneralized linear modelsMultivariate models and dependence conceptsStatistical inference and simulation for spatial point processesSequential analysis : hypothesis testing and changepoint detectionStatistical methods for stochastic differential equationsMultidimensional scalingMultivariate dependencies : models, analysis and interpretationModel-free curve estimationAnalog estimation methods in econometricsStochastic analysis for gaussian random processes and fields : with applicationsNonlinear models for repeated measurement dataEmpirical Bayes methodsGeneralized linear models with random effects : unified analysis via h-likelihoodCyclic and computer generated designsStatistical inference : based on the likelihoodTheory of sample surveysComplex stochastic systemsBandit problems : sequential allocation of experimentsQuasi-least squares regressionHidden Markov models for time series : an introduction using RThe analysis of binary dataDynamic prediction in clinical survival analysisRobust cluster analysis and variable selectionRegression analysis with applicationsComponents of varianceAn introduction to the bootstrapAsymptotic analysis of mixed effects models : theory, applications, and open problemsRandomised response-adaptive designs in clinical trialsAnalysis of incomplete multivariate dataThe theory of the design of experimentsSymmetric multivariate and related distributionsLongitudinal data with serial correlation : a state-space approachMeasuring statistical evidence using relative beliefSequential methods in statisticsMulti-state survival models for interval-censored dataApplications of queueing theorySemialgebraic statistics and latent tree modelsHierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial dataMixed effects models for complex dataMeasurement error in nonlinear models : a modern perspectiveAsymptotic techniques for use in statisticsSimultaneous inference in regressionMissing data in longitudinal studies : strategies for Bayesian modeling and sensitivity analysisVariance components estimation : mixed models, methodologies and applicationsInference and asymptoticsDesign and analysis of cross-over trialsMultivariate models and dependence conceptsIntroduction to time series modelingMaximum likelihood estimation for sample surveysTransformation and weighting in regressionHidden Markov models for time series : an introduction using RROC curves for continuous dataRobust nonparametric statistical methodsInspection errors for attributes in quality controlGeneralized linear modelsMeasurement error in nonlinear modelsAn introduction to latent variable modelsMultidimensional scalingLocal polynomial modelling and its applicationsPoint processesDistribution-free statistical methodsNonparametric regression and generalized linear models : a roughness penalty approachStereology for statisticiansDiagnostic checks in time seriesStochastic modelling and controlClassificationAccelerated life models : modeling and statistical analysisPerfect simulationSemimartingales and their statistical inferenceAnalysis of variance for functional dataBiplotsTopics in modelling of clustered dataKernel smoothingState-space methods for time series analysis : theory, applications and softwareSufficient dimension reduction : methods and applications with RTensor methods in statisticsIntroduction to high-dimensional statisticsAsymptotic analysis of mixed effects models : theory, applications, and open problemsIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in RFunctional data analysis with RMixture models : parametric, semiparametric, and new directionsModels for dependent time seriesStochastic geometry : likelihood and computationMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integrationDesign and analysis of cross-over trialsAntedependence models for longitudinal dataNumber-theoretic methods in statisticsHidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time seriesAnalysis of survival dataComputer-assisted analysis of mixtures and applications : meta-analysis, disease mapping and othersHierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial dataEmpirical likelihoodMissing and modified data in nonparametric estimation : with R examplesStatistical evidence : a likelihood paradigmAn introduction to the bootstrapSubset selection in regressionIntroduction to high-dimensional statisticsJoint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event dataLocal polynomial modelling and its applicationsMeasurement error in nonlinear modelsResiduals and influence in regressionMultivariate kernel smoothing and its applicationsExpansions and asymptotics for statisticsAnalysis of binary dataStatistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patternsEmpirical Bayes methodsProbabilistic Foundations of Statistical Network AnalysisSymmetric multivariate and related distributionsGeneralized linear modelsAlgebraic statistics : computational commutative algebra in statisticsStatistical evidence : a likelihood paradigmMonte Carlo methodsPareto distributionsAnalysis of quantal response dataNetworks and chaos : statistical and probabilistic aspectsProbabilistic foundations of statistical network analysisLarge covariance and autocovariance matricesStatistical inference : an integrated Bayesian/likelihood approachExtreme values in finance, telecommunications, and the environmentDensity estimation for statistics and data analysisStatistics in the 21st centuryExtreme value methods with applications to financeBayesian methods for finite population samplingConstrained principal component analysis and related techniquesGaussian Markov random fields : theory and applicationsThe Analysis of binary dataAnalysis of repeated measuresRisk theory : the stochastic basis of insuranceDesign and analysis of cross-over trialsStatistical aspects of BSE and vCJD : models for epidemicsAnalyzing and modeling rank dataData analysis and approximate models : model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametric regression and image analysisBayes and empirical Bayes methods for data analysisTime series models : in econometrics, finance and other fieldsThe analysis of contingency tablesThe statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data : a marginal modeling approachAnalysis of time series structure : SSA and related techniquesMultivariate dependencies : models, analysis and interpretationDifferential geometry and statisticsStatistics for long-memory processesNonlinear models for repeated measurement dataDensity estimation for statistics and data analysisBayesian inference for partially identified models : exploring the limits of limited dataGeneralized additive modelsCircular and linear regression : fitting circles and lines by least squaresThe statistical analysis of compositional dataAbsolute risk : methods and applications in clinical management and public healthStatistical reasoning with imprecise probabilitiesPractical risk theory for actuariesTensor methods in statisticsInferential models : reasoning with uncertaintyStatistical inference : the minimum distance approachCyclic designsAnalysis of infectious disease dataStatistical inferenceStatistical methods for spatio-temporal systemsSubjective probability models for lifetimesNonlinear time series : semiparametric and nonparametric methodsSet-indexed martingalesThe theory of dispersion modelsStatistical learning with sparsity : the lasso and generalizationsMixed Poisson processesMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integrationTheory of factorial design : single- and multi-stratum experimentsSmoothing splines : methods and applicationsGeneralized linear models with random effects : unified analysis via H-likelihoodPredictive inference : an introductionDependence modeling with copulasQueuesMarkov models and optimizationSubset selection in regressionThe analysis of contingency tablesRetrial queuesNonparametric models for the longitudinal data with implementation in RTime series models : in econometrics, finance and other fieldsSequential change detection and hypothesis testing : general non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rulesReplication and evidence factors in observational studiesSmoothing splines : methods and applicationsIntroduction to high-dimensional statisticsSparse graphical modeling for high dimensional data : a paradigm of conditional independence testsDependence modeling with copulasFunctional data analysis with RAnalysis of incomplete multivariate dataMartingale methods in statisticsGeneralized linear modelsDynamic treatment regimes : statistical methods for precision medicineAnalysis of infectious disease dataObject oriented data analysisAn introduction to the bootstrapThe energy of data and distance correlationBayesian nonparametrics for causal inference and missing dataStatistical learning with sparsity : the lasso and generalizationsStatistical evidence : a likelihood paradigmIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in R
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- 国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
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- CiNii Books