
Monographs on statistics and applied probability


Monographs on statistics and applied probability

Chapman and Hall



Published in -1981 under the title: Monographs on applied probability and statisticsPublisher varies: Chapman & Hall/CRC, CRC Press


Multistate models for the analysis of life history data外部サイトGeneralized linear models外部サイトMultivariate models and dependence concepts外部サイトStatistical inference and simulation for spatial point processes外部サイトSequential analysis : hypothesis testing and changepoint detection外部サイトStatistical methods for stochastic differential equations外部サイトMultidimensional scaling外部サイトMultivariate dependencies : models, analysis and interpretation外部サイトModel-free curve estimation外部サイトAnalog estimation methods in econometrics外部サイトStochastic analysis for gaussian random processes and fields : with applications外部サイトNonlinear models for repeated measurement data外部サイトEmpirical Bayes methods外部サイトGeneralized linear models with random effects : unified analysis via h-likelihood外部サイトCyclic and computer generated designs外部サイトStatistical inference : based on the likelihood外部サイトTheory of sample surveys外部サイトComplex stochastic systems外部サイトBandit problems : sequential allocation of experiments外部サイトQuasi-least squares regression外部サイトHidden Markov models for time series : an introduction using R外部サイトThe analysis of binary data外部サイトDynamic prediction in clinical survival analysis外部サイトRobust cluster analysis and variable selection外部サイトRegression analysis with applications外部サイトComponents of variance外部サイトAn introduction to the bootstrap外部サイトAsymptotic analysis of mixed effects models : theory, applications, and open problems外部サイトRandomised response-adaptive designs in clinical trials外部サイトAnalysis of incomplete multivariate data外部サイトThe theory of the design of experiments外部サイトSymmetric multivariate and related distributions外部サイトLongitudinal data with serial correlation : a state-space approach外部サイトMeasuring statistical evidence using relative belief外部サイトSequential methods in statistics外部サイトMulti-state survival models for interval-censored data外部サイトApplications of queueing theory外部サイトSemialgebraic statistics and latent tree models外部サイトHierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data外部サイトMixed effects models for complex data外部サイトMeasurement error in nonlinear models : a modern perspective外部サイトAsymptotic techniques for use in statistics外部サイトSimultaneous inference in regression外部サイトMissing data in longitudinal studies : strategies for Bayesian modeling and sensitivity analysis外部サイトVariance components estimation : mixed models, methodologies and applications外部サイトInference and asymptotics外部サイトDesign and analysis of cross-over trials外部サイトMultivariate models and dependence concepts外部サイトIntroduction to time series modeling外部サイトMaximum likelihood estimation for sample surveys外部サイトTransformation and weighting in regression外部サイトHidden Markov models for time series : an introduction using R外部サイトROC curves for continuous data外部サイトRobust nonparametric statistical methods外部サイトInspection errors for attributes in quality control外部サイトGeneralized linear models外部サイトMeasurement error in nonlinear models外部サイトAn introduction to latent variable models外部サイトMultidimensional scaling外部サイトLocal polynomial modelling and its applications外部サイトPoint processes外部サイトDistribution-free statistical methods外部サイトNonparametric regression and generalized linear models : a roughness penalty approach外部サイトStereology for statisticians外部サイトDiagnostic checks in time series外部サイトStochastic modelling and control外部サイトClassification外部サイトAccelerated life models : modeling and statistical analysis外部サイトPerfect simulation外部サイトSemimartingales and their statistical inference外部サイトAnalysis of variance for functional data外部サイトBiplots外部サイトTopics in modelling of clustered data外部サイトKernel smoothing外部サイトState-space methods for time series analysis : theory, applications and software外部サイトSufficient dimension reduction : methods and applications with R外部サイトTensor methods in statistics外部サイトIntroduction to high-dimensional statistics外部サイトAsymptotic analysis of mixed effects models : theory, applications, and open problems外部サイトIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in R外部サイトFunctional data analysis with R外部サイトMixture models : parametric, semiparametric, and new directions外部サイトModels for dependent time series外部サイトStochastic geometry : likelihood and computation外部サイトMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration外部サイトDesign and analysis of cross-over trials外部サイトAntedependence models for longitudinal data外部サイトNumber-theoretic methods in statistics外部サイトHidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time series外部サイトAnalysis of survival data外部サイトComputer-assisted analysis of mixtures and applications : meta-analysis, disease mapping and others外部サイトHierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data外部サイトEmpirical likelihood外部サイトMissing and modified data in nonparametric estimation : with R examples外部サイトStatistical evidence : a likelihood paradigm外部サイトAn introduction to the bootstrap外部サイトSubset selection in regression外部サイトIntroduction to high-dimensional statistics外部サイトJoint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data外部サイトLocal polynomial modelling and its applications外部サイトMeasurement error in nonlinear models外部サイトResiduals and influence in regression外部サイトMultivariate kernel smoothing and its applications外部サイトExpansions and asymptotics for statistics外部サイトAnalysis of binary data外部サイトStatistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns外部サイトEmpirical Bayes methods外部サイトProbabilistic Foundations of Statistical Network Analysis外部サイトSymmetric multivariate and related distributions外部サイトGeneralized linear models外部サイトAlgebraic statistics : computational commutative algebra in statistics外部サイトStatistical evidence : a likelihood paradigm外部サイトMonte Carlo methods外部サイトPareto distributions外部サイトAnalysis of quantal response data外部サイトNetworks and chaos : statistical and probabilistic aspects外部サイトProbabilistic foundations of statistical network analysis外部サイトLarge covariance and autocovariance matrices外部サイトStatistical inference : an integrated Bayesian/likelihood approach外部サイトExtreme values in finance, telecommunications, and the environment外部サイトDensity estimation for statistics and data analysis外部サイトStatistics in the 21st century外部サイトExtreme value methods with applications to finance外部サイトBayesian methods for finite population sampling外部サイトConstrained principal component analysis and related techniques外部サイトGaussian Markov random fields : theory and applications外部サイトThe Analysis of binary data外部サイトAnalysis of repeated measures外部サイトRisk theory : the stochastic basis of insurance外部サイトDesign and analysis of cross-over trials外部サイトStatistical aspects of BSE and vCJD : models for epidemics外部サイトAnalyzing and modeling rank data外部サイトData analysis and approximate models : model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametric regression and image analysis外部サイトBayes and empirical Bayes methods for data analysis外部サイトTime series models : in econometrics, finance and other fields外部サイトThe analysis of contingency tables外部サイトThe statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data : a marginal modeling approach外部サイトAnalysis of time series structure : SSA and related techniques外部サイトMultivariate dependencies : models, analysis and interpretation外部サイトDifferential geometry and statistics外部サイトStatistics for long-memory processes外部サイトNonlinear models for repeated measurement data外部サイトDensity estimation for statistics and data analysis外部サイトBayesian inference for partially identified models : exploring the limits of limited data外部サイトGeneralized additive models外部サイトCircular and linear regression : fitting circles and lines by least squares外部サイトThe statistical analysis of compositional data外部サイトAbsolute risk : methods and applications in clinical management and public health外部サイトStatistical reasoning with imprecise probabilities外部サイトPractical risk theory for actuaries外部サイトTensor methods in statistics外部サイトInferential models : reasoning with uncertainty外部サイトStatistical inference : the minimum distance approach外部サイトCyclic designs外部サイトAnalysis of infectious disease data外部サイトStatistical inference外部サイトStatistical methods for spatio-temporal systems外部サイトSubjective probability models for lifetimes外部サイトNonlinear time series : semiparametric and nonparametric methods外部サイトSet-indexed martingales外部サイトThe theory of dispersion models外部サイトStatistical learning with sparsity : the lasso and generalizations外部サイトMixed Poisson processes外部サイトMean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration外部サイトTheory of factorial design : single- and multi-stratum experiments外部サイトSmoothing splines : methods and applications外部サイトGeneralized linear models with random effects : unified analysis via H-likelihood外部サイトPredictive inference : an introduction外部サイトDependence modeling with copulas外部サイトQueues外部サイトMarkov models and optimization外部サイトSubset selection in regression外部サイトThe analysis of contingency tables外部サイトRetrial queues外部サイトNonparametric models for the longitudinal data with implementation in R外部サイトTime series models : in econometrics, finance and other fields外部サイトSequential change detection and hypothesis testing : general non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rules外部サイトReplication and evidence factors in observational studies外部サイトSmoothing splines : methods and applications外部サイトIntroduction to high-dimensional statistics外部サイトSparse graphical modeling for high dimensional data : a paradigm of conditional independence tests外部サイトDependence modeling with copulas外部サイトFunctional data analysis with R外部サイトAnalysis of incomplete multivariate data外部サイトMartingale methods in statistics外部サイトGeneralized linear models外部サイトDynamic treatment regimes : statistical methods for precision medicine外部サイトAnalysis of infectious disease data外部サイトObject oriented data analysis外部サイトAn introduction to the bootstrap外部サイトThe energy of data and distance correlation外部サイトBayesian nonparametrics for causal inference and missing data外部サイトStatistical learning with sparsity : the lasso and generalizations外部サイトStatistical evidence : a likelihood paradigm外部サイトIntroduction to time series modeling with applications in R外部サイト






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Published in -1981 under the title: Monographs on applied probability and statistics
Publisher varies: Chapman & Hall/CRC, CRC Press
Multistate models for the analysis of life history data
Generalized linear models
Multivariate models and dependence concepts
Statistical inference and simulation for spatial point processes
Sequential analysis : hypothesis testing and changepoint detection
Statistical methods for stochastic differential equations
Multidimensional scaling
Multivariate dependencies : models, analysis and interpretation
Model-free curve estimation
Analog estimation methods in econometrics
Stochastic analysis for gaussian random processes and fields : with applications
Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data
Empirical Bayes methods
Generalized linear models with random effects : unified analysis via h-likelihood
Cyclic and computer generated designs
Statistical inference : based on the likelihood
Theory of sample surveys
Complex stochastic systems
Bandit problems : sequential allocation of experiments
Quasi-least squares regression
Hidden Markov models for time series : an introduction using R
The analysis of binary data
Dynamic prediction in clinical survival analysis
Robust cluster analysis and variable selection
Regression analysis with applications
Components of variance
An introduction to the bootstrap
Asymptotic analysis of mixed effects models : theory, applications, and open problems
Randomised response-adaptive designs in clinical trials
Analysis of incomplete multivariate data
The theory of the design of experiments
Symmetric multivariate and related distributions
Longitudinal data with serial correlation : a state-space approach
Measuring statistical evidence using relative belief
Sequential methods in statistics
Multi-state survival models for interval-censored data
Applications of queueing theory
Semialgebraic statistics and latent tree models
Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data
Mixed effects models for complex data
Measurement error in nonlinear models : a modern perspective
Asymptotic techniques for use in statistics
Simultaneous inference in regression
Missing data in longitudinal studies : strategies for Bayesian modeling and sensitivity analysis
Variance components estimation : mixed models, methodologies and applications
Inference and asymptotics
Design and analysis of cross-over trials
Multivariate models and dependence concepts
Introduction to time series modeling
Maximum likelihood estimation for sample surveys
Transformation and weighting in regression
Hidden Markov models for time series : an introduction using R
ROC curves for continuous data
Robust nonparametric statistical methods
Inspection errors for attributes in quality control
Generalized linear models
Measurement error in nonlinear models
An introduction to latent variable models
Multidimensional scaling
Local polynomial modelling and its applications
Point processes
Distribution-free statistical methods
Nonparametric regression and generalized linear models : a roughness penalty approach
Stereology for statisticians
Diagnostic checks in time series
Stochastic modelling and control
Accelerated life models : modeling and statistical analysis
Perfect simulation
Semimartingales and their statistical inference
Analysis of variance for functional data
Topics in modelling of clustered data
Kernel smoothing
State-space methods for time series analysis : theory, applications and software
Sufficient dimension reduction : methods and applications with R
Tensor methods in statistics
Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
Asymptotic analysis of mixed effects models : theory, applications, and open problems
Introduction to time series modeling with applications in R
Functional data analysis with R
Mixture models : parametric, semiparametric, and new directions
Models for dependent time series
Stochastic geometry : likelihood and computation
Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration
Design and analysis of cross-over trials
Antedependence models for longitudinal data
Number-theoretic methods in statistics
Hidden Markov and other models for discrete-valued time series
Analysis of survival data
Computer-assisted analysis of mixtures and applications : meta-analysis, disease mapping and others
Hierarchical modeling and analysis for spatial data
Empirical likelihood
Missing and modified data in nonparametric estimation : with R examples
Statistical evidence : a likelihood paradigm
An introduction to the bootstrap
Subset selection in regression
Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
Joint modeling of longitudinal and time-to-event data
Local polynomial modelling and its applications
Measurement error in nonlinear models
Residuals and influence in regression
Multivariate kernel smoothing and its applications
Expansions and asymptotics for statistics
Analysis of binary data
Statistical analysis of spatial and spatio-temporal point patterns
Empirical Bayes methods
Probabilistic Foundations of Statistical Network Analysis
Symmetric multivariate and related distributions
Generalized linear models
Algebraic statistics : computational commutative algebra in statistics
Statistical evidence : a likelihood paradigm
Monte Carlo methods
Pareto distributions
Analysis of quantal response data
Networks and chaos : statistical and probabilistic aspects
Probabilistic foundations of statistical network analysis
Large covariance and autocovariance matrices
Statistical inference : an integrated Bayesian/likelihood approach
Extreme values in finance, telecommunications, and the environment
Density estimation for statistics and data analysis
Statistics in the 21st century
Extreme value methods with applications to finance
Bayesian methods for finite population sampling
Constrained principal component analysis and related techniques
Gaussian Markov random fields : theory and applications
The Analysis of binary data
Analysis of repeated measures
Risk theory : the stochastic basis of insurance
Design and analysis of cross-over trials
Statistical aspects of BSE and vCJD : models for epidemics
Analyzing and modeling rank data
Data analysis and approximate models : model choice, location-scale, analysis of variance, nonparametric regression and image analysis
Bayes and empirical Bayes methods for data analysis
Time series models : in econometrics, finance and other fields
The analysis of contingency tables
The statistical analysis of multivariate failure time data : a marginal modeling approach
Analysis of time series structure : SSA and related techniques
Multivariate dependencies : models, analysis and interpretation
Differential geometry and statistics
Statistics for long-memory processes
Nonlinear models for repeated measurement data
Density estimation for statistics and data analysis
Bayesian inference for partially identified models : exploring the limits of limited data
Generalized additive models
Circular and linear regression : fitting circles and lines by least squares
The statistical analysis of compositional data
Absolute risk : methods and applications in clinical management and public health
Statistical reasoning with imprecise probabilities
Practical risk theory for actuaries
Tensor methods in statistics
Inferential models : reasoning with uncertainty
Statistical inference : the minimum distance approach
Cyclic designs
Analysis of infectious disease data
Statistical inference
Statistical methods for spatio-temporal systems
Subjective probability models for lifetimes
Nonlinear time series : semiparametric and nonparametric methods
Set-indexed martingales
The theory of dispersion models
Statistical learning with sparsity : the lasso and generalizations
Mixed Poisson processes
Mean field simulation for Monte Carlo integration
Theory of factorial design : single- and multi-stratum experiments
Smoothing splines : methods and applications
Generalized linear models with random effects : unified analysis via H-likelihood
Predictive inference : an introduction
Dependence modeling with copulas
Markov models and optimization
Subset selection in regression
The analysis of contingency tables
Retrial queues
Nonparametric models for the longitudinal data with implementation in R
Time series models : in econometrics, finance and other fields
Sequential change detection and hypothesis testing : general non-i.i.d. stochastic models and asymptotically optimal rules
Replication and evidence factors in observational studies
Smoothing splines : methods and applications
Introduction to high-dimensional statistics
Sparse graphical modeling for high dimensional data : a paradigm of conditional independence tests
Dependence modeling with copulas
Functional data analysis with R
Analysis of incomplete multivariate data
Martingale methods in statistics
Generalized linear models
Dynamic treatment regimes : statistical methods for precision medicine
Analysis of infectious disease data
Object oriented data analysis
An introduction to the bootstrap
The energy of data and distance correlation
Bayesian nonparametrics for causal inference and missing data
Statistical learning with sparsity : the lasso and generalizations
Statistical evidence : a likelihood paradigm
Introduction to time series modeling with applications in R
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books