
Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture


Cambridge studies in nineteenth-century literature and culture

Beer, Gillianほか
Cambridge University Press



General editors: Gillian Beer, Catherine Gallagher


Dickens and the daughter of the house外部サイトProfessional domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home外部サイトCharles Darwin and Victorian visual culture外部サイトProfessional domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home外部サイトVictorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination外部サイトThe Brontës and the idea of the human : science, ethics, and the Victorian imagination外部サイトVictorian women writers and the woman question外部サイトRealism, representation, and the arts in nineteenth-century literature外部サイトShakespeare and Victorian women外部サイトThe Victorian parlour外部サイトDickens and the popular radical imagination外部サイトTranslation as transformation in Victorian poetry外部サイトRelics of death in Victorian literature and culture外部サイトCharles Darwin and Victorian visual culture外部サイトScience, fiction, and the fin-de-siècle periodical press外部サイトGender and the Victorian periodical外部サイトGeorge Eliot and the British Empire外部サイトDickens, novel reading, and the Victorian popular theatre外部サイトBefore George Eliot : Marian Evans and the periodical press外部サイトSatire in an age of realism外部サイトEnglish fiction and the evolution of language, 1850-1914外部サイトVictorian renovations of the novel : narrative annexes and the boundaries of representation外部サイトThe Victorian supernatural外部サイトThinking about other people in nineteenth-century British writing外部サイトLiterature in the marketplace : nineteenth-century British publishing and reading practices外部サイトThe revolution in popular literature : print, politics and the people, 1790-1860外部サイトLiterature and medicine in nineteenth-century Britain : from Mary Shelley to George Eliot外部サイトCatholicism, sexual deviance, and Victorian Gothic culture外部サイトAtonement and self-sacrifice in nineteenth-century narrative外部サイトDickens's style外部サイトLiterature and dance in nineteenth-century Britain : Jane Austen to the new woman外部サイトRhythm and will in Victorian poetry外部サイトThe tragi-comedy of Victorian fatherhood外部サイトByron and the Victorians外部サイトGeorge Eliot and money : economics, ethics and literature外部サイトVictorian literature and the anorexic body外部サイトGender, race, and the writing of empire : public discourse and the Boer War外部サイトWomen's poetry and religion in Victorian England : Jewish identity and Christian culture外部サイトDickens and the business of death外部サイトPopular literature, authorship and the occult in late Victorian Britain外部サイトAutomatism and creative acts in the age of new psychology外部サイトFairies in nineteenth-century art and literature外部サイトVictorian masculinities : manhood and masculine poetics in early Victorian literature and art外部サイトVictorian women writers and the woman question外部サイトGerard Manley Hopkins and the poetry of religious experience外部サイトIreland, India, and nationalism in nineteenth-century literature外部サイトThe divine in the commonplace : reverent natural history and the novel in Britain外部サイトThe bigamy plot : sensation and convention in the Victorian novel外部サイトWomen, literature, and the domesticated landscape : England's disciples of flora, 1780-1870外部サイトCaribbean culture and British fiction in the Atlantic world, 1780-1870外部サイトThe demographic imagination and the nineteenth-century city : Paris, London, New York外部サイトGhost-seers, detectives, and spiritualists : theories of vision in Victorian literature and science外部サイトThe Jewess in nineteenth-century British literary culture外部サイトUrban realism and the cosmopolitan imagination in the nineteenth century : visible city, invisible world外部サイトVictorian writing about risk : imagining a safe England in a dangerous world外部サイトEpic and empire in nineteenth-century Britain外部サイトThe racial hand in the Victorian imagination外部サイトThe Victorian novel and the space of art : fictional form on display外部サイトScience in the nineteenth-century periodical : reading the magazine of nature外部サイトEpic and empire in nineteenth-century Britain外部サイトAtonement and self-sacrifice in nineteenth-century narrative外部サイトVictorian masculinities : manhood and masculine poetics in early Victorian literature and art外部サイトPhysiognomy and the meaning of expression in nineteenth-century culture外部サイトDemocratising beauty in nineteenth-century Britain : art and the politics of public life外部サイトAestheticism and sexual parody, 1840-1940外部サイトSatire in an age of realism外部サイトVictorian photography, painting and poetry : the enigma of visibility in Ruskin, Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites外部サイトThe political lives of Victorian animals : liberal creatures in literature and culture外部サイトActresses on the Victorian stage : feminine performance and the Galatea myth外部サイトPicturing reform in Victorian Britain外部サイトLiterature and dance in nineteenth-century Britain : Jane Austen to the new woman外部サイトLiterature, print culture, and media technologies, 1880-1900 : many inventions外部サイトThe formation of the Victorian literary profession外部サイトThe poetry of Chartism : aesthetics, politics, history外部サイトIdleness and aesthetic consciousness, 1815-1900外部サイトThe poetry of Victorian scientists : style, science and nonsense外部サイトEveryday words and the character of prose in nineteenth-century Britain外部サイトMasculinity and the new imperialism : rewriting manhood in British popular literature, 1870-1914外部サイトRereading Walter Pater外部サイトThe demographic imagination and the nineteenth-century city : Paris, London, New York外部サイトThe child writer from Austen to Woolf外部サイトRelics of death in Victorian literature and culture外部サイトThe formation of the Victorian literary profession外部サイトThe Crimean War in the British imagination外部サイトDarwin, literature and Victorian respectability外部サイトRealism, photography, and nineteenth-century fiction外部サイトThe Indian mutiny and the British imagination外部サイトThe Victorian supernatural外部サイトCharlotte Brontë and Victorian psychology外部サイトTranslation as transformation in Victorian poetry外部サイトTestimony and advocacy in Victorian law, literature, and theology外部サイトOscar Wilde and ancient Greece外部サイトVictorian photography, painting and poetry : the enigma of visibility in Ruskin, Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites外部サイトWomen writing art history in the nineteenth century : looking like a woman外部サイトPopular literature, authorship and the occult in late Victorian Britain外部サイトSettler colonialism in Victorian literature : economics and political identity in the networks of empire外部サイトAn underground history of early Victorian fiction : chartism, radical print culture, and the social problem novel外部サイトVirtual play and the Victorian novel : the ethics and aesthetics of fictional experience外部サイトConvalescence in the nineteenth-century novel : the afterlife of Victorian illness外部サイトScottish women's writing in the long nineteenth century : the romance of everyday life外部サイトReimagining dinosaurs in late Victorian and Edwardian literature : how the 'terrible lizard' became a transatlantic cultural icon外部サイトEvolution and imagination in Victorian children's literature外部サイトMoral authority, men of science, and the Victorian novel外部サイトChina and the Victorian imagination : empires entwined外部サイトVictorian women and wayward reading : crises of identification外部サイトThe art of uncertainty : probable realism and the victorian novel外部サイトMimicry and display in Victorian literary culture : nature, science and the nineteenth-century imagination外部サイトFiction, famine, and the rise of economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland外部サイトRemaking Queen Victoria外部サイトWomen, literature, and the domesticated landscape : England's disciples of flora, 1780-1870外部サイトMissionary writing and empire, 1800-1860外部サイトThe Crimean War in the British imagination外部サイトVictorian honeymoons : journeys to the Conjugal外部サイトFrom Dickens to Dracula : Gothic, economics, and Victorian fiction外部サイトLiterary culture and the Pacific : nineteenth-century textual encounters外部サイトDisease, desire, and the body in Victorian women's popular novels外部サイトRuskin's god外部サイトSensation and modernity in the 1860s外部サイトTime and the moment in Victorian literature and society外部サイトDetective fiction and the rise of forensic science外部サイトVictorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination外部サイトTime and the moment in Victorian literature and society外部サイト'Michael Field' : poetry, aestheticism and the fin de siècle外部サイトByron and the Victorians外部サイトColonies, cults and evolution : literature, science and culture in nineteenth-century writing外部サイトVoice and the Victorian storyteller外部サイトThe racial hand in the Victorian imagination外部サイトMoral authority, men of science, and the Victorian novel外部サイトDickens, novel reading, and the Victorian popular theatre外部サイトWriting Arctic disaster : authorship and exploration外部サイトTuberculosis and the Victorian literary imagination外部サイトEnglish fiction and the evolution of language, 1850-1914外部サイトChina and the Victorian imagination : empires entwined外部サイトEvolution and Victorian culture外部サイトPoetry, media, and the material body : autopoetics in nineteenth-century Britain外部サイトThe tragi-comedy of Victorian fatherhood外部サイトGender, race, and the writing of empire : public discourse and the Boer War外部サイトRuskin's God外部サイトThe commodification of identity in Victorian narrative : autobiography, sensation, and the literary marketplace外部サイトDickens and the daughter of the house外部サイトPopular fiction and brain science in the late nineteenth century外部サイトDeath and the mother from Dickens to Freud : Victorian fiction and the anxiety of origins外部サイトThe bigamy plot : sensation and convention in the Victorian novel外部サイトActresses on the Victorian stage : feminine performance and the Galatea myth外部サイトFairies in nineteenth-century art and literature外部サイトDickens and the business of death外部サイトThe Jewess in nineteenth-century British literary culture外部サイトUrban realism and the cosmopolitan imagination in the nineteenth century : visible city, invisible world外部サイトEavesdropping in the novel from Austen to Proust外部サイトThe poetry of Chartism : aesthetics, politics, history外部サイトMuscular Christianity : embodying the Victorian age外部サイトSensation and modernity in the 1860s外部サイトFiction, famine, and the rise of economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland外部サイトFrom sketch to novel : the development of Victorian fiction外部サイトThe silver fork novel : fashionable fiction in the age of reform外部サイトWomen writing art history in the nineteenth century : looking like a woman外部サイトDarwin and the memory of the human : evolution, savages, and South America外部サイトAfter Dickens : reading, adaptation and performance外部サイトAestheticism and sexual parody, 1840-1940外部サイトScience in the nineteenth-century periodical : reading the magazine of nature外部サイトCaribbean culture and British fiction in the Atlantic world, 1780-1870外部サイトThe Gothic body : sexuality, materialism, and degeneration at the fin de siècle外部サイトDetective fiction and the rise of forensic science外部サイトGender and the Victorian periodical外部サイトTuberculosis and the Victorian literary imagination外部サイトLondon and the culture of homosexuality, 1885-1914外部サイトThinking about other people in nineteenth-century British writing外部サイトRealism, representation, and the arts in nineteenth-century literature外部サイトDarwin and the memory of the human : evolution, savages, and South America外部サイトPopular fiction and brain science in the late nineteenth century外部サイトEvolution and imagination in Victorian children's literature外部サイトVictorian literature and the anorexic body外部サイトAfter Dickens : reading, adaptation and performance外部サイトDickens's Style外部サイトShock, memory and the unconscious in Victorian fiction外部サイトThe Gothic body : sexuality, materialism, and degeneration at the fin de siècle外部サイトLiterary culture and the Pacific : nineteenth-century textual encounters外部サイトLiterature, technology and magical thinking, 1880-1920外部サイトDeath and the mother from Dickens to Freud : Victorian fiction and the anxiety of origins外部サイトLiterature and medicine in nineteenth-century Britain : from Mary Shelley to George Eliot外部サイトColonies, cults and evolution : literature, science and culture in nineteenth-century writing外部サイトVictorian writing about risk : imagining a safe England in a dangerous world外部サイトShakespeare and Victorian women外部サイトAn underground history of early Victorian fiction : Chartism, radical print culture, and the social problem novel外部サイトThe sickroom in Victorian fiction : the art of being ill外部サイトGhost-seers, detectives, and spiritualists : theories of vision in Victorian literature and science外部サイトThe Indian mutiny and the British imagination外部サイトThe child writer from Austen to Woolf外部サイトBlindness and writing : from Wordsworth to Gissing外部サイトDarwin, literature and Victorian respectability外部サイトTestimony and advocacy in Victorian law, literature, and theology外部サイトAncestry and narrative in nineteenth-century British literature : blood relations from Edgeworth to Hardy外部サイトShock, memory and the unconscious in Victorian fiction外部サイトCharlotte Brontë and Victorian psychology外部サイトPlagiarizing the Victorian novel : imitation, parody, aftertext外部サイトDisease, desire, and the body in Victorian women's popular novels外部サイトMalaria and Victorian fictions of empire外部サイトScience, fiction, and the fin-de-siècle periodical press外部サイトAging, duration, and the English novel : growing old from Dickens to Woolf外部サイトFrom sketch to novel : the development of Victorian fiction外部サイトConvalescence in the nineteenth-century novel : the afterlife of Victorian illness外部サイトCollaborative writing in the long nineteenth century : sympathetic partnerships and artistic creation外部サイトThe Victorian novel and the space of art : fictional form on display外部サイトFashionable fictions and the currency of the nineteenth-century British novel外部サイトMimicry and display in Victorian literary culture : nature, science and the nineteenth-century imagination外部サイトDickens and the popular radical imagination外部サイトEvolution and Victorian culture外部サイトEveryday words and the character of prose in nineteenth-century Britain外部サイトStylistic virtue and Victorian fiction : form, ethics, and the novel外部サイトLiterature, print culture, and media technologies, 1880-1900 : many inventions外部サイトCollaborative writing in the long nineteenth century : sympathetic partnerships in artistic creation外部サイトVictorian women writers and the other Germany : cross-cultural freedoms and female opportunity外部サイトSexual restraint and aesthetic experience in Victorian literary decadence外部サイトSettler colonialism in Victorian literature : economics and political identity in the networks of Empire外部サイトBiopolitics and animal species in nineteenth century literature and science外部サイトThe Victorian cult of Shakespeare : bardology in the nineteenth century外部サイトColonial law in India and the Victorian imagination外部サイトVagrancy in the Victorian age : representing the wandering poor in nineteenth-century literature and culture外部サイトThe commodification of identity in Victorian narrative : autobiography, sensation, and the literary marketplace外部サイトDecadent ecology in British literature and art, 1860-1910 : decay, desire, and the pagan revival外部サイトVisual culture and Arctic voyages : personal and public art and literature of the Franklin search expeditions外部サイトMusic and the queer body in English literature at the fin de siècle外部サイトLiberalism and American literature in the Clinton era外部サイトConversing in verse : conversation in nineteenth-century English poetry外部サイトBirdsong, speech and poetry : the art of composition in the long nineteenth century外部サイトThe art of the reprint : nineteenth-century novels in twentieth-century editions外部サイトWalter Pater and the beginnings of English studies外部サイトScale, crisis, and the modern novel : extreme measures外部サイトGeorge Eliot and money : economics, ethics and literature外部サイトChildren's literature and the rise of "mind cure" : positive thinking and pseudo-science at the fin de siècle外部サイトVictorian women and wayward reading : crises of identification外部サイトGeorge Eliot and the British Empire外部サイト



  • Dickens and the daughter of the house

  • Professional domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home

  • Charles Darwin and Victorian visual culture

  • Professional domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home

  • Victorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination





  • CiNii Research

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General editors: Gillian Beer, Catherine Gallagher
Dickens and the daughter of the house
Professional domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home
Charles Darwin and Victorian visual culture
Professional domesticity in the Victorian novel : women, work and home
Victorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination
The Brontës and the idea of the human : science, ethics, and the Victorian imagination
Victorian women writers and the woman question
Realism, representation, and the arts in nineteenth-century literature
Shakespeare and Victorian women
The Victorian parlour
Dickens and the popular radical imagination
Translation as transformation in Victorian poetry
Relics of death in Victorian literature and culture
Charles Darwin and Victorian visual culture
Science, fiction, and the fin-de-siècle periodical press
Gender and the Victorian periodical
George Eliot and the British Empire
Dickens, novel reading, and the Victorian popular theatre
Before George Eliot : Marian Evans and the periodical press
Satire in an age of realism
English fiction and the evolution of language, 1850-1914
Victorian renovations of the novel : narrative annexes and the boundaries of representation
The Victorian supernatural
Thinking about other people in nineteenth-century British writing
Literature in the marketplace : nineteenth-century British publishing and reading practices
The revolution in popular literature : print, politics and the people, 1790-1860
Literature and medicine in nineteenth-century Britain : from Mary Shelley to George Eliot
Catholicism, sexual deviance, and Victorian Gothic culture
Atonement and self-sacrifice in nineteenth-century narrative
Dickens's style
Literature and dance in nineteenth-century Britain : Jane Austen to the new woman
Rhythm and will in Victorian poetry
The tragi-comedy of Victorian fatherhood
Byron and the Victorians
George Eliot and money : economics, ethics and literature
Victorian literature and the anorexic body
Gender, race, and the writing of empire : public discourse and the Boer War
Women's poetry and religion in Victorian England : Jewish identity and Christian culture
Dickens and the business of death
Popular literature, authorship and the occult in late Victorian Britain
Automatism and creative acts in the age of new psychology
Fairies in nineteenth-century art and literature
Victorian masculinities : manhood and masculine poetics in early Victorian literature and art
Victorian women writers and the woman question
Gerard Manley Hopkins and the poetry of religious experience
Ireland, India, and nationalism in nineteenth-century literature
The divine in the commonplace : reverent natural history and the novel in Britain
The bigamy plot : sensation and convention in the Victorian novel
Women, literature, and the domesticated landscape : England's disciples of flora, 1780-1870
Caribbean culture and British fiction in the Atlantic world, 1780-1870
The demographic imagination and the nineteenth-century city : Paris, London, New York
Ghost-seers, detectives, and spiritualists : theories of vision in Victorian literature and science
The Jewess in nineteenth-century British literary culture
Urban realism and the cosmopolitan imagination in the nineteenth century : visible city, invisible world
Victorian writing about risk : imagining a safe England in a dangerous world
Epic and empire in nineteenth-century Britain
The racial hand in the Victorian imagination
The Victorian novel and the space of art : fictional form on display
Science in the nineteenth-century periodical : reading the magazine of nature
Epic and empire in nineteenth-century Britain
Atonement and self-sacrifice in nineteenth-century narrative
Victorian masculinities : manhood and masculine poetics in early Victorian literature and art
Physiognomy and the meaning of expression in nineteenth-century culture
Democratising beauty in nineteenth-century Britain : art and the politics of public life
Aestheticism and sexual parody, 1840-1940
Satire in an age of realism
Victorian photography, painting and poetry : the enigma of visibility in Ruskin, Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites
The political lives of Victorian animals : liberal creatures in literature and culture
Actresses on the Victorian stage : feminine performance and the Galatea myth
Picturing reform in Victorian Britain
Literature and dance in nineteenth-century Britain : Jane Austen to the new woman
Literature, print culture, and media technologies, 1880-1900 : many inventions
The formation of the Victorian literary profession
The poetry of Chartism : aesthetics, politics, history
Idleness and aesthetic consciousness, 1815-1900
The poetry of Victorian scientists : style, science and nonsense
Everyday words and the character of prose in nineteenth-century Britain
Masculinity and the new imperialism : rewriting manhood in British popular literature, 1870-1914
Rereading Walter Pater
The demographic imagination and the nineteenth-century city : Paris, London, New York
The child writer from Austen to Woolf
Relics of death in Victorian literature and culture
The formation of the Victorian literary profession
The Crimean War in the British imagination
Darwin, literature and Victorian respectability
Realism, photography, and nineteenth-century fiction
The Indian mutiny and the British imagination
The Victorian supernatural
Charlotte Brontë and Victorian psychology
Translation as transformation in Victorian poetry
Testimony and advocacy in Victorian law, literature, and theology
Oscar Wilde and ancient Greece
Victorian photography, painting and poetry : the enigma of visibility in Ruskin, Morris and the Pre-Raphaelites
Women writing art history in the nineteenth century : looking like a woman
Popular literature, authorship and the occult in late Victorian Britain
Settler colonialism in Victorian literature : economics and political identity in the networks of empire
An underground history of early Victorian fiction : chartism, radical print culture, and the social problem novel
Virtual play and the Victorian novel : the ethics and aesthetics of fictional experience
Convalescence in the nineteenth-century novel : the afterlife of Victorian illness
Scottish women's writing in the long nineteenth century : the romance of everyday life
Reimagining dinosaurs in late Victorian and Edwardian literature : how the 'terrible lizard' became a transatlantic cultural icon
Evolution and imagination in Victorian children's literature
Moral authority, men of science, and the Victorian novel
China and the Victorian imagination : empires entwined
Victorian women and wayward reading : crises of identification
The art of uncertainty : probable realism and the victorian novel
Mimicry and display in Victorian literary culture : nature, science and the nineteenth-century imagination
Fiction, famine, and the rise of economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland
Remaking Queen Victoria
Women, literature, and the domesticated landscape : England's disciples of flora, 1780-1870
Missionary writing and empire, 1800-1860
The Crimean War in the British imagination
Victorian honeymoons : journeys to the Conjugal
From Dickens to Dracula : Gothic, economics, and Victorian fiction
Literary culture and the Pacific : nineteenth-century textual encounters
Disease, desire, and the body in Victorian women's popular novels
Ruskin's god
Sensation and modernity in the 1860s
Time and the moment in Victorian literature and society
Detective fiction and the rise of forensic science
Victorian literature, energy, and the ecological imagination
Time and the moment in Victorian literature and society
'Michael Field' : poetry, aestheticism and the fin de siècle
Byron and the Victorians
Colonies, cults and evolution : literature, science and culture in nineteenth-century writing
Voice and the Victorian storyteller
The racial hand in the Victorian imagination
Moral authority, men of science, and the Victorian novel
Dickens, novel reading, and the Victorian popular theatre
Writing Arctic disaster : authorship and exploration
Tuberculosis and the Victorian literary imagination
English fiction and the evolution of language, 1850-1914
China and the Victorian imagination : empires entwined
Evolution and Victorian culture
Poetry, media, and the material body : autopoetics in nineteenth-century Britain
The tragi-comedy of Victorian fatherhood
Gender, race, and the writing of empire : public discourse and the Boer War
Ruskin's God
The commodification of identity in Victorian narrative : autobiography, sensation, and the literary marketplace
Dickens and the daughter of the house
Popular fiction and brain science in the late nineteenth century
Death and the mother from Dickens to Freud : Victorian fiction and the anxiety of origins
The bigamy plot : sensation and convention in the Victorian novel
Actresses on the Victorian stage : feminine performance and the Galatea myth
Fairies in nineteenth-century art and literature
Dickens and the business of death
The Jewess in nineteenth-century British literary culture
Urban realism and the cosmopolitan imagination in the nineteenth century : visible city, invisible world
Eavesdropping in the novel from Austen to Proust
The poetry of Chartism : aesthetics, politics, history
Muscular Christianity : embodying the Victorian age
Sensation and modernity in the 1860s
Fiction, famine, and the rise of economics in Victorian Britain and Ireland
From sketch to novel : the development of Victorian fiction
The silver fork novel : fashionable fiction in the age of reform
Women writing art history in the nineteenth century : looking like a woman
Darwin and the memory of the human : evolution, savages, and South America
After Dickens : reading, adaptation and performance
Aestheticism and sexual parody, 1840-1940
Science in the nineteenth-century periodical : reading the magazine of nature
Caribbean culture and British fiction in the Atlantic world, 1780-1870
The Gothic body : sexuality, materialism, and degeneration at the fin de siècle
Detective fiction and the rise of forensic science
Gender and the Victorian periodical
Tuberculosis and the Victorian literary imagination
London and the culture of homosexuality, 1885-1914
Thinking about other people in nineteenth-century British writing
Realism, representation, and the arts in nineteenth-century literature
Darwin and the memory of the human : evolution, savages, and South America
Popular fiction and brain science in the late nineteenth century
Evolution and imagination in Victorian children's literature
Victorian literature and the anorexic body
After Dickens : reading, adaptation and performance
Dickens's Style
Shock, memory and the unconscious in Victorian fiction
The Gothic body : sexuality, materialism, and degeneration at the fin de siècle
Literary culture and the Pacific : nineteenth-century textual encounters
Literature, technology and magical thinking, 1880-1920
Death and the mother from Dickens to Freud : Victorian fiction and the anxiety of origins
Literature and medicine in nineteenth-century Britain : from Mary Shelley to George Eliot
Colonies, cults and evolution : literature, science and culture in nineteenth-century writing
Victorian writing about risk : imagining a safe England in a dangerous world
Shakespeare and Victorian women
An underground history of early Victorian fiction : Chartism, radical print culture, and the social problem novel
The sickroom in Victorian fiction : the art of being ill
Ghost-seers, detectives, and spiritualists : theories of vision in Victorian literature and science
The Indian mutiny and the British imagination
The child writer from Austen to Woolf
Blindness and writing : from Wordsworth to Gissing
Darwin, literature and Victorian respectability
Testimony and advocacy in Victorian law, literature, and theology
Ancestry and narrative in nineteenth-century British literature : blood relations from Edgeworth to Hardy
Shock, memory and the unconscious in Victorian fiction
Charlotte Brontë and Victorian psychology
Plagiarizing the Victorian novel : imitation, parody, aftertext
Disease, desire, and the body in Victorian women's popular novels
Malaria and Victorian fictions of empire
Science, fiction, and the fin-de-siècle periodical press
Aging, duration, and the English novel : growing old from Dickens to Woolf
From sketch to novel : the development of Victorian fiction
Convalescence in the nineteenth-century novel : the afterlife of Victorian illness
Collaborative writing in the long nineteenth century : sympathetic partnerships and artistic creation
The Victorian novel and the space of art : fictional form on display
Fashionable fictions and the currency of the nineteenth-century British novel
Mimicry and display in Victorian literary culture : nature, science and the nineteenth-century imagination
Dickens and the popular radical imagination
Evolution and Victorian culture
Everyday words and the character of prose in nineteenth-century Britain
Stylistic virtue and Victorian fiction : form, ethics, and the novel
Literature, print culture, and media technologies, 1880-1900 : many inventions
Collaborative writing in the long nineteenth century : sympathetic partnerships in artistic creation
Victorian women writers and the other Germany : cross-cultural freedoms and female opportunity
Sexual restraint and aesthetic experience in Victorian literary decadence
Settler colonialism in Victorian literature : economics and political identity in the networks of Empire
Biopolitics and animal species in nineteenth century literature and science
The Victorian cult of Shakespeare : bardology in the nineteenth century
Colonial law in India and the Victorian imagination
Vagrancy in the Victorian age : representing the wandering poor in nineteenth-century literature and culture
The commodification of identity in Victorian narrative : autobiography, sensation, and the literary marketplace
Decadent ecology in British literature and art, 1860-1910 : decay, desire, and the pagan revival
Visual culture and Arctic voyages : personal and public art and literature of the Franklin search expeditions
Music and the queer body in English literature at the fin de siècle
Liberalism and American literature in the Clinton era
Conversing in verse : conversation in nineteenth-century English poetry
Birdsong, speech and poetry : the art of composition in the long nineteenth century
The art of the reprint : nineteenth-century novels in twentieth-century editions
Walter Pater and the beginnings of English studies
Scale, crisis, and the modern novel : extreme measures
George Eliot and money : economics, ethics and literature
Children's literature and the rise of "mind cure" : positive thinking and pseudo-science at the fin de siècle
Victorian women and wayward reading : crises of identification
George Eliot and the British Empire
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