
Smithsonian miscellaneous collections


Smithsonian miscellaneous collections

Smithsonian Institution


New lower Cambrian subfauna外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトSuggestions for the sanitary drainage of Washington city外部サイトA method of reaching extreme altitudes外部サイトCambrian and lower ozarkian trilobites外部サイトThe customs and religion of the Ch'iang外部サイトCambrian trilobites外部サイトNew York Potsdam-Hoyt fauna外部サイトThe biotic associations of cockroaches外部サイトA study of the radiation of the atmosphere : based upon observations of the nocturnal radiation during expeditions to Algeria and to California外部サイトThe skeletal remains of early man外部サイトSecond supplement to the annotated, subject-heading bibliography of termites, 1961-1965外部サイトWorld weather records外部サイトNotes on structure of neolenus外部サイトJournals of the Board of Regents, reports of committees, statistics, etc.外部サイトBibliography of North American conchology : previous to the year 1860外部サイトTables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids外部サイトClassification and terminology of the Cambrian brachiopoda with two plates外部サイトSmithsonian elliptic functions tables外部サイトSpecific gravities, boiling and melting points, and chemical formula外部サイトThe gold-banded skipper (Rhabdoides cellus)外部サイトHistory of electric light外部サイトDual character of the brain外部サイトIndex catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulæ and clusters, etc.外部サイトCambrian brachiopoda : descriptions of new genera and species with four plates外部サイトNomenclature of some Cambrian cordilleran formations外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトA table of specific heats for solids and liquids外部サイトCambrian sections of the cordilleran area with two plates外部サイトResearches in helminthology and parasitology外部サイトThe Cambrian faunas of Eastern Asia外部サイトArcheological investigations at Paragonah, Utah外部サイトThe mechanics of the earth's atmosphere : a collection of translations外部サイトCompendium and description of the West Indies外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトBibliography of aeronautics外部サイトA study of the nature and mechanism of fever外部サイトSamuel Pierpont Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-1906 : memorial meeting, December 3, 1906外部サイトPre-Cambrian rocks of the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada with three plates外部サイトPhonetic transcription of Indian languages : report of Committee of American Anthropological Association外部サイトAbrupt appearance of the Cambrian fauna on the North American continent外部サイトBibliography of the geology and mineralogy of tin外部サイトList of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian institution, corrected to ...外部サイトCheck list of the invertebrate fossils of North America : eocene and oligocene外部サイトTables, meteorological and physical外部サイトOn the structure of cancerous tumors and the mode in which adjacent parts are invaded外部サイトArthropods as intermediate hosts of helminths外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトSmithsonian geographical tables外部サイトNomenclature of some Cambrian cordilleran formations外部サイトA check-list of the fossil birds of North America外部サイトThe Albertella Fauna in British Columbia and Montana外部サイトWorld weather records, continued from volumes 79, 1921-1930外部サイトMemorial of Joseph Henry外部サイトThe brachiopod superfamily stenoscismatacea外部サイトGeological formations of Beaverfoot-Brisco-Stanford Range, British Columbia, Canada外部サイトSmall arms and ammunition in the United States service外部サイトArcheological investigations in the Bay Islands, Spanish honduras外部サイトMolluscan intermediate hosts of the Asiatic blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum, and species confused with them外部サイトMiddle Cambrian spongiae外部サイトRecently dated Pueblo ruins in Arizona外部サイトArrangement of the families of mammals : with analytical tables : prepared for the Smithsonian Institution外部サイトEquipment and work of an aero-physical observatory外部サイトAtomic weight determinations : a digest of the investigations published since 1814外部サイトComposition of the Caddoan linguistic stock外部サイトMiddle Cambrian holothurians and medusae外部サイトYakṣas外部サイトTwo runic stones, from Greenland and Minnesota外部サイトThe brightness of lunar eclipses, 1860-1922外部サイトThe skeletal remains of early man外部サイトParasites and the aid they give in problems of taxonomy, geographical distribution, and paleogeography外部サイトMorphology of the insect abdomen外部サイトA select bibliography of chemistry外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトTemperature variations in the north Atlantic ocean and in the atmosphere : introductory studies on the cause of climatological variations外部サイトCatalog of the termites (isoptera) of the world外部サイトAraucanian child life and its cultural background外部サイトA check-list of the fossil and prehistoric birds of North America and the West Indies外部サイトSupplement to the annotated, subject-heading bibliography of Termites, 1955 to 1960外部サイトStrepomatidæ (American melanians)外部サイトArcheological and geological investigations in the San Jon district, eastern New Mexico外部サイトSmithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions外部サイトA catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies)外部サイトThe Wineland voyages外部サイトCambrian trilobites外部サイトAnnotated, subject-heading bibliography of termites, 1350 B.C. to A.D. 1954外部サイトOn the surgical complications and sequels of the continued fevers外部サイトPre-Cambrian Algonkian algal flora外部サイトFauna of the Mount Whyte formation外部サイトThe Sardinian Cambrian genus olenopsus in America外部サイトSmithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions外部サイトList of described species of humming birds外部サイトA select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892外部サイトAbsorption lines of the infra-red solar spectrum外部サイトThe architecture of Pueblo Bonito外部サイトReport on the Crustacea (Brachyura and Anomura) collected by the North Pacific exploring expedition, 1853-1856外部サイトSmithsonian Physical Tables外部サイトThe mollusks of western north America外部サイトSynopsis of American wasps : solitary wasps外部サイトDocuments relative to its origin and history外部サイトSynopsis of the neuroptera of North America : with a list of the South American species外部サイトThe avifauna of the Pleistocene in Florida外部サイトLadybeetles of the genus Epilachna (Sens. Lat.) in Asia, Europe, and Australia外部サイトMiddle Cambrian branchiopoda, malacostraca, trilobita, and merostomata, with plates 24 to 34外部サイトThree pictographic autobiographies of Sitting Bull外部サイトPrehistoric art of the Alaskan Eskimo外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトDictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade language of Oregon外部サイトArcheology of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska外部サイトAn index to the genera and species of the Foraminifera外部サイトArcheology of the Florida gulf coast外部サイトGroup terms for the lower and upper Cambrian series of formations外部サイトThe distribution of energy over the sun's disk外部サイトRelations between the Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian formations in the vicinity of Helena, Montana外部サイトThe natives of Kharga Oasis, Egypt外部サイトCambrian faunas of China, with four plates外部サイトCambrian and ozarkian Brachiopoda, ozarkian cephalopoda and notostraca外部サイトPulmonata Limnophila and Thalassophila外部サイトConcerning the badianus manuscript, an Aztec herbal, "Codex Barberini, Latin 241", Vatican Library外部サイトSongs and stories of the Ch'uan Miao外部サイトMiddle Cambrian annelids外部サイトCambro-Ordovician boundary in British Columbia with description of fossils外部サイトThe classification and distribution of the Pit river Indian Tribes of California外部サイトAn introduction to the morphology and classification of the Foraminifera外部サイトDesigns on prehistoric pottery from the Mimbres Valley, New Mexico外部サイトSubcutaneous surgery : its principles, and its recent extension in practice外部サイトAppendages of Trilobites外部サイトAmpullariidae, Valvatidae, Viviparidae, Fresh-Water Rissoidae, Cyclophoridae, Truncatellidae, Fresh-Water Neritidae, Helicinidae.外部サイトFolk religion in Southwest China外部サイトSmithsonian logarithmic tables : to base e and base 10外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトMystacocarida, a new order of crustacea from intertidal beaches in Massachusetts and Connecticut外部サイトInfluence of planetary configurations upon the frequency of visible sun spots外部サイトMammals of Panama外部サイトA study of the salinity of the surface water in the North Pacific Ocean and in the adjacent enclosed seas外部サイトA new theory on Columbus's voyage through the Bahamas外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトCambrian and ozarkian trilobites外部サイトList of the principal scientific and literary institutions in the United States外部サイトThe mechanics of the earth's atmosphere : a collection of translations : third collection外部サイトThe archeological and paleontological salvage program in the Missouri Basin, 1950-1951外部サイトIndex to the literature of the spectroscope : 1887-1900, both inclusive : continuation of the previous index by the same author published in 1888外部サイトOlenellus and other genera of the mesonacidae with twenty-two plates外部サイトThe butterflies of Virginia外部サイトBiological investigations in México外部サイトMiddle Cambrian algae外部サイトDescriptions of four new forms of birds from Hispaniola外部サイトA systematic classification for the birds of the world : revised and amended外部サイトArrangement of the families of fishes, or classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, and Leptocardii. : prepared for the Smithonian Institution外部サイトAtmospheric air in relation to tuberculosis外部サイトMexican mosses collected by Brother Arsène Brouard外部サイトPre-devonian sedimentation in southern Canadian Rocky Mountains外部サイトPre-devonian paleozoic formations of the Cordilleran provinces of Canada外部サイトMiddle Cambrian merostomata, with six plates外部サイトSmithsonian logarithmic tables : to base e and base 10外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトClassification of the Coleoptera of North America外部サイトA select bibliography of chemistry外部サイトBusiness arrangements of the Smithsonian institution外部サイトMelanesians and Australians and the peopling of Amerca外部サイトJames Smithson and his bequest外部サイトPulmonata geophila外部サイトAn index to the genera and species of the Foraminifera外部サイトOn strain and over-action of the heart外部サイトOpinions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature外部サイトThe radiation of the planet earth to space外部サイトSmithsonian geographical tables外部サイトBibliography of the metals of the platinum group : platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, 1748-1896外部サイトCambrian formations of the Robson Peak District, British Columbia and Alberta, Canada外部サイトSome practical aspects of fuel economy外部サイトClassification of the Coleoptera of North America外部サイトChazyan and related brachiopods外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトThe material culture of Pueblo Bonito外部サイトNew parasitic copepods外部サイトThe nature of reparatory inflammation in arteries after ligature, acupressure, and torsion外部サイトA catalogue of earthquakes on the Pacific coast, 1769 to 1897外部サイトGeologic antiquity of the Lindenmeier site in Colorado外部サイトCambrian trilobites外部サイトA biological survey of Katmai National Monument (with 17 plates)外部サイトDistribution and ecology of the marine invertebrates of Point Barrow, Alaska外部サイトTables, meteorological and physical外部サイトThe darker side of dawn外部サイトContributions to the anthropology of the Soviet Union外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトCompendio y descripción de las Indias Occidentales外部サイトWorld weather records : errata外部サイトList of publications of the Smithsonian Institution外部サイトNomenclature of some post cambrian and cambrian cordilleran formations (2)外部サイトA history of applied entomology : somewhat anecdotal外部サイトEnvironment and native subsistence economics in the Central Great Plains外部サイトStudies of Arctic Foraminifera外部サイトThe Smithsonian institution : documents relative to its origin and history, 1835-1899外部サイトThe hypotrochanteric fossa of the femur外部サイトThe Spence shale and its fauna, (with six plates)外部サイトThe varieties of the human species : principles and method of classification外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトRevision of some recent foraminiferal genera外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトArcheological investigations in the Taos valley, New Mexico, during, 1920外部サイトThe scientific writings of James Smithson外部サイトThe abdominal mechanisms of a grasshopper外部サイトAboriginal cultural development in Latin America : an interpretative review外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトPhylogeny of fusus and its allies外部サイトReview of American birds in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution外部サイトCatalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America外部サイトCatalogue of the described Lepidoptera of North America外部サイトPhotographic portraits of North American Indians in the gallery of the Smithsonian Institution外部サイトCatalogue of the described Diptera of North America外部サイトThe medical and veterinary importance of cockroaches外部サイトSolar variation and weather : a summary of the evidence, completely illustrated and documented外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトSmithsonian physical tables外部サイトMonographs of the Diptera of North America外部サイトDirections for collecting, preserving, and transporting specimens of natural history, prepared for the use of the Smithsonian Institution外部サイトStudies in invertebrate morphology : published in honor of Dr. Robert Evans Snodgrass on the occasion of his eighty-fourth birthday, July 5, 1959外部サイトSmithsonian meteorological tables外部サイトThe birds of the Republic of Panama外部サイトBibliographical index to North American botany : or citations of authorities for all the recorded indigenous and naturalized species of the flora of North America : with chronological arrangement of the synonymy外部サイトUtilizing heat from the sun外部サイトDikelocephalus and other genera of the dikelocephalinae (with plates 60 to 70)外部サイトCambrian geology and paleontology外部サイトTwo original photographic negatives of Abraham Lincoln外部サイトA select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892外部サイトA select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897外部サイトA select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1902外部サイト






  • CiNii Research

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New lower Cambrian subfauna
Smithsonian physical tables
Suggestions for the sanitary drainage of Washington city
A method of reaching extreme altitudes
Cambrian and lower ozarkian trilobites
The customs and religion of the Ch'iang
Cambrian trilobites
New York Potsdam-Hoyt fauna
The biotic associations of cockroaches
A study of the radiation of the atmosphere : based upon observations of the nocturnal radiation during expeditions to Algeria and to California
The skeletal remains of early man
Second supplement to the annotated, subject-heading bibliography of termites, 1961-1965
World weather records
Notes on structure of neolenus
Journals of the Board of Regents, reports of committees, statistics, etc.
Bibliography of North American conchology : previous to the year 1860
Tables of expansion by heat for solids and liquids
Classification and terminology of the Cambrian brachiopoda with two plates
Smithsonian elliptic functions tables
Specific gravities, boiling and melting points, and chemical formula
The gold-banded skipper (Rhabdoides cellus)
History of electric light
Dual character of the brain
Index catalogue of books and memoirs relating to nebulæ and clusters, etc.
Cambrian brachiopoda : descriptions of new genera and species with four plates
Nomenclature of some Cambrian cordilleran formations
Smithsonian physical tables
A table of specific heats for solids and liquids
Cambrian sections of the cordilleran area with two plates
Researches in helminthology and parasitology
The Cambrian faunas of Eastern Asia
Archeological investigations at Paragonah, Utah
The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere : a collection of translations
Compendium and description of the West Indies
Smithsonian meteorological tables
Bibliography of aeronautics
A study of the nature and mechanism of fever
Samuel Pierpont Langley, secretary of the Smithsonian Institution, 1887-1906 : memorial meeting, December 3, 1906
Pre-Cambrian rocks of the Bow River Valley, Alberta, Canada with three plates
Phonetic transcription of Indian languages : report of Committee of American Anthropological Association
Abrupt appearance of the Cambrian fauna on the North American continent
Bibliography of the geology and mineralogy of tin
List of foreign correspondents of the Smithsonian institution, corrected to ...
Check list of the invertebrate fossils of North America : eocene and oligocene
Tables, meteorological and physical
On the structure of cancerous tumors and the mode in which adjacent parts are invaded
Arthropods as intermediate hosts of helminths
Smithsonian physical tables
Smithsonian physical tables
Smithsonian geographical tables
Nomenclature of some Cambrian cordilleran formations
A check-list of the fossil birds of North America
The Albertella Fauna in British Columbia and Montana
World weather records, continued from volumes 79, 1921-1930
Memorial of Joseph Henry
The brachiopod superfamily stenoscismatacea
Geological formations of Beaverfoot-Brisco-Stanford Range, British Columbia, Canada
Small arms and ammunition in the United States service
Archeological investigations in the Bay Islands, Spanish honduras
Molluscan intermediate hosts of the Asiatic blood fluke, Schistosoma japonicum, and species confused with them
Middle Cambrian spongiae
Recently dated Pueblo ruins in Arizona
Arrangement of the families of mammals : with analytical tables : prepared for the Smithsonian Institution
Equipment and work of an aero-physical observatory
Atomic weight determinations : a digest of the investigations published since 1814
Composition of the Caddoan linguistic stock
Middle Cambrian holothurians and medusae
Two runic stones, from Greenland and Minnesota
The brightness of lunar eclipses, 1860-1922
The skeletal remains of early man
Parasites and the aid they give in problems of taxonomy, geographical distribution, and paleogeography
Morphology of the insect abdomen
A select bibliography of chemistry
Smithsonian physical tables
Temperature variations in the north Atlantic ocean and in the atmosphere : introductory studies on the cause of climatological variations
Catalog of the termites (isoptera) of the world
Araucanian child life and its cultural background
A check-list of the fossil and prehistoric birds of North America and the West Indies
Supplement to the annotated, subject-heading bibliography of Termites, 1955 to 1960
Strepomatidæ (American melanians)
Archeological and geological investigations in the San Jon district, eastern New Mexico
Smithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions
A catalogue of North American Diptera (or two-winged flies)
The Wineland voyages
Cambrian trilobites
Annotated, subject-heading bibliography of termites, 1350 B.C. to A.D. 1954
On the surgical complications and sequels of the continued fevers
Pre-Cambrian Algonkian algal flora
Fauna of the Mount Whyte formation
The Sardinian Cambrian genus olenopsus in America
Smithsonian mathematical formulae and tables of elliptic functions
List of described species of humming birds
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892
Absorption lines of the infra-red solar spectrum
The architecture of Pueblo Bonito
Report on the Crustacea (Brachyura and Anomura) collected by the North Pacific exploring expedition, 1853-1856
Smithsonian Physical Tables
The mollusks of western north America
Synopsis of American wasps : solitary wasps
Documents relative to its origin and history
Synopsis of the neuroptera of North America : with a list of the South American species
The avifauna of the Pleistocene in Florida
Ladybeetles of the genus Epilachna (Sens. Lat.) in Asia, Europe, and Australia
Middle Cambrian branchiopoda, malacostraca, trilobita, and merostomata, with plates 24 to 34
Three pictographic autobiographies of Sitting Bull
Prehistoric art of the Alaskan Eskimo
Smithsonian meteorological tables
Dictionary of the Chinook Jargon, or, Trade language of Oregon
Archeology of St. Lawrence Island, Alaska
An index to the genera and species of the Foraminifera
Archeology of the Florida gulf coast
Group terms for the lower and upper Cambrian series of formations
The distribution of energy over the sun's disk
Relations between the Cambrian and Pre-Cambrian formations in the vicinity of Helena, Montana
The natives of Kharga Oasis, Egypt
Cambrian faunas of China, with four plates
Cambrian and ozarkian Brachiopoda, ozarkian cephalopoda and notostraca
Pulmonata Limnophila and Thalassophila
Concerning the badianus manuscript, an Aztec herbal, "Codex Barberini, Latin 241", Vatican Library
Songs and stories of the Ch'uan Miao
Middle Cambrian annelids
Cambro-Ordovician boundary in British Columbia with description of fossils
The classification and distribution of the Pit river Indian Tribes of California
An introduction to the morphology and classification of the Foraminifera
Designs on prehistoric pottery from the Mimbres Valley, New Mexico
Subcutaneous surgery : its principles, and its recent extension in practice
Appendages of Trilobites
Ampullariidae, Valvatidae, Viviparidae, Fresh-Water Rissoidae, Cyclophoridae, Truncatellidae, Fresh-Water Neritidae, Helicinidae.
Folk religion in Southwest China
Smithsonian logarithmic tables : to base e and base 10
Smithsonian physical tables
Mystacocarida, a new order of crustacea from intertidal beaches in Massachusetts and Connecticut
Influence of planetary configurations upon the frequency of visible sun spots
Mammals of Panama
A study of the salinity of the surface water in the North Pacific Ocean and in the adjacent enclosed seas
A new theory on Columbus's voyage through the Bahamas
Smithsonian physical tables
Cambrian and ozarkian trilobites
List of the principal scientific and literary institutions in the United States
The mechanics of the earth's atmosphere : a collection of translations : third collection
The archeological and paleontological salvage program in the Missouri Basin, 1950-1951
Index to the literature of the spectroscope : 1887-1900, both inclusive : continuation of the previous index by the same author published in 1888
Olenellus and other genera of the mesonacidae with twenty-two plates
The butterflies of Virginia
Biological investigations in México
Middle Cambrian algae
Descriptions of four new forms of birds from Hispaniola
A systematic classification for the birds of the world : revised and amended
Arrangement of the families of fishes, or classes Pisces, Marsipobranchii, and Leptocardii. : prepared for the Smithonian Institution
Atmospheric air in relation to tuberculosis
Mexican mosses collected by Brother Arsène Brouard
Pre-devonian sedimentation in southern Canadian Rocky Mountains
Pre-devonian paleozoic formations of the Cordilleran provinces of Canada
Middle Cambrian merostomata, with six plates
Smithsonian logarithmic tables : to base e and base 10
Smithsonian physical tables
Classification of the Coleoptera of North America
A select bibliography of chemistry
Business arrangements of the Smithsonian institution
Melanesians and Australians and the peopling of Amerca
James Smithson and his bequest
Pulmonata geophila
An index to the genera and species of the Foraminifera
On strain and over-action of the heart
Opinions rendered by the International Commission on Zoological Nomenclature
The radiation of the planet earth to space
Smithsonian geographical tables
Bibliography of the metals of the platinum group : platinum, palladium, iridium, rhodium, osmium, ruthenium, 1748-1896
Cambrian formations of the Robson Peak District, British Columbia and Alberta, Canada
Some practical aspects of fuel economy
Classification of the Coleoptera of North America
Chazyan and related brachiopods
Smithsonian physical tables
The material culture of Pueblo Bonito
New parasitic copepods
The nature of reparatory inflammation in arteries after ligature, acupressure, and torsion
A catalogue of earthquakes on the Pacific coast, 1769 to 1897
Geologic antiquity of the Lindenmeier site in Colorado
Cambrian trilobites
A biological survey of Katmai National Monument (with 17 plates)
Distribution and ecology of the marine invertebrates of Point Barrow, Alaska
Tables, meteorological and physical
The darker side of dawn
Contributions to the anthropology of the Soviet Union
Smithsonian meteorological tables
Compendio y descripción de las Indias Occidentales
World weather records : errata
List of publications of the Smithsonian Institution
Nomenclature of some post cambrian and cambrian cordilleran formations (2)
A history of applied entomology : somewhat anecdotal
Environment and native subsistence economics in the Central Great Plains
Studies of Arctic Foraminifera
The Smithsonian institution : documents relative to its origin and history, 1835-1899
The hypotrochanteric fossa of the femur
The Spence shale and its fauna, (with six plates)
The varieties of the human species : principles and method of classification
Smithsonian physical tables
Smithsonian physical tables
Revision of some recent foraminiferal genera
Smithsonian meteorological tables
Archeological investigations in the Taos valley, New Mexico, during, 1920
The scientific writings of James Smithson
The abdominal mechanisms of a grasshopper
Aboriginal cultural development in Latin America : an interpretative review
Smithsonian meteorological tables
Phylogeny of fusus and its allies
Review of American birds in the museum of the Smithsonian Institution
Catalogue of the fishes of the east coast of North America
Catalogue of the described Lepidoptera of North America
Photographic portraits of North American Indians in the gallery of the Smithsonian Institution
Catalogue of the described Diptera of North America
The medical and veterinary importance of cockroaches
Solar variation and weather : a summary of the evidence, completely illustrated and documented
Smithsonian meteorological tables
Smithsonian physical tables
Monographs of the Diptera of North America
Directions for collecting, preserving, and transporting specimens of natural history, prepared for the use of the Smithsonian Institution
Studies in invertebrate morphology : published in honor of Dr. Robert Evans Snodgrass on the occasion of his eighty-fourth birthday, July 5, 1959
Smithsonian meteorological tables
The birds of the Republic of Panama
Bibliographical index to North American botany : or citations of authorities for all the recorded indigenous and naturalized species of the flora of North America : with chronological arrangement of the synonymy
Utilizing heat from the sun
Dikelocephalus and other genera of the dikelocephalinae (with plates 60 to 70)
Cambrian geology and paleontology
Two original photographic negatives of Abraham Lincoln
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1892
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1897
A select bibliography of chemistry, 1492-1902
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA01230611 : BA01230611