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- 26 cm
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- 関連情報
- Precise triangulation, traverse, and leveling in North CarolinaTriangulation in GeorgiaTopographic manualConformal projections in geodesy and cartographyPrecise leveling in GeorgiaProgress of seismological investigations in the United States : report to the Section of Seismology of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union, International Research CouncilPlane table manualMagnetic declination in the United States in 1925Geodesy : investigations of gravity and isostasySafeguard the Gateways of Alaska : her waterwaysGeneral theory of the lambert conformal conic projectionRelation between plane rectangular coordinates and geographic positionsFirst- and second-order triangulation in Michigan (1927 datum)The effect of topography and isostatic compensation upon the intensity of gravityTriangulation in marylandTriangulation in Alabama and MississippiTriangulation in Utah (1927 datum)Terrestrial magnetism : Horizontal intensity variometersPrecise traverse and triangulation in IndianaTables for a polyconic projection of maps and lengths of terrestrial arcs of meridian and parallels based upon Clarke's reference spheroid of 1866Manual of reconnaissance for triangulationFirst-order leveling in OregonLeveling in Massachusetts, Rhode Island, and ConnecticutDescription of the U. S. Coast and Geodetic Survey tide-predicting machine no. 2Manual of first-order triangulationWireless longitudeFirst and second order triangulation and traverse in North Carolina (1927 datum)Elements of map projection with applications to map and chart constructionFirst- and second-order triangulation in Tennessee (1927 datum)Manual of plane-coordinate computationFirst-order leveling in HawaiiTides and currents in Delaware Bay and RiverManual of leveling computation and adjustmentFormulas and tables for the computation of geodetic positions on the international ellipsoidThe California-Washington arc of primary triangulationManual of first-order traverseTides and currents in New York HarborStudy of time errors in precise longitude determinations by the U.S. Coast and Geodetic SurveyFirst and second order triangulation and traverse in Minnesota (1927 datum)Chart datumsBilby steel tower for triangulationManual of second and third order triangulation and traverseThe earth's magnetismGeodesy : The eastern oblique arc of the United States and osculating spheroidPrecise leveling from Reno to Las Vegas, Nev. and from Tonopah Junction, Nev. to Laws, Cal.Horizontal control dataThe Bowie method of triangulation adjustment as applied to the first-order net in the western part of the United StatesControl levelingLeveling in FloridaTriangulation in HawaiiLeveling in North CarolinaCalifornia-Oregon arc of precise triangulationElements of map projection with applications to map and chart constructionHydrographic manualHydrography : construction and operation of the wire drag and sweepTriangulation in Colorado : <1927 datum>Alaska magnetic tables and magnetic charts for 1920An investigation of the latitude of Ukiah, Calif., and of the motion of the poleGeodetic operations in the United States january 1, 1936, to december 31, 1938 : report to the International Association of Geodesy of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, International Council of Scientific Unions/ by Clement L. GardnerLeveling in New Hampshire and VermontManual of geodetic astronomy : determination of longitude, latitude and azimuthEarthquake history of the United States : exclusive of the Pacific regionManual of first-order levelingEffect of topography and isostatic compensation upon the intensity of gravity (second paper)United States magnetic tables and magnetic charts for 1915Tidal bench marks, state of New YorkNatural sines and cosines to eight decimal placesLeveling in MainePrimary triangulation on the one hundred and fourth meridian, and on the thirty-ninth parallel in Colorado, Utah, and NevadaMagnetic observatory manualTidal datum planesTables for a polyconic projection of maps and lengths of terrestrial arcs of meridian and parallels based upon Clarke's reference spheroid of 1866Determination of time, longitude latitude, and azimuthTriangulation in MassachusettsUse of mean sea level as the datum for elevationsTriangulation in Wyoming (1927 datum)General theory of polyconic projectionsReport on earth tides : report to the International Association of Geodesy of the International Union of Geodesy and Geophysics, International Council of Scientific UnionsManual of current observationsRadio-compass bearingsTides and currents in Long Island and Block Island soundsTriangulation in MaineTriangulation along the Columbia river adn the costs of Oregon and and Northern CaliforniaManual of traverse computation on the transverse mercator gridManual of tide observationsFirst-order leveling in New JerseyDescription of long wire dragLatitude observations with photographic zenith tube at Gaithersburg, MdTriangulation in South Carolina (1927 datum)Tides : a manual of the harmonic analysis and prediction of tidesThe lambert conformal conic projection with two standard parallels, Including a comparison of the lambert projection with the bonne and polyconic projectionsTriangulation in Arizona (1927 datum)Destructive and near-destructive earthquakes in California and western Nevada, 1769-1933Air-line distances between cities in the United StatesTables for determining the form of the geoid and its indirect effect on gravityFirst-order triangulation in southeast AlaskaGeodetic operations in the United States and outlying possessions : report to the Section of Geodesy of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union, International Research CouncilDetermination of the difference in longitude between each two of the stations Washington, Cambridge, and Far RockawayApplication of the theory of least squares to the adjustment of triangulationPrecise triangulation in Texas, Rio Grande ARCFormulas and tables for the computation of geodetic positionsDescriptions of triangulation stations in GeorgiaPrecise traverse Racine, Wis., to Vandalia, Ill.Results of magnetic observations made by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in ...Aerial survey of the Mississippi river deltaAtlas of the Philippine IslandsFirst and second order triangulation in California (1927 datum)Progress of work in terrestrial magnetism of the U.S. Coast and Geodetic Survey : report to the section of terrestrial magnetism and electricity of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union, International Research CouncilThe Neglected waters of the pacific coast : Washington, Oregon, nad CaliforniaElements of map projection with applications to map and chart constructionManual of geodetic triangulationEarth movements in CaliforniaTables for albers projectionManual of traverse computation on the Lambert gridPrecise leveling in TexasFourth general adjustment of the precise level net in the United States and the resulting standard elevationsElements of map projection : with applications to map and chart constructionIsostatic investigations and data for gravity stations in the United States established since 1915World longitude determinations by the United States Coast and Geodetic Survey in 1926Grid system for progressive maps in the United StatesComparison of old and new triangulation in CaliforniaThe Texas- California arc of primary triangulationLatitude redeterminationsConformal projection of the sphere within a squareResults of magnetic observations made by the united states coast and geodetic survey between, July 1, 1911, and December 31, 1912The United States Coast and geodetic survey : its work, methods, and organizationPrecise leveling from Brigham, Utah, to San Francisco, CaliforniaUse of geodetic control for city surveysManual of geodetic levelingFirst-order triangulation in Texas (1927 datum)Distribution coefficients of magnetsGeodesy : The transcontinental triangulation and the American arc of the parallelGeodetic operations in the United States : report to the section of geodesy of the International Geodetic and Geophysical Union, International Research CouncilTriangulation in Rhode IslandLatitude developments connected with geodesy and cartography : with tables, including a table for Lambert equal-area meridional projectionFirst-order leveling in AlaskaEarthquake investigations in California, 1934-1935Magnetic declination in the United States for January 1, 1920Triangulation in West Virginia, Ohio, Kentucky, Indiana, Illinois, and MissouriA study of map projections in generalManual of triangulation computation and adjustmentUtah-Washington arc of precise triangulationLambert projection : tables for the United StatesCartography : a review and guide for the construction and use of maps and chartsGeneral instructions for the field work of the U.S. Coast and geodetic surveyModern methods for measuring the intensity of gravityInstructions for the compensation of the magnetic compassGeodetic level and rodElements of chart makingElliptic functions applied to conformal world mapsDistribution of the magnetic declination in the United States for January 1, 1915 : with isogonic chart and secular change tablesTriangulation in New Mexico (1927 datum)Practical air navigation and the use of the aeronautical charts of the U. S. Coast and geodetic surveyAstronomic determinations by United States Coast and Geodetic Survey and other organizationsA determination of the relative values of gravity at Potsdam and WashingtonHydrography : deep-sea soundings : Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Caribbean Sea, 1919 and 1922Practical air navigation and the use of the aeronautical charts of the U. S. Coast and geodetic survey