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- The theatre of Tennessee WilliamsA lovely Sunday for Creve CoeurThe driver's seatCinema storiesThe selected letters of Tennessee WilliamsWomen poets of JapanLast evenings on EarthFabricating lives : explorations in American autobiographyThe captain's verses = Los versos del capitánMiss Lonelyhearts & the day of the locustThe collected poems of Dylan Thomas, 1934-1952A draft of XXX CantosPart of the solution : portrait of a revolutionarySelected poemsMirrorsRhymes and more rhymes of a PfcDriven to abstractionAssaysThe cosmological eyeThe laughter of the sphinxKhurbn & other poemsDance and dreamSelected poems, 1938-1958 : Summer knowledgeCompany of mothsThe Europe of trustsThe man outsideThe promises of glassBlack + bluesLong live manUnfair arguments with existenceZen and the birds of appetiteA voyage to PaganySpring and allLife being the best & other storiesActive boundaries : selected essays and talksFrom your Capricorn friend : Henry Miller and the Stroker, 1978-1980The collected longer poemsRobert Creeley and the genius of the American common place : together with the poet's own "autobiography"The bright nails scattered on the ground : love poemsMemoirs of a polar bearFictive certainties : essaysMarco PoloThe Berlin storiesIn the money : a novelRoutinesSimple eyes & other poemsOblique prayers : new poems with 14 translations from Jean JoubertVienna blood & other poemsIn the winter of cities : poemsWhere I live : selected essaysSafe conduct : an autobiography and other writingsKinshu : autumn brocadeWindowsSun rock manNew seeds of contemplationBackSomething cloudy, something clearThe lion bridge : selected poems, 1972-1995Collected early poems of Ezra PoundKanthapuraKrishnakanta's willThe life of an amorous woman, and other writingsHermetic definitionEarth house hold : technical notes & queries to fellow Dharma revolutionariesEmblems of a season of furyThe colossus of MaroussiVirginia WoolfCrossing borders : selected shorter poemsThe girls of slender meansMaldoror : together with a translation of Lautréamont's poésies/ by Lautréamont ; Translated by Guy WernhamThe beetle legA season in hell &, ; The drunken boatSnakes' nest, or, A tale badly told : a novelStained glass elegies : storiesMy argument with the Gestapo : a macaronic journalThe devil's blind spot : tales from the new centuryPoland 1931Poems 1968-1972NauseaSolitudes crowded with lonelinessOut cryHerElegiac feelings AmericanExercises in styleA house not meant to stand : a gothic comedyNew directions in prose and poetryLaughter in the darkWhile the women are sleepingResidence on earth : residencia en la tierraOscar WildeDandelionsThe collected poems of Wilfred OwenSouls of the Labadie tractThe romantic dogs, 1980-1998Light up the caveFever and spearSiddharthaGuignol's bandClio's children : Dostoevsky at Semyonov Square and other poemsMistaken identityCodes appearing : poems 1979-1988Stitching porcelain : after Matteo Ricci in sixteenth-century ChinaPoems 1972-1982Flight ; & Bliss : two playsUnder Milk Wood : a play for voicesAsk at the UnicornOf the great house : a book of poemsThe crack-upWhite mule : a novelA streetcar named DesireAll the stories of Muriel SparkIn the American grainGo, went, gonePictures from Brueghel, and other poems : collected poems 1950-1962Roots and branches : poemsA Coney Island of the mind : poemsAt the sky's edge : poems 1991-1996Elektra : a version by Ezra Pound and Rudd FlemingArthur RimbaudLiterary essays of Ezra PoundHello : a journal, February 29-May 3, 1976PatersonBending the bow62 : a model kitDomestic particulars : a family chronicleThe cantos of Ezra PoundSeedings & other poemsThe man with the heart in the highlands & other early storiesThe sea and poisonLoitering with IntentSelected prose, 1909-1965Selected poems27 wagons full of cotton, and other one-act playsA guide to Ezra Pound's selected poemsThe real work : interviews & talks, 1964-1979From snow and rock, from chaos : poems, 1965-1972Quite early one morningWomen poets of ChinaThe final martyrsDenise Levertov selected poemsThe quarryBeating the bushes : selected essays, 1941-1970Remembering William Carlos WilliamsThe public imageCandles to the sun : a play in ten scenesIn CubaA barbarian in AsiaPoems from The book of hours = Das StundenbuchSymposiumThe great enigma : new collected poemsNew selected poems, 1970-1985The cannibalAn accidental autobiography : the selected letters of Gregory CorsoSecond skinSome versions of pastoralWomen of TrachisThe flowers of evilMy floating mother, cityThat thisNew directions in prose and poetry 18TrilogyABC of readingThe two-character playThe falling sickness : a book of playsThe Princess of ClevesPilate's wifeThe William Carlos Williams readerHurrah for anything ; Poemscapes and a letter to God : doubleheaderBaudelaireSweet bird of youthThree tragedies of Federico García LorcaCharls Tomlinson selected poems : 1955-1997Collected poemsOne hundred poems from the JapaneseA house of childrenRemember to rememberThe rings of SaturnThe Dhammapada ; translated from the Pāli with an essay on Buddha and the OccidentThe blue lantern and other storiesThe farmers' daughters : the collected stories of William Carlos WilliamsMister Paradise and other one-act playsA door in the hiveThe Pisan cantosCollected storiesNot honour moreThe selected poems of Li PoIlluminations, and other prose poemsI served the King of EnglandIndian nocturne : a novellaFive by Endo : storiesSelected poemsE. M. ForsterGuide to kulchurToddler-hunting and other storiesAmerikaThe Wisdom of the TaoistsThe way of Chuang TzuABC of readingMan-fate : the swan song of Brother AntoninusGround work II : in the darkJourney to the end of the nightImaginationsThe smile at the foot of the ladderCawdor, a long poem : Medea, after EuripidesDeep riverThe woman on the bridge over the Chicago River : a book of poemsImmigrants in our own land & selected early poemsOn the air with Dylan Thomas : the broadcastsSelected poemsBaudelaire : a study of his poetryToddler-hunting & other storiesThe red notebook : true storiesExercises in styleCollected poems of John WheelwrightOur examination round his factification for incamination of Work in progressSelected poemsPictures from Brueghel, and other poems : including The desert music & Journey to loveSleepers awakeIn quest of candlelightersGuide to kulchurThe spirit of romanceIn dreams begin responsibilities and other storiesDeath of a man : a novelNew poems : a selection from Satura and Diario del '71 e del '72PatersonFive plays : comedies and tragicomediesThe midnightThe bachelorsSoulstorm : storiesSelected poems of William Carlos WilliamsOmon RaSelected writings of Charles OlsonClothes for a summer hotel : a ghost playFacing the bridgeSelected poems of William Carlos WilliamsNew selected poems and translationsMiss Lonelyhearts & The day of the locustWyndham LewisThe crack-upThe time of the assassins : a study of RimbaudSelected poemsThe infernal machine, and other playsThe happy birthday of deathFifty storiesExcept the LordEzra Pound, father and teacher : discretionsFully empoweredNew & selected essaysThe Vienna paradox : a memoirThe lime twigDragon Country : a book of playsFortress besiegedThe spirit of romanceNotes on the mosquito : selected poemsThe ghost stories of Muriel SparkBird in the bush : obvious essaysThe Roman spring of Mrs. StoneThe air-conditioned nightmareThe traveling companion and other playsAguila o sol? = Eagle or sun?The glass menagerieThe Goliard poets : medieval Latin songs and satiresThe TannersVoyage around my room : selected works of Xavier de MaistreDeath, sleep & the travelerThe long reach : new & uncollected poems, 1948-1984Tyrannus Nix?House mother normal : a geriatric comedyLivingdying : poems of Cid CormanTell me again how the white heron rises and flies across the nacreous river at twilight toward the distant islandsThe blue flowersMemento moriTongues of fallen angels : conversations with Jorge Luis Borges ... [et al.]The collected poems of Tennessee WilliamsDictionary of accepted ideasCounternarrativesConcordanceSpontaneous particulars : the telepathy of archivesA far cry from KensingtonTerritorial rightsThe selected poems of Federico García LorcaA draft of XXX cantosWeasels in the atticKappaWar & warPaul Celan & the trans-Tibetan angelThe ballad of Peckham RyeDinnerThe ghosts of birdsThe innocent party : four short plays /John Hawkes ; pref. by Herbert BlauThe opening of the fieldRaids on the unspeakableMemory gardensTrilogyAncestors : a reinvention of Mother poem, Sun poem, and X/selfThe collected poems of Dylan ThomasSelected poems of René Char3 more novelsThe materialsAnna ÉdesThe yellow arrowThe Asian journal of Thomas MertonWhere Europe beginsCollected poems, 1912-1944The glass menagerieWritten on the sky : poems from the JapaneseTemple of the scapegoat : opera storiesA very pleasant evening with Stevie Smith : selected short proseSome are more human than others : a sketchbookLet those who appearSummer in Baden-Baden : a novelThe Mexican night : travel journalThe life of JesusGandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's non-violence in peace and warNightwoodDeath in midsummer, and other storiesConfigurationsThe member of the wedding : a playAlice iris red horse : selected poems of Yoshimasu Gozo : a book in and on translationLast & lost poemsJourney to the end of the nightMiddle passagesSenselessnessLaughter in the darkAlbert AngeloBeyond the mountainsThe real life of Sebastian KnightThe poet in the worldPavannes and divagationsThe shooting gallery & other storiesInvisibility is the art of survivalYes, Mrs. Williams : a personal record of my motherAt heaven's gateTwilight in Delhi : a novelLunar landscapes : stories & short novels, 1949-1963 : Charivari, The owl, The goose on the graveThe naked eyeField-RussiaLandscapes of living & dyingImage and idea : twenty essays on literary themesHippolytus temporizes & Ion : adaptations of two plays by EuripidesSelected poemsBecause it is : poems and drawingAsking myself, answering myselfUninterrupted poetry : selected writingsLabyrinths : selected stories & other writingsInterviews with William Carlos Williams : "speaking straight ahead"No longer humanTranslationsEdwin Arlington RobinsonThe wisdom of the Zen mastersSelected poemsThe flowers of evil : a selectionI wanted to write a poem : the autobiography of the works of a poetSweet bird of youthThe wisdom of the heartAt passagesThe back countryAn autobiographical novelThe build-up : a novelA draft of shadows, and other poemsA John Hawkes symposium : design and debrisTo stay aliveEvening trainKarmic traces, 1993-1999The Selected letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941The land of the great image : being experiences of Friar Manrique in ArakanMister JohnsonIn the American grain : essaysThe collected poems of George OppenNightwoodThe collected poems of Thomas MertonAll the conspiratorsThe wisdom of the desert : sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth centuryBreakthrough to peaceA streetcar named desireNazi literature in the AmericasThat Dada strainSelected writingsThe hour of the starThe journal of Albion moonlightGap gardening : selected poemsCamino realOne arm and other stories7 GreeksThomas MannThe emissaryThe novel : a poemThe life around us : selected poems on natureA cat, a man, and two womenMany loves and other plays : the collected plays of William Carlos WilliamsThe assistantThe ancient rain : poems, 1956-1978Regarding waveGround work : before the warThe glass menagerieThe comfortersFor the fighting spirit of the walnutThe setting sun = 斜陽New poemsThe passion according to G.H.The sacred fountHumors of blood & skin : a John Hawkes reader : autobiographical notesOnce againPatersonPrisoner of graceThe ego is always at the wheel : bagatellesSelected writings : the space withinThe giftPoison, shadow, and farewellSelected cantos of Ezra PoundChildren is allHenry Miller on writingA tree withinSmall craft warningsLife in the forestE. M. ForsterBack roads to far placesWith eyes at the back of our headsNauseaThe samuraiParis spleen, 1869Adventures in the skin trade, and other storiesHERmioneStand still like the hummingbirdSelected poemsInto the heart of life : Henry Miller at one hundredSelected poemsThe freeing of the dustThe Confucian odes : the classic anthology defined by ConfuciusBernard Shaw : 1856-1950Portrait of the artist as a young dogOne hundred poems from the ChineseThe collected shorter poemsThreadGaudier-Brzeska : a memoirThomas HardyGerard Manley HopkinsLions and shadows : an education in the twentiesColonel ChabertA tomb for AnatoleThree tragedies : Blood wedding, Yerma, Bernarda AlbaBlack Mesa poemsIn a hotel gardenPoor whitePound/Joyce : the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce : with Pound's essays on JoyceEnd to torment : a memoir of Ezra PoundStairs to the roof : a prayer for the wild of heart that are kept in cagesStarting from San FranciscoMemento moriThe life of Monsieur de MolièreThe guest catHard candy : a book of storiesThe collected poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987"A"Breathing the waterRain mirror : new poemsThe embodiment of knowledgeRobinsonNauseaThe nonconformist's memorial : poemsWhat it means to be avant-gardeI wanted to write a poem : the autobiography of the works of a poetFor you : poemsNikolai GogolThe real life of Sebastian KnightThe collected poems of Kenneth PatchenSeven types of ambiguityThe collected stories of William Carlos WilliamsThe crack-upThe selected letters of William Carlos WilliamsThe doctor and the devils : and other scriptsThree short novelsO taste and see : new poemsSecond skinTurtle IslandEarly poems, 1935-1955Myths & textsConfucius : the Great digest, the Unwobbling pivot, the AnalectsRelearning the alphabetThe blood orangesConfessions of a maskSentimental education : the story of a young manBe withEzra Pound and the visual artsGeorge Oppen : selected poemsThe sorrow danceMy Emily DickinsonNikolai GogolPoems for the game of silence, 1960-1970The glass menagerie : a play"Language" poetries : an anthologyThe daring young man on the flying trapeze, and other storiesHelen in EgyptJust wild about Harry : a melo-melo in seven scenesThe secret meaning of thingsThe classic Noh theatre of JapanThe emigrantsFootprintsThe collected longer poemsVertigoSpring stormThe Henry Miller reader27 wagons full of cotton, and other one-act playsFive novelsAnew : complete shorter poetryThe Berlin stories : The last of Mr. Norris [and] Goodbye to BerlinPortrait of the artist as a young dogSelected poems of Thomas MertonVirginia WoolfSelected poems, 1930-1965She was a queenSome versions of pastoralLaughter in the darkUnder milk wood : a play for voicesAmuletWomen of TrachisTravestyA paradise of poets : new poems & translationsJames Joyce/Finnegans wake, a symposium : our exagmination round his factification for incamination of work in progressThe maidsPortrait of the artist as a young dogMore classics revisitedThe Lorca variations : I-XXXIIIAn elemental thingThe girl I left behindGandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's non-violence in peace and war ; edited, with an introduction, by Thomas MertonOne hundred more poems from the JapanesePoems, 1960-1967Stephen heroSelected poemsConfucius to Cummings : an anthology of poetryThe stillness of the world before Bach : new selected poemsNovel on yellow paper, or Work it out for yourselfBig sur and the oranges of Hieronymus BoschPoems from the Greek Anthology in English paraphraseThe land of the great imageLaterThe Jacob's ladderJames Joyce : a critical introductionDevils in daylightThe factoryIn the American grain : essaysThe selected poems of Federico García LorcaDebthsLoitering with intentFairy tales : dramolettesThe German lessonSeven nightsThe flowers of buffooneryPhantom pain wingsBlack Mountain poems : an anthologyThe adventures of Mao on the long marchThe holeThe driver's seatWoolgatheringScattered all over the earthThe nick of timeA treatise on starsMild vertigoA barbarian in AsiaSeiobo there belowThe melancholy of resistance
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