
A New Directions paperbook


A New Directions paperbook

New Directions


The theatre of Tennessee Williams外部サイトA lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur外部サイトThe driver's seat外部サイトCinema stories外部サイトThe selected letters of Tennessee Williams外部サイトWomen poets of Japan外部サイトLast evenings on Earth外部サイトFabricating lives : explorations in American autobiography外部サイトThe captain's verses = Los versos del capitán外部サイトMiss Lonelyhearts & the day of the locust外部サイトThe collected poems of Dylan Thomas, 1934-1952外部サイトA draft of XXX Cantos外部サイトPart of the solution : portrait of a revolutionary外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトMirrors外部サイトRhymes and more rhymes of a Pfc外部サイトDriven to abstraction外部サイトAssays外部サイトThe cosmological eye外部サイトThe laughter of the sphinx外部サイトKhurbn & other poems外部サイトDance and dream外部サイトSelected poems, 1938-1958 : Summer knowledge外部サイトCompany of moths外部サイトThe Europe of trusts外部サイトThe man outside外部サイトThe promises of glass外部サイトBlack + blues外部サイトLong live man外部サイトUnfair arguments with existence外部サイトZen and the birds of appetite外部サイトA voyage to Pagany外部サイトSpring and all外部サイトLife being the best & other stories外部サイトActive boundaries : selected essays and talks外部サイトFrom your Capricorn friend : Henry Miller and the Stroker, 1978-1980外部サイトThe collected longer poems外部サイトRobert Creeley and the genius of the American common place : together with the poet's own "autobiography"外部サイトThe bright nails scattered on the ground : love poems外部サイトMemoirs of a polar bear外部サイトFictive certainties : essays外部サイトMarco Polo外部サイトThe Berlin stories外部サイトIn the money : a novel外部サイトRoutines外部サイトSimple eyes & other poems外部サイトOblique prayers : new poems with 14 translations from Jean Joubert外部サイトVienna blood & other poems外部サイトIn the winter of cities : poems外部サイトWhere I live : selected essays外部サイトSafe conduct : an autobiography and other writings外部サイトKinshu : autumn brocade外部サイトWindows外部サイトSun rock man外部サイトNew seeds of contemplation外部サイトBack外部サイトSomething cloudy, something clear外部サイトThe lion bridge : selected poems, 1972-1995外部サイトCollected early poems of Ezra Pound外部サイトKanthapura外部サイトKrishnakanta's will外部サイトThe life of an amorous woman, and other writings外部サイトHermetic definition外部サイトEarth house hold : technical notes & queries to fellow Dharma revolutionaries外部サイトEmblems of a season of fury外部サイトThe colossus of Maroussi外部サイトVirginia Woolf外部サイトCrossing borders : selected shorter poems外部サイトThe girls of slender means外部サイトMaldoror : together with a translation of Lautréamont's poésies/ by Lautréamont ; Translated by Guy Wernham外部サイトThe beetle leg外部サイトA season in hell &, ; The drunken boat外部サイトSnakes' nest, or, A tale badly told : a novel外部サイトStained glass elegies : stories外部サイトMy argument with the Gestapo : a macaronic journal外部サイトThe devil's blind spot : tales from the new century外部サイトPoland 1931外部サイトPoems 1968-1972外部サイトNausea外部サイトSolitudes crowded with loneliness外部サイトOut cry外部サイトHer外部サイトElegiac feelings American外部サイトExercises in style外部サイトA house not meant to stand : a gothic comedy外部サイトNew directions in prose and poetry外部サイトLaughter in the dark外部サイトWhile the women are sleeping外部サイトResidence on earth : residencia en la tierra外部サイトOscar Wilde外部サイトDandelions外部サイトThe collected poems of Wilfred Owen外部サイトSouls of the Labadie tract外部サイトThe romantic dogs, 1980-1998外部サイトLight up the cave外部サイトFever and spear外部サイトSiddhartha外部サイトGuignol's band外部サイトClio's children : Dostoevsky at Semyonov Square and other poems外部サイトMistaken identity外部サイトCodes appearing : poems 1979-1988外部サイトStitching porcelain : after Matteo Ricci in sixteenth-century China外部サイトPoems 1972-1982外部サイトFlight ; & Bliss : two plays外部サイトUnder Milk Wood : a play for voices外部サイトAsk at the Unicorn外部サイトOf the great house : a book of poems外部サイトThe crack-up外部サイトWhite mule : a novel外部サイトA streetcar named Desire外部サイトAll the stories of Muriel Spark外部サイトIn the American grain外部サイトGo, went, gone外部サイトPictures from Brueghel, and other poems : collected poems 1950-1962外部サイトRoots and branches : poems外部サイトA Coney Island of the mind : poems外部サイトAt the sky's edge : poems 1991-1996外部サイトElektra : a version by Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming外部サイトArthur Rimbaud外部サイトLiterary essays of Ezra Pound外部サイトHello : a journal, February 29-May 3, 1976外部サイトPaterson外部サイトBending the bow外部サイト62 : a model kit外部サイトDomestic particulars : a family chronicle外部サイトThe cantos of Ezra Pound外部サイトSeedings & other poems外部サイトThe man with the heart in the highlands & other early stories外部サイトThe sea and poison外部サイトLoitering with Intent外部サイトSelected prose, 1909-1965外部サイトSelected poems外部サイト27 wagons full of cotton, and other one-act plays外部サイトA guide to Ezra Pound's selected poems外部サイトThe real work : interviews & talks, 1964-1979外部サイトFrom snow and rock, from chaos : poems, 1965-1972外部サイトQuite early one morning外部サイトWomen poets of China外部サイトThe final martyrs外部サイトDenise Levertov selected poems外部サイトThe quarry外部サイトBeating the bushes : selected essays, 1941-1970外部サイトRemembering William Carlos Williams外部サイトThe public image外部サイトCandles to the sun : a play in ten scenes外部サイトIn Cuba外部サイトA barbarian in Asia外部サイトPoems from The book of hours = Das Stundenbuch外部サイトSymposium外部サイトThe great enigma : new collected poems外部サイトNew selected poems, 1970-1985外部サイトThe cannibal外部サイトAn accidental autobiography : the selected letters of Gregory Corso外部サイトSecond skin外部サイトSome versions of pastoral外部サイトWomen of Trachis外部サイトThe flowers of evil外部サイトMy floating mother, city外部サイトThat this外部サイトNew directions in prose and poetry 18外部サイトTrilogy外部サイトABC of reading外部サイトThe two-character play外部サイトThe falling sickness : a book of plays外部サイトThe Princess of Cleves外部サイトPilate's wife外部サイトThe William Carlos Williams reader外部サイトHurrah for anything ; Poemscapes and a letter to God : doubleheader外部サイトBaudelaire外部サイトSweet bird of youth外部サイトThree tragedies of Federico García Lorca外部サイトCharls Tomlinson selected poems : 1955-1997外部サイトCollected poems外部サイトOne hundred poems from the Japanese外部サイトA house of children外部サイトRemember to remember外部サイトThe rings of Saturn外部サイトThe Dhammapada ; translated from the Pāli with an essay on Buddha and the Occident外部サイトThe blue lantern and other stories外部サイトThe farmers' daughters : the collected stories of William Carlos Williams外部サイトMister Paradise and other one-act plays外部サイトA door in the hive外部サイトThe Pisan cantos外部サイトCollected stories外部サイトNot honour more外部サイトThe selected poems of Li Po外部サイトIlluminations, and other prose poems外部サイトI served the King of England外部サイトIndian nocturne : a novella外部サイトFive by Endo : stories外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトE. M. Forster外部サイトGuide to kulchur外部サイトToddler-hunting and other stories外部サイトAmerika外部サイトThe Wisdom of the Taoists外部サイトThe way of Chuang Tzu外部サイトABC of reading外部サイトMan-fate : the swan song of Brother Antoninus外部サイトGround work II : in the dark外部サイトJourney to the end of the night外部サイトImaginations外部サイトThe smile at the foot of the ladder外部サイトCawdor, a long poem : Medea, after Euripides外部サイトDeep river外部サイトThe woman on the bridge over the Chicago River : a book of poems外部サイトImmigrants in our own land & selected early poems外部サイトOn the air with Dylan Thomas : the broadcasts外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトBaudelaire : a study of his poetry外部サイトToddler-hunting & other stories外部サイトThe red notebook : true stories外部サイトExercises in style外部サイトCollected poems of John Wheelwright外部サイトOur examination round his factification for incamination of Work in progress外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトPictures from Brueghel, and other poems : including The desert music & Journey to love外部サイトSleepers awake外部サイトIn quest of candlelighters外部サイトGuide to kulchur外部サイトThe spirit of romance外部サイトIn dreams begin responsibilities and other stories外部サイトDeath of a man : a novel外部サイトNew poems : a selection from Satura and Diario del '71 e del '72外部サイトPaterson外部サイトFive plays : comedies and tragicomedies外部サイトThe midnight外部サイトThe bachelors外部サイトSoulstorm : stories外部サイトSelected poems of William Carlos Williams外部サイトOmon Ra外部サイトSelected writings of Charles Olson外部サイトClothes for a summer hotel : a ghost play外部サイトFacing the bridge外部サイトSelected poems of William Carlos Williams外部サイトNew selected poems and translations外部サイトMiss Lonelyhearts & The day of the locust外部サイトWyndham Lewis外部サイトThe crack-up外部サイトThe time of the assassins : a study of Rimbaud外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe infernal machine, and other plays外部サイトThe happy birthday of death外部サイトFifty stories外部サイトExcept the Lord外部サイトEzra Pound, father and teacher : discretions外部サイトFully empowered外部サイトNew & selected essays外部サイトThe Vienna paradox : a memoir外部サイトThe lime twig外部サイトDragon Country : a book of plays外部サイトFortress besieged外部サイトThe spirit of romance外部サイトNotes on the mosquito : selected poems外部サイトThe ghost stories of Muriel Spark外部サイトBird in the bush : obvious essays外部サイトThe Roman spring of Mrs. Stone外部サイトThe air-conditioned nightmare外部サイトThe traveling companion and other plays外部サイトAguila o sol? = Eagle or sun?外部サイトThe glass menagerie外部サイトThe Goliard poets : medieval Latin songs and satires外部サイトThe Tanners外部サイトVoyage around my room : selected works of Xavier de Maistre外部サイトDeath, sleep & the traveler外部サイトThe long reach : new & uncollected poems, 1948-1984外部サイトTyrannus Nix?外部サイトHouse mother normal : a geriatric comedy外部サイトLivingdying : poems of Cid Corman外部サイトTell me again how the white heron rises and flies across the nacreous river at twilight toward the distant islands外部サイトThe blue flowers外部サイトMemento mori外部サイトTongues of fallen angels : conversations with Jorge Luis Borges ... [et al.]外部サイトThe collected poems of Tennessee Williams外部サイトDictionary of accepted ideas外部サイトCounternarratives外部サイトConcordance外部サイトSpontaneous particulars : the telepathy of archives外部サイトA far cry from Kensington外部サイトTerritorial rights外部サイトThe selected poems of Federico García Lorca外部サイトA draft of XXX cantos外部サイトWeasels in the attic外部サイトKappa外部サイトWar & war外部サイトPaul Celan & the trans-Tibetan angel外部サイトThe ballad of Peckham Rye外部サイトDinner外部サイトThe ghosts of birds外部サイトThe innocent party : four short plays /John Hawkes ; pref. by Herbert Blau外部サイトThe opening of the field外部サイトRaids on the unspeakable外部サイトMemory gardens外部サイトTrilogy外部サイトAncestors : a reinvention of Mother poem, Sun poem, and X/self外部サイトThe collected poems of Dylan Thomas外部サイトSelected poems of René Char外部サイト3 more novels外部サイトThe materials外部サイトAnna Édes外部サイトThe yellow arrow外部サイトThe Asian journal of Thomas Merton外部サイトWhere Europe begins外部サイトCollected poems, 1912-1944外部サイトThe glass menagerie外部サイトWritten on the sky : poems from the Japanese外部サイトTemple of the scapegoat : opera stories外部サイトA very pleasant evening with Stevie Smith : selected short prose外部サイトSome are more human than others : a sketchbook外部サイトLet those who appear外部サイトSummer in Baden-Baden : a novel外部サイトThe Mexican night : travel journal外部サイトThe life of Jesus外部サイトGandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's non-violence in peace and war外部サイトNightwood外部サイトDeath in midsummer, and other stories外部サイトConfigurations外部サイトThe member of the wedding : a play外部サイトAlice iris red horse : selected poems of Yoshimasu Gozo : a book in and on translation外部サイトLast & lost poems外部サイトJourney to the end of the night外部サイトMiddle passages外部サイトSenselessness外部サイトLaughter in the dark外部サイトAlbert Angelo外部サイトBeyond the mountains外部サイトThe real life of Sebastian Knight外部サイトThe poet in the world外部サイトPavannes and divagations外部サイトThe shooting gallery & other stories外部サイトInvisibility is the art of survival外部サイトYes, Mrs. Williams : a personal record of my mother外部サイトAt heaven's gate外部サイトTwilight in Delhi : a novel外部サイトLunar landscapes : stories & short novels, 1949-1963 : Charivari, The owl, The goose on the grave外部サイトThe naked eye外部サイトField-Russia外部サイトLandscapes of living & dying外部サイトImage and idea : twenty essays on literary themes外部サイトHippolytus temporizes & Ion : adaptations of two plays by Euripides外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトBecause it is : poems and drawing外部サイトAsking myself, answering myself外部サイトUninterrupted poetry : selected writings外部サイトLabyrinths : selected stories & other writings外部サイトInterviews with William Carlos Williams : "speaking straight ahead"外部サイトNo longer human外部サイトTranslations外部サイトEdwin Arlington Robinson外部サイトThe wisdom of the Zen masters外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe flowers of evil : a selection外部サイトI wanted to write a poem : the autobiography of the works of a poet外部サイトSweet bird of youth外部サイトThe wisdom of the heart外部サイトAt passages外部サイトThe back country外部サイトAn autobiographical novel外部サイトThe build-up : a novel外部サイトA draft of shadows, and other poems外部サイトA John Hawkes symposium : design and debris外部サイトTo stay alive外部サイトEvening train外部サイトKarmic traces, 1993-1999外部サイトThe Selected letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941外部サイトThe land of the great image : being experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan外部サイトMister Johnson外部サイトIn the American grain : essays外部サイトThe collected poems of George Oppen外部サイトNightwood外部サイトThe collected poems of Thomas Merton外部サイトAll the conspirators外部サイトThe wisdom of the desert : sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century外部サイトBreakthrough to peace外部サイトA streetcar named desire外部サイトNazi literature in the Americas外部サイトThat Dada strain外部サイトSelected writings外部サイトThe hour of the star外部サイトThe journal of Albion moonlight外部サイトGap gardening : selected poems外部サイトCamino real外部サイトOne arm and other stories外部サイト7 Greeks外部サイトThomas Mann外部サイトThe emissary外部サイトThe novel : a poem外部サイトThe life around us : selected poems on nature外部サイトA cat, a man, and two women外部サイトMany loves and other plays : the collected plays of William Carlos Williams外部サイトThe assistant外部サイトThe ancient rain : poems, 1956-1978外部サイトRegarding wave外部サイトGround work : before the war外部サイトThe glass menagerie外部サイトThe comforters外部サイトFor the fighting spirit of the walnut外部サイトThe setting sun = 斜陽外部サイトNew poems外部サイトThe passion according to G.H.外部サイトThe sacred fount外部サイトHumors of blood & skin : a John Hawkes reader : autobiographical notes外部サイトOnce again外部サイトPaterson外部サイトPrisoner of grace外部サイトThe ego is always at the wheel : bagatelles外部サイトSelected writings : the space within外部サイトThe gift外部サイトPoison, shadow, and farewell外部サイトSelected cantos of Ezra Pound外部サイトChildren is all外部サイトHenry Miller on writing外部サイトA tree within外部サイトSmall craft warnings外部サイトLife in the forest外部サイトE. M. Forster外部サイトBack roads to far places外部サイトWith eyes at the back of our heads外部サイトNausea外部サイトThe samurai外部サイトParis spleen, 1869外部サイトAdventures in the skin trade, and other stories外部サイトHERmione外部サイトStand still like the hummingbird外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトInto the heart of life : Henry Miller at one hundred外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe freeing of the dust外部サイトThe Confucian odes : the classic anthology defined by Confucius外部サイトBernard Shaw : 1856-1950外部サイトPortrait of the artist as a young dog外部サイトOne hundred poems from the Chinese外部サイトThe collected shorter poems外部サイトThread外部サイトGaudier-Brzeska : a memoir外部サイトThomas Hardy外部サイトGerard Manley Hopkins外部サイトLions and shadows : an education in the twenties外部サイトColonel Chabert外部サイトA tomb for Anatole外部サイトThree tragedies : Blood wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba外部サイトBlack Mesa poems外部サイトIn a hotel garden外部サイトPoor white外部サイトPound/Joyce : the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce : with Pound's essays on Joyce外部サイトEnd to torment : a memoir of Ezra Pound外部サイトStairs to the roof : a prayer for the wild of heart that are kept in cages外部サイトStarting from San Francisco外部サイトMemento mori外部サイトThe life of Monsieur de Molière外部サイトThe guest cat外部サイトHard candy : a book of stories外部サイトThe collected poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987外部サイト"A"外部サイトBreathing the water外部サイトRain mirror : new poems外部サイトThe embodiment of knowledge外部サイトRobinson外部サイトNausea外部サイトThe nonconformist's memorial : poems外部サイトWhat it means to be avant-garde外部サイトI wanted to write a poem : the autobiography of the works of a poet外部サイトFor you : poems外部サイトNikolai Gogol外部サイトThe real life of Sebastian Knight外部サイトThe collected poems of Kenneth Patchen外部サイトSeven types of ambiguity外部サイトThe collected stories of William Carlos Williams外部サイトThe crack-up外部サイトThe selected letters of William Carlos Williams外部サイトThe doctor and the devils : and other scripts外部サイトThree short novels外部サイトO taste and see : new poems外部サイトSecond skin外部サイトTurtle Island外部サイトEarly poems, 1935-1955外部サイトMyths & texts外部サイトConfucius : the Great digest, the Unwobbling pivot, the Analects外部サイトRelearning the alphabet外部サイトThe blood oranges外部サイトConfessions of a mask外部サイトSentimental education : the story of a young man外部サイトBe with外部サイトEzra Pound and the visual arts外部サイトGeorge Oppen : selected poems外部サイトThe sorrow dance外部サイトMy Emily Dickinson外部サイトNikolai Gogol外部サイトPoems for the game of silence, 1960-1970外部サイトThe glass menagerie : a play外部サイト"Language" poetries : an anthology外部サイトThe daring young man on the flying trapeze, and other stories外部サイトHelen in Egypt外部サイトJust wild about Harry : a melo-melo in seven scenes外部サイトThe secret meaning of things外部サイトThe classic Noh theatre of Japan外部サイトThe emigrants外部サイトFootprints外部サイトThe collected longer poems外部サイトVertigo外部サイトSpring storm外部サイトThe Henry Miller reader外部サイト27 wagons full of cotton, and other one-act plays外部サイトFive novels外部サイトAnew : complete shorter poetry外部サイトThe Berlin stories : The last of Mr. Norris [and] Goodbye to Berlin外部サイトPortrait of the artist as a young dog外部サイトSelected poems of Thomas Merton外部サイトVirginia Woolf外部サイトSelected poems, 1930-1965外部サイトShe was a queen外部サイトSome versions of pastoral外部サイトLaughter in the dark外部サイトUnder milk wood : a play for voices外部サイトAmulet外部サイトWomen of Trachis外部サイトTravesty外部サイトA paradise of poets : new poems & translations外部サイトJames Joyce/Finnegans wake, a symposium : our exagmination round his factification for incamination of work in progress外部サイトThe maids外部サイトPortrait of the artist as a young dog外部サイトMore classics revisited外部サイトThe Lorca variations : I-XXXIII外部サイトAn elemental thing外部サイトThe girl I left behind外部サイトGandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's non-violence in peace and war ; edited, with an introduction, by Thomas Merton外部サイトOne hundred more poems from the Japanese外部サイトPoems, 1960-1967外部サイトStephen hero外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトConfucius to Cummings : an anthology of poetry外部サイトThe stillness of the world before Bach : new selected poems外部サイトNovel on yellow paper, or Work it out for yourself外部サイトBig sur and the oranges of Hieronymus Bosch外部サイトPoems from the Greek Anthology in English paraphrase外部サイトThe land of the great image外部サイトLater外部サイトThe Jacob's ladder外部サイトJames Joyce : a critical introduction外部サイトDevils in daylight外部サイトThe factory外部サイトIn the American grain : essays外部サイトThe selected poems of Federico García Lorca外部サイトDebths外部サイトLoitering with intent外部サイトFairy tales : dramolettes外部サイトThe German lesson外部サイトSeven nights外部サイトThe flowers of buffoonery外部サイトPhantom pain wings外部サイトBlack Mountain poems : an anthology外部サイトThe adventures of Mao on the long march外部サイトThe hole外部サイトThe driver's seat外部サイトWoolgathering外部サイトScattered all over the earth外部サイトThe nick of time外部サイトA treatise on stars外部サイトMild vertigo外部サイトA barbarian in Asia外部サイトSeiobo there below外部サイトThe melancholy of resistance外部サイト






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ND paperbook
New Directions paperbooks
A New Directions paperbook original
A New Directions paperback
ND paperback
The theatre of Tennessee Williams
A lovely Sunday for Creve Coeur
The driver's seat
Cinema stories
The selected letters of Tennessee Williams
Women poets of Japan
Last evenings on Earth
Fabricating lives : explorations in American autobiography
The captain's verses = Los versos del capitán
Miss Lonelyhearts & the day of the locust
The collected poems of Dylan Thomas, 1934-1952
A draft of XXX Cantos
Part of the solution : portrait of a revolutionary
Selected poems
Rhymes and more rhymes of a Pfc
Driven to abstraction
The cosmological eye
The laughter of the sphinx
Khurbn & other poems
Dance and dream
Selected poems, 1938-1958 : Summer knowledge
Company of moths
The Europe of trusts
The man outside
The promises of glass
Black + blues
Long live man
Unfair arguments with existence
Zen and the birds of appetite
A voyage to Pagany
Spring and all
Life being the best & other stories
Active boundaries : selected essays and talks
From your Capricorn friend : Henry Miller and the Stroker, 1978-1980
The collected longer poems
Robert Creeley and the genius of the American common place : together with the poet's own "autobiography"
The bright nails scattered on the ground : love poems
Memoirs of a polar bear
Fictive certainties : essays
Marco Polo
The Berlin stories
In the money : a novel
Simple eyes & other poems
Oblique prayers : new poems with 14 translations from Jean Joubert
Vienna blood & other poems
In the winter of cities : poems
Where I live : selected essays
Safe conduct : an autobiography and other writings
Kinshu : autumn brocade
Sun rock man
New seeds of contemplation
Something cloudy, something clear
The lion bridge : selected poems, 1972-1995
Collected early poems of Ezra Pound
Krishnakanta's will
The life of an amorous woman, and other writings
Hermetic definition
Earth house hold : technical notes & queries to fellow Dharma revolutionaries
Emblems of a season of fury
The colossus of Maroussi
Virginia Woolf
Crossing borders : selected shorter poems
The girls of slender means
Maldoror : together with a translation of Lautréamont's poésies/ by Lautréamont ; Translated by Guy Wernham
The beetle leg
A season in hell &, ; The drunken boat
Snakes' nest, or, A tale badly told : a novel
Stained glass elegies : stories
My argument with the Gestapo : a macaronic journal
The devil's blind spot : tales from the new century
Poland 1931
Poems 1968-1972
Solitudes crowded with loneliness
Out cry
Elegiac feelings American
Exercises in style
A house not meant to stand : a gothic comedy
New directions in prose and poetry
Laughter in the dark
While the women are sleeping
Residence on earth : residencia en la tierra
Oscar Wilde
The collected poems of Wilfred Owen
Souls of the Labadie tract
The romantic dogs, 1980-1998
Light up the cave
Fever and spear
Guignol's band
Clio's children : Dostoevsky at Semyonov Square and other poems
Mistaken identity
Codes appearing : poems 1979-1988
Stitching porcelain : after Matteo Ricci in sixteenth-century China
Poems 1972-1982
Flight ; & Bliss : two plays
Under Milk Wood : a play for voices
Ask at the Unicorn
Of the great house : a book of poems
The crack-up
White mule : a novel
A streetcar named Desire
All the stories of Muriel Spark
In the American grain
Go, went, gone
Pictures from Brueghel, and other poems : collected poems 1950-1962
Roots and branches : poems
A Coney Island of the mind : poems
At the sky's edge : poems 1991-1996
Elektra : a version by Ezra Pound and Rudd Fleming
Arthur Rimbaud
Literary essays of Ezra Pound
Hello : a journal, February 29-May 3, 1976
Bending the bow
62 : a model kit
Domestic particulars : a family chronicle
The cantos of Ezra Pound
Seedings & other poems
The man with the heart in the highlands & other early stories
The sea and poison
Loitering with Intent
Selected prose, 1909-1965
Selected poems
27 wagons full of cotton, and other one-act plays
A guide to Ezra Pound's selected poems
The real work : interviews & talks, 1964-1979
From snow and rock, from chaos : poems, 1965-1972
Quite early one morning
Women poets of China
The final martyrs
Denise Levertov selected poems
The quarry
Beating the bushes : selected essays, 1941-1970
Remembering William Carlos Williams
The public image
Candles to the sun : a play in ten scenes
In Cuba
A barbarian in Asia
Poems from The book of hours = Das Stundenbuch
The great enigma : new collected poems
New selected poems, 1970-1985
The cannibal
An accidental autobiography : the selected letters of Gregory Corso
Second skin
Some versions of pastoral
Women of Trachis
The flowers of evil
My floating mother, city
That this
New directions in prose and poetry 18
ABC of reading
The two-character play
The falling sickness : a book of plays
The Princess of Cleves
Pilate's wife
The William Carlos Williams reader
Hurrah for anything ; Poemscapes and a letter to God : doubleheader
Sweet bird of youth
Three tragedies of Federico García Lorca
Charls Tomlinson selected poems : 1955-1997
Collected poems
One hundred poems from the Japanese
A house of children
Remember to remember
The rings of Saturn
The Dhammapada ; translated from the Pāli with an essay on Buddha and the Occident
The blue lantern and other stories
The farmers' daughters : the collected stories of William Carlos Williams
Mister Paradise and other one-act plays
A door in the hive
The Pisan cantos
Collected stories
Not honour more
The selected poems of Li Po
Illuminations, and other prose poems
I served the King of England
Indian nocturne : a novella
Five by Endo : stories
Selected poems
E. M. Forster
Guide to kulchur
Toddler-hunting and other stories
The Wisdom of the Taoists
The way of Chuang Tzu
ABC of reading
Man-fate : the swan song of Brother Antoninus
Ground work II : in the dark
Journey to the end of the night
The smile at the foot of the ladder
Cawdor, a long poem : Medea, after Euripides
Deep river
The woman on the bridge over the Chicago River : a book of poems
Immigrants in our own land & selected early poems
On the air with Dylan Thomas : the broadcasts
Selected poems
Baudelaire : a study of his poetry
Toddler-hunting & other stories
The red notebook : true stories
Exercises in style
Collected poems of John Wheelwright
Our examination round his factification for incamination of Work in progress
Selected poems
Pictures from Brueghel, and other poems : including The desert music & Journey to love
Sleepers awake
In quest of candlelighters
Guide to kulchur
The spirit of romance
In dreams begin responsibilities and other stories
Death of a man : a novel
New poems : a selection from Satura and Diario del '71 e del '72
Five plays : comedies and tragicomedies
The midnight
The bachelors
Soulstorm : stories
Selected poems of William Carlos Williams
Omon Ra
Selected writings of Charles Olson
Clothes for a summer hotel : a ghost play
Facing the bridge
Selected poems of William Carlos Williams
New selected poems and translations
Miss Lonelyhearts & The day of the locust
Wyndham Lewis
The crack-up
The time of the assassins : a study of Rimbaud
Selected poems
The infernal machine, and other plays
The happy birthday of death
Fifty stories
Except the Lord
Ezra Pound, father and teacher : discretions
Fully empowered
New & selected essays
The Vienna paradox : a memoir
The lime twig
Dragon Country : a book of plays
Fortress besieged
The spirit of romance
Notes on the mosquito : selected poems
The ghost stories of Muriel Spark
Bird in the bush : obvious essays
The Roman spring of Mrs. Stone
The air-conditioned nightmare
The traveling companion and other plays
Aguila o sol? = Eagle or sun?
The glass menagerie
The Goliard poets : medieval Latin songs and satires
The Tanners
Voyage around my room : selected works of Xavier de Maistre
Death, sleep & the traveler
The long reach : new & uncollected poems, 1948-1984
Tyrannus Nix?
House mother normal : a geriatric comedy
Livingdying : poems of Cid Corman
Tell me again how the white heron rises and flies across the nacreous river at twilight toward the distant islands
The blue flowers
Memento mori
Tongues of fallen angels : conversations with Jorge Luis Borges ... [et al.]
The collected poems of Tennessee Williams
Dictionary of accepted ideas
Spontaneous particulars : the telepathy of archives
A far cry from Kensington
Territorial rights
The selected poems of Federico García Lorca
A draft of XXX cantos
Weasels in the attic
War & war
Paul Celan & the trans-Tibetan angel
The ballad of Peckham Rye
The ghosts of birds
The innocent party : four short plays /John Hawkes ; pref. by Herbert Blau
The opening of the field
Raids on the unspeakable
Memory gardens
Ancestors : a reinvention of Mother poem, Sun poem, and X/self
The collected poems of Dylan Thomas
Selected poems of René Char
3 more novels
The materials
Anna Édes
The yellow arrow
The Asian journal of Thomas Merton
Where Europe begins
Collected poems, 1912-1944
The glass menagerie
Written on the sky : poems from the Japanese
Temple of the scapegoat : opera stories
A very pleasant evening with Stevie Smith : selected short prose
Some are more human than others : a sketchbook
Let those who appear
Summer in Baden-Baden : a novel
The Mexican night : travel journal
The life of Jesus
Gandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's non-violence in peace and war
Death in midsummer, and other stories
The member of the wedding : a play
Alice iris red horse : selected poems of Yoshimasu Gozo : a book in and on translation
Last & lost poems
Journey to the end of the night
Middle passages
Laughter in the dark
Albert Angelo
Beyond the mountains
The real life of Sebastian Knight
The poet in the world
Pavannes and divagations
The shooting gallery & other stories
Invisibility is the art of survival
Yes, Mrs. Williams : a personal record of my mother
At heaven's gate
Twilight in Delhi : a novel
Lunar landscapes : stories & short novels, 1949-1963 : Charivari, The owl, The goose on the grave
The naked eye
Landscapes of living & dying
Image and idea : twenty essays on literary themes
Hippolytus temporizes & Ion : adaptations of two plays by Euripides
Selected poems
Because it is : poems and drawing
Asking myself, answering myself
Uninterrupted poetry : selected writings
Labyrinths : selected stories & other writings
Interviews with William Carlos Williams : "speaking straight ahead"
No longer human
Edwin Arlington Robinson
The wisdom of the Zen masters
Selected poems
The flowers of evil : a selection
I wanted to write a poem : the autobiography of the works of a poet
Sweet bird of youth
The wisdom of the heart
At passages
The back country
An autobiographical novel
The build-up : a novel
A draft of shadows, and other poems
A John Hawkes symposium : design and debris
To stay alive
Evening train
Karmic traces, 1993-1999
The Selected letters of Ezra Pound, 1907-1941
The land of the great image : being experiences of Friar Manrique in Arakan
Mister Johnson
In the American grain : essays
The collected poems of George Oppen
The collected poems of Thomas Merton
All the conspirators
The wisdom of the desert : sayings from the Desert Fathers of the fourth century
Breakthrough to peace
A streetcar named desire
Nazi literature in the Americas
That Dada strain
Selected writings
The hour of the star
The journal of Albion moonlight
Gap gardening : selected poems
Camino real
One arm and other stories
7 Greeks
Thomas Mann
The emissary
The novel : a poem
The life around us : selected poems on nature
A cat, a man, and two women
Many loves and other plays : the collected plays of William Carlos Williams
The assistant
The ancient rain : poems, 1956-1978
Regarding wave
Ground work : before the war
The glass menagerie
The comforters
For the fighting spirit of the walnut
The setting sun = 斜陽
New poems
The passion according to G.H.
The sacred fount
Humors of blood & skin : a John Hawkes reader : autobiographical notes
Once again
Prisoner of grace
The ego is always at the wheel : bagatelles
Selected writings : the space within
The gift
Poison, shadow, and farewell
Selected cantos of Ezra Pound
Children is all
Henry Miller on writing
A tree within
Small craft warnings
Life in the forest
E. M. Forster
Back roads to far places
With eyes at the back of our heads
The samurai
Paris spleen, 1869
Adventures in the skin trade, and other stories
Stand still like the hummingbird
Selected poems
Into the heart of life : Henry Miller at one hundred
Selected poems
The freeing of the dust
The Confucian odes : the classic anthology defined by Confucius
Bernard Shaw : 1856-1950
Portrait of the artist as a young dog
One hundred poems from the Chinese
The collected shorter poems
Gaudier-Brzeska : a memoir
Thomas Hardy
Gerard Manley Hopkins
Lions and shadows : an education in the twenties
Colonel Chabert
A tomb for Anatole
Three tragedies : Blood wedding, Yerma, Bernarda Alba
Black Mesa poems
In a hotel garden
Poor white
Pound/Joyce : the letters of Ezra Pound to James Joyce : with Pound's essays on Joyce
End to torment : a memoir of Ezra Pound
Stairs to the roof : a prayer for the wild of heart that are kept in cages
Starting from San Francisco
Memento mori
The life of Monsieur de Molière
The guest cat
Hard candy : a book of stories
The collected poems of Octavio Paz, 1957-1987
Breathing the water
Rain mirror : new poems
The embodiment of knowledge
The nonconformist's memorial : poems
What it means to be avant-garde
I wanted to write a poem : the autobiography of the works of a poet
For you : poems
Nikolai Gogol
The real life of Sebastian Knight
The collected poems of Kenneth Patchen
Seven types of ambiguity
The collected stories of William Carlos Williams
The crack-up
The selected letters of William Carlos Williams
The doctor and the devils : and other scripts
Three short novels
O taste and see : new poems
Second skin
Turtle Island
Early poems, 1935-1955
Myths & texts
Confucius : the Great digest, the Unwobbling pivot, the Analects
Relearning the alphabet
The blood oranges
Confessions of a mask
Sentimental education : the story of a young man
Be with
Ezra Pound and the visual arts
George Oppen : selected poems
The sorrow dance
My Emily Dickinson
Nikolai Gogol
Poems for the game of silence, 1960-1970
The glass menagerie : a play
"Language" poetries : an anthology
The daring young man on the flying trapeze, and other stories
Helen in Egypt
Just wild about Harry : a melo-melo in seven scenes
The secret meaning of things
The classic Noh theatre of Japan
The emigrants
The collected longer poems
Spring storm
The Henry Miller reader
27 wagons full of cotton, and other one-act plays
Five novels
Anew : complete shorter poetry
The Berlin stories : The last of Mr. Norris [and] Goodbye to Berlin
Portrait of the artist as a young dog
Selected poems of Thomas Merton
Virginia Woolf
Selected poems, 1930-1965
She was a queen
Some versions of pastoral
Laughter in the dark
Under milk wood : a play for voices
Women of Trachis
A paradise of poets : new poems & translations
James Joyce/Finnegans wake, a symposium : our exagmination round his factification for incamination of work in progress
The maids
Portrait of the artist as a young dog
More classics revisited
The Lorca variations : I-XXXIII
An elemental thing
The girl I left behind
Gandhi on non-violence : selected texts from Mohandas K. Gandhi's non-violence in peace and war ; edited, with an introduction, by Thomas Merton
One hundred more poems from the Japanese
Poems, 1960-1967
Stephen hero
Selected poems
Confucius to Cummings : an anthology of poetry
The stillness of the world before Bach : new selected poems
Novel on yellow paper, or Work it out for yourself
Big sur and the oranges of Hieronymus Bosch
Poems from the Greek Anthology in English paraphrase
The land of the great image
The Jacob's ladder
James Joyce : a critical introduction
Devils in daylight
The factory
In the American grain : essays
The selected poems of Federico García Lorca
Loitering with intent
Fairy tales : dramolettes
The German lesson
Seven nights
The flowers of buffoonery
Phantom pain wings
Black Mountain poems : an anthology
The adventures of Mao on the long march
The hole
The driver's seat
Scattered all over the earth
The nick of time
A treatise on stars
Mild vertigo
A barbarian in Asia
Seiobo there below
The melancholy of resistance
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CiNii Books