
Ancient and medieval philosophy


Ancient and medieval philosophy

De Wulf-Mansion Centre
Leuven University Press


John Pagus on Aristotle's Categories : a study and edition of the Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis外部サイトElachista : la dottrina dei minimi nell'epicureismo外部サイトHenrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae)外部サイトHenry of Ghent : proceedings of the international colloquium on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of his death (1293)外部サイトThe perennial tradition of Neoplatonism外部サイトForme e modelli di durata nel pensiero medievale : l'aevum, il tempo discreto, la categoria "Quando"外部サイトOn the heavens, the divine movers, and the first intellect外部サイトSyncategoremata外部サイトBibliotheca manuscripta Henrici de Gandavo外部サイトPtolemy's Tetrabiblos in the translation of William of Moerbeke : Claudii Ptolemaei liber iudicialium外部サイトQuestions on Aristotle's De caelo外部サイトAristotle's zoology and its Renaissance commentators (1521-1601)外部サイトPlatons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance = Plato's Timaeus and the foundations of cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance外部サイトThe science of the soul : the Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260-c. 1360外部サイトPour l'histoire du sens agent : la controverse entre Barthélemy de Bruges et Jean de Jandun : ses antécédents et son évolution : étude et textes inédits外部サイトThe Eucharist in theology and philosophy : issues of doctrinal history in East and West from the patristic age to the reformation外部サイトAvicenna and his heritage : acts of the international colloquium Leuven-Louvain-la-Neuve, September 8-September 11, 1999外部サイトMiroir et savoir : la transmission d'un thème platonicien, des Alexandrins à la philosophie arabo-musulmane : actes du colloque international tenu à Leuven et Louvain-la-Neuve, les 17 et 18 novembre 2005外部サイトQuaestiones variae外部サイトLexicon plotinianum外部サイトD'Aristote à Thomas d'Aquin : antécédents de la pensée moderne : recueil d'articles外部サイトQuaestiones de esse intelligibili外部サイトThe soul-body problem at Paris ca. 1200-1250 : Hugh of St-Cher and his contemporaries外部サイトElementatio theologica外部サイトSumma (quaestiones ordinariae)外部サイトTradition et traduction : les textes philosophiques et scientifiques grecs au Moyen Age latin : hommage à Fernand Bossier外部サイトSumma (quaestiones ordinariae)外部サイトA text worthy of Plotinus : the lives and correspondence of P. Henry S.J., H.-R. Schwyzer, A.H. Armstrong, J. Trouillard and J. Igal S.J.外部サイトSummistae : the commentary tradition on Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologiae from the 15th to the 17th centuries外部サイトSumma (quaestiones ordinariae)外部サイトAristotle and the ontology of St. Bonaventure外部サイトHenrici de Gandavo Quodlibet外部サイトOn the unity of intellect : On the Platonic doctrine of the ideas外部サイトFrancisci de Marchia Reportatio IIA (quaestiones in secundum librum sententiarum)外部サイトHenry of Ghent : metaphysics and the Trinity : with a critical edition of question six of article fifty-five of the Summa quaestionum ordinariarum外部サイトOn the path to virtue : the Stoic doctrine of moral progress and its reception in (middle-)Platonism外部サイトGuillaume de Moerbeke : recueil d'études à l'occasion du 700e anniversaire de sa mort (1286)外部サイトOn thinking and happiness外部サイトOn the nature of matter : on the intellect as form of man外部サイトProclus et la théologie platonicienne : actes du Colloque international de Louvain (13-16 mai 1998), en l'honneur de H.D. Saffrey et L.G. Westerink外部サイトLa puissance de l'intelligible : la théorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l'héritage médioplatonicien外部サイトEssays on Plato's epistemology外部サイトIohannes Scottus Eriugena : the Bible and hermeneutics : proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7-10, 1995外部サイトLes dialogues platoniciens chez Plutarque : stratégies et méthodes exégétiques外部サイトPlatonic stoicism, stoic platonism : the dialogue between platonism and stoicism in antiquity外部サイトOn the borders of being and knowing : some late scholastic thoughts on supertranscendental being外部サイトAncient perspectives on Aristotle's De anima外部サイトWillensschwäche in Antike und Mittelalter : eine Problemgeschichte von Sokrates bis Johannes Duns Scotus外部サイトOn platonic philosophy外部サイトL'anthropologie de Gérard d'Abbeville : étude préliminaire et édition critique de plusieurs Questions quodlibétiques concernant le sujet, avec l'édition complète du De cogitationibus外部サイトAverroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin west外部サイトFate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought : studies in honour of Carlos Steel外部サイトHenry of Ghent and the transformation of scholastic thought : studies in memory of Jos Decorte外部サイトHistory and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2000外部サイトLectura ordinaria super sacram scripturam外部サイトAn annotated bibliography of Ibn Sînâ (1970-1989) including Arabic and Persian publications and Turkish and Russian references外部サイトPlatonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought外部サイトCollected studies on Francisco Suárez, S.J. (1548-1617)外部サイトRepertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem Latinorum quae in bibliothecis Belgicis asservantur外部サイトHenrici de Gandavo Tractatus super facto praelatorum et Fratrum (Quodlibet XII, quaestio 31)外部サイトCommentaire sur le Parménide de Platon : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke外部サイト



  • John Pagus on Aristotle's Categories : a study and edition of the Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis

  • Elachista : la dottrina dei minimi nell'epicureismo

  • Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae)

  • Henry of Ghent : proceedings of the international colloquium on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of his death (1293)

  • The perennial tradition of Neoplatonism





  • CiNii Research

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De Wulf-Mansion Centre
John Pagus on Aristotle's Categories : a study and edition of the Rationes super Praedicamenta Aristotelis
Elachista : la dottrina dei minimi nell'epicureismo
Henrici de Gandavo Summa (Quaestiones ordinariae)
Henry of Ghent : proceedings of the international colloquium on the occasion of the 700th anniversary of his death (1293)
The perennial tradition of Neoplatonism
Forme e modelli di durata nel pensiero medievale : l'aevum, il tempo discreto, la categoria "Quando"
On the heavens, the divine movers, and the first intellect
Bibliotheca manuscripta Henrici de Gandavo
Ptolemy's Tetrabiblos in the translation of William of Moerbeke : Claudii Ptolemaei liber iudicialium
Questions on Aristotle's De caelo
Aristotle's zoology and its Renaissance commentators (1521-1601)
Platons Timaios als Grundtext der Kosmologie in Spätantike, Mittelalter und Renaissance = Plato's Timaeus and the foundations of cosmology in Late Antiquity, the Middle Ages and Renaissance
The science of the soul : the Commentary Tradition on Aristotle's De anima, c. 1260-c. 1360
Pour l'histoire du sens agent : la controverse entre Barthélemy de Bruges et Jean de Jandun : ses antécédents et son évolution : étude et textes inédits
The Eucharist in theology and philosophy : issues of doctrinal history in East and West from the patristic age to the reformation
Avicenna and his heritage : acts of the international colloquium Leuven-Louvain-la-Neuve, September 8-September 11, 1999
Miroir et savoir : la transmission d'un thème platonicien, des Alexandrins à la philosophie arabo-musulmane : actes du colloque international tenu à Leuven et Louvain-la-Neuve, les 17 et 18 novembre 2005
Quaestiones variae
Lexicon plotinianum
D'Aristote à Thomas d'Aquin : antécédents de la pensée moderne : recueil d'articles
Quaestiones de esse intelligibili
The soul-body problem at Paris ca. 1200-1250 : Hugh of St-Cher and his contemporaries
Elementatio theologica
Summa (quaestiones ordinariae)
Tradition et traduction : les textes philosophiques et scientifiques grecs au Moyen Age latin : hommage à Fernand Bossier
Summa (quaestiones ordinariae)
A text worthy of Plotinus : the lives and correspondence of P. Henry S.J., H.-R. Schwyzer, A.H. Armstrong, J. Trouillard and J. Igal S.J.
Summistae : the commentary tradition on Thomas Aquinas' Summa theologiae from the 15th to the 17th centuries
Summa (quaestiones ordinariae)
Aristotle and the ontology of St. Bonaventure
Henrici de Gandavo Quodlibet
On the unity of intellect : On the Platonic doctrine of the ideas
Francisci de Marchia Reportatio IIA (quaestiones in secundum librum sententiarum)
Henry of Ghent : metaphysics and the Trinity : with a critical edition of question six of article fifty-five of the Summa quaestionum ordinariarum
On the path to virtue : the Stoic doctrine of moral progress and its reception in (middle-)Platonism
Guillaume de Moerbeke : recueil d'études à l'occasion du 700e anniversaire de sa mort (1286)
On thinking and happiness
On the nature of matter : on the intellect as form of man
Proclus et la théologie platonicienne : actes du Colloque international de Louvain (13-16 mai 1998), en l'honneur de H.D. Saffrey et L.G. Westerink
La puissance de l'intelligible : la théorie plotinienne des Formes au miroir de l'héritage médioplatonicien
Essays on Plato's epistemology
Iohannes Scottus Eriugena : the Bible and hermeneutics : proceedings of the Ninth International Colloquium of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, held at Leuven and Louvain-la-Neuve, June 7-10, 1995
Les dialogues platoniciens chez Plutarque : stratégies et méthodes exégétiques
Platonic stoicism, stoic platonism : the dialogue between platonism and stoicism in antiquity
On the borders of being and knowing : some late scholastic thoughts on supertranscendental being
Ancient perspectives on Aristotle's De anima
Willensschwäche in Antike und Mittelalter : eine Problemgeschichte von Sokrates bis Johannes Duns Scotus
On platonic philosophy
L'anthropologie de Gérard d'Abbeville : étude préliminaire et édition critique de plusieurs Questions quodlibétiques concernant le sujet, avec l'édition complète du De cogitationibus
Averroes' natural philosophy and its reception in the Latin west
Fate, providence and moral responsibility in ancient, medieval and early modern thought : studies in honour of Carlos Steel
Henry of Ghent and the transformation of scholastic thought : studies in memory of Jos Decorte
History and eschatology in John Scottus Eriugena and his time : proceedings of the Tenth International Conference of the Society for the Promotion of Eriugenian Studies, Maynooth and Dublin, August 16-20, 2000
Lectura ordinaria super sacram scripturam
An annotated bibliography of Ibn Sînâ (1970-1989) including Arabic and Persian publications and Turkish and Russian references
Platonic ideas and concept formation in ancient and medieval thought
Collected studies on Francisco Suárez, S.J. (1548-1617)
Repertorium commentariorum medii aevi in Aristotelem Latinorum quae in bibliothecis Belgicis asservantur
Henrici de Gandavo Tractatus super facto praelatorum et Fratrum (Quodlibet XII, quaestio 31)
Commentaire sur le Parménide de Platon : traduction de Guillaume de Moerbeke