- 資料種別
- 図書
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- Editors: Laurent Pernot, Craig Kallendorf
- 関連情報
- The genres of rhetorical speeches in Greek and Roman antiquityThe shape of Herodotean rhetoric : a study of the speeches in Herodotus' Histories with special attention to books 5-9Classical rhetoric in the Middle Ages : the medieval rhetors and their art 400-1300, with manuscript survey to 1500 CENew chapters in the history of rhetoricThe dialectical questions : Erotemata dialecticesEnargeia in classical antiquity and the early modern age : the aesthetics of evidenceAnthologies of historiographical speeches from antiquity to early modern times : rearranging the tesseraeTreatise on biblical rhetoricThe intellectual and cultural origins of Chaïm Perelman and Lucie Olbrechts-Tyteca's New Rhetoric Project : commentaries on and translations of seven foundational articles, 1933-1958Promoting a new kind of education : Greek and Roman philosophical protrepticThe ancient art of persuasion across genres and topicsCommenting on Aristotle's Rhetoric, from antiquity to the present = Commenter la Rhétorique d'Aristote, de l'antiquité à la période contemporaine