- 資料種別
- 図書
- 出版事項
- 並列タイトル等
- 出版地(国名コード)
- gw
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- 一般
- 一般注記
- Editor, János S. Petöfi
- 関連情報
- Approaches to poetry : some aspects of textuality, intertextuality and intermedialityDiscourse and communication : new approaches to the analysis of mass media discourse and communicationLiterary discourse : aspects of cognitive and social psychological approachesSubject-oriented texts : languages for special purposes and text theoryHedging and discourse : approaches to the analysis of a pragmatic phenomenon in academic textsSemiotics and linguistics in Alice's worldsContrast : adversative and concessive relations and their expressions in English, German, Spanish, Portuguese on sentence and text levelMediapolis : aspects of texts, hypertexts, and multimedial communicationIntonation, accent, and rhythm : studies in discourse phonologyIntertextualityA theory of the literary textComprehension of literary discourse : results and problems of interdisciplinary approachesLinguistic dynamics : discourses, procedures, and evolutionGrammars and descriptions : (studies in text theory and text analysis)Connexity and coherence : analysis of text and discourseAspects of oral communicationPsycholinguistic studies in language processingText processing : papers in text analysis and text description = Textverarbeitung : Beiträge zur Textanalyse und TextbeschreibungFocus and coherence in discourse processingFrame conceptions and text understandingText and discourse constitution : empirical aspects, theoretical approachesCurrent trends in textlinguisticsPossible worlds in humanities, arts and sciences : proceedings of Nobel Symposium 65Words, worlds, and contexts : new approaches in word semanticsText and thinking : on some roles of thinking in text interpretation