
Monarch notes


Monarch notes

Monarch Press



Publisher varies: Barnes & Noble


Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice外部サイトShakespeare's As you like it外部サイトPearl Buck's The good earth外部サイトJean-Paul Sartre's No exit and The flies : and Dirty hands, Nausea, The roads to freedom, Existentialism, Being and nothingness外部サイトGeorge Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion外部サイトHenry Fielding's Tom Jones外部サイトG. B. Shaw's Arms and the man外部サイトHemingway's Farewell to arms and The sun also rises, For whom the bell tolls, The old man and the sea : a critical commentary外部サイトG. B. Shaw's Saint Joan外部サイトCharles Dickens' Bleak house外部サイトWilliam Golding's Lord of the flies and The inheritors, Pincher Martin, Free fall外部サイトJoseph Conrad's Victory, and Nostromo, The Nigger of the Narcissus, The shadow-line外部サイトSir Thomas More's Utopia外部サイトHermann Hesse's Siddhartha : a critical commentary外部サイトSylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Ariel, The Colossus and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトJoseph Conrad's The heart of darkness and The secret sharer外部サイトThe plays of Oscar Wilde外部サイトGraham Greene's The power and the glory and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトChaucer's Canterbury tales外部サイトW. M. Thackeray's Vanity Fair and Henry Esmond外部サイトMark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and the mysterious stranger life on the Mississippi外部サイトErnest Hemingway's For whom the bell tolls : a critical commentary外部サイトHermann Hesse's Journey to the East : a critical commentary外部サイトF. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the night and This side of paradise : a critical commentary外部サイトAlexander Pope's The rape of the lock外部サイトShakespeare's Macbeth外部サイトRobert Penn Warren's All the king's men外部サイトThe Victorian poets外部サイトJoseph Heller's Catch-22外部サイトShakespeare's Richard III外部サイトJames Hilton's Lost horizon, and Goodbye, Mr. Chips : a critical commentary外部サイトCharles Dickens' Oliver Twist外部サイトSinclair Lewis' Babbitt外部サイトHermann Hesse's short fiction : early spring ... a critical commentary外部サイトThe major works of Hermann Hesse : a critical commentary外部サイトCharlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre外部サイトAlexander Pope's The rape of the lock外部サイトStephen Crane's Red badge of courage外部サイトErnest Hemingway's A farewell to arms : a critical commentary外部サイトThe Old Testament as living literature外部サイトVirgil's The aeneid and The georgics, The eclogues外部サイトVoltaire's Candide外部サイトShakespeare's Henry IV外部サイトPlato's The republic and Phaedrus, Symposium, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, and other works外部サイトEdmund Spenser's The faerie queene, and other works外部サイトThe major writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson外部サイトShakespeare's Macbeth外部サイトVictor Hugo's Les misérables外部サイトGeorge Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan外部サイトJohn Milton's Paradise lost and other works外部サイトRalph Ellison's Invisible man外部サイトGustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, and Three tales外部サイトShakespeare's The sonnets外部サイトArthur Miller's Death of a salesman and All my sons外部サイトThe poetry of William Butler Yeats外部サイトCervantes' Don Quixote外部サイトTennessee Williams' A streetcar named Desire外部サイトShakespeare's Measure for Measure外部サイトShakespeare's Coriolanus外部サイトCharles Dickens' A tale of two cities外部サイトGreek and Roman classics外部サイトThomas Pynchon's gravity's rainbow : a critical commentary外部サイトDoris Lessing's The golden notebook : a critical commentary外部サイトJohn Steinbeck's The red pony and The pearl外部サイトHenry James' the ambassadors外部サイトShakespeare's The winter's tale外部サイトReview notes and study guide to Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトSigmund Freud's The interpretation of dreams, Totem and taboo, Three essays on the theory of sexuality, and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトF. Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby : a critical commentary外部サイトJohn Updike's Rabbit, run and Rabbit redux : a critical commentary外部サイトThe plays of Tennessee Williams : Cat on a hot tin roof, The glass menagerie, Orpheus descending, A streetcar named Desire, and others外部サイトThe poetry of John Donne and The metaphysical poets外部サイトHomer's Odyssey外部サイトHenry James' The American外部サイトAlexander Solzhenitsyn's One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich : a critical commentary外部サイトWilliam Shakespeare's Richard II外部サイトTales and poetry of Edgar Allen Poe外部サイトThomas Hardy's The mayor of Casterbridge外部サイトThe romantic poets外部サイトChristopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and The jew of Malta, Edward the second, Tamburlaine the great, part I and II外部サイトThe modern economists : John Maynard Keynes, Thorstein Veblen, Joseph Schumpeter, John Kenneth Galbraith and others外部サイトJean-Jacques Rousseau and The 18th-century political philosophers外部サイトAlan Paton's cry, the beloved country and too late the phalarope, tales from a troubled land : a critical commentary外部サイトDostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov外部サイトThomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles外部サイトJack London's the call of the wild and white fang外部サイトHenry Fielding's Joseph Andrews外部サイトAnderson's Winesburg, Ohio and other works (a critical commentary)外部サイトWilliam Faulkner's The sound and the fury and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトThe plays of Eugene O'Neill : a critical commentary外部サイトWilla Cather's My Antonia and o pioneers! ; the song of the lark ; one of ours ; death comes for the archbishop : a critical commentary外部サイトSir Thomas Malory's le morte darthur : a critical commentary外部サイトDaniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe外部サイトThe major works of Sigmund Freud : a critical commentary外部サイトThomas Hardy's Jude the obscure外部サイトSir Gawain and the green knight : pearl, purity, patience外部サイトThe plays of Euripides外部サイトThe major works of H. G. Wells : The time machine, The invisible man, The war of the worlds, Tono-Bungay外部サイトHemingway's Farewell to arms and The sun also rises, For whom the bell tolls,The old man and the sea : a critical commentary外部サイトMythology : Greek, Roman, Norse, Babylonian, Indian外部サイトHenry James' Daisy Miller and The turn of the screw外部サイトJames Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man : a critical commentary外部サイトEmily Brontë's Wuthering Heights外部サイトThe plays of Anton Chekhov外部サイトThe philosophy of Nietzsche : Beyond good and evil, The birth of tragedy, The genealogy of morals, Thus spake Zarathustra外部サイトMark Twain's The prince and the pauper外部サイトJames Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man and dubliners外部サイトHardy's Jude the obscure外部サイトJohn Steinbeck's The grapes of wrath外部サイトG. B. Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra外部サイトAndrei Sakharov and the Soviet dissidents : a critical commentary外部サイトKen Kesey's One flew over the cuckoo's nest : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's Romeo and Juliet外部サイトAldous Huxley Brave new world and Point counter point, After many a summer dies the swan , Eyeless in Gaza外部サイトHowells' The rise of Silas Lapham外部サイトShakespeare's Twelfth night外部サイトVirginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and To the lighthouse : a critical commentary外部サイトThe plays of eurippides, aeschylus, and aristophanes外部サイトRudyard Kipling's Kim, and the jungle books外部サイトConrad Richter's the light in the forest and the sea of grass : a critical commentary外部サイトArthur Koestler's darkness at noon and the age of longing外部サイトThe plays of Racine and Corneille外部サイトThor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki and Aku-Aku外部サイトEugene O'Neill's mourning becomes electra : a critical commentary外部サイトSinclair Lewis' Main Street外部サイトRichard Wright's native son外部サイトOliver Goldsmith's the vicar of wakefield外部サイトHarold Pinter's the birthday party and other works外部サイトThe poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley外部サイトSinclair Lewis' Arrowsmith外部サイトEugene O'Neill's desire under the elms外部サイトThe philosophy of rene descartes外部サイトPetronius' satyricon外部サイトOvid's the art of love, metamorphoses, loves and other works外部サイトRawlings' the yearling外部サイトThe philosophy of Hegel外部サイトJohathan Swift's Gulliver's travels外部サイトThe plays of bertolt brecht外部サイトShakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing外部サイトNew Testament外部サイトThomas Wolfe's Look homeward, angel and Of time and the river : a critical commentary外部サイトHermann Hesse's the glass bead game : a critical commentary外部サイトThe major works of Evelyn Waugh : Brideshead revisited, Decline and fall, A handful of dust, The loved one : a critical commentary外部サイトNathaniel Hawthorne's The house of the seven gables and The marble faun外部サイトThe plays of Ibsen : A doll's house, Hedda Gabler, Peer Gynt, The wild duck, and others外部サイトHenry James' The portrait of a lady外部サイトEdward Albee's Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's Troilus and Cressida : and Titus Andronicus Timon of Athens Pericles Cymbeline外部サイトThe major works of John Steinbeck外部サイトShakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra外部サイトJoseph Heller's Catch-22外部サイトShakespeare's The taming of the shrew外部サイトEugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night : a critical commentary外部サイトSherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio外部サイトTennessee Williams' The glass menagerie : a critical commentary外部サイトThe poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelly外部サイトThe education of Henry Adams外部サイトWilliam Faulkner's As I lay dying ; a critical commentary外部サイトLeo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina外部サイトJohn Steinbeck's Of mice and men外部サイトWilliam Faulkner's Light in August : a critical commentary外部サイトThe poetry of William Blake外部サイトNiccolo Machiavelli's The prince and The discourses外部サイトMark Twain's The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and other works外部サイトTheodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie外部サイトCharles Dickens' Great expectations外部サイトJohn Barth's Giles Goat-Boy : a critical commentary外部サイトThe poetry of William Wordsworth外部サイトSamuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and other works外部サイトHarper Lee's To kill a mockingbird外部サイトBernard Malamud's the assistant : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare selected comedies外部サイトFranz Kafka's The trial and The Castle and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトIvan Turgenev's Fathers and sons外部サイトWilla Cather's My Antonia, and other works外部サイトJames Baldwin's Go tell it on the mountain, and Another country, The fire next time, Giovanni's room, Notes of a native son外部サイトShakespeare's The tempest外部サイトSaul Bellow's Herzog, and The adventures of Augie March and other works外部サイトMark Twain's The adventures of Tom Sawyer外部サイトThe Plays of G. B. Shaw外部サイトShakespeare's Hamlet外部サイトWilliam Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! : a critical commentary外部サイトJames Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man : a critical commentary外部サイトEdith Wharton's Ethan Frome : a critical commentary外部サイトRobert Louis Stevenson's treasure island外部サイトT. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral and Selected poems : a critical commentary外部サイトBlack American poetry : a critical commentary外部サイトT. S. Eliot's The waste land : sources and meaning外部サイトLord Byron's Childe Harold, Don Juan and other works外部サイトJames Fenimore Cooper's The last of the Mohicans外部サイトHermann Hesse's Steppenwolf : a critical commentary外部サイトLeo Tolstoy's War and peace外部サイトJane Austen's Emma and Mansfield park外部サイトDaniel Defoe's Moll Flanders外部サイトAlbert Camus' The Stranger : a critical commentary外部サイトThe poetry of Robert Frost外部サイトHerman Melville's Moby Dick外部サイトJoseph Conrad's Lord Jim and other works外部サイトCharles Dickens' Hard times外部サイトHermann Hesse's Narcissus and Goldmund : a critical commentary外部サイトTheodore Dreiser's An American tragedy外部サイトD. H. Lawrence's Sons and lovers, and The rainbow, Women in love, The plumed serpent外部サイトHenry James' The aspern papers外部サイトErnest Hemingway's The snows of Kilimanjaro外部サイトGoethe's Faust外部サイトDostoyevsky's Crime and punishment : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's Henry V外部サイトGeorge Eliot's Silas Marner and Middlemarch外部サイトThornton Wilder's Our town and The Bridge of San Luis Rey and other works外部サイトG. B. Shaw's man and superman外部サイトThe Old Testament外部サイトShakespeare's All's well that ends well外部サイトThomas Hardy's Far from the madding crowd外部サイトJane Austen's Pride and prejudice外部サイトMark Twain's The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and related works外部サイトDante's Divine comedy外部サイトGeorge Orwell's 1984外部サイトShakespeare's Julius Caesar外部サイトJonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels外部サイトThe poetry of John Keats外部サイトSinclair Lewis' Main Street外部サイトEugene O'Neill's The iceman cometh : a critical commentary外部サイトToni Morrison's Beloved : a critical commentary外部サイトThomas Wolfe's You can't go home again and The web and the rock外部サイトThe philosophy of locke and hobbes外部サイトJ. D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey and Nine stories : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's Othello外部サイトSamuel T. Coleridge's The Rime of the ancient mariner and Kubla Khan ; Christabel ; Dejection : An Ode外部サイトHenry David Thoreau's Walden and On the duty of civil disobedience外部サイトG. B. Shaw's Major Barbara外部サイトErnest Hemingway's The old man and the sea : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's A midsummer night's dream外部サイトHenry James' Washington square外部サイトHermann Hesse's Demian : a critical commentary外部サイトCharles Dickens' Pickwick papers外部サイトJ.R.R. Tolkien's The fellowship of the ring : a critical commentary外部サイトJ. D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye : a critical commentary外部サイトG. B. Shaw's Candida外部サイトIntroduction to American minority literature : Afro-American, Asian-American, Indian-American, Jewish-American, Mexican-American, Puerto Rican-American and others : a critical commentary外部サイトThe plays of Moliere外部サイトThe poetry of Wallace Stevens外部サイトThe writings of Saint Augustine外部サイトPhilip Roth's Portnoy's complaint : Letting go When she was good Goodbye, Columbus : a critical commentary外部サイトThe major works of Ernest Hemingway : a critical commentary外部サイトThomas Hardy's The return of the native外部サイトWalt Whitman's Leaves of grass外部サイトKurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-five : a critical commentary外部サイトB.F. Skinner's Walden Two : a critical commentary外部サイトEmile Zola's Germinal : a critical commentary外部サイトErich Maria Remarque's All quiet on the western front : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's King Lear外部サイトThe poetry of Robert Browning外部サイトHomer's Iliad外部サイトArthur Miller's The crucible and A memory of two Mondays, A view from the bridge, After the fall, Incident at Vichy外部サイトNathaniel Hawthorne's The scarlet letter, and House of the seven gables, The Blithedale romance, The marble faun外部サイトErnest Hemingway's The sun also rises : a critical commentary外部サイトShakespeare's two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトRichard Hofstadter's the american political tradition and the age of reform : acritical commentary外部サイトThucydides' the peloponnesian wars外部サイトThe major works of Thomas Mann外部サイトRobert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped and selected poems外部サイトEdward Albee's tiny Alice and other works : a critical commentary外部サイトSigmund Freud's introductory lectures : a critical commentary外部サイトWilfred Owen and other British poets of World War I外部サイトThe poetry of Dylan Thomas外部サイトThe major poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins外部サイトMarxist and utopian socialists : Marx, Engels, Fourier, Owen, Bernstein, Wibb and others外部サイトJames Fenimore Cooper's the pathfinder外部サイトStendhal's the red and the black and the charterhouse of parma外部サイトThe writings of Erich Fromm : the art of loving escape from freedom man fir himself psychoanalysis and religion the forgotten language : a detailed critique and in-depth evaluation外部サイトThe poetry of John Milton : exclusive of paradise lost外部サイトW. Somerset Maugham's of human bondage外部サイトMarcel Proust's remembrance of things past : swann's way, within a budding grove, the guermantes way, cities of the plain, the captive, the sweet cheat gone, the past recaptured外部サイトMill, Bentham and the utilitarian school外部サイトRoman literature外部サイトHerman Melville's Billy Budd外部サイトClassical economists : Adam Smith, Davit Ricardo, Thomas Malthus and others外部サイトThe philosophy of David Hume外部サイトShakespeare's comedy of errors外部サイトThe plays of Aristophanes外部サイトOwen Wister's the virginian外部サイトThe philosophy and writings of St. Thomas Aquinas外部サイトThe works of Lorraine Hansberry : a critical commentary外部サイトThe major plays of August Strindberg : the father, miss julie, a dream play外部サイトHarold Pinter's the homecoming and other works外部サイトThe poetry of Ezra Pound外部サイトOle Rölvaag's giants in the earth外部サイトThe major works of Albert Camus : the stranger, the plague, the myth of sisyphus, the rebel外部サイトWashington Irving's the legend of sleepy hollow外部サイトDostoyevsky's Crime and punishment外部サイトDostoyevsky's notes from the underground外部サイトCarl Sandburg's Lincoln, the prairie years : a critical commentary外部サイトEldridge Cleaver's soul on ice外部サイトJules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea and around the world in 80 days : journey to the center of the earth, The mysterious island, Michael Strogoff外部サイトCervantes' Don Quixote外部サイトLaurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy外部サイトHonore de Balzac's Eugenie Grandet and le Pere Goriot外部サイトRichard Henry Dana's two years before the mast外部サイト






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Monarch notes and study guides
Publisher varies: Barnes & Noble
Shakespeare's The merchant of Venice
Shakespeare's As you like it
Pearl Buck's The good earth
Jean-Paul Sartre's No exit and The flies : and Dirty hands, Nausea, The roads to freedom, Existentialism, Being and nothingness
George Bernard Shaw's Pygmalion
Henry Fielding's Tom Jones
G. B. Shaw's Arms and the man
Hemingway's Farewell to arms and The sun also rises, For whom the bell tolls, The old man and the sea : a critical commentary
G. B. Shaw's Saint Joan
Charles Dickens' Bleak house
William Golding's Lord of the flies and The inheritors, Pincher Martin, Free fall
Joseph Conrad's Victory, and Nostromo, The Nigger of the Narcissus, The shadow-line
Sir Thomas More's Utopia
Hermann Hesse's Siddhartha : a critical commentary
Sylvia Plath's The Bell Jar and Ariel, The Colossus and other works : a critical commentary
Joseph Conrad's The heart of darkness and The secret sharer
The plays of Oscar Wilde
Graham Greene's The power and the glory and other works : a critical commentary
Chaucer's Canterbury tales
W. M. Thackeray's Vanity Fair and Henry Esmond
Mark Twain's A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court and the mysterious stranger life on the Mississippi
Ernest Hemingway's For whom the bell tolls : a critical commentary
Hermann Hesse's Journey to the East : a critical commentary
F. Scott Fitzgerald's Tender is the night and This side of paradise : a critical commentary
Alexander Pope's The rape of the lock
Shakespeare's Macbeth
Robert Penn Warren's All the king's men
The Victorian poets
Joseph Heller's Catch-22
Shakespeare's Richard III
James Hilton's Lost horizon, and Goodbye, Mr. Chips : a critical commentary
Charles Dickens' Oliver Twist
Sinclair Lewis' Babbitt
Hermann Hesse's short fiction : early spring ... a critical commentary
The major works of Hermann Hesse : a critical commentary
Charlotte Brontë's Jane Eyre
Alexander Pope's The rape of the lock
Stephen Crane's Red badge of courage
Ernest Hemingway's A farewell to arms : a critical commentary
The Old Testament as living literature
Virgil's The aeneid and The georgics, The eclogues
Voltaire's Candide
Shakespeare's Henry IV
Plato's The republic and Phaedrus, Symposium, Apology, Crito, Phaedo, and other works
Edmund Spenser's The faerie queene, and other works
The major writings of Ralph Waldo Emerson
Shakespeare's Macbeth
Victor Hugo's Les misérables
George Bernard Shaw's Saint Joan
John Milton's Paradise lost and other works
Ralph Ellison's Invisible man
Gustave Flaubert's Madame Bovary, and Three tales
Shakespeare's The sonnets
Arthur Miller's Death of a salesman and All my sons
The poetry of William Butler Yeats
Cervantes' Don Quixote
Tennessee Williams' A streetcar named Desire
Shakespeare's Measure for Measure
Shakespeare's Coriolanus
Charles Dickens' A tale of two cities
Greek and Roman classics
Thomas Pynchon's gravity's rainbow : a critical commentary
Doris Lessing's The golden notebook : a critical commentary
John Steinbeck's The red pony and The pearl
Henry James' the ambassadors
Shakespeare's The winter's tale
Review notes and study guide to Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra
Sigmund Freud's The interpretation of dreams, Totem and taboo, Three essays on the theory of sexuality, and other works : a critical commentary
F. Scott Fitzgerald's The great Gatsby : a critical commentary
John Updike's Rabbit, run and Rabbit redux : a critical commentary
The plays of Tennessee Williams : Cat on a hot tin roof, The glass menagerie, Orpheus descending, A streetcar named Desire, and others
The poetry of John Donne and The metaphysical poets
Homer's Odyssey
Henry James' The American
Alexander Solzhenitsyn's One day in the life of Ivan Denisovich : a critical commentary
William Shakespeare's Richard II
Tales and poetry of Edgar Allen Poe
Thomas Hardy's The mayor of Casterbridge
The romantic poets
Christopher Marlowe's Doctor Faustus and The jew of Malta, Edward the second, Tamburlaine the great, part I and II
The modern economists : John Maynard Keynes, Thorstein Veblen, Joseph Schumpeter, John Kenneth Galbraith and others
Jean-Jacques Rousseau and The 18th-century political philosophers
Alan Paton's cry, the beloved country and too late the phalarope, tales from a troubled land : a critical commentary
Dostoyevsky's The Brothers Karamazov
Thomas Hardy's Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Jack London's the call of the wild and white fang
Henry Fielding's Joseph Andrews
Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio and other works (a critical commentary)
William Faulkner's The sound and the fury and other works : a critical commentary
The plays of Eugene O'Neill : a critical commentary
Willa Cather's My Antonia and o pioneers! ; the song of the lark ; one of ours ; death comes for the archbishop : a critical commentary
Sir Thomas Malory's le morte darthur : a critical commentary
Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe
The major works of Sigmund Freud : a critical commentary
Thomas Hardy's Jude the obscure
Sir Gawain and the green knight : pearl, purity, patience
The plays of Euripides
The major works of H. G. Wells : The time machine, The invisible man, The war of the worlds, Tono-Bungay
Hemingway's Farewell to arms and The sun also rises, For whom the bell tolls,The old man and the sea : a critical commentary
Mythology : Greek, Roman, Norse, Babylonian, Indian
Henry James' Daisy Miller and The turn of the screw
James Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man : a critical commentary
Emily Brontë's Wuthering Heights
The plays of Anton Chekhov
The philosophy of Nietzsche : Beyond good and evil, The birth of tragedy, The genealogy of morals, Thus spake Zarathustra
Mark Twain's The prince and the pauper
James Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man and dubliners
Hardy's Jude the obscure
John Steinbeck's The grapes of wrath
G. B. Shaw's Caesar and Cleopatra
Andrei Sakharov and the Soviet dissidents : a critical commentary
Ken Kesey's One flew over the cuckoo's nest : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet
Aldous Huxley Brave new world and Point counter point, After many a summer dies the swan , Eyeless in Gaza
Howells' The rise of Silas Lapham
Shakespeare's Twelfth night
Virginia Woolf's Mrs. Dalloway and To the lighthouse : a critical commentary
The plays of eurippides, aeschylus, and aristophanes
Rudyard Kipling's Kim, and the jungle books
Conrad Richter's the light in the forest and the sea of grass : a critical commentary
Arthur Koestler's darkness at noon and the age of longing
The plays of Racine and Corneille
Thor Heyerdahl's Kon-Tiki and Aku-Aku
Eugene O'Neill's mourning becomes electra : a critical commentary
Sinclair Lewis' Main Street
Richard Wright's native son
Oliver Goldsmith's the vicar of wakefield
Harold Pinter's the birthday party and other works
The poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelley
Sinclair Lewis' Arrowsmith
Eugene O'Neill's desire under the elms
The philosophy of rene descartes
Petronius' satyricon
Ovid's the art of love, metamorphoses, loves and other works
Rawlings' the yearling
The philosophy of Hegel
Johathan Swift's Gulliver's travels
The plays of bertolt brecht
Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing
New Testament
Thomas Wolfe's Look homeward, angel and Of time and the river : a critical commentary
Hermann Hesse's the glass bead game : a critical commentary
The major works of Evelyn Waugh : Brideshead revisited, Decline and fall, A handful of dust, The loved one : a critical commentary
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The house of the seven gables and The marble faun
The plays of Ibsen : A doll's house, Hedda Gabler, Peer Gynt, The wild duck, and others
Henry James' The portrait of a lady
Edward Albee's Who's afraid of Virginia Woolf? and other works : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's Troilus and Cressida : and Titus Andronicus Timon of Athens Pericles Cymbeline
The major works of John Steinbeck
Shakespeare's Antony and Cleopatra
Joseph Heller's Catch-22
Shakespeare's The taming of the shrew
Eugene O'Neill's Long day's journey into night : a critical commentary
Sherwood Anderson's Winesburg, Ohio
Tennessee Williams' The glass menagerie : a critical commentary
The poetry of Percy Bysshe Shelly
The education of Henry Adams
William Faulkner's As I lay dying ; a critical commentary
Leo Tolstoy's Anna Karenina
John Steinbeck's Of mice and men
William Faulkner's Light in August : a critical commentary
The poetry of William Blake
Niccolo Machiavelli's The prince and The discourses
Mark Twain's The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and other works
Theodore Dreiser's Sister Carrie
Charles Dickens' Great expectations
John Barth's Giles Goat-Boy : a critical commentary
The poetry of William Wordsworth
Samuel Beckett's Waiting for Godot and other works
Harper Lee's To kill a mockingbird
Bernard Malamud's the assistant : a critical commentary
Shakespeare selected comedies
Franz Kafka's The trial and The Castle and other works : a critical commentary
Ivan Turgenev's Fathers and sons
Willa Cather's My Antonia, and other works
James Baldwin's Go tell it on the mountain, and Another country, The fire next time, Giovanni's room, Notes of a native son
Shakespeare's The tempest
Saul Bellow's Herzog, and The adventures of Augie March and other works
Mark Twain's The adventures of Tom Sawyer
The Plays of G. B. Shaw
Shakespeare's Hamlet
William Faulkner's Absalom, Absalom! : a critical commentary
James Joyce's A portrait of the artist as a young man : a critical commentary
Edith Wharton's Ethan Frome : a critical commentary
Robert Louis Stevenson's treasure island
T. S. Eliot's Murder in the Cathedral and Selected poems : a critical commentary
Black American poetry : a critical commentary
T. S. Eliot's The waste land : sources and meaning
Lord Byron's Childe Harold, Don Juan and other works
James Fenimore Cooper's The last of the Mohicans
Hermann Hesse's Steppenwolf : a critical commentary
Leo Tolstoy's War and peace
Jane Austen's Emma and Mansfield park
Daniel Defoe's Moll Flanders
Albert Camus' The Stranger : a critical commentary
The poetry of Robert Frost
Herman Melville's Moby Dick
Joseph Conrad's Lord Jim and other works
Charles Dickens' Hard times
Hermann Hesse's Narcissus and Goldmund : a critical commentary
Theodore Dreiser's An American tragedy
D. H. Lawrence's Sons and lovers, and The rainbow, Women in love, The plumed serpent
Henry James' The aspern papers
Ernest Hemingway's The snows of Kilimanjaro
Goethe's Faust
Dostoyevsky's Crime and punishment : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's Henry V
George Eliot's Silas Marner and Middlemarch
Thornton Wilder's Our town and The Bridge of San Luis Rey and other works
G. B. Shaw's man and superman
The Old Testament
Shakespeare's All's well that ends well
Thomas Hardy's Far from the madding crowd
Jane Austen's Pride and prejudice
Mark Twain's The adventures of Huckleberry Finn and related works
Dante's Divine comedy
George Orwell's 1984
Shakespeare's Julius Caesar
Jonathan Swift's Gulliver's travels
The poetry of John Keats
Sinclair Lewis' Main Street
Eugene O'Neill's The iceman cometh : a critical commentary
Toni Morrison's Beloved : a critical commentary
Thomas Wolfe's You can't go home again and The web and the rock
The philosophy of locke and hobbes
J. D. Salinger's Franny and Zooey and Nine stories : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's Othello
Samuel T. Coleridge's The Rime of the ancient mariner and Kubla Khan ; Christabel ; Dejection : An Ode
Henry David Thoreau's Walden and On the duty of civil disobedience
G. B. Shaw's Major Barbara
Ernest Hemingway's The old man and the sea : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's A midsummer night's dream
Henry James' Washington square
Hermann Hesse's Demian : a critical commentary
Charles Dickens' Pickwick papers
J.R.R. Tolkien's The fellowship of the ring : a critical commentary
J. D. Salinger's The catcher in the rye : a critical commentary
G. B. Shaw's Candida
Introduction to American minority literature : Afro-American, Asian-American, Indian-American, Jewish-American, Mexican-American, Puerto Rican-American and others : a critical commentary
The plays of Moliere
The poetry of Wallace Stevens
The writings of Saint Augustine
Philip Roth's Portnoy's complaint : Letting go When she was good Goodbye, Columbus : a critical commentary
The major works of Ernest Hemingway : a critical commentary
Thomas Hardy's The return of the native
Walt Whitman's Leaves of grass
Kurt Vonnegut's Slaughterhouse-five : a critical commentary
B.F. Skinner's Walden Two : a critical commentary
Emile Zola's Germinal : a critical commentary
Erich Maria Remarque's All quiet on the western front : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's King Lear
The poetry of Robert Browning
Homer's Iliad
Arthur Miller's The crucible and A memory of two Mondays, A view from the bridge, After the fall, Incident at Vichy
Nathaniel Hawthorne's The scarlet letter, and House of the seven gables, The Blithedale romance, The marble faun
Ernest Hemingway's The sun also rises : a critical commentary
Shakespeare's two gentlemen of Verona
Richard Hofstadter's the american political tradition and the age of reform : acritical commentary
Thucydides' the peloponnesian wars
The major works of Thomas Mann
Robert Louis Stevenson's Kidnapped and selected poems
Edward Albee's tiny Alice and other works : a critical commentary
Sigmund Freud's introductory lectures : a critical commentary
Wilfred Owen and other British poets of World War I
The poetry of Dylan Thomas
The major poems of Gerard Manley Hopkins
Marxist and utopian socialists : Marx, Engels, Fourier, Owen, Bernstein, Wibb and others
James Fenimore Cooper's the pathfinder
Stendhal's the red and the black and the charterhouse of parma
The writings of Erich Fromm : the art of loving escape from freedom man fir himself psychoanalysis and religion the forgotten language : a detailed critique and in-depth evaluation
The poetry of John Milton : exclusive of paradise lost
W. Somerset Maugham's of human bondage
Marcel Proust's remembrance of things past : swann's way, within a budding grove, the guermantes way, cities of the plain, the captive, the sweet cheat gone, the past recaptured
Mill, Bentham and the utilitarian school
Roman literature
Herman Melville's Billy Budd
Classical economists : Adam Smith, Davit Ricardo, Thomas Malthus and others
The philosophy of David Hume
Shakespeare's comedy of errors
The plays of Aristophanes
Owen Wister's the virginian
The philosophy and writings of St. Thomas Aquinas
The works of Lorraine Hansberry : a critical commentary
The major plays of August Strindberg : the father, miss julie, a dream play
Harold Pinter's the homecoming and other works
The poetry of Ezra Pound
Ole Rölvaag's giants in the earth
The major works of Albert Camus : the stranger, the plague, the myth of sisyphus, the rebel
Washington Irving's the legend of sleepy hollow
Dostoyevsky's Crime and punishment
Dostoyevsky's notes from the underground
Carl Sandburg's Lincoln, the prairie years : a critical commentary
Eldridge Cleaver's soul on ice
Jules Verne's 20,000 leagues under the sea and around the world in 80 days : journey to the center of the earth, The mysterious island, Michael Strogoff
Cervantes' Don Quixote
Laurence Sterne's Tristram Shandy
Honore de Balzac's Eugenie Grandet and le Pere Goriot
Richard Henry Dana's two years before the mast
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