
MI lecture note series


MI lecture note series



Study group workshop 2015 : abstract, lecture & report外部サイト"Tsunami-Mathematical modelling" : using mathematics for natural disaster prediction, recovery and provision for the future : forum "Math-for-Industry", 2011外部サイトMathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2016外部サイトPerfect matchings and applications外部サイトMathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2013外部サイトInformation recovery and discovery : forum "Math-for-Industry" 2012外部サイトMathematical quantum field theory and renormalization theory : The Nishijin Plaza of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, November 26 2009-November 29 2009外部サイト非線形波動の数理と物理外部サイトStudy group workshop 2013 数学協働プログラム lecture & report外部サイトStudy group workshop 2012 : abstract, lecture & report外部サイト"Propagation of Ultra-large-scale computation by the domain-decomposition-method for industrial problems (PUCDIP 2012)" : joint research workshop of institute of mathematics for industry (IMI), Kyushu University外部サイトEnhanced Binding in quantum field theory外部サイトHomogenization method and multiscale modeling外部サイトCombinatorics and numerical analysis joint workshop外部サイト多重ゼータ値入門外部サイト感染症数理モデルの実用化と産業及び政策での活用のための新たな展開外部サイト防災・避難計画の数理モデルの高度化と社会実装へ向けて外部サイト博多ワークショップ「組み合わせとその応用」 = Hakata workshop, combinatrics and its applications外部サイトHakata workshop 2014 : discrete mathematics and its applications外部サイトAIMapチュートリアル最適化理論の基礎と応用外部サイト科学・技術の研究課題への数学アプローチ : 数学モデリングの基礎と展開外部サイトThe Joint Conference of ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009 : Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics, Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences外部サイト数式処理研究と産学連携の新たな発展 : マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所共同利用研究集会II = Development of Computer Algebra Research and Collaboration with Industry/ 照井章 [ほか] 編集外部サイトWorkshop on "β-transformation and related topics"外部サイト拡がっていく数学~期待される"見えない力~ : 平成23年度数学・数理科学と諸科学・産業との連携研究ワークショップ外部サイト研究集会 : 高信頼な理論と実装のための定理証明および定理証明器 = Theorem proving and provers for reliable theory and implementations (TPP2014)外部サイトMathematics for materials science and processing : IMI-La Trobe Joint Conference外部サイトInverse problems for practice, the present and the future外部サイトBranching rules and branching algebras for the complex classical groups外部サイトStudy group workshop 2013 : abstract, lecture & report外部サイト新型コロナウイルス感染症にかかわる諸問題の数理外部サイトCasimir force, casimir operators and the Riemann hypothesis : forum "Math-for-Industry"外部サイトMath-for-Industry tutorial : spectral theories of non-Hermitian operators and their application : MRIT 6th workshop外部サイトApplications + practical conceptualization + mathematics = fruitful innovation : forum "Math-for-Industry", 2014外部サイト計算機代数システムの進展外部サイトWorkshop on algebraic constructions as a fundamental keystone of a safe and secure society : mathematics for guaranteeing the reliability of the cyber-society外部サイトモダン符号理論からポストモダン符号理論への展望 : 九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所共同利用研究集会II外部サイトStudy group workshop 2017 : abstract, lecture & report外部サイトSecret sharing for dependability, usability and security of network storage and its mathematical modeling外部サイトStudy group workshop 2014 : abstract, lecture & report外部サイトForum "Math-for-Industry" 2016 : "agriculture as a metaphor for creativity in all human endeavors"外部サイトForum "Math-for-Industry" 2015 : "the role and importance of mathematics in innovation"外部サイト結び目とGrothendieck-Teichmüller群外部サイトStudy group workshop 2016 : abstract, lecture & report外部サイトMagmaで広がる数学の世界 : Exploring Mathematics with Magma : GCOEレクチャーノート報告集外部サイト"Multiscale Mathematics: Hierarchy of collective phenomena and interrelations between hierarchical structures" : collaborate Research Meeting of Institute of Mathematics for Industry & MEXT collaborative workshop of mathematics and mathematical sciences with various sciences and industrial technologies 2011外部サイトMathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2015外部サイトWorkshop on "Probabilistic models with determinantal structure"外部サイトStudy group workshop 2011 : lecture & report外部サイトDiscrete differential geometry of curves and surfaces外部サイトThe pattern formation problem for autonomous mobile robots : special lecture in functional mathematics外部サイト結晶の界面、転位、構造の数理外部サイトModular forms, elliptic and modular curves : lectures at Kyushu University 2010外部サイト離散可積分系・離散微分幾何チュートリアル2012外部サイトForum "Math-for-Industry" 2013 : "The Impact of Applications on Mathematics"外部サイトDiscrete constant mean curvature surfaces via conserved quantities外部サイトNotes on integral geometry and harmonic analysis外部サイトMathematical quantum field theory and related topics外部サイトMathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2014外部サイトCryptographic technologies for securing network storage and their mathematical modeling外部サイトStudy group workshop 2010 : lecture & report外部サイトAdvanced automotive control and mathematics, September 8th, 2021, Onlin, SICE Annual Conference 2021 : SICE-JSAE-AIMap tutorial外部サイト



  • Study group workshop 2015 : abstract, lecture & report

  • "Tsunami-Mathematical modelling" : using mathematics for natural disaster prediction, recovery and provision for the future : forum "Math-for-Industry", 2011

  • Mathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2016

  • Perfect matchings and applications

  • Mathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2013





  • CiNii Research

    連携先のサイトで、CiNii Researchが連携している機関・データベースの所蔵状況を確認できます。



Math-for-industry lecture note series
Study group workshop 2015 : abstract, lecture & report
"Tsunami-Mathematical modelling" : using mathematics for natural disaster prediction, recovery and provision for the future : forum "Math-for-Industry", 2011
Mathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2016
Perfect matchings and applications
Mathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2013
Information recovery and discovery : forum "Math-for-Industry" 2012
Mathematical quantum field theory and renormalization theory : The Nishijin Plaza of Kyushu University, Fukuoka, Japan, November 26 2009-November 29 2009
Study group workshop 2013 数学協働プログラム lecture & report
Study group workshop 2012 : abstract, lecture & report
"Propagation of Ultra-large-scale computation by the domain-decomposition-method for industrial problems (PUCDIP 2012)" : joint research workshop of institute of mathematics for industry (IMI), Kyushu University
Enhanced Binding in quantum field theory
Homogenization method and multiscale modeling
Combinatorics and numerical analysis joint workshop
博多ワークショップ「組み合わせとその応用」 = Hakata workshop, combinatrics and its applications
Hakata workshop 2014 : discrete mathematics and its applications
科学・技術の研究課題への数学アプローチ : 数学モデリングの基礎と展開
The Joint Conference of ASCM 2009 and MACIS 2009 : Asian Symposium on Computer Mathematics, Mathematical Aspects of Computer and Information Sciences
数式処理研究と産学連携の新たな発展 : マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所共同利用研究集会II = Development of Computer Algebra Research and Collaboration with Industry/ 照井章 [ほか] 編集
Workshop on "β-transformation and related topics"
拡がっていく数学~期待される"見えない力~ : 平成23年度数学・数理科学と諸科学・産業との連携研究ワークショップ
研究集会 : 高信頼な理論と実装のための定理証明および定理証明器 = Theorem proving and provers for reliable theory and implementations (TPP2014)
Mathematics for materials science and processing : IMI-La Trobe Joint Conference
Inverse problems for practice, the present and the future
Branching rules and branching algebras for the complex classical groups
Study group workshop 2013 : abstract, lecture & report
Casimir force, casimir operators and the Riemann hypothesis : forum "Math-for-Industry"
Math-for-Industry tutorial : spectral theories of non-Hermitian operators and their application : MRIT 6th workshop
Applications + practical conceptualization + mathematics = fruitful innovation : forum "Math-for-Industry", 2014
Workshop on algebraic constructions as a fundamental keystone of a safe and secure society : mathematics for guaranteeing the reliability of the cyber-society
モダン符号理論からポストモダン符号理論への展望 : 九州大学マス・フォア・インダストリ研究所共同利用研究集会II
Study group workshop 2017 : abstract, lecture & report
Secret sharing for dependability, usability and security of network storage and its mathematical modeling
Study group workshop 2014 : abstract, lecture & report
Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2016 : "agriculture as a metaphor for creativity in all human endeavors"
Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2015 : "the role and importance of mathematics in innovation"
Study group workshop 2016 : abstract, lecture & report
Magmaで広がる数学の世界 : Exploring Mathematics with Magma : GCOEレクチャーノート報告集
"Multiscale Mathematics: Hierarchy of collective phenomena and interrelations between hierarchical structures" : collaborate Research Meeting of Institute of Mathematics for Industry & MEXT collaborative workshop of mathematics and mathematical sciences with various sciences and industrial technologies 2011
Mathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2015
Workshop on "Probabilistic models with determinantal structure"
Study group workshop 2011 : lecture & report
Discrete differential geometry of curves and surfaces
The pattern formation problem for autonomous mobile robots : special lecture in functional mathematics
Modular forms, elliptic and modular curves : lectures at Kyushu University 2010
Forum "Math-for-Industry" 2013 : "The Impact of Applications on Mathematics"
Discrete constant mean curvature surfaces via conserved quantities
Notes on integral geometry and harmonic analysis
Mathematical quantum field theory and related topics
Mathematical progress in expressive image synthesis : symposium MEIS2014
Cryptographic technologies for securing network storage and their mathematical modeling
Study group workshop 2010 : lecture & report
Advanced automotive control and mathematics, September 8th, 2021, Onlin, SICE Annual Conference 2021 : SICE-JSAE-AIMap tutorial
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books