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- The Bible : authorized King James versionThe grasmere and Alfoxden journalsDiscourse on the origin of inequalitySix tragediesThe history of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes his friends and his greatest enemyArabian nights' entertainmentsWho betrays Elizabeth Bennet? : further puzzles in classic fictionSister CarrieEarly modern women's writing : an anthology, 1560-1700Selected LettersThe belly of ParisSelected storiesMeno and other dialoguesAdam BedeThe wardenJust so stories, for little childrrenThomas HardyThe Homeric hymnsFour major playsThe golden bowlFaustThe taming of the shrewThe Eustace diamondsThe history of King LearA journal of the plague year : being observations or memorials of the most remarkable occurrences, as well publick as private, which happened in London during the last Great Visitation in 1665, written by a citizen who continued all the while in LondonNarrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slaveThe divine comedyThe spoils of PoyntonThe art of rhetoricVictory : an island taleMahatma Gandhi : the essential writingsThe mayor of CasterbridgeThe scarlet letterO pioneers!A pair of blue eyesBetween the actsMiddlemarch : a study of provincial lifeFour revenge tragediesGreat expectationsMetamorphosesThe BostoniansThe merchant of VeniceFuente Ovejuna ; The knight from Olmedo ; Punishment without revengeWashington SquareThe moonstoneA Christmas carol and other Christmas booksCatharine, and other writingsGeorgicsValperga, or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, Prince of LuccaThe life of Christina of MarkyateThe satiresThe republic ; and, The lawsDraculaA study in scarletMemoirs of a woman of pleasureThe Blithedale romanceThe tragedy of CoriolanusIrish writing : an anthology of Irish literature in English, 1789-1939The English constitutionThe Koran interpretedLord Jim : a taleComplete poetryOliver TwistLondon assurance and other Victorian comediesThe fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll FlandersCousin BetteHeart of darkness and other talesCritique of judgementSelected mythsThe scarlet letterSelected poetryThe Oregon trailAesop's fablesThe mill on the FlossNostromo : a tale of the seaboardRoman lives : a selection of eight livesTarrThe prisoner of ZendaThe MabinogionThe liberation of Jerusalem (Gerusalemme liberata)Moby DickThe MasnaviFive romantic playsThe female Quixote, or, The adventures of ArabellaRepublicMary BartonThe man who would be king, and other storiesMad Monkton, and other storiesWaldenDaniel DerondaThe age of innocenceLe morte Darthur : the Winchester manuscriptSelected critical writingsThe bride of LammermoorA room of one's own ; Three GuineasHenry IVBeyond good and evil : prelude to a philosophy of the futureKing Solomon's minesPrincipal writings on religion : including Dialogues concerning natural religion, and The Natural history of religionOroonoko, and other writingsThe wind in the willowsJournals : Captain Scott's last expeditionSatires and epistlesGreek lives : a selection of nine Greek livesDead souls : a poemVictorian fairy talesTroilus and CressidaSir Philip Sidney : the major worksAn essay on the principle of populationThe German-Jewish dialogue : an anthology of literary texts, 1749-1993The princess and other storiesThe two noble kinsmenJulius CaesarTess of the d'UrbervillesGorgiasDombey and sonSo you think you know Thomas Hardy? : a literary quizbookNarrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slaveNorthanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; and, SanditonGrace abounding with other spiritual autobiographiesVolpone, or The fox ; Epicene, or The silent woman ; The alchemist ; Bartholomew fairCapital : an abridged editionTales of the elders of Ireland : Acallam na SenórachGreenmantleThe major worksHeart of darkness and other talesLetters concerning the English nationDialogues and essaysMadame Bovary : life in a country townThe prairieHobson-Jobson : the definitive glossary of British IndiaSelected poetryThe major worksOliver TwistHamletA philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautifulThe golden assTwenty thousand leagues under the seasSelected lettersThe Nicomachean ethicsAn enemy of the people ; The wild duck ; RosmersholmThe great GatsbyThe house of mirthThe picture of Dorian GrayThe moonstoneRubáiyát of Omar Khayyám : the astronomer-poet of PersiaThe ClaveringsThe call of the wild ; White Fang ; and other storiesThe wild Irish girl : a national taleWives and daughtersSelected lettersPeter Pan in Kensington Gardens ; and, Peter and WendyMoneyOresteiaMrs DallowaySymposiumThe first philosophers : the presocratics and sophistsOn the nature of the universeLa Reine MargotThe man of feelingThe ambassadorsTom Brown's schooldaysThe return of the nativeThe BodhicaryāvatāraAn essay on the principle of populationThe rivals ; The duenna ; A trip to Scarborough ; The school for scandal ; The criticAgnes GreyThe portrait of a ladyThis side of paradiseA discourse on the method of correctly conducting one's reason and seeking truth in the sciencesAn anthology of seventeenth-century fictionA journal of the plague yearThe way we live nowNotre-Dame de ParisA sentimental education : the story of a young manMemoirs of Miss Sidney BidulphTreasure IslandMiddlemarchJournal of a West India proprietor : kept during a residence in the island of JamaicaDaisy Miller, and, An international episodeHans Andersen's fairy tales : a selectionThe origin of speciesElegiesJacques the fatalist and his masterThe complete short storiesThe small house at AllingtonThe wild ass's skinThe interpretation of dreamsBeowulf : The fight at FinnsburhWomen's writing 1778 - 1838 : an anthologyWuthering HeightsBleak houseKidnapped ; and, CatrionaThe masterpieceA dictionary of modern English usageAlice's adventures in Wonderland ; and, Through the looking-glass and what Alice found thereOrlando FuriosoThe masterpieceThe poems of CatullusUtopia . New Atlantis . The Isle of PinesBarchester TowersSelected essaysA Sicilian romanceThe history of Rasselas, Prince of AbissiniaReflections on the revolution in FranceThe Italian, or, the confessional of the Black Penitents : a romanceVathekSelected writingsPride and prejudiceMichelangelo : life, letters, and poetryMarriageWessex talesThe major worksGrettir's sagaIon ; Orestes ; Phoenician women ; Suppliant womenAgainst natureThe moonstoneRameau's nephew and First satireConfessions of an English opium-eater, and other writingsAn inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations : a selected editionThe case-book of Sherlock HolmesSelected poemsThe wavesGulliver's travelsSelected poemsThe essential Victor HugoSelected talesLady AnnaCan Jane Eyre be happy? : more puzzles in classic fictionWuthering HeightsAlexander Pope : selected poetryA tale of two citiesA collier's Friday night ; The widowing of Mrs Holroyd ; The daughter-in-law ; The fight for Barbara ; Touch and goThe Aspern papers, and other storiesCousin Phillis, and other storiesOscar WildeLady Audley's secretThe major worksA hero of our timeThe wanderer, or, Female difficultiesFlatland : a romance of many dimensionsThe professorThe nunChronicle of the Abbey of Bury St. EdmundsThérèse RaquinLetters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and DenmarkThe story of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon LescautThe tenant of Wildfell HallWomen beware women and other playsFirst love and other storiesDaphnis and ChloeAnna KareninaFour major playsIphigenia among the Taurians ; Bacchae ; Iphigenia at Aulis ; RhesusLady Audley's secretJude the obscureThe princeThe major worksWomen in loveYoung Goodman Brown and other talesLancelot of the LakeCaleb WilliamsTitus AndronicusAn essay concerning human understandingMiss Julie and other playsThe secret agent : a simple talePensées and other writingsBleak houseThe lost world : being an account of the recent amazing adventures of Professor George E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee, and Mr. E.D. Malone of the Daily gazetteA tale of a tub and other worksFather and sonThe Conquest of PlassansStrange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other talesMajor worksThe mysteries of UdolphoThe prime ministerNew Grub streetThe lifted veil ; Brother JacobSybil, or, The two nationsThe major worksUp from slaveryTroilus and CriseydeEsther WatersThe Federalist papersAround the world in eighty days : the extraordinary journeysFlushThe complete Stalky & Co.To the lighthouseTravels through France and ItalyThe shadow-line : a confessionThe recognition of Śakuntalā : a play in seven acts ; Śakuntalā in the Mahābhārata (Mahābhārata I. 62-9)The good soldier : a tale of passionSheAurora LeighHe knew he was rightHenry VIBritannicus ; Phaedra ; AthaliahRestoration literature : an anthologySelected critical writingsDublinersDavid CopperfieldThe life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the greatPiers Plowman : a new translation of the B-textCourt masques : Jacobean and Caroline entertainments, 1605-1640The vicar of WakefieldBasilTwo on a towerTwenty years afterThe trumpet-majorDaniel DerondaMemoirs of Emma CourtneyThe Canterbury talesFour comediesThe steppe, and other storiesGreat expectationsThe pathfinder, or, The inland seaSelected poetryWhite-jacket, or, The World in a man-of-warThe life and death of King John"Typhoon", and, other talesThe woodlandersMeasure for measureSecond treatise of government and A letter concerning tolerationThe Communist manifestoThe water-babies : a fairy tale for a land-babyA Day in the country, and other storiesMcTeague : a story of San FranciscoA life : the humble truthJacob's roomReminiscencesThe Anglo-Saxon world : an anthologyPolitical speechesAn indiscretion in the life of an heiress and other storiesThe hound of the Baskervilles : another adventure of Sherlock HolmesAs you like itNicholas NicklebyThe voyage outThe expedition of Humphry ClinkerEvolutionary writingsLord Jim : a talePot luckA pocket philosophical dictionaryOn obligationsThe major worksOld mortalityShe stoops to conquer and other comediesNews from nowhere, or, An epoch of rest : being some chapters from a utopian romanceThe woman in whiteSelected philosophical writingsVilletteLooking backward, 2000-1887Constellation Myths : with Aratus's 'Phaenomena'Candide, and other storiesThe riddle of the sands : a record of secret serviceOn the soul and other psychological worksLa débâcleChance : a tale in two partsUtopia . New Atlantis . The Isle of PinesAn anthology of Elizabethan prose fictionSelected poems and songsCasting the runes, and other ghost storiesAn Australian girlThe jungle booksThe invisible manDavid CopperfieldThe Canterbury talesSelected essaysBel-AmiThe picture of Dorian GrayLetters of a Peruvian womanThe life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner : who lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque, having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates, written by himselfThe wind in the willowsAnna KareninaRuthLa dame aux caméliasThe white peacockCymbelineGerard Manley Hopkins : the major worksThe dead secretHamletComplete lettersA room of one's own and Three guineasThe misfortunes of virtue and other early talesCyrano de Bergerac : a heroic comedy in five actsDombey and SonComplete shorter fictionCollected ghost storiesLettersThe law and the ladyA tale of two citiesLittle dorritThe souls of Black folkAn outcast of the islandsThe wonderful wizard of OzMartin ChuzzlewitThe shadow-line : a confession "worthy of my undying regard"The Paston letters : a selection in modern spellingCaleb WilliamsAgnes GreyAgnes GreyEarly storiesThe monkThe education of Henry AdamsMyths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and othersHuntingtowerOn liberty and other essaysThe Prime MinisterRoxana, the fortunate mistress, or, A history of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau : afterwards called the Countess de Wintselsheim in Germany : being the person known by the name of the Lady Roxana in the time of Charles IIThe metamorphosis and other storiesThe Duke's childrenSelected lettersEighteenth-century women dramatistsThe lives of the poets : a selectionSelected poetryHeart of darkness and other talesThe new woman and other emancipated woman playsThree men in a boat ; Three men on the bummelJason and the Golden Fleece : (The Argonautica)So you think you know Jane Austen? : a literary quizbookLives of the CaesarsGulliver's travelsThree talesA philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautifulSelected poetryA child of the JagoA case of hysteria : (Dora)The song of the larkTheaetetusOur mutual friendDoctor ThorneCaptains courageousThe phantom of the operaPride and prejudiceUpaniṣadsThe tenant of Wildfell HallThe history of the English people, 1000-1154Waverley; or, 'Tis sixty years sinceFour restoration libertine playsThe return of the nativeThe adventures of Captain Hatteras : the extraordinary journeysA philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautifulTales of terror from Blackwood's magazineMadhumālatī : an Indian Sufi romanceThe admirable Crichton ; Peter Pan ; When Wendy grew up ; What every woman knows ; Mary RoseThe countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (the Old Arcadia)The roaring girl and other city comediesMoby DickJohn Barleycorn : alcoholic memoirsEarly modern women's writing : an anthology, 1560-1700Mansfield ParkPañcatantra : the book of India's folk wisdomJane EyreMary, and, The wrongs of womanOccasional, critical, and political writingTwelve playsThe varieties of religious experience : a study in human natureKing Solomon's minesThe private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinnerHard timesThe American senatorA memoir of Jane Austen : and other family recollectionsShirleyFathers and sonsMoby DickHecuba ; The Trojan women ; AndromacheLove in a wood ; The gentleman dancing-master ; The country wife ; The plain dealerRuthThe Nibelungenlied : the lay of the NibelungsOn liberty, utilitarianism and other essaysAlice's adventures in Wonderland and through the looking-glass and what Alice found thereStudies in the history of the RenaissanceThe lives of the artistsThe Vicar of Wakefield : a tale supposed to be written by himselfFelix Holt, the radicalThe Kreutzer sonata and other storiesLondon labour and the London poorThe adventures of Sherlock HolmesGreat expectationsA mad world, my masters ; Michaelmas term ; A trick to catch the old one ; No wit, no help like a woman'sThe Elements of law, natural and politic : part I, Human nature, part II, De Corpore politico ; with Three livesSouth Sea talesIs Heathcliff a murderer? : puzzles in nineteenth-century fictionGreen mansionsThe collected poemsDefence speechesSelected journalismPrinciples of human knowledge, and, Three dialoguesThe Poetic EddaLittle womenThe Kalevala : an epic poem after oral traditionNanaThe complete fairy talesThe annals : the reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and NeroFive playsWashington SquareThe pioneersThe man in the iron maskEmmaThe MasnaviLady Windermere's fan ; Salome ; A woman of no importance ; An ideal husband ; The importance of being earnestSelected poemsVillettePersian lettersDon Carlos ; and, Mary StuartThe girl with the golden eyes and other storiesPhineas ReduxLittle DorritThe major worksEugene Onegin : a novel in verseThe lives of the Jain EldersThe relapse ; The provoked wife ; The confederacy ; A journey to London ; The country houseSayings and anecdotes : with other popular moralistsThe man who disappeared (America)Love's labour's lostPrinciples of political economy and Chapters on socialismA room of one's own and Three guineasBirds ; Lysistrata ; Assembly-women ; WealthNotebooksThe law code of ManuThe dawn of the Roman empireSelected writingsConfessions of an English opium-eater and other writingsThe complete poemsPierre et JeanThe rise of Rome : books one to fiveAn autobiographyMuch ado about nothingMan and wifeHard timesEmpire writing : an anthology of colonial literature, 1870-1918Pudd'nhead Wilson ; Those extraordinary twins ; The man that corrupted HadleyburgEmmaThe Sauptikaparvan of the Mahābhārata : the massacre at nightOn warLyrical ballads : 1798 and 1802On the origin of speciesJourney to the centre of the earth : the extraordinary journeysAutobiographyA chaste maid in cheapside ; Women beware women ; The changeling ; A game at chessErotic poemsTo the lighthouseThus spoke Zarathustra : a book for everyone and nobodyFour restoration libertine playsRudin ; On the eveAllan QuatermainDanton's death ; Leonce and Lena ; WoyzeckCulture and anarchySelected worksA sentimental journey through France and ItalyClassical literary criticismDon Juan and other playsA vindication of the rights of men ; A vindication of the rights of woman ; An historical and moral view of the French revolutionThe complete Odes and EpodesOrlando : a biographyThe song of Roland and other poems of CharlemagneThe interpretation of dreamsThe mill on the flossThe beautiful and damnedAnecdotes & antidotes : a medieval Arabic history of physicians : a new translationEstate management and symposiumFaustFaustUncle SilasPride and prejudiceKing Solomon's minesSilas Marner : the weaver of RaveloeCranfordThe beautiful and damnedChance : a tale in two partsThe misanthrope, Tartuffe, and other playsThe thirty-nine stepsCastle RackrentThe last manThe devil and other storiesThe Vicomte de BragelonneLes liaisons dangereusesThe Castle of Otranto : a gothic storyThe secret gardenFrankenstein, or, The modern PrometheusRomolaThe tragedy of MacbethSons and loversDiscourses, fragments, handbookFathers and sonsThe mayor of CasterbridgeThe woodlandersDon Quixote de la ManchaThe awakening, and other storiesA simple storyDevilsThe castleThe well-belovedThe Europeans : a sketchRob RoyThe life of Charlotte BrontëThe book of Margery KempeFour Jacobean sex tragediesWilkie CollinsThe nature of the godsRome's Mediterranean empire : books forty-one to forty-five and the PeriochaeChronicle of the Abbey of Bury St EdmundsGreek lyric poetry : the poems and fragments of the Greek iambic, elegiac, and melic poets (excluding Pindar and Bacchylides) down to 450 BCAlexander the Great : the Anabasis and the IndicaVathekThe Peloponnesian WarHenry V, War Criminal? and other Shakespeare puzzlesThe yellow wall-paper and other storiesOrley farmGulliver's travelsSilas Marner : the weaver of RaveloeThe BrontësReveries of the solitary walkerUnder the greenwood tree, or, The Mellstock quire, a rural painting of the Dutch schoolWieland; or, The transformation and Memoirs of Carwin, the biloquistThe lover's melancholy ; The broken heart ; 'Tis pity she's a whore ; Perkin WarbeckSelected poemsCan you forgive her?An enquiry concerning human understandingThe two gentlemen of VeronaMy ÁntoniaThe red and the black : a chronicle of the nineteenth centuryZofloya, or, The MoorBilly Budd, sailor, and selected talesEsther WatersLife of JohnsonThe raid and other storiesConfessionsSeven commentaries on the Gallic warLife's little ironiesA sentimental journey and other writingsMary BartonThe Figaro trilogyThe Gospels : authorized King James versionAll's well that ends wellSix French poets of the nineteenth century : Lamartine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, MallarméThe turn of the screw and other storiesAdeline MowbrayMelmoth the wandererThe warden, and the Two heroines of PlumplingtonThe pilgrim's progressAutobiography and other writingsCymbelineDon Quixote de la ManchaAn anthology of Elizabethan prose fictionMansfield ParkThe life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentlemanSelected poemsDesperate remediesThe yearsLeucippe and ClitophonSelected dialoguesAn enquiry concerning political justiceGeoffrey ChaucerMoll FlandersThe woman in whiteMeditations on first philosophy : with selections from the Objections and repliesSelf-help, with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseveranceSummerThe history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams : and, An apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela AndrewsGulliver's travelsNorth and SouthDaodejingThe red badge of courage and other storiesFrench decadent talesSelected poetryBasilKidnappedThe reefDomestic manners of the AmericansRepetition and Philosophical crumbsThe trialThe picture of Dorian GrayPhineas reduxThe ragged trousered philanthropistsThe poemsMedea ; Hippolytus ; Electra ; HelenKimThe historiesThe portrait of a ladyThe portrait of a ladyRoxana, the fortunate mistress, or, A history of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau, afterwards called the Countess de Wintselsheim in Germany : being the person known by the name of the Lady Roxana in the time of Charles IIThe tale of Sinuhe and other ancient Egyptian poems, 1940-1640 BCDharmasūtras : the law codes of Āpastamba, Gautama, Baudhāyana, and VasiṣṭhaIvanhoeNew Grub StreetThe Count of Monte CristoWar and peaceA pair of blue eyesSelected lettersThe beggar's opera and PollyFoxe's Book of martyrs : select narrativesThe awkward ageThe absenteeThe comediesPlain tales from the hillsThe adventures of Tom SawyerOthello, the Moor of VeniceBilly Budd, sailor and selected talesSelected speechesWuthering HeightsThe Count of Monte CristoA midsummer night's dreamDon Quixote de la ManchaPère GoriotThe birth of tragedyPhysicsFour revenge tragediesSheThe Eclogues ; The GeorgicsEpigramsAdolpheNight and dayCollected poems and other verseLord JimVilletteThe major worksFathers and sonsThe three musketeersAurora FloydThe adventures of Sherlock HolmesThe half sistersSelections from the Canzoniere and other worksThe flight to Italy : diary and selected lettersThe diary of a nobodyThe AmericanThe AeneidThe Russian master and other storiesCharles DickensThe attack on the mill and other storiesTales of the jazz ageA Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's courtLetters from an American farmerThe rover ; The feigned courtesans ; The lucky chance ; The emperor of the moonThe major worksMrs Beeton's book of household managementSelected poetryUncle Tom's cabinThe history of Rasselas : prince of AbissiniaTamburlaine, parts I and II ; Doctor Faustus, A- and B-texts ; The Jew of Malta ; Edward IIThe Aspern papers and other storiesThe DecameronEminent VictoriansThe adventures of Tom SawyerThe flowers of evilCollected maxims and other reflectionsUncle Tom's cabinThe LusíadsOn the genealogy of morals : a polemic : by way of clarification and supplement to my last book, Beyond good and evilA reconstructed text of Pericles, Prince of TyreThe major worksThe first emperor : selections from the Historical recordsThe son of the wolf : tales of the Far NorthAdam BedeThe heart of MidlothianFrankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus : the 1818 textL'assommoirThe Marquis de Sade, The crimes of love : heroic and tragic tales, preceded by An essay on novels : a selectionThe pilgrim's progressThe condition of the working class in EnglandGerminalPhaedrusAdventures of Huckleberry FinnOrlando : a biographyThe mark on the wall and other short fictionA portrait of the artist as a young manThe life of Timon of AthensAntigone ; Oedipus the King ; ElectraThe Romance of the RoseVanity fair : a novel without a heroFar from the madding crowdThe princeWhite nights ; A gentle creature ; The dream of a ridiculous manThe Ecclesiastical history of the English people ; The Greater chronicle ; Bede's letter to EgbertTales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin ; The Queen of Spades ; The Captain's daughter ; Peter the Great's BlackamoorUnder Western eyesThe secret gardenRobinson CrusoeThe romance of the forestThe doctor's wifePamela, or, Virtue rewardedRiders of the purple sageThe wings of the dovePetersburg tales ; Marriage ; The government inspectorThe ladies' paradiseTheogony ; and, Works and daysYork mystery plays : a selection in modern spellingFour Jacobean sex tragediesThe wavesTwelfth night, or, What you willWaverley; or, 'Tis sixty years sinceChristmas booksThe two fundamental problems of ethicsLittle womenJustine, or, the Misfortunes of virtueThe major worksEvelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the worldThe major worksEcce homo : how to become what you areA hunger artist and other storiesLiterary livesThe Forsyte sagaThe notebooks of Leonardo da VinciPoliticsRevelations of divine loveThe love poemsSir Gawain and the Green Knight : a verse translationThe secret agent : a simple taleMadame Bovary : life in a country townExemplary storiesThe tempestResurrectionCarmen, and other storiesElective affinities : a novelA woman killed with kindness and other domestic playsPhineas FinnSelected poetryHenry VProtagorasEvelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the worldThe sea-wolfDavid CopperfieldJane EyreEugénie GrandetIndianaRichard IIThe last chronicle of BarsetPoeticsPraeteritaCan you forgive her?Candide and other storiesThe fortune of the RougonsSayings of the Buddha : a selection of suttas from the Pali NikāyasHesterBelindaCamilla, or, A picture of youthGeorge EliotThe consolation of philosophyWilliam Wordsworth : the major worksOn Christian teachingMadame Bovary : provincial mannersTeenage writingsThe book of common prayer : the texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662The major worksNotes from the underground ; and, The gamblerFinnegans WakeTrilbyThe library of Greek mythologyThe elementary forms of the religious lifeThe old English baronThe roaring girl and other city comediesMyths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and othersPersuasionAgricola ; and, GermanyNorthanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; SanditonCollected poems and other verseThe white devil ; The Duchess of Malfi ; The devil's law-case ; A cure for a cuckoldThe antiquaryThe professorMarried loveIn a glass darklyTom JonesThe Eudemian ethicsThe charterhouse of ParmaThe mystery of Edwin DroodCousin HenryDiscourses on LivyPride and prejudiceSylvia's loversMademoiselle Fifi and other storiesThe major worksThe sorrows of SatanThe tragedy of King Richard IIIFive playsThe adventures of PinocchioThe DhammapadaThe historiesThe IliadLeaves of grassThe classic horror storiesThe odd womenBarnaby Rudge : with the original illustrationsRound dance and other playsCranfordThe golden bough : a study in magic and religionTales of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal : selected writingsThe constant couple ; The twin rivals ; The recruiting officer ; The beaux' stratagemWar and peaceParadise lostLa bête humaineThe soul of man, and prison writingsThe SatyriconIdyllsUnder Western eyesBlack BeautySherlock Holmes : selected storiesThe private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinnerThe adventures of Roderick RandomThe black tulipFar from the madding crowdSense and sensibilityThe confidence-man : his masqueradeWard number six and other storiesThe literary detective : 100 puzzles in classic fictionThe theory of the leisure classJohn Marchmont's legacySherlock Holmes : selected storiesUlyssesDaisy Miller, and other storiesThe picture of Dorian GrayThe historiesEirik the Red, and other Icelandic sagasThe complete Indian housekeeper and cookThe compleat anglerThe history of the English people, 1000-1154DraculaTwenty thousand leagues under the seasThe good soldier : a tale of passionThe Virginian : a horseman of the PlainsTess of the d'UrbervillesCivil warDiscourse on political economy and The social contractThe life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentlemanThe castle of Otranto : a gothic storyOutlines of the philosophy of rightMyths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and othersThe old curiosity shop : with the original illustrationsLeviathanThe Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and related talesMeditationsRights of man ; Common sense ; and other political writingsThe monkThe time machineSylvia's loversJohn Milton : the major worksArmadaleScenes of clerical lifeMemoirs from the house of the deadThe sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent.Eighteenth-century women dramatistsPoems and proseUnder the greenwood treeLorna Doone : a romance of ExmoorThe expedition of CyrusAlcestis, Heracles, children of Heracles, CyclopsFour Restoration marriage playsCollected poemsThe Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq.Riders of the purple sageNo nameJonathan Swift : major worksTravel writing, 1700-1830 : an anthologyTreasure IslandThe history of the Rebellion : a new selectionSelected writingsThe kill : La curéeJohn Dryden : the major worksTimaeus and CritiasThe deerslayerHannibal's war, books twenty-one to thirtyLiterature and science in the nineteenth century : an anthologyAbout love and other storiesThe OdysseyThe major worksThe sorrows of young WertherPeer Gynt : a dramatic poemThe Duke's childrenThe Pickwick papersPoetry of the First World War : an anthologyThe Renaissance : studies in art and poetryThe comedy of errorsCrime and punishmentThe Karamazov brothersRiders to the sea ; The shadow of the glen ; The tinker's wedding ; The well of the saints ; The playboy of the western world ; Deirdre of the sorrowsThe last of the MohicansThe complete odesThe House of the seven gablesCecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiressRomeo and JulietSartor resartusRome's Italian wars : books six to tenThe strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; and, Weir of HermistonAeneidSense and sensibilityMy lifeOn murderThe marble faunThe Qur'anThe divine comedyThe Nicomachean ethicsKamasutra : a new, complete English translation of the Sanskrit text with excerpts from the Sanskrit Jayamangala commentary of Yashodhara Indrapada, the Hindi Jaya commentary of Devadatta Shastri, and explanatory notes by the translatorsWinesburg, OhioThe book of marvels and travelsRedgauntletNatural theology, or, Evidence of the existence and attributes of the deity, collected from the appearances of natureSelected talesAeneidCorinne, or, ItalyThe idiotThe plays and fragmentsAn essay on the art of ingeniously tormentingMiss or Mrs? ; The haunted hotel ; The guilty riverKing Henry VIII, or All is trueThe memoirs of Sherlock HolmesThe Eustace diamondsThe nether worldThe complete sonnets and poemsConfessionsThe life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner : who lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque ; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself : with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates : written by himselfThe Meditations of Marcus Aurelius AntoninusWar stories and poemsThe analectsBen-HurThe essays or counsels, civil and moralLeaves of grassThe first men in the moonThe Civil War, with the anonymous Alexandrian, African, and Spanish WarsThe golden pot and other talesDefence of Socrates ; Euthyphro ; CritoLate Victorian Gothic talesShirleyVanity fair : a novel without a heroRachel RayThe story of an African farmPoor Miss FinchThe lives of the artistsThe custom of the countrySelected storiesBoris Godunov and other dramatic worksFrankensteinThe mayor of CasterbridgeTyphoon and other talesEthan FromeThe Bhagavad GitaVita nuovaAs you like itScenes of clerical lifePoetaster, or, The arraignment ; Sejanus his fall ; The Devil is an ass ; The new inn, or, The light heartPersuasionThe story of an African farmHide and seekThe tragedy of Anthony and CleopatraJude the obscureCasting the runes and other ghost storiesVirginia WoolfMrs DallowayEmmaThe poetic EddaTwilight of the idols, or, How to philosophize with a hammerThree playsThe princesse de Clèves ; The princesse de Montpensier ; The comtesse de TendeConfessions of a thugMiddlemarchThe vampyre, and other tales of the macabreWhat Maisie knewThe merry wives of WindsorLouise de la VallièrePhaedoMary ; and, The wrongs of womanEast LynneThe rainbowThe confusions of young TörlessParzival and TiturelThe rivals ; The duenna ; A trip to Scarborough ; The school for scandal ; The criticHellenistic livesThe castle of Otranto : a gothic storyThe way we live nowThe origins of science fiction : from Mary Shelley to W.E.B. Du BoisGuide to the LakesEmmaMiddlemarchJane EyreThis side of paradiseEpigrams from the Greek anthologyExilesThe prisoner of ZendaSelected essaysAnimal farmLark rise to Candleford : a trilogyWuthering HeightsA son at the frontFrankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus : the 1818 textSelected poemsNineteen eighty-fourPygmalion, Heartbreak house, and Saint JoanSense and sensibilityThe Virgin of the Seven Daggers and other storiesThe Scarlet Pimpernel
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