
Oxford world's classics


Oxford world's classics

Oxford University Press


The Bible : authorized King James version外部サイトThe grasmere and Alfoxden journals外部サイトDiscourse on the origin of inequality外部サイトSix tragedies外部サイトThe history of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes his friends and his greatest enemy外部サイトArabian nights' entertainments外部サイトWho betrays Elizabeth Bennet? : further puzzles in classic fiction外部サイトSister Carrie外部サイトEarly modern women's writing : an anthology, 1560-1700外部サイトSelected Letters外部サイトThe belly of Paris外部サイトSelected stories外部サイトMeno and other dialogues外部サイトAdam Bede外部サイトThe warden外部サイトJust so stories, for little childrren外部サイトThomas Hardy外部サイトThe Homeric hymns外部サイトFour major plays外部サイトThe golden bowl外部サイトFaust外部サイトThe taming of the shrew外部サイトThe Eustace diamonds外部サイトThe history of King Lear外部サイトA journal of the plague year : being observations or memorials of the most remarkable occurrences, as well publick as private, which happened in London during the last Great Visitation in 1665, written by a citizen who continued all the while in London外部サイトNarrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slave外部サイトThe divine comedy外部サイトThe spoils of Poynton外部サイトThe art of rhetoric外部サイトVictory : an island tale外部サイトMahatma Gandhi : the essential writings外部サイトThe mayor of Casterbridge外部サイトThe scarlet letter外部サイトO pioneers!外部サイトA pair of blue eyes外部サイトBetween the acts外部サイトMiddlemarch : a study of provincial life外部サイトFour revenge tragedies外部サイトGreat expectations外部サイトMetamorphoses外部サイトThe Bostonians外部サイトThe merchant of Venice外部サイトFuente Ovejuna ; The knight from Olmedo ; Punishment without revenge外部サイトWashington Square外部サイトThe moonstone外部サイトA Christmas carol and other Christmas books外部サイトCatharine, and other writings外部サイトGeorgics外部サイトValperga, or, The life and adventures of Castruccio, Prince of Lucca外部サイトThe life of Christina of Markyate外部サイトThe satires外部サイトThe republic ; and, The laws外部サイトDracula外部サイトA study in scarlet外部サイトMemoirs of a woman of pleasure外部サイトThe Blithedale romance外部サイトThe tragedy of Coriolanus外部サイトIrish writing : an anthology of Irish literature in English, 1789-1939外部サイトThe English constitution外部サイトThe Koran interpreted外部サイトLord Jim : a tale外部サイトComplete poetry外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトLondon assurance and other Victorian comedies外部サイトThe fortunes and misfortunes of the famous Moll Flanders外部サイトCousin Bette外部サイトHeart of darkness and other tales外部サイトCritique of judgement外部サイトSelected myths外部サイトThe scarlet letter外部サイトSelected poetry外部サイトThe Oregon trail外部サイトAesop's fables外部サイトThe mill on the Floss外部サイトNostromo : a tale of the seaboard外部サイトRoman lives : a selection of eight lives外部サイトTarr外部サイトThe prisoner of Zenda外部サイトThe Mabinogion外部サイトThe liberation of Jerusalem (Gerusalemme liberata)外部サイトMoby Dick外部サイトThe Masnavi外部サイトFive romantic plays外部サイトThe female Quixote, or, The adventures of Arabella外部サイトRepublic外部サイトMary Barton外部サイトThe man who would be king, and other stories外部サイトMad Monkton, and other stories外部サイトWalden外部サイトDaniel Deronda外部サイトThe age of innocence外部サイトLe morte Darthur : the Winchester manuscript外部サイトSelected critical writings外部サイトThe bride of Lammermoor外部サイトA room of one's own ; Three Guineas外部サイトHenry IV外部サイトBeyond good and evil : prelude to a philosophy of the future外部サイトKing Solomon's mines外部サイトPrincipal writings on religion : including Dialogues concerning natural religion, and The Natural history of religion外部サイトOroonoko, and other writings外部サイトThe wind in the willows外部サイトJournals : Captain Scott's last expedition外部サイトSatires and epistles外部サイトGreek lives : a selection of nine Greek lives外部サイトDead souls : a poem外部サイトVictorian fairy tales外部サイトTroilus and Cressida外部サイトSir Philip Sidney : the major works外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population外部サイトThe German-Jewish dialogue : an anthology of literary texts, 1749-1993外部サイトThe princess and other stories外部サイトThe two noble kinsmen外部サイトJulius Caesar外部サイトTess of the d'Urbervilles外部サイトGorgias外部サイトDombey and son外部サイトSo you think you know Thomas Hardy? : a literary quizbook外部サイトNarrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slave外部サイトNorthanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; and, Sanditon外部サイトGrace abounding with other spiritual autobiographies外部サイトVolpone, or The fox ; Epicene, or The silent woman ; The alchemist ; Bartholomew fair外部サイトCapital : an abridged edition外部サイトTales of the elders of Ireland : Acallam na Senórach外部サイトGreenmantle外部サイトThe major works外部サイトHeart of darkness and other tales外部サイトLetters concerning the English nation外部サイトDialogues and essays外部サイトMadame Bovary : life in a country town外部サイトThe prairie外部サイトHobson-Jobson : the definitive glossary of British India外部サイトSelected poetry外部サイトThe major works外部サイトOliver Twist外部サイトHamlet外部サイトA philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful外部サイトThe golden ass外部サイトTwenty thousand leagues under the seas外部サイトSelected letters外部サイトThe Nicomachean ethics外部サイトAn enemy of the people ; The wild duck ; Rosmersholm外部サイトThe great Gatsby外部サイトThe house of mirth外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray外部サイトThe moonstone外部サイトRubáiyát of Omar Khayyám : the astronomer-poet of Persia外部サイトThe Claverings外部サイトThe call of the wild ; White Fang ; and other stories外部サイトThe wild Irish girl : a national tale外部サイトWives and daughters外部サイトSelected letters外部サイトPeter Pan in Kensington Gardens ; and, Peter and Wendy外部サイトMoney外部サイトOresteia外部サイトMrs Dalloway外部サイトSymposium外部サイトThe first philosophers : the presocratics and sophists外部サイトOn the nature of the universe外部サイトLa Reine Margot外部サイトThe man of feeling外部サイトThe ambassadors外部サイトTom Brown's schooldays外部サイトThe return of the native外部サイトThe Bodhicaryāvatāra外部サイトAn essay on the principle of population外部サイトThe rivals ; The duenna ; A trip to Scarborough ; The school for scandal ; The critic外部サイトAgnes Grey外部サイトThe portrait of a lady外部サイトThis side of paradise外部サイトA discourse on the method of correctly conducting one's reason and seeking truth in the sciences外部サイトAn anthology of seventeenth-century fiction外部サイトA journal of the plague year外部サイトThe way we live now外部サイトNotre-Dame de Paris外部サイトA sentimental education : the story of a young man外部サイトMemoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph外部サイトTreasure Island外部サイトMiddlemarch外部サイトJournal of a West India proprietor : kept during a residence in the island of Jamaica外部サイトDaisy Miller, and, An international episode外部サイトHans Andersen's fairy tales : a selection外部サイトThe origin of species外部サイトElegies外部サイトJacques the fatalist and his master外部サイトThe complete short stories外部サイトThe small house at Allington外部サイトThe wild ass's skin外部サイトThe interpretation of dreams外部サイトBeowulf : The fight at Finnsburh外部サイトWomen's writing 1778 - 1838 : an anthology外部サイトWuthering Heights外部サイトBleak house外部サイトKidnapped ; and, Catriona外部サイトThe masterpiece外部サイトA dictionary of modern English usage外部サイトAlice's adventures in Wonderland ; and, Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there外部サイトOrlando Furioso外部サイトThe masterpiece外部サイトThe poems of Catullus外部サイトUtopia . New Atlantis . The Isle of Pines外部サイトBarchester Towers外部サイトSelected essays外部サイトA Sicilian romance外部サイトThe history of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia外部サイトReflections on the revolution in France外部サイトThe Italian, or, the confessional of the Black Penitents : a romance外部サイトVathek外部サイトSelected writings外部サイトPride and prejudice外部サイトMichelangelo : life, letters, and poetry外部サイトMarriage外部サイトWessex tales外部サイトThe major works外部サイトGrettir's saga外部サイトIon ; Orestes ; Phoenician women ; Suppliant women外部サイトAgainst nature外部サイトThe moonstone外部サイトRameau's nephew and First satire外部サイトConfessions of an English opium-eater, and other writings外部サイトAn inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations : a selected edition外部サイトThe case-book of Sherlock Holmes外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe waves外部サイトGulliver's travels外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトThe essential Victor Hugo外部サイトSelected tales外部サイトLady Anna外部サイトCan Jane Eyre be happy? : more puzzles in classic fiction外部サイトWuthering Heights外部サイトAlexander Pope : selected poetry外部サイトA tale of two cities外部サイトA collier's Friday night ; The widowing of Mrs Holroyd ; The daughter-in-law ; The fight for Barbara ; Touch and go外部サイトThe Aspern papers, and other stories外部サイトCousin Phillis, and other stories外部サイトOscar Wilde外部サイトLady Audley's secret外部サイトThe major works外部サイトA hero of our time外部サイトThe wanderer, or, Female difficulties外部サイトFlatland : a romance of many dimensions外部サイトThe professor外部サイトThe nun外部サイトChronicle of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds外部サイトThérèse Raquin外部サイトLetters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark外部サイトThe story of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut外部サイトThe tenant of Wildfell Hall外部サイトWomen beware women and other plays外部サイトFirst love and other stories外部サイトDaphnis and Chloe外部サイトAnna Karenina外部サイトFour major plays外部サイトIphigenia among the Taurians ; Bacchae ; Iphigenia at Aulis ; Rhesus外部サイトLady Audley's secret外部サイトJude the obscure外部サイトThe prince外部サイトThe major works外部サイトWomen in love外部サイトYoung Goodman Brown and other tales外部サイトLancelot of the Lake外部サイトCaleb Williams外部サイトTitus Andronicus外部サイトAn essay concerning human understanding外部サイトMiss Julie and other plays外部サイトThe secret agent : a simple tale外部サイトPensées and other writings外部サイトBleak house外部サイトThe lost world : being an account of the recent amazing adventures of Professor George E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee, and Mr. E.D. Malone of the Daily gazette外部サイトA tale of a tub and other works外部サイトFather and son外部サイトThe Conquest of Plassans外部サイトStrange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other tales外部サイトMajor works外部サイトThe mysteries of Udolpho外部サイトThe prime minister外部サイトNew Grub street外部サイトThe lifted veil ; Brother Jacob外部サイトSybil, or, The two nations外部サイトThe major works外部サイトUp from slavery外部サイトTroilus and Criseyde外部サイトEsther Waters外部サイトThe Federalist papers外部サイトAround the world in eighty days : the extraordinary journeys外部サイトFlush外部サイトThe complete Stalky & Co.外部サイトTo the lighthouse外部サイトTravels through France and Italy外部サイトThe shadow-line : a confession外部サイトThe recognition of Śakuntalā : a play in seven acts ; Śakuntalā in the Mahābhārata (Mahābhārata I. 62-9)外部サイトThe good soldier : a tale of passion外部サイトShe外部サイトAurora Leigh外部サイトHe knew he was right外部サイトHenry VI外部サイトBritannicus ; Phaedra ; Athaliah外部サイトRestoration literature : an anthology外部サイトSelected critical writings外部サイトDubliners外部サイトDavid Copperfield外部サイトThe life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the great外部サイトPiers Plowman : a new translation of the B-text外部サイトCourt masques : Jacobean and Caroline entertainments, 1605-1640外部サイトThe vicar of Wakefield外部サイトBasil外部サイトTwo on a tower外部サイトTwenty years after外部サイトThe trumpet-major外部サイトDaniel Deronda外部サイトMemoirs of Emma Courtney外部サイトThe Canterbury tales外部サイトFour comedies外部サイトThe steppe, and other stories外部サイトGreat expectations外部サイトThe pathfinder, or, The inland sea外部サイトSelected poetry外部サイトWhite-jacket, or, The World in a man-of-war外部サイトThe life and death of King John外部サイト"Typhoon", and, other tales外部サイトThe woodlanders外部サイトMeasure for measure外部サイトSecond treatise of government and A letter concerning toleration外部サイトThe Communist manifesto外部サイトThe water-babies : a fairy tale for a land-baby外部サイトA Day in the country, and other stories外部サイトMcTeague : a story of San Francisco外部サイトA life : the humble truth外部サイトJacob's room外部サイトReminiscences外部サイトThe Anglo-Saxon world : an anthology外部サイトPolitical speeches外部サイトAn indiscretion in the life of an heiress and other stories外部サイトThe hound of the Baskervilles : another adventure of Sherlock Holmes外部サイトAs you like it外部サイトNicholas Nickleby外部サイトThe voyage out外部サイトThe expedition of Humphry Clinker外部サイトEvolutionary writings外部サイトLord Jim : a tale外部サイトPot luck外部サイトA pocket philosophical dictionary外部サイトOn obligations外部サイトThe major works外部サイトOld mortality外部サイトShe stoops to conquer and other comedies外部サイトNews from nowhere, or, An epoch of rest : being some chapters from a utopian romance外部サイトThe woman in white外部サイトSelected philosophical writings外部サイトVillette外部サイトLooking backward, 2000-1887外部サイトConstellation Myths : with Aratus's 'Phaenomena'外部サイトCandide, and other stories外部サイトThe riddle of the sands : a record of secret service外部サイトOn the soul and other psychological works外部サイトLa débâcle外部サイトChance : a tale in two parts外部サイトUtopia . New Atlantis . The Isle of Pines外部サイトAn anthology of Elizabethan prose fiction外部サイトSelected poems and songs外部サイトCasting the runes, and other ghost stories外部サイトAn Australian girl外部サイトThe jungle books外部サイトThe invisible man外部サイトDavid Copperfield外部サイトThe Canterbury tales外部サイトSelected essays外部サイトBel-Ami外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray外部サイトLetters of a Peruvian woman外部サイトThe life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner : who lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque, having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates, written by himself外部サイトThe wind in the willows外部サイトAnna Karenina外部サイトRuth外部サイトLa dame aux camélias外部サイトThe white peacock外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトGerard Manley Hopkins : the major works外部サイトThe dead secret外部サイトHamlet外部サイトComplete letters外部サイトA room of one's own and Three guineas外部サイトThe misfortunes of virtue and other early tales外部サイトCyrano de Bergerac : a heroic comedy in five acts外部サイトDombey and Son外部サイトComplete shorter fiction外部サイトCollected ghost stories外部サイトLetters外部サイトThe law and the lady外部サイトA tale of two cities外部サイトLittle dorrit外部サイトThe souls of Black folk外部サイトAn outcast of the islands外部サイトThe wonderful wizard of Oz外部サイトMartin Chuzzlewit外部サイトThe shadow-line : a confession "worthy of my undying regard"外部サイトThe Paston letters : a selection in modern spelling外部サイトCaleb Williams外部サイトAgnes Grey外部サイトAgnes Grey外部サイトEarly stories外部サイトThe monk外部サイトThe education of Henry Adams外部サイトMyths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others外部サイトHuntingtower外部サイトOn liberty and other essays外部サイトThe Prime Minister外部サイトRoxana, the fortunate mistress, or, A history of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau : afterwards called the Countess de Wintselsheim in Germany : being the person known by the name of the Lady Roxana in the time of Charles II外部サイトThe metamorphosis and other stories外部サイトThe Duke's children外部サイトSelected letters外部サイトEighteenth-century women dramatists外部サイトThe lives of the poets : a selection外部サイトSelected poetry外部サイトHeart of darkness and other tales外部サイトThe new woman and other emancipated woman plays外部サイトThree men in a boat ; Three men on the bummel外部サイトJason and the Golden Fleece : (The Argonautica)外部サイトSo you think you know Jane Austen? : a literary quizbook外部サイトLives of the Caesars外部サイトGulliver's travels外部サイトThree tales外部サイトA philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful外部サイトSelected poetry外部サイトA child of the Jago外部サイトA case of hysteria : (Dora)外部サイトThe song of the lark外部サイトTheaetetus外部サイトOur mutual friend外部サイトDoctor Thorne外部サイトCaptains courageous外部サイトThe phantom of the opera外部サイトPride and prejudice外部サイトUpaniṣads外部サイトThe tenant of Wildfell Hall外部サイトThe history of the English people, 1000-1154外部サイトWaverley; or, 'Tis sixty years since外部サイトFour restoration libertine plays外部サイトThe return of the native外部サイトThe adventures of Captain Hatteras : the extraordinary journeys外部サイトA philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful外部サイトTales of terror from Blackwood's magazine外部サイトMadhumālatī : an Indian Sufi romance外部サイトThe admirable Crichton ; Peter Pan ; When Wendy grew up ; What every woman knows ; Mary Rose外部サイトThe countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (the Old Arcadia)外部サイトThe roaring girl and other city comedies外部サイトMoby Dick外部サイトJohn Barleycorn : alcoholic memoirs外部サイトEarly modern women's writing : an anthology, 1560-1700外部サイトMansfield Park外部サイトPañcatantra : the book of India's folk wisdom外部サイトJane Eyre外部サイトMary, and, The wrongs of woman外部サイトOccasional, critical, and political writing外部サイトTwelve plays外部サイトThe varieties of religious experience : a study in human nature外部サイトKing Solomon's mines外部サイトThe private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner外部サイトHard times外部サイトThe American senator外部サイトA memoir of Jane Austen : and other family recollections外部サイトShirley外部サイトFathers and sons外部サイトMoby Dick外部サイトHecuba ; The Trojan women ; Andromache外部サイトLove in a wood ; The gentleman dancing-master ; The country wife ; The plain dealer外部サイトRuth外部サイトThe Nibelungenlied : the lay of the Nibelungs外部サイトOn liberty, utilitarianism and other essays外部サイトAlice's adventures in Wonderland and through the looking-glass and what Alice found there外部サイトStudies in the history of the Renaissance外部サイトThe lives of the artists外部サイトThe Vicar of Wakefield : a tale supposed to be written by himself外部サイトFelix Holt, the radical外部サイトThe Kreutzer sonata and other stories外部サイトLondon labour and the London poor外部サイトThe adventures of Sherlock Holmes外部サイトGreat expectations外部サイトA mad world, my masters ; Michaelmas term ; A trick to catch the old one ; No wit, no help like a woman's外部サイトThe Elements of law, natural and politic : part I, Human nature, part II, De Corpore politico ; with Three lives外部サイトSouth Sea tales外部サイトIs Heathcliff a murderer? : puzzles in nineteenth-century fiction外部サイトGreen mansions外部サイトThe collected poems外部サイトDefence speeches外部サイトSelected journalism外部サイトPrinciples of human knowledge, and, Three dialogues外部サイトThe Poetic Edda外部サイトLittle women外部サイトThe Kalevala : an epic poem after oral tradition外部サイトNana外部サイトThe complete fairy tales外部サイトThe annals : the reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero外部サイトFive plays外部サイトWashington Square外部サイトThe pioneers外部サイトThe man in the iron mask外部サイトEmma外部サイトThe Masnavi外部サイトLady Windermere's fan ; Salome ; A woman of no importance ; An ideal husband ; The importance of being earnest外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトVillette外部サイトPersian letters外部サイトDon Carlos ; and, Mary Stuart外部サイトThe girl with the golden eyes and other stories外部サイトPhineas Redux外部サイトLittle Dorrit外部サイトThe major works外部サイトEugene Onegin : a novel in verse外部サイトThe lives of the Jain Elders外部サイトThe relapse ; 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Women beware women ; The changeling ; A game at chess外部サイトErotic poems外部サイトTo the lighthouse外部サイトThus spoke Zarathustra : a book for everyone and nobody外部サイトFour restoration libertine plays外部サイトRudin ; On the eve外部サイトAllan Quatermain外部サイトDanton's death ; Leonce and Lena ; Woyzeck外部サイトCulture and anarchy外部サイトSelected works外部サイトA sentimental journey through France and Italy外部サイトClassical literary criticism外部サイトDon Juan and other plays外部サイトA vindication of the rights of men ; A vindication of the rights of woman ; An historical and moral view of the French revolution外部サイトThe complete Odes and Epodes外部サイトOrlando : a biography外部サイトThe song of Roland and other poems of Charlemagne外部サイトThe interpretation of dreams外部サイトThe mill on the floss外部サイトThe beautiful and damned外部サイトAnecdotes & antidotes : a medieval Arabic history of physicians : a new translation外部サイトEstate management and symposium外部サイトFaust外部サイトFaust外部サイトUncle Silas外部サイトPride and prejudice外部サイトKing Solomon's mines外部サイトSilas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe外部サイトCranford外部サイトThe beautiful and damned外部サイトChance : a tale in two parts外部サイトThe misanthrope, Tartuffe, and other plays外部サイトThe thirty-nine steps外部サイトCastle Rackrent外部サイトThe last man外部サイトThe devil and other stories外部サイトThe Vicomte de Bragelonne外部サイトLes liaisons dangereuses外部サイトThe Castle of Otranto : a gothic story外部サイトThe secret garden外部サイトFrankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus外部サイトRomola外部サイトThe tragedy of Macbeth外部サイトSons and lovers外部サイトDiscourses, fragments, handbook外部サイトFathers and sons外部サイトThe mayor of Casterbridge外部サイトThe woodlanders外部サイトDon Quixote de la Mancha外部サイトThe awakening, and other stories外部サイトA simple story外部サイトDevils外部サイトThe castle外部サイトThe well-beloved外部サイトThe Europeans : a sketch外部サイトRob Roy外部サイトThe life of Charlotte Brontë外部サイトThe book of Margery Kempe外部サイトFour Jacobean sex tragedies外部サイトWilkie Collins外部サイトThe nature of the gods外部サイトRome's Mediterranean empire : books forty-one to forty-five and the Periochae外部サイトChronicle of the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds外部サイトGreek lyric poetry : the poems and fragments of the Greek iambic, elegiac, and melic poets (excluding Pindar and Bacchylides) down to 450 BC外部サイトAlexander the Great : the Anabasis and the Indica外部サイトVathek外部サイトThe Peloponnesian War外部サイトHenry V, War Criminal? and other Shakespeare puzzles外部サイトThe yellow wall-paper and other stories外部サイトOrley farm外部サイトGulliver's travels外部サイトSilas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe外部サイトThe Brontës外部サイトReveries of the solitary walker外部サイトUnder the greenwood tree, or, The Mellstock quire, a rural painting of the Dutch school外部サイトWieland; or, The transformation and Memoirs of Carwin, the biloquist外部サイトThe lover's melancholy ; The broken heart ; 'Tis pity she's a whore ; Perkin Warbeck外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトCan you forgive her?外部サイトAn enquiry concerning human understanding外部サイトThe two gentlemen of Verona外部サイトMy Ántonia外部サイトThe red and the black : a chronicle of the nineteenth century外部サイトZofloya, or, The Moor外部サイトBilly Budd, sailor, and selected tales外部サイトEsther Waters外部サイトLife of Johnson外部サイトThe raid and other stories外部サイトConfessions外部サイトSeven commentaries on the Gallic war外部サイトLife's little ironies外部サイトA sentimental journey and other writings外部サイトMary Barton外部サイトThe Figaro trilogy外部サイトThe Gospels : authorized King James version外部サイトAll's well that ends well外部サイトSix French poets of the nineteenth century : Lamartine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Mallarmé外部サイトThe turn of the screw and other stories外部サイトAdeline Mowbray外部サイトMelmoth the wanderer外部サイトThe warden, and the Two heroines of Plumplington外部サイトThe pilgrim's progress外部サイトAutobiography and other writings外部サイトCymbeline外部サイトDon Quixote de la Mancha外部サイトAn anthology of Elizabethan prose fiction外部サイトMansfield Park外部サイトThe life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman外部サイトSelected poems外部サイトDesperate remedies外部サイトThe years外部サイトLeucippe and Clitophon外部サイトSelected dialogues外部サイトAn enquiry concerning political justice外部サイトGeoffrey Chaucer外部サイトMoll Flanders外部サイトThe woman in white外部サイトMeditations on first philosophy : with selections from the Objections and replies外部サイトSelf-help, with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance外部サイトSummer外部サイトThe history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams : and, An apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews外部サイトGulliver's travels外部サイトNorth and South外部サイトDaodejing外部サイトThe red badge of courage and other stories外部サイトFrench decadent tales外部サイトSelected poetry外部サイトBasil外部サイトKidnapped外部サイトThe reef外部サイトDomestic manners of the Americans外部サイトRepetition and Philosophical crumbs外部サイトThe trial外部サイトThe picture of Dorian Gray外部サイトPhineas redux外部サイトThe ragged trousered philanthropists外部サイトThe poems外部サイトMedea ; 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Six tragedies
The history of Pendennis : his fortunes and misfortunes his friends and his greatest enemy
Arabian nights' entertainments
Who betrays Elizabeth Bennet? : further puzzles in classic fiction
Sister Carrie
Early modern women's writing : an anthology, 1560-1700
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Adam Bede
The warden
Just so stories, for little childrren
Thomas Hardy
The Homeric hymns
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The golden bowl
The taming of the shrew
The Eustace diamonds
The history of King Lear
A journal of the plague year : being observations or memorials of the most remarkable occurrences, as well publick as private, which happened in London during the last Great Visitation in 1665, written by a citizen who continued all the while in London
Narrative of the life of Frederick Douglass : an American slave
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The spoils of Poynton
The art of rhetoric
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O pioneers!
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Northanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; and, Sanditon
Grace abounding with other spiritual autobiographies
Volpone, or The fox ; Epicene, or The silent woman ; The alchemist ; Bartholomew fair
Capital : an abridged edition
Tales of the elders of Ireland : Acallam na Senórach
The major works
Heart of darkness and other tales
Letters concerning the English nation
Dialogues and essays
Madame Bovary : life in a country town
The prairie
Hobson-Jobson : the definitive glossary of British India
Selected poetry
The major works
Oliver Twist
A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful
The golden ass
Twenty thousand leagues under the seas
Selected letters
The Nicomachean ethics
An enemy of the people ; The wild duck ; Rosmersholm
The great Gatsby
The house of mirth
The picture of Dorian Gray
The moonstone
Rubáiyát of Omar Khayyám : the astronomer-poet of Persia
The Claverings
The call of the wild ; White Fang ; and other stories
The wild Irish girl : a national tale
Wives and daughters
Selected letters
Peter Pan in Kensington Gardens ; and, Peter and Wendy
Mrs Dalloway
The first philosophers : the presocratics and sophists
On the nature of the universe
La Reine Margot
The man of feeling
The ambassadors
Tom Brown's schooldays
The return of the native
The Bodhicaryāvatāra
An essay on the principle of population
The rivals ; The duenna ; A trip to Scarborough ; The school for scandal ; The critic
Agnes Grey
The portrait of a lady
This side of paradise
A discourse on the method of correctly conducting one's reason and seeking truth in the sciences
An anthology of seventeenth-century fiction
A journal of the plague year
The way we live now
Notre-Dame de Paris
A sentimental education : the story of a young man
Memoirs of Miss Sidney Bidulph
Treasure Island
Journal of a West India proprietor : kept during a residence in the island of Jamaica
Daisy Miller, and, An international episode
Hans Andersen's fairy tales : a selection
The origin of species
Jacques the fatalist and his master
The complete short stories
The small house at Allington
The wild ass's skin
The interpretation of dreams
Beowulf : The fight at Finnsburh
Women's writing 1778 - 1838 : an anthology
Wuthering Heights
Bleak house
Kidnapped ; and, Catriona
The masterpiece
A dictionary of modern English usage
Alice's adventures in Wonderland ; and, Through the looking-glass and what Alice found there
Orlando Furioso
The masterpiece
The poems of Catullus
Utopia . New Atlantis . The Isle of Pines
Barchester Towers
Selected essays
A Sicilian romance
The history of Rasselas, Prince of Abissinia
Reflections on the revolution in France
The Italian, or, the confessional of the Black Penitents : a romance
Selected writings
Pride and prejudice
Michelangelo : life, letters, and poetry
Wessex tales
The major works
Grettir's saga
Ion ; Orestes ; Phoenician women ; Suppliant women
Against nature
The moonstone
Rameau's nephew and First satire
Confessions of an English opium-eater, and other writings
An inquiry into the nature and causes of the wealth of nations : a selected edition
The case-book of Sherlock Holmes
Selected poems
The waves
Gulliver's travels
Selected poems
The essential Victor Hugo
Selected tales
Lady Anna
Can Jane Eyre be happy? : more puzzles in classic fiction
Wuthering Heights
Alexander Pope : selected poetry
A tale of two cities
A collier's Friday night ; The widowing of Mrs Holroyd ; The daughter-in-law ; The fight for Barbara ; Touch and go
The Aspern papers, and other stories
Cousin Phillis, and other stories
Oscar Wilde
Lady Audley's secret
The major works
A hero of our time
The wanderer, or, Female difficulties
Flatland : a romance of many dimensions
The professor
The nun
Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St. Edmunds
Thérèse Raquin
Letters written during a short residence in Sweden, Norway, and Denmark
The story of the Chevalier des Grieux and Manon Lescaut
The tenant of Wildfell Hall
Women beware women and other plays
First love and other stories
Daphnis and Chloe
Anna Karenina
Four major plays
Iphigenia among the Taurians ; Bacchae ; Iphigenia at Aulis ; Rhesus
Lady Audley's secret
Jude the obscure
The prince
The major works
Women in love
Young Goodman Brown and other tales
Lancelot of the Lake
Caleb Williams
Titus Andronicus
An essay concerning human understanding
Miss Julie and other plays
The secret agent : a simple tale
Pensées and other writings
Bleak house
The lost world : being an account of the recent amazing adventures of Professor George E. Challenger, Lord John Roxton, Professor Summerlee, and Mr. E.D. Malone of the Daily gazette
A tale of a tub and other works
Father and son
The Conquest of Plassans
Strange case of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde and other tales
Major works
The mysteries of Udolpho
The prime minister
New Grub street
The lifted veil ; Brother Jacob
Sybil, or, The two nations
The major works
Up from slavery
Troilus and Criseyde
Esther Waters
The Federalist papers
Around the world in eighty days : the extraordinary journeys
The complete Stalky & Co.
To the lighthouse
Travels through France and Italy
The shadow-line : a confession
The recognition of Śakuntalā : a play in seven acts ; Śakuntalā in the Mahābhārata (Mahābhārata I. 62-9)
The good soldier : a tale of passion
Aurora Leigh
He knew he was right
Henry VI
Britannicus ; Phaedra ; Athaliah
Restoration literature : an anthology
Selected critical writings
David Copperfield
The life of Mr. Jonathan Wild the great
Piers Plowman : a new translation of the B-text
Court masques : Jacobean and Caroline entertainments, 1605-1640
The vicar of Wakefield
Two on a tower
Twenty years after
The trumpet-major
Daniel Deronda
Memoirs of Emma Courtney
The Canterbury tales
Four comedies
The steppe, and other stories
Great expectations
The pathfinder, or, The inland sea
Selected poetry
White-jacket, or, The World in a man-of-war
The life and death of King John
"Typhoon", and, other tales
The woodlanders
Measure for measure
Second treatise of government and A letter concerning toleration
The Communist manifesto
The water-babies : a fairy tale for a land-baby
A Day in the country, and other stories
McTeague : a story of San Francisco
A life : the humble truth
Jacob's room
The Anglo-Saxon world : an anthology
Political speeches
An indiscretion in the life of an heiress and other stories
The hound of the Baskervilles : another adventure of Sherlock Holmes
As you like it
Nicholas Nickleby
The voyage out
The expedition of Humphry Clinker
Evolutionary writings
Lord Jim : a tale
Pot luck
A pocket philosophical dictionary
On obligations
The major works
Old mortality
She stoops to conquer and other comedies
News from nowhere, or, An epoch of rest : being some chapters from a utopian romance
The woman in white
Selected philosophical writings
Looking backward, 2000-1887
Constellation Myths : with Aratus's 'Phaenomena'
Candide, and other stories
The riddle of the sands : a record of secret service
On the soul and other psychological works
La débâcle
Chance : a tale in two parts
Utopia . New Atlantis . The Isle of Pines
An anthology of Elizabethan prose fiction
Selected poems and songs
Casting the runes, and other ghost stories
An Australian girl
The jungle books
The invisible man
David Copperfield
The Canterbury tales
Selected essays
The picture of Dorian Gray
Letters of a Peruvian woman
The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe of York, mariner : who lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque, having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates, written by himself
The wind in the willows
Anna Karenina
La dame aux camélias
The white peacock
Gerard Manley Hopkins : the major works
The dead secret
Complete letters
A room of one's own and Three guineas
The misfortunes of virtue and other early tales
Cyrano de Bergerac : a heroic comedy in five acts
Dombey and Son
Complete shorter fiction
Collected ghost stories
The law and the lady
A tale of two cities
Little dorrit
The souls of Black folk
An outcast of the islands
The wonderful wizard of Oz
Martin Chuzzlewit
The shadow-line : a confession "worthy of my undying regard"
The Paston letters : a selection in modern spelling
Caleb Williams
Agnes Grey
Agnes Grey
Early stories
The monk
The education of Henry Adams
Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others
On liberty and other essays
The Prime Minister
Roxana, the fortunate mistress, or, A history of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau : afterwards called the Countess de Wintselsheim in Germany : being the person known by the name of the Lady Roxana in the time of Charles II
The metamorphosis and other stories
The Duke's children
Selected letters
Eighteenth-century women dramatists
The lives of the poets : a selection
Selected poetry
Heart of darkness and other tales
The new woman and other emancipated woman plays
Three men in a boat ; Three men on the bummel
Jason and the Golden Fleece : (The Argonautica)
So you think you know Jane Austen? : a literary quizbook
Lives of the Caesars
Gulliver's travels
Three tales
A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful
Selected poetry
A child of the Jago
A case of hysteria : (Dora)
The song of the lark
Our mutual friend
Doctor Thorne
Captains courageous
The phantom of the opera
Pride and prejudice
The tenant of Wildfell Hall
The history of the English people, 1000-1154
Waverley; or, 'Tis sixty years since
Four restoration libertine plays
The return of the native
The adventures of Captain Hatteras : the extraordinary journeys
A philosophical enquiry into the origin of our ideas of the sublime and beautiful
Tales of terror from Blackwood's magazine
Madhumālatī : an Indian Sufi romance
The admirable Crichton ; Peter Pan ; When Wendy grew up ; What every woman knows ; Mary Rose
The countess of Pembroke's Arcadia (the Old Arcadia)
The roaring girl and other city comedies
Moby Dick
John Barleycorn : alcoholic memoirs
Early modern women's writing : an anthology, 1560-1700
Mansfield Park
Pañcatantra : the book of India's folk wisdom
Jane Eyre
Mary, and, The wrongs of woman
Occasional, critical, and political writing
Twelve plays
The varieties of religious experience : a study in human nature
King Solomon's mines
The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner
Hard times
The American senator
A memoir of Jane Austen : and other family recollections
Fathers and sons
Moby Dick
Hecuba ; The Trojan women ; Andromache
Love in a wood ; The gentleman dancing-master ; The country wife ; The plain dealer
The Nibelungenlied : the lay of the Nibelungs
On liberty, utilitarianism and other essays
Alice's adventures in Wonderland and through the looking-glass and what Alice found there
Studies in the history of the Renaissance
The lives of the artists
The Vicar of Wakefield : a tale supposed to be written by himself
Felix Holt, the radical
The Kreutzer sonata and other stories
London labour and the London poor
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
Great expectations
A mad world, my masters ; Michaelmas term ; A trick to catch the old one ; No wit, no help like a woman's
The Elements of law, natural and politic : part I, Human nature, part II, De Corpore politico ; with Three lives
South Sea tales
Is Heathcliff a murderer? : puzzles in nineteenth-century fiction
Green mansions
The collected poems
Defence speeches
Selected journalism
Principles of human knowledge, and, Three dialogues
The Poetic Edda
Little women
The Kalevala : an epic poem after oral tradition
The complete fairy tales
The annals : the reigns of Tiberius, Claudius, and Nero
Five plays
Washington Square
The pioneers
The man in the iron mask
The Masnavi
Lady Windermere's fan ; Salome ; A woman of no importance ; An ideal husband ; The importance of being earnest
Selected poems
Persian letters
Don Carlos ; and, Mary Stuart
The girl with the golden eyes and other stories
Phineas Redux
Little Dorrit
The major works
Eugene Onegin : a novel in verse
The lives of the Jain Elders
The relapse ; The provoked wife ; The confederacy ; A journey to London ; The country house
Sayings and anecdotes : with other popular moralists
The man who disappeared (America)
Love's labour's lost
Principles of political economy and Chapters on socialism
A room of one's own and Three guineas
Birds ; Lysistrata ; Assembly-women ; Wealth
The law code of Manu
The dawn of the Roman empire
Selected writings
Confessions of an English opium-eater and other writings
The complete poems
Pierre et Jean
The rise of Rome : books one to five
An autobiography
Much ado about nothing
Man and wife
Hard times
Empire writing : an anthology of colonial literature, 1870-1918
Pudd'nhead Wilson ; Those extraordinary twins ; The man that corrupted Hadleyburg
The Sauptikaparvan of the Mahābhārata : the massacre at night
On war
Lyrical ballads : 1798 and 1802
On the origin of species
Journey to the centre of the earth : the extraordinary journeys
A chaste maid in cheapside ; Women beware women ; The changeling ; A game at chess
Erotic poems
To the lighthouse
Thus spoke Zarathustra : a book for everyone and nobody
Four restoration libertine plays
Rudin ; On the eve
Allan Quatermain
Danton's death ; Leonce and Lena ; Woyzeck
Culture and anarchy
Selected works
A sentimental journey through France and Italy
Classical literary criticism
Don Juan and other plays
A vindication of the rights of men ; A vindication of the rights of woman ; An historical and moral view of the French revolution
The complete Odes and Epodes
Orlando : a biography
The song of Roland and other poems of Charlemagne
The interpretation of dreams
The mill on the floss
The beautiful and damned
Anecdotes & antidotes : a medieval Arabic history of physicians : a new translation
Estate management and symposium
Uncle Silas
Pride and prejudice
King Solomon's mines
Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe
The beautiful and damned
Chance : a tale in two parts
The misanthrope, Tartuffe, and other plays
The thirty-nine steps
Castle Rackrent
The last man
The devil and other stories
The Vicomte de Bragelonne
Les liaisons dangereuses
The Castle of Otranto : a gothic story
The secret garden
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus
The tragedy of Macbeth
Sons and lovers
Discourses, fragments, handbook
Fathers and sons
The mayor of Casterbridge
The woodlanders
Don Quixote de la Mancha
The awakening, and other stories
A simple story
The castle
The well-beloved
The Europeans : a sketch
Rob Roy
The life of Charlotte Brontë
The book of Margery Kempe
Four Jacobean sex tragedies
Wilkie Collins
The nature of the gods
Rome's Mediterranean empire : books forty-one to forty-five and the Periochae
Chronicle of the Abbey of Bury St Edmunds
Greek lyric poetry : the poems and fragments of the Greek iambic, elegiac, and melic poets (excluding Pindar and Bacchylides) down to 450 BC
Alexander the Great : the Anabasis and the Indica
The Peloponnesian War
Henry V, War Criminal? and other Shakespeare puzzles
The yellow wall-paper and other stories
Orley farm
Gulliver's travels
Silas Marner : the weaver of Raveloe
The Brontës
Reveries of the solitary walker
Under the greenwood tree, or, The Mellstock quire, a rural painting of the Dutch school
Wieland; or, The transformation and Memoirs of Carwin, the biloquist
The lover's melancholy ; The broken heart ; 'Tis pity she's a whore ; Perkin Warbeck
Selected poems
Can you forgive her?
An enquiry concerning human understanding
The two gentlemen of Verona
My Ántonia
The red and the black : a chronicle of the nineteenth century
Zofloya, or, The Moor
Billy Budd, sailor, and selected tales
Esther Waters
Life of Johnson
The raid and other stories
Seven commentaries on the Gallic war
Life's little ironies
A sentimental journey and other writings
Mary Barton
The Figaro trilogy
The Gospels : authorized King James version
All's well that ends well
Six French poets of the nineteenth century : Lamartine, Hugo, Baudelaire, Verlaine, Rimbaud, Mallarmé
The turn of the screw and other stories
Adeline Mowbray
Melmoth the wanderer
The warden, and the Two heroines of Plumplington
The pilgrim's progress
Autobiography and other writings
Don Quixote de la Mancha
An anthology of Elizabethan prose fiction
Mansfield Park
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman
Selected poems
Desperate remedies
The years
Leucippe and Clitophon
Selected dialogues
An enquiry concerning political justice
Geoffrey Chaucer
Moll Flanders
The woman in white
Meditations on first philosophy : with selections from the Objections and replies
Self-help, with illustrations of character, conduct, and perseverance
The history of the adventures of Joseph Andrews and of his friend Mr. Abraham Adams : and, An apology for the life of Mrs. Shamela Andrews
Gulliver's travels
North and South
The red badge of courage and other stories
French decadent tales
Selected poetry
The reef
Domestic manners of the Americans
Repetition and Philosophical crumbs
The trial
The picture of Dorian Gray
Phineas redux
The ragged trousered philanthropists
The poems
Medea ; Hippolytus ; Electra ; Helen
The histories
The portrait of a lady
The portrait of a lady
Roxana, the fortunate mistress, or, A history of the life and vast variety of fortunes of Mademoiselle de Beleau, afterwards called the Countess de Wintselsheim in Germany : being the person known by the name of the Lady Roxana in the time of Charles II
The tale of Sinuhe and other ancient Egyptian poems, 1940-1640 BC
Dharmasūtras : the law codes of Āpastamba, Gautama, Baudhāyana, and Vasiṣṭha
New Grub Street
The Count of Monte Cristo
War and peace
A pair of blue eyes
Selected letters
The beggar's opera and Polly
Foxe's Book of martyrs : select narratives
The awkward age
The absentee
The comedies
Plain tales from the hills
The adventures of Tom Sawyer
Othello, the Moor of Venice
Billy Budd, sailor and selected tales
Selected speeches
Wuthering Heights
The Count of Monte Cristo
A midsummer night's dream
Don Quixote de la Mancha
Père Goriot
The birth of tragedy
Four revenge tragedies
The Eclogues ; The Georgics
Night and day
Collected poems and other verse
Lord Jim
The major works
Fathers and sons
The three musketeers
Aurora Floyd
The adventures of Sherlock Holmes
The half sisters
Selections from the Canzoniere and other works
The flight to Italy : diary and selected letters
The diary of a nobody
The American
The Aeneid
The Russian master and other stories
Charles Dickens
The attack on the mill and other stories
Tales of the jazz age
A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court
Letters from an American farmer
The rover ; The feigned courtesans ; The lucky chance ; The emperor of the moon
The major works
Mrs Beeton's book of household management
Selected poetry
Uncle Tom's cabin
The history of Rasselas : prince of Abissinia
Tamburlaine, parts I and II ; Doctor Faustus, A- and B-texts ; The Jew of Malta ; Edward II
The Aspern papers and other stories
The Decameron
Eminent Victorians
The adventures of Tom Sawyer
The flowers of evil
Collected maxims and other reflections
Uncle Tom's cabin
The Lusíads
On the genealogy of morals : a polemic : by way of clarification and supplement to my last book, Beyond good and evil
A reconstructed text of Pericles, Prince of Tyre
The major works
The first emperor : selections from the Historical records
The son of the wolf : tales of the Far North
Adam Bede
The heart of Midlothian
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus : the 1818 text
The Marquis de Sade, The crimes of love : heroic and tragic tales, preceded by An essay on novels : a selection
The pilgrim's progress
The condition of the working class in England
Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
Orlando : a biography
The mark on the wall and other short fiction
A portrait of the artist as a young man
The life of Timon of Athens
Antigone ; Oedipus the King ; Electra
The Romance of the Rose
Vanity fair : a novel without a hero
Far from the madding crowd
The prince
White nights ; A gentle creature ; The dream of a ridiculous man
The Ecclesiastical history of the English people ; The Greater chronicle ; Bede's letter to Egbert
Tales of the late Ivan Petrovich Belkin ; The Queen of Spades ; The Captain's daughter ; Peter the Great's Blackamoor
Under Western eyes
The secret garden
Robinson Crusoe
The romance of the forest
The doctor's wife
Pamela, or, Virtue rewarded
Riders of the purple sage
The wings of the dove
Petersburg tales ; Marriage ; The government inspector
The ladies' paradise
Theogony ; and, Works and days
York mystery plays : a selection in modern spelling
Four Jacobean sex tragedies
The waves
Twelfth night, or, What you will
Waverley; or, 'Tis sixty years since
Christmas books
The two fundamental problems of ethics
Little women
Justine, or, the Misfortunes of virtue
The major works
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world
The major works
Ecce homo : how to become what you are
A hunger artist and other stories
Literary lives
The Forsyte saga
The notebooks of Leonardo da Vinci
Revelations of divine love
The love poems
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight : a verse translation
The secret agent : a simple tale
Madame Bovary : life in a country town
Exemplary stories
The tempest
Carmen, and other stories
Elective affinities : a novel
A woman killed with kindness and other domestic plays
Phineas Finn
Selected poetry
Henry V
Evelina, or, The history of a young lady's entrance into the world
The sea-wolf
David Copperfield
Jane Eyre
Eugénie Grandet
Richard II
The last chronicle of Barset
Can you forgive her?
Candide and other stories
The fortune of the Rougons
Sayings of the Buddha : a selection of suttas from the Pali Nikāyas
Camilla, or, A picture of youth
George Eliot
The consolation of philosophy
William Wordsworth : the major works
On Christian teaching
Madame Bovary : provincial manners
Teenage writings
The book of common prayer : the texts of 1549, 1559, and 1662
The major works
Notes from the underground ; and, The gambler
Finnegans Wake
The library of Greek mythology
The elementary forms of the religious life
The old English baron
The roaring girl and other city comedies
Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others
Agricola ; and, Germany
Northanger Abbey ; Lady Susan ; The Watsons ; Sanditon
Collected poems and other verse
The white devil ; The Duchess of Malfi ; The devil's law-case ; A cure for a cuckold
The antiquary
The professor
Married love
In a glass darkly
Tom Jones
The Eudemian ethics
The charterhouse of Parma
The mystery of Edwin Drood
Cousin Henry
Discourses on Livy
Pride and prejudice
Sylvia's lovers
Mademoiselle Fifi and other stories
The major works
The sorrows of Satan
The tragedy of King Richard III
Five plays
The adventures of Pinocchio
The Dhammapada
The histories
The Iliad
Leaves of grass
The classic horror stories
The odd women
Barnaby Rudge : with the original illustrations
Round dance and other plays
The golden bough : a study in magic and religion
Tales of Glass Town, Angria, and Gondal : selected writings
The constant couple ; The twin rivals ; The recruiting officer ; The beaux' stratagem
War and peace
Paradise lost
La bête humaine
The soul of man, and prison writings
The Satyricon
Under Western eyes
Black Beauty
Sherlock Holmes : selected stories
The private memoirs and confessions of a justified sinner
The adventures of Roderick Random
The black tulip
Far from the madding crowd
Sense and sensibility
The confidence-man : his masquerade
Ward number six and other stories
The literary detective : 100 puzzles in classic fiction
The theory of the leisure class
John Marchmont's legacy
Sherlock Holmes : selected stories
Daisy Miller, and other stories
The picture of Dorian Gray
The histories
Eirik the Red, and other Icelandic sagas
The complete Indian housekeeper and cook
The compleat angler
The history of the English people, 1000-1154
Twenty thousand leagues under the seas
The good soldier : a tale of passion
The Virginian : a horseman of the Plains
Tess of the d'Urbervilles
Civil war
Discourse on political economy and The social contract
The life and opinions of Tristram Shandy, gentleman
The castle of Otranto : a gothic story
Outlines of the philosophy of right
Myths from Mesopotamia : creation, the flood, Gilgamesh, and others
The old curiosity shop : with the original illustrations
The Narrative of Arthur Gordon Pym of Nantucket and related tales
Rights of man ; Common sense ; and other political writings
The monk
The time machine
Sylvia's lovers
John Milton : the major works
Scenes of clerical life
Memoirs from the house of the dead
The sketch-book of Geoffrey Crayon, gent.
Eighteenth-century women dramatists
Poems and prose
Under the greenwood tree
Lorna Doone : a romance of Exmoor
The expedition of Cyrus
Alcestis, Heracles, children of Heracles, Cyclops
Four Restoration marriage plays
Collected poems
The Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, Esq.
Riders of the purple sage
No name
Jonathan Swift : major works
Travel writing, 1700-1830 : an anthology
Treasure Island
The history of the Rebellion : a new selection
Selected writings
The kill : La curée
John Dryden : the major works
Timaeus and Critias
The deerslayer
Hannibal's war, books twenty-one to thirty
Literature and science in the nineteenth century : an anthology
About love and other stories
The Odyssey
The major works
The sorrows of young Werther
Peer Gynt : a dramatic poem
The Duke's children
The Pickwick papers
Poetry of the First World War : an anthology
The Renaissance : studies in art and poetry
The comedy of errors
Crime and punishment
The Karamazov brothers
Riders to the sea ; The shadow of the glen ; The tinker's wedding ; The well of the saints ; The playboy of the western world ; Deirdre of the sorrows
The last of the Mohicans
The complete odes
The House of the seven gables
Cecilia, or, Memoirs of an heiress
Romeo and Juliet
Sartor resartus
Rome's Italian wars : books six to ten
The strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde ; and, Weir of Hermiston
Sense and sensibility
My life
On murder
The marble faun
The Qur'an
The divine comedy
The Nicomachean ethics
Kamasutra : a new, complete English translation of the Sanskrit text with excerpts from the Sanskrit Jayamangala commentary of Yashodhara Indrapada, the Hindi Jaya commentary of Devadatta Shastri, and explanatory notes by the translators
Winesburg, Ohio
The book of marvels and travels
Natural theology, or, Evidence of the existence and attributes of the deity, collected from the appearances of nature
Selected tales
Corinne, or, Italy
The idiot
The plays and fragments
An essay on the art of ingeniously tormenting
Miss or Mrs? ; The haunted hotel ; The guilty river
King Henry VIII, or All is true
The memoirs of Sherlock Holmes
The Eustace diamonds
The nether world
The complete sonnets and poems
The life and strange surprizing adventures of Robinson Crusoe, of York, mariner : who lived eight and twenty years, all alone in an un-inhabited island on the coast of America, near the mouth of the great river of Oroonoque ; having been cast on shore by shipwreck, wherein all the men perished but himself : with an account how he was at last as strangely deliver'd by pyrates : written by himself
The Meditations of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus
War stories and poems
The analects
The essays or counsels, civil and moral
Leaves of grass
The first men in the moon
The Civil War, with the anonymous Alexandrian, African, and Spanish Wars
The golden pot and other tales
Defence of Socrates ; Euthyphro ; Crito
Late Victorian Gothic tales
Vanity fair : a novel without a hero
Rachel Ray
The story of an African farm
Poor Miss Finch
The lives of the artists
The custom of the country
Selected stories
Boris Godunov and other dramatic works
The mayor of Casterbridge
Typhoon and other tales
Ethan Frome
The Bhagavad Gita
Vita nuova
As you like it
Scenes of clerical life
Poetaster, or, The arraignment ; Sejanus his fall ; The Devil is an ass ; The new inn, or, The light heart
The story of an African farm
Hide and seek
The tragedy of Anthony and Cleopatra
Jude the obscure
Casting the runes and other ghost stories
Virginia Woolf
Mrs Dalloway
The poetic Edda
Twilight of the idols, or, How to philosophize with a hammer
Three plays
The princesse de Clèves ; The princesse de Montpensier ; The comtesse de Tende
Confessions of a thug
The vampyre, and other tales of the macabre
What Maisie knew
The merry wives of Windsor
Louise de la Vallière
Mary ; and, The wrongs of woman
East Lynne
The rainbow
The confusions of young Törless
Parzival and Titurel
The rivals ; The duenna ; A trip to Scarborough ; The school for scandal ; The critic
Hellenistic lives
The castle of Otranto : a gothic story
The way we live now
The origins of science fiction : from Mary Shelley to W.E.B. Du Bois
Guide to the Lakes
Jane Eyre
This side of paradise
Epigrams from the Greek anthology
The prisoner of Zenda
Selected essays
Animal farm
Lark rise to Candleford : a trilogy
Wuthering Heights
A son at the front
Frankenstein, or, The modern Prometheus : the 1818 text
Selected poems
Nineteen eighty-four
Pygmalion, Heartbreak house, and Saint Joan
Sense and sensibility
The Virgin of the Seven Daggers and other stories
The Scarlet Pimpernel
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research
CiNii Books
https://ci.nii.ac.jp/ncid/BA39006530 : BA39006530