
Studies in employment and social policy


Studies in employment and social policy

Kluwer Law International



Publishing place varies: Alphen aan den Rijn, The NetherlandsSeries title of volumes 1 to 5 published under the: Studies in social policy <BA34151871>


Regulating strikes in essential services : a comparative 'law in action' perspective外部サイトThe legal status of sportsmen and sportswomen under international, European and Belgian national and regional law外部サイトReform and perspectives on social insurance : lessons from the East and West外部サイトLabour law, human rights and social justice外部サイトChanging industrial relations & modernisation of labour law : liber amicorum in honour of professor Marco Biagi外部サイトThe law on age discrimination in the EU外部サイトSocial security in transition外部サイトEffective enforcement of EC labour law外部サイトContractualism in employment services : a new form of welfare state governance外部サイトThe ILO and the social challenges of the 21st century : the Geneva lectures外部サイトRedundancy and the Swedish model in an international context外部サイトCollective agreements and individual contracts of employment外部サイトTransnational labour regulation : the ILO and EC compared外部サイトToo sick to work? : social security reforms in Europe for persons with reduced earnings capacity外部サイトTowards a European model of industrial relations? : building on the first report of the European Commission外部サイトLegal perspectives on equal treatment and non-discrimination外部サイトThe changing institutional face of British employment relations外部サイトSustainable development, global trade and social rights外部サイトFlexible work arrangements : conceptualizations and international experiences外部サイトA decade beyond Maastricht : the European social dialogue revisited外部サイトQuality of work and employee involvement in Europe外部サイトAge discrimination and labour law : comparative and conceptual perspectives in the EU and beyond外部サイトEU industrial relations v. national industrial relations : comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives外部サイトUse and monitoring of e-mail, intranet and internet facilities at work : law and practice外部サイトTransnational labour law外部サイトNon-public actors in social security administration : a comparative study外部サイトIntroduction to European social security law外部サイトEuropean labour law and social security law, glossary = Droit européen du travail et de la sécurité sociale, glossaire = Europäisches Arbeitsrecht und Soziale Sicherheit, Glossar = Derecho europeo laboral y de la seguridad social, glosario = Diritto comunitario del lavoro e della previdenza sociale, glossario外部サイトThe right to strike : a comparative view外部サイトCharter of social rights of the Council of Europe外部サイトJob creation and labour law : from protection towards pro-action外部サイトBetween soft and hard law : the impact of international social security standards on national social security law外部サイトRecommendation on social protection floors : basic principles for innovative solutions外部サイトDecent flexibility : the impact of ILO Convention 181 and the regulation on temporary agency work外部サイトSocial quality : a vision for Europe外部サイトHealth and safety at work : European and comparative perspective外部サイトThe legal protection of the pregnant worker in the European Community : sex equality, thoughts of social and economic policy and comparative leaps to the United States of America外部サイトDutch social security law in an international context外部サイトWhat future for social security? : debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective外部サイトThe European social dialogue under articles 138 and 139 of the EC Treaty : actors, processes, outcomes外部サイトThe protection of working relationships : a comparative study外部サイトThe changing face of European labour law and social policy外部サイトFrom rights to management : contract, new public management and employment services外部サイトNew European approaches to long-term unemployment : what role for public employment services and what market for private stakeholders?外部サイトEnterprise and social rights外部サイトSocial responsibility in labour relations : European and comparative perspectives外部サイトInternational standard-setting and innovations in social security外部サイトThe future of work : labour law and labour market regulation in the digital era外部サイトThe sources of labour law外部サイトThe role of the state and industrial relations外部サイト






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Publishing place varies: Alphen aan den Rijn, The Netherlands
Series title of volumes 1 to 5 published under the: Studies in social policy <BA34151871>
Regulating strikes in essential services : a comparative 'law in action' perspective
The legal status of sportsmen and sportswomen under international, European and Belgian national and regional law
Reform and perspectives on social insurance : lessons from the East and West
Labour law, human rights and social justice
Changing industrial relations & modernisation of labour law : liber amicorum in honour of professor Marco Biagi
The law on age discrimination in the EU
Social security in transition
Effective enforcement of EC labour law
Contractualism in employment services : a new form of welfare state governance
The ILO and the social challenges of the 21st century : the Geneva lectures
Redundancy and the Swedish model in an international context
Collective agreements and individual contracts of employment
Transnational labour regulation : the ILO and EC compared
Too sick to work? : social security reforms in Europe for persons with reduced earnings capacity
Towards a European model of industrial relations? : building on the first report of the European Commission
Legal perspectives on equal treatment and non-discrimination
The changing institutional face of British employment relations
Sustainable development, global trade and social rights
Flexible work arrangements : conceptualizations and international experiences
A decade beyond Maastricht : the European social dialogue revisited
Quality of work and employee involvement in Europe
Age discrimination and labour law : comparative and conceptual perspectives in the EU and beyond
EU industrial relations v. national industrial relations : comparative and interdisciplinary perspectives
Use and monitoring of e-mail, intranet and internet facilities at work : law and practice
Transnational labour law
Non-public actors in social security administration : a comparative study
Introduction to European social security law
European labour law and social security law, glossary = Droit européen du travail et de la sécurité sociale, glossaire = Europäisches Arbeitsrecht und Soziale Sicherheit, Glossar = Derecho europeo laboral y de la seguridad social, glosario = Diritto comunitario del lavoro e della previdenza sociale, glossario
The right to strike : a comparative view
Charter of social rights of the Council of Europe
Job creation and labour law : from protection towards pro-action
Between soft and hard law : the impact of international social security standards on national social security law
Recommendation on social protection floors : basic principles for innovative solutions
Decent flexibility : the impact of ILO Convention 181 and the regulation on temporary agency work
Social quality : a vision for Europe
Health and safety at work : European and comparative perspective
The legal protection of the pregnant worker in the European Community : sex equality, thoughts of social and economic policy and comparative leaps to the United States of America
Dutch social security law in an international context
What future for social security? : debates and reforms in national and cross-national perspective
The European social dialogue under articles 138 and 139 of the EC Treaty : actors, processes, outcomes
The protection of working relationships : a comparative study
The changing face of European labour law and social policy
From rights to management : contract, new public management and employment services
New European approaches to long-term unemployment : what role for public employment services and what market for private stakeholders?
Enterprise and social rights
Social responsibility in labour relations : European and comparative perspectives
International standard-setting and innovations in social security
The future of work : labour law and labour market regulation in the digital era
The sources of labour law
The role of the state and industrial relations
国立情報学研究所 : CiNii Research