
Historical materialism book series


Historical materialism book series



Revolution, defeat and theoretical underdevelopment : Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia外部サイトPolitics and philosophy : Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser's aleatory materialism外部サイトAlliance of adversaries : the Congress of the Toilers of the Far East外部サイトThe Preobrazhensky papers : archival documents and materials外部サイトResponses to Marx's Capital : from Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin外部サイトCriticism of heaven外部サイトThe capitalist cycle : an essay on the Marxist theory of the cycle外部サイトKarl Marx外部サイトInterventions and appreciations外部サイトOn the formation of Marxism : Karl Kautsky's theory of capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx's Critique of political economy外部サイトArt history as social praxis : the collected writings of David Craven外部サイトThe February Revolution, Petrograd, 1917 : the end of the tsarist regime and the birth of dual power外部サイトThe New Left, national identity, and the break-up of Britain外部サイトTrotsky's challenge : the "Literary discussion" of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik Revolution外部サイトCommunes and workers' control in Venezuela : building 21st century socialism from below外部サイトCriticism of earth : on Marx, Engels and theology外部サイトTime in Marx : the categories of time in Marx's Capital外部サイトMarx's Capital and Hegel's Logic : a reexamination外部サイトState and revolution in Finland外部サイトAlthusser : the detour of theory外部サイトGramsci's pathways外部サイトRed Hamlet : the life and ideas of Alexander Bogdanov外部サイトMarx's Capital : an unfinishable project?外部サイトThe communist movement at a crossroads : plenums of the Communist International's Executive Committee, 1922-1923外部サイトBetween equal rights : a Marxist theory of international law外部サイトThe Ellen Meiksins Wood reader外部サイトThe meanings of work : essay on the affirmation and negation of work外部サイトThe history of Italian Marxism : from its origins to the Great War外部サイトWhat went wrong? : the Nicaraguan Revolution : a Marxist analysis外部サイトMarx, women, and capitalist social reproduction : Marxist feminist essays外部サイトGramsci and languages : unification, diversity, hegemony外部サイトSeeing through the eyes of the Polish Revolution : solidarity and the struggle against communism in Poland外部サイトThe Marxism of Manuel Sacristán : from communism to the new social movements外部サイトFinance capital today : corporations and banks in the lasting global slump外部サイトWitnesses to permanent revolution : the documentary record外部サイトUtopia ltd. : ideologies of social dreaming in England, 1870-1900外部サイトThe German left and the Weimar Republic : a selection of documents外部サイトThe class strikes back : self-organised workers' struggles in the twenty-first century外部サイトCrisis, movement, strategy : the Greek experience外部サイトMarx's Capital, method and revolutionary subjectivity外部サイトTo the masses : proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921外部サイトFollowing Marx : method, critique and crisis外部サイトAlexander Shlyapnikov, 1885-1937 : life of an old Bolshevik外部サイトMarxism and social movements外部サイトBehind the crisis : Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge外部サイトThe October Revolution in prospect and retrospect : interventions in Russian and Soviet history外部サイトThe French Revolution and social democracy : the transmission of history and its political uses in Germany and Austria, 1889-1934外部サイトInvisible leviathan : Marx's law of value in the twilight of capitalism外部サイトResurgence : uneven and combined development外部サイトA Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany : the life of Werner Scholem (1895-1940)外部サイトWar, capital, and the Dutch state (1588-1795)外部サイトLenin and the logic of hegemony : political practice and theory in the class struggle外部サイトMarx's Capital : an unfinishable project?外部サイトMarx and social justice : ethics and natural law in the critique of political economy外部サイトBecoming Marxist : studies in philosophy, struggle, and endurance外部サイトThe Communist International and US Communism, 1919-1929外部サイトWarped : gay normality and queer anti-capitalism外部サイトThe clash of globalisations : neo-liberalism, the third way and anti-globalisation外部サイトIn the vale of tears外部サイトDiscovering imperialism : social democracy to World War I外部サイトMarx and singularity : from the early writings to the Grundrisse外部サイトSocial-imperialism in Britain : the Lancashire working class and two World Wars外部サイトBeyond Marx : theorising the global labour relations of the twenty-first century外部サイトCommunards and other cultural histories : essays by Adrian Rifkin外部サイトMarx's economic manuscript of 1864-1865外部サイトEssays and letters on economic theory外部サイトThe German Revolution, 1917-1923外部サイトCrisis and contradiction : Marxist perspectives on Latin America in the global political economy外部サイトThe Marxist conception of the state : a contribution to the differentiation of the sociological and the juristic method外部サイトThe 'American exceptionalism' of Jay Lovestone and his comrades, 1929-40外部サイトThe Red International of Labour Unions (RILU) 1920-1937外部サイトThe German Revolution, 1917-1923外部サイトThe antagonistic principle : Marxism and political action外部サイトMarxism and ecological economics : toward a red and green political economy外部サイトDebord, time and spectacle : Hegelian Marxism and situationist theory外部サイトDeliverance from slavery : attempting a biblical theology in the service of liberation外部サイトMonsters of the market : zombies, vampires and global capitalism外部サイトCritical Marxism in Mexico : Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez and Bolívar Echeverría外部サイトReform, revolution and direct action amongst British miners : the struggle for the Charter in 1919外部サイトThe rhythm of thought in Gramsci : a diachronic interpretation of Prison notebooks外部サイトWorking-class politics in the German Revolution : Richard Müller, the revolutionary shop stewards and the origins of the council movement外部サイトThe long roots of formalism in Brazil外部サイトThe Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, 1899-1904 : documents of the "Economist" opposition to Iskra and early Menshevism外部サイトThe politics of transindividuality外部サイトThe practical essence of man : the 'activity approach' in late Soviet philosophy外部サイトThe Gramscian moment : philosophy, hegemony and Marxism外部サイトThe mismeasure of wealth : essays on Marx and social form外部サイトThe government of time : theories of plural temporality in the Marxist tradition外部サイトEndurance : the coming American revolution外部サイトTo the victor, the potatoes! : literary form and social process in the beginnings of the Braziliab novel外部サイトA philosophy for communism : rethinking Althusser外部サイトEmpiriomonism : essays in philosophy, books 1-3外部サイトLukács : praxis and the absolute外部サイトEthiopia in theory : revolution and knowledge production, 1964-2016外部サイトThe doctrine of distribution外部サイトCircling Marx : essays 1980-2020外部サイトRevolutionary social democracy : working-class politics across the Russian empire (1882-1917)外部サイトThe Workers' Opposition in the Russian Communist Party : documents, 1919-30外部サイトThe Moravian Brethren in a time of transition : a socio-economic analysis of a religious community in eighteenth-century Saxony外部サイトFrom feudalism to capitalism : social and political change in Castile and Western Europe, 1250-1520外部サイトTowards a productive aesthetics : contemporary and historical interventions in Blake and Brecht外部サイトWars of position? : Marxism today, cultural politics and the remaking of the left press, 1979-90外部サイトUsable pasts : social practice and state formation in American art外部サイトThe schema of the theory of reification外部サイトThe young Max Weber and German social democracy : the 'labour question' and the genesis of social theory in imperial Germany (1884-1899)外部サイトThe game of contradictions : the philosophy of Friedrich Engels and nineteenth century science外部サイトZheng Chaolin, selected writings, 1942-1998外部サイトCommunism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany : a selection of documents外部サイトThe Communist Women's Movement, 1920-1922 : proceedings, resolutions, and reports外部サイトMarket and violence : the functioning of capitalism in history外部サイトPotentia of poverty : Marx reads Spinoza外部サイトSylvain Maréchal, the godless man外部サイトWhat was Bolshevism?外部サイトNationalism as a claim to a state : the Greek Revolution of 1821 and the formation of modern Greece外部サイトRaising the red flag : Marxism, labourism, and the roots of British communism, 1884-1921外部サイトLandscape between ideology and the aesthetic : Marxist essays on British art and art theory, 1750-1850外部サイトLooking for the proletariat : Socialisme ou Barbarie and the problem of worker writing外部サイトMaking history : agency, structure, and change in social theory外部サイトGroove : an aesthetic of measured time外部サイトThe crisis of ugliness : from Cubism to Pop-Art外部サイトAlthusser and theology : religion, politics and philosophy外部サイトMarx's concept of the alternative to capitalism外部サイトAustro-Marxist theory and strategy外部サイトCriticism of theology外部サイトMarx on capitalism : the interaction-recognition-antinomy thesis外部サイトFinancialisation in crisis外部サイトPlebeian power : collective action and indigenous, working-class and popular identities in Bolivia外部サイトThe revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci外部サイトSpeculation as a mode of production : forms of value subjectivity in art and capital外部サイトOn the road to global labour history : a festschrift for Marcel van der Linden外部サイトThe politics of the precariat : from populism to Lulista hegemony外部サイトChanging the world : the politics of Austro-Marxism外部サイトThe origin of capitalism in England, 1400-1600外部サイトEmergence : left opposition in the United States外部サイトAntonio Gramsci : towards an intellectual biography外部サイトSplendour, misery, and possibilities : an X-ray of socialist Yugoslavia外部サイトThe conspiracy of modern art外部サイトRevolutionary teamsters : the Minneapolis truckers' strikes of 1934外部サイトDrums of war, drums of development : the formation of a Pacific ruling class and industrial transformation in East and Southeast Asia, 1945-1980外部サイトRethinking the industrial revolution : five centuries of transition from agrarian to industrial capitalism in England外部サイトCrises and hegemonic transitions : from Gramsci's Quaderni to the contemporary world economy外部サイトThe Dutch and German communist left (1900-68) : 'Neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor Stalin!' 'All workers must think for themselves!'外部サイトMarx and the common : from Capital to the late writings外部サイトFrom the vanguard to the margins : workers in Hungary, 1939 to the present : selected essays by Mark Pittaway外部サイトThe making of capitalism in France : class structures, economic development, the state and the formation of the French working class, 1750-1914外部サイトReading Gramsci外部サイトGramsci's political thought外部サイトMoney and totality : a macro-monetary interpretation of Marx's logic in Capital and the end of the 'transformation problem'外部サイトThe unity of the capitalist economy and state : a systematic-dialectical exposition of the capitalist system外部サイトMarx and the earth : an anti-critique外部サイトPlural temporality : transindividuality and the aleatory between Spinoza and Althusser外部サイトIntelligent materialism : essays on Hegel and dialectics外部サイトAlthusser and theology : religion, politics and philosophy外部サイトIn the steps of Rosa Luxemburg : selected writings of Paul Levi外部サイトThe politics of style : towards a Marxist poetics外部サイトBritish communism and the politics of race外部サイトExploring Marx's Capital : philosophical, economic and political dimensions外部サイトIn Marx's laboratory : critical interpretations of the Grundrisse外部サイトMarxism and the oppression of women : toward a unitary theory外部サイトTheories of ideology : the powers of alienation and subjection外部サイトMarxism in a lost century : a biography of Paul Mattick外部サイトDegeneration and revolution : radical cultural politics and the body in Weimar Germany外部サイトCultures of uneven and combined development : from international relations to world literature外部サイトThe popular front novel in Britain, 1934-1940外部サイトProphets unarmed : Chinese Trotskyists in revolution, war, jail, and the return from Limbo外部サイトRevolutionary Marxism in Spain, 1930-1937外部サイトMarx and Latin America外部サイトMarx's temporalities外部サイトImpersonal power : history and theory of the bourgeois state外部サイトMarx on gender and the family : a critical study外部サイトOtto Bauer (1881-1938) : thinker and politician外部サイトAlasdair MacIntyre's engagement with Marxism : selected writings 1953-1974外部サイトThe theory of revolution in the young Marx外部サイトThe new dialectic and Marx's capital外部サイトThe French Revolution and historical materialism : selected essays外部サイトTheory as critique : essays on Capital外部サイトArt and value : art's economic exceptionalism in Classical, Neoclassical and Marxist economics外部サイトTime, capitalism and alienation : a socio-historical inquiry into the making of modern time外部サイトTheory as history : essays on modes of production and exploitation外部サイトA failed parricide : Hegel and the young Marx外部サイトBeyond liberal egalitarianism : Marx and normative social theory in the twenty-first century外部サイトThe prisms of Gramsci : the political formula of the united front外部サイトPersistent inequalities : wage disparity under capitalist competition外部サイトLenin rediscovered : what is to be done? in context外部サイトGlobal political economy and the modern state system外部サイトThe Jewish question : history of a marxist debate外部サイトMarxist monetary theory : collected papers of Costas Lapavitsas外部サイトPhilosophy after Marx : 100 years of misreadings and the normative turn in political philosophy外部サイトThe types of economic policies under capitalism外部サイトWar and revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939外部サイトA Marxist philosophy of language外部サイトMarx's theory of the genesis of money : how, why, and through what is a commodity money?外部サイトRed October : left-indigenous struggles in modern Bolivia外部サイト'Bitter with the past but sweet with the dream' : communism in the African American imaginary : representations of the Communist Party, 1940-1952外部サイトCataclysm 1914 : the First World War and the making of modern world politics外部サイトThe culture of people's democracy : Hungarian essays on literature, art, and democractic transition, 1945-1948外部サイトThe American road to capitalism : studies in class-structure, economic development, and political conflict, 1620-1877外部サイトGlobalisation : a systematic Marxian account外部サイトWhen workers shot back : class conflict from 1877 to 1921外部サイトThe postcolonial Orient : the politics of difference and the project of provincialising Europe外部サイトDialectics of the ideal : Evald Ilyenkov and creative Soviet Marxism外部サイトThe philosophy of living experience : popular outlines外部サイトAgain, dangerous visions : essays in cultural materialism外部サイトStudies on pre-capitalist modes of production外部サイトMarx worldwide : on the development of the international discourse on Marx since 1965外部サイトThe Petrograd workers in the Russian Revolution : February 1917-June 1918外部サイトInterpretive essays on class formation and class struggle外部サイトSocialism and commodity production : essay in Marx revival外部サイトThe Thatcherite offensive : a neo-Poulantzasian analysis外部サイトToward the united front : proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922外部サイトMarx's theory of the genesis of money : how, why, and through what is a commodity money?外部サイトThe dimensions of hegemony : language, culture and politics in revolutionary Russia外部サイトCritical companion to contemporary Marxism外部サイトSelected essays of Nigel Harris : from national liberation to globalization外部サイトTrotsky and the problem of Soviet bureaucracy外部サイトCriticism of religion外部サイトThe corporation, law and capitalism : a radical perspective on the role of law in the global political economy外部サイトMoney and totality : a macro-monetary interpretation of Marx's logic in Capital and the end of the 'transformation problem'外部サイトMax Weber : modernisation as passive revolution : a Gramscian analysis外部サイトWestern Marxism and the Soviet Union : a survey of critical theories and debates since 1917外部サイトWorkers' self-management in Argentina : contesting neo-liberalism by occupying companies, creating cooperatives, and recuperating autogestión外部サイトSocial knowledge : an essay on the nature and limits of social science外部サイトIntroduction, the doctrine of circulation, and the doctrine of production外部サイトBread and beauty : the cultural politics of José Carlos Mariátegui外部サイトIntellectual and manual labour : a critique of epistemology外部サイトPoliticcal writings外部サイトSelected political and economic writings : from the Hungarian revolution to the orthodox economic theory in the USSR外部サイトYiddish revolutionaries in migration : the transnational history of the Jewish Labour Bund外部サイトThe workers' movement and the national question in Ukraine : 1897-1918外部サイトThe weight of the printed word : text, context and militancy in operaismo外部サイトGramsci contested : interpretations, debates and polemics, 1922-2012外部サイトToward a new world : articles and essays, 1901-1906 : On the psychology of society, New world, and contributions to Studies in the realist worldview外部サイトThe production of subjectivity : Marx and philosophy外部サイトUrban revolutions : urbanisation and (neo-)colonialism in transatlantic context外部サイトAdorno's critique of political economy外部サイトLarisa Reisner : a biography外部サイトState and society in eighteenth-century France : a study in political power and popular revolution in Languedoc外部サイトThe Second revolution : the council movement in Berlin 1919-20外部サイトCommunes and conflict : urban rebellion in late medieval Flanders外部サイトWritings on economic and social history外部サイトRescuing autonomy from Kant : a Marxist critique of Kant's ethics外部サイトThe Latin American revolutionary movement : proceedings of the first Latin American Communist Conference, June 1929外部サイトArt and labour : on the hostility to handicraft, aesthetic labour and the politics of work in art外部サイトNone so fit to break the chains : Marx's ethics of self-emancipation外部サイトHow language informs mathematics : bridging Hegelian dialectics and Marxian models外部サイトIn combat : the life of Lombardo Toledano外部サイトCaesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci : hegemony and the crisis of modernity外部サイトCultural hegemony in a scientific world : Gramscian concepts for the history of science外部サイトThe falling rate of profit and the Great Recession of 2007-2009 : a new approach to applying Marx's value theory and its implications for socialist strategy外部サイトArab Marxism and national liberation : selected writings of Mahdi Amel外部サイトKarl Radek on China : documents from the former secret Soviet archives外部サイトValue without fetish : Uno Kōzō's theory of 'pure capitalism' in light of Marx's critique of political economy外部サイトWalt Whitman and his Caribbean interlocutors : José Martí, C.L.R. James, and Pedro Mir : song and countersong外部サイトBeyond nature : animal liberation, Marxism, and critical theory外部サイトFreud and the limits of bourgeois individualism外部サイトJames P. Cannon and the emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38外部サイトBodies and artefacts : historical materialism as corporeal semiotics外部サイトLeo Kofler's philosophy of praxis : Western Marxism and socialist humanism : with six essays by Leo Kofler published in English for the first time外部サイトKarl Marx, historian of social times and spaces外部サイトFrom the vanguard to the margins : workers in Hungary, 1939 to the present : selected essays by Mark Pittaway外部サイトThe moderate Bolshevik : Mikhail Tomsky from the factory to the Kremlin, 1880-1936外部サイト"Freedom is indivisible" : Rudolf Hilferding's correspondence with Karl Kautsky, Leon Trotsky, and Paul Hertz, 1902-1938外部サイトAgainst capitalism and bureaucracy : Ernest Mandel's theoretical contributions外部サイトThe charisma of world revolution : revolutionary Internationalism in early Soviet society, 1917-1927外部サイトMarx, a French passion : the reception of Marx and Marxisms in France's political-intellectual life外部サイトThe ends of utopian thinking in critical theory外部サイトThe bewitched world of capital : economics crisis and the metamorphosis of the political外部サイトTranslating Marx : José Aricó and the new Latin American Marxism外部サイトErnst Bloch's speculative materialism : ontology, epistemology, politics外部サイトMarx on campus : a short history of the Marburg School外部サイトNietzsche, the aristocratic rebel : intellectual biography and critical balance-sheet外部サイトGramsci's laboratory : philosophy, history and politics外部サイトRevisiting Gramsci's Notebooks外部サイトKarl Kautsky on democracy and republicanism外部サイトThe ideological condition : selected essays on history, race and gender外部サイトSubjectivation and cohesion : towards the reconstruction of a materialist theory of law外部サイトRed banners, books and beer mugs : the mental world of German Social Democrats, 1863-1914外部サイトA heterodox Marxist and his century : Lelio Basso : selected writings外部サイトMao Zedong thought外部サイトTheory of crisis外部サイトThe law of accumulation and breakdown of the capitalist system : being also a theory of crises外部サイトThe German left and aesthetic politics : cultural politics between the Second and Third Internationals外部サイトBodies and artefacts : historical materialism as corporeal semiotics外部サイトKarel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete外部サイトLenin, Hegel, and western Marxism : a critical study外部サイトConcrete critical theory : Althusser's Marxism外部サイトAesthetic thinking : essays on intention, painting, action, and ideology外部サイトDeconstructing postmodernist Nietzscheanism : Deleuze and Foucault外部サイトThe spectre of capital : idea and reality外部サイトFor nonconformism : Max Horkheimer and Friedrich Pollock : the other Frankfurt school外部サイトFundamental problems of the sociology of thinking外部サイトImmanent externalities : the reproduction of life in capital外部サイトInfinity for Marxists : essays on poetry and capital外部サイトThrowing the dice of history with Marx : the plurality of historical worlds from Epicurus to modern science外部サイトThe specificity of the aesthetic外部サイトHistorical-critical dictionary of Marxism : a selection外部サイトThe heart of the matter : Ilyenkov, Vygotsky and the courage of thought外部サイトOn the theory and history of ideological production : Juan Carlos Rodriguez and his contemporaries外部サイトThe science and passion of communism : selected writings of Amadeo Bordiga (1912-1965)外部サイトIn the radical camp : a political autobiography 1890-1921外部サイト



  • Revolution, defeat and theoretical underdevelopment : Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia

  • Politics and philosophy : Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser's aleatory materialism

  • Alliance of adversaries : the Congress of the Toilers of the Far East

  • The Preobrazhensky papers : archival documents and materials

  • Responses to Marx's Capital : from Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin





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Historical materialism
Revolution, defeat and theoretical underdevelopment : Russia, Turkey, Spain, Bolivia
Politics and philosophy : Niccolò Machiavelli and Louis Althusser's aleatory materialism
Alliance of adversaries : the Congress of the Toilers of the Far East
The Preobrazhensky papers : archival documents and materials
Responses to Marx's Capital : from Rudolf Hilferding to Isaak Illich Rubin
Criticism of heaven
The capitalist cycle : an essay on the Marxist theory of the cycle
Karl Marx
Interventions and appreciations
On the formation of Marxism : Karl Kautsky's theory of capitalism, the Marxism of the Second International and Karl Marx's Critique of political economy
Art history as social praxis : the collected writings of David Craven
The February Revolution, Petrograd, 1917 : the end of the tsarist regime and the birth of dual power
The New Left, national identity, and the break-up of Britain
Trotsky's challenge : the "Literary discussion" of 1924 and the fight for the Bolshevik Revolution
Communes and workers' control in Venezuela : building 21st century socialism from below
Criticism of earth : on Marx, Engels and theology
Time in Marx : the categories of time in Marx's Capital
Marx's Capital and Hegel's Logic : a reexamination
State and revolution in Finland
Althusser : the detour of theory
Gramsci's pathways
Red Hamlet : the life and ideas of Alexander Bogdanov
Marx's Capital : an unfinishable project?
The communist movement at a crossroads : plenums of the Communist International's Executive Committee, 1922-1923
Between equal rights : a Marxist theory of international law
The Ellen Meiksins Wood reader
The meanings of work : essay on the affirmation and negation of work
The history of Italian Marxism : from its origins to the Great War
What went wrong? : the Nicaraguan Revolution : a Marxist analysis
Marx, women, and capitalist social reproduction : Marxist feminist essays
Gramsci and languages : unification, diversity, hegemony
Seeing through the eyes of the Polish Revolution : solidarity and the struggle against communism in Poland
The Marxism of Manuel Sacristán : from communism to the new social movements
Finance capital today : corporations and banks in the lasting global slump
Witnesses to permanent revolution : the documentary record
Utopia ltd. : ideologies of social dreaming in England, 1870-1900
The German left and the Weimar Republic : a selection of documents
The class strikes back : self-organised workers' struggles in the twenty-first century
Crisis, movement, strategy : the Greek experience
Marx's Capital, method and revolutionary subjectivity
To the masses : proceedings of the Third Congress of the Communist International, 1921
Following Marx : method, critique and crisis
Alexander Shlyapnikov, 1885-1937 : life of an old Bolshevik
Marxism and social movements
Behind the crisis : Marx's dialectics of value and knowledge
The October Revolution in prospect and retrospect : interventions in Russian and Soviet history
The French Revolution and social democracy : the transmission of history and its political uses in Germany and Austria, 1889-1934
Invisible leviathan : Marx's law of value in the twilight of capitalism
Resurgence : uneven and combined development
A Jewish Communist in Weimar Germany : the life of Werner Scholem (1895-1940)
War, capital, and the Dutch state (1588-1795)
Lenin and the logic of hegemony : political practice and theory in the class struggle
Marx's Capital : an unfinishable project?
Marx and social justice : ethics and natural law in the critique of political economy
Becoming Marxist : studies in philosophy, struggle, and endurance
The Communist International and US Communism, 1919-1929
Warped : gay normality and queer anti-capitalism
The clash of globalisations : neo-liberalism, the third way and anti-globalisation
In the vale of tears
Discovering imperialism : social democracy to World War I
Marx and singularity : from the early writings to the Grundrisse
Social-imperialism in Britain : the Lancashire working class and two World Wars
Beyond Marx : theorising the global labour relations of the twenty-first century
Communards and other cultural histories : essays by Adrian Rifkin
Marx's economic manuscript of 1864-1865
Essays and letters on economic theory
The German Revolution, 1917-1923
Crisis and contradiction : Marxist perspectives on Latin America in the global political economy
The Marxist conception of the state : a contribution to the differentiation of the sociological and the juristic method
The 'American exceptionalism' of Jay Lovestone and his comrades, 1929-40
The Red International of Labour Unions (RILU) 1920-1937
The German Revolution, 1917-1923
The antagonistic principle : Marxism and political action
Marxism and ecological economics : toward a red and green political economy
Debord, time and spectacle : Hegelian Marxism and situationist theory
Deliverance from slavery : attempting a biblical theology in the service of liberation
Monsters of the market : zombies, vampires and global capitalism
Critical Marxism in Mexico : Adolfo Sánchez Vázquez and Bolívar Echeverría
Reform, revolution and direct action amongst British miners : the struggle for the Charter in 1919
The rhythm of thought in Gramsci : a diachronic interpretation of Prison notebooks
Working-class politics in the German Revolution : Richard Müller, the revolutionary shop stewards and the origins of the council movement
The long roots of formalism in Brazil
The Russian Social-Democratic Labour Party, 1899-1904 : documents of the "Economist" opposition to Iskra and early Menshevism
The politics of transindividuality
The practical essence of man : the 'activity approach' in late Soviet philosophy
The Gramscian moment : philosophy, hegemony and Marxism
The mismeasure of wealth : essays on Marx and social form
The government of time : theories of plural temporality in the Marxist tradition
Endurance : the coming American revolution
To the victor, the potatoes! : literary form and social process in the beginnings of the Braziliab novel
A philosophy for communism : rethinking Althusser
Empiriomonism : essays in philosophy, books 1-3
Lukács : praxis and the absolute
Ethiopia in theory : revolution and knowledge production, 1964-2016
The doctrine of distribution
Circling Marx : essays 1980-2020
Revolutionary social democracy : working-class politics across the Russian empire (1882-1917)
The Workers' Opposition in the Russian Communist Party : documents, 1919-30
The Moravian Brethren in a time of transition : a socio-economic analysis of a religious community in eighteenth-century Saxony
From feudalism to capitalism : social and political change in Castile and Western Europe, 1250-1520
Towards a productive aesthetics : contemporary and historical interventions in Blake and Brecht
Wars of position? : Marxism today, cultural politics and the remaking of the left press, 1979-90
Usable pasts : social practice and state formation in American art
The schema of the theory of reification
The young Max Weber and German social democracy : the 'labour question' and the genesis of social theory in imperial Germany (1884-1899)
The game of contradictions : the philosophy of Friedrich Engels and nineteenth century science
Zheng Chaolin, selected writings, 1942-1998
Communism and the avant-garde in Weimar Germany : a selection of documents
The Communist Women's Movement, 1920-1922 : proceedings, resolutions, and reports
Market and violence : the functioning of capitalism in history
Potentia of poverty : Marx reads Spinoza
Sylvain Maréchal, the godless man
What was Bolshevism?
Nationalism as a claim to a state : the Greek Revolution of 1821 and the formation of modern Greece
Raising the red flag : Marxism, labourism, and the roots of British communism, 1884-1921
Landscape between ideology and the aesthetic : Marxist essays on British art and art theory, 1750-1850
Looking for the proletariat : Socialisme ou Barbarie and the problem of worker writing
Making history : agency, structure, and change in social theory
Groove : an aesthetic of measured time
The crisis of ugliness : from Cubism to Pop-Art
Althusser and theology : religion, politics and philosophy
Marx's concept of the alternative to capitalism
Austro-Marxist theory and strategy
Criticism of theology
Marx on capitalism : the interaction-recognition-antinomy thesis
Financialisation in crisis
Plebeian power : collective action and indigenous, working-class and popular identities in Bolivia
The revolutionary Marxism of Antonio Gramsci
Speculation as a mode of production : forms of value subjectivity in art and capital
On the road to global labour history : a festschrift for Marcel van der Linden
The politics of the precariat : from populism to Lulista hegemony
Changing the world : the politics of Austro-Marxism
The origin of capitalism in England, 1400-1600
Emergence : left opposition in the United States
Antonio Gramsci : towards an intellectual biography
Splendour, misery, and possibilities : an X-ray of socialist Yugoslavia
The conspiracy of modern art
Revolutionary teamsters : the Minneapolis truckers' strikes of 1934
Drums of war, drums of development : the formation of a Pacific ruling class and industrial transformation in East and Southeast Asia, 1945-1980
Rethinking the industrial revolution : five centuries of transition from agrarian to industrial capitalism in England
Crises and hegemonic transitions : from Gramsci's Quaderni to the contemporary world economy
The Dutch and German communist left (1900-68) : 'Neither Lenin nor Trotsky nor Stalin!' 'All workers must think for themselves!'
Marx and the common : from Capital to the late writings
From the vanguard to the margins : workers in Hungary, 1939 to the present : selected essays by Mark Pittaway
The making of capitalism in France : class structures, economic development, the state and the formation of the French working class, 1750-1914
Reading Gramsci
Gramsci's political thought
Money and totality : a macro-monetary interpretation of Marx's logic in Capital and the end of the 'transformation problem'
The unity of the capitalist economy and state : a systematic-dialectical exposition of the capitalist system
Marx and the earth : an anti-critique
Plural temporality : transindividuality and the aleatory between Spinoza and Althusser
Intelligent materialism : essays on Hegel and dialectics
Althusser and theology : religion, politics and philosophy
In the steps of Rosa Luxemburg : selected writings of Paul Levi
The politics of style : towards a Marxist poetics
British communism and the politics of race
Exploring Marx's Capital : philosophical, economic and political dimensions
In Marx's laboratory : critical interpretations of the Grundrisse
Marxism and the oppression of women : toward a unitary theory
Theories of ideology : the powers of alienation and subjection
Marxism in a lost century : a biography of Paul Mattick
Degeneration and revolution : radical cultural politics and the body in Weimar Germany
Cultures of uneven and combined development : from international relations to world literature
The popular front novel in Britain, 1934-1940
Prophets unarmed : Chinese Trotskyists in revolution, war, jail, and the return from Limbo
Revolutionary Marxism in Spain, 1930-1937
Marx and Latin America
Marx's temporalities
Impersonal power : history and theory of the bourgeois state
Marx on gender and the family : a critical study
Otto Bauer (1881-1938) : thinker and politician
Alasdair MacIntyre's engagement with Marxism : selected writings 1953-1974
The theory of revolution in the young Marx
The new dialectic and Marx's capital
The French Revolution and historical materialism : selected essays
Theory as critique : essays on Capital
Art and value : art's economic exceptionalism in Classical, Neoclassical and Marxist economics
Time, capitalism and alienation : a socio-historical inquiry into the making of modern time
Theory as history : essays on modes of production and exploitation
A failed parricide : Hegel and the young Marx
Beyond liberal egalitarianism : Marx and normative social theory in the twenty-first century
The prisms of Gramsci : the political formula of the united front
Persistent inequalities : wage disparity under capitalist competition
Lenin rediscovered : what is to be done? in context
Global political economy and the modern state system
The Jewish question : history of a marxist debate
Marxist monetary theory : collected papers of Costas Lapavitsas
Philosophy after Marx : 100 years of misreadings and the normative turn in political philosophy
The types of economic policies under capitalism
War and revolution in Catalonia, 1936-1939
A Marxist philosophy of language
Marx's theory of the genesis of money : how, why, and through what is a commodity money?
Red October : left-indigenous struggles in modern Bolivia
'Bitter with the past but sweet with the dream' : communism in the African American imaginary : representations of the Communist Party, 1940-1952
Cataclysm 1914 : the First World War and the making of modern world politics
The culture of people's democracy : Hungarian essays on literature, art, and democractic transition, 1945-1948
The American road to capitalism : studies in class-structure, economic development, and political conflict, 1620-1877
Globalisation : a systematic Marxian account
When workers shot back : class conflict from 1877 to 1921
The postcolonial Orient : the politics of difference and the project of provincialising Europe
Dialectics of the ideal : Evald Ilyenkov and creative Soviet Marxism
The philosophy of living experience : popular outlines
Again, dangerous visions : essays in cultural materialism
Studies on pre-capitalist modes of production
Marx worldwide : on the development of the international discourse on Marx since 1965
The Petrograd workers in the Russian Revolution : February 1917-June 1918
Interpretive essays on class formation and class struggle
Socialism and commodity production : essay in Marx revival
The Thatcherite offensive : a neo-Poulantzasian analysis
Toward the united front : proceedings of the Fourth Congress of the Communist International, 1922
Marx's theory of the genesis of money : how, why, and through what is a commodity money?
The dimensions of hegemony : language, culture and politics in revolutionary Russia
Critical companion to contemporary Marxism
Selected essays of Nigel Harris : from national liberation to globalization
Trotsky and the problem of Soviet bureaucracy
Criticism of religion
The corporation, law and capitalism : a radical perspective on the role of law in the global political economy
Money and totality : a macro-monetary interpretation of Marx's logic in Capital and the end of the 'transformation problem'
Max Weber : modernisation as passive revolution : a Gramscian analysis
Western Marxism and the Soviet Union : a survey of critical theories and debates since 1917
Workers' self-management in Argentina : contesting neo-liberalism by occupying companies, creating cooperatives, and recuperating autogestión
Social knowledge : an essay on the nature and limits of social science
Introduction, the doctrine of circulation, and the doctrine of production
Bread and beauty : the cultural politics of José Carlos Mariátegui
Intellectual and manual labour : a critique of epistemology
Politiccal writings
Selected political and economic writings : from the Hungarian revolution to the orthodox economic theory in the USSR
Yiddish revolutionaries in migration : the transnational history of the Jewish Labour Bund
The workers' movement and the national question in Ukraine : 1897-1918
The weight of the printed word : text, context and militancy in operaismo
Gramsci contested : interpretations, debates and polemics, 1922-2012
Toward a new world : articles and essays, 1901-1906 : On the psychology of society, New world, and contributions to Studies in the realist worldview
The production of subjectivity : Marx and philosophy
Urban revolutions : urbanisation and (neo-)colonialism in transatlantic context
Adorno's critique of political economy
Larisa Reisner : a biography
State and society in eighteenth-century France : a study in political power and popular revolution in Languedoc
The Second revolution : the council movement in Berlin 1919-20
Communes and conflict : urban rebellion in late medieval Flanders
Writings on economic and social history
Rescuing autonomy from Kant : a Marxist critique of Kant's ethics
The Latin American revolutionary movement : proceedings of the first Latin American Communist Conference, June 1929
Art and labour : on the hostility to handicraft, aesthetic labour and the politics of work in art
None so fit to break the chains : Marx's ethics of self-emancipation
How language informs mathematics : bridging Hegelian dialectics and Marxian models
In combat : the life of Lombardo Toledano
Caesarism and Bonapartism in Gramsci : hegemony and the crisis of modernity
Cultural hegemony in a scientific world : Gramscian concepts for the history of science
The falling rate of profit and the Great Recession of 2007-2009 : a new approach to applying Marx's value theory and its implications for socialist strategy
Arab Marxism and national liberation : selected writings of Mahdi Amel
Karl Radek on China : documents from the former secret Soviet archives
Value without fetish : Uno Kōzō's theory of 'pure capitalism' in light of Marx's critique of political economy
Walt Whitman and his Caribbean interlocutors : José Martí, C.L.R. James, and Pedro Mir : song and countersong
Beyond nature : animal liberation, Marxism, and critical theory
Freud and the limits of bourgeois individualism
James P. Cannon and the emergence of Trotskyism in the United States, 1928-38
Bodies and artefacts : historical materialism as corporeal semiotics
Leo Kofler's philosophy of praxis : Western Marxism and socialist humanism : with six essays by Leo Kofler published in English for the first time
Karl Marx, historian of social times and spaces
From the vanguard to the margins : workers in Hungary, 1939 to the present : selected essays by Mark Pittaway
The moderate Bolshevik : Mikhail Tomsky from the factory to the Kremlin, 1880-1936
"Freedom is indivisible" : Rudolf Hilferding's correspondence with Karl Kautsky, Leon Trotsky, and Paul Hertz, 1902-1938
Against capitalism and bureaucracy : Ernest Mandel's theoretical contributions
The charisma of world revolution : revolutionary Internationalism in early Soviet society, 1917-1927
Marx, a French passion : the reception of Marx and Marxisms in France's political-intellectual life
The ends of utopian thinking in critical theory
The bewitched world of capital : economics crisis and the metamorphosis of the political
Translating Marx : José Aricó and the new Latin American Marxism
Ernst Bloch's speculative materialism : ontology, epistemology, politics
Marx on campus : a short history of the Marburg School
Nietzsche, the aristocratic rebel : intellectual biography and critical balance-sheet
Gramsci's laboratory : philosophy, history and politics
Revisiting Gramsci's Notebooks
Karl Kautsky on democracy and republicanism
The ideological condition : selected essays on history, race and gender
Subjectivation and cohesion : towards the reconstruction of a materialist theory of law
Red banners, books and beer mugs : the mental world of German Social Democrats, 1863-1914
A heterodox Marxist and his century : Lelio Basso : selected writings
Mao Zedong thought
Theory of crisis
The law of accumulation and breakdown of the capitalist system : being also a theory of crises
The German left and aesthetic politics : cultural politics between the Second and Third Internationals
Bodies and artefacts : historical materialism as corporeal semiotics
Karel Kosík and the Dialectics of the concrete
Lenin, Hegel, and western Marxism : a critical study
Concrete critical theory : Althusser's Marxism
Aesthetic thinking : essays on intention, painting, action, and ideology
Deconstructing postmodernist Nietzscheanism : Deleuze and Foucault
The spectre of capital : idea and reality
For nonconformism : Max Horkheimer and Friedrich Pollock : the other Frankfurt school
Fundamental problems of the sociology of thinking
Immanent externalities : the reproduction of life in capital
Infinity for Marxists : essays on poetry and capital
Throwing the dice of history with Marx : the plurality of historical worlds from Epicurus to modern science
The specificity of the aesthetic
Historical-critical dictionary of Marxism : a selection
The heart of the matter : Ilyenkov, Vygotsky and the courage of thought
On the theory and history of ideological production : Juan Carlos Rodriguez and his contemporaries
The science and passion of communism : selected writings of Amadeo Bordiga (1912-1965)
In the radical camp : a political autobiography 1890-1921
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